Exeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 8STORE.
R.i -. ': PKOO ." ! "KEEP "
10, the yard fol very n]ee fancy 53,50 for men's pure wool,naavysesge
fig red white uiuslins, tht"y'i'k' Correct unlined coat, the best summer coat we
in sts es, and great value at 10e. ; have ever offered. See it, $3,50.
1-•"-e the yard for new white ! 15e and 25e each for men's keel linen
Dumty'e, Very t tyl)ab and quite knish hats, You'll keep kepi with
cool. Rt -111e • lilt weather stuffs at • your bead in one of our kr:ash hats,
per yard 12.c•. t 15c and 25e.
15e the yard for some very swell 75e and 0:ie for mens soft silk front
effects in the r,,,,v ,;pen stripe muslins'shirtG, very tall and "kumfort.tble,
and Deruiey's They're very pretty. good Values at 755 and 05e,
and quite up ee date, only 15e.
$1,00 each for men's black or brown.
nic the yard for a lovely heavy • Fedora hats, This is a special value
cord, white pique, Such value as you turd worthy yourat tendon, each $1.00.
dem t often see, its a bargain art 124e.
lie, lt+r, :Wand °.+Lc for # of the pt et- b $1."�' :end $1,50 the pair for then'e
test pattea'r.' in white piette* that., right lnp tont ie(L1 uu fancyi at a. pair.
you'll see this season, they're en, -41-43' a $1..':.5 or v�l.:i I•
mew, We would like you to e'e_. them,
15c, lSr, 20►end 2,1e.
35e end 15L the pair for tool stamme
corsets,. The best value we have eve
showy, you're sure to like thein.
Remember we pay highest prices for butter and eggs'
13 :, Z >,g
$2.23 the pair for men's Bas; Calf
Lice Boots, the best values we ever
offered you in shoes, $2.»5.
A full stock of School Book
for Public Schools.
,For Marriage Licenses,
Wo¢ldirtg Rirtg
` etecite8. G1ocicay'r
J Qaat ei ry,
Specte,cleses Etc
a' eise ON
R. '1- UG KS
Watch Woolen g as Specialty.
t The copy for ch auger roust be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Weclnesdav of each week.
:� stili stock of Sunday School i _.-•-,
Library j sioks at wholesale prices! Mrs. R, Oldley is visiting friends in
Will McYeviu leaves in a few weeks
for Manitoba.
J. A, 'Williams, of Zurich, was in
town on Tuesday.
, Charles Southcott, of Toronto, is vis -
ging friends in town:
Everything in Stationery, i Mr. and Mrs. R, N. Rowe and family
wholesale and retail. spent Sunday in Clinton,
ILawyers Stanbury & Dickson were
in. Goderich on Saturday.
i Miss Id Dempsey of LndoJohn11lIa
Sunday with her rt'ryata here.
Rev. Jai A. Snell and wife, of Oil
f City, are the guests of James Snell.
169000"...110O0, Mrs. Sari 1 Sanders, who has been
very ill the past few weeks, is iusprov-
INSURANCii. ! ing.
Jno. Dauucey and wife, of Ai1'a
EI: I.:6T .E LLIOT, !;rang, visited friends here over Sun-
Agen for the WEsTmix AssenA icE Com -
?ANY, of Toronto alto far the PscaNis Finn The Liberals of North Middlesex
NsuaaAtacN COMPANY, of London, England; meet in Ailsa Craig on Monday, June
3IId tI cn I ee n cn COMPANY, of EngI nth.
Alex. a:leNevin has secured a situs -
tion with the Stewart Milling Co.,Se t-
i'HtRSDAy:, JUNE 14TRR, 1800. forth
_ _ __ _ ._ P. L, Bishop and wife have been rus-
h CAL HAPPENINGS ticating at Grand Bend the past two
En i !>9 aAal► weeks,
i -- John Yule, a former employe, has
R. E. Pickard, was in London Tues- taken a situation asclerk in Browning's
day. drug store.
J C Ovens and wife, of Maple Lodge
spent Sunday with the Iatter's mother,
Mrs. E. Jones.
