HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 3LEGAT• D I CKS ON 8.4 CA 1.Z., 13arriaters. Solicitors. Notarito, Conveyancers, Commissitieer Etc. Monoy to Loan at 4f per cent. mai 5 p«Ir cent. OFFICE 3-FANktON"S BLOCK, EXETER, e rARLING, 0. A, L lXAxercsolg. member of the firm wet be at Bewail on a buredee of each week. MEDICAL P11. J. II. RIVERS, M. n. TORDN'ItO V ERS1TY ,iL I). C.. 'AI, 'finally Clever sity. eftlee-Creition, One, 1 NV .13.1tOWNI.Nts -U sr. s, araduate Vicente, thee rally mike and resietioce, Potentiate Laborat nes. Exeter, . 1)11- 14 Yil0MAN. et/renter fee the - tionery of thireci. °nice, optima° tatril iires. store. it vEdErt1NA•ltet Tennent & ferment Water elle ere, • Graduate (Ville Ontario Veterintre Col - Tee. Cflice-Ga- &o sub c Townleall, Tit WA.Tgitie00 M UrrUAL FLUE INSI'ltAnet on. 141334 Ithitatied lk teteit 64AD OFFIOE tV47-E1100, QVt 1 lin eamanair bre:bean over resent -eine :tinin aucietsfni operator) in %Venom I 1/1)j,u„nbil mailmen ie ineine,gainet loss lineage iyFire. lettleings„ ataintectorirs fuel all other deseriptioas ierantaleeroperis, !leveling fanners etwo the/milieu of Insutingen die PrOlei tee No10,/r enOIN,yrieni, the lest t ett Nears Ois mettles' :fen (07,11E 1 01 ivies, covering property ta too su33 eengerete and data tulesteseteao Vete:Mat esecits. tetelteetto, cousistIne of (Nib, JR Imk, (iovennineni Dow...nand Me 11 vu tutu Notes on haat mai in tone 4,‘ -rt i ellierreafilent: tit et. r4VIAII; ftI wary: .'. le lit ems. Ine eeor . CHAS. I11 .131,,,A04 et. for Exeter and vicleity., EXETER TLMIs$ It 114,11010 trots' Thursdey moraine at Ste;tm Printing leouso n street. uesrle %genie% lattentilewetre more, Iteetee Ont., hy at111N WI11171:'; .57, .74/NS, Poprietari. na m 141:14: that iivatz two. per tine - ...... -....• lo vette 1.1 ',maim:Intent io•crtion, per hoe . cane, 4o iraun• int:onion. allitertiseiteete atined ECX4 UMK IniVr than Wolneetey nioruieg, -- Oureoli141:12c1Mitat.P.Aitl'311iNt'1.0oe 11 ti e aig.t.t.t and m..a equciin Vtiouty lautoo44 wer4 en 1 u-tvd 1.0 u will re. 1 t 0111 teem list P1114011% 14.1141a111.1.... 1.-4013) actoon wlet inko, p.lprr regularly from the iteet wioallive uar..4.1cilnI his mono or another'Nor wt.ot b or d lui- sub-erl • eor not, is 11:41.40.11,00 10r 0i4O1unt,. - If a. pence/ camera 11011100r 1V41111111.10 1 he must pay • .t er- ea •ht pub t.her ty cc:Moneta send It until the pe3 meat is ma to. 11 t0 t'011et'l. 111V W1 0 0 +amount, Nil 'tether 11 0 pato!. 11v 10a011 frt011 lir...101kt: or out. 3. n ter huh.: net on:. thlaMUlt tuity 130 instituted to tee»; 'ye waerc the ptper ta pee* Dane; attlieuret 1.10, .eribor may tesai Luo et 4 The rottrt‘ bittio de.(;1 Ind thai, rtifit^ink: Lo toe° niev pope:am polio:beak from ele pots cane. or renewing .ut d leaving them uneatied or. 1., 1,rinia folic mitten o of intentional rand, CARTEK'S ITTLE adjustment of the escape, to guard feebly ; "by -a nd-by. IVER PILLS. iNaggiVA‘Zp4,>1.,43,. • • we• .,roo...40-,40.7.1-49''O'^, fit" Wi700;'''oor's"` UNREQUIT F-4 D LOVE. ER• TIN PS "Uy dear colonel, 1. thought you BOBER, "flow dreadfully you must want your mrere never coming back she said. LAST STROHM supper;" and then, etartitag at sight KAGATOLAND IS CONSIDERED AN of Lasimetr's burden -the little figure IDEAL RETREAT. Adtes' muffled in a red, fleecy shawl - she . Br xass AL LIIADDo.s. 0.6138.4,-. exclannoda "Why. Lashmar, what in Oue OrefIL Series, or Natural nortreseee- • TTITft CHAPTER III.