Exeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 2a
few minutes vrith a pencit and paper feared. A panic eeemed imminent.
of demoralieatien tvbirh the °facers ' primary root had not been eut, but
this extra growth is at the, expense
to hare shown him that het was farm-
ing it at a large loss, and that some-
where he met reduce his expenses or
41'4111'46 44
* OA the Farm.
I have recently attended a aale In
my town where the feral and per -
;sone). proverty were sold to satisfy
the claims of the ;mortgages writes
a correspondent. About live years be -
lore tbe farrage 10.63. rezeived money
from h.Ls father's estate to bny this
PrOPerty, wLich Ls worth several
ttr.ousand dollars. This man's failure
ia dairy farming, the loss of his whole
property iu so short a time, if we can
learn the reason, should hare some cahar„,..._ainneaarees=asoranenana
lessons for us.
llgast o -T Nik118
Thie young mail had been. brought
Mt on his father's farm, anti has !iv- -
ed on a farm all hLs life. so the reason
flr a RP,
will cure Epilepsy, Fits,
Stentes Dance and Falling Si -
ss. A ItriAL BOTTLE sentFREE of
ALL CliaRea an,y sufferer sending
us their name an o address, and
mentioning this paper,
AddressThe LISSIO
tee King St.W.,
!But joy for one family meant serrow
!for another, for the dead man's laraily
!believed him to be a pristmr, eand
were eagerly looking forward to his
' return.
! The nearest approach to a rester -
1 reetion which has come under our
; notice is that of a German soldier
[after the terrible battle of Grave-
lotte. This young fellow was very
iseverely wounded, and in the hurried
!examination on the battlefield he was
4, declared by tlae army doetor to be
t dead. Wheet the trentilaes had bean dug
for burying the killed, the
; body of the young soldier was
' keet aside by a comrade who
i formed one of the burying party;
rthis was done. as an act a brotherly
lore, for the eomrade could not endtire
the thetight of his friend's boay bein
d \vg
!undermost, auisited to arrange so
that it might be the. last to be placed
in ttreneh.
The earth was filled in, but the
of hie failure was net a reek. of ex- -
perienee nfarmnig. The niothgege on
flee 'tensorial preeerty was owned bY
th5 grain dealer in our village, wire
hod etad. him gran on credit ntU
the debt had beeonte ea large that the
farmer was unable to Pay it, sa was
obliged to give tbe mortgage.
The farm wail a goal gr '3 fa rt13,
twit° had been reporten among e
reeelts several similar W-
and yielded good erope of tray, anti but etauee,s of past 'tittle% in civil life the
little grain. or milling crepe were • appearance among his friends at a ,
grown on the f arrn Grain vb•as par- supposed to he dead is not very
altatied for the cows neerly the whole ,11„./1.1)z31/1.114"21' bUt Viej$311315.clea °4
year, eerept. two or three months In nre•Wiletertettaertr asn7,11143:0eladi;ersr. 1411(13.
the summer, and :be w sold at 1 During the war between Itessia and
a erten/eery where the peke iet the .Turiter larne several resurreetiona
summer stuneltnes dropped t o about
oefnitlahterilteminitimttretrheo retetrIA fr?auer b‘otalt
one cent per quart, and during I Le !ha,t of a Itussiuttlas Ituidgennlan 3.5
winter moat lie it did not evert:gee over jettire Men of about twenty -five --who
Iwo cents per quert. We num.: IL tt LUddistieSeh'Ivid hielei'lf 1ns.!vi`rel
melting milk for two een: s per quert ','J.;,P;;Tteanet'T,Itershaax.'114 ut slx"ber
'they ta ave Turned t p :ter Cone Atneure
to Amentsa 'their Frleints-The rresent
Near in Soullx AlfrfetI OAS Sortsrl.See
• MOO.
The, rerelitt incident or the reappear -
twee or about two score Iiighlantiera,
In Ittl winter on 1 Ivry aril grain Be tee a parer er wen te tee attack
1.10a, under Ordinary conditions, gives al 3 point whieh bad seemea ruiner..
