HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN.
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowest
ates of interest.
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Barrister ,Solicitor, Rotary hblle,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
Properties at Lowest rates of interest.
D. S. D. D. S., Honor Gradu
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office to Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
treet. Exeter"
British. Government Has Plan to
Deal With the Boer Republics.
Scheme for the Civil Settlement of South
Africa Deolded Upon -Sir sU,frod Din-
ner to Ito ltetstned as nigh Commis -
Fie of
lone -Hie va rout ill id War
s r ` lr c
Is More R.eassurinr-Gen. huller nag,
et Lain a*f {r
London, Juno 13. - It is learned
• DR. A.R. KINSMAN.L. ^ by the Associated Press that the Gov -
eminent have at last decided upon a
Plan for the fiscal settlement of Soutlr
Africa. The details are kept most
secret, but it van safely be said that
the ()range River Colony and the
DR' : iiib 11SOfi, (D^ D. S. L. D. S.)
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University.
and Royal College ot Dental Surgeons ot
Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, ar d Plate
work done in the neatest possible manner, A
for 'less
fc m
ess a
The strictest attention given tothepresorvat•
en of the natural teeth.Office opposite Cent
tral hotel Exeter.
and send us with Stcents in silver. and you will
met by return. wail a GOLDEN BOX OF
ail00P$ that wall bring you in MO1?s :MONw',
in cne month, tban anything else in America.
• lv. Te
Salem--YATmG th. N.5
.t>~ thordbull, hred Durham 1b ( re gistered.) 14
months's old. rean color, for sato on lot 4, con.4,
lfsborue. This is aline animal.
S IMON BUNTER, Proprietor.
Xaroter P. O.
Of William Stevens, late of the VU -
• loge of Exeter, in the County of
Huron, rented fanner, deceased.
•, I
Clara I-9.
atatoC t*
• given sursu 1
, e f-
Notice S 1
tact fir
fa O.1b57,Lhat all perscas having claims against the
sande of the add William Stevens, who died on or
about the let day of Mas,190o. ' are required to fiend
cr:Or before the kith day of June, 1 "ilt, by post pre -
Maid to J t:, tanl.urv,11 A, Saeter i• 0, selh itor
forthe Adruinistt:ttrixof theeaitl war Stevens their
arses,atidrts;:tsand ,r.111 tioasttitit partaemareat
ilteirelaatt, aril a etatiLa .' of their a totusas and
it* natureatheetenritaa tit any) held by theta.
And notice Isla -nay given that atter the hast mite
timed date the Faid.idnuatssratt.\ hill proceed to
,itistrtt,lttc•Ora a,qtst;tthe alaitletla ti MUM; tiro
erretiestraitied thereto. harm„ regard only t., the
slakes it which notice .hall hese lnen given ;50.$04:
s uirctt ; and the taut Administratrit: shall not be
Stehle to the said retets her any part theret=f t" ant
pparer n(ricams tiuhrse claims netlee ehaltnot
h:tvet:e a recta til ly her the date of such di.trilr-
J. G.ST.4Ssl'1:1i.
Solicitor for Adnenietratrie.
7,ratol at Dater, r, ti'e ::lath day of Mg. Vol A -
five Packs of Cards Freer
One t k. atlas I. C. t". Home.' OnQ aelc
fico One t ; . • lirtat
.se .t i 1
l+' p
' y ds Two,*
;sigh ltt ^ 1a t pack 'Ota Sofa Just, L
Samples e f ,0 other stiles with book fall of no.
a,iosua ., ,.a uc silver Qr
• r' A,iv.KI.'NEY',E.T,.
Sa►1em -1 armouth. N. S
Foreign securities in Prance are free
tram tax when they have paid no diva-
itlend or interest in two years; but tho
malnister of finance has lately decreed
that in order to enjoy the immunity,
,security -holders must produce balance
sheets, inventories and minutes of the
general meetings of the company, cer-
Med by i'reneh diplomatic agents.
The military commander of Paris has
ordered that. placards illustrating the
evil effects of eicohol shall be placed
on all of the barracks in that eity.
These cards, which are Hung in con-
isplcuous places, show on one side the
interior organs of a drunkard, and on
:she other those of a temperate man.