-Contiatuedrhey were in then cab by thie time. heaven's ame have You there?' A aliment eouiltry for While the mob urrounded the dead the Trenteoort 1 "A child, madam; an ium of dark -1 Reference to arty map of the Trans„ ;s 1 He told the man to drive to the eeretee„ medical help, for a streteher to earre I the betel mate lamenting him, waiting for I George, ,the chief hotel in Brutalize nese; the spawn of a , demagogue- yam, win a smblank all bk patcli in patronized by the county Boldwood's child; reseued front the the exttreme north,eust corner of the that motionless balk of humanity I people, when they gladdened i be flames by this youn 1 ' tinders living in ate district rarely ( ill WILL WAR. elude its clatehe,s, but as -the miasma. „ E------___DALs TaEr is not Of the pungent quality of the Alleberate Allailr for the. sleeve St:teller* fever -tree districts a l'Arely itills out, Who Are riehttna In Senth 4rr1e0. right if proper precautions are taken, fIll Os enthoritY of "Sontb Afrt Br/leIrlIsettboentraCkt liesi4erlaolr tihsieliir allow nr e 1) a rt he de tt 11 11 I : 11.4C;13: et 1 /Nfiall I 4tellethceal4V(4°1°21r"laZ41145Lv: etre.at remains to be seen, but it may , end. 'Me meet ureate /settee by the afety be asserted that should they 1.ritish war office in recent years, each the Zoutpartelterg fastness and ' The medal Pruner ie to be D. fire -pointe rry on a guerilla warfare hostilities ed star with a away, Lashmar had slipped off his 1 great grini,y town with their .5uperi,or By jove, LadY Lull/oar. Yoe have rea-' ers appear at fault, A few fancifully of all analnunitioe ' the Federals uld QuIs cea4e with the expeediture led by a ring, of brouzet ou wleigen the worde KSo th ' Rt'pubite about wince the ttpogrupli- entte Surrouo4, coat, flung it to the remonstrant Col, / Preseuve- so a to be proud of your eon " said the rata ppe.ar in oriel Spillington, and had began to Lord Laenaraer was known and bon- colonel, s and the nate 1etie. In the ceatre of all le • u -e mountains are ecattered here Aided by the impassable tra h ' ed ti climb the iron balconies just as Bold- into. roaatIon no details, physkai or could stave off defeat by our fe is the samesi4e th Kb 'medal ored at the lairOrge, rrlie landlady, "You reseueel lioldwood's child!" and there, but beyond this gratuitous uneven formation of the country they a miniature of the Queen.r'n wood bad clibmed, but at a eater who had lingered over her supper in cried her ladysliip, looking at Lash- 1,01, as e edsval Stu disadvantage, for the smoke end 3 the suug little parlor behind the bar.' 144 ea 61n l'it'grlaled tam waiting up to hear tbe latest news of ! By climbing to the top of a four, • „ ores witia which the renge. ie honey,- "Blat how?' : v:a.14t1 k*tbale' acout"al:tecodne. esj4LitilLeteTrall: 41 if eormered take refuge in the ricken soldiers for many a month, flames had intensified with every mos! meat ; window after window had vote- the fire, came bustling •oat to see if 'story building -034e of the mot heroic .1 arneembracina tertmhe ofy`eleiliusLZraoctiedt, (mated. ited fire. The lookers on, those who . she could be of ern' use to hie lord- ' ans., Mulariaestrieken trader wbo lives on acts I ever Isom anywhere, exeept Pansb"6.;" bni were not too absorbed by their i, ship' "tb:eflo.ealre Lthbee 1701110'sa°,tti a 0.11Iiti,sl, ?":onor ' the SPA calls it Magatoland, after She almost sbrieked ' h ' thoughts of the dead to wateh the ' living, gave a cry of horror -horror at the stg t of , • ' --- - the recioubted chief of the Makateee 'She child looking round with fright, ti've brought bim back to you alive, t the madness of such an attempt,tribe tl, hich inhabitel this wild tretch s ened eyes; such a poor little pinehed, 10"de' LP -shiner." ef country. Events move raeldly, and "The Lainunara were always brave!" Some of then* recognized him by *allow countenance. aQ wizened, so raarred spine„ knew him to be she 1i01(1 glavelyt uabltshoo.uugteley autuyntleve:t10 Nagar elan.t1 Lord Lashmar. a chronic invalid, »"�dt, nrAy lord, where did you iek "Y°4 i° risk YQu'r ' I °V.e' It Is DRITISE PATRIOTiSAI. It reel/jets ot the lends ot the Jewel In ., ,4,, zw;t1ttf; 4ftinf:Beau"CiiilynEttl:In;a:Igasiznoeine weakhng, Others. who knew better, " her "I'? Is she one of the childrea kk ,f.am,r,h‘a. cdoeumwagnoogtoem'sr, said,u'ulidwoolereseuefuLtubees:e3earoffutzbetree,z9f,t4ort.pattnstIzertng tbtlaziet 1 ez,:lolletorye.ovelseeer;watoreeeileneitone;e0wetene c -:!ro, htett , she likely to loom large on eontents bills , 1..te teen -mina of the war. to have i - ' knew that he had trained himself to fmci 0°Itiwin's 3" Wee k goeS without saying that the _ one dominant merest proved to he the day's teegrams. The war and the aa' vs was the loacleinue Of near,. 