Exeter Times, 1900-6-14, Page 1HURON & 1VHDDL PISEX GAZ TTHam.
,�*�� 1 13iddullah
liRI1= '---llzs. Win- Richardson. o£
- is visiting friends in Bel -
dui ph.—gr, and Atrs. Arthur Atkinson,
of Winnipeg, is risiting friends in. Bid -
c ulph and Lec.tu.—Died at the family
residence, Mrs, Donnelly in the 58th
al e
t ; year of his age. She leaves a large
• family to mourn their loss. She was v'lle.—Mr. Henry,i s ..f
mother of Mrs. W . J. Hodgins,:►Ioores-
of Clinton, is the
guest of his cl:ul ;titer, Mrs. Daniel Al-
i,*ares, of lliddu,ph,
I Farquhar
- OF
White ouse
We have just received a large shipment of Ladies'
White Lawn Blouses, Linen Collars and cuffs for
E3 J.
4.. STANBt1.1. D. A. EXETER ONT.
d Ito witty, McC:arth}. Oder a Co., Toron-
to.) a carr,�ter. Conveyancer, Notary. Money
to loan, °dices formerir oven .ei byCollins kC
siasbnr,, ai:cr U•;:cil+Bank.
Il pupils, s,
•a c1s o� S «o �
friendsf S. 2,
itiar� :The tin it teacher and
50 dozen pair Ladies' Summer Corsets, a
good neat corset, two hone strip, five . hook
clasp, two side steel, perfet fit, all sizes, color
A. snap at 'age.
50 dozen pair Men's Brace, they are going;
out rapidly and no wonder, as they are the
regular 23, 20 and 15 cent line, bought very
To be cleared out at 8e.
;4c Pr.
>*sborne, will
hold their annual picnic :n' 1`. Iiunkin's
(Jove on Friday June 22nd. A good
program of sports. Everybody in-
vited to cone and spend a pleasant
afternoon, • •A, bee of neighbors assist-
ed Alfred ilimkin Monday to nuke an
approneh to his barn. T..l tlrikin will
1)L' similarly treated.—W. Polon has
palrchased II. Passmoro's threshing
engine. --1 colt Belonging tn. A.Ifred
Ilunkin got tangled in a wire fence
the other day and had one of its legs
iiearly cut oft,—A. ]gorse belonging to
W. Pell, V. S., Statl'it, ran away the
` other day. It ran franc Irish_town,
south to Ihame� load where it was
o a8
caught. No damage resulted. Mr,
Bell was talking to a farmer, and
allowed the horsed() drop its head and
eat grass. It stepped on the line and
hatted the bridle oil'. Mr. Bell having
no means of holding the anin al,dinaU-
G ell out of 'tlie buggy and allowed it to
1t• • ..--- ...,._
'?5 (dozen pair Linen Huck towels, plain],Dr. and 1Lr3. Rivers at-
tape ends, a splendid towel • for '!0e, will be tended tits tosiioni ,if Conference in
cleared out at the extl'elnely low price sty hoarse this week, rho Dr. *being the
1 delegate representing Credit= circuit.
1 --Mr. and Mrs. Duneau, of Farquhar.
of 14e pair. I spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
il1antle.---Albert and Arthur !wicker
visited their parents in London this
week.—Masons have begun work on
the Beaver block and are making
progress with the building.—
uildin .
ThLadies* Alliance of M. E. church
purpose bolding a stla.wl)erry festival
in the near future. Reserve your en-
gagements for this seasonable treat-'"'
. s. public meeting of a few of our citi-
zens on Tuesday last decided that
Thursdayp Juno 2Ist be declared our
civic he ideas and that everybody is
invited to join us in our annual outing
at the Bend.—EsliHeywood,of Exeter,
preached a very interesting .and practi-
cal sermon. in M. E. church last Sun-
day evening during the absence of
Rev. Hussar at Conference,— Win.
