Exeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 3•••
Notes arid COMIlleatS.
Reports of the famine in India grow
steadily worse. The destitute now ewe
ployed oix reliet works number mere
than 6,500,000, with a weekly rise la
the total; hondreds of thousaode are
on missionery relief, while in some die-
triots cholera is completing the work
of destruetion beguu by starvation,
The area of scarcitn greatly exceeds
that of the famine of three years ago,
and includes over 90,000,000 of eerple,
a mass whicei cannot be adeqnately re,
lieved by any ,human agency. The
Indian government is doiog every-
thing in its power to prevent loss of
life, is ponring oat money like water,
and in the British territories haa per -
tented, and set agoing a relief s3'stem
better and on a larger acale than the
world has ever seen. But even this
is unequal to the need, for Diving to
the extent of raany of the affected dia.
Wets end the dense population, ttere
_ Oa— not enough wlaite officiate to sup -
ire vise its working, though every Brit,
ish civil and military officer tbat coia
be spared is utilized, awl native egente
oatiocit be trusted.
DI the uative states the eituation is
much worse, ne adegoate organize,
tion for relief existing, and though
the Calieette. governmont has laza
there exPerienced 13ritiSh Officials to
supervise the work, the mortality
-trom sheer etarvation is reported aa
very heavy, endeed, with ibe eteady,
weakening ot the population, the
tendency a the wbole reaes of the dee-
titute toward death mut a1 the week*
go by be sharply aeceotoated, and
even if food hi eecured, the fever arid
dieeases lvbiela follow faralue, and for
win h tbere eau be no relief, must ill
kill Of a great populetion. To in -1 L
ereatie the gle011lilieSS of the outlook. 4
with a race ot farmers and herdsmen 11°
the mortality among the cattle, which Ol
dependeut upon the soil for a
hood, are indispensable, has been
frightful, in memo dietricts eighty to
ninety per cent, having died, while in
a few all have (Hs' • '
.11-jE ..W.AT WANT. OF.REST.
Rev. De.. Talthlage Speaks of This:
World and the Next
A despa tele from Washington as be sounds their lungs; ihe measures
Bev. Dr. Talmage preached from the 1 rthigehirt, oar athture; they must be just
following text: " Arhse ye, and de- 1
Part; tor this te not ey are rejeeted. But there
cab it, 10. your rest." -11
' i-ej ellen be no partiality in making UP
I this army of Christ. Whatever your
This was the drum -beat of a pro- 8
pnet who wanted to arouse his peo- I moral nr PhYsinal stitture' wilateve;
pis from their oppressed and sinful i "hues, whatever your weaknesses. I
; your dissipations, wbatever your
eonclitiou; but it may just as Pr°' i be a comnaission from the Lord Al-
perly be uttered now as then. Bells eh
by long exposure and raueh ringing i —41L:
1 to make up this regiment of
lose their clearness of tone; but this , redeemed souls and I cry. "Arise ye,
4 . and depart; for this is not your rest."
ronsing bell of the gospel strikes iri ; sr
as clear a tone as when. it Vest rang i .--arlY o4 "4 ha" 14retY iQined tbis
on the air, i con:malty, and my desire Ls rt4t you
to reat here. They builded themselves .f. —anif 411
You and I heve seeo tame who tried I oema7 ally.jot 0114%; hleio'brfs,neextp.lerierunot:
great atores. They gathered around e
i that what I bave said about Onto
them the patronage of inerebant •
; world is true—that it is no place t
priacee. The voice of their hidehoolt i t'est In' There are letutelreds here
the ratuatieemarkete. They had atook ; wearYhet/h• how wettrYeewearY with
in the met Successful railroads, and . ten; weary' with trouble; weary with
in "eatety depoetsi" great rollsof . bereavement. Some of Yen have
government Securities. They bad em. .! been Pierced throagh and through,
blazoned carriageo, tiglemetiled I You oerry the scare of a thoueand
steeds, teotmen, plate that confound.), 08aat1leta. la which you bay° bled at
ed lorths and senator; wbe sat at l' ery pore; and you sigh, "Oh that 1
t/aelr tehle, tapeetry on wbient float- n had the wings of a dove, that I might
ed the richeot designs of foreign. fly ewity and he at rest 1" You bave
toms, splendour of canvaa on the . taken the oup of this woricl'e pleaaure
wall, exquisiteness of musio rising : and drenk it to the dregs, and still
among pedestals 0 nronze, and drop- i the thirst claws at your tongue, and
plug, soft as Hobe, on snow ot eculp- , the fever strikes to your brain. 7cou
tare, Here let there rest. Put back Wye obased Pleasure through every
the embroidered ourtain, and ebake I valley, by every stream, amid every
up the pillow of down. Turn out the b •
e 8, and uoder every sbadow;
ghtef It is eleven o'clock at aigbt. but just at the moment when you
et alluanber, drop upon the eyelids, were all ready to put your hand upon
nd the ah- float through the han- he rosy, leughing sylph a the wood,
)(mod lattice drowsy with mitisiten- abe turned upon you with the etre
pr perfunte. Stand back all care of a fiend and the eye of a satyr.