4 evf:ry 84,u4s6 existence. But ter away t Eng:Isit speech, in a, &eaten) of be Western seas, I landed one gleaming tmpie morning. There ware onla• a eingle Englishman in that anwItsgenotne little town, and he bad - Chests only the more Nine:sled would- been there for year. He came down 4711"/ IV" PreeiNe4 nkY idea." "id Sadvait. By the Boers Atagatola,nd .. ertitutel, longing• for bis supper. vim aro the kroper people to . usidered an ideal ret reel. In tbe *17tehtvls'atetuthlAellanr•atrt;'Tveau134ies. f'iattegtt tug unmet to a vanishing point, That : get Ule a pair of hors" to take us wheel a five Year old orphan $11°o'd iaeross the Limpopo into Afashotetla.nd, op, at 0,,, how,. waitiim to be drunk , first place it has two back doors- etnitous right arat round the iron column between the be ttnxious till she sees us all safe at deliberately, wee wreathed ; bock to Laslunar l Her ladeshin will be beinlea over?" asked Login:nor mut through the malarial wastes of i 7 " 7"'"' words: I've a botVe a elianipagne threat of the erowde-a A mighty cheer swelled front the', "Certairtir My lord." and Nr3. SY.' cheer that was r cammir rang a bell: "Tell Joe to get pet Lena figure. It was that , • NATURAL, FORTRESSES. 111311zi Its w1;2012 ;tent ceu delete! a white e htgliest feats of atbletisru. that "She tkildW°.°4?! Qiiild‘ and 141,1, ! "Be did his utterpao t, poor beggar, stud. . ihts cluld himself f" the Federal forces will make their last he had built a gymnasium at Lashmar lordship risked Ins Itte to save her. un4 was itilied in the atteinpv mad Castle and that be had exercised his answered Soillington. Swaziland and Lydentourg bave been tody with all the devotion of a Greek YOU liavet Isttshmt1°' UY wa'Y of Pi•ek'" "Bindweed killed?" "Wh°1 will , the colonel, neentiutted in Englialt papers Os the los oak, of the Boers' final resistance t eSS it W413 DO surprise to see the hler of 011arePagaev ell .? Ton all°. I molther. lie is gone, and this is his , hunchback's long lean arras lift him ,: have something!" father to the thought, for amongst the yen -shaped head thrown baek to I, brandy, if you like." said Lashmar, 44'141;11: idiZgilinterrt;:rcy'e name did yOU I bb;:kgelZrost C,11‘.i4tbonolpypi'rolabe:ttilavne itiluveallgeZd.. from balcony to balcony, to see that i "I'll take some soda, m'ith a dash of bring her hem? Why nut at owe band .l"ehould we be beeten"-a Wales eseape the soffocating rush a smoke I "Irla Ye" think you "mid lend me a her over to the Proper peoplef" and fiery dust„ to see railing after ran.: shawl to wrap up this little one AIrs ng gamed, as that stunted figure SYcetaoule" he asked the obsequious uunted higber and bigher, (limit:flab- i landlady, "anti do you think you could wrestler or a Roman gladietor, To uteallei brendy and stida-a tunas ...yes; be wW tliiiiht° 141;tre' - arms. The wish is probably tract It story and the ba Icony above, , 3POringueae East Africa. Out a. far "WilY. the Mett"a al the t:alea gre0tar advantage frau* 1180 Iturgberst %tt take care ot her." 'mud Of entirS0 be the limner Per'on standpoint is thot the %t Akt country is „ • ..e tr.st b:g Brttush vIctory.' "4d %ter again he ennther por risme .tteross e quaint and in half a 313313, the landau and the groYs reualY di.