Mrs. E. Jones leaves in a few days
for Manitoba, where she will spend the
summer visiting her sons.
Workmen have finished digging for
the water main, and soon we may ex-
pect the water system completed.
Mrs. F. W. Gladman, left on Tues-
day for a few weeks' visitamong friends
Cage of ripe fruit. in Peterborough -her gormer home.
Dr. Bruce left Clinton last Monday The boys accused of passing bogus
to enter upon the gpractice of his pro- tickets upon the manager of the merry-
fession in Sarnia. go -round. settled the affair by paying
.A. collectionin aid of the India Fa-
mine Fund was taken up in Main-st.
Methodist church on Sunday, and
amounted to nearly $ 70.
Family and Peachers' Bibles
Full Line.
J. A. Stewart. spent Tuesday in St.
Miss Olive Elliott is visiting friends
in London.
Mrs. Monroe visited friends in St.
Marys over Sunday,
Mr. and sirs. Samuel Oke,of Morden,
Man., are visiting at Mrs. Clarkes, An-
drew street.
Bananas have advanced in price.
Dealers complain of an unusual shor-
Mrs. Windsor, of Brown Citya,fich., ,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs, E. Ma-
guire, Exeter North.
A number of citizens were in St.
Marys on Sunday attending special
services in connection with the Confer- John Cudmore, is confined to his bed
ence. with inflammation, and his post in
Two hundred stitches were neces- Kunz' blacksmith shop has been tete-
sary to sew up James Ready's face at porarily taken by W. Dignan.
Fergus after he had collided while on 'A defective piece of granolithie side -
his bicycle with a horse and buggy. walk in Front of J. A, Stewart's store
was repaired this week by the street
Commissioner, the Contractor having
failed to respond to the Council's de-
mands upon him.
Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Marshall, who
have been visiting friends in this sec-
tion left Tuesday morning for their
home in Southern California.
John Sutherland, of Kirlton, accom-
panied by his brother; Andrew, of
Port Elgin, left on Monday for a trip
across the Atlantic, the scene of their
boyhood days -Aberdeen Scotland.
The. License .Department of the Ont -
On Thursday last while working
around the farm, John. Rowe, of Ste-
phen,was knocked down by his bull,
and tramped upon.. His right arm was
broken and badly splintered. He will
he laid off work for some time. •
alto Government has lately had theThe Liberal Conservatives of North
Middlesex will meet in convention at
brandied chocolates sold by some. To- j Ailsa Craig on Tuesday, June 26th, for
ionto candy dealers analyzed by Prof. t the purpose of nominating a candidate
Ellis, He reports that there is but a Ito represent the riding of
Mid -
trace of alcohol in a P North Mid
confection of the dlesex in the. Dominion Parliament:
kind. From half to a full teaspoonful Miss Nettie Penhale, t
of proof spirits would be found who o has spent
in fifty the past few months iu. Manitoba, for
of them. To become
intoxicated there- the benefit of her health, has returned
by, allowing for the amount of solid home. The climate here,however,
food iu the shape of chocolate taken at continues detrimental to er health'
they same time, the consumer would and she may have to return to the
have to eat more of the confections West.
than three average stomachs will hold. John Southcott
Tinder these 'circumstances the depart- leftthis week for
room does not feel inclined Grand Beim, when,willhe engaged
media s to take pro- for some time erectingg he cottages on the
g , although power exists to do farm Mr. George Southcott, of Toron-:
so. The decision in the prosecution towill
zealously undertaken in London' P ased from J. Daiziel.
awaited i> The sarin contains over one hundred
with interest.
acres, and.is situated south of the river.
