Exeter Times, 1900-6-6, Page 8STEWA
"KEMP 1{004,," I "KEEP OOL."
10c the yard for very nice fancy , $3.50 for ►hen's pure wool,uavy serge
•iagur: eel white marlins, they're correct unlined coat, the best summer coat we
in. ;:t'Pe•, and great value at 10e. have ever offered. See it. $3.50.
um 12ec the vatd for 15e and lac each for mea's kcal linen
Dei clay's. Very stylish and quite kraslx hats. You'll keep kool with
coal, Regulaar hot •weather stuffs at your head in one of our krash )amts,
" per yard 12ec. i 15c and lac.
150 the yard for some very swell I 75c and ave for men's soft silk front
effects in the uew open stripe =stilts 'shirts, yery kool and "knnafortable,"
and Detuity's. They're very pretty t good values at 75c and Ove.
and quite up to date, only 15e,
nee the yard for a lovely heavy
cord, white pique, Such. value as you
don't often see, its as bargain Set 12ec..
laic,iSr, 20e and ::pie for 4 of the pret-
tiest patterns in white pique that
you'll see this season, they're entirely
new. We would like you to see theta,
15e, 18c, 20 and Pdic.
35c and 45c the pair for kool stuuiner
corsets, The best value we have ever
shows}, you're sure to like them.
Remember we pay highest prices for butter and eggs.
$1.00 each for men's black or brown
Fedora hats. This is a. special value
',and worthy youraattention, each SLOO.
a $1,25 and $1.00 the pair for men's
bicycle pants, dark and. fancy checks,
right up-to'dete. Do you want a pair,
$2.25 the pair for men's Box Calf
Lace Boots, the best value we ever
offered you in shoes, $2.2,i.
For Marriage Licenses,
$ Wecklirtg I lrtgs,
Watches, Clacks,,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Book Storol
A full stock of School Books! TO ADVERTISERS.
for Public Schools.
A full stock of Sunday School
Library Books at wholesale prices
Family and Peachers' Bibles
Full Line. -
Everything in Stationery,
wholesale and retail.
Jon 6ri
EXE3 rrai
The copy for changes must he left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
A J Rollins iscoco Hoed to his room
through illness.
The London Conference of the Meth.
odist church is in session at St Marys,
Miss Grace Muir, of London, visited
Mrs. M. J. White, the forepart of this
Complaints are being made of the
petty taking of flowers from the graves
in the cemetery.
County Councillors Rollins and Mc-
Innes are attending the June session
of the County Council.
Mrs. L. Thorne ivill remain in Exeter
a few weeks and yisit friends, before
returning to Los Angeles.
Abrin O'Neil, Luean, is colifined td
the house with a sprait,ed aatikle; the
result of a faalI on a broken sidewalk
The members o: the L 0. F. will at-
tend Divine service on Sunday after-
' noon, June 17th, in the Presbyterian
igen for the WESTERN AssoneNcE Coac-
przrr, of Toronto; also for the PROM= Paan
NstuaNcs COMPANY, of London, England;
':i, i.i. res; INsvRANCS CoMraNi, of Eng
Wm. Drew has potatoes in bloom.
Ernest Elliot is in Toronto for a few
James Willis has disposed of his
driving horse for a cavalry mount,and
purchased another fine animal from
Thos. Handford.
Joseph Davis and his uncle, George
Davis,accompaniedby Phil. Rowcliffe,
leave, in a few days for a trip to
the Old Country.
Rev Mr McDonagh, formerly of Ex-
eter, is filling the Methodist pulpit at
Mitchell, owing to the temporary ab-
sence of the pastor in the States.
Miss Walrond's room in the public Mr. and Mrs, Donald McInnes, of
school was closed for a few days owing Usborne, intend leaving the latter of
to the death of her father.t this month, on a trip to Manitoba and
Frank Willis was in Clinton this British Columbia. Upon their return
week. He is looking for a suitableplace they will move to Exeter.