- "Rxeetly what told nerd Las13.4 iebutited tine, end there wee it rush to one of IttY :shouts. man tett fallen trite hint, lie was of en old old 1O111 Alltwit all the ne gre.tt series of "Brerig round t he fire eseepee, • ree 4 1 3 , ulutertliereed by (Imo vegetation tn tl* And.an • • run and fallen mar," sald the colonpl. site warm knitted "And you would have her login her whieh coml./Linda (maid eie concealed the tube^ side of the building'. hives (Me the bottom drawer, putt Invite. llife st, workhouse. , 81 caut.,, a , 11„te treated auld for a week, if ueed Lae without feer of dortor, .140 r.i'tid. His mutant...at erenip- ,l were being eaved there as feet aa she sineeleton." In ease of uneleen instirurneuts, The er.,,T hest career for arty youog woman, rangements of eur army, Front Pre. i melte 1 141 h ophthalmia, his coat bung hat I pay my third awe fintrill north int Muetufeutein is runttle ha a you know, eoionei Seillingtoni (olio the euttutca' Iles exaeilY am ftirl away front hie little bony shoulders, tinsentaide tuenty Feund. l'er year. the roads are frightfully heavy. Fora . "---e, Nef mateuito would mach hitn. Among 131013 theiteinnutnerible rerquieites clistontef of 214 milea Levi Roberta "- tits fellow wen he wlis something 1 net increase to thirte mid, however, have the assistan.n ' a 'fiuta;ng sfulelt: U° `wit tta °Mbar - est and most comfortable eareer for of the Pieterehurg railway, a single , rassing and peeveier tansy to xne. and .1 !? firemen could eave them- eteenn Mary wee geeing at the derk-eyed '. , children. belpleas old people, siek child in 1401:31 Laelluntes 41111'4 A 4 anil meined. But here Ira,: a me eltilti in a nightgown Was a Curious .v imitre precious than them all -the Me , kind el thing for a }wing nobleman 0 of the deliverer, the iitlE0,, k be ilers '1 14. carry ahem. whit him 0* Mid 11401. t 1, eules who had entered blunted' a 3 "Daddy 1" eried the little girt Ow II , i voluntary gorobAtant, in a hand -to- ously, and the great dark eyes began 1 1.111101 fight with death. to fill with tears. "Where's daddy? ,:m I 1 SN mast he perlih in his generous e want my daddy:" b s ' deavor ? No ; jteit as the fireteiteape Laalimer looked at her helplessly. a 2 appeared round the corner of the ' What could he Nay 10 soothe or eon- u building. Nwasing to and fro as lite 15010. what could he say of a tennfort- le firemen and the crowd steereq ir L'' ing xenon" th•it 3-1* 1311.1 nut be a. delile t • e along, j1181 as succor drew near, Wet , erate lie ? The ha, tie one's breast bee :, CI a ,. I slim figure in the white start -sleeves , gan to bcacv will' 011.0, laebed out again amidst the smoke. I "Ineldv V' ehe erietleewhereet daddef t" --- • -- erft fourth floor balcony with a child In ' hart ? Let me go 10 dada), r. I W IliS arms. lie had but to await tho "IIS-ond-b:c." muee,....... . . den r eball. Wilt l'il C IAA 114411 diseuve re-, mente consisced of a dietionaey and "And proper!) trained fur enteestie eneteeet *name etegereetnd would „ . eert pureued iter lade -shire "Ott* be a eel, ere tax tin 1130 transptirt ar- I niont Lim. His nen, !jades, one troieee end bet iltein merke deeply I----"-----"-----7.7.: 1,(1rd I e• ol...-- . ny young woman, Leshmer: and our tont Intel By desired me 10 benefit my - track reeently oeened front Pretoria, orkhoueee nowadaye are thorough- and with the exeeption ot the Aapies t • well achninistered tl at I tint free of ell eit trete 0/ Lis MIAlliCal rit er, N3-1 ar•atm, Pimp ttgiet Tarust, "mn"d"' ni've.f"ne dit4°48° this he least objection tuatekr a eervant Pion:tare river, and tee Mtiord (hitt eurse'l l'ir"V'S "n't euraNt 'ere the pauper clam. Some of our bridges, not likely to receive much ------ nouproelaim in hie bigh pipe; be GQICI fiOUTII AFRICA. SERVI s.DAX.. if -S1. The ribkon vif u coin:pure, stripe of 'khaki in the c.entre„ two of white, and one each of red and Igue. There will probably be a bar granted for each important engagement Both ribber.) and star are exceedingln at - waive itt opr4earotteit, one will, 5tteainteste br wove with much prid0 by *be recipienta when the waIs r OWer. Emu up to tbe present, the importent engagements have been eufficiently numerous to previde bare 243 satisfy Tommy's most ardent de - for