HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES
2211..,14>hatar• Exchitt44 Ex'segiettee W.
Mr. A. B. Lloyd, au English expler-
er and retheitatery in Africa, Is a
ardent bite-el/et. On one of hie rides
in that: eseintre he met a lima 0.nd it
'wee his "ecorehistiet" that saved him.
than all others under all .eireura-
Otte fine mornieg Mr. Lloe-d started
en hie wheet fee a, ;heave a fen min, steams and conditions. The troable
erten enetee,,, ehatheo. ete wee wall cattle from the butchers' stand -
the main read te tettaaae, wenn wee point ie. too big ehoulders, giving the .
a praai: Ibthro"6.:..fare. fiboa f fuse quartere, too Ittrge a proportion
to the rest of the earcass. The muscles
eleeleewet- -efeeetteireelee*
On the Farm.
04eetikevekwimpire.,1%,-- ettreeseetysts.
Ixatoden, write a: "There le
no one breed a beef cattle better
girth la lesa than three fot, multi-
ply the product by 11, and. the re-
eult will be the number of pounds.
U between three and five feet, rattl-
y by 10; if between five and sev-
ea feet, multiply by ti3; if betweela
seven and nine feet, maltiply by314.
if betweett nine and eleven, multiply
by 44.
ne v nevetteat etodters were atatt the ulsE
era:tette war.
- is supewier to, that ot the attest
tea grown.
elauriug, the terrible struggleiu R118-
that are exertneett the most are the see in 1851-0 our eroops were elad
a, ate. Af.er tatuanate. e et . ,
earne te tee deseent on the other..atte.
a line. getaste eie•pe, where he lenge-
the road wee emeeth.
e't we: hie fee to tire coat:ter:a
anti :vette be fiew dee n ;he hia. gentle
ever•Y ntl"nle* '';""r tbe t- a 1 hiss ...este:let:et back, we1.
tem ef the hitt was a turn. eta iie sprang ritt, 3,10 !Lit of lo --at ireli-
nreaehnat tilt, he :4V,4110, War, hie fee Ates at • •
rge amotate e
ta te htgh. tante-
te the pee.e:-.. -.1 meets in °he eerettes. The ettn,-
aa he ;d4 d carve a terrible ente.en er L:LL: IL the. saute- rink-
Lena- sines kiln. In the " tet etate that the awardiaa
toughest. For this reason the inside ', coeele furs to preserve them from the
on Mole of the alma,: le good, while visors a a wassian winter. The
tIi °°"'hie "14.3 Is not s° t -t('-°-4" tl" eteits of the officers were made of a
t ' '3 V k. , 0i'.1 OW 11 fl a it nal, he relw "
p flue brown fur, cut in the. 15•ell-known
:pie-tie/met,. more clean meat than ;
military shape of the tirae. 'rhe 'Coats
ef t• neerew emit 1424; 3 f-613/3531 t prize tarns ot eery saner.
ea; op hill. -tek, cate e;gure toa tat, use- it le in record that oue city ferro eione
Lea. ite heed deran even iv,. pewee face enntee e I ;fi", %or ' dinnee in the
•Mt-. Lheed wealti not, mote or it b se er reeve ee tee tnom h. te II • centred a coutract to thEpply 50.00t)
il would he in the at•E'y ,i.13V., tr.:ice-it beef enizatil elould here :a twits a thie material for the men, and
ef the %lug ef the forest. To the le I2..e ! thicker twee we tee tile, eerne. layette Miele mare for officern A noted ter-
aae a wati of reek ewerite feet high, he fleet: eltenelti tegin at the /rent- i .1. , LILLa'. " feWer tiltku $U )U)
and te the right a steep eretbanie- 1 the areal 41 :aimed have the greateet , ef tastte Lot' gloves to etnntaele a, %IA'
11:1‘910. witb te rt a btIr4 feet I poeselete 1 141,1-.., ..-e t -r fu set Ant., t1'' . ale order,
et •enowd, impueeible. been; holreen 'lie elloultlere :Intl the -011"" regiratans hat did no. wear
l'ihtddettle he rent -•uilittrati thaw. the 4 hlee, eLl'r: 7! he wet lw of t he hns eh #u d 11-*at'lcila's as di4 the "Ma "LS` were
walit men he tied met were alvatee, -, he carried torwerd to the -Seet"wlerte
afratd of hie Inceeite rerlsepe it wile, , The Angat are the 11 I, heet ele. hen
leeeeo, might be affeetett itt filth eaute , beer l'arite. Veda" greateet fault le
way. Therefore lie did the only tithe; '. too, mute* of a speteid of •he slime:dee
be vaunt an Renesing Lis eaelta, en bladee et the top. They do not Ma",
bp wiwel, Etnenne, ate nen ;iritt N_,741t, t lre quite ae quirk le 1' he Herefores.