xtety, and trouble! flat no t they her loeks adders, and her breath tho
will not stand beck. 'They rattle the emit damp eh the arohe, out or
lattice. They look under the canopo. 'Jesus Ohrist no rest. No voice to ail -
With rough touch they startle his
. 4
1 at
CMG oarime have been formod •with en
a view to keeping alive those that the
survive, for without anon there des
can be little cultivation of the foe' ,nw
when the rain, do fall, and none get
where irrigation by wells dePonded
lees. They cry out at twelve, secloek
night, "Awake, man 1 How can you
ep wheel things are so uncertain?
at about those stacks.? Hark to
tap, et that fire -bell; it is your
trict I How if you. should die soon?
ake, Man 1 think of it 1 Who will
your property wizen you are, gone?
your um half pia out, your Bilge
What will they do with it? Wake UPI
worn with the needle, that in th
world you may 'lover lay down; 3
How it you should get poor? Wake
discouraged ones, who have been we
of tRiaing' on one elbow the man
ortune looks out. into tbe darknessglat for bread
ing a hand-to-hand fi
of the room, and wipes the dampness ye to wkom the night brings litt
from his eorehead, mad says, "Alas I
For all this scene a wealth and mag-
nificence -110 rest I"
"Wake upl" says a rough voice,
"Politietil sentiment is changing. Bow
if you should lose this place of honour?
Wake upt The naoreting papers are to
be full of denunclation, Hearken to the
exeerations of those who once careened
you, By to -morrow night there will
be multitudes sneering at the words
which last. night you expected would
be universally admired. How ean you
sleep when everything depends upon
the next tura of the great tragedy?
Up, meat Off a this pillow I" The
man, with head. yet hot troral his last
oration, starts ne suddenly, looks out on
chain; out,
upon the night, but sees nothing ex-
here a bright light put
eept the flowers that lie an his stand, and there another. and yonder anothe
er. With such griefs how, are you to
or tbe scroll from which be read hie
speech, or the bookfrom which he i
rest? WIII tnere ever be a power that
quoted his authorities, and goes to his 464 attune at silnt voles, kindle
the lustre of that olosed eye, or. put
spring and donee into that little
foot? When we bank up the dust over
th '
on for OrnpS, and $2,667,00D have been
expended for the puroliase (tattle
and seeds. But the government can-
not retie:tee the whole loss of cattle,
and private charity is needed to aid
its efforts in thia direction, as well aa
Lor the relief of the multitudes who
owing to their religious beliete, to
slekness or improvidence, will not take
theineelves to relief works. Among
these classes are those who are pro-
hibited by mete from. such labor and
herding as are unavoidable in relief
works, and who die rather than sub -
m1 to it, the women who are never
seen save by their near relations; the
sick, and those who live in remote
districts, and who eling to their homes
till ail food is gone, end then wander
earth only to die by the roadside. To
these food rause be taken or money
supplied—the caste system of India
when given the means acts as a char-
ityorganization on a, vast scale—and
thie work must largely be done by
private charity distributed through
the miesionaries, hospitals and bene-
volent societies.
Experiments to Lessen Aeezzients in
Experiments have been made at
Vershbolovo Station, on the St. Pet-
ersburg and Warsaw Road, with an
invention of Mr. Nikotaieff, designed
both Lo give warning and to leessen
deadly effects of railroad colli-
sions. Two wrecking railroads were
provided—on the firet, the sleepers
were displaced. In both oases the stop-
page was immediate by the aid of this
device, without outside assistance and
without injury to the moving trains.