material decorat IOUS. Te 314*310 °ley some of them there are M-igerafontein, Colentio, Beltriona„ (lrasp31n and Paardeberg. NARROW sTREETS. Thu seaport town of Great Yar- moutht on the eastern coast of land, contains a street that is per - Bien." . et girls hem 'etrate 'from the damage. Tee reneguing ao mites to ,'T.ilf: ..a:te a I i 1.11‘1 you room to DIP, and heps the narrowest built up street 'Louie Triebardt, tounded a year ago as 1 "'''' -ra't°- Pllu Qui 41011 1)1"uidt"' . Ole world. It is known aa "Kitty hnirieetelehnint.,will net go to tie Union n "woraeli rap, xiallaaRre41 tintlenta la . eaCriapett tatete. ne ellen, ewe.. re., 'At .... une eeet„te ae....... , "Only bel'ladyebites maids, my ;a very heavy Nvagtrun traek. the capital of Magatoland, offere many And "ell' 0311' would cellnustv laugh tam a t„ whieh lia tt fluid. wtere.•10hie tetteeterate !eel eeiti t bate fif tenet:v. Itirke•-• , IN Itches Row," and measurement gives _ . /• Ms ga t Oa lid was pruct ice Ily un along to t hnt club, with its desolate through it. Twenly-nine Incline W - mean= "ill you ;Mow me to ask a favor 'lumen to the Deere up to the begin_ out Wok over the marahs, brackish, and wall to wail is, 4111 tbe room that can of Barber?" asked Lord Laelunar. eing t.uui b tItiter tle,betuluducu le:vinge4lelf;ititivend. "Prufillth'7° wam°' et'ttling twat." I baltered in thls part.13.r13.r41thw 1 e ell known, bigh old voiee e lord." Yarmouth le.. quaiut old town, eon - t 1! B"Cearrblearin‘ls3:1.: ,mpf sunituoued and came, 1 after au absentia of SO acerb. Tho raileet in anger. I aurried at the twining many eireets like Kitty sleepy bu-t exalting, to receive her 3 eamoign altorded s,..000 burghers the sound, find ran up the At cps for 1 Witches Row. They are all tailed row, ladyship's orders. ' oeportunity of thoroughly exploring had grown hill to like the disrepute and are more ronvenient in look at. "I believe his lordship wishes YOtt le ' the eountry, and first gave them. the nine old ere mire, There he was mak- titan for traffic. A.„ bundred and for- ' idea of making it their lest resort in tug n pientre I shall never quite for- ty-five of these narrow passage; take eare of a ehild, Barber," 1d st" Lady Lashmar, "You will have to put. ' the event of invasion. No survey of get, wit b. his bean, long nailed hand making (3. 'ength a over seven miles it in your own bed tor tomight, I sup- dietriet bar, ever been made half -devilish in all, are to be found within the roughly sie•aking, the towering kran_ , but, raised in a gesture of pose, after you have given it a hot : 1 be battt, You had better eut. its hair, t„s emetting the zeutimos mange, fury above hie audienee of three fat town. too, as close as you possibly can." Frenchinen. ' I tell you,' he screamed, "This ehild has not had scarlet fever, 1 . that you lie I England bas not been i and overlooking Louie Tricha rd t and mother," • the Klein Speluken, extend some 00 defea I ed, eie her at the alodder River "Who knows? Poor people are al- i i north, and the territory of the Sewaas or eleewhere. You can't beat Eng- land r Then, after a pause, ' I'm a mites to Mira atiesion station, on the B is most likely very dirty. Bathe it and t rh er niyselte ways having fevers. At any rate it and Knobne.uzeri Kaffirs on the south, / viewed fram, Fort eachutte for many "Wives and maidens, the old peo- The shawl fell off as Lashmar hand- ' !years the advaneed Boer outpost. The pZ,e and tiv ehildren, of ,such is our crop it, Barber, I beg." Magato range rising high above the great army which doeti not take the nifid. Surely, they too fight for us. edthe child to Barber, and the little chat& presents a most imposing white nightgown and little bare feet spectacle, swam.g from the plain were the best answer to her ladyship's Do you reniember bow Mrs. Leigh :in terraces for about three nalee, the watched Aniyaset ship ' fade into the spotlessly clettin :crown of the range is