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Exeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 1
a TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 42. }IO Q & MIDDL ESEX GAZETTlx :EXETERONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JUTE 21st, 1900 11. BISHOP et SON 1..EeiiIn.g Out Prices Below we haveP riced a number alines that we have decided to clear out at an ,extraordinary reduction. If you care to save money and can use these goods, this is an ex- ceptional opportunity of doing so. These goods cannot help but go rapidly. 99cBay's Washng s Sults R 99C Plain White Duck Boys 1` nbleach_ed linen Boys Patriotic Suits washing suits for boys 99c. Crash blouse suits with sailor collar, trimmed with white tape, very Cool alid. nobby 99c. Khaki color::', military style, splendid washer very Latest 99e. SPECIAL IN Ladies:' India Kid Oxford Sboes,Kings make 99c, We have just opened up a splendid range of D. Kings, oxfords up to $,2.50. SPIRc l A t. IN MN' fie .i. e y Men's Dangola Bicycle Shoes This week *1.39 Man's SQMIII8r sorts A1-41•4 sizes splendid summer suit very cool and good wearer $2.99. pn-. O ii QQ Ult� � �l S�� �•� �U p � i�G PURE WOOL WILL WASH The latest style $4,90. -Aar. Firm Silk Finished Bia&K two 6oats for summer $1.49.‘.....4.4444 1„ 11 Btu ;snaps Kbbon To clear, reg 25e line for 15e. .A. large quantity to clear at 5e. 106 and UP ANOTHER DROP IN E3JJ''0l3R TWINE 10G and UP Last weak we made another reduction in Binder Twine that will interestoli. We handle PLYMOUTH SPECIAL and GOLD MEDAL. y ,SCREEN DOORS, LAWN MOWERS, 1 Sodom. Banner, --.Miss L, Prouty wheeled to Crediton one day this week, -hit. and Mrs. Baker, of Exeter, visited their daughter, .`Mrs. Abe Dearing on Tnes. day , as - I t. T5:ee1 Green lost a valuable horse on Monday; it rolled into a hol- low in the barn yard and in struggling to regain its feet injured itself intern- ally, causirag death. -J. Quire who has. been visiting his sister, Mfrs. G. Smith left for Cartwright on Saturday hot, - Abe Peering has been on the sick. list but ie able to be out again. -J. 1VtirtZ, who has been very ill is solar improved T. P. Smith, Eye Specialist, will he mug he was seen to fall. Site rata to ! as to be able' to do light work. -- Road at the Commercial, hotel, E4xet+er, Ott his assistance, but he was cka•J. die`. work is all the go at present and many June 2'Jth and 30th. If ygttr else sight, , ceased 2,q, years o! age, a,nd nrettxarried�, ; had places have been much improved. is defective, goal should consult flail,, ; No mares of having heel, struck were James McArthur. farmer. of the 'vilsible, and it is thought. they shock r London road, bad a valuable dr•angbt disturbed Itis heart, ars the lightrlart C, Sexsiitll f,„ nnawe. baggy and harness Stolen, froom clashed close around the house, Has his stable Sunday. .frights .To avoid remains were interred in Mt, Carmel moving his aiml lenient ,1„ c i 4 tbh ! through t o hart ee ratefw'aeeshis way '1 . _ ta e cortegesSaturday, g"y z reliicies be- ftirin whir,h be tpnracltatser near ii":tt i 13oclgitrs•, of l:,tinileln, is a gites4 at T H ensall, C#, J.Sutlterland, N tart' Public, Convey ancer, Commissioner,.Fire Insurance agent and Usurer of Mterriegel ceases, Legal 44/04 - merits carafe/1y drawn at negotiable rates.. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in- terest, Om3ien at tioePOsto ace.ideasauil. J.D COQ H, lam. Solicitor.te NotaryW bile.. Hettusall.Ontt. star � A. Sellery, L. D S., D. D„ S.,Eonor Cradn. ate of Toronto, ifulversity, Denti&t>t. Teeth .eiztracted witbo,tfk ppain or bid eti'ecto. otmce fn Petty's Moclr, Heusall, At Znrich every ¥onday,corameneing Atay lth. on. $2d3; Heimiesenie, $1,53 ; $gybe 275 ; Heesali, $315 ; Bayfield, $153.aa. Stephen Kiir x.&la ItY LIGl3rNING. - Daniel O'Brien, son . f ,Jeremiah O'Brien,. of the town line, McGillivray and Step hen. was killed by -lightning. on Wed- nesday last. Doting a heeyy storm he left the House to close the grate at the reed, when he fell dead, His =- tlee,r was watching httu, and at the time of a loud report and chase bolt of light -1 panned Goods A full and col plete line of alt kinds o€ canned goods on hand, CANNED APPLES PEARS ford. 11 a etre sorry -to lose Mr C;tz ' 11i. Iiodgins'« Thursday rsn 1 Friday and his family as they were goodlofthisweek are the longest days of Hibbert ..