Beneath is a brief explanation of the
pathological and moral effects of the
mouse of alcohol.
According to the laws of good so-
ciety in China, young widows should
sot remarry. Widowhood is therefore
field in the highest esteem, and the
elder the widow grows the more agree-
able her position becomes. Should
she reach 50 years she may, by apply-
ing to the Emperor, get a sum of
money with which to buy It tablet, on
"flitch her virtues are named. The tab-
let is placed over the door at the prin-
cipal entrance of her house.
Officers of the regular army are
greatly disturbed over a clause in the
army bill. It provides that "no officer
* * ,z shall be detailed as a bar-
tender" in connection with post can-
teens. It is said that the military af-
fairs committee of the Senate was
urged to strike out the word "bar-
tender" on the ground that it was an
Insult to officers to intimate that they
'could serve in that capacity„ Now that
the objectionable phrase has been
enacted into law, there is much indig-
The British Home Office report for
1897 shows that while serious crimes
tend to diminish in England, there is a
great increase of minor offenses. By
far the larger number of criminals
convicted during the year have been
convicted of some crimp before -a fact
that led the Home Office to conclude
"that neither penal servitude nor im-
prisonment serves to deter the habit-
ual offender from reverting to crime,
aid it is the habitual offenders who
form the bulk of the prlson popula'
Von. '
Transvaal will become Crown colon -
fes, the latter probably being renam-
ed the Transvaal Colony. Sir Alfred
Milner, it is declared, is to be High
Commissioner of South Africa, in
SOW of the opposition he has incur-
While tbo civil settlement lencntwill
drawn up so as to be eventually inde-
pendent of military enforcement. it is
realized that the initial work crust
be effected with the co-operation of
the troops. Sir Alfred Milner ail-
pears to believe that civil reorganiza-
tion and military pacification con
proceed simultaneously. and that
ltoscil Ie scattered rising, will not st r -.
totlsly retard the progress (-r renr-
gani^ahtfl*n. once it is begun.
Neat natio ate" trig «•trtlame.
The Colonial Office is said to be of
the opinion, however, that the main-
tenance of good-sized garrisons at
such centres as Iiloenlfontein. Kroon-
stad, Johannesburg anti Pretoria will
1;e necessary for a long time after
the Crown colony systent gets in
working' order, r this reason, mid
others put forward by Sir Alfred Mil-
ner, the idea of granting, an auto-
utonious fortis of gevernt;tt•nt has been
abso t
ltd ne 1.
The final niers in this decision have
been taken during. the list few days.
Mr. Chamberlain sent for Mr. J. P.
Fitzpatrick. author of "The Trans-
vaal from Within,'. who is well
known in connection with South M
rican affairs. and spent a whole day
1 '
is ctconsultation';rconsultationwills him. Mr. Iitz-
pattriek will sail far gape Town June
10. to go111 the Atka:ore. Coin nsittee.
which Sir Alfred Milner is forming.
nutter Perces Almond's Itek, and the
nnestte,a is A0
• "Where Is
Asked: "R to
con. Lord 3lethu,n""
that the Chamber of Mines at Cape
Toevu has agreed upon 580 represent-
atives of 131 leading mining and
other companies, who will proceed to
Johannesburg as soon as Lord Rob-
erts decides that it is practicable to
receive them. Sir Alfred Milner as-
serts that he is doing all that is pos-
sible to reopen business, but is dis-
couraging the return of the Uitland-
ers, until the question of transporta-
tion and food supply are more set-
Government Will Grant a Committee of
Iureatiaa4iou-Air. Davi„ s )action
About )ir. $ltton Voted 1)o,%u,
Ottawa, June 13. -Yesterday af-
ternoon in pursuance of an order of
the House. .Dr. Borden laid on the
table of the House certain papers re-
lating to emergency food.
In speaking of them the Minister
of Militia said that they were not
yet complete. Ile expected in a day
or so a certified copy of the aff'idav-
its ntado by the soldiers who were
experimented on with protos at
Kingston. Besides certain analysis
of the food, made before
and after
the recent debate, were not yet com-
Mr. Davin said that Dr. Borden's
snaking an analysis of the food after
the row raised last week, shoeved
that he believed there had been a
case made out. and so had praetic-
tiIi Fane into an enquiry himself.