rag tee la 'Oil r , pewee of hit Nage he - It would he herd to tell witich of the
.1"r"...,"'l '-u.e. hIelesa. et its kiett -Teed " beer itresehl at S.'' rargelie old eu the
a en: h 3 itt lien. --, eluee eere a ne Itakt•I 14,4s3lail make the
anti eloaks for the men were not ot
so fine a quality, bat were, neverthe-
less, a a geed substantiel make, and
were, turthermore, supplies! with wa-
teeproei ehoulder-covering.
Both :officers and men alike wore
ity strong overalls of cowhide, and
- I fere lt yet gein. Young.. enamels dee-
- ------------------------
teen -- .ith ' hit' Inuse:e olarto with the tit and
eon eett (In a ig41431.4r• ,.0,11,in a 13;,;.0,. 4.111111114g, 3,13.3 LS evelence .. e. t ei
st; et V' "'t pi !re, 1 t,;''iAat-7 '4-',.'.4311,,,"iii ' ' " .. '-e • • .--' - .- . ''-- IC tbAL 0.44: et:tut-Sone:tee ,of etores tuetad-
, .
upon ir, ir kg , 4,,,,a,„L'47,.. ,,,A,,. ,(4-.‘ r TOPA rtion ef ltein xneet. to tlie fat vd tereeette /ears „,e 10 e- teeeetee veins
II letteher, The firea hetilli pounds put ' flannel gowns for the laiepitals, u.nd
!on. a eteer le tele ebeepest, as the an- ' fin.0110 greatcoets tor %year over the
v..min.10.-sonarognmar othere
0 4-- a 4 t " • • '
snindied with a seelskin head-drese,
i exact cops of that worn by Agotio
piers. 'Chia eap WitS pronounced
to he beat warm and easy to wear,
And W3t$ a lestora to many poor fellows
V119 4.1therta ea. must have suffered
Whonever arty have been the mew ' ' returned to their dove cotes ill spite
terribly from fru:et-bite, would douhtlese have been used as
military meeeengers long ago, but, 1
tenni iit this war there was no swinge- • the cannoteading aroand ouch
t Mote lively and eensitive ereatures, , , „
ne.e CAn the pert of the government, ha ' 4 ,.. ..b tee I On Ila I
They Are Wing Vied in Several 'Carew an
areoes-unv They Ate Corrted Vat
Devils th
-Cie; at Ao.ied ilie ;?1,141$-11Ittlr
VOW tante:macaw t bt"te
The eteefulaess of pigeons aernes-
sengers th time of war is more and
more attracting the attention
military experts, and, impels them to
take a very keen interest in the at-
tempts which are now being made to
heads and tails are entirely free. Con-
Pesfeet the Weis in the navel ware nected with the cage is a small move
Hitherto messages have beeu convey -1 able basket, in which the birds can
ed from one army teems or ream one I eat, drink want about. The en-
tire apparatus weighs only three or
regiment t o another by means of
four pomade, and le therefore no en -
horsemen bicyclists, or the telegraph eumbrance to the, horeeneta. Recent
hut now it is claimed that In
aeffils experimeate have shown that p,geons
these. They tan reach a given Point net suffer from fatigue while, they
are better messengers than any of de t
that the birds are always very tired
after they have takert even a short
journey. Still, in an emergency, eYen
these cages are bound to prove of
vast service.