the fanner but little rta trgin if he , ti2"1"'. ana be atieeertel to beer a ebanne , Ire 0
um.st hay au t.tr
,, glin i.,.1. awl e.i. Twhie, reng usistatihtel in the -
a " ist of a, nail Fee bullets while lae h
t4 11"JY gr:411 in summer 40 iteee. %IP Inell were dreTpEttg around him,
the frow of milk when ! he peet twee 'When ilw ha Li Le was over be Was
Ix, .,,,,zue dry (no short. and tiles sell ;tonal, to cruek stuessia. and especially : 1-7 F ., thcl
tl:. ta:tiz at (tze ,.;11,1 oneshelf cents per 'ever, ne any of the soldiere of the Little At. . See,
after the terriale vet teat frill), Mos -
*goer, aloes net rly. I think that anti N.341 lyini, among. I
eirtut aa etteser were kept on this term, bodies of the beroic men a he pertebed , He. No. Not eviler), you are asleep,
In the atteck. Ilie death wae rived- conarade only shovelled it lightly over
Ana?! IL it they were fest enlieral run
Jai % Let, the pram of mina for the year ' the ronchtsion of the war he reattgeeter. to the treneh, impelled by some in- The Trade Winds
licumatism a
is Drie Aeld in the blood.,
Unbealthy kidneys are the
cause ot kite .gid beings
there. If the Itidoeys acted
as theiy should they would
strain the Ude Acid out
ante system and rheurnee
tient wouldn't occur. Rheu-
enatism is a, Kidney Dis-
ease, Dodd's Kidney Pills
have made a great part of
their reputaticin curing
Rheumatism. So got at
the eguee of thole "tearful
shooting pains and stiff,
stetting joints. There is
but one sure way—
141ka p e
:Is a process oonducted by the agency
of tight boots all the year round- Corn
reamng is best condueted through the
agent)). a Putuaares Painless Corn Ex-
' tractor, the only safe and sure -pop
Dern Imre.- Putnam's Extractor is
, now widen, imitated. Beware of all
I poisonous and sore producing substi-
is superior to that of the finest japan
tea grown. W. P. . 1028.
Seasons that proper cultivation has in
view the rouservation, of the mole-
pri;s1t11:%=;,"•etraiviasete Tali
Ouse of the soil, especially Of its up-, :ATV
par strata. This can be tteeomptish- tasetifilsete.rripi==ed,petnip=
ect by a mulch, .and it. has been found ous diseaseissis mAssiltieycloierresdaesele proitocatioabst,ain s
tilal fine sa''Xix is a gG°11 mulch -4w 134P1)17.F. C. CALVERT & 00.,
better in fact. If the surface, say to i
a depth of three inches, is frequently 1
stirred and fined, thus breaking Mt
e.apillarity, the moisture of the soil
is effeetually conserved and evapor-
1 ation front the surfaee of the soil is
redna'ed to the minimum. This does
not affect the capillary rise of the
water from the subsoil into the soil,
or dieturb the roots. Such cultivation
eao int done with broad shovels or
eweePs, Itistead of Debated, narrow
sbovele or blades, and as these sleovele
may be made wide (mower to include
instruments, Cruets, Uniforms, Etc,
Every Town can have a Band
Is:wrest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue 505 alas
tratIons moiled free. Write us for anything in
Musty er Musioat Instruments.
Whaley RoY00 & CO., T"V,:gglik
all the space between the rowa, sueb Wyrult" eiBx INCLIBitr`131. 3" =.01 Una&
Ea, costs only $2, Mats of constmettou el.
cultivation very thoroughly accone- • Ar VIOE-Cee. ealgary, Alberts.
Mille. Hulett
to Watley Mtge, Itich.
Maud St. NV - Toronto.
pliehes the other purpose of corn cul-
tivation at this time.—the destruction
o weetla and gTass. Erery rule( has its
exceptione, and cireuntstanees may .
Make it advieable to depart from the ! Catholic Prayer al:re:
cultivation suggested above. Innen-
eral, however, taking it for granted.
the{ the ground his been properly
Strepared for the reception of seed,
the objerte of cultivation are a ranich
of fine eurface soil and the destruc-
tion of unprofitable growths. There
Le no need to stir the soil deep, to al-
low the roots to go deep, or to put
the /loll in eonditiou to eleld food.
Sae. De I talk in ney sleep-. John?
gram ed to his rehttiree and. he was mourns. •
; he a. ea. le ee haters Marta—tha.nk be:went
r nom for a NM In months of the year ed as loet: but within a few weeks a later the sorrowing soldier went beak •
wee ices then Iwo vente per quart. It i'r•
I. Ile had been talreu prisoner by definable towing, and threw aside the 4 Blow strong rinee Nerviline% in tit
- the Turkieh eoldiers and kept in earth from the body of his friend. To
ries front this knell of farming were rives' he ited marthe'l out wtth the DItTECTED SIGNS . h subduing power is stub tbat relief le
: market. Nerviline is the great nerve-
wt11 lie uuderetoal host that the Pro- Narita; an the 4.;k1 7t U'1 ton er the his dismay and subsequent joy, be 4iain eure. Its penetrating and pain.