'-"in which to start a photograph gal- Rev T W Blatchford, who is visiting
lery.friends in this section, will occupy the
J B Martin, of Seaforth, was in town ' pulpit of James St: church next Sun -
yesterday, and disposed of his residen-day, in the absence of the- pastor, Rev.
ce occupied by Chas. Wilson, to Hugh 1 Mr. Brown, who is attending Confer -
Oke, for a good figure. ;once in St. Marys.
The officers of the local Liberal Con- 1 On the 71h inst., the Bishop of Hu-
servative Association, recently elected Iron will lay the corner stone of a new
are; -Pres., Dr. Rollins ; vice-pres., le, to be built at Kirkton. This
}I. Dickson ; secy-tress., T. B. Carling. ! place, by the way, is on the boundary
D. Graham made another shi ' of Huron and. Perth, and the new
znent of horses from Exeter Wednes- church will be in Huron.
day, Altogether he has chipped near- I The volunteers left Exeter depot by
ly o hundred cavalry horses from this special train on Tuesday morning, to
station, go to camp until Saturday, June 16th,
Recently W'. A.. Heywood, of Exeter making -twelve day's instruction. The
North and. Miss Jennie Sleamon, of , total strength of the nine rural regi-
ments of infantry in No 1, MilitaryDis-
trict is 3850 officers and men but it is
not expected that over 3000 will be un-
der canvas.
Saginaw, Mich., were joined in wed-
lock bet Rev. Mr.- Martin. - They will
fireside in Exeter.
H. South, the well known breeder of
Shorthorn cattle, sold three fine thor-
oughbreds to James Cowan for ship-
ment to the States. Mr. Smith has
disposed of ever 30-thorougbreds since
the first of•January.
Rev. McDonagh, of Stratford, a for-
ier pastor, will preach -morning and few vacanexesidences in Exeter.
DEA. i O- GEORGR' WALK letee-
The death of George Walrond, 2nd
con. Stephen, took place on Saturday
last, at the advanced age of 85 years,
He was one of the pioneer settlers and
died, from the infirmities of old age.
Deceased was highly respected, and
leaves a grown-up family to survive
him, Miss Wairond, teacher of one of
the departments in the public school is
a daughter.
Tore (.'mcs's,- On Friday last tho
Lemon .tiros', Circus attracted a. large
crowd to town. There were fully 8000
people at the afternoon's performance
and a more disappointed crowd would
be bard to. liind. The menagerie was
poor and not as advertised, while the
only skillful performers in the circus
department were the Mitten Ulnae-.
They are clever artists in the line. The
supposed waterproof tents leaked
streams of water and soaked the large
audience :adding discomfort to disap-
pointment. The posters on the bill
boards made up a circus more worthy
the name than the real exhibition.
E crusioe:. To Agricultural Col-
lege, Guelph, An excursion under the
auspices .of the West Huron Farmers'
Institute will be run from all points in
Vest and $outs. Iinron on Friday.
Jure 15th. The time of leayine and
fare for the neighboring stations are ;
Place Time bar*
C'eutralia 0.2 1.20
Exeter 0,37 125
H.eusall 6.02 1.25
Rippon 13.08 1.25
Brucefield 7.06 1,` 0
John Fuss has moved. to Zurich, W
H Parsons moved into the house va-
cated by him, while John Sweitzer
goes into Mr. Parsons' house. .A. Mr.
Walper, of Dashwood, as foreman of
the flax mills, takes the residence va-
cated by Mr. Sweitzer. There are
i.'hlidren half fare. Return passen-
gers will leave Guelph on regular train
eaving at 7.15 p, ni., slurp, arriving re are constantly adding (novelties to our'Millinery
at Stratford at 9.10, leaving et sixes ; ,
arriving at Clinton at 10.27, and (lode- StOCIk, Stoclk always mowing means the constant incoming
been made to return Bei rare and O new , ted our showroom every week
1 )*
kard Co.ICARUNG BR -O-5.
Ail Extra Special
in Blouse s
75C Silks for 49C
A speeial in Blouse Silks, such
as �c e seldom get a chance to give you.
