HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN. Wo have unlimited private funds for invest- >Dteilt, upon farm or village property at lowest ate of interest. DICKSON & CARTING Exeter.. ; W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladinan) Ea?rioter ,Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest. FFICE MAIN STREET EXETER fr KINSI4IAI3, L. D. S. AND DR, A. R. AINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D. S. Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist, Teeth extracted without pain or had after effects. Office rn Fan- soies block. West side of Main treet, Exeter' DR. ANDERSON. (9. D. S. i.- D. f • ) DENTIST. Helier [Graduate of the Toronto University. and iioyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, All bridge work, Crowns, ar d Plate work done in the neatest possible meaner. .A barnaless apsesthetio for painless extraction. i the r ery t- The.sirictest attentiong vera to p ps a h natural teeth. Office o osite Cell; lural Hotel. Exeter. Ontario. opposite CUT THIS OUT d send, ns with51ce is sitver, aud you will1 byen m' E BOXOF tr rn atnl it GOLDEN N t O,, GOODS that will bring you Bu. Monro ltsoNnY, In one month. than anything else in America. A. WS KINNEY, E. T.. Salem—Yarmouth. S Five Packs of Cards Freer one Mack, 'SlayI,.C, U. ome,' Ono pack 1.,, cort,�Onepack Flirtation,'Ono aek'klold- ro1Ight, One pack 'Orr Sofa Just Holds Two,' Samples of 20 other styles with book full of nc• aloes, Senn 5e, silver for postage. `,ir, Salem Y, r Doth `ti`. Saleno--!arm ,. S ATTEN TION. Ameeting of the Exeter Liberal•Canserva- five dissociation will be held in the Town Ball on Thursday night, the 21st Juno, at 8 p. m, for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend convontiou at Ailsa Craig. on 26th inst., which a candidate for North Middlesex will oleinate • 1 c rs oft t - h � d• Al m mLc. the ally A •ARI.1NG, J. A. ROLLINS. Secretary ?actor. June 1$th,1000, President. EXETER ROLLER MILLS ALWAYS READY 4 -4 -STAR FLOUR. Reduced to $1.80 i I l Feed and Corn CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. J. COBBLEDICK Sc SON. pashsvooa failed tocarry the fire pro- teetion by-law and will now have to try again for engine and other fire Atng appliances. 1� pretty event took place at the re- "� ;aidence of L. McNeil, 14th con. Grey, *Alen his daughter Miss Ella, and W. Hamilton, of Coalfield, N. W. T., were Sappily united in matrimony. More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. THE HEALTH T.FI PROIILEM, much simpler som mes eti 1 r thanis supposed. Healthpdepends chiefly up- on perfect digestion and pure blood, and the problem is solved very readily by Hood's Sarsaparilla. You may keep well by taking it promptly for any stomach or blood disorder. Its cures of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism and other dis- eases are numbered by the thousands. The favorite family cathartic is 'Hood's Pills. e A story we heard the other day runs this way : seven years ago a farmer hung his vest in the barn yard ; a calf chewed the pocket in a garment, in which -Pas a gold watch. One day the animal, a staid old cow, was butcher- ed for beef, and the watcb was found . -^s ; ucb a position between the lungs of "blow that the process of respiration —the closing in and filling of the lungs—kept the stenrwinder wound up and the watch had lost but four min- utes in the seven years. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has been ]made, and that too, by a lady in this country. •'Disease fastened its clutch- es upon her and for seven years she, withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and didnot sleep. She finally discovered a �--��, �► vv,,�,� o recovery, by purchasing of us tfottTe-oE Tees:F. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and, was so much re- lieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; and with two bottles, . has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. 0. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents and $L00. Every bottle guaranteed. BORN O'BRIEN—In McGillivray, on the 13th inst., Daniel O'Brien, aged 25 years. I cTAVI8H—In Tuckersinith, on the 17th ins!. David McTavish, son of Peter McTavish,aged 20 years. MARRIED 4IISSON—KERNICK—In Hensel!, on the 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. Jowitt. Andrew Gibfaon, to Miss Ellen Bernick, of Thames Road, Us - borne. PATTERSON—MOGREGOR—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 20th inst., J. F. W. P.ttorson, of'Herman, to Miss Marfan se daughter of Duncan McGregor. • DIED HAMILTON -In McGillivray. on.Snnday,June 17th, wife of Wm. Hamilton of a son. BROKENSHIRP—At Sharon, in Stephen, on the 15th inst., the wife of Silas Brokenshire, ofwa son. BOERS ARE BARBARIANS.. Blow They Ruined the Property of the Loyalists la Katal—Rusteubnrr Occupied, Loddon, June 15. --- The War Of- fice has received the following mes- sage front. Lord Roberts; `Pretoria, June 16.— Rustenburg was occupied yesterday by Baden- Powell. A column starts from this place to -morrow to meet Baden -Pow ell and repair the telegraph between Pretoria and 1:lustenberg. Hunter is. moving from Potchefstroom. His ad- vance brigade expects` to reach Jo- hannesburg June 19. Buller, I hope, is at Standerton, Heidelberg will be occupied from this place shortly and then the Orange River Colony will be completely cut off from the Trans- vaal. Bndeu-Powell reports that the district through which he passed is settling down satisfactorily. Over 1,- 000 stands of arms were surrendered and Hans Ilofl and Piet Kruger, son of the President, were to make sub- mission to him yesterday, having been previously disarmed on their farms. Botha's army has retired and is believed to be at Middleburg. His rear guard was surprised and entire- ly rauted by Ian Hamilton's mounted infantry," Boers Are Barbarians. The liar Office has received the fol- lowing despatch from Gen. Buller: . I.in 's AeJunet that Natal '. t l is clear of filo malty. wishI to call attention to the disgraceful way in which private property was treated in the part of the Colony they ac u i d, Their wilful andneed- less ee a Iess damage is visible everywhere and houses, when not completely Wreck- ed, have been desecrated with filthy ingenuity, That this has been done With the oonseiit of the leaders is proveci by the fact that While in Charlestown every house was wreck- ed, in Volksrust, two utiles off, but In the Transvaal every house was in- tact." Horses for nritltlh Army. New Orleans, June 10. — The Bri- tish steamer (ervona cleared for Cape Town, South ,Africa. yesterday, with 875 horses for the !British army, Ilehrin:; 5e a claims raid lip. 'Victoria, 13. C., June 18.—Four- teen thousand three hundred dollars has been forwarded to collector Milne by the Department of Marine and Fisheries in settlement of the remain- ing 'unsettled claims arising out of the Behring Sea seizures. SEIZED DIAMOND HILL. Even '!lobs" Was Cotnpelled to Stir the Attack by Gen. Ian lierellton'o Torso Was Grand, London, Juno 10. -- The War Wilco has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts: "Pretoria, June 15. -- As I tele- graphed yesterday front one of our outposts, 15 miles east of Pretoria, the Boers evacuated },heir position during the night of June 12. They had Staid en much ntIot.tin,+ strengthening their flanks that their centro was weakly held, and as soon as this became evident on June 12, I directed Ian Hamilton to attack. Ho moved against Diamond Hill, with the hissers, Derbyshires and City Imperial Volunteers, supported on the left by the Guards Brigade, under Ini- go Jones. "It Was Gr eel," Says Hobs. "It was grand, seeing the way our men advanced over the difficult ground and under a heavy fire. Tho casualties, 1 am thankful to say, were less than 100, a 'very small number considering r the natural strength of the position which had to be carried. Our seizure of Diamond Hill reused the Boers to feel they were practically surrounded, and this resulted in their hasty retirement. They were being followed yesterday by some of our arounted corps. Gen. Hamilton Hurt. "Hamilton spoke in high terms of the troops engaged, Ilamilton re- ceived a contusion from a shrapnel bullet in the shoulder, but is not, I an happy to say, unable to perform his duty." KLERIRSDOItP SUI:T.ENDERED. When Croaje Found That Pretoria Was in British Elands He Gave Up. London, June 1.6. — Tho War Office has issued the following despatch from Lord Roberts: "Pretoria, Residency, June 14.