Exeter Times, 1900-6-6, Page 5Ta• MONEY TO LOAN. We have -unlimited private tituds tor invest-, asent Amon farm or village ptoperty at lowest ates ot interest. DICKSON & CARDING Exeter. p W. GLADMAN (Sneeessor toE11iof & Gladinan) Briter liotuy Conveyancer, Etc, M011eY to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest, yilICE MAIN STREET EXETER fl KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND asse DR. A. 11. HINMAN, le D. S. D. D. S„ Honor Gmanuate of Tomato Uaiversity, Dentist. Teeth extracted witheut pain or lied after enacts, (Mice in Fan. eon's block. West eide. of Main t Exeter DR- ANDERSON. (D. D. S. L D S.) DENTIST. Horgir Gradnateof the Toronto University. Dna Royal College of Dental Surgeons of °Mario. All bridge work. Crowns at d Plate Weak dene in the Peat0st peeeible Inanner. 111§4*Iless eareethetie tee Fairies -a eatraetion. Thestrietest attention given to the preservat. On of the natural teeth. (Mee eliPosite Cent tr:ilHotel, Exeter. Ontario. „....,wrs,atteamme...,nte,m,••••••ao. CUT THIS OUT and send us with elcents in Over. and yon will get by return mail a GOLDEN litnX OF .gOODS lhot mill bring >entire 11101M MONEY, elle month, than auythinq 0E0 in America, • w. KINNEY, 1. Te etalent-Tamioutit, N.S BULL FOR B.ALE. A thereShred Inerham bull. lregistercda 14 1110111LtAS old, man color, formic on lot 1, een.1. llelsorne. This is a fine animal. SIMON HUNTER, PrePrieten 74-eter P. O. OTICE TO CREDITORS Of William Stevens, hde of tlte 111 - loge of Exeter, in the County of Ninon, retired farmer, deceased. ::1111Cce Icerty gni rertnent to Chart. 1.i9. R. 11;e4that aO pereeue having efaints against the jeE4,-0 0f the said Melia= Stevens, W1112 died on Or about Ow 1st doeor XV, IOW, :nee required to seed sea or before the 4416 day of June, Veit by pest pre. r aid to J, otry, 11 A, Euler 40, %ticker forthe Aden onbtratret of Iltesaid Wm Sttr., their anue,atien -sea ani eezeileniotei with rertieeleni 01 Owlet hens mei a btaltalcrit ef tittle aceeratts nd the velure ct them untaii tit WO 1:01i1 by item. Ana eteeei Is 6C givm thet otter the laSt tut n.toned dale the relit Attu oinistrattie vdI meted to tilietrilette the elects et die tieel dreca•ed among tbe eurlitecaliticd thereto. having regard only to li10 'LOW a nbiell 20000 than IVO 0 betel given as abet e required ;and Otto said Adielnistratrix shall not be em the feel testes me ane• eat thereof to ally persen rresteens of e elautte notice *lien mit aave n melt ttl ty beret the date et et:eh di,ttlbe Mims J. O. STAN KRT. Reicher fie Administratrix. Dated at Eeeteathe etstit day et May, Ifee. ese ------- • .--- a • AucrioN SALE. Auelfele Fate of real estate and boueeltold effeets. la. le. P111143 has received instructions from 01 e4 ;miters of the late J. P. Mareball to sell le p thlle unction at the residence of J. It. Marefien,ltedgerville, On Saturday June 01 at one o'elock, 2 horns, I mileh Cow, 2 top Buggies, 1 cutter, 1 light svogonsl spring wagon. I set eingle harness, 1 carriage. 1 old buggy, 1 orgau, 1 emanate a Fonts, 2stoves, 1 coal stove, a commodes, 4 bed steads 'and springs, dozen ebairs, I dozen kitchen ebaire, 5 tables, a -quantity of beddIng and feather beds, :pictures, looltims glasses, mason's tools, quite- -any of telehes end doors, etc-. I water trough. 1 ti heavy single harness, 2 clocks, a tot of small hOuseliold goods, Rodgervillo property, cieneltaitig of 4 acres more or less, 2 -story brick cottage. 7 rooms and kitchen and woodebed, 2 :flowing welle, 1 gO0t1 stable. °relined of about 35 apple trees, Howell dwellieg contesting of 1 story awl a half frame dwelllug, 8 rooms and kitchen and good lack and front yard. Hen- eall tores known as the Marshall block, 2. story brick buildings with good ranee and backyard TEIMIS : All mites ef 95 and under cash, over that amount a menthe' credit on furnish- ing approved joint notes. 4S discount for rash on tredit amounts. BEAL .EST.tar. .1 Ten per cent. of the pule chase money to be paid at the time of stole; turthur particulars as to terms of sale and balance of purchase money. which will be liberal, will be made known at the day of sale, MRS. ORE, 13. S. PHILLIPS, FRANK MARSHA Executor. Alma. Five Packs of Cards Free, One vack, eMay Tee, t7. Home,' One_pack Escort, One pack Flirtation,' Ono pack 'Hold. e0 -light,' Ono pack 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no. teens. Sena Sc. silver far_pestage. A. W. MENEK, E. T., Sa1etn-1. armouth, N. S Public School. Board. • --- Meeting of tbe Board held in the Town Hall, Wednesday Pith, at 8 p. m. with all members present. The following is the order of busi- ness duly enbmitteel and approved. Per Chairmen, ntes of previous meeting. Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe that the change in the grading of the De- . partments suggested by the Principal be endorsed by the Board and that he be empowered to carry the same into effect with the opening of the fall term. Per j. Senior a,nd W. Trevethica that the pareuts of the pupils absent- ing th ern eel v es from school, as reported by the Principal, be duly notified that compliance with the school rt gulations As required forth with. Adjf itt en men t, (serried. , Moved W. 3. Carlitig. T. GRIGG, Sec'y. Ar, Mc Gillivray --- SCHOOL REPORT. --The following is a coeval veport of S. S. No. 5, ;McGil- livray. for the 'month of May. Re- port is 'taped on work and natendattee of pi:11)11S, Thl ities 1.tre in order of 'eerie Ettie Coughlin, None Coughlin ; Sr. 117: Cava. Shorts Josephinti (kn.tgh- jzj, NVillte Lewis, Tominy 1.iightfoot, May Metirory, Lily Lightfoot, Edwiod Fatilde ; J. IV, Sam t3ciIt, Leo Coughiln, Olive Short, Rosilla Light- foot, 1 -Jury Lewis ; class, Pearl Short, Erwin Scott, Jennet MAIrldro, Nellie Le wh-1, Gladys 'Short, ; Sr. IT, • -Allie Wilson, Arnold Coughlin, Louie Welsh ; Jr. II, Adrain Coughlin, Adeline Hofftnen, Mahle Lightfoot, • Raymond Coe g hl in ; Pt. II, Clara Lewis, Feed Lewis Edward Jones, Chester Morley, irin Scot t, Eliza Hodgms ; I c!agss, Willie Maguire. May • Faulder, Allio Lightfoot,Ella Hodgins, 'Violet Short, Christena Boffin:GI, Ellie Welsh. No. on roll 30. Aver- age a,tten cl an ce 30. • J. 11. LANE, Teacher. 'The torture of toothache is qttioldy relieved. by Low's Toothache Guru. Price 10e. Refuse Ate betitut es. r TILE EXIITER AeNS.TOPeel"!!". Ban, No I D 1900 Or 111k1 060 Villaao 0 'Dogwood, IN Tar COUNTY OF saunoie, ,FTIO raise by debentures the sum of Ak Eight Hundred Dollars, for the purchase of Fire Engine and other ap- pliances for the purpose of fire protee- don and the supply of water therefor. Winennas tne Police Trustees desire to make provisions for Fire Protection. Ame Wrietimes the Pollee Tatee eeabeete the cost theeeof at, 98000 and they desire to purchase fire engine and appliances. and to raise for that purpose the mid sum of $800.00, by debentures in maener and payable as here- inafter set forth. AND WDElotos under and in imrsuanee of the powers vested In Ow Police Village Trus- tees .neder "The Xunieiaal Amendment Act," 1000, Section 61. the said, Trustees hare author- ity to issue debentures for eaid purposes, ex- tentliug over a period of ten years, AND WIlcuet-S the total amount required to be raised annually. by special rate, on all the rateehle property of the said Pollee Village of Daelaweell, tor a period of ten years, for the paying °Vote said debt. and interest tbereen is the seam of 9103.60. as set forth in the schedule hereinafter written. "Wroennes the several annual arnouets paaable for principal and intereet in the re- speetkr0 year are these respeetivele set Qui in the said ecteedule- -AND WIttilenee tho amount of the be IMAM, ble property of tbe eald Pellee village of Dasnweoll. /wording to the valuation. equallz- Mien toad, deteendeatien et the Aeseasers ot tlieToWnships ortitephen and IlaY 1374.€0.00. Atm "Wlieuees according to such equellze. tion it will be Itecce.sary for the litanicipal Connell of the Township of Stephen to Issue de- bentures for the vortlau of such Police Village, meat') h tbe TpwnFtilp of Stephen, atnottntinq e ; and tth • of 117e Tewnsilip of Nay. US issue debet.. for the portion of Such Police Village as Is el; It. ate In the Tom nettle tie Day, amouetitig to 43 pV1' cent of the tetal aniount of dehenturee and tuterest, which ei nave tally set teeth in the sebedule hereinafter n ritteis AND W.11111;e:An there ie no other aNistieg De - bent ere neat or 1.Le said ponce 'op of Dash-. wood. 1.3s: IT Tit eussOln: ENACTED by the Corpora. - Hon ot the Pollee Village of Dashweed, and it is hereby enacted by the Pollee Village Tres. tees as follows: 1. -It shall be lawful for the Reeve arid Treas- urer of tae Township ot stepbeu, and they are bereby autimezed apd instructed to borrow for the purge:lees aforesaid. the SUM Of MUM and tp 1Fin0 ten de- tenteree of the said Correlation, each for the' -un of $53.87..yeyable ldtheSaleleeens Rents lexeter. anti at the time set out in the Faili schedule 10 this Iiplame and such Delaeutures shall represent in the reseective yeatet, the anieunteof itrineiral and interest respectively. as shown in the said erhecinfte rdliela interest is reel:clad an the weld, principal at the rate ot live per tent. tier 311111411121 tame nye 2. -Jt 'shall be lawful for the Reeve mid Trea,.