• The repurt of the young man s dea: 'almost instandaneops. Try it and be
very :loan and Low t lilt they woman Turk, and had fallen into the ban& of
was 'eoniriticed.
be ineuffieient to pty runnineee. t the Roumanians, tette had held him as "'tell" hil'" haute ose dela and
etottradicted forty-eignt hours after- 4% St. Paul street, Montreal
renegade. Ile only
;Z`,74. ,ieor• rg
D. A J. 8A61.1Elf et eve., Montreal.
, tum.
ana other PRoDvos, eesure beat Towles cenean 10
The Damon Commission Co., Linpted,
Coe Wet -Market & °Gibers° et., Toronto,
0.131-A •I'M.4. has the, reputatien of bottle tho tnost regular in quality,
Lead Packages. 25, 30, eit, 60 and EC°
Dyeing I Gleaning 1
ror the very t est acod your woe,: to the
45 C ; DYEING GO."
1.4olc for agent ha ymr teen, ersend direct,
NiOntreal,TOronto, Ottawa, Quebec
•••••••••••*Ann,.• *.•••••••••AMYVIAI.......
Importer and exporter of
Raw .1•'urs and Skins. Cote
*ferments solicited. High-
est priees paid for gineing.
IL asznacsax,
1.11,..1111.11. 0111.1041•••••••••••••••••••••w,
1 For e. eruel instance of reported "" The Canada Permanent
reuses of the farm, awl for the farm- 1 i ward&
EtiCAPED 'WITH IDS LIFE The only European country
ere living. In tl. as, an. t., the len I °win_
et to the kindness of a Roumanian death a '' • ' ' has lower deatb rate than England
nine' expenses of the farm were un- i ()sheer. ' I have only to turn to the present is AorwaY-
nd rapid contradmtion, we Se I h 't ' -
ueualiy I tier. To do the Senn work, i During the 'Napoleonic war Buell ha:campaign in South Maio.. The —
three double teama were solnetinies ' atantess, as may be imaginea, were fre- : family ot sergeant in the Dragoon POR OVER FIFTY YEARS
fluent- During the ill-starred at- Ouurds received a letter tram the ."1.18\YENaL"'S 1°Cflii•NG StirrItn41100
a,„ eorParal were reported dead, but War Office to the effect that 'the , Welkirtstrtietrlir Ve'is, Viety74rif...„rwil
and for all of three grain had ,
ta 1.4' Inixeix;°Imi' ."Ii '11v10 I ht.' LI/I": STRAGGLED 13aCK INTO FRANCE . bergeant had been killed in aetion on tigO•t!itAtirer:Arg,;:tgat:It;Tt'llrae,asitirteil•
hired two or three men to ti,o his work. ; ' ' • , ' DeceMber 140, and. the official letter ' sod ask.for " Ws. WIns!ow's doothiag'SyruP."
. I 0 t urn Lite grief of their relatives into
anti he made very frequent visits to tpyr ' eePressed, in. the usual stereotyped
forth,.syrohketayt ofh Mit; tretfary
i he viltaeres nith 1 hie mr re:gement 1 The .revulsien of teeling catered by o_ The damp, chilly,. cloudy north of
' • f rim the ferm aita not pint i seeing the forms of the loved ones tiraT.eatesorje:.V a.
• 1 arAtter eth?s4 gege'ieina narope, is healthier than the dry,
warm, 'sunny South.
hi.4 expenses, and the result was t bat i !lark" the doors of their heizies ."' document had been drawn up the NC ar
i in some ei.ss sn great that death re- Office received the information that
h.- got in debt to :Wit an extent 'suite& and it became the soldier's
the sergeant was not dead, but a
that Ite wee oblige/ to miortgege his :turn to grieve. . prisoner, and that he was wounded.
property. We may say that the two ! II is not generally known that the but doing well. Instead of tearing
imself w
;great Napoleon has Once ro-
an reasons of failure in this in- up the letter, the orficials added the
;Sorted dead. During a sanguinary en- more recent information as n post-
st 1 nee were buying too mnell grain, ! gagement with the Russians the great script, and sent it to the relatives.
insteed of growing a part of it on Itanninander was suddenly missed by The tee.. n - .
it gs cm the poor people on
the farm, or soiling entire to take its i . la offuers of hts staff. .Night
a - reading the letter and its postseript,
I inter -
P' ' if.2.teanntIrthlemitig"IsTittipinotoetInilltvlansuesttill em-
place .In eupplementing Mort as and their admiration for War Office
Lure.% and. In no4. being eeenomieal,in eya'aeersleft to the imagine-
! where to be found. The officers kept x'l
tion 01 readers.
the met ter of running expenees, or, , the matter secret, as they knew that Major Coventry, who took part in
, e • the a ' the effeet would be demoralising to the jameson affair, was at first re-
n , 4. UJU
the 'edifiers, but they dreaded the re- ported killed; the Earl and Countess
acts &reedy on the blool, and mucous
did not have good judgment. sun if he did n.e
ot r:appear before of Coventry were about to hold a surfeees
of thosystetn
There are some lessone liere for the11
dawn, when there was 0 doubt that funeral service, when they received Send for teatimonials. free.
young trian whet Is thinking of buy- the fighting -would become fierce news that their son was alive, but .
szyro or Onto, Crra: Gar Tonne, 10.