75 yds of beautifel striped blouse silks
in lovely new shades, Worth 750 per yd,
for 49t . No need to waste blue or
space telling the reason for it. You'll
be satisfied to know that they are beaut-
iful new goods and Worth every eeut of
750 per yd, and you may Ita�: e them
while they last at 49e.
June lhinery
rich at 10.50. Arrangements have pOdg and if you nisi
Centralia, passengers by special train, you would always find something bright, new and fresh.
Buyers of Summer Millinery can be .sure of finding. here style
Ladies' waists in all the desireable fabrics and shades
suitable for house and street wear.
Ladies' Whitewear in the newest and latest styles..
Parasols full line and at prices that will please you.
Laces and embroideries in endless variety.
Colored dress goods ill all the Iatest shades.
I11 Black gess Goods we hold the fort..
Gloves from the finest kid down, just to hand.Hats and Ties, nobby goods. -
.9ummer corsets and linen skirts, just the thing for this
hot weather.
Ready-made Clothing in Men's, Youth's and boy's at
very low figures.
yr0 make a specialty in Ordered Clothing. Sec our
(black worsted suit at $15..
Complete stock of groceries. always new and fr'esll. .
`.fry our ?5o Japan tea, elegant flavor
We are the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial crf
these teas would convince you that they have no equal,
Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce.
To SIM SUAREEoi.D Riis O1 Tf 1 -
Ix l t rsii SAM \V woes Co. -Gentlemen.
;.Ita1E11.8 Ns'rlTUTE,. ^- ' ie annuli and tiiinni n s strictly up-to-date. `f'Wo Big C+peeials for this
nie ting of the South Huron Farmer's
Institute was held in Howell on elon- week's selling.
day afternoon. There was a fair at-
tendence, The See.'yrtreas,RGardln• Samples IOc
er read the several reports which were
adopted as satisfactory, The financial 50 Travellers Samples in straw ;drapes Ladies straw sailor, enwbinat.ia
report showed receipts to the amount worth regularly from 75 to 1. 0,youe shales, regular 60e goods for SSe.
of $111.54, expenditure $123.10, leaving choice for 10e.
a balance of $ .31,and, a membership
of nearly 200, The election of officers
was then proceeded with, resulting as
fellows : - President, S A Moffatt,
Varna ; vice-pres. d' :1 Wilson, Sea
forth ; sec'y-tress, R Getrdiner, Farqt�
'u -
liar - Directors-Usborne, R Delbridgo
and D McInnes; Stephen, 8 Broken -
shire, J Slinpton, "%V Oliver ; Exeter.
Wm Bawden and Dr Rollins ; Hay, II
Smith, E Gies, R Meklordie ; Stanley,
W W Cooper, T Ketehen ; Seaforth,
el •'Sc' McLean ; Bayfield, 11. Snowden
Goderich township, J Middleton, A
Innes ; Hensall, S Smillie ; Tucker -
smith, A Suiiltie. R 13 McLean, R
Charters. Auditors, A Duncan, Faar; -
quhor and D Urquhart, Hensel'. Con-
siderable discussion took place on vari-
ous topics, among which the proposed
picnic, waggon tires andstatute labor.
It was decided to hold a picnic near
Hensall some time in June ; it was
also resolved to memorialize the gow
ernment to pass a law offering a re-
bate on old narrow tires to all persons
using tires from 4 inches wide upwards;
also to change the time of performing
statute labor to 1st November instead
of season in which it is now done
evening -in Main-st. church next Sun- On Wednesday of this week a happy
day. The reverend gentleman'smany evert was celebrated at the home of
old friends will be pleased to, hwve an Alex. McDonald, Thames Road, when
other opporbity of hearing hien, his eldest daughter, Miss Mary J. was
The anniversary of the Kirkton united in marriage to John Russell, of
t • Presbyterian S S will benk
held Woodham. Rev. Fletcher performed
t day and Monday June 17 and 18. Rev. the ceremony in the presence cif alarge
I ' Sowers, of Brucefield, will preach on number of invited guests, We extend.
