HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-6, Page 2EIETOR. TIMES Nom mum, 'they Ave Ntit Effective AgaInst ittereseee It___. Don't you wish' you could get to?, Where are all your fizie clothe* nowt Yon ere no better at than we are, 'We didn't expect to go in, we only came to see the isritie ae she moved into the banquetting ball." A tyese that predioamentt a good many lithaetil find thetins,elves abont their seuis at the last. Five save -di Five sated' Brothera aid sisters; sonae geing to TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL he 7 IA e " was ataut awe from. the mutts,- ' o r'la sa easne jerome says tudes; bite reyerenee for John made Herodiac piereed his tongue wil 'who flatat Till Then hdee • ti him glad to hove him safe Leone Ilero- hairpin. The damsel gave it toh ---e, INTERNATIONAL LESSON' JUNE 1,0 diasi When es heard hien he did mot er Ace The modern small-bore Inellets cerne ,, h , h . : et of wo parts --the core and the nvelop. The latter is stamped out • Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks on the ustonaed to sensualttil Many thingsi Thu Revised Version, deeds of blood this girl thought ie "Death, or Jona the --------------i . foilewing most arosient authorities, of doin , silts notaeu Tsar. Ben. a, is. g a_ deed that the worst ;node ot thin sheets of steel or by graduat- renders this "he was nithoh PerPloht ;criminal would re,ceil from. ed punehes. The; leaden 'gore le then PRACTICAL NOTES., ed.- His sense ot right and hie terve of go, His diseiples. johles disciiples. ;gated ba, and the haliet, ley means HeVreonenet,ipalot:guitett-osotreareetobe,a0oretag, weong, the iofluence cif Jcilgt and the They came and took up ills corpse. A • Ingeniiius machine. is giasie one wiles of Herodias, melee hins unicertsan etatement which shows that some solid whole. of Galilee aud Perea, 'ward Of Jesus, what course to take. Heard him glad- favors bad been shown John; other., The enormous velocity a 2t1?0 feet who, as we learned in our last les- iht Be wanted to oheY hie higher wise his diselidee could not have come. ere • to s h - .. per emend treatenitted to the pro-- nature, but could not bemuse of the Besides, men who had suffered capital feetile by cordite would rip up any leaden bullet to pieces, and hence the *adoption of the harder inetal. ru- fortunately the steel or nitkel is s tou,gia that it penetrates the body without any silo*, heimig sustained bn would not have been invited to the *tie victims and hepeas against eavtsge the eastern hill& The bridegroom . liglat—soinethieg to be carried. And t- • . Nrediling. But their morality did not Parable of the Virgins. the riglet and some going to the eft, A despatelt from dd'aehingtoo sera; i are in motionhoieted.10Weredt glane- deader and mother; one going up —Rev. Dr. Talmage preached trent lug in and out among the leaaient ail and the other going tlewn Husband the following tet 4.Tho parable of : nativable. The sant needs a movable the ten virgiesst—asatt, xxv. 1-42. I light, and in 'the Gospel of Christ A young man and a young woman i we have U. That •Gospel is not a have been unripened, according to lampopost standing on one street. It o the Oriental mestere. The time of Le not a chandelier butes in one room. their marriage has arrived. Calm.; It is not a lighthouse set at one hag - *oft, beautiful night comes down on 1 bouts It is flanibeau-da movable and wife; One let in and the other shut oiewee, one of d' son, Was now travelling througbaUt erra a mot a 'tat was otrengtia of his lower nature. punishment often were treated in Wailingl wailing! wailingi Pihe saved!, SZ SCS our Lord's name was spread for Herodias. Her evil purpose Iliad a tomb, and there as we are told by out Chantimei chantingi chanting! Tiberiee, on the Sea a Galilee, and u A convenient day. Convenient death with great indignity. Laid it in Five lostl abroad rumours; of his wards sad long been cherisbed. Herod on his Matthew, "went and told jegusa' nelaitsile/pdp,dasreentthdradid, respectable; or ohrritdtte; Hw:rks came thither to Herod's court. birthday made, a eupper to his lords. rod Antipaa was a typical Eastern Herod was fannies for Ins birthday despot of great pretension, smell o.bilo. sneaeuerseo. t hPiraersaiuse,sittainRcoymeibanrs apftretr, it, weak will and lavish expenditures el3e races se ineffiefeut. remedy