Lures nouerre.
Ftetrot 3. Cutteer makes oath 'bet be is
valor partner at the firm of F. J. CintNee
Co,. doing buelne.ai in the City ot Toledo,
County and. e'en:ix aforesaid, and that said firm
will Pee the -um of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LaltS 10r &tell anti every 00,00 of CeTemut
that cannot ea cured by' the use of HALL%
Sworn to before nie and subscribed in my
preseuce, this 6011 day of December. A.D. 1885.
: SEAL. : Igotarl/ Public.
Hall's Cetarrh Cure is taken internally, and
F. J. CRENEY Si CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 70c.
Eters Family Pills are the best.
!again, As the night wore on their wounded. Major Coventry after-
ing a farm. Thi e instance of a fail- :conjectures that he had been killed by wards stood his trial with Dr. Same-
ure shows him the kind of farming !rt stray bullet while indulging in , son; he was married to an American
thet does not Pay. Now, I want to , his hebit of walking to another part lady a few weeks ago.
Lelp some of OUT young men who are ' of the field by himself settled into con- !
vietion. With the help of trustwor- r
thinking of making farming iheir thy men, they made a search fur his SIIALLOW CIULTURE OF CORN.
business, to learn some lessons from hotly, but without succeas. In this
this failure and to suggest to them state of mold the staff officers passed
Deep- cultivation outs the roots, and
a plan a farm'---------ild hare , tins night, and anxiously awaited the . fregheintly, as when it is close:to the
turned out diffe
rently. Sometimes the With daylight furious fighting was ; plant, by °Fatting one primary root
it destroys a large root growth. The
mind profitable work a mon can do again reeumed, but the rumour had
ao do a little figuring. It would got about that the Emperor was hall- setondary roots leen. the severed end
tar ros,vtat titan if the
have taken this young man only
ed and the men bt•gan to show signs make g
The " Balmoral " Free Bus Ani -P1*°
suor. up
..firosite G.T.E. Depot.
proven:tents-Rates moderate. iorobulgoaelca gooreg;il
Railway. Flrat-elass Commerelat
Yorkshire bas the greatest railway
Mileage of any country in England;
next comes Lancashire. .
Just at the eritteal moment:
THE EMPEROR Al'PEARED of energy and material, and the live,
on his white eharger; it Seemed that available growth of a severed root
he had wandered away be himself to do ete not equal its growthif not say -
made a survey and had lost himself. ered. Instead of deep cultivation in -
He had. been obliged to keep quirt date
THINNING PEA.RS. ing ihe night lest he should fall into creasing the fee.ding g '
apacity ot the
the hnipis of the enemy. plant, it• hos the opposite effect
Thisfy pant of the growing season, and Peninsular War had a strange ex- When there is suiffieien't moisture
work should be done in the ar- A Briti
esh nfficer engaged in the
.ereFver a tree is overloaded a suffi- pt. e.ti ence. b Ilehwitt,e wnundedha na takhen in the upper etrat a aft the noil, which
dent amount of the fruit ahoutil be also contain . the most a:enable. phuit
pisoner at t e i rent h at Stunieeta , a
was taken tnto Frame and Imprmoned food., the roots of the corn remain near
money expended in thinning is am- finite to understand, he remaLined in tne surface. .But as soon as there is
'removed to thoroughly relieve it. The there, and for reasons which it is dif-
ply repaid in the protection of the firbi:roant Lot r a lack of Troaist u re near the surface,
utlift7lenaffeelrIrsisintnxole. onhellinag
the roots go almost" directly down -
trees; aud the superior quality of the been sent to St. Helena. Of course, his ward. If the moisture in the upper
-a he 4
mutt) crops will result. Nearly all kinds arrived in England he found that
fruit. If overbearing is prevented, an- relatives believed him dead, and, when strata is increased, the roots will
of peam should be gathered at Jeast his mother had died during his con- turn upwarsi. Hence the °aurae .of
one week before they naturally ripen
on the trees. The fruit should, be hand-
led with the utraoet eare, as a pear
bruised or with a broken skin will
rapidly decay and. is a detriment to
the resit of the pal:Anne.