Sunday morning and evening. On
Mondaty.l8th, the annual- picnic will
Sri's Gr
be held in W isera
The annual meeting of the North
The executive of :the Huron Old
Boys' Association, of .Toronto,- have
decided to hold their first annual ex -
Middlesex Liberal 'Conservative Asso- cursion to Goderich, on Wednesday,
dation was held on Wednesday of July 4th. They are making arrange
last week at Ailsa Craig. -Resolutions ments with the Grand Trunk Railway
a lowrate on'that
were tressed supporting the Conserve- for an exceedingly
tine leaders and condemning the infa- day, and no doubt a large number of
mous corruption of the present. gov- Huron's old former sons will enjoy a
nment. The following officers ss ere grand . days outing on the shores of
i ectedl" : Hon Pres, John Fox; Pres, O old Lake Huron. It is understood that.
Walker; Vice -Pres, 3 le Roberts; Secy, the band of the 48th Highlanders will lWhooping, g
Chas Stanley; Tiees, W. g Stewart. accompany "the boys" on their trip, Tuberculosis
'l'me LATE Loa?Is rltoitNn.-The re-
mains of the late Louis Thorne, -who
died :at Los Angeles, California, May
21, arrived in Exeter on Thursday last,
accompanied by Mss. Thorne, and
were conveyed to their last resting
place at Exeter, on Saturday. The
funeral took place from the residence
of bis father-in-law, Wm. Drew,maany
friends being in attendance from Tor-
onto, London, Mitchell and other
points. Service was Held in the
Trivitt Meinorial church, conducted by
the Rector, Rev 'a' -W. Tea. Eyck, as-
sisted by theRev. C. R. Gunne, M. A.,
of Parkhill, the church being well filled
with friends of the 'family. Rev. Mr.
Gunne delivered an effective sermon,
and concluding said :-In the eighties,
through affliction, I was compelled to
visit California, a perfect stranger in a
strange land, seeking restoration to
health under a foreign flag. It is
something that sends a thrill of joy
through you to receive the warns
hand -shake of a true friend over 3,000
miles from home, This was my ex-
perience with our departed brother.
He extended to Inc i,hat kind sym-
pathetic hand which words cannot ex-
press, but which I can never forget.
His residence in California was practi-
cally . a Koine for. Canadians, and he
had the faculty of finding them out
and making them welcome. He had a
natural sympathetic nature. Notwith-
standing his active, busy life, he was a
moving spirit in the Canadian Club,
and a member of a. number of the
fraternal societies. It was this, no
doubt, as is the case with all true men,
that developed in him the large -heart-
ed natural disposition in extencaing to
all the kindness and hospitality he
exhibited when occasion presented it-
self. The funeral was conducted by
the Worshipful Master, J. A. Stewart.,
and bretbren of Lebanon Lodge, of
Exeter, the pall -bearers being Bros. T.
B. Carling, E. tlhristie, •L. H. Dickson.
A. G. Dyer, H. Spackman and W.
Dr. H. P. Ross has passed then Medi-
cal Council. -
Dr. Tennent has imported several
ponies from 'Walpole Island.
3. G. Stanbury has secured the ser-
vices of David Jacques, agent of - the
London Mutual Fire Insurance Co., as
assistant in his law office.
L. H. Dickson, of the from of -Dick-
son &Carling, barristers, leaves this
month for:Cardiff, Wales; to procure
evidence in the case of Zink -en vs.'
Bobier. •
The mortality report of the Ontario
• l shows. anunusually
Board f Health sh w
large.number of deaths from measle
and whooping cough, -and an unusually
small number from typhoid. The com-
parative figures are as follows:
. Api 1900 Ap11899 Mar 1900
s 3180 2022 2330
Total death
Scarlatina 15 28 - 23
Diphtheria' 20 33- 34
1Vleasles 22 4 22
"Gold MGti!" Bkl6k Dress Good
Keep their color and stand hard wear.
Good Hosiery
All the hosiery we sell
is good in every instance, the
best we can search out for the
price. People who do their
hosiery buying here get good
hosiery. Here are two lines
of leaders that are good.
Full fashioned cotton Hose, Herms- 1
dorf dye, never changes, extra heavy 1
heel, goad value lac.