-T-�, neighbors.. -.Thi picnic to the Bend on the year, -.d. meeting of the Directors the Oth inst. was well attended andel- of the South }Toren ted Exeter AO' TOit rets A.P.IG. -Samuel °laif, of though it was pot ak good day a very Society was held here on Monday to 1 thetl8th i of � ncces, n. of due ereeetth, l g�.,00d tinge vas spent.--Jnhn Campbell revise the ibrize list« The fall show is peb . has improved his place by way° of the to be Iteltl to Exeter this. year. 3Vitat's wilco recently which he will riot soon erection of a, back kitchen and wood. the kiter with. Hensel' es., Teee ay sow with a Miter of snt;til ss pihad ;;ut into a, a .la at Reid. and es shed, -Frank A het -elle of Bayfield, 1'Tlauf t ey) be South Huron Fntl pis Mi•. ohm ryas driving .friends,--- I urea el pros., who have .called on friends Here last weeke-John Instiente will Bold a re"nnioti and, plc- i r g theta out be ac y Meefithon, sr„ has rettusieti front Buil'- nic to Melee grove. Addresses wilt be ctdentally"step ed on one of the little been running' a business here for a few ago where he anti his wife were visit.. delivered by s eakers from a distance, ones, causing it. squeal. As soon as Months. removed toStratford Tuesday ing their daughter, Mrs, John Vase -Dr, Ferguson, Fred. Mol)unell and the saw heard the little pig sciue;tl, she to try their luck. -Rev. J. C. ]ether Mrs. Mc llstllOn has not returned et.-- . James Bonthron visited Stratford last jumped at Mir, C'lufT, knocking limn; cote. of Stafra. teats to town '1'uesd+ry Roger Northcott recently purchased a week and each inureltttsed a broncho, down and then attacked hirci with her' circuit. business. liar rttoveai to Shedden fine young teal. of horses from T. T. They are fair speciirierta, incl brakexi { Sita 1cbler a leg the flesh from lits circuit vitt Jule 1, o Berry of liensall. ouI to saddle, ---Mfrs. (Rev,) Delhi and K ltd no doubt would _T,�,,,,,,,�, .,,,., ehsildren, of Ailsa Cr,eit±, are visiting have inflicted, tltore St rictus injures, «•°• °"� . �^.�. , at Jatrneg Sutherland's There will ire but Mr, CIutT'a daug,htei' e�ui a tri htbs' Thames Road. agarden party on G. e Patty's lawn rescue, when the brute left Mr. C'luOT. v' .ind attack ed 1 „ t to it 1, S h e bower r this Tliursda to aan s t; « e v n e L c r, f ) i Th i+e Beene •�- Roadwork is thea ere y fi' ta« R ;td ozder of Qaartid will liar in attertclance.--John F. sticceea3cvT iu getting a�vaj* laefoie sltca tlt+� day. Itrtt the ltighw:tgs rc 3:eitsg ` Wa l:'atteeson, contractor, son ofaRobt. '• WRis seriously attacked, receivi;ztg attiy 5rtAileai for rlrivini; diad wlteelan .-�- Patter: on, orad 3iisa Martian S„ datuglr- G6 • er she a on he face and sterna. Wes. IIa�rvety lase Put .a, fuundatio'ix ter of Duneen elcGregor, of the Town- d tap fora, f ew flays and stable .fleet his iaarrte. - G'x ps are ship of Tauckersneith, were joined in but ander arinot l l Isere, seriouv crane• looking splendid, tibare hay is a trifle Azeme. J" U1\ -Cln Sunday, July 1. wedlock, edlo a , at the srho it of �sth bride quences are not looked for, shorn ---Our friend, Andrew Gibson semen -ie will be preached at 10 a us P y' y ( y) " PEACHES FK mugs C tNNED P1 A$ CORN iF. BEANS . - TOMATO • 7• ! t ME` -,A. OF ALL JCINT.]S Tlie hest in the market, ALSO i 2 ER6W1MDtSE kinds of Farm Produce for which highest prices will be paid, , ' Ro fge Ellmwili'r�. Ci. STA:NM RN; U. A.. METER. ON ti«etc with SteCartb ', Oder $ Co.. Toreiu• ta,1 3larrihter, Conveyancer. Sot9.ry. ZIonei= to loan. Quires for mesh-occotp;'ecl by Co/line h: Stanb►tsy over Q'tieiii13ml:, ., ��.,Y,,,.,.«. ,,- bas at last gone and done it. 