Help some one with a kind thought,
a kind word, a smile, a bright look,
a kind deed. Look on the bright side.
Do your duty. Live your best. Re-
peat the dose daily.
Do you know anythingeat all about
drilling ? asked the Sergeant.
Faith, kttow all about it, replied
the raw recruit. I wurkesd in. a Snag-
ry for raanny years'iinfoor I lined eh'
finement and that his property had
been divided. It was no easy matter
for him to establish his identity,
esp eel a t ly as 'his out w a. r d app ear a nce
had been considerably altered by ins
long imprisonmextt, but after a time a, depth ote eeveral feet. Usually, dun.
that he was htmeelf and not an un- of the corn's sea -
he eras -able to prove beyond tt. doubt ing tine firat
poster. was welcomed as a hero,
and bis property was returned to latm.
In one of the battles of the Aastro-
the root is sometimes a series of
curves. In the case of protracted
&oath, the course of the roots is
steadily downward, until some reach
son of growth, the sod, near the sur.
f wee in Moist and the roots do not
penetrate deep. If euttivation 'lactose
German cempaegn of 1866 a German and deep, many' roots are destroyed,
sergea.nt was numbered among the and some Inetre • been led to believe
slain ; there seeneed to be no possible
doubt about the matter, tea one ofthat: this intinees the roots to go
his men swom td the identity of I 'deeper. The error is easy„ for as n111
At tha ;conclusion of the war, he
appeared in the Prussian Tilt age where
his parents lived, and so great was the
shock to Its mother that she fell ill
and b'er life was desoaired of for sev-
eral days. !Upon mve,stigation, it
woe discovered that the sergeant had
been taken prisoner, and that the man
who was killed was a sergeantin an-
other company, and that there was a
striking resemblance between the two.
the roots near tbe surface are destroy-
ed, after a time the only roots are the
deeper ontse ; and ale° as the season
progresses, the surface of the soinbe-
comes dried, especially when there is
deep cultivation, and tbe roots go
deeper to get moisture, Many of these
mate well be cut by deep, close,enl-
tivation and the effect is at °nee ap-
Such as the usual c,ha racier of our
and Western Canada
The Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company.
Mortgage Co rporation.
Its Banner Year—Advancing a J.Ilong the Line—A Most Suooseeful
Gathering—A Polloy-Nolder's Company.
The thirtieth annual meeting of this growing Company was held in its new read elegant
Boat d, Room on Thuraday, eleyee, 194. at 11' 10., Ttie oeclance was. ma netel. large. and the
proceedi-gs were characterized by the greatest nermeny and esprit. The et esideeti, ete, nee.
ert Melvin, of Guelph. °coupe la the obese and among ttcse etesenta inattention to Mr. T. R.
Bare euperinten.ioat 71.1 the Camoenes agents. we 0)010011 Ais el Hoskin. Q.0.:
ton, Q. 0. M.P.; Ir. sr mega. J. Irerr tjAUen. D. A.; b3. avalent W. .3. gidd„ 18.4.; Geo. A.
Somerville. Hon..). T. alarrow. Q. 0.: Wm. Snider,. dua }10Pe. Dr. Weblie ROY. Mr- OtiobrisS.
A. Miran 4.0.; (kerne hirertel), t.'e4lt. nugget Mabel, Mayor; Frank, Raight. L. Graybili,
and others,
(Mutation, Mr, W. H. Secretarr of tee Company, artect as seeretary ot the meet.
ing. and at the request of the President read
Year Direct:ore respectfully submit for your considerattou their report or bueiness for
the year ending Dee. 31. 1693.
Wo two pleased to inform you that the Mistimes Waft of the 'most grotifyIng charaoter,
in volume exceeded that tat y year to the lattory of the (0111p00).laur eurplue wee eti titelent
to 000010 NA tO continuo the elute ltberel scale 9t eurplus diatributita Pollmelealdere air 111
Peet. The <100131*ot° was light end meek below the expectation; the tepsea and ourread.
ens, in proportion to new butineas and that already in force.etill owet:s
lues to decretme.
AppIcatione nuntboring 313. for .14,481,762 leetrance, were rentvetl. or widish 2,8*, for
$1.751.026, were aceepie t and policies issued, and Lela for a let, 250. went deellued. Thenumber
oteolicto4 IllfsNe 18.819,sanoUrit'ng to elti.010,441.70; tint Reserve, Actuaries' 4 per 0014,.
alnclUlt of policies in force se SOWS 041 Prenuent end Annuity Income, Il.63,88'.1:1; intr
and Itetate4197,ViiMILSuntirtea
s,le. Total Inconte,$; Total Asseetataler,55145. The
emouela et pto policy t oldera wee e358.1101.80, embracing Death tlainuataid9.17e,71; bletund
Bndowle ants. 064.01,00; Inrchased PolIclite *54,465.06; Serilles, 876,860.J8;
The amines over an liabilities on the Cornea:We Steederd Atituesten 4 per cent. S302.,.