- urer et the Townehtp of Hoy. and the aro hereby authorized arid Instructed to barrow for the purpeses aforesaid, tite stem of e381.09; and tO les110 ten Debentures of the Feld Corporation, each for the sum et 819.73, enable at the Mob eon's Beek. Exeter, and at tbe times set out in the said Felicd010 10 this IlySaw, and such de- bentures ellen represent in the respective years the amounts of yrinelpal and interest respect- ively, as shown in lite said eeheduee. whjeh in - tercet it reckoned on the unpaid principal at the rate of five per mit. vermilion lamina 3.-elt shall lie lawful for the Reevee of t Townehipe of Stephen and Hay, find they two hereby authorized and instructed to sign the said Debentures, hereby authorized to be h- oned, and to cause the SUMO to be Mened by the Treasurers ot the respective Municipalities tine Um Clerks of the respective Munteipalities aro 'hereby Authorized and Instructed to attach the seal of their Muntelpel Corporation to the said Debentures. For the purpoee of raying the staid Debate tures, the auntie( sum of ei53 87 shall he raleed aud levied in eaeleyear by speelal eta° anillelent therefor to be raised, levied and coil ected at the game time as ordinary rates for the Municipal. ityitt Citell s•car of the said iseried ot ten yeare, from and mean all rateable property itt the Dashwood Pollee Village. situate in the Town - Alp of Stephen, In addition to ell °Ulcerates daring the currency of Diesel(' Debenture. 5.- For the further purpose of paying the said Debentures, the annual sum of Sill,73 shall be raised and ievied in each year by special rate sullIeleut therefore to be raised, levied nett celleeted At the sante thno as ordinary rates for Oho Municipality, in each year of the eald period of ten years Trout and upOn ell the rate- able property in the Dashwood. Police Villege, situate in Otto Township of Hay, in addition to all other rates timing the currency of the ettid Debenttuo. 0. --This By-law sirnil take effect on and from the date ot the passing thereof, which date shall be Otto date of the issue of the said deben- tures. The following is the schedule hereinbefore re - tarred to:- TOW:Senn' Or minim Time. .Amt. of _dint of No. 1.-. 15, 190U 512.27 el1.60 953,87 Payable. Iuterest, Principal. T Dee No. 2 -Dee 15, 1001 12.27 41.60 5eatal,87 . No. 3. --Dee 15, 1902 reee 41,00 53.87 No, 4...-1/en 15, 1003 leen 41.60 ate No. os -Des le not 19.27 41.60 e3.87 G. -Dee 15, uso 12.27 41.00 53.87 No. 7. -Dee 15, 1900 1227 41.60 53 87 No. 8-1ee 15, 1907 1227 11.60 53.87 No. 9. -Dee Is, 1902 Li 27 41.60 53.87 Nolte -Deo la. lee 12.27 41.60 53.87 9122 70 e416.00 9738.70 --- reWieetne Or nee Time Amt, of Amt. of Payable. Interest. Principal. Total. No. 1 -Dec 15, 1900 811.33 938.40 819.73 No. 2 -Dee 15, 1901 1013 sea 49.73 No. 3-1)ee 15, 1902 1033 38.40 49.73 No. 4 -Dee 15, 1903 11.33 38.40 49.73 No. 5 -Dee 15, 1901 11.33 38.40 19.73 No. 6 -Dee 15, 3905 11.33 33.40 49.73 No. 7 -Deo 15, 1900 11.33 38.40 49.73 No. 8-1)eo 15,1907 11.33 38.40 49.73 No. 9-3)eo 15,1905 11,33 33.10 49.73 No 111-1)oe 15, 1009 11.33 38.40 49.73 8113.30 S881.09 8197.30 9. --The votes of the duly qualified electors of the said Police Village of Dashwood shall bo taken upon this By-law on the llith day of Juno, A. D. 1000, cornmeeciog at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon and closing at o o'clock in the at Genteel) of the same day, :led the polling boot1i for the taking of the yote shall be hem in Messer's Batiste the said Pollee Village, and John NY, Graybell shall, aud is hereby authorized ea tho person to act as Returning Officer, for the pur- pose of taking the yotes of the ratepayers. 10. -On the leth cloy of Jona, A. D. IWO, at the hour of 5 o'clock in the afternoon, tho said Ramming Officer shell -attend at Mosser's Ball, in the stud, Pollee Village, and shalt appoint, in writing, signed by him, two Itersons to af,tend at the final sumtning up of the -votes given for •ami against. this By-law ; ono person on behalf of the pomens interestea aud desirous of pro- moting of the passing of this Bylaw, and one person on behalf of the persons interested in And desirous of opposing the passing of this By-law, which day and hour are ' hereby, fixed for the eetid put-posee. 