— (10.40 p.m. )—Klerksdorp surrender- ed on Juno 9 to an armed party sent on by Hunter. Kitchener reports that the Boers attacked a reconstruction train early this morning a few miles north of the Ehenoster River. 1 -le sent out mounter} troops and drove off the enemy before they could do damage. One man was killed and 11 wounded, including two officers. A messenger from IClerksdorp reports that Cronje, who commanded there, determined to surrender as soon as he knew for cer- tain that Pretoria was in our pos- session. His example has been copied by many in the neighborhood. The court house is now said to be full of arms." The Cape Cabinet. The indications are; according •to reports from Cape Town, that the Ministerial crisis- will soon be ended by the formation of a Cabinet by Sir Gordon Sprigg. According to a Cape Town special, the Cabinet, be- sides Mr. Inose Innes, who will ac- cept the portfolio, will probably in- clude former Attorney -General Solo- Man, who was a member of the late Cabinet, and Sir P. H. Faure, who was Colonel Secretary during Rhodes' second Administration. K. ruc,er at ove+_ li iM Capatal.. London, June 18.—The Lorenzo Marquez. correspondent of The Times says: "President Kruger has removed his headquarters to Alkmaar, near Nel epruit." THE EXETER TIMES THE MARKETS. B'Iuetuatiens in wheat — Liquidistton.. Cuueed a Deoli„e i1i. G411eawe-11rb Latest flu•2tat ions, Liverpool, June 20.—Spot wheat yesterday advanced 1.0e to 20e per cental in sympathy with Monday's strong American markets. Futures rose teed to 11/,,,d per cental and clos- ed near the highest price for .the day. Chicago, June 20,—Wheat futures were weak early yesterday on realiz- ing sales, but the market recovered on further damage reports from the west. There was renewed liquida- tion late in the day, and the July option closed lege lower than on Monday, Following were ere rho closing pricesccs at important 'wheat centres yester- day: Cash. June. July, Sept, C"ilieago „I$,.,, $O 76%50 77%$•-. New York„»• „,, 0 82 0 83 Milwaukee .,. 0 78 31, Louie ,.., 0 74 ,,., 0 7V 0 78% Toledo .. ., 0 81% ..,, 0 82le 053 Detroit, red . 0 81% ..•. 0 22 .... Detroit, white, 0 81% ,.., ,,.. Duluth, leo. 1 Northern , . 0 7T7I 0 78% 0 79 Duluth, No. 1 hard 0” fit' ... . ... Afinneapoils, Ito, 1 Nor.0 7714 0 7611 0 161"s .. - MlnmeapvHs, No, 1 bard 0 79? ,. -... Liverpool, June 20. - - Yesterday's close: Spot wheat firm; No. 1 steed - $to Ce4d; WOW. • Ss u d �. Os ,d .. alai tr Cale 114 to c:; 1 '• N. -•i' rn spring, tis ;.'d to Cs 214 d; fez' , . arm; July Os aid; Sept. Gs l • ed. t'oita)Nt9 'r: 7.,A,W1tle-ICIt SLAWS= armor rt— Wheat, white, bush ...,,$0 70 to $..,, red, bush .,.. 0 09 0 7014 fife bush. .. 0 70 " goose, busk ...,, tr de 0 tit) Oats, bush, ... ... 0 0 33 Barley, been, 32 , . , 0 411'ri. . ]l ies, Vise .,..,•,,,.,,,, 05i} ..,, Deas. bush 0 00 , r. a Beekwheat, bush ,.,,,,, 0 a8 al rouese'ro LIV4 Toronto, June 20.—The run of live stock at the stock yards yester- day amounted to 74 cars, composed of 1,021 cattle, 2,221 hogs, 1,008 sheep and la (lbs, together with 00 calves. The quality of fat cattle outside of those that heel been stall - fed, was only medium, Trade was brisk, with Friday's quotations well maintained for both, butchers' and shipping' cate. especially the former. The market for Buffalo stockers was easier. with a light run of not more than 2 carloads, selling at 15e to 25c per cwt, lower than on Friday. The prices quoted in table are for stall -fed cattle. Export cattle, choice .,,,•$5 00 to ;5 30 cattle, tight 4 73 4 00 bulls, choice 4 40 4 65 " hulls, light 3 75 4 00 Loads good butchers and exporters, mixed.., 4 40 4 05 Butchers' cattle, picked t 4 50 4 80 " good um mixed4 00 4 '25 common . , . „ 3 73 3 00 " inferior . . 