' '";ret. Laurier said that if .any
member had etnubts regarding the
trausaetialt after reading the papers
handed dawn. he could have an en-
Mr. Monk, the originator of the
charge. asked: "Would Tlr. Morden
produce some packages of the food
sent to S. A.?"
The Minister agreed to do so.
Mr. Monk ---"Will he bring down
the order that was given from bis
departanent, or elsewhere, permitting
tate free eutr3 into Canada front the
United. States of the stuff that was
sent to South Africa?"
Wilfred Laurier said theu
would be looked up.
Mr. Monk -"Would he give the
nonce of the analyst who analyzed
the stuff called vitaline that Was
sent to South Africa?"
Dr. Morden said that be would lay
all papers ort the table.
The Prime Minister said that as
soon as Mr. Montt made his Charge
of fraud a committee* would he given.
Mr. Monk said the was preparing a
charge. and would lay it before the
London. Jurat 13. - The War Office
has posted the following; despatch
front (sen. huller:
-Headquarters in Natal, Juue 11. --
We forced alunind's i tdt to -day. It is
not marked. on th.' cheap, but is the
last defile to Charleston Flats. The
enetny were in considerable force with
several guns in position. 'I'he brunt
of the lighting fell upon the Second
Ikarsets, who carried the position at
The point of the bayonet. and the
Third Cavalry Brigade, who were
heavily attacked on our right from
very broken, country round Iketini
hope our casualties are less than
100, which, considering the extreme
length of the position, is much less
than 1 expected The whole attack
was directed by ]Iildyurd• whose dis-
positions were extremely good. The
artillery, Tenth Iirigade and 'Third
Cavalry Brigade did the most of the
O Lard lIrtl,u
here e Is .e
London, June 13. -The following
despatch has been received at the War
Oilice: from Oen. Forestier -Walker, in
command of the line of communica-
tion in South Africa:
"Cape Town, June '12. - The fol-
lowing is from Kelly -Kenny: June
11 --No connhtunication from Methuen
since .lune 7. Ile was fighting on
.Tune ti, to the north of Cetchkop.
Steyn is near Peitz. The British
prisoners sent- to Vrede are well
-LT'S' Sr513.EADY
Reduced to SL.8
Mil 1. Feed and (; en
IN e t OCK. •
C• `:']', uDICK & SON
Tit.. Dorr•r. Were Defeated.
London, June 13. -The War Office
has received the following despatch
from Gen. KellyeKenny:
"Bloemfontein, June 12. -Our
troops from the north are at Hon-
ingspruit (south of Rootiev'al, where
the Boers cut the British line of
communication), having defeated the
enemy. They will be a t. America
Siding to -morrow at S a. rat. Gen.
Knox moves out from Kroonstad to
interrupt the enemy. Fuller partic-
ulars later."
blunter \1'310 in command.
T.ondon, June 13. - From the sub-
joined telegram it would appear that
(len. Hunter was in command of the
troops referred to by Gen. Kelly -Ken -
in his despatch from Bloemfon-
Bloemfontein, Juno 13. - Gen.
Bunter is corning up rapidly from the
northwest, having severely defeated
a l;'r•e commando of Boers, who had
des:rayed two miles of railway north
ot Iaroonstad."
The railway is in possession of the
British again, and telegraphic com-
munication with Lord Roberts is.•ex-
pected to be restored to -day. Gen.
Hunter's force is apparently the One
from the north referred to by Gen.
Trolly-Taenny in his official messa;ae.
Gen. Tlunter must have crossed the
Vaal from the north, in the direction
of Pot .ci efstroom, by a really bril- •
giant march.
i, r,dnn, Julie 13. --According to a
ds se, all to the Daily Express from
oat., tlodor p, dated June 10, via
I.t,l e zo Marquez, those around Pres-
ident Kruger say that Louis Botha
and Delarey have been offered indi-
reei;; £l0,000 a year to lay doe,n
tbelir arms, and President Kruger
expects the some offer to bo made to
himself, President Steyn and Dewet.