The essential feature of the invention
is an iron tube of usual construotion,
connected with the general systena of
brakes Dead. plaeed in front of the
wheels. At the least irregularity in
the movement of the train the tube,
In consequence of certain cuts made
on it at Intervale, breaks, and thus
:ht. produces- an iminedi ate s oppage of
the train, locoraotive,as well. The Ex-
ile:Al/Ong Conmaittee found that the
tube fully accomplished purpose,
Sack an invention is o,f the galeatest
inaportance in Riuseia, where railroad
aeeidente are a common occurrence.
According- to statistice,
publisbed by the Dever tment, of Rail-
ways, the irember of fatal railway ac -
entente in 1893 was 4548 in 1495,
5,763; in 1896, 6,017,
L'adia rubber heels on shes, de-
creaeing the fatigue of merching, Will
3001: be adapted inn the French army.
The ,A10t/d' bizths amouut to 39,-
7920900 every year,' 100,800 every da3r,
4,3(10 every hour, 70 evney, minute, or
one and a tractioe every eeconcl•
Me the atorna. elet light to kin
the darkneee. No dry dook to rep
the split bulwark.
Thank God, 1 can tell you som
thing hotter. If there is no re
cm earth, there is rest in heaven.
ye who are worn out with work, ye
hands calloused, your [melee bei
and the top dust? Not no! rod 'rhe
tomb is, only a place where we wrap
our robes about os for a pleasemt reap
00 our way hoe. The swellings, of
Xordan will only waele off the dust
of the way. From the top of the
grave we eatch a glimpse of the
towers. glinted with the sun that
neer sets..
Oh ye whoee beeks are we, with the
dews of the oiglit of grief; ye wbose
hearts are heavy, because those. well -
"The Reeding or Five Thousand." 'John
eloldea Text. sato 6, Up
Verse 0, 0. When Jove theo lifted
his eyee. On a. kill overlooking
the plain ot Butailaa Jesus ant his
I isemles are seated, conversioo o
nown foeteteps sound no more atl holy things. Looking up, lee sees
the doorway, yonder is your rest! great eompany wbich had come on
resit Tlaere te David triumpbant; but i foot aroead the lake. Ile saith uoto
enos its bemoaned Absolom. There is i Philip, who woes e native of this re.
Abraham enthroned; but once .he I gion, and would know who kept foocl
wept for Sarah. There le Pant exult- for sale. Whence shall we buy bread,
ant; but he once set witir his feet 10 that these may sat? This question is
foe facets. There( la Payson radiant, as( to prove Philip, toe test his faith
be was always sick. No toii no re
eith howiortal healtb; but on earth J and gooadwottydiadios.g, for Jesus knew
hat h'ough. no nfglit. No stoim to fit a 7. 0. Philip aeswered hien. and hie
the crystal sea. Olo alarm to Strike ii evea.le bis eharacter. It mail
from tlie cathedral. towere. No dirge be lenntt not unPr°t4it°11114 to gne'53
throbbfng from seraphic harps. N011, what Peter or Thomas or John or
remor in the everlasting song; but a:tuba would have said it thee neer
t—p,erfect toot
a that rest how twiny Cif ou . ja dotibter our a man of spiritual i
no partings, no strife, no agonizing
/eyed ones hayo gene! The land sh ati,4 Ight.nor a traator. Ile was a plain,
nsouroina or tile heath Never in 0114 prat:alert! men, whoee point of View
eMoitirof My -Ministry have so many was not unlike that of a moclern
any cengregation been swept off hccinesh man- We can
efeetmes The little children be" ,! ctirefelly oheerving the crowd and ese
en gathered. up into tee bosom et 1 timating its numben
phet foretold by Moses in Data, 18.15.
often identified with Off Meselab, See
Aote 3.29, 93; 7. $7. Tbat shoeld mete
into the world, One the Moat
popular names of the promieed Meagan
the Coming One. Here was
noting man dirootly deeceteded from
David, pare in character, kind to his
fellows, speaking aa never man voice,
d dolog deede that mede all the
orld Wonder. Ho in Tiberiae, or to
Some Other eapital if Tiberias was not
yet rebuilt, was old Herod of Antioas,
ticentioes, murderous, tyrmanous, and
feeble. Why noe hurt tho- old tyrant
from hie throoe and crown Jesus of
Neearetia, the one true gailleon who
was a descendant of David, lie his
stead? So ready were the twelve to
seemed thee raiedirected enthusiesee
that aesus had to "rousPerl tilem to
return by water while he voluted the
exeited crowd.