Full fashioned, silk finish, cotton
Hose, Hermsdorf dye, German make
extra high heel, double sole, you'll not
get better anywhere ai t the price 25e.
Our grocery stove is complete. Have your tried our
Japan 'T'ea
10 . ( - 7
199 257 188
The R. Pi6KdrU Go..
Dirc6t importers
W. Anderson has gone to London Mrs, Doagios has returned from vis -
to work. ' sting friends in Seaforth.
A. J, Rollins had one of his toes ani J. A. Stewart's pony ran away the
laut,tted this woe's, J.
other day. The wagon was slight -
J. A. Stewart picked ripe strawber- ly damaged.
ries from his garden Tuesday. Turkish Scalp E ood feeds the hair
Mr. Anderson, of the Metropolitan nature,restores the color,curesbaldness
was in London and Stratford ;Monday stops falling hair, removes dandruff,
on business. restores faded and grey hair to its
Miss Hattie Fitton leaves in a fe
days for British Columbia to visit her
Owing to the scarcity of stock, the
butchers throughout the country have
been compelled to raise the prices of
all kinds of meats.
Rey. Milyard, while driving from
Sexsmith on Sunday, his horse be-
came unmanageable and somewhat
disfigured the buggy,
Principal Halls,of the Public Schools
Goderich, is still seriously ill; but his
many friends hope to1
learn of his im-
provement in the sear future.
Dr. Kinsman, of Sarnia, formerly of
Exeter, has purchased and 'imported
the handsome pointer. dog, "St. Oleic
Lad,"from Messrs. Porter Ss Grime's
kennels, Paris, Missouri.
Willie Heideman, son of A. Riede- .
man was kicked by a horse on Tues STRaWBERRYIPL$TTVAL: -The Ladies
day. Ayouug lad was holding the k
natural color and vitality. Only 50c a
bottle at Lutz's drug store.
The first draft of stations for the
London Conference has been publish-
ed. There are few ehanges in this
district. F. Swan for Granton, and J.
Hart, Woodham. Rev. E. A. Milyard
goes to Miorpeth, Kent Co.
Sunday afternoon the body of an
unknown young mad was found on the
railroaad track near Blyth, with his
head completely severed from bis body.
The head was found nearly three-
quarters of a
mile farther down the
track. It is supposed he fell from the
circus train, which passed. through
ou will please take notice that the
4a1 meeting of the shareholders of
40 Exeter Salt Works Co. will t e held
Tuesday, Jame the 12th at 2 o'clock p.;
;u. at. town hall.
T. B. CABLING, Secy.-Treas. 4
Miss Ella Rollins is visiting friends
In Rochester, Mich.
Revs Milyard and Brown e.e1iang ed
pulpits on Sunday- last.
The Exeter taccosse team aro aan,
nounced to play at Mitchell on Friday.
For derangements of the stomach
anti liveillr, sheadache,, ete.,use Dix Little
Liver P
Ml's. F. Burnett„ of Nelson, B. (;.,
°c*asiting her sisters, Mrs. Carling and
Mrs. Pickard.
Miss Wurin who hag • •n visiting
friends in town ret'. ui- l to lien home
in Zurich. Monday.
Mrs. 13 V. !Idiot and Haugh tars, Mar-
ian and A*, ,he, together with Mr. E.
Pliint, lieve one to Toronto where
they will spend the summer.
Mr. Brown, who has been employed
by F. Wood, as pork -packer, leaves in
a few weeks for Ilowick, where he will
work his father's farm. "Sire learn that
Mr. Day may succeed ilir. Brawn.
The Exeter company of volunteers
left here Tuesday morning under com-
mand of Capt. Rance and Lieut. Davis
for London camp. The company nrun-•
We use the best, high grade coiled wire
d. F ,STINSON.s CO.,
Kirkton, Ont,
Bugle& Buggies I BuQlesl t
Swing is here and our buggies are
selling lively.
If you are desirous of securing a
;First-class Buggy
tiered 21.