the birds are (serried eitber In canvas
bags, wbich age strapped in front of
the horsemen, or in double bags shape
ed like leaflets, whiten are carried on
the boreemen's shoulders. Eaeh of e
these doulele bags contains two hirds.
In France the military authorities,
on the suggestion of Gene -Neil Paul de
Benoist, have recently Pronounced in
tenor of an osier cage, which is shana
ed like a foot soldier's knapook, and
which le carried in the same raanner,
It has three stories, the floor of each
being of wicker work, and there are
side doors, through width the birds
eau eass from one stdry to the oth-
er, The walls and doors are well pad-
ded, ao that the birds are, as it were,
sheathed in seabbards, their bodies be-
ing fully protected against all jars
and jolts while at the same timetheir
10EYLON Vie mune Ludelia, when associated with tea, forms a combination that iskresistible.
LEAD PACKAEES. 25, 30, 40, 50 and M.
rillailtylk.4101.-"Its..11"..../SADAL41.•C.s11.11L ate eat leattengeetreeteseneeeeetelteattela
age being carried in these cages, and
more q,uickly than any horeeman I
or , hence there is reason to believe that
C517 meesages safely
"41 elle(11- I adopted t hroughoue "twelve elle cannot lame to natant:tin Iler ewes
tiously than the teiegraph, sinee there It is elainted that iii thne of war 1 ition aa a manuraeturing xiation, and
is always the danger that the latter
may be cut. messages on be carried by pigeoes 1 a ithout manufactures and exports the
into beelegea towns, and the question i whole fabric ot English life and Eng -
If Pigeons were inert machines they Is now being tweeted, "Cato they be laud's commercial prosperity, will un-
dergo a radical change, ad the at-
will pees away to the country
poseetesing the n a t twat advantages
Englauil le losing,. The only appar-
t remedy is to stop the export of
Oill by the impoeition of a heavy ex-
port dues. This is suggested by one
Sold. :by, Dregglette 73c,
writer, but, at the best, it would only
present lielleettunly lellearo the best.
I be a palliative. The coantry at
Business failures in Great Britain
taking the 24,009,010 tons annually ex-
ported from England would find oar- during 1SS9 were 8,600, against 8,895
er markets in whirl) to buy, and the In 1898•
bicycliet, and they are more likely to cages of title type will geperetty be
Thinking of Painting? Weigh
carefully the matter ot "cheap,'
paint before buying it. Den't buy
stu.ff in the paint line, beeause it's
ehap-ins never theap.
77 are not cheap pito, but when
you pay for them you pay for the
beat that's made, and wheu you
weigh the matter, weigla the
and see that you are get-
ting more paint to the gallon than
you ever got before from any
k Nay cf SOIL -44#, • ,L.T•D
fPlaji""11' Ww`1"15' "t'""1"111'. 4%."00Wve...130rVitp•19"AWMAN-se,kaonvisAertn
ort the way to exhaustiou, and MOLES AND RATS ON SEE.
the iron ludustry of the country, is Despite popular belief raoles and
bate are not blind. Moles' eyes are
minute in order to save poen when
harrowing under the earth.
STATE or Ouzo, View 14P TOLEDO,
FRANK makes oath that he is
senior vetteer of the firm of L. Cuulev
Can doing butinets in tee City of loledo,
Celerity and $i...tte aforesaid, told teat said ewe
Will PAY 1140 .31ra of ONE Ileneineato DOL.
