Exeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 6e
o Surrender So Long as There Are
500 Armed. Men Left.
A. despatch from Loudonsays:— b-elt to Pretoria. At present. it en -
The Daily Express prints an inter- ableme to Intel) away from Pretoria.,
stew ihat its Lereatze Marques e -or— where 1 vould: be of no service, and ,
respondent attained yesterday with ehoold only . play late the enemy's :.
Presiaent Kroger at Machadodorp,•, banns."
lin miles, eclat a Pretoria. The Presi-
dent and State teeeretary• Reitz were The correspoodent aeked wbether it ;
• Witt- true tbat lie had brought al2,000.- C. P. R. employes have contributed
found eetablishel in a peivate rain 000 in got with him. l neaely $12,000 to the patriotic fara&
way ea; wineb Preeideut Kruger
lately ordered conntructed ia anta President Kruger deelared thet the ' C. P. R. land eetes for May were
report was. untrue. and added:— 06.000 acres, for $.215.000, or $8.000
eipation of the present coratingetecy. , ° Whatever monetary resources We .. over APrill'
The aara which LS Comfolretably 'but 'oe" are easoph., eboee. we require ler Vancouver soldiers have declinea
zw•i: -:uxureenely furnishei, was shin- State parposes. At •the same ante. 1 • tzlyitati°1/ o visit Se"ttle` Wat.41-4
traeked at ibis 'station. Tile Prose, tiet not going to ten you where our ' julY 4th.
dent was $otoltt:tag 111-5 PiPe wheal treaeuxe Ls. Let Roberta find it if be :
the correepoodeat met hate He ap-,- c.an." ,. tory will he removel from Si. Cathare
The Welland Vele bicycle maratfaxa
peered 4epresee4 and women, but leas i The correaoondent mentioned tbe late inea to Brantford.
in a quiet determined meod. Be diet; mor that he intended to take refuge There is a good. deal of trouble 1;
wee Make the aligletast objet'aton tot on a Duteh warebip, to which thePree the building trades at Ottawa and tbe
hemg iaterviewed. After eamittuag a asideot replied :— a laborer' are out ou strike.
theCit woe tree that tbe Retie!). were i "Than again. Ea, a tie. 1 know no- Russia has opened an Imperial Con-
ite Peetoria he neat— • thing about a Dutele warslipt and T:,-eulate at Montreal. Hitherto there bas
"Tliat, however, noee not ar:tean the do not contempInte tatting refuge any,. only been a Vice-Cooeul at Halifax.
end of the war. The burgbers are. ware. 1 shall, not leeve my couraary.f, The bill to tax hones. fireeRife, loan I 6
fun,y detmoinert to fight to the last., There will be no need to d.o anatbing ?atatl otter cortneaules is beiog ("maid -
Then will never eurreatier so long el the kind'," ' ere ti in the Manitobe Legisittiore•
esetherte are five btanarea armed men,' Tao correseorolent eepresttesi sure ' Leal Utleto Las reeeaveal frone the •
ia The eauntry. I O4t deeply en-priste thAt Mrs. lartioer had left her , 31ant•a of Port Elizabeth. South All -1
cattr'llgeel •"hy Ilea fioe week De Wet 'husband. whereopen the Preeident alkat, n3.5a0, for tae Ottawe fire fund.
and 5'eSa have teen tiannin iht the 'sai•l. ":Why, she is quite Rafe in pre. , 'rite tee,. augget yet found
Orange a'ree Seete," ' toria. ethe would oece suffer personal tte Kloodifee was piekel ap en Gold ! 14
• The aarresPeinlent here inseratered, 'incenvenlenee here. She wit! •atv,ait nte• 1441 recete'lla It .`aniZrted, 77 onneha,
"But tiurely the w.4r 4.4.4 over now tbe 'return 1Vith C:AltAtte•€4 Antt ceurage. 31-14 afaa valaad at h13.A.40.
ea pa al 13 telten r ahe k a lirave women. I am here , narlitt -catahahora hav" vnted i
• d
President Kreger exeteilinee with awaiting further infermeaien. We fav"T al the howls of $41,040 to the
eatergy a- a
ere etirretinde4 lty felthfut burghers, • 1.'"11-;.:- Velvet'. Utaiitford, Gelt and Uri.- 1 ii
, tin Elltetrie Railviety.