3 50 3 05 Feeders, heavy .....a 4 50 4 80 Feeders, light 4 00 4 25 'Stockers. .. ......, 8 30 S GO /Bleb cows.3s 00 48 00 Olives ...... " 00 10 OD Sheep. ewes, per cwt. .... 3 75 4 23 Sheep, bucks, per cwt. ..,, 3 25 ;l 50 beep, 1'11mlers' oh . :S Oa egg. choice. over 100 `and up to 200 lbs. 0 87% .... Eloise thi•cl. - fate a n 6 25 ' llgbt, under 160 lbs0 00 .. , " corn -fed ..... 0 00 .,. " sows ..... ..3 75 ' '• stags ...... ..,.,.200 .. EAST 1tUFIa'ALO CATTLE. MARKET. East Buffalo, June 20. ---Cattle yes• tetday—Shade lower. Feeders, good to primo, $4.40 to 54.60; do., com- mon to good, 53.85 to 54.25; stock- ers, good to choice, 54 to 54.35; stock heifers, light, common to good, $3 to $5.40. Sheep and Lambs — Quiet. Lambs, native yearlings, choice to extra, $6 to 56.25; fairto good, $5,75 to 55.90; spring lambs, choice to extra, $7 to $7.50; culls and fair to good, 54 to 56.75. CHE1ISI' 2rfA1tKETs. Cainpbellford, Ont., Juno 20—Yes- terday 1,600 boxes offered. Sales made: 780 at 10 5-160; 140 at 10ijic; balance refused, 10eec to 10yyc, Ingersoll, June 20. — Yesterday 650 boxes were boarded. No sales; 10c highest bid. LIEUT.-GOV. )1a:IN5'tES Refuses to Lesign In Response to the De- mand of the Laurier Government. O ttawe, June 20.—A fully attend- ed meeting of the Dominion Cabinet was held yesterday morning, when the political tangle in British Colum- bia was discussed. Tho petit(. ,1 signed by a whole legion of names, asking for Lieutenant -Governor Mc- Innes' recall, was received and re- viewed. The C'alenet agreed unani- mously that Lieutenant -Governor Mc- Innes must go. The Prince Minister followed out the decision of the Cabi- net, and wired McInnes for his resig- nation. )Aoinees itaafus.•a to tae, tee. Victoria, B.C., Jane 20.—A. resolu- tion, esoletion, signed by 25 at the convention, including Dunsmuir and the Ministers, was sent to Ottawa asking that Lieutenant -Governor McInnes be ask- ed to resign. The Cabinet took the matter into consideration, and last night Mr. Mclnres received atele- gram, asking for his resignation. He refused to do so. nASE8 ALL. Eastern League Y,•st.•rda,•. Worcester 12, Toronto 13. • Worcester 9, Toronto 1. Providence 8, _Montreal 3. Providence 5, Montreal 4. Springfield 6, Syracuse 5. Hartford 3, Rochester 1. International l.. Y,,,tordar. ' London 1, Hamilton 11. Saginaw 10, Grand Rapids 7. Port Huron 4, Chatham 6. Nati.. ,,i League To.... rd,".. St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 7. Chicago 1, Pittsburg 0. (14 slings.) Boston 4, Brooklyn`91:0. Philadelphia 1, New York S. Aseerr Min l,oaCer. T:..aard"l. Detroit 3, Cleveland 4. Chicago 5, Milwaukee 3. Indianapolis 0, Buffalo 2. Ylaneispolis• 2, Kansas Malik "Want of Watchfulness Makes a Thief." Many cases of poor health come from want of 'watch- fulness. But if you keep your blood pure no thief can steat your health. The one effective natural blood puri- fier is hood's Sarsaparilla. It never disappoints, impure Elood–" MY wife suffered with pain and distress from an affection of the throat caused by impure blood, She. was almost in despair when she turned to Hood's Sarsaperilla, Six bottles of this medicine completely cured her." Join W$otcM4J5,, Oaslt. Ont. Scrofula – "' Hood's Sarsaparilla has cared me of scrofula. I was weak and de- bilitated but it made, tee strong and well. Alter a severe cold had catarrhal fever, Again resorted to this medicine audit cured me," SARAN E. Demos', Annapolis, N. S. I t s[4/ la Hood's Pills core liver 1als • the non,lrrita 1 n; anai o y cethsr8c to nag, with Hood's fiarsaparille. Conrad Hahn bas sold his 50 acre farm on the 10th con, of East Zorra to Philrl? Slppel for the sorts of 52,700. (a 1The trintriage