teats invited his most illtinaate friends to " la need to take it into our homes, get them in. raeldiers leave sawed oft the end of the arise. They are conte from the and we need to tahe it into euretores erovelope. and the ballet ar cnce he- Me f tbe hULe, and OW? are Wieser- and ShOPS, and into oter echools, and Tftwr it&D NO TORCHES, , comes an expiosive one. Direetty it eta in their mirth, l'hey have soch . into or churches, and in the cellars AU our good worksand all our mores rot:sa hit the case spilt and mush:e& in -0 elothes as their rustieity affords ' where the Ii°er freeze and in the gar- 17 O4 earth' will not take II° into Ilse iog a feartui woun& i them. Beet* one has a flambeau or ret where the fevered languieoi andin, the gate of heaven. salvation lose, Seheeeetteut essesiment at runa-1- red of brass, with a pleeo at woQd ou ; to the hoopital where the wounded die, my dear brother, is lost, for evert As gum, tie enetet Kadated a 4,,,,,,essee,ed tee top a IL, the wood wound with ,, gud far out In the witderoees where the tree falleth, so it IninSt lie, How ne n 12441a l'. h' .PP . oUva . the emigrant struggles, 1:le you know r those virgins Must have telt when bullet. *Ince mo.ittleci te oi11 d a cup fawned under it, AO Oa; : that the lights of the world are sta. they came up and heard ineide tho , tienary, and that Seen you and I will , music. and the daneing. and the eleele oil 413147,i. not.p,„drop.uP,QP„the,,,m74 have to Start on a road where all od the goblets, and the lauglater, com- e wears 4.1, They striae tee remits, ! tbe5e)jghts will ,fau lest The tights a ing in, gala perenssion on the night .54:44t,'InhAY,,,., and thee' tiairnebeau earthly amusements are stationary; ' an'. How they rattet have felt. Their 1 Ze. .:'*-"swp ,,, —es': ti":e3, 15 Pr°.. and all those that are kindled in the 'maters ineide; their brothers, and ,b15 raladise dniyi iddedie rd dui his dote giandeTid du': ti:raittil 0%; the moet brilliaut Italie of earth, cannot frtende, and neighbours inside, the o - 4) ' of no value leave*. and iair redolent with • * flame one ark of cheer on Abet oath ' gate of Leaven and they therneelves enesay—his own lite is n the which you and I will soon have to out, A. type of how we well feel at to biro. and hence to must he /stopped 1 lilies and fraukiacence. Thete ere tram. Tim iuturs jof our ehurehes tire teen le we do net rt inside. 1 s, All 4 crA•3,. the, ntose in 45 beft're, hut sinapiy dent. ed in. ireu this is not served out againet civilizea enemies, as it is found by esperience that a white Man When bit is, as a rale, ready to sit down. The savage, eager to reach RE4RMINO Th! INDIAN ARMY. 'Weft siatt.stee Mile% We literaN to Threeteuleg I Wore, by novena e' a 1 "n" pVieOntiaVe to travel. 'The domestic light , these eastern nights all the brides- la atanaaary. It you bould taht, it Orders two teen sent from Erigs ii maida have fallen totteep. when the osy regiments wor,s.; oorm l'suco.ors "Toe wedding party is approaeunig," . uut. Aud Saa" Ildiii4 'It"144rklf 4"'" 41.4ft,4i 11. sound 'e7tute tbr"qh the dwestl,h1111 thie it would immediately be blown to the door on 411O/A a gusty itight as i cf '1;0 klad army raw GI tncrt'ari4ntion 4 opd the Noe tie their torches pours cuter de in the borne circle will all the lights that nee to be teamed w:sh the 31Pi‘firaZ4ne ,I a stream et fix's on down towards the tut 011 that dethteee on which you rte ttamediattilho The regitnettih se" ; house. What eZeitielent there is in dod d „di soon *ravel, oh, Godt wuen teeted 4tre vitiefly those stetioued : the dwelbug, a running to and fro, we tura our hack upon our ;MOW. fACW' the Afghl° ff°441er f't' in MIlik" and a great nus'tel'• Sams 01 thena meats, awl our ehurches, and our 1"'l ling 4E5131)4.4h 3" "S e,'*:tt"14i1S • take up tbe flambeaux that are ssionher- Thai; are 'taken ehleil)- trans ! etanding in the corner, and in the tirerasIteesi.—,g,tivineolleasbileheliglitliatulibLeZiy (intact:eel utotarig, the Sikh, Geurklia, Del --grataad '11 excitement and in the darkness, they Russell was voraforted by that Ilea ru"41'1V) aad 13/434ntha zeglatent'as gen- r‘.; eantiut find the flinte with whielt to 'teem she was arranging the papers te"4 (`"4" ''lle h(''''I ."