"Cepa Ai 1 Whm te 3 ...tint Al t it '.1.10 Are sloite N'Afe'''''
tt,"• 11(,,•:: 4.44.1aSi4,-, 44f tny pArt'r.i',"f.Ar V'•••ri• i1 1.11it 11.'1 .1. WAtZZ.hh111?:, SAYS REITZ, : Same London, Ont., oonfecaioners are
leolen of EI4., ALA 440.'7 tr. -1%;,4 to._ . ta...-.. stoite Se •ret icy Ilene inter- caerged with vitae:big the Hotter law , in
pzei!ie n copied, the seet id Govern- la`ht'l•— by setting " laranaly eitoeoletes,n said - a
iwer. tn tins cue Toere is n'thtair in iy novena open it that the to be mole in Teconio.
Ile re „on eine._ e„.,- ehteaa eh 0, har welt ,,,e net- (oar Nee. Taere will les .liteepla heitailait. a lineman in th
natitocy is invade". at. te one., eett it iaiterAle werefere taVi.r ;III 44144f 114.411,i 4•Tal,41.4 of grit, Elevi,ric. Ligni ,s; row" ti
• PA.,.3. c.,11,14, -?red, Lt..: 6,..i.,r,..,-.,:1-:;,3,--4,3, ,,.., ''"-'4' W" will i -'"i11°.- co 'Ilia anti. Wt• 4.7,4111'315:Fa receive:4 a fuel' elataele trona
— de
land his spirits are good, even to the
8PMI Er I;
I ."‘A !point of what for hira is unusual pea -
at larity, wlaile his interest in home and
foreign affairs is keener than ever.
Newsy Items About Ortrselves
Our lieighbors--S,omething
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the Globe.
The Patriotic+ Fund at Ottawa now
amounts to $298.000.
•AL Dawason aa,000 W33 subscribed or
the fire sufferers at Ottawa.
Coiorado wolves are leing extermin-
ated by Inoculation with virus of
ra bias. "
New York State apples leave been
awarded ftrer prize at the Parts Ex-
A negrca woman at Richmond, Va.,
dropped dead from fright on seeing
the eclipse.
Nearly 55,C09 men will take the
United States census. wench will cost
School census of Indiana showa a
pa/at:fat:on oF 2,638,483, deerease o
he197 front 1t4'9.
Laaloning killed Frank CemPhell
Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese.
In the Leading Markets,
• Toronto, June I2.—We had a8 oar-
aoads of live stock ontsale here to -day,
but eight aa. wan the supoly trade was
rather quiet, though prices, were
acaroaler eiuntably ebangeds
tel eattle were firm, though
sales were not eafectea as quickly at3ra
.e mien have been, oerbuyere
ated 1..)ab- the high tignrea asked,
ann buyer's and sellers were a little
Stocker; bulls. and milk cows aro
f unchanged; onler a law feeders, liere,
and enquiry light.
Good veal calvee wanted.
Slr•eP are a abode easier.
Yearlioga are steady, and one! ang-
Areb, Motrieon eat! Woo aetiler la a
shipyard at St...Clair. Mich.
An antcpsy. at New Toon proved
that an ertganeer disappointed an
patent, dead. of a broken heart.
Toe State oh, New. or has expend.,
ed in the last twenty years ania.,520
for Investigating coranentees of van -
true Ulnas,
:imitator Clark. og hiontana, has set -
led a dowry of $14:000,00a upon Ma
.eiagleter, •whee was married on Alone
Your of a family of six while site
at the suer tehle at Anohat.
alma, were ante eud ktiled by rteigh-
Carl Raub of Celeveland shot and
hts niece, :glee Berth -A Yucker,
teacher, and then leillea ItineSeif on
Thatoote nfunetay, ageti 99 years, 18
ed at Little Creek, Dal. He never
ew a railroad train, ated never used
fluor or tobaceo.
At Media. Pa., a hey egad eight.
tared his two little brothers front he -
g burned to death. But laie mother
nel a baby periehea. •
'VC eight-yeer-eld sl.iughter of
, jaaane )3ro*U. Mtri posbet itno a boo-
m by a 1/40y4ix.tl8 atti hitrtied., t
out at Ainsteolent. N.Y.