of Miss Ewa L, Vs - tin sad W, J. Young, of London, for- merly of St, Matr'ys, took place Tues. day afternoon at her brother's rest. derce, l,I32 ween street, o t 'arIx dale, Owing to the recent death of the bridegroom's fAther, Raht, Young. a house wedding was held,. Alex. McDonald, sierra, la.barer, was sentenced by Judge Edward Elliott, at London, to the Kingston Penitentiary for five years for laaaving bad improper relations with Rosannah Weatherly, au orphan girl of 14 who has been adopted into the Mahon. family in Nissouri, where yfcDonald was em- ployed as hired roan, McDonald is about 50 years old. Stancls First anu t�i9II6�t. Paine's Oelei compound. r A Noted. Physician's Prescrip- tion for the banishment of Disease. Physlorauc, art5,a41. 14,4444 ra,vv n ,. -,e R. led potent to jud�e, sandidl y acknow that Paine's Celerycompound has call- ed forth the most reliable and the strongest testimonials ever published in the press of the country. Each letter or testimonial tells of the extermination and banishment ofrheu- matism, neuralgia., kidney troubles, skin diseases,dyspepsia and headaches. The good work done by Paine's Celery Compound brings satisfaction, joy and peace because the cures are always permanent. Thousands of the best Canada to -da can ince , and women y men give to weary and despondent sufferers the blessed assurance that "Paine's Celery Compound makes sick people well." Paines Celery Compound, the won- derful discovery of America's greatest physician,is now within reach of every ailing person, young and old, and shall be used before sickness and disease are aggravated by the coming hot weath- er. If you entertain doubts regarding the curative and life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, speak to your draggist about it or consult your friends and neighbors who have been cured by it. Boiled own Facts ABOUT Dr. Ward's - Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ever introduced in Canada has gained so many words of praisefrom sufferers all over the coun- trpas these thoroughly effective pills. WHY? Because theypositively cure all dis- eases brought on by impoverished blood, such as heart trouble, nerv- ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc. ALSO Because they induce sound, healthy sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR, and VITALITY to the body. ALSO Because their use enables the in-' system to successfully resist attacks" of colds and the inseparable re- sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, a fact of especial importance at this season of the year. t N geste per beL iln bozar 11.00.Alt draprstr, es Neu Wiliam at oa, Tomato. OM. MARKETS.. Exoter, JUNE 20th, 1000. Wheat per bushel ...... .61 to 47 Barley....... .,.. ..55 to 54 Sutter,,.., .-... ,,14 to 15 Eggs , 11 to 12 Turkeys .,, „ 9 to 10 Geese ,,,, , 5 re u Chickeusperk ,.,,.. ,,,6 to 7 Ducks., ,., 7 to 8 SVool,,,. . ,. B5 to 13 Dried Apples,. ., -. 0 to 6 Pork dressed.,,,, . . 57 75 to 8,00 LONDON MAteKET$. London, JUNE 20,h, 1900. Wheat per :bushel,,. ,,,,63 so 66 Oats.... ..33 to 35 Peal. ,, ,,,60 to t7 Barley 38 to 4« 8 ( Ryeekavheat .,.51 1tq 4,5 Co rn . tote 47 Beans ..,,, 85 to 70 Butter.,., # 14 . 1 to Eggs,.,.,. ,.,..,15 to 16 Ducts 60 to 70 Turkeys per tL.... ,.., , 10 tat 14 Gesso pez-h 9 to 10 Chickens ,.-,., ,5°I. to 75 Cheese,,.,,. ,.,.. 8 to 10 Potatoes per ba 56 to 75 Hay per ton . ,.5 0.00 to 5 7,50 Pork per cwt... $t.50 to $5.00 The promotion examinations in the County schools will be heldlon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 27, 20 and 27. TOOTHACHE CURED, Dr. Low's Toothache Gnm cures Toothache promptly, and does not blister the gun=s, lips or cheeks. Price 10c. • c t oo is 7a ob Bray, A.t w d, !tad lila mis. fortune to have his leg broken at Mr, William Nichols barn raising last Thursday. John R. Smith, Lake Stream, N,13., says:" Front my own persenal experience with them 1 willingly testify to the goad rfleots of 1„axa. Liver Ills for. Sick Headache and