President Kruger believes that the
Britlt.h make these offers to close the
war on the principle that it would
cost less than to tight it out.
1Y. e, Ar* A11 rt••s,dr.
House itt a few hours.
Col. Prior wanted to know if Dr.
Borden had called to South Africa
concerning the emergency food.
Ilr. Borden said he had conlntuni-
cater] with two officers in South Af-
rico, but it was not desirable to dis-
close the nature of tate CODUI tthhica-
"Was there any analysis of the food
before it was sent to South Africa?"
naked Air. McNeill..
"I cannot say for sure," replied
tha :llillister.
Mr. Wallace asked: "Where leas the
food delivered and who received it?"
The Minister: -Halifax" and "Dr.
Air. W\'al)ace depreciated tate custom
of bringing down papers in dribs.
The house demanded more papers on
this topic.
After Dr. Sproule had been told that
the Minister did not know whether
the foods were paid for before being
delivered or not, and after Dr. Bor-
den promised to bring down a paper
showing that the ration boxes sent
to South Africa were opened before
being shipped, the incident closed.
Davin 4bar•
ala utf
"Want of Watchfulness
Makes a Thief."
Many cases of poor health
come from want of watch-
fulness. `Batt if you keep
your blood pure no thief can
steal your health.
The one effective natural blood puri-
Iler is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It never
Impure Blood -"My wife suffered
with pain and distress from an affection
the throat caused by impure blood. She
was almost in despair when she turned to
1 Sixbottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla. of this
ruedicfne completely cured her," Jes x
WECIOIAn, Galt, Ont,
Scrofula -"Hood's Sarsaparlila has
cured Inc of =refute. I was weak and de-
bilitated but it madame strong and well.
Alter a severe cold had catarrhal fever.
Again resorted to this medicine audit cured
me. SARAN E. I1ZROY, Annapolis, N. S.
blood's I^irls cureliver ilia; the uon.irritatteg and
ealy cathartic to take with hood's. &araaparina.
Exeter, JUNE 13 01,190 0.
Wheat per bushel ... .64 to 61
' Oats ... 29 to 31
Barley...•.. -... ---- ...40 .to 45
Peas.. 60 to 65
Sutter...., ...- ...1414 to 1e
12 to 12
Turkeys 9 to 10
Geese ...... 5 to it,
Chickens per lb. ,.,
Ducks...,.. ., 15t o 18
Wom.... ..,. . . '" 1to 6
Apples... ..
Dried pp "$7.75 to 8,00
Pork dressed...".- .... -•
London. J["ivk. 13:h> 1000.
Wheat per bushel,.. , ..'
63 A O60
a . . 35 te..33 to
60to t:.
Peas Barley.. , 3& to 42
kto 48
Buckwheat .•,-.. ....45 „5I to
.... .,,,...,.., ...
...."' l
1449 47
65 7056
D15 16
60 to 70
Turkeys per b.... 10 to 12
Geese per ib . 9 to 10.
Chickens...... 50 t10 75
Cheese 8,50 to 75
Potatoes per bag
Hay per ton .4S1.550 to $S� 500
Pork per cwt...
Sunday School and Christian En-
deavor workers from Huron County
meet in seaforth on June 10 and 20,
"Delays are dangerous."
who have poor, weak, impure blood
should take Hoods Sarsaparilla at
once. It never disappoints.
Mr. Archibald McMillian, of Harring-
ton, a elan of 74 years of age, while
pruning an apple tree in the orchard
of Hugh I elly, of East Nissouri, on
June 1st, fell to the ground and sus -
Wiled fatal injuries. He never 're-
gained consciousness and died on June
and eyGs!
Thou fire Unlailing
01 Health.
Mr. Davin moved for au immediate
investigation into Mr. Sifton's par-
tiality in giving timber limits to
Theodore A. Burrows, his brother-
in-law. An order -in -council passed in
July. 1895, stated that certain tim-
ber permits might be given only to
saw chill owners, with mills in op-
eration, who nebded material to keep
their mills going. Such permits could
be given only to saw mill owners
manufacturing timber. But Burrows
got a, permit for 50 miles square,
though he had no mill within 40
Hailes of his limit. Besides he did
not get his license till after the or-
der -in -council was rescinded. Fur-
ther, he cut timber on a section not
located till after the order had been
rescinded. Further he violated the
order because he did not manufacture
a single foot of timber.