Heys On the oationetd end iritteie
Tillie Ok
wor le Me f'see--MR Mita
Xeens 10 OeCON or nrevery.
The Orange Free State's area is
tit 7e,000 square utiles, and thO
ailmber of farms in over 7.0e0,
Pansies, with your human fares,
You are queens and lovers loyaen
Queene, indeed, Wet tender grareS,
kluge he colors royal.
Maitie of gold and sliadee of ureter,
your tawny yellow tressee,
Are you dreatniog when you slumber
Of a iover's sweet caresses?
Princes, geyIY dressed in yellowei,
suo-keseed happy facea—
un, Yen are etiele loving feilowel
Most you die with ale your gmees?
Carmine pansies, ill yew tiriting
1114 ereo oeten the baniee" story
Of tne rainbowte merry glinting,
Qr the nettiman's eunset glory/
Nene in blade with suony traces,
Tell me why you, are not einging?
Tear -drops glietein On your faceee-
Are the tea-drep.1 pveyers Yotiere
Are the melodies you're singing
Of the land that knows no. eorrowt
Will the -theughto" •thet .you are
Bleee in home glad teonoreetwf
F,LOBA le a MTS.
Perenomes. atter bloseemin mao be
ivided and rosin. If well shaded tee
w day, vietil new root growth.
a place, they are MOTO eertein tO
One a them wear nut of the 'Prie° of f°04, and rolditd thet two 'ottio down with enteric feveg were deferred until autumn. Ametegr nul-
1 e A letter from Ladyemith abates that 1 winter well than if transhlenting th
tither. who died a few
f a wfdo„-04 mu. ti„,, rot/wale hundred pennyworth 4.43t) would be a !'given boiled atervh, to eat, for leant 4t4 Ivili tizut Perennials more &atom
week. be, " cenillerativelY entail amouut of bread. i of anythiug better. factory thou animate.
fore, In its last moment it eeerned i hurdle' enough so that every one of 1 be Boer Governments are disseran tote elovere if left anateterbed,
to see the departed fat11er. for it sant:, theta. Ulay take a little. Tbis in epite iinating tbroughont cave colony an will spread and overrun the lawn. Tbe
looking upwerd ivith brightened; of the feet that money bad much afpetil 10 the colonial Afrilmodere to ' onlY waY to exterminate it le to use •
()there put down the nork of Said.,; HOw• Loile and Mark together give the heyraot,"
esutenanes "Papa, tate rue pe s greeter purebasing power then then rise and join them in fighting against : a Sharp spud and cut each plant just
'le, feeling (bey eould herely lie spar- a tie here on intereeting passage of eon- 1 A recent letter from the Cape start.
Lel= the crown; then it wilt not
are to be spared from if far over. ;i alheitiel said. "Send the muititude
nt from the stare or Weep for a d ieell trersation which John mato The States that the 10th Hooter:I bad ouly ,‘ In hot, dry weather the airila
of our people went in tile `4,30, totray, that they noie go into ale : "IQ to the eve. Atwater t• avalr,s, h red. in a protracted drouth tine fa .
; three harem left of those the regiment , arotend flowers, sheuld he ofteo etire
One came tottering en hld sl iff, audl towns and country rountOiliato, and ,regiMent had only Cinema.
used to sit at the feet et, the heihathl ledge, and get yiettahho hetet 631(1,1 A. Queenslander writesz—"We cane! et by la judicious wetering. inateseif
Inoperative. Pleads are often injure
light that Lelia from. the it
hie wrentheh fue canon! utile toe ',I "(live ye thieu to eet." The apostles nut 4" le61Pru" '/'
• gir • 1 .