Twelve enevinetts of 'leo familte
ere fouino ateld neer 31mogetine1n•
W. Va , Tees b i,e 7 est o owe .ana
ettalen flom reailota tuettraetars
M 4.. / Cab title retire eta ay.:ieenatro, liV,• iirtk 4
11, , ne v :etre eve can h-441 etre f(me in ens The prounnevi. of the. e1t•patic 14;
late ...ftr. ett
.3 VI 3 I
NI IIV:VItaPII Itioerea
, e ere. e '•e 3s0v4I 4 L-'''',4gon; Kru-A'r, r"qiN'z 14`giitt *144' eow,trutetion f
, 1:. • ,• 1. -even:ea la a eios rt ate k roeul ileme twa
1 t uthere sein te. nee h 4r0 4.4414lg 4 great ;41.sta
:7. 44 lea :7 tte fauet. it. altoorn- an (i4u49 in dafiereala peril of New
r. i4rA... '1 ;4,14; al t 11.• ',A•••
e11444141,ittgl were ente.-P4:. -.,%4 • pee. T%,,n, in high fig2, kir:tett vi14,gi...
*,h st •h. • m-
' 1' "414 44 " 1' 11 aTiet Caine for teatime iequI
Nv6 foam 114C creens in 11414 Ytalton
khirsi in consialitiabai lltitieS48
narearr tit it I fa • U4 -we oek 110 to jjawotott city. The hatinn is esti
42 1.44 24/3I'' '311 irk= ir:S kly Noqiitel is left for OM ttOW late urged by tate Iraulee at $2,5,1164.405,
3 ii -s u s. i de• ae. an hoitingh.
jht'e“nvieted WeliAnd 41414 11 4114..
_ _ "4."•"'"7"4_,I,.. miterot h aye been tact at work in the
Kingeton penitentiary—laugh:tan .ae.
tinting the attains. Neilin in the ratt-
Cornnorition of the Yeomanry Cams
Months Yet Before Wo -It General!. 511"4".-""P` ""d W"14" 1".""Iti""1""t
ittaan at Linti/ey. can lie Resumed. Edward Juy, wait:lawn ea the Gran
" Trunk. reassiug At King etreet nest
A tieentattla 441 1.^40l4k44 frOftt London tys :—The luntilkon. was Nrith the mu
..hatth,„..,thh haihrh.. he,014,,hhi ealato has been aeeeived bronze zu,„1:a for sae-
eatien. eeir urea lay the botre : t• 2sruto the 1111•• hag tie. life of a little girl aimed Sul
tate landley. ear ante, Roe.: o alley, • it'ea Centanissi;n:er in•iat the etto.esing. on April 30111
carettets 'If two frieb nee 4 tAt4i L4A frel •arHn'r I john J. aelaandier, who etaut and
certinantee tai the Duke oi ezubrititons ." Celt "faiwn, June 7.—It repurt- weeeded „1„ A. oheeneie, cp,R, din-
c.,tutiany. Whieh •••';43 reg.ardott ls the ml"rt nnd
woe inalittlina laird Lionottoeentaren 4 ,1.:41•14eztrstaarrgee: ilobla:Lhetr,08 ionngtectlartosuipueprintendent. and was 'tent-
imprieonment At Mont-
er oo, 0,,fithony ,h„, „mho,. nam_ oit'll"! fee the Ti'ot:weal from neat real in March, 1889, has been par-
ti4 WAIL` families. Algoma !he i'-‘itied wlrnin4 11(‘ duTuheelcommanding officer at Water-
tuein in the renke beino vantly Anreesia .111 SALU1'41.1y. Ceannot pultne
efft•ere are the Earl ef Leitrim, the. ena.le preele,ure returat Leo town., N. henc cheque 0, Kings_
11 trl „f Lougawd. 1,1.tri of En- TlwY "r`l de`alll'4`1 C"Pe P"."' to t • f • th fl t •
nimtre. tu.i will only inete.ise the nutalwrs 0;13, Ot 3 ag ,oen down
eupperiai by tatiray. it must lie 1 !M`15 '241'11 by 3 "I""ber
ye who has been court-martialled
4A.411i.:••', a mouth,: -4, :east. is3toreilie:,i' I73n- - •
auit dismissed.
ha -4 p04.9011eil fwa.
4. i(3446) tlesuer..4,41,‘, 1;:p :be 1 te
4,geit.3 in a ;5 pang 4:14' on a ne ea
amid Pacific Realneel, heaven Pella
City awl S'e.1 a Near 181* t, hue tad Oui
hectare amen pataler.
V. S. Senalor Jone‘ stys t.1. Com-,
red -sumer Peek Iris only taccounted for
S1a0,01t0 of the n1.400,0II0 apprepriated
ley tho la. S. Government for the
'aerie Eepoeition.