Ltats for coeh and every ease et CATARRH
that rennet be cured, by the use of Beeree
eatT,aftM1 C1711114
Sworn ea before me tine laubseribed in my
Pretemee, tbie OM day of December. A.D. lella
becoming more dependent on the &ap-
plies from Spain. ,If, therefore, Eng-
land canuot replace her domestic sup-
ply of voal with cheap imported fuel,
proven ,.. the 'sold:ere With wdrm they hree411Y "ta"s•tateti, N'• en '
first experiments evere made, that I
they could not antler meeting eMedi- / •I 11.4..........PPIMOOMOPM~
tions long endure sueh work. Pigeons / 7
when taken from thelr own cote, will i
readily fly beck to it, but a military
in uger service requires birds to
.1.. n hee end bente. mere prefitelee 10 the eg ettea7,,a, wee,t en:waive-Ts, some ;40.000
fiew nett.
tyykil greeting as well as fatten- ,J
DOT'S PRAYER 11.1:111 PEACE. :1; Eng, ene the 00,4 41 ine Nee of
oe evenegs a, e, aeat.eeti reed weittat tneteee es with ta seal
role' had fil:1(0,1 IA( geniviiiiaiy Ler
BARASITIC INSECTS. owed Three Times.
A faxneus criminel in Denmark has
1 01401r 111 104.•P 11.1:1 Pa 0 e. atel.l. he b4 . tondo -I in Drumm* Tfais Sent.
f... Psi 11.1`. "N tea muse ea ty -ter 1
1 1,4, 4, to. 0 wt." exile her mother. "But A certein .411111Wit y haf.i stated that
I den% went to repl:ed the ilt1:0 OM% a .,III,3.1,i eeeinte tteete 40.4e, eenene tee hail the unique experience ot betng
"Bur Son hautit, Dot," eaill her mother. gr intemother of TO flea in teen, week.; senteueed to death three separate
1 i s it:4 moon ere ulives :,friin nnt tiny., Sonic, 01 1,c,..., .103.,,,,,,4 ic, inst, et s tames Such is t he leniency of Dan-
" eatrerae, Pleasures, that this notor-
. ! them and tli tt le to kill the first one ,
----ea— , as quielely as ponder 1 efure it los 0008 person, before he was tried for
the third tune on the capital. charge,
AN Irti.,1N11 OF neacte (nem ;an te eertunily for bree•ling. 'flus*s ;
tea te, difficult. if ene pay, titteute00 had already been reprieved twice and
0.o. of the queerest corners of the li relegated to prtson for a long term.
ravii is cheat:lie, e.eane, oft the to the matter, ;Intl as soon as their e;
camel of Entl•lor. Tbe islend abennes pritsenee is ellereeted use any good i," wah -
n. which his third offense in murdering one
in prison that he committed
On raps. Every one of theta is Week. reliable remedy for theM, 4.AL.
They live in the erevices of the lava, ; there are man,y, although we enew of _his jailers. Ile beg:ix his long ca-
w reer of crime at tbe age of 8, by
near the coast, and get a livitig by of none more efficient than kerosene
, setting fire 1.0 a farmhouse. In
eatching fish and orabs instead a ' erim14-°°' or a mixture of kerosene. t „ ,. e
rat s. * one pint in four pints of skimmillt. ; L'etcwer. 1894, a criminal in Germany
In that proportion it may be used i was found guilty of the murder of
w two woman and atternpta to murder
/LE WAS NOT A C`I.OWN. i safely by a sponge or cloth, rubbing i
others. Under the German law sen -
in to reach the eitin. We remember i
eleilly-She called me a elow-n. ; when it was as unusual to see wee, 1 tence is paesed for each crime, and
Miss deoprey-llow ridieulous of in the spring that were not troubl- i the prisoner in this case was cense-
her : I ed with lice as' IL is now to find a ' quently twice condemned to death on
Cholly-Waen't it 4 . i flock of poultry without them and ; the capital offenses, and for the naur-
Sties Peppree -Yes, -Why, the clown we hope another half cantury will derous assaults tu lb years' penal
ire the naodern circus is a roan 'of un- -, banish them from the poultry yard servitude.