. o an we go anti buy zwo hua, j to the hunshiest Tommy who is doing 4; the foliage. If tbe o-etering is dome
,. s , pp ied etben the 'Sun ia bet, injeree
,s God. Another that wets ne a eel to toe :j dred pennyworth of breath and give !;n141. ‘v°rk' ThcY van h3ve Australia ' fa
die i than them all; from my tot lt catle idle,' them to eat e" the morning or evening. wetting
lir limit OP. Raving lived e hie of Ciarito! tinny loaves have yo t Go and hee." bar."'"
jmua m4141, ettew "at the Cepa to the Itiet Matt WW1 the ground only aD inch, or to the
ti consistency here, ever busy with:: Andrew Simon Peter's brother. was, ;', 4S. correspondent of the LondonDaily 1 shallow watering id long conttnued,
; men parehes and bekee it. and; it the
e- kinilnesses tor Iter children, her heal ;` with Jelin. the first of th .eelve to
lefell says that he Teas cliertteal 42 tbe roots are dr in to the aurface.
it tuff ot hint meek and suiet epirit (4j. Jesqe. bad probeely gone Os. 6d. fur (edng Ole to his ono 1.: Draw tne soil %way' front the Plants
Oh that In the sight at Cool of greet ;I at once to see how =illy loateet there member of the Royal einedian contine: !ming a lxisinoillape,e space about
ur prim, suddenly her countenance was I were, and hie eoggestion wee made "ns' tring Seve'relY 14'.°1•1°"'l in WV).- ' the Walk. Pone in 3 EloautitY of wa-
it transfigured, and, this t r, Ile %eel -elm -1 bectuee of the mitnifest meagerness. b".4. 13(4iPli41. I ter from which, the c,bill hes been re -
great cloud of wituesies Om hover faro a demand.
ed, and she took her piece amid that the diseiples' supply to meet so .1, sergeant of the yorksbire Regi- 2 moved; pees to another plaut, teaving
os about the throne! wont, deseribing the terrible thiret iF., it tu sulk inbo. um grouod. Repeat
endured oo the mob to relieve Kim- l' til the ground, la well saturated,
morniug more drudgery
t hey
we p
out, '
It i
—oh ye of the weary hand, and the
weary side, and tlae wear,y foot,
But there are some of you who
want to hear about the laud where
they never Lave any beat:Wreaks.
and no graves are dug. Whore is your
!ether and motber? The most of you
are orphans. I look aroural, and where
I see one man who has parents living
X see ten who are orphans. Where
are your *children? Where I see one
family circle tnat is unbroken, see
three or four that have been desolat-
ed. One Iamb, gone out of thee fad;
one flower plucked from that garland;
one golden, link broken fr
desk kto flush his neglected correspc.nr,
dance, or 10 pen an indignant line to
some reeorter, or sketch tho plan for
a public defence against the assaults a , the sted never to be
broken? Is tbe cemetery t� hear no • 0 HER PREFERENCE.
first lawyer's brief; exultant when he
of the people. Happy when he got his
no sound but the tire oil the hearse- lee '43rien—.80. -CUser and Costigan
triumphed over his first political rival. 1°18°1; or the tapf theI light toe Miss Indira b
Glorious consolation: 'fluty ire not 9. There LS a tad here, whieli bath berley, anye
deed. You cannot mike rue believe rley teems and two smell fish- that several m ..tt rtn
01'4 Q' then replace the dry soil drawn away.
Co.n. With more love theu thit
Mitch they greeted tie on wirlh.
%witch, us from their lag+ plaee,
their voices rimer us in our sting -
for the sky. Hail, spirits blessed,
that ye have paseed the fizz° and
the crown:. With weery feet
ress up the shining way, until in
eating reumon we shall meet
. Ohl won't. it be grand when,
eonfliete done and our partings
we she'll clasp hands, and ery
'This 'is Moven?"
a end io say farewell on earth
Sad to say farewell in tbe
ent—to gaze eternally up to -
the place where our loved ones
but be ouraelves thrown out!