11 -The Returning Officer shallattend alt Mossor's Hall, in the said Police Villege. on 18011 Juno, A. D 1900, at. Olio hour Of ICI o'clock in the forenoon to Rum up the nu inbenhf votes gime for and itgransti this By-law, which place,. day and hour are hereby fixed for the purpose. I'rovieleeally passed May 19 A. 10.1110(t. GEORGE KELL ERN ANN. Inspeeting 'frustee.. . . 1. 0410111011 1(111..LE1BIANtf, IIICAP00,111g '1'rUSiC0 01'. Otto 1)otitte of Dashwood, lierebi cer, tify hat • he above is a true copy. of it proposed By-law, white) has hoeu taken into onneidera don by the Police T. restees of the Village of ,Dashivocelmaid which will be final ly naesed by the Po ice Trim ,cos (in tbo event of the assent of the eleotors heing obtained thereto), after one month from the first publication of the It'keentu Items, in the Village of Exeter, Oniony of Hu 11).1, 1110 date of the first publica- tion being on May 2101, A.D. 1900, and that at the hour, date and place 'fixed in the above By-law, is the time and place for the taking of the 1,otes of the electors and the place where the poll will be bola. . G °KG E KELLY° R MANN, inspecting Trustee. Dated at Village of Dash wood, this 19th day a May, 1900. . . Magyard'e Yellow Oil reduces sarelling, allays indanunation • takes out painend cures outs, burns, •bruisee, sprains, .t11r3011105, ote., more effectually then any other remedy. THE BEST MEDICINE •IVIra. Alma Gormin. llatd, N13.. says :. had an attaek of Liver Trouble and Indigestion, and decided to tn. Laea-Liver They had it better and more In sting effect than any remedy 1 e u took. ea_nada's Position in the Em e TheL sas He t atis MARKETS. pire. An essay written by the fifth forte as s aa oVi. wasat per isusbei . ... .61 to 64 ot the Exeter Public school, read in the various rooms on Empire Day -; A angle drop of poison AP I Reeiter..1tTerr 51h, 201O . Oat& . . 2e re 31 0 13ariey.,... .... 40 to 45 Peas . ... Butter-- • --- ..- - 44 to 14. What is the Bridela Empire 11 is Great Britain, her colonies and posses- sions. To show the extent of the Em- pire take, for example, the Queen's birthday. As the day breaks in the British Isles, the centre Of the vast Empire, the Qoeen receives Lite joyous greetings of her Mart and people. Be- fore they have ended their greetings all Canada is awake. These loyal suns jects join in singing. "God SONO the Queen" and before the last eamee have died away the New Zealanders take up the swag. One hour later dawn lareets oii .Australia and Tasinania. Then the strains are earried by the busy merchants. of Hong Kong to the Milli -00S of India. Almost at tbe same timie the people of Cape Colony and Natal join in the refrain, and before Malta, ceases tbe sun again smiles on Windsor Castle and the guard* know that "God Saye the Queen" has trav- elled with the sun around the globe. Of all Britain's colonies Canada is the greatest. Canada was not always wbat she now is. The British North America or Confederation Act first gave the country the name as well as the rights and privileo,es which she 110W e»joys. In the Teat 1867 the Do !Pillion consisted of only four Plate Paces. As does a child, Canada 'began to grow from its birth both in eiZe and in lichee. /Manitoba, Ihitish Columbia Owe Edward 'eland, together ,..1,e dietriets, have been added since them We hope Canada bits not finished growing, tie We WW1 lol eee Newfoundland admitted into Met:mon before many years. The boundariee of Canada, are extended. Now on the West the mighty waves of the Pacific lashthe shore, and on the golden sands of tbe Eastern coast the Atlantic ebbs and fin•We and the ice bound Aretic fetters the Northern shore. Tbe productive SOO, the forest with, its Wealth of timber. the lake'S and riyees abeenadipg in the most yaleahle fish and tbe nut old tithes of then -dues. make Cralada 10 home a pleuty. Being se advautageously situated, she has an enormous shipping trade with the va- rious countries, and in the interior she bas an unrivalled railway system. Surely 13ritaue could pot do without Canada's help. Britain niust have Canada's grain, dairy produce, Oar. Mail fruit. These