The hew is afier a brat manufite-
turer in Appleton, Wie, wale dress.
Good elating lambe are wanted.
Only atiput 150 abeen and lataAbe
came in.
LA.hiewt Raz linuared hose came in;
prices are hue -hanged and firm.
Pr4Ine WaSS 1503!ing from 169
to 200 lbs., the topiprice as 67-8e ; hea on
laves. 6
1 -to ; and light hogs, ne per
FeJowjn Z Me range of quo.a-
elk tat,.
Shiopere„ per etvt. ,$ 42,5 $ 5 10
• Downer, chalce do. 375, 454
Butcher, meal., to gaud. 3a5 375
taunter, Inferior, 300 Cro 1-3
atoefters, per ewt. 3 t0 36a 14.2
Sheep and Lembs.
Sheep, per cwt. . • 117O 4
Yee:Nage, per cwt. • 450 525
ttirtreV4Tr.e 40
igt. • VII
tilhers and Valtee.
ceoar;s.es. faCe.14..4eh.. . ?a
Clardee hogs, oer cwt. Fa 617 1-2
Light hogs, per cwt. . 059 6
ileety hogs, per cwt. 600 6ea
Sows. • • • 9 300 325
Wags. . . • 225 50
1'431-0)U$0, teem
w beset in Claieaget vont noted 10- fey
and British, markets mere firmer all %
DOMPIIION 11111111I,
moos or Proceedings In the Nation
al Legislature.
Judges Boyd, Faleonbridge and :Uwe
•aedeat, are to form the comnalesion
vohich will inveatigate the eliergeeo
corruptiou in •coanectiou withe eitec
tions, to the Rouse of Commons. Then
powera in tbe way of enquiry ere to
• be very extensive. Their aeteutiou
is directed eapecialls to the electiona
of 18.120 and tan leyeeeteections. subse-
quellt thereto, but they may go as,
nancia farther back a.-4. in them may
eeeni At. They will to inatrumed ta
report their „findings, in the different
-e' • ions, and to recotaireend whate
• ever caanges in the low they MaY
think neentetery in order to prevent
tlie recorrenee of such irregularities.
As they have no peliveiThaninfiict pen-
alties, the chief benefat to be derived
; &eerie their inte.stigotion will .probabe
be in tbablie exposure of wrong-
; doer's and their methods. The ark"' •
ItOtitikketkierft ontbe subject was naade
by Sir Wil'Crial 1.„1,44•Ier in the House
in the shape o xzOrder,411,e0tIOCO,
Whit* ha read..
au;eok. answering Mr. ;Casey.
said the eioet master at St. Thoratie was
auspendea because the inspector had •
reported aim inronapetent, indo:ent,
neg:47,ent. Af.etwards, reprosen-
ta were matte thet theee charges •
were not Iran nztd Cootralet
strong and joepeetor elegettereon were
atiked to nitafte a further report. They
concurred in fiuding the postmaster
guilty of negligenee in not keeping two
wicketa oirea, and in too 1104A/ding
nreeterheetivity 011 tite nart of the.
6r4C ago ihey nal ion think the oast.
noteter had been 4840114U incompen.
kill. Neither did they thattle hm
shall ceutain 280 pounda of salt, and
that the present provisions for the
raarking of salt in barrels shall aopiy,
also to salt in bags.
Mr. Frost moved, eteconded by M• ee
Cowan, an amentinaent requiring that
to every ball of binder twine there
irt411ioand tua dthepg.:x:1)07 ,ii2of
s03efeoele; tale; pmaiaut,
facturer or agent, reeoveraloe within
-days. Mr. Frost exelabied
• that, owing . La° wa.
In Manila. it wee" inieossible
to get the inaterial tom -early; need, tied
an the Mairutateturera were getting
easai from anexice and. .New Zealand
he tome vaeuta io thialtneated
no that it sometimes runs on.ly,
459 fest to the pinned, ineteen of 600
an bfitOZO the war. A:fter econe
discussion the ainendeemo MIS ealowe
ed to stand o- uorl.t,:irezcsou. sideration
and the goznini• tee reset.
On the immigration eetimetea
Poster ebjected to.31r. J.aironard,
Registrar ot the Yukon district, ho.,
hag •at the same tinao t member a the
Quebec Govetaament.
air Wallin/ said that the!, practxce
V5 s a oannnon one, to wraten he 0,
hooted, Tr 0fr_. Gironard did not elect
whelk pesition he would hal& be
would be made te eIeot.