BIIRGLART.-On Fridaay night burn, T
lass entered the store of H. Bishop
Son, and carried off considerable wear-
ing apparel and groceries, as well as a
small sum of money. .tin entrance was.
effected through an; upstairs window
by means of a ladder, after :statue at-
tempt to bore through the burglar-
proof store door. There were suspiei-
ous-Looking characters in town that
gart has his new blacksmith shop near-
ly completed. -Thos. Hatter, who late-
ly escaped from the Loudon Asylum,
returned home Monday morning.-:a1rs
John, Northcott was taken suddenly
ill Tuesday morning., and is :confined to
her room. - Mr. Oh:.arlton, of neat
Ailsa Craig. visited his brajtber, John
last week. -Mrs. Windsor, of *rowan
City, is visiting his daughter. Mrs. E,
Maguire. --John Sweitzer has proved
to South Exeter to the residence he re-
cently purchased from W. H,, Parsons.
ilti, Wolper of Dashwood. will occupy
the residence vacated byMr. Sweitzer,.
having been engaged as foreman here
for the Kellerman Flax Co., of Dash,
wood. -Mr. Levy has taken his depar-
LAmassE.-Exeter's fret genre of
lacrosse in the series for the champion-
ship of the Western District was play.'
ed on Friday East at Mitchell with the
home team And resulted in a hard earn-
ed victory for Mitchell, the score being
t1-4. The game at brat looked to be
call Mitchell, but tatter our boys got
warmed op the game became more
even and bad it not been for some
rough work on the part of some of the
Mitchell players which seriously dam-
aged three of our players, it is bard to
say what the result would have been.
A little more practice and the boys
will be able to the sa good account of
theniselves, The Seaforth and Clin-
ton lacrosse teams played at Seaforth
yesterday, Seaforth winning 7.0, Sea-
forth conies to Exeter on the 220.
The boys will be ready for them,
Mrs. John White is visiting friends
in St. Marys.
Miss Hattie Folliek is visiting friends
in St. Marys.
Mr. ?Boyer, of Stratford, was the
stof Principal Boyd this week.
R.Eiworthy is spending several
along Sriends'near Strathroy,
1, Dickson and Janes Walter
eve in a few days for the Old Coun-
W. C. Huston leaves in a few days
for British Columbia, on a prospecting
W. T. Goodison, barrister, of Sarum,
spent Sunday with his friend J. G.
Mrs, Stevens, of Exeter North, is
visiting at her daughter's,Mrs,Routl.ey,
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson has returned
home from Mitchell, where she visited
her mother.
Arthur Davis and Bert lint ht are
at Goderich this week serving her
Majesty as jurors.
Have your eyes tested. byT,P.Swith,
:eye specialist, at the Commercial hotel,
June 20th and 30th.
W, Bawden and A. itcDone'.i left on
Tuesday for Scotland. They purpose
importing more horses,
Mrs. W. T.asvitt underwent an Opera-
tion in St. Joseph's hospital, London,
on Mond•ty, and is improving.
r' A large stock of ladies' belts, >'
I` belt ribbons and belt rings, all new
e. mud down to bate at Stewart's.
The members of the I. O. F. will att-
tend Divine service on Sunday after-
noon, June 17th, in the Presbyterian
Mrs. James Hodgson returned to
Palmerston, accompanied by her mo-
ther, Mrs. Fisher, after spending a few
days in Exeter.
A swell lot of new home -spun
suitings, for ladies, also a lot of
new narrow valancense laces and
insertions at Stewart's. 1
A Lew fence is being built around
Main st. church. It has iron posts and
fancy wirefencing, and adds much to
the appearance of the property.
The institution for the deaf and
dumb at Belleville will close on Wed-
nesday for the summer. The pupils
will leave for home on the early morn-
ing trains.
W. Heama.n wheeled to London Sat-
urday night. and on Monday visited
the volunteers in camp. They report
excellent weather and ere apparently
enjoying camp life this year.
T. P. Smith, eye specialist, will be at
he Commercial hotel, Exeter, on Fri-
day and Saturday, June 29th and 3
3' 0th.
Person, suffering ffermg f tom defective sight,
should call early. Consultation free.
Nelson Cobbledick left here on Mon-
day for l3ownaanville where he was
,married yesterday to blisslreneJewell.
They will arrive in Exeter in a few
days and occupy the residence recent-
ly vacated by A.. E. Stewart,
Rev W McDonagh, of Stratford, a
former pastor of the church, occupied
the pnlpit of Main street church on
Sunday, and delivered two able ser-
mons. The James-st. pulpit was oc-
cupied by Rev. Mr. Blatchford, who
pleased his hearers with two interest-
ing and eloquent discourses.