Constipa- tion." One of the prettiest weddings of the year was that which took place recent- ly, when Miss Mary White was united in wedlock to Geo Guenther, of Milver- ton. "i A PAINFCT. SCALD. Mrs. T. Wannamaker, Frankford, Ont., says : "I scalded my band very sadly, then too}; cold in it. 11 swelled and was very painful but half a bottle of Ragyard's Yellow OU curer( it completely.' Mrs, 1'. J, Barbour, of St. Marys, has left to ]join her ,husband at Ruutsviile, Muskoka. Air. Barbour has now been located in the north for three mouths, and is so well satisfied with the coun- try that he will locate there, Dr; Gunn, of Clinton, has admitted into partnership with himself Dr. F. A. Scott, a well. known Stanley boa, who,but a couple of weeks ago return- ed from, Loudon, Eng., where he held the position of house -surgeon in one of the hospitals of that city, Thomas Bell, of Wingham, offered to lesson the debt of 51230 on the Aug. !lean church there by subscribing $•lu0 if the congregation would raise the re- a,aining 5800. It is nearly all sub- scribed andwill be when the given time is tip. A quiet, wedding was solemnized in Tavistock, Tuesday, ,Tune 12, when Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Schwalm, was united in.marriage with William Heiuluiller. The bride was gowned in a'beautiful blue dress, trimmed with cream silk, and entered the parlor on the arm of her brother, Conrad. n,...,,b'Olt OVER FIFTY YEARS i u 1 Winslow'sWinslow'swS"OOtll ng ."15�C 1 .Rt,r ... aver 8ftY years bymillious of mothers for their children while teething, with perfectsuccess It soothes the child, softens the igumll, al}ays al pain, sures u ind colic. and is the best remedy for Dieu/mete Itis pleasant to the Mete. Sold. by druggists in every part of the world, 23 cents a bottle. Its 'video Is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Airs Winslow's Soothing Syru and tate no other kind. 44444.4.4.4,444,414444441 . To THE DEAF.— A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 41,000 to his Institute, so that deafeo le unable to procure the r' F Ear Drums mny have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,'U. S. A. A SUMMER. TONIC in tablet form. Makes sick folks well and keeps well folks from being sick. Our Native Herbs TABLETS Enough for 200 days for *1.00. Sold by druggists or box *ailed on roedpt of ries. A registarod guarantee in every box insures you against any possible risk. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO., 232 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. IS BABY CUTTING TEETH? Watch him carefully,—On the first Indication of Diarrhoea give Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Hot weather comes hard on babies, espe. cially those cutting teeth. The little form soon wastes and fades away when diarrhoea or cholera infaiitum `ta ' Seizes upon it. As you love your child, mother, and With to save his life, give him Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. There is no other remedy so safe to give to children and none so effectual. Mrs. Chas. Smith, Shoal Lake, Man., says : " I think Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best medicine that w•:s ever made for diarrhcea, dysentery a1r1 sum'n r •r:lplaint. It is the best WOO g:. .-;:Jdren when they are teeth- have always used it to our own and it has neverY et failed. Slater Shoe Polish Many men use poor dressing en their shoes and when the shoe suffers as a result, blame the shoe instead of the vandal polish. Slater Shoe Polish is made to protect " Slater Shoes," keeps the leather soft, pliable, healthy ; pre - vette cracking and insures satin. factory shoe service; equally good for ladies' apd children's shoes. Every bottle' contains a coupon good for 5 cents, on the price of "Slater Shoes." Price 25 cents per bottle, and it's worth IL Get a copy of " Leatherfood," a booklet telling it's history, 0- 0 0 O 0 0 • 0 O .4... 0 < E. 3. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT CALL. AT Hcaxseness is n coni non trouble dutiire the rat with those havitit g week threat or ' FAMILY ts. Itcaa be readily cured, and the throat " un hen r. . " ' Morava d 1 gs strengt ed Bre I?. � ood s ., y Meat treTyewdkvvmofus hn� annSMarke Pine Syrup. Price 25c. g Headache Powders. They dvn'r depress the heart, Price 19c and 2,ic. For first. class CORNED REEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA, and SAUSAGE, LARD anal SMOKED MEATS A. Brae selection of BEEF, LAMS, FRESH FORK, and all kinds of >Fr c ss i ortc.1 Meats* 0n hand, Note the address, one door north of The R, Pickard Co's store.. LOUIS DAY, PROP ea i FOR ONE AIONTII FOR NEee r Y WAGONS 3 SPRING WAGONS BUGGIES CARTS AND HARROWS. AT F3raunds Carriage shop, Exeter, Buy the Best NEW and Meat Market I Ignore the Rest, In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- t'atlt room with one of out' Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING i10E_s We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line 01 FURNITURE and you Wild find what, you are looking for S G I D LEY SON TURN IT URE AND UNDBRTAIZERS. Opera House Block. >i an Eat What 1 Likes" Many people suffer terribly with pain in the, stomach after every mouthful theeat. Dyspepsia and indigestion keep them in constant misery. After trying. the e hu ndred and one y g new-fangled remedies without much benefit, why not use the old reliable Burdock Blood Bitters and obtain a perfect and permanent cure? Here is a case in point: "I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia forthree or four years, and tried almost every doctor round here and ;ffer- eAt dyspepsia remedies, but got little relief. "I theft started using Burdock Blood )3itters, and wheal had finished the second bottle I was almost well, but continued taking it until I had completed the third bottle, when I was perfectly well. Before taking B.B.B. I could scarcely eat any- thing without having a pain in my stomach. Now I eat whatever I like with- out causing me the least discomfort." — MRS. THOMAS CLARE, Brussels, Ont. 'THE Clothing CHLSTON Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted intwills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show e. big range at moderate prices in Scotch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods . voa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR. i The undersigned has opened tl t� gp 1' ew Meat market one door South of Gariiht ,5 Store where he will keep the choicest of eats constantly on hand. A 0 ALL SOLICITED JOHN T. FIANNINGI Saltherland Innes:Co. LTD. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE • OTHER TIMBER, EITHER ST NDINGIN E T A OI3. THE E. G. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. SPECIAL LOT OF ' TWEEDS At Cost Price. FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS Al` COST, We want to clear these lines at once. • WJOHNS, The Tesifor• DO YOU FEEL TIRED IN THE MORNING? Does Sleep not bring Refreshment? Do you feel wretched, mean and miser. able in the mornings—as tired as when you went to bed? It's a serious condition —too serious to neglect, and unless you have the heart and nervous system. strengthened and the blood enriched by Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pills, collapse- is almost certain to ensure. Mr. Fred. H. Graham, a we -krewn young man of Barrie, Ont., sayst—"I have hada great deal of trouble with sly heart for four years. I was easily agitated and my ex eitement caused my heart to throb violently. 1 had dizziness and shortness of breath... and often arose in the mornings feeling 'au tired as when I went to bed. I was terribly nervous. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done wonders for mf. They have restored my heart to regular healthy action, giving me back sound restful sleep, and making lay nervous sys- tem strong and vigorous." • Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are pee' a box or 3 for .1.25 at all druggists or by - mail. The T. Milburn Co;, Limited, Te.. ronto, Ont.