The ruke,a eatunates were all POAli'k
444 pot tor dtscussion Ott the supple
naentarteal Mr, Sutherland read
81,4t0/113tki fili0Wittg114flfrOTrt altl7
1867. to Becentsber 81. 1304 t•h•a
e'rxrpckeln4dItthu5re3r, ;Q
eXee3s Q ravel -me over expenditure of
itahtla to blames for the St Itkk kit 4.
-oplittil. July 40, licviA in 14g,i zultEe f.lirS4.144ttipot44t4 d, g/II3IIVII 1110 110$1.
gem a1 3-4 4`5111104- 1.4.4111 orient uht'hof d'at 104 4'e:t4v4" dsorvivo
Melte tik winger. atianiteta is were up le thIra0 4:e1'z•31 I'mr "1 114"
a mom 011%4,4111 were fain, nut tan staff. Lathar the eine/hest Andes, ellia
ed up his adopted fetal elm year eld
laughter in hoy's clothes and put her
to work In the brickyard.
The !Donee •Geuge Company, of Phil-
tielphat, iteclinee to furnish appirt-
-• ties for ships of the United State*
. navy on the ground thet the proprie-
tors are members of the Society of
Frtenas end are opposed to war.
• Rossi- an Niltiiibls are said to be or-
Sotin is ereeting forts under range
of Gibraltar's gene.
A erisia is impending in Corea, ow-
ing to exei•ution of two Japenese
There are now 5,71;0,003 persons in
India reeeiving relief. Cholera in
Bombay and Rajputana hae not abat-
For painting the words "I am a
Buer" on the gate of a Wick, England,
nureernrin, Miss Dorothy Catlin was
fined $20.
The Grand Vizier of Morocco, wh
died recently, left a fortune of 85,009
b/11k .1:4d now in the oony And
allowed 1„, ream,. ,,a ()nerve moulders have demanded en
wora ta•zier ally e.t.a r.•:•Itt wed."
im2reass or 15 per cent. in their wages,
The Irish Yeomanry Lost Heavily
Before Surrendering.
• A Oespatch from Landon.. says:—The
list of eastailties wily 7orunt-,7; '!itrn,a2.,r,h
Gen, Sehalltburu7- ;nst.1.11s Three
heneetes tiro there ea., si.ri-tti. 1' -iii
harteales : .• -
in o before the Late Yeenoture etirreo"navy,
n- • I Ulu rein is badly nee -led an nearly all i
&led. :tiready the trAme, -.1,f Pi n:en 1. A Oesp a , ...la foto P, .1 en a, ..sunday I dietraitts. Despite the dry sweeten, how -
betted end 23 wounded neve. ,,..„„hintehi, vt . 1. 410 el ,;-..„.„a „thee_ I ever, crops have advanced niee.y, and
issued. The kieed include eir joint 4•ila :""14.1khar'ter 1114 ': ''` tooted from l with elaowers wiahin a weak no great
Eitiett Cecil Power, Bert, 'lee enooth •1-Y'le1tilur4. rloq'e -Are ill'ee Ht/tries
the ei Artillery in the for!. s, 'N. i damage will be do•ne. The bay erop
.vountled is •the Earl of Leneferta .
. k June ere ose mounted. e.
her, h,..1,7 I. Wiii be light.
'our Iriah judgee had sees in the 1 It is said that the Allene of Scotland
Wien -Of fn. 13Aina
th Ye omit n ry 1, 11,-h her .,4 '1414 ett et- eolizetil vas heal !anti Canatia are. behind the proposed
s cattared, nr„ e, Ar. Porter, 8044 ,ot , -4" 1114 tojela • at 11 -,• , on.ea...ien et rong , new Royal Ulster Steamship Company,
E. Ta -m-- . e 1
— onerew Kirshall Porter, the.1';'!"Ltil,i,i'„L'...* -.ere •••-na •!.,1 leusteneurg ',Limited, v.hieb. wee reeeotly iticorper-
Irnh Mas'ar of the liollS; W143 killed °lid " a en "aret 1•1. •LWai•'‘ the etivenee 1 ated under the le ws of New Jersey
arzli Mr. W;.Holtue.s, son of Rt. Hon: ' under .itf... fqr..e„ A' ;Jen. BAlen_poweit 1 to run beats between British ports
Hugh Renmese
,ee of Appeals, . and too. Palmer*
- and Montreal. Heston elle New York,
\ent Suett' • e : -
was severely is untied. late Va,koitett, Oat Trentiveal or -an, GREAT BRITAIN.