'r ester- az:d 7 p. an. by Rev. G. N. Hazen, B. A..'clock, A large circles of friends jell, Mitchel! dig (Vednesdiiyl itta lerl Mss I~lieti of aantoivaln iraw Strawberry' Monday. July 2nd, hapliines sthoug'hy life. --Mr. �pandp even"! rntek, w t alt�tic c�G as 1,S Squire ry eetiva will be Pater Dfoir, whose wedeln was an- Bynum -Rev. Perrie DeLorn, who Rev. George Jewitt, rafter a brief and held in Mr. Thompson's orcbard,wlterewas rector sof 7 rinity clttarrlt sa Eery an excellent supper will be seised pounced last neck, returned. from their l years ago, and lots resided to the Gild quiet ceremony, pronounced theta man. commencing at will l p, m. rni 2 p. in, visitedn and tttDetroit. tyt fro t. ---Jetta Country, will preach in Trinity church and wife' T Leve tae hio is i f iev to 'Woos ut unlade will be furnished bori Sunday. 1st July. -Rev. Mr. Titan C wish - address lwee chole and the following will . tuella anal 1V* err' ett left l►le"a on will shortly take chr.ge of the Ltaller- lain with your correspondent in visti- nddress the meetings -Revs. G. h- tub Home -seekers err' Excursion to Mallte an church in Mitchell. Mitchell and ing there a prcisperooi. h-tppy lift, Hazen, B. A., W. A. Waldeu.of Ruth- tela. and the North-west, where they Lagan have been together under Rev, ertarel, '., W. Brown B. A kxeter go prospeattng.-Miss Annie Pavplc is See posters. " here visiting her mother, Mrs. .% , Mc- Bitt:y�s.-Chester, the youngest son Dougall. -Mrs. (Rev.) S, S. Cooke trite fi children, of iVtillacebttrg, were here of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gentiles bad the the past week.renervin acgaatn#ainces. Q j and r1 ' ' O O .b. misfortune to have the small bone of -Reeser. Ball. late a ' Hir�kton. and his arms badly fractured while playing formerly of Hensatl, occupied the Me - i at School with some other small boys, titodist pulpit on Sunday, Mr. Jpa*itt Be sure and buy the best brands. Dr. Rivers; of Credttot', set the limb.- tae ngg lltr, Ball's work oti ho Birktnn Mr. and Airs. Bert Stevenson, of Con- circuit. -Iia. George Fee, ie 3lTeretulaa, 80Nj stance, spent 'Sunday with relatives a former. zora"cli boy., was heli tool `�c� week renewing acquaintances. -Thos tug bee last week and bunt a new road Bell duel wife, of Beetan, are visiting E318HOP Grand Bend. forget he let of RIFtF .-Dont r e t B s g July at Grand Bend, this is the only; place you can really enjoy youself. 'There will be all kinds of .sports and 9 -- 9 Sharrowis in amus ement . Mr . P, the St, Joseph hospital, London,where 1 she uudervrent an operation, She is doing nicely. -Mr. Southcott, of Tor- onto, has purchased two hundred acres ,of wood here facing the lake and is now busy improvingand fittin it up ,for camp grounds. --Mrs. Rich. Hainil- :ton is in Victoria Hospital. London. - Mr. Haystead, of London, returned home on Monday after enjoying the .beautiful breezes here for the past two weeks. -Mr. Johns .& Company, of -Guelph, are boarding at the Brenner house. Rev Mr. Baird has moved „to his summer house here where be will remain for the summer. -A num- ber of farmers and their wires attend ed the excursion to Guelph on Friday last. -Addison Bossenberry camehome Monday after an absence of nearly two years in Elgin, Man. --It is our sad -duty this week to record the death of Mrs. I. Disjardine who passed away on ! %V'ednesdayjlast after a lingeringillness, The family have the sympathy of the .entire community in their sad bereave- ,ment. Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, writes : 1 have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills diva me more good than :all the rest, Winchelsea a -- n accident which might RIi;S , A B g proved fatal,happened at Michael have p Fletcher's dirt b ee on Friday las Mellen some of the to :misters were racing. Bartle Fletcher was thrown from his waggon, both wheels passing over bis legs and dust escaped from having his head crushed byanother passing team. Though a very narrow escape Bert came out unhurt to any extent. -Thr lawn social held on Charles Godbolt's lawn on Friday eveni,ig Iast was a de- cided success. After all had done Br . ucefleld BRIEFS. -Beverley everle K hen theolo- gical o Ical stt den y' , gg student, will take charge of Rev. Me. Shaw's congregation for several weeks.