formed of a A' lantie mists, perhaps forever, and sweeping conclusion. Both were . "What an ugly child!" cried Lady i ' mighty overhanging krantz of vole - then boaved her head and returned Lashmar. '"rake the child away, and to loneliness and prayer ? Amyas . mink rock deseending 500 feet sheer , Y -u °au, 1 whole length of the range, and need- stilled to gain great colonies for- a 1 This extends with a few breaks the Barber," she said. "And now let me geeot Qbeen; those who sail to -day make her as comfortable as o ; ABSOLUTELY UNSCALABLE. less to say is . dp so to hold them for a greater." give you both some supper. Poor _ t ereateres, you mest be deeadfully ' Only one waggon road enters the coune "I confess to feeling a vacuum," of four miles from the plain in a -direct When baking a cake the paper HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. hungry! try, at Magato's Hoofstad, a distance • said the colonel. • line. This road is covered by a recent- which lines the tin should be remov- "Lashxnar, did .you really, clinab a steee is the track that it coutd he held Of the oven. ed as soon as the cake is, I aken out Lour -story balcony'?" said Victorian ly erected fort, and so winding :And eagerly. "I know Goldwin's - iron against an overwhelming invading when mashing potatoes use hot lialconies all the way up, like a grid- -fore iron. I dare say I could do it: rayself; e by a single commando. The milk and if you have been used to but it must have been deuced difficult slopes of the mountain from the foot co , of the krantz are covered with the cold you will be surprised at the dif- "I hope you naay never hay, the most luxuriant verdure, many of the fereWruce in their lightness. 1 envy you." inclination to ateernet anything half 1 ether easses into the interior are in neuralgia, use cinnamon instead of trees rising to 70 feet in height. Two hen in need of a poultice to keep ito wild," said Lady Lasirmar in a bit- heat but not to "draw" very much, as bag voice. ' . I situated near Funyo, 14 miles north- . , "Vicitor, gee ought no have been in • east of Louis Triehardt, and Pisang- mustard. Make and use the same as bed hours ago," she exclaimed_ "Good,- I : kop 20 miles sciuthwessie . for mustard. night, Colonel.. S,pillingtont or good- :possess abundance of water, and un- / moisten a small On the mountains the 'Boers would 11 quick way to stop- thif the tooth is a hollow or, is to e toothache, morning, rather. I will leave you and less recently removed, hundreds of oda and piece it in one, Lashinar to take care of each other." i tone of !mealies. the cavity of the tooth. The climate at such all bit of cotton iii warm "What a glorious fellow Lashmar 1 an attitude from the plain is healthy water, then dip in s mother went. up -stairs. "So quiet, so . caused by cold- sooner than a cloth Nothing will help a sore throat is!" said Victorian, as be and his ' and ecmapa.rativety cool, but down be- Unaseumaig and. so plu 1 lowin the valleys in 'the fever season cky. 1 wish -I , but little short of pestilential, On this wrung owrapped at of cote water and ' wisb his back wet as straight as other ' point the burghers 'cleubtless. Ordint, '. aroand the neek .on retiring. Always , people's. ' Poor chap! He -bears .his for should our troops encamp in -the wrap a thick piece of flannel around e still hot with apiece of ram Sold and recommended tay an rh,e Great English. Remedy. the' other °tette. . ,To be Continued. prior•to scaling the Magate heights a Dwa.es valley for any length of time To clean a greasy ran.ge rub it burden so well." deadlier 'enemy than the manser would while .-- . .