O bitterness, and the agony,and
teart break of that last parting!
thronea of your deputed kin -
by their gentle hearts, und the
nese and love with which they
all yon from the skies, I beg•
start tau the high -road to
tay are dead. They have cony move
a ,
I Oh th
the II
By the
now 5
you to
yet, sitting on the very top of all that
this world offers of praise, he exclaims,
"No rest I No rest 1"
This world fur reet? "Ah I" cry the
waters, "no rest here—we plunge to
the sea." "Ahal" cry the mountains,
"no 'rest here—we crumble to the
"Aha!" cry the towers, "no
rest here—we follow Babylon, and
Thebes, and Nineveh into the dust."
No rest for the flozners; they fade. No
rest for the stars; they die. No rest
for man ; he inust work, toil, suffer,
and slave.
Now, for what have I said all this t
Just to prepare you for the text :
"Arise ye, and depart; for this is not
your rest." I am going to make you
a grand offer. Some of you reinem-
er that when gold was discovered in big statements by we'l known business
California, large companies were men of Western Ontario should be suf..
made 'up and started off to get their ei:lief has no
f lent to convince him that his no
fortune. To -dal- I want to make up Th founda Hon,
a' party for
e the Cassey won? Thin 01 suppose Casey got
fs I he bottom of the grave gravel, ?sbe could lick aisiest, begorrahl
gate as the long processions 'come -in 18e41
with their awful burdens of grief? ' O'Rourke—No; Costigan got the
prizel She said she zvanzed the mon
, n
of itch!
C. res
g Some muter at niglit refused 53.
es. The loaves wore thin flat caketo allow a man to wet his lirs.
ravkere like our pilot biseuit ; and Captaia Phillips, of the Welsh Regi-
berley w is the cheepott and pooreet mem, who was praised. by Lord Rob-
cern1 food of Paleetiee, Tile fiehes erts in thp Sonia Elop deep:11'411es, held
were emoked or pirkled, like the her- a staft • • •
lien thee is done, watering need200 be
ly onee 1 week. save in a pro-
longed dr*It.
When the thermometer is in th
sitneties, hunting bugs and slugs end
go o kfoiland, or preserved in oil, at the outbreak of hostilities, h
i. , meat at Portsmouth ptoong weeds is not pleasant work.
like sardine. Five such melon and he became brigade -major to Major-
w—en t \\*cede mast not be allowed to, gatn
two ouch fishes, to feed five thoutiand General Coke. tooth alit; 12s never so bot or dry
people; Wbet are they antong so but they will thrive at the expense
of tne flowers. Dehlta stalks are very
brittle; keep them Hee to strong
stakes. hhuich:na has like value in
warm and void weather. In hot
weather it keepe the ground ttool ;and
atonal, rendering the necessity for wa-
tering less frequent.
The water on wash day, it judicious-
. applied, is one of the best of ferti-
lizers for flowers. It should never be
allowed to form a coating over the
surface of the ground. As soon after
ciao ed ewelt apploo.tion as the ground is dry
tnie ronnuend is what the men of : - eneugh to be worked, use the boa. Care
our time should bead. Our Lora would 1 Mr. Ronnie elaeLean, of Bast Lon- must be taken not to use wash -water
feed them with spiritual bread—the i dote the coital/1 of the Raffraritio too freguently, or the soil will become
bread of life—but how can he Lill they 'Hines, hus a great reputation in heavy and will not Le porous.
.' sit down ?" Calm reflect" " is
10. Melee the mem, sit tiown. "Men"
includes all the people; but in the
A Beer r,risoner on board a trans -
Port aleim
t onstoon told onh
e of is
guards thatce sinthey were com-
mandeered last Goober not one of
Bast men, as the lords of creation, them has had his 'dollies (*11 or a
would take their pewee first, wbile wash. The guard roma eke that they
the wonaen and children, at respeete ;atilt seem the lust -named luxury.
fill dietanne, would wait their turn.. Corporal Lloyd, one of the Prisoner
Dr. Moulton guesses that there were feaptured lannue's Post, feigned
comparatively few women and en- I utter exiviustion, and was allowed. to
dren. present. To us there le a path- !lie by the side of the rood and wait
etie symbolient ta our Lard' e words for the ambulance. Naturally be did
that he may not have intended. L-ook- not wait for it, and after travelling
mg about us, we pleinly
see that ' for four &eye without '
e . _ rtea for his wonderful
first sI ep, which most people have. to i achieveraents In swimming oft with
take on th.eir way to becomino, Chris_ !lines to ehipwrecked vessels, for which
tians i he has beau awarded the Albert
11, GiVell Menke. Thanksgiviag !Medal the first wen at the Caile-
and we shoutd follotv hie exemple_
before meals was habitual with Christ,
writes one of the Arnay Medioal Corns,
"After the battle of Paardeberg."