-Sames Aikenhead and Wm. Graham returned from Scotland last week ; they visited at the home of attended the anniversa�r�y revises en Re V alter Mui e, 11t a 11i r. formerly of Bruce- Sunday and Monday at Freewill, and field, and found him comfortably report a pleasant time. -D. Rawcliffe located in a country congregation, sold his driving horse to 3. D. Graham among friends and relatives. -pen, of Toronto. for a good figure. -Bert Murdock and Pares McLean, i ippon, Andrew visited his parents at Con - are attending Paris le, is t tion. -Miss stance last week. -R. T. Johns is put. Burgess, Egmondyiile, is the guest of ting in cement floors in his cellar. -The mason work of J. Johns barn is about completed and is a very find structure. -Fred Miners left on Monday morn- ing for Clinton, he laving secured a good situation there at the carpenter. work. -Mrs. Bi imacombe and Miss ,Maud spears few days with her laugh ter, Mrs. Hodgson, at Freewill and Granton. here. Robt. Wood had a gravel draw-' to his residence ; about 90 loads were friends in and .around Hensali. The drawn. --Chas.. Finkbeiner, of Crediton Bell foundry here was re -opened this spent Sunday it ie ds here. -Rev. etwihtr friends a 1 week as repair to with eon* three v t s 1 phis farewell ser. p T hil s will preach w .Pr pp or fo r hands employed. -Mr. S ith' u am innext ere he mon on. Sunda eon , evening Swas in Goderich over Snncla,I.-Messrs r r (It nwaod,- lean es far his new clt. e I h fssFlorence Andrew, of Constance,'11'tnts.0 mentef o s. payy mad , � n 'u ra: - ' lr rely i elarge shipment of hag's, paying a very is spending a e k with t y , number g high trice far them.- Quite a ml village, -Quite ri .umber g ] around then from here went on the excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, on Friday last. They report a pleasant and profitable xc c5i , to Detroit from. time. -The e u, o t o Goderich to -day is likely to be well patronized from this neighborhood. Among those who intend going are Dr. Sellery, J. E. McDonell, Geo. Joynt,, and W. Moore ; Mrs. A. Mur- dock and Mrs. F. McDonell. They intend driving to Clinton -Alex. Mc- Moran. brother of Mrs. James White left Saturday for Lucknow, where he will remain for a few days before tak- ing an extended trip.-Jno. McEwen, near the village, has the stonework of his barn completed. The improve- ment will add greatly to the appear- ance of the farm. -There will be no service in Sc" Paula's churn]) next Sun- j��? Tools ZtOn. day, owing to improvements being 19 made to the interior of the church. - Lorne Scott has been slightly indispos- ed the past week. -G. C. Petty intends We have a very 3omplete and up -to date stock of Hardware erecting a large open shed at the rear for houses,barns etc. of his brick block, to he used by the' country folk for their horses, the pre- sent shed accommodation in connec- ample justice to the good things pro- her sister, Mrs. J. Ross. -Rev. Fletch- v'ided, the leirkton brass band enter- er, Thames Road, preached in the tamed the crowd (which was very Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. large) for the evening. Ice cream and -There died in Tuckersmith on the other refreshments were also served to lath inst.. David McTavish, son of those who so wished until a late hour Peter McTavish, at the age of 20 years. when all adjourned well satisfied. Pro- Deceased had been ill but a short time, ceeds from tables $23.88. - Edwin of consumption, and previous to bis Clark spent. Tuesday in London.- Mrs. sickness he possessed an apparently Rolland Oates and Miss Della Clark, of rugged constitution. He was a highly London, are spending a couple of respected young man. weeks with friends in thie vicinity. - Michael Fletcher's dirt bee on Friday last was well attended, there being 23 Crediton teams and seventy-five .ren present, by whom two very fine gang-wayswere built. The women were also numer- ous. --Miss Ester Murray, of Drysdale, visited relatives in this vicinity for the past few days. -supposed to contain the choir of M. Blue's. -Our streets are very dusty. W e need rain badly. -Miss Ball, of Exoter,spenc Sunday with Mrs. Rivers. -A very select party from the village Thos. Cowan, Ohio, called on his old friends in Goderich Township last week ; Mr. Cowan lived on the Bay- field line some 20 years ago ; since that be has been a resident of the States; his occupation is that of a butcher. DRY GOODS MILLINERY GENTS' FURNI8'1ING ANT) OLOT3-1ING, 1 4m Come and see what a cash and_ono price store can clo f you. .Ladies' sailors worth 50 to 75c for ribbed fast bik cotton hose at Cf fast bll. loves .... . g FF leather belts, bll: and colored at - - . new pulley belt rings at new shirt waists at . 