°°F4 in the - s rike the light. Soule ory one tidos'. as be hueband was preparing for ri Itcan native (army. 1' mane cry another, and they joetie each mertodout. That light John Bunyan 0°4 the thre`dening Qat"k in other and stumble about in the dark- held up until by it he saw, the gates of Isete:.a and the Russian MOVemit1115 atong the Afghan border (Told have , aad pats etre to it t nest', *'-4.13c4ie me takes a liambeau tlie celestial city. It flamed on the Osideil the Bviiish. Governmeat to li, blind eyes at John ,filten until he saw FOR A alOMENT IT BLAZES, the battle of the angels. Oh, movable lain. this step, airs its polley has always and she helds both hands over it, so light, glorious. tiambeau of the Gospel, been to kerp the native troops arm- as to keep it trent the draught of pass it up and down through all eti with a weapon inferior to that in , the opening and the shutting doors; hands, through all ages; pass it from the hoods of the British soldiera. In .• but it burns enly a little, and gee* band to band, and from mountain to v'ithirtu-451a, 1Q/end 1" eut. Then they begin to cry: `'Who : mountain, and from sea to sea, until it nialiee tegimente lulu avtion with can lend us a little olive oil? Who hits obeli be told everywhere that to those toils t Ile Ma 1 i' ini to (some* to the new any toil to spare r There are none who * who sat in darkness a great lighe has Ittearian tangerine rifle would be to have any tu lend. ; sprung up. It must have been a wad them to be slaughtered and to , Now there are :time people who get brilliant scene when the first morn- etturt defeat. 11'16 '1137 alternative one thing out of this parable, and big dawned on the world. Our planet As as 10 trust fe the loysity of the na- 1 i there are others who get another had been a great black hulk — there tive dl my iind piece it on an equality - wit li in. irossible enemy • and that has, s' thing; but I get this: the soul needs • - not even the gleam of a star or no doubt, with eonitid'erable rehiet- light. If you Nee t e h bridegroom's e flash of a fire fly. But the cons - once. been done. The total cost +Are- '' party corning down the hill, what do mend came forth: "Let there be light," to ming t he vthole ta ' he 1131iVe troolls you find? Torches. If you see the and flashes of brightness quivered Le t•',i, tire.* 1 ttki at about $7,500.000. , bridal party tensing out of the door, through the gloom, and the darkness evhat du you see? Torches. What was lighted, and the mist arose, and 111:11N1NG BANK NOTES. flees the soul in its midnight of sin there was a faint gleam on the we-. ter, and there was snow on the crest With the Bank of England the de- and suffering need? Torches. Confuelus of the wave, and the remnants on the street ion of its nut es takes placetried to strike a light for China, and he ahem once a week. and at 7 p. m. did kindle it; but it went out and lett and the bridegroom of the light ap- night rolled off the sky in splendour, her uncounted millions to make the Formerly it used to be done in the tedturies diwnai with their wading. dae !lute, but owing to the unpleasant ce erneli with which the burning was at- Zeno, Cleanthes, Aristotle, each struck a light, and passed it along from tended the neighbouring stock brok- hand to band but it went out; and ers petitioned :he Government to do I have to teil you that the univeriii- it in the evening. The notes are pre- . ties of the earth while the h•tve in LOCUSTS BY THE POUND. —a "bundle Of petty ekes Ke said. at the table, surrounded by his irow eufli arrleaZadei.snrIth One et tte To hie courtiers. See the account folends, assembled ha honor of' hut ri Matthew. That john the Baptist was birthday. Before him in a red twee- News has recently come trom Basu- risen from the dead. Herod had mixr- lain dish was a tunny „fish. Suddenly tolaud and other parts of South A.fries dered John, and was haunted by re- in that fish, with the red porcelain that locusts have put in their periodle Morse, See note on Mee n. There- about it, her saw the head of a tenirder- cal appearance "in myriads, and are fore umghty works do show forth ed man, and became sink with rerecorse. loinginarn.riemnsztbas dartgaaogretiizedthe ;rail; be ovsoru rarties, who are destroying them at, the walking stage." This is prolaably a somewhat enig- matical xneseage to the erdtriary ender, particularly the last part thereof, referring te the "walking reality. and yet it is very aimple