The G. T. R. authorities have issued.
orders that persons not having busi-
ness at their stations must keep off
the platforms and trains and away
from the premises. Detectives are to
be sent over the line to: see that this
order is carried out. This is a warn-
ing to parents to keep their children
away from the stations.
On June 6th, Wesley Lyne, of Tor-
onto, and Miss Catharine Dinney,
daughter of Charles Dinney, of
Stephen, were quietly married at the
home of John Hyland, Oshawa, where
the bride had been residing. . ,Mr.Lyme
was a former resident of Exeter. Mr.
and Mrs. Lyne spent the forepart of
this week renewing acquaintances in
and around Exeter. The bride is an
estimable young lady, while the groom
is a steady, industrious young man.
We join a host of friends in wishing.
the newly wedded a pleasant Journey
along life's rugged roar J y
An Extra ectal
in Blouse Silks
•75C Silks !W 49C.
A special in 13lou;e Silks, such
as we seldom get a e canoe to give you.
75 of beautiful striped blou e silks
in lovely new shades, worth 75e per yd,
for 49e, No need to waste time or
space telling the reason for it. You'll
be satisfied to know that they are beaut-
iful naw goods and worth every cent of
75e per yd. and you may have them
while they last .at 49e.
-We are eon4antly adding novelties to our Millinel'3
stock. Stock always moving means the constant incoming
of new goods, and if you visited our showroom every week
you would always find somethin€T, bright, new and flesh, '
Buyers of Slimmer Millinery Cilli be sure of finding beie style
and tti1mnings strictly up-to-date. Two Big Specials for this
week's selling.
Samples !Sailor's aillealrs 3Sc
ate Travellers Samples in :straw shape+ . Ladle'; straw sailor, caraubination
worth regularly from ' i to 1,50,your shedes, re ulnar GOc•goods for 1r-4
choice for 10e.
Keep their color and stand hard wear,
Good Hosiery
All the hosiery we sell
is good in every instance, the
best lyre can search out for the
price. People who do their
hosiery buying here get good
liosiei7.. Here are two lines
of leaders that are good.
Full fashioned cotton I;Iose, Herms-
dorf dye, never changes, extra heavy
heel, good. value 15e,
Full fashioned, silk finish, cotton.
Hose, Hertnsdorf dye, German make
extra. high heel, double sole, you'll not
get better anywhere at the price lac.
Our grocery stock is complete.
Japan Tea
Have your tried our
Tli8 R. Pi6KdrU Gu.,
Direct importers
Rev. J. A Snell, of Oil City, will Turkish Scalp Iood feeds the hair
preach in Centralia next Sunday nature,restores the color,curesbaldness
evening, stoles failing hair, removes dandruff,
"'r For derangements of the stomach.�i restores faded and grey hair to its
:sante liver, headache, etc,,atse Dix Little/natural color and vitality. Only 50c a
+Liver Pills. ¥, bottle at Lutz's drug store.
late Andrew Forrester,of Mitch-
ell. left an estate worth over the re -
(mired e�rrlsENTICE WANTED to learn
sum to give the Government 5 printing• Apply at Tzars OFFICE.per cent. Good general servant wanted by 20th
inst. Good wages, Apply by letter
or in person. L. H. SCANDRETT,
303 King St., London, Ont,,
W iiliam Pridhaw, of Fullerton wan ,f . ' = �.
The Rev. Jas. Hussar, of Crediton,
has completed the course of study and
has obtained the degree B.D.(Bacheloi!
of Divinity.
I E le a.
Ladies' waists in all the desil'eable fabrics and shades
suitable for house and street wear,
Ladies' whitew.eal' in the newest and latest soyles.
Parasols foil Ilene e nd prices that willlease you.
Laces and embroideries in endless Variety.
Colored dress goods in all the latest shades.
In Black Dress Goods we hold the fort.
Gloves from. tlee finest kid down, just to hand.
Hats and Ties, nobby goods.
Summer,' corsets and c
t del linen skirts, just the thing foi this
hot til'eatjeer.