1. ibbons lace, veilin s loves and hosiery. i -g , g All over laces and tucked goods for trimming. Gents' straw sailors from .. . • • 25c wide brim straw hats • :-• • • • . .. IOC stripe and twill pants at . • $1.0o, a snap natty four in hand ties 15.e or two for .. 25c soft front shirts with separate cuffs at .. • • . 50cWee. i E. church and a few chosen ones spent Saturday at Grand Bend. -Rev. Jas. Hussar is billed to attend the re -open- ing services at Waubuno--an appoint - recut on one of his former circuits and preach morning and evening ou Sun - j day. -Several from here attended the annual meeting of the North Middle- sex Reform Az•sociation which met in I Ailsa Craig on',;lionday last. Wm Lewis was elects.}\_ President for this year. -The absorbing topic of convey- ] sad= this week is our annual civic holidaywhich is held onThursday June 21st. The committee in charge have a •fine program arranged for the day's entertainment and with fine weather an excellent time is assured. Let everybody come along and enjoy the } day with us. ---The Ladies' Alliance f M. E. church purpose boldin„ berry festival on the church grauiids } next i'Vedeesday evening June 27th. ' A splendid program is in preparation 25c each Addresses are expected front' Revs. Toc pair Brown and Rlilyard. of Exeter, while our genial friend T. B. Carling, of •..aloepair Exeter,will occupy the. chair. Pro- . . roc pair coeds ic.Yd of the Furnace fund.ran 5c pili l Rev eE.eCroanr ton,' of Carlisn ts have beer. le toe with ^ 00- . 50C eupy tho pulpit (if M. E. clenrch next Sunday marnin;. His many old friends here will be glad to have the pleasnre of seeing and hearing. him up again. � A r a a 8'p ti ' Goderiel and Mr, La,ndsts's guietance.-On teretxes- Do not staffer from ;ick headache a after night long nd. Stephen Douglas mess. died momentt ittle Liv©r Pillnot alnecessary'. c ire ,yrou. had resided in Mitchell a i nn mbe she . Dose' one little pill. Small price. years having .toyed from a fart. in Small dose. :Small pill. Hibbert. She was 0 years of age and ar member of church of England airs' the funeral took place on. Friday .after. i TESTI IONIAL OF Ti1.QS. HUNKLN noon to Trinity •church cemetery.-- - -- We weresorry to hear on Thdtrsday) 'r0 TIt& VALUE OV morning of the death nf. John Lange - way, FOOD. of Logan. He had been Ailing ' for some time, but his friends did not --- - expect death so soon. He as well I had nine young pigs. they were all known in Mitchell :ted surroundingrysick and some of thein died. I then b e- cotmtryandresrespected bya largecirclo San tofeed English Stock Food, when sremainingall recovered and •ire tiro, a , of friends., B tae is es s h widow aa. town fi I also feed it up tainilp cif three sons and live laugh- now doing well. to ters survive him. -Frank White and young calves and think it an excellent l pigs. wife, from the Amerlcau Sao rr ere in .food for calves and you tat p g . toren last week seeing their many Tiros. Limns. • If you make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory, bring it back and your ,honey will be cheerfully refunded. uilders' Hardware AND BRIEFS. -The showers of late have much revived the crops. Fall wheat will be light, Spring grain is growing very fast and promises a good crop. - Misses Jennie Brimacoinbe and Mary Peart spent last week with friends in London.-riiss Susie Lingerd returned home after spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson, of Strath- roy.