Mr. Sutherland said there was no
irregularity in the transaction, and
declared that Mr. Davin had no basis
for his charge.
A vote on Mr. Davit's motion was
taken at 10.30. It was Lost by 37
to 72.
The; House then went into Commit-
tee of Supply on the estimates of -the
Indian Department.
;:it Is -,,,- at ire a 1tes14 ],:sue.
Ottawa, June 13. -In the Senate
yesterday afternoon Senator Landry
asked many questions re the Mani-
toba school question. Hon. D. Mills
refused to answer because the ques-
tion was a dead issue.
Senator Landry thought other-
wise, and declared that the refusal
of Manitoba to obey the remedial or-
der laid the burden on the Govern-
ment. They should see that the
judgment of the Privy Council was
carried out. The voice, of the min-
ority was still crying for justice.
The supplemental supply bill for
$225,000 was received from the Com-
mons and railroaded.
The skin and 'Tea are tan unfailing
tihermolneters of health. If the skin
bow spots, eiuptieni. unhealthy pallor
or a yellow appearance, and tori eyes a,
glazed look, with yellowish whites, it
is high time to purify and cleanse
the blood and regulate their liver and
kidneys. Paaine's Celery 4`otnpound
makes pure, bright red blood and re-
lieve the liver and kidneys of the
strain that is brought upon tlleln
whenever irnptire blood is pouring
through their subsea nce.
Tubas been fully proved by eminent
medical nten that I aiui s Celery Com-
pound supplies that needed and
appropriate food that overworked
nerves aro too feeble to extract from
ordinary food taken into the stomach.
Paaine's Celery Compound increases
the appetite and puts the digestive
organs into shape to pass the food
over to the hood in such a perfectly
prepared condition that the change
into nerve, brain and tissue substance
is easily and fully brought about with-
out waste of nervous energy or wear
upon the liver, 1, idney or stomach.
In a word, Paine's Celery Compound
builds up the weak, wasting and edit
ions dis-
eased body ; it gives all the c o
of health that guarantee a long and
bappy life. No other remedy in the
world has ever doue such a true and
noble work for suffering humanity.
Make trial of one bottle, dear reader;
it will convince you that you have
found what you most need to make
you well and strong.
Hagyard's Yellow Oilreduecs swelling, allays
inflammation, takes out pain, and cures cuts,
burns, bruises, sprains, stair joints, etc., more
effectually than any otherremedy.
Mrs. Alma Goquin. Bald, N. B., says : "I had
an attack of Livor Trouble and Indiggestion.
and decided rand oro lasting effect thany had
remedy I ever took."
A britt, fresh,
eisa1 always
and it always denotes good
health as well as a happy heart.
Many faces were once overcast with
gloom have been made bright and.
sunny by Road's Sarsaparilla which
cures all dyspeptic systems, strength-
ens the nerves, and tones up sand in-
vigorates the whole systen.
Constipation is cured by Hood's Pills,
the non -irritating cathartic. Sold by
all druggists.
The anniversary of the I(irlt.tou
Presbyterian S S will be held on Sun-
day and Monday June 17 and 18, Rev.
Sowers, of Brucefielcl, will preach on
Sunday morning and evening. On
Monday 18th, the annual picnic will
be held W3SetnA naGrave.
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia,try Ca
rter's L
ittle Liver r
Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine for the price in
At the Conference held in St. Marys
eleven years ago the Rev. I. B. Wall-
win, now of Leamington, was ordain-
ed. He is the only minister now a
member of the London Conference
who was ordained on that occasion.
Owing to 111 health, Rev. Mr. How-
son, of Rettenbury St. Methodist
church, Clinton, finds it necessary to
take a rest from active labor, and
about the middle of July the expects to
leave for Pennsylvania Sanitarium,
where lie will remain for several
Sundridge, Ont., June 13. -- A sad
tirowIlii:g accident occurred here yes-
terday. William Lang, Robert Jones
ted dames Lang were crossing Stoney
<.cose in a, boat, and the water being
ety rough, the boat capsized. Wil -
1i.: ua l.aang and Robert Jones were
drowned. James Lang, being caught
rupe attached to the boat. was
rescued. The bodies have not yet
been recovered.