"May God blees whai he has git en tee "our wounded were lying on.- the
is the Usual Eastern formula. Dian other side of the river, and were too
tributatIr to, the diseiplee. Heeem bad to be carried over, so several of
was a parable of the Gospel symeh our chaos stripped and swam. across,
. Christ gives to his people, and they !carrying water and bisouits in their
n en turn give to their fellow -men. Ottr ; mouths to them."
esus his co-workers. As much as they ,
from near the Orange River•—"re
tho Use of Dr. Chases Ointment , the Only Posie
would, s gtfts are abundant; terdaY we thought the hills all round I U.
ttlfe theris enoughfor 11 at his heaven... as were on fire and throweng up dense
The golden elder, with its variegat- •
• Thorough and Cuaranteed Cure for Every ty feast. "It es hardly
Dr. Modatone "to mention the
worth while clouds al enaoke, but it turned out to ed green and. yellow foliage, is beaute-
says , be immense clouds of locusts. Their .611 for the lawn. It is quite easily
Master greatly honors us by malciog A City Imperial Volunteer • writes
Loses should be pruned when they
aro done blooming. If eutt back and
the growth of new wood stimulated
with fertilizer dug into th,e soil
about the roots, several varieties will
bloom at Intervale during the sea -
For rapid growth and early bloom-
ing, no climber excels- the clematis.
Plants bought this spring, scarcely
showing even bit of green, have
grow n eurprisiugly. Jaelonanie alba
has grown over six feet. Mad. Ed,
Andre and jaektutinii have made
tine growth, and have both blossom -
Form of Piles. lines of attack on the credibility of whim; made a noise as if there Was a Propagated by bending over branch-
- the intradle. We a.re asked novvadays heavy hailstorm in progress." es growing near the ground. Make a
If there is one single reader of this
paper who is at all skeptical regarding
the value of Dr. Cha.se,s Ointment as a
cure for any kind of piles the folia
I hold in my' hand a deed from the
Proprietor of the estate, in wlaioh he
offers to all who will join the com-
pany ten thousand shares of infinite
value, in a city whose streets are gold
whose harps are gold, whose crowns
,are gold. • You have read of the Cru-
saders—how that many thousands of
them went off to conquer the Holy
Sepulchre, ask you to join a grand-
er crusade—not for the purpose of
conquering, the eepulchre of a dead
Christ, but, for the purpose of reach-
ing the throne of a living Jesus.
When an army is to be made up, the
a great
found an
men t.
"Af ter
teined re
ece by us
Mr. A.
"I have b
r or more convincing bleeding
evicle.nce you can possibly get is to be everythin
had by a personal trial of this marvel- ment fro
bus cure. By using Dr. Chase's Oint- ing did
Extent regularly you are certain to be York for
pured of this dreadfully annoying af- no good.
Motion, and will be just as enthusias- Chase's 0
ILO as thousands of others in praising used it, a
this ointment, the only actual and since, and
absolute cure for piles. . has been
, Here is the evidence. Weigh, it care. Mr. C.
fully and if a sufferer, as these men states: "1?
have been, profit by their experienee, tim of ite
whieh they have related for the bene- tried near
fit of just such persons. You need not ing more
suffer for fifteen years, or even for tief, A d
three years, as these men have done. Chase's Oi
In a week or two you can be thorough- box °online
ly and permanently 'cured by using stopped at
Dr. Chase's Ointment. quit, and I
Mr, George Thompson, a leo.ding bled with
many remedies, but never
ything like Do Chase's °int,.
the third application I ob.
lief, and was completely cuo4
ing one box."
Hayes, 's n, Omit., says;
een troubled with blind and
piles for twenty years; tried
g I heard of, and got treat-*
m beet physicians, but not.h4
rale any good. Sent to Ne**
medicines, but they did me
I was advised to try Dr,
intment. I got a box and
nd never have been troubled
that 'is three years ago, It
a great boon to me."