355.28; on tee tiovermnent, etaudard ae per cent., 8191 29ete,
At the last at/salon Of lb Dominion Perim -meat lb° filevernmont amended the Iesurance
Acta giving nutoh larger score tor the investment of money, and retains this standard of Re,
•.erve YVIal per Cent. tO ai per eget. lint . the latter ameudnulat to be ereetial, and to he
nerompIlshed witbie csan years. The an ointments WO bellOY0 te be in the rIelst direetion,
cud in the hest interests of polloyholders. We have at present,, bill before the tiotnedon, par.
liamee-easi:Mg our Charttr to bem
aines d by changing the name of the ComPaur the Mu.
11,1.1Life Asisurance Company et Ca.nada. and by oltenttur, tho date of the animal meeting from
the !earth Titer -clay Ili rutty to the &at Thtueday in Mar, b.
Mr. George Da:vide:a, wee bed ( no of cur auditors for some years. and who perform,
ed the dutlea of mitt °Mee to the complete seestection of the polloyholdere and the Bettre,
TO ligned hie posit on care. in 11111 7001'. and the Ileard aPpoiated Mr. A. J. Brewster in ilia
steed. In contequeuetter the etetily and repel growth et the 0 nepenre bustneas, it haat be.
come rtecassare to have a istesubly wadi& Treats notv beteg done, and a 'report te esti:mined to
the Bend at eaoh meant
Iatereet on our inveottnents wee promptly mot; our tends were kept wellitiveseaneud tbe
rate ef In:crest d d eat very mantel ily front filet of 1e9e. With the increeoed geld fee invest.
ment which the amende.1 Inautenea Aet geese wa Mar for stnae, ttlao continuo 10 earn a ratis
about equal tO Ghat earns d at present.
For tome tti0' tho aerommeaation in the °Mee hoe been gene leademotte, and an additlint
lies been made thereto. sufficient, W0 Munk, to Mineola' rceuttements for many years.
During. the ycar we Mat by death 11. muotegalued and reeprottel, member 00 1110 Revd. C. M.,
'reel, r. Mr. Taylor ease member of the Baud of Directors Anil bit Vicediresideut from .he
IneePtien 04 1.1:0 Vonapany up till the time of Ids deeth. aud he will be mueb nnesed by hit Fat.
low:Directors- Mr. William Snider, of Weterloo. WW1 appointed idstett r 0, hie ete
You lei I be cancel UT OD duet totir leteetors in the place of lien- F.W. Donlon. W,
Kidd, erns 8 dor :malt. Melvin, when° term ot ettice boor eXpirel. but allot whom erect*
Ole foe rieeioution. It. anew 111. Presititna
0/74,1014._ C anad a. Permanent Et Odin g,
Toner:go ST., TORONTO.
IMAI•rcfr Orirsca113-
winnip3g, team, Vanoouver, 80. John, 44,8.
Captvi Paid Up, $10E5006,000
Reserve Fundl - 1,50%000
George Gooderham.
let Tioe-Pruitlent and
Chinn= et Executive
Domini, tee -
J. Herbert Mason.
W. tl. Beatty.
llonaging Dir. dor-
Walter O. Lee,
Money to Loan
Deposits Received
and Interest Allowed
Debentures Issued
in Sterling and Cur-
In methyl the adoption of Lite reverent° Pm:1'4104 atati the blisineas was in every resettle
satietartery, and exceeds tha Weer other leer in. th s history ot the Compenv. The amount.
of oqw oun:mea. Issued was, 41,751 tee 00. tut morels.% o 00 1.110 antioant Issued iitt 1895 ot $1,000
072...0; the totesneurenoo food 240j4&,.44i.''4,ittoreiso 1 Larti.4,3.1.2l. a. gain which muse
be satistai tora to every poecy-lateder ot Tie. Ontario, mid wilt man than compare foetorebly
with Other commies in rtespeat to the amount. added. The to.t of Wetness is not tho IMMO
of now in-uratme testid, but the =must adtlee In Propoetion to rho amount issued during the
year awl thatpreviously in tore°. Itr thie test the past your Wad Oft 4404 eueceettul year in
our history. In every other respect that denotes prosperity nue atebIlite, the oneratioue ot
theyoer woro preeminen'. Stat addad our 141 )0100. $127,16451 ; to our reserve 8481.261.70 ; to
eerie eis 631 Peel ; to a .ets PIT 423.97; and paid $70,854.28 In eurplite 13)1loyliolthr, an to.