- i forms° Sexual Weakness all eifects of pewee drugglatts in Canada. Only rep - dipped in turpentine. This removes / or excess, MentalatTiorriy, x,izasilve/ aunserelert able medicine discovered, Mx . paokages guaranteed to titre all deciniate our ranks. The .malarie fog blacking the stove will polish with , corrtie4e).POnutfa 1)roks, leilit 7341; . One teat please, lets free 0 any address. • -all grease; and if a drop or two of ba t ,turpentine is also Mixed with the ' stettnectiree amP very little , trouble. .1110, W0ood 0000,1311sy, WIDABOV, Ont. ' - Wood's Phosphodine' is sole in Exeter by J. W. Bmweing, druggiet. Salt Headache and relieve all 0 o troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after eating, nen in the Side, While their most rm eaniuble success has been shown In curing S 1 Headache, yet canegn's LITTLE TATER. PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Eve a if they only cured HE .echo they would be almost preelese to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but forlunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them - But after all sick head is che bane of so many lives that here to where WG make our great boast. Our pills cure It vane others do not. - CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are verysrnall and very easy to take. One or two pints make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials a125 cents; BYO for 31. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CANED SEDIOINS CO., NoW Tort • Email Pill. Small Dm hall Price, NERNi brlA_.... .s. „ covery that cure the worst.es.es of Nervous Debility, Loeb 'Vigor and Faillug Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. cessus of youth. This Remedy ab. solutely cures the most obstinate eases when all Otbee ISEAT/EEETS have failed even to relieve. ',old by dm. gists at 01 per paeloke, or six for 5, or semi; by snail OR 'receipt of slne • v , 3 " ' '1111P11cl BEANS eold at, Browning's Drug 6Lore &cater E 0 44 le KER' 4; ill :417 '1" 20.a81.16.43? liElIcr EAU, Ve; si2flThb • • • • • • t ' • THE SAVAGE AMERICAN, They. say Indians make good ser- mon to. • Well, 11 our 000k carried a toraa- hawk, Edgar, she. couldn't intimidate us any more than she does London spends 3g28 a year on the education of each child in the Bora Fleheols. Tlae Chinese never wear woo' -not even in the depth of winter; and, generally speaking, the entire popu- lation clothe themselyee in cotton all the y oat ratted. bitueelf and his living burden from You give her a little milk tend a hie - the flames, and all the rest was easy. CHAPTER IV. Five, ten minutes lif supreme unx- iety and all 441131 over. leuthmar was standing aiming the crowd with Bold - wood's five year old daughter in his arms, a small, thin figure in a little white night gime!. a sallow, wizened faxe, with great goblin eyes. "God bless you, sir; God bless you, my lord." "By Jove, Lashmar, I thought you were a dead man!" cried Colonel FtDillington. "You mast be hurt, sure- ly; dangerously hurt, perhaps," he added, running his hand over the young man's shoulder and arm, as if in search of broken bones. "A. few scratches more or less," ans- wered Lashmar quietly; and then he added to the crowd: "Don't make such it fuss my good friends; Inn sure there ain't one of yoa that wouldn't have done as much." Ile made his way through the throng towards the farther side of the broad barren road where he bad left the cab, with the rescued child still in his arms, clinging to him, scared. and pale, with those wide gob- lin eyes of hers. Spillington tollow- ed him closely. "What are you going to do with the child?" he asked. "She'll have to go to the Linton, I suppose poor little soul!" "She'll have to go to no seat place," answered Lashmar; "she is going to my house." "You mean to take I3oldwood's child to Lasiarnar Castle ?" asked Spilling - ton, astou.nded. "'Why' note I should take: a stray dog home. t' Why should I draw the line at a stray child 1" "Well, there's a considerable dif- ference, 'I believe, though you' may net see it. To -take a Radical orpban upon • °nets hands is rather a serioits business: If I were you I slaould drive sCraight to the Union, and de- posit this poor little thing with the