usual intelligence, who commands a - as generally as the last_ half century
spleudid bale ry. - ; has from the calf pen. DON'T ANSWER IMPERTINENT
added enenti for t.ity., rapik are 54.1 to hetet 1 elan more wipelly, Slat law, as, rather, the IntilePosition
tett. end let us have peace in the fam- ThPiP NI! Ltrt1/44 Way to exterminate / ths ruling Powers to proceed to
1 muela more than this. The first ex -1 x 1 d ney
'melte were made with movable ^
pigeon houses, which were placed on 1
wheels and accompanied the army. 1 1
In this way it was possible to send
mestiages to the stationary cotes
wheuce the birds had been taken.
These honsee on. wheels, honer. er, could
ouly aecortipapy large bodies of cav-
alry, whereas it was far more desir-
able that some ateans should be dis-
covered of eafely transmitting mes-
sages from small bodies or soldiers t
who might be reconnoitring or oth-
erwise employed a good distance ahead ;
of the main army. It was clear that :
the only way of achieving this object t
was by training pigeons to acconmeny '
eoldiers on horseback, and that this
could only be done by constructing
cages in which the birds would not.
feel fatigued after a long ride. Many
styles of cages-soixte of wicker, oth-
ers of canvas and wood, -were tried,
and some answered the purpose ad.-
mirably, the reault being that the
birds were soon taught to fly from
their temporary horo.es on the horses'
backs to the movable clove cote which
was with the main army many miles
away. The transmission of mes-
sages from outlying posts to the main
army was thus greatly facilitated.
LITTLE DEEDS OF KINDNESS. WHAT TO PLANT. Impertinent questions are to be met
Little deeds of kindness are, after with firm and dignified petiteness, Any
There are three things a fanner or
ale what make life lovely, and develop question about another's personal af-
gardener should consider before he
the flee:erre of affection and symna- fairs, about the price of one's clothing,
- Puts seed in the ground. First, what
thy. It would be a dreary world with - - the amount of one's earnings, the rein
ops his soli is best adapted to ,
nothing. but mountains in it, and a er
raise. To try to grow that which is sons one has for entirely private con -
dreary life with nothing but heroic not adapted - to the soil is a waste duct, is impertinent. Would I answer
action springing from it. sueh questions ? Not an -all. Usually,
of time and lobo,. Next what titles he
by a little tact, one ban settle sueb
understand the care of best ? This is
questioners. If there is no other way,
TO MAKE SWEEPING EASY. ' less important because if he is not
I counsel a plain but courteous sincere
To lessen the wear on brooms and very stupid agricultural papers and
ity-a simple refusal to answer. One
make sweeping easier an improved books of some kind neighbor may
may just say: "Pardon me, I prefer
handle is divided into three- sections, teach him enough to make him suc-
not to give any information whatever
the center section being a flat spring eessful with a crop of which he has
on this matter." -Margaret E. Sangs-
plate set in the same plane with the had no previous experience. !third,
ter in the April Ladies' Home Journal.
broom head, which relieves part of what crop can he find a good market
tbe strain on the bristles. for without too much expense for .
— tra.neportation ? Nearly all the farm -
eras crops are in demand but the
Sarah Bernhardt was born in Paris weed crop, but not all may sell well
in 144; Mrs. Kendall, Lincolnshire, in his own neiehborhood. Think it over
sey, 1850; A.delin.a Patti, Madrid, before putting'. in. the seed.