are not all c f Cana da's resmuces from which she derive - her wealth. Many millions of dollar: are poured into ler coffers from Int minerals. Her canals and waterway, - are being deyeloped. Her trading fa- cilities are fast becoming uearly per- fect. During the lest few years Canada has made gigantic strides in the Edu- cational world. Universities, high schools and publie schools are doing good work in educating our young men and women, and each year liter- ary and scientific lame is increasing. With higher education we see the de- velopment of strong national feeling. The love 'which each citizen bears to tbe mother country bas been shown its the sending of our soldiers to the battle -field to fight side by side with England's best soldiers for true justice. Canada's future depends largely on herself. She will forge ahead. She is at present the gem of the (frown and will become still greater for Canadians can make her so. Here in this Christian lend of ours, where every man is free to follow his own religion, prosperity and growth are bound to follow. Here lies the key notes to Canada's increasing de- velopments. As long as ste continues to set aside one day out of seven to praise tbe Giver of all ber blessings, she will bay e strength. May God keep Canada, our boom, free from the el - luring vices of sin. BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr A 0 Thomas, of Marysville, Tex, bas found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klon- dike. For years be suffered untold agouy from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption and Colds. He. declares gold is of little value in t -comparison with this marvellous euro; would have it, even it cost' a.bundrecl dollars a bot- tle. a.stlanaa, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr Kiug's New Discovery for Con- sumption. Sold at at any Drug Store. Regalar size 50 ets and $1.00. Guar- anteed to cure or price refunded. 41-t BORN SHIPLEY -In Clinton on May 29, the wife of Thos. Shipley of a daughter. GUNN-In Clinton, on May 7, the wife of Dr. Gunn, of a daughter. • FINKBEINER-In Crediton, On Tuesday Julio 5th, wife of George Finkbeiner.of a daughter. DEATUNG-In Stophel, on 4th inst., the With of W. a Deering, of a son. MARRIED E3JMERS011-OURRIfil-On May 30,at Ratton- Miry St. Parsonage, Clinton; by Rev. W. G. Howson. Samuel lemmorson to Miss Marton Currie, all of Goderich-township. NOTT-CRAIG-At the residence of Robert Craig on may 23, by Row. .7. A. Hamilton, Frode'rielt . Nett. of Tuckersmith, to Miss Matilda Blanch Craig; of Mullett. HEY WOOD-SLEAMON-At the Temperanee Betel. Exe. er N orth. on the 21th ult, by the Rev. W. 1.1. Martin, B. D., W .5. Meywood,of Exeter, to Jennie Sleamon, of Saginaw, Minh, RUSSELL-McDONALD-At the residence of the bride's.parents, Thames Road. Usborne, on the 6th inst., by Rev. oolin Fleieher..Tolin • Russell, • of Woodbam, to Miss Man, J„ daughter of Alexander McDonald. • DIED • ,WALROND - In Stephen, on the • 2nd inst., • George Watrond, in his 85th year. ELLIOTT-In Goderich, on May 25, Mary 30 Paltoe, react of the late Win Elliott, aged 16 • years. sHANNONeaTn McKillop, on Sunday, 5007 2716 william James Shannon, aged 73 years, 3 months, 25 days, MANN' -In Mt:M.110P, on Friday, May 25011, • William Ilatin, eocond son of James Mann, aged 23 years. 4 months and 4 dam • BRETT-In Seaforth, on May 29th,Hermon L infant son of Albert and Mary Brett, aged 3 weeks and 1 day. W•AN LESS -In Changan, Ont.,. pn May 21s0, Clhristena Bonthron. wife of David Wanless, and sister of Mr. llonthron, Exeter, aged 61 years. RED HOT. FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G B Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treat- ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck- len's Arnica Salve Cured him. Cures " Cuts,Bruises,-;Burns, Boils, Felons, Coins, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure ou earth. 25 cts a box. Cure guaran- teed. Sold by all druggists. broocf will; onless checked in time, makethe -whore iinpore; Hood's .