Lewis, Se., glade a flying visit and
business trip to Mich. on Saturday
last. He returned on Monday safe
and sound,—Matthew eforlock has re -
shingled hi
sbin ] dh' residence with
)neat and durable
This makes a
'ran. ut
road, The work was done by J. G.
Young and San and reflects credit on
this enterprising firm—Mrs. W. A.
Sambrook and children are visiting
friends in Woodham and vicinity.—
•Quarterly Meeting services were held
East Lothar,.f3a11's Wesbury,Carter's Elephant in the Evangelical church on Satnrday
We will continue the sale of Misses' and
Children's Cotton Hose, guaranteed fast,
stainless,. all sires in stock. `Take advantage
of this offer before they are all gone.
+)(s it pair.
Harp.. ware
Lawn Mowers,
tiIn l \S'S
Screen Doors and •'t' 'Windows
Plymouth Binder Twine
Buy PLYMOUTH and get you! money's worth.
R Turnip Seed
Yellow Aberdeen, Etc. and Sunday last and were well attend -
O. J.Sutherland, »:atary Public, Convey
anent-, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Insurer of MarriageLicenses. Legal docu-
ments carefully drawn at reasonable Tates.
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in-
terest. Office at the Post office. Henson,
1 -1. BISHOP Sc 8,0M
Zurich has been good at the lake, and large
b f 't' dell 1'
BRIEFS. --Garnet Steinbach was the
guest of John Preeter over Sunday.—
Sam'1 Faust was in Dashwood on Sun-
.day.—Wm. . Hoffman
un-.day.—Wm..Hoffman has his horse
home again, and intends to track him
this coming season.—Harry Weaver is
all smiles, hie wife having, presented
him with a young son on Monday —
Rev. Finkbeiner, F. Kibler and Miss
Lydia Faust have returned from the•S.
:S. Convention at Rodney.—Thos. Hay-
maker has quit hostling and L. Foster
has taken his place at tke Commercial.
The right man in the right place.—
We are pleased to learn that John
"Preeter's baby is. fast recovering. —F.
Kibler leaves Monday week on a pros-
acting tour through Manitoba where
he purposes locating.—Oivic holiday
-was observed on Wednesday of this
week, Nearly all citizens went to the
-school picnic, at the Bend. --Fishing
numbers o citizens at y go an ing..
Some huge stories are told. --Ed.
Hagan has purchased Garnet Stein -
bath's famous driver, paying a hand-
some figure for it Trevethick, of
Crediton, visited L. Roedding on Sun-
day.—Miss L. Decker spent Sunday at
her homer
All doctors to Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18
months from Rectol Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was. per-
formed ; but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the world. 25 cents a box.
Sold by all Druggists.
t� 4; w .
Y• e
At 4 eSail®
Come and see what a cash and one price store can do for
Ladies' sailors worth ,5o to 75c for
ribbed fast blk cotton hose at
• fast b gloves
" leather belts, blk and colored at
,< new pulley belt ringsat ... .
" new shirt waists at - .. •
1.ibbons, lace, veilings, gloves and hosiery.
All over laces and tucked goods for trimming.
Gents' straw sailors from . • . • . • •
• wide •brim straw hats
stripe and twill a
its at •
'natty four in hand ties 15c or two for
soft front shirts with separate cuffs :at
. 25c each
. roc pair
▪ roc pair
Io c pair
......5c pair
. .,50c
...,.....25c up
. 'roc
. snap
▪ ......25C.
• ..5oc
. 4
& CO,
1. Iensall.
ed. Rev. Kotz, of New Hamburg con-
ducted the services instead of the Pre-
siding Elder.—Geo. Bloomfield wheeled
to St. Marys on Saturday last and
attended a session of Conference.—A
happy event occurred at the residence
of George Lawson, Sr., 8th con.