matron; much •Ihe best you, can do for her."' "I have saved her oat of the fire, I am not going to throw her back in- to it," anewered Lashmar resolutely. "She is mine, jetsam •and flotsam from the .great ship Fete; my prize, my portion. She shall 'never cross the tbeeShold of a workhouse while I have the power to prevent it. mita .51r33, Syenmour 1 The poor little thing may be bungey." "Poor little dear," said the landlady. "Have si nice enke. pet ? Mary, bring me a glass of milk and e sponge eulre." But when the motherly soul at- tempted to take the ebild in her arms the little one scowled and elung tighter to Lashmar. "Tette me tu dadde," she pleaded, frowning darkly at errs. Syeamour's friendly face, rejeolisig all tenderness from Oen source. "Upon my soul, Lord Lashtuar, this is too muoh of a good thing," cried Spillington, who had finished his brandy and soda and was waxing im- patient to be gone. For a man who bad not dined this indefinite post- ponement of supper was a trial. "You had better let our good friend here take charge of the brat for to -night and hand het• over to the proper auth- oritiee to -morrow. I never saw suet S. goblin. Why, she's as black as Ere- bus. There must have. been u dip of the tar brush somewhere. "It's the gypsy blood sir. Every- body says that Boldwood's wife was a gypsy." "Is that carriage reedy ?" asked Lasenlar. "In five minutes, my lord." Mary -no less a' person than the bead chambermaid -had brought the I milk and cake by this time, and Lash - mar tried to coax the child to eat and drink. In vain! She only wept and pashed aside his gentle hand. "Where's ray daddy ?" she asked hopelessly. Lashmar huddled her up in the tamer] and carried her off to the landau, one of those capacious vehicles peculiar to country inns, and seeming- ly build to hold eight ineide. Colonel Spilli.ngton buttoned his light- over- coat 3.01'0IIS his chest and oompo.sed himself in the corner. "If that brat will only let me sleep now," he thought; and Providence was kind to him for before they had left the stones of Fermin far behind them Boldwood's daughter had sobbed her- self to sleep upon Lord Lashmar's breast. It was past one o'clock wben the grays from tbe George trotted along the avenue that led to Lashmar Castle. . Lady Lashmar and Victorian came out of the wbite parlor as the carriage stoped. NOVEL WEATREII GLIDES. Postai cards are now being used for tbe purpose of fore:ening the weath- er. They are manufactured in Italy, and are known as barometrie postai catrds. On tbe bark of each is a small tigure, holding an umbrella. When the weather is going to be tine the um- brelia is, blue, when the outlook is doubtful it is violet, and when there is goinglto be rain it is rose colored!. These changes of color are produced by means of cobaN, which an ingen- ious Italian inventor 11113 thought well to utilize for ibis purpose. --, COMPENSATION. 'Mati.d-We tire going to spend the eumraer at the Hillside House, in the Maroon Moentaine Irene -I was there a month or two last year. It's a pleasant place, but I don't like the table. They serve such weak coffee. Maud -Yes, I know the coffee's weak but the hatnnicteks are strong. PA.THETIC BRAVERY. at. strange bit of stoicism is found in the letter of au English private describing the experiences in the bat- tle at Modder River, leappened to find a piece of look- ing -glass It made it rare bit of fun. As it passed from comrade to eomrade, they said: " ailve a leek look a t yourself my boy, and hid Yourself good -by lo The lougli went round. Then " Ad- vauce and we were at it again. 11114411110,,,:vomftelftWINVIftlerftmftwilaftiftftrftfteft„ mrftrift Ne&e, Afl.r. Tors Phospboaine, QUITE SO. She has an open countenance, hasn't -- Yes; especially when she sings. rolls up from the river every night during the summer, and spreads its ghastly folds over the plain to a. depth' of 8 feet or 10 feet. Missionaries and )'N‘t 141'4'4(4