W. Yoe, of Landon, has leased one
of James Willis' residences and will re-
turn to Exeter and start a general
store. Chas. Tota and wife will also
retuen to Exeter. We welcome them
Chas. Sanders, of Stephen. who has
been a pupil of the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute, passed very ereditahly at
the recent Western University exams.
He obtained 76 per cent. on Greek
Than application fora new trial an
behalf of the defendant in the case of
Greive vs Folland was refused by
Judge Doyle at Goderich last week.--
L. Il. Dickson far deft ; J. 1+.. Stan -
bury for plff.
Mrs. Fowell and daughter have mov-
ed to Exeter from Woodstock, and
have leased the rectory. Mrs. Fowell
as a former resident of Exeter, and
b • many friends Urn welcome the
fa a fly's return.
e notice in the 3rd year list of
g dilates at Osgootle Ball, just pub-
li hed, the name of Geo. Buchanan,son
of Dr. Buchanan, of Zurich, who ranks
1st in the pass Hat. We congratulate
one yonng friend upon his success.
Duncan Lamont, the youth who was
kicked in the face by a horse in Hawk-
shaw's stable recently is able to he out
again, thouarh his face is still badly
disfigured. The report in some papers
that he had died is consequently false.
Blyth Saturday night, en route from
Goderich to Kincardine. His head
had a bullet hole in it. The remains
were taken to Blyth where an inquest.
is being held.
horse by the heart. Your) g Medawar).
while playing around caught the horse
by the tail, when it kicked him. Re
was struck on the face and bya second
charge was kicked on the leg. The
boy is badly injured.
A Leadbury correspondent writes: -
(lithe a number from this section join-
ed the procession to witness the laying
of the corner stone of the new Rohan
Catholic church at Dublin. The cere-
mony was impressive as well as pleas-
ing. --A pleasant event took place at
the residence. of. Robert Graham, one
evening recently, being the marriage
of Mrs. Graham's sister, Bliss Emma
Brown, . to Thomas Atkinson, of Us -
borne. rn . T he ceremony r n ony was performed
byRev. Mr. Leverton, v ye n, of Bothwell, in
the presence of a large number of the
relatives and intimate friends of the
bride. The wedding feast was , well
prepared and bountiful, and the
dingpresents s e a useful and reteOf the bride, we might say that h
amiable and gentle qualities caused
her to be a favorite with every person
of refinement. They go to reside in
Exeter, followed by the best wishes of
a large circle of friends.
,'i• • R e.«ea. .3i 1t
Aid of Caeen Presbyterian church will
aye a Strawberry Festival in the base-
ent of the church on Tuesday evening
9th June. E verybody cordially
printing. Apply at Tnssns Omen. •
OLL� .tel L
Reduced to $a.80
mill FeedandCern
This week we offer a snap in a
S 6O Oa rtND
my six months old, good Snake, in
.-class condition at at price that will
rest you. Ask to see it.
Our bicycles are evidently meeting
with. Public favor.
They are easy to ride, easy to buy,
stylish and popular in price, quality,
and appearance.
We speak of the celebrated
cheap naw is the time.
We have n large number anti differ-
ent styles to select from.
W. H. Parsons
Two doors south of Tuwn hall,
Levitt's fair
Summer underwear
'We Iutve a nice choice in Men's
snits and socks, Ladies' vests and
stockings, shirt waists, lace insertion.
Parasols and Umbrellas. The latest
in Belts, Fane, and Pocket Books.
See the new patriotic Hat and Collar
China and Glassware,
Hammocks, Watering -cans, Child's
Garden Setts.
Wire Meat and Cake Covers, Soaps,
Polish, Ammonia., .Shawl Straps and
Zinc Cleaners, Granite Water Jugs,
Feather Dusters.
FxuESII FxixyrrS.
Weiland Vales
Levitt's Fair
Laundry sent away every Thursday. -
We are making a specialty of the
above kind would be pleased to have
part of your trade.
Our facilities for buying are equal to
those anf our neighbors and our) shop
expenses are match less than those of.
Any r.1 t„ a concern in town.
Made and naar.w;teaxl by the tcoria'S
largest maker;
always in stock.
S. Martin.
W. T 'evethick