Stephen Tp., on Wednesday- last,when
his second daughter, Lottie, was
united in marriage to Frank Reeder, a
prosperous young farmer. Rev. Hus-
sar tied the nuptial knot in the pres-
ence of relatives and friends. We
wish the young couple every success
through fife. Who will be the next to
follow suit ?—The final draft of sta-
tions was published on Wednesday
and Rev. James Hussar, B. D., returns
to us for another yeas.
(Late with Darrow Pro dfo •) Barrister
A G LA. DAY.—The rejoicing aver
the British successes in South Africa
was demonstrated in Lucan,Thursdey,
by over 2,000 citizens of Lucan and
Biddulph. The village decorations
surpassed' any similar event in its
ra c . a n a, arhistory. Both the business part of the
Solicitor. ll.oturs Public.
Ffeneall, ant. town and the residental portion was
sail{ decorated with hundreds of
e A. Sellers, L. D. S., ze y, De oe or Oman-eth y rtls of bnUting utid 1. moil Jou',
ate of Toronto tdnive;�ity, Dentists, 'teeth ,
extracted without ainorbad abets. atfaee The opening event of the day was
in Petty's Block, lien -:.J. At Zurich eveiy called for 10 a. an., when the ball gauge
Monday,connuenclnc I)liav$Sth. between the Diamond Rattlers, of
The Misses Bate% of near Bay fleld
have opened dress snaking rooms in
;taio;wn,A-111'17t,e)MJcA, stoefr, tidbaaurgnhet,er anod
a e
John McAllister, of Hay, were happily
wedded on S'R'ednesday by Rev. lien-
cler,eon. Many friends Join rein Times
in extending eorgratulatians.—Thr{
Barnes. -T. B. Cowan, who was
spending a week in Clinton and Gode-
rich township with old friends, return-
ed to his home in Eagle Grove, Iowa,
on Tuesday.—Dr. R. M. Gibson, of the
Canadian Soo is down with small pox.
Many remember the doctor when he
played upon the streets of Clinton, and
lived here with his mother, Mrs. R.
McLennan, until he launched out in
the medical profession in Sault Ste.
Marie.—We are pleased to state that
all the Clinton students at the Toron-
to University, have been successful in
their exams, this year. Lester- R.
Whitely and Ern H Cooper have taken
their B. A. degrees. Reg. Bell has
passed bis second year and Miss Mary
Lough her first year. Better still,hon-
ors are bestowed on them • all.—A.
Kirkby, who was engaged in the bak-
ing business in this town for a couple
of years, and who was burnt out at the
time of the fire.in the Smith block, has
decided not to remain in town any lon-
ger. After the fire Mr. Kirkby for a
while silpplled. his patrons from the
bake shop of Mr. McCiacherty, then
he got bread up from Seaforth until ho
'de tob
ai d
finals de
here He goes to Owen Sound on
Monday morning to take a position in.
the biscuit menufaactory of McLaugh-
lin & Co.—Mrs. J. P. Sheppard, of
Winnipeg, arrived at her father's
home, on the Nth concession of Gode-
rich township on Tuesday night. Mrs.
Sheppard will make an extended visit
in this locality before returning to her
14 rs. Masson ac
in 'C�Vunni e I
conspanted by Judge Masson drove
from Goderich Tuesday. The judge's
business in town was presiding over
the court of arbitration between the
Grand Trunk Railway med.: Richard
Irwin. The natter in clispcite was the
value of a lot in front of Mr. Irwin's
elevator, through which the G. 1,', R.
will run a switch to the organ factory.
The award to Mr. Irwin 'was $ r5 for
the purchase of the lot.
Loudon, and the Greys. of Lucan, was
postponed on account of wet grounds.