Reath' -made Clothing in Men's, Youth's and boy's at
very low figures.
We make a spresalty' in. Ordered Clothing. See our
black wo rsted suit: at $iv.
Complete stack of groceries. always new tl<eld fresh.
Try our ?Ze Japan tea, elegant flavor
We are tllt•sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial of
tlleso teas would convince you that theyhave leo equal,
�. la
Give us a call, Highest prices paid for pvoduee,
L O I5R08.
Exeter Mun)capal Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
intent apt t'owrt Haall,ou Friday, June S.
All present,
Minutes oC previous meeting read
end confirmed,
Favans-. Armstrong --That the #allow-;
ing areotauts be passed and, orders
drawn on treasurer for saute.-- The;
\i'aterous Engine Works Co. nae �1a ;
G. N. �� . Telegraph Co. ; A. K
k ole, salary as assessor, $1:1; Truant
Officer's hook $;r Stationery and Post-
age $1,75 ; ,". G, Bissett, expenes o('
himself and councillor Love't to Bow-
auanville $30 : Janice Weekes, repairs
to fire engine $5 ; James_ Creech. ex-
aabor on pump
8 Uandford do $1.65 ;redo
sireetwaatering $1.erll ; Geo Snaraila-
combe do $20.75 ; John Moore, labor
$1,x50 ; Wes J Bissett, do $lut) ; Thos
Welsh do Mc ; J W C •era do $2.05;
Geo II Bissett, Posta:;,• . a ; Treuuaine
Snell, electric i'f; ,: ..t: to June 1,
$70,00. Carnett
T,evctt ^t ,nr-That John Vail he
gr,ant'.t i ie. bunt of $5.fltl, charity.-
Caart :t rl.
b vans-drmstrong - That council
adjourn to Tuestlay, June 12th at la
o'clock p, nr,
Council met pursuant to :tijourn-
ntent at Town Hall, June 12. All pre-
Minutes of prev)oue meeting read
and confirmed.
Evans--Levett-Thee the assessment
as revised be adopted. and a rate of 16c
per foot be levied tend the clerk notify
the parties interested and a court of
revision for same be held on :Monday,
June 25th at S o'clock p. ru.-Caarr]ed.
Armstrong -Muir -That the clerk
ask for tenders up to June 25th for
streetwatering. Tenders to state price
per week. Water f o be taken from
Town I1a11tanks.- Carried.
Armstrong -Evans -That the follow-
ing accounts be passed and orders be
drawn on treasurer for satne: W. J.
Bissett, 840 part payment nu drain ;
James Oreecb, :$5 charity to John Vail.
Levett-Evs,ns - That council ad -
j urn to Friday, June 15th at S o'clock
f. m. -Carried.
I GEo. H. Bxsssrr, Clerk.
Room 4. -Sr. IIi, Vera, itowe, 011ie
Quance, Annie Brown, John Hatton,
Annie Reid, Martha Carling ; Jr. III,
ena Hunter, Herbert Southcott,
haarlie Long,Ena McPherson, Haryey
ardiner, John. Rosv. No. on roll 47.
v. att. 30.
in tewu on Monday last. Re is recon- 11sc1 of the James street Ohurch of Ex-
eter, from rheumatism, and gets abou eter, will holdtheirannual strawberry
all right again. festival, on Monday evening, June 1.
A herd of 66 branch Everybody cordially invited.
os arrived in,,
Stratford Monday in charge of cow-
boys. The animals come from Alberta'
and man
of them t tem are unbroken.
the whole they are not a fine-looking ment of the church on Tuesday evening
lot,although there are some good spec- i,19th June. Everybody cordially in-
imens among them. The yard was sur- 8°tvPit ed.
rounded by curious crowds all day_ , .