$arsaparilla 15 tho great readerin.btoodpuriflers, It castsno ftbatlow, but brings sun- Abirte algihealth into every heneebold. • Running sore-- My mother wail trenblea with taste:eaten in her kneeter initaber Of -:yeare, end it broke out into rateable eere, She took 'three bottles et Hood's. Sareeperilla end is now wen. llioocrs Olive Ointment helped, to beef the entrtIon..” Mae. 3e107 FARA, Clorerlawes, Aneeeter, Oat. Rtleurnatlene-"X was baely aelietee wita eeiatte rheumatism. CensiOtea dee, toes without relief, WAS. Persaaded tot.ry Beed'11 e.arsaparttle, aud fistii bottles gave zee .reuef end enabled me to go to work,* Wawa» R. /teem, Marv:gets/Ws, N. S. f • a1/24° • pi et: et° P157400105 Bootrstillirltro liver Ma ; the 110114mItAlirs and Vilirattliertie to STATEMENTS That GOITILIfla Mtn - tion and Insoirc nom aine's Ceiery Compound The NeYer-Disappcinting Banisher of Sickness And Disease. The etateraent that Pine's Celery •Compound builds up sickly, weak and • un down people, is true in every par- ticular. It ie also true that Paine's Veleta' Conmound is the only medicine •:n the world that can successfully grapple with oretinate and long -stand - mg cases of disease and give to suf- fers active limbs, pure blood,elear CORI- plex1011, healthy appetite and perfect • digestion. Score:: of able and reliable physicians, month:telt drugglyts, legis- lators, merchants and lenders in society can bear testimony to the wonderful cures wroneht by faiine'e Celery Com- pound during, the paid. spring months. Sueli faete awl statements should be euilleient to convince all doubting and • despondent sufferers, and inspire them with a. determination •to test the world's great heelth-giver. Chas. W. Ross, Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, suites thus : "For a long :petiod of time I suffer- ed from the pains and tortnes of neur- algia, and tbe effects to my general system were so seelons and itlarming that icily doctor ordered an ocean trip. went to England at considerable ex - muse, but bail to return to Canada almost, as bad as when I left it. After getting Immo I determined to COW - mono the use of latine's Celery Com- pound, as it. was strongly recommend- ed for such troubles. After using the medicine for a short time tbe results were most pleasing and gratifying. The attacks becanae less frequent and less severe, and soon the whale trouble was completely banished, 1 have not experienced a pain or ache for months. I take great pleaseire in recommending such a marvellous medicine to all neuralgic sufferers. Paine's Celery OoMpound has astonishing virtues and powers, and will certainly overcome any fornt of leuralgies" Exeter Municipal Council Council met pews Mint to arljoInale Mont at. Town Hall,on Friday, May 23. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read end confirmed. Tbe petition of T. B. Carting, W. j. Carling, A. Hastings and 48 other rate- payers, praying that that portion of Main street, between the north side of the: Town Hall property and Huron street be watered, was presented, and on motion of J. Evans, seconded by W. H. Levett, the prayer of the peti- tion was granted. Tenders for the erection of a pump - house at the river, were received as follows: W A Balkwill, 990; Ross & Taylor, 8103; Geo Vosper, $115; W J Bissett, 9125.' N Howard, $125, in- cluding land; James Jeckell, $110. .Moved by J Evans, seconded by Armstrong, that the tender of W A Balkwill, being the lowest, be accepted; building to be completed on or before June 15th.--Oarried. Tenders for 2A inch gas pipe were re- ceived as follows: -W 3 Hearoan $26.- 69, Hugh Spackinan $25.65, James Murray & Co $25.25, Bishop & Son $27,50, Dominion Radiator Co 926.21, Robertson & Co $27.50, per 100 feet. Moved by I Armstrong., seconded by Muir thittthe tender of Jas ti urray & Co being tbe lowest be accepted. - Carried. • Tenders for copper boiler tubes were received as follows: -Stevens Mfg Co 35 met* a pound, Robertson & Oo 20a cents a lb, James Murray & CO 30 cents alb; •A R Williams 31 ceets a lb ; The Ja mes MOrriS013 Mfg Co at 67 cents each. . • Moiled by j Evans, secouded by Muir that he matter be laid over for f 13 ether consi derati on. -Ca rried. A communication from the village council of Hensel', asking this council to petition the County Council rega,rd- In g road tnaking Machinery was laid before the coati cile and on 'motion of J Evans, seconded by W H Levett, the Reeve and Clerk- WaS 2.1.1thOriZed to sign said petition. • Armstrong -Muir -That Council ad- journ to meet Tuesday. May 28, im- mediately after Court of Revision. - Carried. Council met pursuant to adjournment at Town lialla-june 2. All present. Minutes of previous meeting reet. and co manned. . M uir -Ai mstrong-eThat the tender of the Janies Morrison •'Co for cop - 'DeEeteSig:C1503:'S' 'Pe";Th ttattt. .4.0a, 5, to 13 ttoe. 1-Q7 e ...W. 0 12 to 12 - - 7 te Drritaasriellef.: 7.