In tlje afternoon therounds were in
splendid condition, and 2,000 people
saw one of the best souses ever wit-
nessed here. the home team winning
by a, score of 4 to :,, Nicholas Flood
Davin. U. P., and Joseph Gibson, post -
Misses Ragan, of hills Green, were in master, of Ingersoll.wero the speakers,
mount of milk it has had since it
started. -T. Ilartlloll, of Exeter, foo
the divine services here on Sunda in , Good
the absence of our pastor. — Miss
Woods, of Eliniville, spent a few days
here with her cousin. --Miss Olive
Down who bas lately returned lhonte
from Woodstock, to visit her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wu). Down, spent
Sunday in Exeter visiting relatives.--
A. Nevin has a three year old heifer
whose weight averaged 1400 on May
2Ith. She has been milking since
May. 23th. and en June 4th dropped a
calf which tipped the scales at 120 lbs. 1
Whocan beat this?—John Parson spent
Saturday last in London on business.
Arrangementshave been
made to
hold the annual strawberry festival on
the parsonage lawn an July 1st.; as Ili
former years the London band is en-
town Monday and Tuesday renewing and at both the afternoon and even-' Zion.
acquaintances. ---Miss Sheffer, who has ing open-air gatherings they delivered Bn1 Zi'e �e allsee
spent the past two weeks visiting patriotic addresses, The procession are pleased to e
friends in Seaforth, returned home this formed an the park est 2 P. m., headed Mrs, Il. Hera around again.—The
'cele,—Miss (Grace Elder, of Stratford, by a bicycle parade, followed by the pathinasters have spoiled our good
is in the village this week visiting Mrs, Kirktan brass band, 300 school child- roads• --J. A,torley's cement wall under
llol;ggartli, and aiso Miss Case at the ren carrying flags, •4001 members of the 11 ns barn Iaoke fine.gnd reported to he
London road.—George Case has fair- different societies in the town and £tstclass,--Remember the anniversary
f chives, from if Brick- country, e carryingthe rind- services on Sundiuv June ',lith. caer-
f baa r, sic . - c un 1y. cre,Re s o sons teached by rev, Mr. Baird, of
wood of Exeter.—
M. anal Miss Ezra pal speakers Reeve and Town (?outsell, p "
Ili,arsI 11 ►olio liaao ba. n s• ••t•►nghere, cattzenss etc. Tlio lays pro Grand Be ld at lU
rigs,R ) a. nl. and .� p. 'nt.— .
returned to their ]rouse in Arizona, eeedings were closed with a creditable A collection taken in out of the Sun -
this week.—auction sale of the display of fireworks --- day School. -11. Kyle is seen busy
o czf rho latQ J. P, Marshall was _ +.-- - "drai.wing stone and gravel for his barn,
pi arty
h 1 Saturday •d - 1 ate+ The chattels
e on "a nt a�• --J, Cann took the pulpit on Sunday
sold well, while the real estate, except Kirletcan i in the absence of our pastor who is ant -
the Rod erville property. soon with• ;-. ] tending conference at St. Marys• -1B.
fa llnu•wa,---Geos a ilarraah who n,gs , nd S t s
n Horn z . Pe,ar- . ent Sand,, . ;at St.
ri. 1 b a 'i �
o i sutii t � r
clr:awn owin„ t u a . , I . thrown violently Dalt of tris bogus 9 ,Mzrss a few vellory tress biaggics
the Roditierville property, at SM. TheSt, Marys and seriously hoist, has now
Win. MclDoagall was the p:archaser of some weel;,ssinco while returning fmiu are moving fast these times.
Hansen property will be disposed of
rivately.--Wm.Moir left on Monday
or Halifax. to attend the General. As-
sembly of the Presbyterian Outvote as
a delegate from Ilensall,--•On Sunday
.A full and complete line of all kinds
of canoed goods on hand.
" 1 EAC ti .S
The best in the market.
OEN fi
All kinds or Fargo Produce for which
highest prices will be veld,
as P Ross.
Erturs.—Mrs. G. Stile& had a nava-
lytic stroke the other day.— David
Miller and Miss,7enlnie Colcialaoun were
1 married on Wednesday of this week.