The cowboys sell as may th
Aid of Cavan Presbyterian church will
Strawberry Festival g
v w Fe t vol in the base-
n as ey
can at one place, and then move on
to the next. Many of the horses are
Among the cases in Division Court
in Clinton on Saturday, was one in
which there was a great deal of inter-
est taken by the farmers. Sid Smith,
drover, bought a bunch of cattle from
a farmer in Knliett for a certain figure
per pound and paid a deposit of $5 to
bind the bargain. All went well for a
'short time, and then Mr. Smith was
surprised to get his deposit back, the
farmer stating that he had made a
better deal and sold out, to another
drover. Could the farmer legally do
such ea thing, quite naturally flashed
across Mr. Smith's mind_ If so, he
A man named• David O'Brien was?:
killed by lightning yesterday on the
Usb the
boundary. ��V V���
When the family of Valentine Eidt, a AND,
of hilice,awoke Tuesday morning,they
looked in vain for the clothes which
had been left on the line the night be-
fore. Some were left, hut the best
had been taken, and even the clothes
pegs were gone. The loss is quite a
heavy one.
1. NOTXCE.-The Tri -Annual Meeting
o� the Exeter Union Burial Ground
willbe held in the Town Hall, on the
evdping of June the 27th at 7.30 p. m.
All lot holders are requested to attend
thisnr eeti ng.
W. D. WEEIfES, Secy.
This week we oiler a snap in a
Another great Discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country.' "Disease fastened its
m of clutches upon her and for seven years
felt that the depositing of a su
money to bind a bargain was of. no use sbe withstood its severest tests, but
and the drover would be at the mercy her vital organs were undermined and
y death seemed imminent. For three
of the unscrupulous farmer. As it was months she coughed incessantly, and
the first time Mr. Smith had been could not1
caught in such a manner, he decided seep. She finally discover -
to test. the legality of the transaction. ed a way to recovery, by purchasing of
and entered action for $60 damages. us a bottle of Dr. Ring's New Discov-
ery er_ for Consumption, tion and was so
i much.
W. Proudfoot, of Goderich, presented
d on
ap- dose, that she eMr. Smith's claims and Mr: Scott slept all night • and with two bottles,Penred for tefendant.11a verdict his been absolutely cured. Rey namewasthat plaintiff get $20 damages-
defendant to pay all costs.
LYNE-1JINNE Y-Tn Oshawa, on June 6th, by
tie Petty 'IT. J. Liddy: Wesley Lyne of Toren -
is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes
W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby. Ia.
C. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cents
and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed.
"The torture of toothache is quickly relieved
to, to Miss Catharine, daughter of Charles' ' by Lows Toothache Gdm. Price line. Refuse
Dinney, of Stephen. substitutes.
We use the hest, high grade coiled wire
Rirkton, Ont,
Baggies Buggies Bugles!!
Spring is here mid nor baggies are,
selling lively.
If you are desirous of securing 5.
First class Buggy
cheap now is the time,
«e )cava A large number aner: cliirer-
ent styles to select from.
W. H. Parsons
Two doors south of'1't,um Hall.
Levitt's iiir
summer underwear
We have a nice choice in Men's)
suits and socks, Ladies' vests and
stockings, shirt waists, lace insertion.
Parasols and Umbrellas. The latest
in Belts, Fans, and Pocket Books;
See the new patriotic Hat and Collar
China and Glassware.
Hammocks, Watering -cans, Child's
Garden Setts.
Wire Meat and Oake Covers, Soaps,
Polish, Ammonia, Shawl Straps and
Zinc Cleaners, Granite Water Jugse
Feather Dusters.
Levitt's Fair
Laundry sent away every Thursday.
Only six months old, gond make, in
first-class condition at a price that will
interest you. • Ask to see it.
Bicycles. i AND FLAX SEED
Our bicycles are evWent) y • meeting i --
wvith Public favor. . GARDEN AND FIELSEEDS
They are easy 10 ride na;til• to buy, l
stylish and popular in price., (malty. •
and appearance. • t
We speak of the celchrnted
• Clevelands,
Weiland Vales AND
'lade .and guaara.nter,l lir the tvrarld'e.
iargest makers.
always in stock. -
We are inakiug a specialty of the
above and would be p!eased to have
[art of your trade.
Onr facilities for bu in are equal .t
those nl''nne neighbors and oushop
expenses are much less tbau those of
any c
,a ,
� tht r '
rit a ai
in town.
:o: -
1;hS'r' JAPAN TEA . 18e.
W. Trevethick