, Lily Langtry, St. Heliers, Jett-
1843; Marie Rose, Paris, 1848; Ellen
Terry, Coventry, 155; Mary Anderson,
Sacramento, Cal., 1859. When it is about time for the
e5t corn and potatoes to break through
the ground go over the field with a
A 'ULF-HEARTED EFEORT. light barrow, not alone to' loosen, the
nail and break the °nest. if it has ba.k-
Daugeo er-7 es, I know Mr. Satty-
ad at all, ,bue: to kill all the little
late comes very often, but it isn't my ,
weeds that are starting on tb.e surface
fault, do everything 1 eau to dreve
and trying to get ahead of the crop
him away.' I planted- When ther are up about
'Old Gentleman -Fudge! I haven',
two inclaes high repeat the harrow -
heard you sing to Wan once, ing and continue 11 until it ia time
. PLABNLY IMPOSSIBLE. to usee the cultivator between the rows.
The harrow not only sav-es much
Young Mr. Spoonamore, who hes labor in weed killing, but either crop
just been aceepte4-But what will will look as if it h;atil had a fertilizing
your fat her sey, darling? You know 1 within 241100r5 atter the harrowwent
well. ' over it.
he done% like me any too
The Yeeing Woman -Well, you ta.n't
eipee' me to use. the langnege in
-which pops will express bienself whwn
Lie bears of it,
An inventive genius has produced a girth around the brea,s't just behind
tobacco pipe which hes a eel:Ostia the shoulder blade, and the length
the stern ta order to enable the stook- I ot the back from the tail to the fore
„ex to summon a cab without taking It part of the shoulder blade. Multiply
'the pipe from his niouth. I the girth by the length, and if the
1 have tried. ,several neethods of find-
ing the live weight at cattle, writes
lir. F. F. Fraatz, and einet the 101 -
lowing the most correct,: 'Measure the
Elia-Time gentleman who lodges
above appears ve.ry attentive to you.
Bella ---Ah, yes; I am even engage
id 'to him, But yet I am tortured
with doubt. Would tbat I knew whe-
ther he laves nee for myself alone!
Ella -But why in the world should
he marry you otherwise?
Bella -Well, to telt the truth he
owes my mother for Six months' rent.
Fruit can be piked and automa-
tically discharged into a barrel vvith-
out brut:shag by a Canadian patent
tacker, whieh has a cloth furin.el sus-
pend;ed on the end of a rake, whidh
le used to poll the fruit into the fun-
nel, with. a tube provided. with a pad
at the.lower end, eigainsi- which the
fruit strikes.
No matter where the movable house
is, the pigeons who have been fed even
for a few days in. it will find it out,
and thus communication can readily
be established between two bodies of
troops in motion. Heretofore pigeons
have only carried messages from one
stationary cote to another; now they
will just as readily perform the same
service between movable houses.
The distiaction is a notable one
from a military point of view, and
mueh labor has been necessary in or-
der to achieve such
are the only
medicine that
Nall ore Dia
hetes, Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ease was in-
curable until
Dodd's Kidney Pine
cured it. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
1 Kidney Pills they are
\ powerless against Dia-
betes. Dettichs Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
tad. the medicine that does'
iis Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box at all
• • • 4 4444
W, GLE4001.1,
sem- Xotarm .ruolic.
ITairs stiatarrh cure 10 taken internally, and
of the system. Send for testimonial& tree.
amq directly on the blool. and mueoue alufaet,
F. J. Oki BSKY. CO., Toledo, O.
English mine owners would, be suf- MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY.
fevers along with the zniners, to whom e
• The " Balmoral," Free Bus 5
111.0X up.
er day.
ST. JAMES' 8OTEL-41,10,•WW.
Railway. First.olass Commercial House. Median ins.
Orovements-Raten moderate.
the loss Of WittgPti Oh the getting o
so many millions of tons would intent
a good deal. The question, as will 'be
seen, is not easy of solution and the
discussion of it is likely to be a long
Alarmist Dlitestssion Regarding (be Danger
of' the Exhaustion of the Mines.
The possibility of a duel famine in
Great Britain is the subjeet of a ra-
ther alarmist discussion, in England.