They both reside in Ilihbert.— Indians
are camped near the village. They
are gathering herbs.
recovered sutlIcieutly to sit up in a. Gronlarty*.
emir. Mr, Harrah is under the care of S#. Marys
Dr. Ferguson and Vitra. James Tufts as • "- 1iaa.ilw� . -flex, Boyle sold once of his
nurse. I3iat>?a`a, the 8azllowing 1- im of fir.'! ,;mous on Friday lo.S4 to Mr. Miller of
+xn. , in.on
men from St, Marys will journey 1w
CoR�•lstt TONE I. t p
evening, during the course of his intro -
Thursday the corner stone of the Kirk-
ductory remarks, Rev../. S Henderson y
of Cannel church, is repnrted to have tan Episcopalian church was duly laid.
said that Sonne of tin. lural papers There was a large attendance of parish -
would make good material for a soap loners and visitors. The stone was laid.
factory ; they contain sa much lye, by the Bishop of Huron, who Made an
Such libelous and depree iative state- eloquent address. :addresses followed
tnents should be qualified. coining from by Rev. Rural Dean Deacon. of Meat -
such a source. There is no class of ford,Iiey. Mr. •'nghsh, aforntierraetor
people who seek the columns of the of I�trkton, but now of London. liav, l l.eacl-- Ilawleins anti Skimler, ,Al"eel' se s, Listowel and other points.
of Methodist church. 1 and 3licArdte, {'aaapland. Snoday, Pol-
the ht)ntndery�- Rev, fir. Scott, le
Ingersoll en the ;Int and compete in i+, Newby, morning for Hamm as sa dale-
s me lie race, he prize
elhetnn t,a.) and ; gate to the General Assembly which
S the team core- , guests in that city on the I:ltlt inst.—
minded by the smallest re, aha. T#t'ls , Mr. and �irs. Godbolt, of t-.sbnrne,
St. Marys will also capture, as titer. )`: 8 ent Sunday with Mr. and ]lis. S. A.
town in Western Ontario, we thine ! kilter, --:kir. and Mrs. 1•. Il. eraiA ton
that Iris within its hounds marc ntacl- ,� returned home on Tuesday aftar visit -
et �s than the. Stone Tc,wn po*senses. in for a few days with friends In Bens -
press, free. more frequently than the Mr. Ball, the
clergymen, (and sometimes in at, mean I;.irkton. Rev. W. J. Taylor of St.
anonyrnouennantaer).aniltheyshouldbe Marys, Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Mitchell,
the lastt
a villify tae press, especiallyeCi.
and lessee. B
ilber and Nelson Mo
itsuch general terms. But maybe trespectively.teiB 2Z,I.P,s The rector
was n joke he was coining bcce.use he the Rer. W. Stout, also gave an ad -
has not one to ltalifax.••--Rohr. Bol- caress, which took the form of a
ler. who �has been in the employ of J R history of the parish. The day was a
Ilobkirk for some time, left tills week most successful one and the congrega-
tor Brandon, Alan., where he will work tion are to be congratulated on the
pretty church'which will soon be theirs.
Thursday's collections were good and
the subscription lists shnwved a total of
hurch have Besides
diof 500the0 onts of hand. the
at his trade as blacksmith.- Miss Mabel
McLean, who is taking a course at
shorthand in London, was visiting Mrs
D Urquhart this week.—Rev. T. W.
Blatchford, of Goldsmith, was here on
Saturday calling on old friends„—Rev.
R. Redmond was visiting his brother
Charles last week, and on Senility
preached twice in the Methodist church
delivering two able discourses;—Mr
and Mrs. O. A. McDonell left on Satur-
day for forest to atten 1 the wedding
c h g
S sister,Miss
of Mrs.1i'cDone
beth Hutton, to Dr. Welters, both of
Forest. The young lady is well and
favorably known Dere as Miss Mina
Hutton, and all join in extending con-
gratulations. The wedding took place
on Tuesday. —Charles Meihn has sold
his dwelling on the London road. to J,
F. 11.. Patterson. who is making it
ready to receive his prospective young
bride. Ile will shortly occupy the
same.—Dr. Sellery visited his parents
in Kincardine over Sunday.—The for-
mer pastors, Messrs. Jewitt and Long,
return to their respective circuits for
another year.— Andrew McGarva and
a Mr. Graham, of Clinton, visited in
the village Friday afternoon. --Mr and
Mrs. Hurdon, and Miss F. Jeckel, of
Exeter, were in town on Monday.—J.