Callendaa, Ont., Juno 13. - Last
evening John Gagnon, in the employ
f ;henry ''Mat'sia, lumberman, while
Lor,drtn, June 12. --The Colonial Of- o
flee l as Milner,
aa telegram front Sir
June 5, saylna tntoitthe water and was dring on a boom of owned slipped
Alfred Milner, dertod
A Mst-ke
Trade Marks were used as far back as
the 16th Century,
They originated from the signs that, in
the early ages, were hung over the shops
telling of the wares inside. To -day the
trade mark is branded, on the goods them-
selves, enabling the purchaser to identify the good
from the bad and indifferent.
On a Slater Shoe the name and price appear on the
solein a slate frame, o and ,00,
Goodyear welted,
tiL��K'*�.1►t1?' i+�;,'V'it'ti'�'�">"C,���t,?t��'�[^,-�'r�.�'�'+1!"�t'i0d'""C�,
CAT,T, AT , . The school house building of S.S.
,No.8, Dowuie,was struck by lightning
�Nlral�i. llastThursday and both
Meat MarketEtckb odweusstunmbeyhshhckl,
For first class ° -
CORNED BEEF, Groat Bargains
A. fie selection ofi 1 R CASH r 161
and all kinds of 1 BUGGIES
Fresh and Salted Meets i
on hand.
Note the address, one 'door north of S
The R. Pickard Co'
.•.....t+ -e
AN ULD AND ti'SELIeTatEil 12kltTrnT.-aMr .
\Vinslow's.S'.00thitag Syrup has been used for
over tlfty yet is by millions of mothers for their
children while teethin with perfect success
It soothes the child, softenstlu gums. allays al
is the best me
wind olio, and t
pain. cures wi collo. . Soled
tOr 1)Iarrheca. It is pleasant to tho tanto
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents and ask fors value WYinlincalculable.s hing
Syru and take no other laud.
If you havo Pale, Greenish,
or Sallow Complexion, Cold
Handl and Feet, Loss of Ap-
petite, Dyspepsia, Lae( of
Energy or Stomach Troubles,
You Make
A Mistake
s store.
To THE DEAF. -A rich lady cured of
her Deafness and Noises in the Head
by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Eau Drums
has sent £1,000 to his Institute, so
that deaf people nimble to procure the
Ear Drums may have them free. Ap-
ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780
Eighth Avenue, New York,U. S. A.
Buy the Best
ignore the Rest
In the end you will find.
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables,
Chairs, Etc.
Are oft= hardest to slink': oft and frequently
load to coneumee ion. Better have them cured
promptly by 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,
Il1rdscscltwigs nod ourng best for healing
and od
"I purchased a bottle of Dr, LOw's Worm
Syrup for m • little girl et years old, and gave
her the medicine. Tho result war she passed
15 round worms in 5 days" Mrs. B. Roy, Kit-
na li Ont
mn g ,
"For some nano 1 was troubled with very
severe headaches. I tried Milburn's Storlinix
Headache Powders u,ds r
Mrs. BrkeLiny Ontao.
When you do not use Dr. Ward's
Blood and Nerve Pills to counter-
act these conditions. Why ? Be-
cause they contain all
elements necessary to build up the
human system. The way to a cure
lies along the road from the stomach
to the blood and nerves. All food
is acted on by the stomach at,d pre-
pared for absorption into the system.
Dr. Ward's Nis ate just the pro=
per help to a tired system, and dif-
fuse a glow of health through the
whole human frame.
You feel youreelf getting well
when you take Drs Ward's EL
and Nerve Pille.
mow per box, eve boxes fee $t.00. 4.11 drug.
slap, or Sion Williams Is Oa, Tomato. Ont.
Hot -weather
Is easy to attain, easy to
retain if you
Cs -t.71:4_
.rzaloltertss s
OseS..O eSI0e•S00sssea3000000ss0
and cures all summer com-
plaints ; regulates andtones the
stomach; keeps all the organs
900 tablets $L00 -mire gnaraateed or
Money book. it druggi,te or by mail.