- 305 t-03° 756 1,o • to:1"SM eeee.--eese LONDON MARKETS. Leaden, JUNE Oth, 3990. Wheae per bushel,- - -83 Oats-. 60 13ackeybeet - Itye Corn Beans Butter Decks . - Tarkeys pe.r. Geese pert, Chiekenmo Cbeese ........_ Potatoes per bag.-- .• - Hay. per ton ..6 One. to Pork per met-. 81.50 to -.-.42 15 60 - .... 10 0 GO et> a5 to 67 to 42 to 48 to 58 to 47 to 70 to /4 to 16 to 70 t,o 12 to 10 to 75 to 19 to 76 9 7.50 $5.09 per boiler tubes at 670 each be wept - ed arid the clerk order same for iniracd- late shipment. -Carried. Arinstrong-Muir-That tenders be asked for for laying 24 main to Town Hall -Carried. Armstrong- Levett - That council adjellen to June ala at 8 o'clock p. m. Oerried. The council met as a court of Revis- ion for the Assessment Roll at Town Hall, May 25th. The following members were preeept and duly sworn by the elerk:- The Reeve, Councillors Muir and Evaele. -Appeals from assessment as follows, C. LI, Sanders, personal, The Massey Harris Co, personal, EVa08--Muir--That the Reeve be b airmen. -Carried. The appeal of C. H. Sanders was dis- missed, on motion of .1. Muir, seconded by J. Evans, dluir-Evalle-Tbat, court ofRevielon adjourn to Saturday, June 2 at 8 p. -Carried. The adjourned Court or Revision re- assembled at Town Hall, Saturday, June 2nd, The following, members were present and were du1 sworn by the clerk. tbe Reeve, and Louneillors Levett, and -Armstrong. Lovett -Muir -The nppeal of the Massey Harris Co be dismissed.- Car- ried, A.ruistroug-Muir-That the assess= meat roll as revised be passed and the court, be closed. (em. II. Bissmor, Clerk. FOR 07.F.It FIFTY x.n.kns Ax Oen elert WetraTmen resamr.-Mta, Winslow's eeetlang Syrup lute been used tor over arty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, -with perfect sttecese It soothes the child, softens tbe gums. allays al pain. mimev ind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrlicea. It Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value le incalculable. Be Rum and lisle for Ms Winslow's Soothing Ss•ru are talto no other kW, TO T1113 Doane -A rich lady cured of Iter Denfuees and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums • has Sent tr.1,000 10 his Institnte, so that deaf people nnalde to procure the Ear DIUMS may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 7S0 Eighth Avenue, New York,IL S. A. sulrAn—"---nt COUGHS Are °feel hardeet to shake eta aed frequently lead to ronewmp. 10I3. Better have them cured promptly by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, the best remedy for healing the lungs and cur- ing all kinds of coughs mid colds. "1 purchased a bottle of Dr, Low's Worm Syrup for my little girl 21 years old, and gave hor the medicine. The result was she passed 15 round worms in 5 day." Mrs, 11. Roy, Kil- Inantigh, Ont. SEVERE HEADACHES. "For some time 1 was troubled with very severe headaches. I tried Milburn': Sterling Headache Powdere, and got immediate relief." Mrs. N. Burke, Lindsay. Ontario. Het -weather Health is easy to attain, easy to retain if you use tesocarstmeeeeecieesavetate•oetooeseteete. • eCaTt_7178. 1 NATIVE HERBS selco .t es1 • • • 011400 ...... otiseesseessoctooesezesseeee Prevents and cures all summer com- plaints; regulates and tones the • stomach; keeps all the organs • healthy. • en tablets 81.00— cure guaranteed or money baok. .5.1 druggists or by mail. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 282 80. Paul Street, Montreal, Can B.B. Cures - .a Ringworm. "I had ringworm on my head for nearly a year. "1 consulted three doctors but derived little or no benefit from their treatment. • "I then commenced to use Burdock Blood Bitters. "Besides taking it internally I washed the affected parts with it and when the bottle was finished I was completely cured." Elsie Slaght, Tceter- ville, Ont. • Burdock Blood Bitters cures sores, ulcers, bolls, pimples, eczema and all skin ,t.uptions of the most chronic type. It sakes the blood rich and pure, drives all foul material from the system and builds up the tissues of the body. Shoes by Mail If you doo't he iu a towri where there is a "Slater Shoe' Agency, you can get your exact fit, in elaape, size and :dab, and yon can choose the preciee feather yoo want, from acteeisties," the handsoine-st and most complete shoe catalogue ever published in srmeriee, 20 tells all about "The alater Shee" and aceurately describes the different leetbers,-the kind of wear they're good for, and how to care for them. Price $3.5o and $5.00, stamped on the sole in a slate frame With. InalrerS' name. Write for one, it's free, -i'esefse- A ear . 