Hawkshaw and wife, and Urs. T. W.
Hawkshaw, of Exeter, visited friends
here on Monday.—Mrs. Pope visited
her parents in Dashwood the past ]few
days. —Mrs. J. F. Moore is visiting re-
latives in Zurich.—Miss Weekes, who
has been employed with J. Pope, re-
turned to her home in Varna this
week, where she will remain. —Miss
Hicks of London is visiting her aunt
Mrs. Humison.—T. Murdock is break-
ing in some fine colts.—Mrs. John Ben-
gough of Port Huron, is spendig a week
or two with friends in this section.—
J. B. Troyer has improved his dwel-
ling by repainting it inside and out,
and building some additions.—Robt.
Bell, jr., of Seaforth, was in town on
Monday on business.—Kennith Mac-
arthur, of Ailsa Craig. visited here the
-past week.—Mrs. Mii .er Edwards, of
the township of Hay, entertains the
Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Paul's church
to -day (Thursday.) -- William Stone-
man and wife spent Sunday with St.
Marys friends.
BRIEFS.—Our football team played
the retnrn game with the Riversides at
Toronto on Saturday. The score was
3 to 1 in favor of the latter,—Berlin
football team come with their support-
ers on a special train Friday, June 15.
We bane a good turnout from all
along the line will take advantage of
the special.—Rather a long but, pleas-
ant journey was undertaken by the
Misses Radcliffe,
who en it lately
tended school 'here. They left on Sat-
urday last for Sandon, B C Rev,Neil
Shaw, of the Presbyterian church. Eg-
mondyillc, left last week to attend
Conference at Halifax, N. B.—A pleas-
ant ceremony took place on Wednes-
day, June 12th. The induction services
at the Presbyterian church when Rev.
F. G. Larkin, B. A., of Chatham, was
introduced to his congregation.--I.R.F.
Case again occupies' his home in the
west eue until lately .occupied .by Mr.
I3epburn, of the Dominion Bank.—On
Friday June loth, a meeting of towns- 1 -James Atkinson, son of John Atkin-.
igen will be held in the, Council Cham- I son, of Biddulph, left last week for
her to farm an Association to help in London Hospital.ital. Jimwent toMani-
support of a Sanitarium. for con-
sumptives in Muskoka.
Evtt.Nouw. 'AL 'C'osviati;NCk. — The
annual Ministerial Meeting of the
West Distri
Ct, Canada alrla
Conference Of
the Evangelical church, at Rodney, on
June 5th. The meeting g consistedd of
three sessions and all the districs in
active service, except two, were pre-
sent. Following are the officers elect -
ted : M. L. Wing, president ; M.Maur-
er, of Phillipsburg. vice-president ; 7.
Morlock, of Dashwood, secretary ; D.
Rieder,of Tavistock, treasurer. Several
subjects were introduced and discus-
sed. The meeting adjourned to meet
at place of next annual Sabbath School
convention in June, 1001. On the fol-
ol-lowing two days, June 0 and 7. the an-
nual Sabbath School convention of the
district was held. The sessions were
well attended and excellent addresses
were given on Senility school work.
The convention closed on Thursday
night with a very powerful evangelis-
tic meeting. Next year the convention
will be at Zurich, Ont. On Thursday
afternoon a mass meeting of the child-
ren was addressed by several delegates
in a way that highly pleased both
youug and old. J. H. lloltzman, of
Crediton, had for his topic, "Illustrat-
ed Teaching upon the Bible." Miss
Lydia Faust, of Zurich, dwelt upon
"Junior Y. P. A. Work." E. S. Moyer
spoke upon "Tbe Model Child." F.