Hamacher, of Berbin, Ont.,
or three years I was a vice
Miele and bleeding piles. and
ly everything, never obtain,
than slight temporary re-
ruggist recoremeneed Dr.
ntment, and teen Win htte
tater cured ma. The itching
once, the bleeding soon
have never eince been trou-
o Ointment is sold at 60
, by mail, postpaid, on-
priee, by Edmanson, Bain,
merchant of Blenheim, Ont., states:— Dr. Chase
"I was troubled with itchin r cents a box
eoruiting 0111051' examines the yet.. fifteen years, and at times they were receipt of
unteers; he Loats their eyesight; he "o bad I could scarcely walk. 1 tried & Co.
to believe that the people had to a 1
considerable extent, brought: privatel Two Germans, who arrived at 'nape slight cut in the part to be buried;
Town recently, hired four horses fasten doevu seeurely with a forked
stores which the generosity of the do- I shortly after their arrival anti then stiok; press the earth over it firmly
etples, induced, them to bring out, I disappeared- Seine days later they and leave until rooted; then out loose
When peel: able and, in everything?! were found a hu.adred miles dicta at, from the branch anti transplant,
but doctrine, Christian writers as ]jr, ' with rifles and 600 cordte cartridges.
Ed:win A.b/bot t ea n put their nt) Ezze,, , yTehaery,s hi,...n% vuerinsoonwalbeeuetn asetritther cedrittnii)uttai
to explananions, of this sort, ive 'may FABULOUS FORTUNES.
be forgiven for thinking tile old- I Sessions• An incident that recently occurred
fashioned miracle much tile easiest
what was left by the pewee, Out, the I T°°113131
When our troops hccepted oleEk ill 4"latria, in wbich the prinelpat par --
Atkins! We are not going of attracting general attention to the
ilne•artan Colonel, has had the effect
12. Gather up the fragments. Not (00 the wall of a house:—"Good old
CI --•• tine are the Archduke Frederic and a
theory to believe." berg ,Tunction, they found scribbled
pieces reimaining in the disciples' away now becouse we are afraid,bUT question of the , enot•mous fortunes
n.othing be lost. From
hands at tbe olose of the nasal. That we are going to get more food and "4" exist
in Austria. Csim thing that.
ets, such as an-cierat Jews carried seeina, Lhat th,,,mt of theuel are se Ltmi eerns cmhtehstofo,Cula.ellvili:61tc1friiis4,b$60,11, ii4d_ci.va Eels
while traveling, one for each apostle. there.
not maintain apostles by miraculous
was used by the twelve. Our Lord did
I3. Twetve baskets. Wiokee bask= -one t0-111-pat'.:3.0..sa,v(1.6eniitsyls_sectInv- e.,.., -:r. 0Arn145oe :lc' ;.1.,•t:,97 A:relanke -Frederic is the seoond. The
e •:• ...,.... o en nee- —en I Bralsh Irregular Home in Nettie; to rall'I° °I1131 t11:irfl- 1:4 Ills Cl-iPir‘F°. 344
this we may ammunition; sad will wait for,_ Star
ril b"aina evident' by 'he enisode Wee
amt miners frona the lend ef
of A.mericans are ser ' i
It i8 a 11r11.riSiag what a large num_
of worldly poesessions, 'reelects Ooseph
the old ' Azchduike Albert, is richer
Elan n toe Ernneroi. n fact, 1
_ I 4.--; i 'n lioln-t-
fairly assume that ehe food afterward
rece,ption:" ' •, —Men st _ that the Aire' laduke Frederic, heir a
tit Orange ewer to give you a hearty
Seen— iTh.lie051 i r anieL11.1-11.;t1t.:11L138::1-)Idei;; i aaldt and Strioes, the fact that t h e y na a ie.' e . et0blihnoTet°'the°' ge°Inr:ei;o.diliteltNei:ateteit::Tat;lioioi tef e ttsi oohl 'tell sth-1 iletn:hrl iliP°;luel:sisai, ihpbef!thirt. '1.111::1-:Yi
by lelbees. That prophet.. ihe 'et,
I eau a tied them of the giving of manna ' hardy and exeellent eoldiers does not woe far in adva.nee or both itillaerial
'--- ee--110oule .as , a great. susprise. ' mittionlaires. .