' las1 nignt• hit i-orli..attAck..1 the Porto-
gue.ie• au+ horitii,A. It ainoai that Per_
tugel has been guilty of numerous
bratehes of neutiolity, anal said it
hoped 31413 powers would see th t t 1 '.
and the employers offer It) per cent.,
which has been, rejected. The build -
era isk 20 cenes an hear, and will
strike if their demands are not. met.
Crop reports from Manhole./ show
British, Under :,,ajor BlIsle, C. use
Agitation For Its Removal to Johan-
de.spaLoh from Cape Town, says;
—The foreign reeidents of Yohannes-
burg are agitating for the removal of
the Transvaal to that atty.
There is a general desire that Mr.
two entail Bepu.blk.i received flit. play.
the kloers Heavy \gas. against the resoarene of a m.orld Ens -
A despatch from Londoza, palely, ;ire.
says ;—A despatch trona Pretax.), 3
that the British under Majer
captured a machine gun, and caiheed
I3oers heavy loss, the British ceseho.
ties being slight.
, .
presenee of British Warships Looks
A dospg ten froin London, Thursday,
staan—A despatch th the Daily Mail
fromLorenzo Matches says thit
unoch Signifiertnce aroched to the -
presence tf many British ...a rehipe in
the harbour there. 11 18 gerateoly
znitttj that if there is tentesae en the
Transvaal borde,r between tile...seers
and poet egue,se,
the Portugueen The lat•tr aree
Rose-limes, the Opposition leader in easy over the prospect of difficultiee
the Cape Parliamerva should be ap- grownig tent of the. landing oe aro_
pointed ohiefjuatice of the Transvaal ash troope at Beira.
ote,reenetietat aneee..„, ente
Hon. Joseph (114 otberl,.,in is said to
be suffering- from gout.
Under municipal ownership the
wages of Liverpool Street Railway
etnployes have been increased and
hours .-hor t ened.
A rumor is current in the lobbies
of the liouses of Parliatnent, London,
that the Marquis of Salisbury will re-
tire from politics after Care next gen-
eral election.
The Free Church Asserably of Scot-
land approved by 592 votes to 29 the
union with the United Presbyterian
Church. The union wilt be effected in
John :Redmond, who ie in Ireland',
arranging for the Irish National Con-
vention, says 'that the Nationalists are
unprepared for the election, and will
lose several seats i the event of an
early dissolution of Parliament.
There is no ground for believing that
lead Salisbury contemplates retiring
from- the Ministry of Foreign. Affairs
of the. loAdIrship of his party. Ile has
never ro.erd totted such a contingency.
Thin is one of the favoritetat ornaments
plants grown indoors, its large,
gioesy leaves utakiug ahaudsome ape
pearance. They grow thickly along
the tell sievAter stem. and ae they,
drep ea they grow older. overlap each
ether all down the bialt:. The pleat
KIPP)5 warm and untiet atmospbere
tinder witieh roudit ions it suekett a soft
sad rapid growth, which keeps the
;leaves a bright glossy green. When
steps to take a rest the wool hard-
ens and this makes the lower leavee
411ria pilaw ar epotted. When grow -
g the unfolding leen which mots
lantvenwaral like a church spire, is a,
beeutifill Bert pink, tinted with vele
eon and white.
Generelly the owner of a rubber
pleat permits at to grow es tall as
tt pleaeos. It Itowever, the leaves on
4 htgher. Quolatione, are as fellowse—
i Onterio red and t'lliate, 65 to 61 1-2e.
north anti west; east, 65 1-2 to We;
e2St. :11.111i1-4 t No. 11*ard.
7*4 1-2r, Taronto, end \WV. 104'. *Lt.,
lake/Pawl rail; ana 75?, Owen Stlund.
Vfour—Tone is firmen in sympathy
ail% wheat. Straight reller, be buy-
14 IM, freigh s, $2.an' 1-2
P4'*' blal bil, eekeil. Speen1
brands. in wont $3.90 to $3.
Millfee4—Du11, Bran. 813 to
and shorts, ale tit $34.50. west.
Corn—Steady. No. 1 Atnerican yel-
low, 41 1-2e 05 traek here; and mix-
ed at 44e.