The high coat of coal is beginning Lo
touch many interests and industries,
and should it continue at its present
price, while remaining cheaper in
countries which are commereial riv-
11. was easy to construct a comfort-
able mova.ble dove cote, but it was
very difficult to fashion a cage in
which a couple of pigeons would feel
entirely at home, while on the back
of a galloping horse. Delicate birds
like these cannot bear to be jolted,
and 'at first after a long ride, they
either refueed to fly home, or they
flew a short distance. and then set-
tled down for a much needed rest.
Especially were they distressed 1:137 the
motion of the horse if the weather
was cold, and, when released from the
cages, they seldom found their way
to the movable cote. Gradually, how-
ever, these difficulties have been over-
come in a large measure, and, as a
result, it seems safe to say that pig-
eons will in future. form' part of the
indispensable paraphernalia of the
cavalry in at least three European
In Russia they are now cornea in
cages whicwh are strapped to the shoul-
ders of the horsemen. Experinaents
have shown that, When released, they
can fly from twenty-five to fifty kilo-
metres in from eighteen to twenty-
three tainate,s, and thus in a very
short time a commander in chief can
obtain exact information about the
Frotm one end of japan to the oth-
er, a chitd is treated as a sacred thiag
be it one's own or a etranger's, 'Each
one carries its name and address on
tioleett round its neck, hut should
it indeed stray fro;ra home food and
shelter and kindness would meet it movements of an enemy who Isla day's
march ahead of him. These cages are
of wood and, though plentifully sup-
plied with hay, are rather unwieldly
and uncomfortable, the result being
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••4••
A countryman -and. ountrymen
may generally be trusted to tell the
truth -relates in the Cineinnati Times -
Star a story illustrative of what he
calls the idiotic behavior of city, tollts
on the farm.
"Why," said he, "a student from the
Cincinnati University visited my farm
last summer, and one day, when I was
starting out to dig some new potatoes,
be took the basket out of my hand and
said he would get them. Ile was gone
half an hater or so and came back with
an emrty basket. He had hunted over
the whule patch, he said, and couldn't
find anything but blossoms. There
wasn't a single potato on the vines."
"I really thought he would faint
when I took the hoe and began dig-
ging them out of the ground."
The New Woman
Now enters upon pursuits formerly
menopolized by roan. .But the femin-
ine nerves are still hers and she suf-
fers from toothache. To her we re-
commend Nerviline-nerve-pain cure
-cures toothaehe iin amoment Nerve -
ale of England, it is felt. that it line, the most marvellous pain remedy
do more to lessen British foreign known to sefence, Nterviline may be
used effipacionsly for all nerve pain.
trade than any other imaginable ca-
lamity, even war. The most serious
thing in the matter is the rapidity
with which the stores of coal in the
United Kingdom are being used up.
In consequence, to a great extent,
of the large expores of coal and its
increasing use in industry by rail
W. P. C. 1027.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Dint
moist, Tooth Powciers, etc.. have bile
awarded 100 module and diploma for supprio
excellence. Their reenter use preeent
ous diseases. Wet; your dealer to obtaVe
lianDIT. Lista =Mad tree on applicatie
.0ver one thousand servants are em-
ployed in the, Royal Household. ,
Endured the: severe marching of whe
North-west campaign with adnar-
a b re fortitude. The Governinent
ways and in other ways, the supply Shaul(' have supplied them with a
quantity of tbe celebrated Putnam's
is in many -directions threatened with
exhaustion at a relatively near per-
iod. In Lanarkshire, the most, Import-
ant of all the coalfields of Scotland
and the one of all others, on which the
great manufacturing industries on
the Clyde mainly depend; in South
Staffordshire, in the Forest of Dean,
in Durham and Northumberland, and
elsewhere the available supplies of
coal are being so rapidly depleted that
more or less seriens exhaustion will
have to be faced within the next
-twenty, and some say in the case of
the deep coal of Lanarkshire, within
the nexi ten years. The gravity of
such a situation is so great that it
is somewhat difficult to realize.,
One writer asks NvliaL will happen
to England when it has no more coal,
or• coal only obtainable al a heavy
increase in the present cost of mill-
ing. Aleeedy the -stores of iron ore
Tlat.ee persons Out of every fear in
1"...oniiOn earn less thia t one n,ound
Paniless Corn Extractor. It never
faits tce remove corns painlessty, and
the volunteers nwl everybody else
should hive ft. • Baware of substitutes.