Kibler, Zurich, bad "Family Drinks"
as the subject for a temperance talk to
the children. The delegates' reports of
the various schools showed that the
work is prospering and great interest
is taken in Sabbath school work
throughout the district.
lard, Graham, Suedes, Routley, Dor-
mer, McKinnon. (Graham, porton ; A Vtctons trot..ee caused lots of
r, , •) o last
J. I..lnardei. 1111, two la- :trouble in Ellice on Friday f
Crosse teams are practisingbare every week. It is the property of Me. Aug-
Au -
night. There will no dout be a. good-,ust Schroeder, or that township. At
Iy amount of excitement when the two : noon it kicked the hired than, Mr. fD
clubs cross sticks in their scheduled i Chambers, in the groin, and face, and
game. --Gardeners in town have been before tht' tfay was clone, had also
much alarmed being afraid that their kicked Mr, Schroeder in the chest and
recent hard labor of planting would arm, breaking his twin. Both men
be destroyed by the frost • but reports are doing as well as may he expect -
show that very little dame a was t ed.
done,—Beeky Johnson, feeittortll, will
play with the Alerts this year. HO ESTIMONI.. L OF. 1I I1IN )t)il T h
toss one of e star players last year.
B —The wedcfiug of Charles C'oupland,of e'' TO Vie VALVE' t)1
i this place, anti Miss hate Smith tock , I3NCLfSII fi'l'Ot'K FOOD
place in Stratford, SSrednesday even -1
ing .at the home of the bride's uncle..` ®�'
Only the near relatives of the contract -1
ing parties were present. The newly
married couple will reside on Jones
street, Se
sG ward. —Live
hogs com-
mand 80.30 on the St. liarys market 'lent food for young calves especially
this week, a considerable advance overjviten they are fed onyep separated milklast. J'niiv .Ton i '
BRIEFS.—Many glad hearts received
the news o'f• the surrender of Pretoria.
There are no pro -Boers in our burg
now and we will keep up our true
allegiance. We sent our volunteers
to London last Tuesday to drill, and a
fine lot of men they are.—Messrs.
Lawson and Oubleigh have lately
shipped a large number of sheep and
bogs from this depot.—Wm. Colwill
our hay merchant has had his barns
raised, a brick hank placed under and
all repaired and renewed by John Neil.
—The grand raft) of late has been the
crowning feat to the root crop.—Sta-
tute labor is being hurried on just
now. The home of Andrew Hicks
was the scene of merriness last Satur-
day upon the arrival of a young son
and heir.-
— Harvey Lane and
Pearl Cobleigh spent last Sunday in
e g
St. Marys and attendee] the dedication
service of the young Ministers of the
Methodist; Conference. Mrs: (Rev.)
Salton and :Miss Jennie Salton also
spent Sanday in St. Marys.—Alhei•t
Mitchell and Edgar Buswell, of Eden,
spent Sunday in St. Marys.—Miss
Sarah Neil and Miss Lottie Handford
spent Sunday in Seaforth visiting at
Miss May Liveus'.-Wm. Parsons re-
turned hotne_last week after spending
a few weeks in Winnipeg an business.
This is to certify that I have used
k rood for young ttalvt s.
English b,toc. )
The calves
have done remarkably well
under its use. I think it a most exca,•l-
ai• If you make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
uilders' Tools
We have a, very 3omplete and up -to date stock of Hardware
for houses, barns, etc.
total last,spring and while there it
appears hgot a bad cold which forced
him to return home and has since.
The SoutlePerth Orange Association then been getting worse. -Our creaat)-
will celebrate July 121,11 in Listowel. ery is now taking in the largest
QUEENSTON and PORTLAND. Two cars just received.
S sten ' oris
New stock this year.
oors& \VinUoivs
A11 kinds and sizes at, Bottom Prices.'
Agency for Ellwood WovenWire I