umbOsuerVititler.'3aSte°1.e'etrtinigetlituttoPlicsidnilan108114)3b•elow the expectaton, 14114 WM more than met by
tho interest etreatments by the sum 00 2.L13.17 tho Oak surrenstera Were $7,52e less lima
In 'Memel lapse rate in proport ion to antount at itinerant% 'Issued mud in force avec alto much
With raved to ineroming the etendard of reserve required under the now Intsuranoo Act
from four mita halter cent. to three and a'halt 900 00110., I have no heattence in saying that;
it will not trouble. The Ontario Mutual Lite men to stomply with the tarots of tho Act long
I.eforo .he time geese; In fact w 10donned edviesb'o it could b3 dono at Qum% or within, to
very sinetime, and still nave vory handaemo eurplus.
.5.0 1.110 cadet the third deeade of the intripany's hiatory it may be interest'eg to look beak
over that porkid Itntt note the progre st that luti 'been mado and what the melte have boon to
our polioynolders. On February If, Ina the first annual meeting was bold, the report, show-
ing receipts amouraine to $1,955.52. and expenditurea 811,182,66, leaving a balance of eitah assets
rf $1,172.9.3 and disclose% t stel es- ets of $4,713.37. Whet has been am
ccoplished. sdnce may be
gleaned from the following aummary; Toted premium Income from 1870 to 1911, $3380,67831;
death cereLlus paid. 81,782,347.11; endowments and o.nnultles paid, $33e800.71,• surplus paid Ulf
toncyhowors, e013,247.01: teen1 peyntents to polloyho:ders. $3,823,017.90. wino on Jane try 1,
1900, the Company hold in reaeree for the security of and belonging to ite policyholders the
substentLalsten of e1,324.080.61.
In conoluelon I 00011180 r that you, will agree with see, that Tho °newt° Mutual Lite
has in hall tho elements tett ennatetute a strong ante eregressivo Company, that it has dem
as well, if not better, for its polloyholders than any other Company, arid that it bee received
in the past and. deserves ht thane:um the adiert coolinence of the publio.
In supporting the motion the lirst Vico-President, Me Alfred Hteltin, Q. C., said that h
no the best attainable rates, In view of the fact that nono bet the highest 01549 01 sectititlea
was pleased to state Mutt the funds of the Company hey° been carefully invested by tho Boar
Accepted. Unmet be a source of great eteastnotion not only t o the Company's policyholders,
but to the sgents end all others interested in its future 'svelter°, to know that the investmente
of the Ontario Mutual Lite aro admitted 0.0 110 among the very best one Weal: in the Dominion.
The year 1893 Was %banner year In tho history of the Companv, and he congratulated the
management and the agency mall' upon the success achieved. Ito had xto doubt that it \mild
continue to be the ambition of all connote ed with the instio ution to maintain the high character
which the Company enjoys for fair and honorable denlinge not only with its pelloyholders,but
with all others doing hastiness with it.
- Mr. 33. M Britton, Q.C., M.P., 'out Vice-Prosident. desired to congratulate the polity -
holders on this the Mat bitaltdayof our Most, Gracieua Majesty the Queen, and on what may be
considered the 3oth 1 irthday of the Company, which is very generally ael,netted to be the Queen
of all Canadian life Companies. This Is indeed a" growing time" in Canada, and samosa
seems be be In the air. The progress of the Ontario mutual Lite dur 11;1899 wee eminently
satisfactory, and with a new, appropriate, and more comprehensive name nd with the new
imputee that the rapidly -developing Industrie; and prosperity of Canada unpart, we may
reasonably expect the business of the current year to fully equal. if not exceed. that of 1899,
and that the steady inerease which has markea our career in the past may continue to tbe end
ot the chapter. Ho noted among other points that the Company s income 38 over e1.000 Poi
day, and that it pays out in losses over $500 a dey. He expressed the regret et Dr. Borden in
not being able to be present. and touehea on the bill the Company now has before Parliament.
Mr. Geo. A. Somerville, mantger of The Huron & Erie Loan and &wham; Company, heart.
ily concurred with all teat had been said by previous apeakete in regard. to the Manager, the
S ecretary and Head Mice staff, the Superiatentient and Agenoy state and thought that the
Company had reason to be proud of elicit officers and agents.
ilkSVISAVIS•101,110481/%4SASAIALWLINVISA‘ ithe 43,vw.Ata.4,1100111bAsAs,
,Yes—the best marnet
They're easily handled and %fee*
sneoothly, evenly, without streak.*
• • or dullness, If you wa'nt good
color and paints that last through
sun and storm, use
t Handled.
made with exactness, fnora yearts
of experience, with just the pro-
per proportions of the proper ma-
R0018014 8011 +
MONTREAL. I P01111 tikeES.