-Jonathan called on David and spent a short time with his near friend. -Don't forget the anniversary services on Sunday June 2tth. Sermons will be preached at 10 a, m. and 7 p. n. by the Rev. Baird, "of Grand Bend. Collections in aicl of the S. S. Fund. -- A large nuanberfrom our town took in the excursion to the model farm, at Guelph, on Friday, accon,paniec' by their guides and we learn spent a very enjoyable day on the farm. Everv- thing went well until we got to Strat- ford, when one of oair•youths get part- ed from his guide, but he found his guide when he got to Clinton, after a diligent search, to the joy and satisfac- tion of theta both. -A painful accident happened to the young son of William Ooaltis while ab school playing. He fell mud another boy fell on him,break- ii,g his arm and collar bone. By the skilful treatment of De. Riyers he will semi he able to attend school u ag ain .- AiniY number eof the Zionites attend- ed the anniversary ai 5r tt Freewill on Sun- day to hear the li tr. T. Sewer and Mr.R. t+ anon, The ser - elm were ;veil .+'i cl. }1rr, Saatver's serriac)ns twit, : > pt -u -tical :end to tion with the Meth church being inade- AT LOWEST PRICE. quate.-The Hensel' contingent of the Exeter volunteer Co., arrived home on Saturday. -A volunteer named Kidd surprised the natives on Monday by - walking into the village, in soldier at- tire. There was a calm when it was learned that he belonged to the Exeter Company. It appears that he had gone asleep on the train, and when he awoke he was in Clinton. Proceeding to walk back he got on to the wrong road .and went toSeaforth. whence he QUEB NSTON and PORTLAND. Two cars just received. was properly directed. With so much war in (be air, it is startling to see a rel -coat prowling aroundN the country y roads. --Robe. Lukerhas returned from his prospecting tour through Manitoba and bas selected a location there. Last week has disposed of his farm on the Zurich road to Daniel Bell, and will move west at an early date, --The many friends of Pers. Wm. Elder, sr., late of Tuckersmith, will regret to lento that she is suffering from a cataract on one of her eyes, causing almost total blind- ness of one member. -W. R. Hodgins and John Elder, of the township of "ted �. C ellan., of 1a ete r, visited in n 6 Hay, wrdinaoderfclast weekserv- ing V- ig s jurymen. -Mr. and rts. O'Neil !� V the village en Saturday, -:At the semi-annual meeting of the South the poilt. t l `ac, iron held Huron L. O. L. held at Hensel]. on U`ri the audienc•, ., •ci i, .raft+ haalf rte day latst it was decided to Stand. by the front, (seem:f', 1 z'.iz of her re- decision. of the kiln nal meeting of the marks : ' 8ir':" .,re the,„ meek, for Ccmm�ty lr;d e to hold thea' axiu.ual nhr'rir the earth."." All the celebration of the Brittle of the .Bayne they shalt THAT THROBBING HEART Sunday sc. ac,'� Ivo- re decided at Scafortb the coining twelfth Welly; - _- Susi 1- fin, ac:i a}l% its well :as spirit- --Rev, F lila Roy has been very ones- 'Woulcl uickl It,;i.vct you,if you used uaIll�, On it`lureclal .the strarvlierrI= fie tc of bite in soliciting subscriptions Dr. Ring's New Life PHIS. Thousands festival was a grand success. elf 2l,•. Huy" ditoward tcesc liquidation rLiuf the debt of of sufferers bave proved their match- i,. a pial form meeting wasaddressed , , t; $32,587, less merit for Sicl. and Nervous Head- by shrc>.rar•1 ministers, Everything, was which includes the, cost for the See dj C'IiC fol' Ellwood Woven Wire ii encinc"r'. y Ho Mission laird. .Ar �'ra The H n d. and aches. They make lime blood and a decided atleeess. the CVooclhxm there is ober .'23,000 stihsciibed. The SEE US AND AVE. ON Y c a ster alis New stock this year. f>_lI kinds and sizes at Bottoni Prices. - -.-ram. 0k 4 .1. f,. r R V5 . stronrr, nerves sand build" up your `cline' more than enlivened the Sunday follor=,ing were the aatarnints given health. Easy to take. Try them. II .anrl Monday proceedings by vocal and St, I?atatl's, Clinton, 5210 ;parishes of }- Only 25 cents. Money 1) ick if not cur- instrumental music. -Zion troubles da Gerrie, $459,iVin aini, mZ?A; Dungan- lt tl �� a �• ed. Sold tie,all druggists. . not appear to be settled yet.