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 000 E. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. OALL AT •I The Brunswick bota Wingbara, is THE FAMMY • 'still In the bands of J, H. Dulutigtothe transfer to a Montreal hotelman was it ea pot effected, as Announced, ar e Fall wheat is looking 51)11ra li ditl :mil g !promises to be a heavy (Top. CORNED BEEF, Great Bargains PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, - LARD aucl SMOKED MEATS A. fine selection of F 0 R CAS BEEF, LAMB, 'JEAN Y WAGONS FRESH PORK, 8 SPRING WAGONS and all kinds of BUGGIES Fresh arid *'ecited Ineeits For first elaes FOR ONE MONTH. Note tbe address, one door porth of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS DUI PROP! AND BARROWS AT D. Braunds Carriage 'shop, Exeter. Buy the BestNIW and Meat Market Ignore the Rest , , The undersigned bas opened up a In the end you will find1 'new meat market one floor it cheapest. Furnish. that va-, 800111 01 Carlina's Store cant room with one of our where be will keep the cboicest of 1 Bed Room Setts, Tables, meats constantly on band, A 0 ALL SOLICITED Chairs, Etc. JOHN T. MANNINO GET SOMETHING 111OL....gt- Sutherland alines Co. LTD. We have it, you want it, IARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE eL,m, Take a look at om-• full line of' FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE axn UNDERTAKERS, Opera House Block. COULDN'T LACE HIS BOOTS :C1)---a•taat OTH Ti BEN ° , • EITHER STANDING OR, IN THE LOGS, Apply to E. Kessel9 FOREMAN, EXETER, ,•ONT. Mr. P. L Campbell, of Fortune lAH9701--1 Tt-118 Bridge, F.B.I., a great sufferer from pain in ihe back. Doan's Kidney Pills completely and permanently cured him. Mr. P. L. Campbell, the well-known gen- eral merchant of Fortune Bridge, P.E.I., was troubled with severe pains in his back and hips for over two years. At length he became aware of the fact that backache was simply a symptom of kidney trouble and did not hesitate longin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and was promptly and permanently cured. Here is his statement: "I was in an awful state for two years with pains in my back and hips. Some mornings these pains were so severe that I couldn't stoop to lace my boots. I started takingDoan's Kidney Pills, and one box so completely cured me that I have been perfectly well for over a year now and free from the least trace of pain." THE Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though When you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in faucy worsted suiting. We show a big range at moderate prices in S co cch and Canadian tweeds we carp a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit, all. A. large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL• and see what WO can do for you. J. H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR. tat, wuZttat.. 'Ulkaattatt aott ltAri - The Teillote • • aaa• Milburn's 1-leart and Nerve Pills are just what every weak, nervous, run-down woman needs to maleher strong- and well. They cure those feelings of smothering and sinking- that cones on at times, make the heart beat strong and regale.r, give sweet, refreshing, sleeie And banish head- aches and nervousness. They infuse new life and energy into dispirited, health -shat- tered wornem who have come to think thee-. 'is necurehew for thoiclnis. Radtof encouragement in this letter from Mrs. Thos. Sommers, tonaLNaesstvfaLioi nidwona,sPi.nEa.l.very serious eou. dition suffering from nervousness and weakness, I got so bad at last that I coold ' hardly move around, and despaired of ever getting well.., Seeing Milburn's Heart and 1 Nerve Pills highly recommended for such • q conditions I purchased a box. •. Before I had taken half of it 1 could 'a notice an improvement in my condition and when I had used two boxes f was cont. " pletelitywcausrewd. o derfel how these pills took away that dreadful feeling of nervousness S. b, and gave me strength. ,•,J "I recommended them to my neigh- bor who was troubled with nervoesness, andthey cured her, too. We All think there is nothing equal to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.'