Get Putnara's Extraelor and take no
On an average o- nly one bullet out
of 590 fired in battle strikes home.
used by mothers for their children teething. It soo los
thesoftens the gums, allays PAW, MTH wind
collo, and is the best remedy for diarrheas. 25o.a bottle.
Bold by all druggists throughout the world. lie sure
and ask tor" 410, Winslow's Soothing Symp.'
Barry, she said, as she Watched him
adjust his collar, there is one thing
about you that I like.
Nis face brightened.
What i.s its dear? he questioned.
Why, your neckite, and as she had
selected it only the t morning he hill
no cause to be harpy..
Mee Cara" d'Aueretk' -Zefetleefe
telttsa4 aiihexiApemi,iv t'logs&heetes'
.17 lea "e",/
Cae,e2/71efne4tiesitef' eilae
ilia, if 4 ne
instruments, Drams, Uniforms, Etc.
Every Town can have a and
Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine analogue 500 Bios
tratiout mailed free. Write us for anything In r
Musk) or Musical tnstruments.
Whaley Royce & Co., oT mnivat.,431
' ER, costs ouly $2, plan of construction $1.
44. A. VICKERS, Calgary, Alberta -
TORONTO CUTTING 8014001. otters special advao
` niece to all demons of acquiring a thorough kilo
ledge of Catting and Fitting Otntlernen's garments.
Writo for Particulars. 113 Tonga Si, Toronto.
WMille, Mille & Hale
to Wesley Slap., /doh
mond St. GV., Toronto.
Catholic Priiiej:
Religious Pictures Statuary, and Church Ornarnen
Ed motional Work's. Mail orders receive prompt alto
hon. D. & SADLIER & CO., Montreal.
and other PRODUCE, to ensure best resit a
The Oawsori Commission Co., Llinite
Cor. West -Market & Colborne St., 'Toronto,
. _
yeing 1 Cleamn
For the very best send your work to the
" eni-riss AMERICAN DYEING 00."
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.'
Montreal, Torcinto, Ottawa, Quebe
ROOF! and Sheet DlotalWork
Itod o'r Green. NSLA‘Eir4332r0IICNBCO
oat erialsah pod Coal Tar, eto. note 7 eta TILE (2-e Now City Ball
lags, Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Co
nices,e to. Estimates furnished for work o omplote or f
to 5111,45:Par1600: tth0)eRoonfintnry8III:h1Pe::
FU RS. -F1
Public and High Sail
U. DUTHIE& SUNS, Adelaide & witenotsteint rot
Importer and exposta o
' Raw Furs and Sirius. Oon.
signments solicited. nigh -
est prices paid for gine)* '
.404 St. Paul street, Montreal:
Mirada rerraanen
4',(,03041011A9 60 15E.
the 1)0
Oldest and Lategest Canadian
gage norporatima ,
. Paid-up Capital, - $2,6eachot
Reserve Fund, - - 7 200,0D0A
Head Offioe--Toronlo St., Torenttlf
8111110111M1098-WinillpOg, man,, vati0000v,
t 141 3104 '4
461182 131o?'1P11; e8NsitTTfoTiitt.palliCs flaSit8tVUttalDi .410 1:1, 110
1OgliIrlykin6 pour tyo!reei 31,4t n,'
For further particulars apply t&
Managing t)ireC/.04 fr05t0'