Mr. Geo. Wegenast Mariageestated that as the President had referred to the legislai ion at
1899 affeoting the Standard of Valuation, ho de ired to say 11 few words on that Ruttier:1e
Necessarily the premium rates of all companies wore required to be adjusted on this near
• ndard, and nearly all Canadian companies Increased thaw rate» to accord with this clinnge.
No difficulty will. thereforeebe experienced in complying with the law, so far as new businese
is concerned. em to the busmess Issued prior to Tan. 1900, the change to the higher basis may
be 11111(18 11) two steps:
1. From and atter 1910 all such basiness must be veined on a leer cent. basis, and
2. From and. after 1915 on a 3i per cent. basis.
The law, therefore, allows 16 years in which to bring all the old businees to the ultimate
tendo d of at per cane, anti it is not anticipated that any of the existing Canadian compen1138
will lutve, or ought to have, any just groand for objeeti -es to this inaportant change in the Act.
Five years ag s our Directors decided that, in view of the declining rate of intertee obtain -
r b 0 on firetsalass securitim s, such as Ufa Companies were teen empowered to invest in, our
liabilities should be computed ou at per cent. basis, which has sleep then been ti a Company's
Standard. We home. thereterealready taken the first step in fultilfilen of the law, which we
wonld not be cone, elled to take until 1010.
On reference to the Abstract of Statements for 0899. I find that out of the 17 Companioa
reporting to the Dominion Insurance Department. only seven of them value their Ilabilitiea
upon a Spot cent. or a higher basis, the others mine the prcsient Goverament Standard of le
per cent, for the who e or pert of their buttiness. Out of the seven referred to, three are neve
Companies, h very Attie business upon their books. leaving bat four old Companies that
have voluntarily adop.ed the higher standard. Our position In this respett is, therefore, very
atettotry, adshrowing that the interests of our politiyh eclairs are carefully safeguarded.
to the second ster, namely, from i to 3t poi cent., it will be seen that We have
ditoon years in which this may be made, anal may say thee there will be no difficulty in ac-
complishing it lo g before the expiration ot the requirea titno. This coa:d he done at o
and still lea.ve a substantial surplus over an liabilities, but this 1 do not conaider eeseesitry
under existing circumstances.
lam of the opinion 01 at injustice to those policyholders who either by the terms of their •
policies, or hY deetll Or oth erwise, withdraw from the Company in the near future, a suchlett
change in the Reserve should not be made, as those would necessarily be deprived of a tair
ahare 00 1101', Ins that they wou d otherwise receive.
As Itt oustcpsiarY et Annual Meetings, after a • year of greet 8000034, resolutions were passed
eon voyage the Most heartl thanks of the policy 'solders to the Board of Directors, Exec ut ive
Committee, Medical Direeter, Manager, secretary. Seeerintendent cif Agencies, and Om Bead
Office and AgatiOy staff's, for Wig very able and efficient meatier in which they Disc htstged
their respective dutIso during tttep.t yetseTho7°el t, titnageand otherrharit
gpg00errer, afe hlrneotingdjourned.
The Dirootora Met subsequently and re-eloof ed Mr, Itnbert rrestO1 Mr. A lfrol
Hoskin, Q., C., first viec4Presideet, and Mr. B. M. Britton. Q. 0.. 14, saktond Vice -Presi-
dent 00 1.150 Company for the orioning Yon.
B. P. elessent, Esq., barrister, Berlin, considered the time opportune for a change in the
08100 00 the Oomparty, when the cur' ale. is tsbout to drop, elosiug behind it the 191.11 ciente tT.
and when a new cenetry is about 11 dawn opens us with, we hope, boundless opp rtuuities to
continue and enlarge this Company's opeyeelons during the incoming century. As ours was
the first Mutual Life Company chartered by Canadian T.tegislature, and. le still the only purely
mutual naive life company in Canada, no mere appropriate name could be selected then
"The Mutual Life Assurauo0 Company of Canada," and lie had, therefore, great pleasure te
moving, seconded by W. J. Kidd, B.A., Ottawa, tbe following resilution
" That this annual general mooting of , ho policyholders of the Ontario Mutual Idie Aesur.
ance Company hereby expressos its entire coneurrenee in the provisions of the bill now before
the Dominion Parliament for the change In tee name ot the Company to The Mutual Life
Assuranee Company of Canada, and Otto change of tles date ot the annual meeting, and requests
that the members of bete Housue of•Parliament will support the P858058 00 the bill."
The rendes Directors and Auditorwere re.elected,