Pene—Rathei tirmer. Cir lane ore
quoted nominally et iI8e, north and11
4.4 4r:foramina e44-144441 fl4 hi • Ntriifellis
4014 IN.1.• 4etitatitat mark of nayao-
FrOVat• 41441 :Rimini etteenteity onavent
the etinalusee connolinee 04 from 1,eaale
ropeAte.i. U41 had, 4441o4tli1403, been
ci.trko 1.4.48 iufaranta
frid Likurier ails sieve Juan to, lata,
the Deptirtnieut 02 Jnattice hr peid
out $1,t1l5.14, and the Deeertanent of
the interior $1.120,87, iu et/num:tam with
hkk 14t34811 Lthtur Aet.
REPRESENTA 110N ue I mos,.
Ilibbert Tupper wes told by Sir
liturier that it is not the ha -
tent km of 114' tievernment this steeion
to tee& /,-karliam oat L" Pr0114te Oar the
west, anti 59c east. ? represent at inn of the Yukon dietriet in
Thriey_Doll. No. 2, 39e wezt. and !the Haase of Commons. The Govern-
ltle, nista No. I, 41 to 42e. natal has :banded to wait 14)1( 11 at t cc
Rye—Ptearly. Car lot; west. We,
nd 43, (test.
Oats—Quiet and easy. White oats
north and west, 20 1-2e; and east, 27
Buelrwhent—Quoted at 50e weld,
and file east.
Buffalo. June 12.—Sp1ing wheat—No.
1 Northern, round lots, 78 3-8e; No. 1
Northern, car lots, 74 1-4e; Winter
wheat—Higher; N. 2 red, 75 1-2e; No.
1 hv,hite, 74 I -2o. Corm—Steetly; N'o.2
yellow, 42 34o; No. 3 yellow, 421-2e;
No. 4 yellotar, 41 1-2c; No. 2 eorn, 42
I -1e; No. 3eorn, 42c. Oats-aanronger;
No. 2 -White, 27 Lete; No. 3 white, 203 -le;
Noe 4 white, 26 We; N. 2 inixed, 25e.
Rye—Noanfnal. tflour—Firm.
Chicago, June 12.—The gravity o
the crop situation in the North-West
000 stored in the fortress of the palace
of antrekosch.
Germany has hundreds of million
invested in various parts of the globe,
and is rising in importance as a
money -lending nation.
The official organ of the Bond Min-
istry in Newfoundland strongly ad-
vocates a union with Canada, and
foreshadows eolitical action to that
Representative Perkins, of San
Francisco, vvanis Congress to make a
grant for the re.liefe of starving India.
West Derby, a suburb of New-
port, Vt., hrUS an epidemic of black
canker rash. Three deaths have oc-
curred within a week.
Millionaires and society men of St.
Louis have been drafted for the posse,
and must carry guns for thirty edays,
as guards, during the...strike.
atal Government Asked to Re-
nounee Responsible Government.
O. de:vetch to the Central, News
rom Newc.antle, Metal, says it is un-
erstood that the Imperial authori-
ies are approarleing the Government
f Natal with a proposition that the
oony sb.all voluntarily renounce re-
ponsible government for a certain
riod so that a system of Crown
ove rnment 1 may pe esitabeishod
roughotat Brinell South Africa, :elide
ge in coarse of time, to federation
zid th.e zubeetenent extension of au-
nozny isimultaneously to all the
ate,s. 1
was a main factor in a broad and
buoyant wheatmarket to -day. ,Tuly
closed 17-8 to tic over yesterday.
Provisions at close were firm at •,12
1-2n better in ribs to 3 1-2c up in pork.
Primary receipt's aggregated 575,000
bush., compared with 808,000 bush.
last year. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported, 438 cars against 870 last
week, and 637 a year ago. Local re-
ceipts were 55 cars, one of contract
grade. Estimated receipts to-mor-
row1—Wheat, 50 ears; corn, 425 cars;
oats, 240 ears; hogs, 25,000 head.
Minneapolis, june 12.—Wheat— In
store, No. 1 Northern, name, 67c; July
67 to 67 1-2e; September, 68 1-8e; on
track, No. 1 hard, 69 1-2e; No. 1 Nor-
thern, 675-80; No. 2 Northern, 66 1-8c.
Flour—Up 10e; first patents, $3.70;
second patents, §3.50; first clears,
$2.65; second clears,. $2.20. 13ran—fn
bulk, $10,50 to $11.