252 St. Paul Street, Montreal, eon
D. E3raunds
Carriage shop, Exeter.
Meat Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new pleat market one door
Solltic i
i 01� �i�l'1���,e� Moro
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly an hand.
GET SOMETHING f fl E ..44 1 Ssdherland hnnes Oo..TD..
you want t
�o have it, ,
Take •
k a look at our full line of 1
T T will FURNITURE and you will l
find what you are looking for __.A.1)-.
Operaliouse Block.
Tells How Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills Cured Her Ner-
vous Troubles and Strength-
trengthened Her Weak System.
The Old Reliable Remedy for
Diarrhea and Dysentery.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are an
inestimable boon to anyone suffering from
any disease or derangement of the heart
or nerves or whose blood is thin and watery.
Mrs. E. Horning, of t s5 George Street,
Sarnia, Ont., is one of those whose experi-
ence with this remedy is well worth con-
It is as follows :-" I am pleased to re-
commend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
to anyone suffering from nerve trouble, no
matte: how severe or of how long standing
"'For years my nerves have been Mae
terribly weak condition, but Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, which I gated
Geary's Pharmacy, have scree
them greatly and invigoratedry system,
leaving me no excuse for not riio.
their virtues.
I collo r a as a splendid
these pills to alt suffer^
for nervousness rind wcalteass."
Grandma Mrs. Thos. Sherlock, Arn-
Utied It. prior, Ont., recently wrote:
My little girl, three years of
age, was taken very bad with diarrbcea,
and we thought we were going to lose her,
when I remembered that my grandmother
always used Dr. Fowlers Extact of Wild
Strawberry, and often said that it saved her
life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child,
and after the third dose she began to get
better and slept well that night. She im-
proved right along and was soon com-
pletely cured."
r °HlB
Apply to
E. C. Kessel,
A good Assortment.
We want to clear these lines at once.
The Thaler -
Tired housekeepers.
Disordered Kidneys bring them
a multitude of pains and aches.
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail youlrsf'lt, of our offer. We
are show lli<,",• a tine? range of +io appetite and seehn to be pains and aches
all over.
Black V. orsz Pd 111 twills, veno As a rale the real cause of the trouble is
tians and i'i:tym (bought be are
the last one thought af.
It all comas from the ?sidneys. These
the heavy 41vatice ill price ' delicate little filters of the blood get ont o!
and selilt►l Ir the old prices.)to.iceimttoNsitieth.yegmug.ht to carry off are seat
order.e,ndasaresult the urioaoldandothez
Nice • su t,s fu 14 n f;�,ucy
How often women
give out before the
day's work is fairly
eegun and sink into a
chair utterly worn
Bat the housework
must .<be done even
though the back does
ache, and the head
feels ready to burst.
These women can't
understand why they
are hover strong, why
the night does not
bring rest, why they-
are always tired, have
t a i f1 z TO show There's no use trying to get relief until
worstet t - the kidnoye are restored to health.
The easiest, safest, quickest wap to ave.
CUt Cll �l•tl: ti ' '1i11Z1 UIUll tweeds eomplish this is to take Doan's Sidney Pills
11, -natures' own remedy for all kidney
e Bary a fail`..+' and well as dieases and deran ements.
I$ le A
.orted stock. %'rides to suit
big 1g all clone:ate prices
as -
Martha S. cost, Litt iver, Dlgblr
Co., N.S., recently wrote as follows: "
all Alar e Mock of the gat- have much pleasure in stating that Dosn's
est ood:i' voa, oercfor singt • PYllhad°bo a sxlffer1yftnp�oved
in th sin.
from { $10 up. beck for a number of years andat the s
I began taking'Doan's Pills I was croon
recd ing known GTT 'TSA GAL 1J and See suable to do any housework.
"'cannot refrain front
what we call do for you.
"I have used three boxes and must sit
J. H. Grieve my f noon.
MERCHANT TAILOR. Kidney Pills for kidney tzoublef."
they have taken the pain out of ray bss
and restored strength. I dorsi Wiitak
there is any other medicine Wel to s