Duluth, June 12.—Wheal— No. 1.
hard, cash, 71 1-2c; July, 71 3-4e; Sep-
tember, 72 3-8callo. 1 Northern, easb,
69 5-8e; July, 69 7-8e; September, 70
1-20; No. 2 Northern, 67 3-4c; No. 3
spring, 63 1-2e. Oats -22 1-2 to 23c.
Corn -37 3-4c.
Thousands of Burghers Take an
detepatch from London, Thursday,
nays 1—A despateh to the Times from
Lorenzo Marques, dated Tuesday, says
that thousands of burghers under,
Commandant -Genera: Belha hare tak-
en an oath to continua Ihe struggle
to 'the bitter end.
the next Censal, Oben the enact eon..
dition of the population win be better t
ho lower part of the eielk fell off
is best to out out the tetrainal bud
ma forcing tho side buds in the axifs
the leves to form branebes. But
puseible keep the plant grovviog SG'
t1112 does not base He foliage.
When at rest, water sparingIT when
owing it will use more wino: and
op cool, When growing it Min 41160
ndore multi/At. The finest Indoor
lent we have seen bed apesitioni izt
he southwest half of a bay wiandow.
Mr. Pron. WAN told by 3Ir. afeloak
hal an endeavour ie being made to
nevelt a reeharead arrangement with
the United Stelee pest al authorities
In regard to the collection of intauffi-
tient po.stage on lettere, sugvs-
tion whieb hoe been made by Canada
ie to adopt the rule which generally
prevails amleg Ow countries which
are members of the postal onion.
Bourassa was opal by Sir Wil-
frid Laurier that neither the Govern -
meat nor ane• of its members have
)sen consulted as to the conditions
upon which the South African war
should be settled. They ure not eon-
siderang, the advisability of offering
any suggestion or opinions on the
mat ter.
On the third reeding of the bill to
amend the Bank Aet , Mr. Reel meind
offered an amendment to the effeet
that, when a bank leaned anoney ou
goods, wa rehouse receipt s, or simile r
seeurities the transaction shoubl bo
reguaterea where it would be °pea to
publie inepection.
Mr. Fielding said this was contrary
to the principle upon wheel banktng
had hive:Lys been conducted in Canada.
The amendment was lost,
The bill was theii read' a thard 11-015
and passed.
The House again went into commit-
tee on the bill amending the weights
and measures act in relation to the
capes:ay of berrels. Sir 'Eleuri ;Oily
explained that he had incorporated
the suggestions made by different
speakers, so that the act will now ap-
ply to apples packed for export in
closed barrels, and that the, barrels
steal! represent as nearly as possible
90 quarts, or three bushels.
• On motion of Mr. John McMillen, a
clause was added providitta that when
eggs are sold by standard dozen the
dozen shall mean one pound and a
half. He explained that this is the
English rule.
On motion of IVr”. Holmes, an amend-
men 1. was added, :requiring that when
salt peeked in barrels the earrel
The botanical name of this plant
Sleeves are growing larger.
Graceful ;lotions spring from with-
A woman alwaye likes to look at te
well-dressed mato
Lots of men who start in to tut a
figure turn out a cypher,
Self-respect should teaeh every wo-
man to preserve her gaged looks.
A woman will put the front door
key under the mat and then walk
away with the most blissful feeling
that the house is perfectly safe.
Au ill -fit ting or inappropriately
chosen glove can mer the effect of
an entire 'costume.
Cynicism may be fashionable, but it
has a very unbecoming effect on the
cornets of the mouth.
Style is born in a woman.
A man who sneers at women ought
never to be trusted.
We often worry meet over the
troubles that never come.
The wisest man can always learn
something from the smallest child.
We newsy outgrow our juvenile con-
tempt for the person who rune and
Women nevec enjoy an intellectual
woman who does not know how to
A wise mother never criticises . the
conduct of her children befara stra.n-
A woman out never to marry un-
less she loves a man better than any
one else in the world—better than
The Paying Teller—I cannot cash
this cheek, madam.
elhe—:Why, not? .
There isn't enough m.'oney hete - la
meet it.
Then Oittlit you meek it half way?
Punston—See here, old ebe.p, what do
you mead by taking my jokes and pass.
log them oaf as your own? •
Funston—Wellyou see, it's this
way; I'm a good. -natured sort of fel-
low and don't mind taking a joke from
a friend. '