in There ere two Weide of locuate, say* a writer in the Lontiou Daily Mail, the Voetanger and the Springhaan, as the Boers call them. That is the foot - walker and the jumptook. The former are the more deatrUetive locusts be - fere they can fly, when they juet walk aver the crops and destroy every Vas,. tige ot green thing within their mania, The cowl is the fully fledged article that flies in warms of incalculable myriads, doing less damage perhape, but absolutely obscuring tbe sun by the black ahadow of their aloud, an actually stopping railway trains by the greasiness of the rails which their OrtiShed bodies producee. Several more or loins Wiest:does me- thods are adopted for the exterminao tion of the pest. Ono way le to dig a trench at either end of a long strip f cloth nailed to poles in the ground like a. fence. THE LOCUST CLOUD runs up against this barrier, is unable "You tu t croenaeseInd." A voice within says; John's death because be had censured e guided to the crime of murder, is one get through it, fella into the trench- eLibeu grIaLl3ethyillhaewould ieoP e'rteillafaPle4:aeha lathTand saIvtpartyiibgarl"imoat horrible things tbat Lis- es, where they are buried by barrow hove brought owtiPlanrreet- of thtory bringe to our notice. The head !elude of earth. Another way i to cleeh together any pieces of meta) that mike a noise like a cymbal, thereby driv- ing theni into rreviously propured where they are promptly sruothered. Sometimes they may be watched in their flight, and when they settle to lay their eggs the spots are marked and tlae eggs dug up and burned, La 1895-6 a Very dieastrous plagni of the most virulent type of locust, those with violet wings, at tucked Nutal and did a reaerful amount of havoc among the standing orope. The Government arranged to buy locust eggs at ad per pound They had to pay over zi,750, therefore they bought 70,. 000 pounds of eggs. Locust eggs aver- age about 75 to one cocoon. The coa coon looks like a piece of tangled brown thread, the loops being the eggs. ,9.bout 550 cocoons weigh a pound, therefore no less than 2,800,- 000,CW eggs were destroyed in one locality in one season. No bad record. The loeust proper belongs to the orthoptera family, although different nation.; apply the name of locust to any inseet of the grasshopper species. In some of the English counties tbe common cockchater is called a lonist. The South African species, eery- didae, has a short stout antenna, end 27. The klieg sent an executioner. , only a three -jointed torsi. In length soldiei of his guard. they often exceed tbrea inches. 28. Brought bis head in a charger. .The natives eat the loeust with have killed him. Bringing the head to the person who avidity, and declare that it is very '‘Willed" to kill , commanded the death was not very good indeed. White folks, however, him. She could not forgive the man strange; who had denounced her ; besides, such things have been done seem to be prejudiced against it, ale - John's attaek on her was a very seri- repeatedly. Putting it -into a charger though there is Biailleal precedent for oils affair. Her whole prosperity was conditioned on his downfall, 'Ole Gaiileans had never liked her; but they reverenced John. 11 Herod long listened to John, she would be de- throned and deserted. She saw clearly that either John or herself must be destroyed. She could not. Herod, feeble as he was, thought too highly of John to allow him to fail into Herodias's clutches, "although in certain moods he had himself been tempted to kill him. 20. Herod feared John. With a fear that was more than reverence, and for which there were at least three reasOns : 3. John was the most popular of living Jews. What he said they accepted without argument. What despot could but fear the de- nunciations of such a man ? 2. John represented God; and how many An- gels waited on him, what supernatur- al powers had been intrusted to him, Het•od did not know. Without spiritual religion Herod -had spiritual supersti- tion, and did not dare to fight the Un- known. 3. With all Herod's infirmity of will and selfishness of purpose, he had a Jewiela admiration cif moral good- ness, and recognized holiness when he saw, it. Sohn was a just man and a holy, and Herod could not but revere him. Observed hire. "Kept him sefe." therneeives in him, Revised Version; Lerde, high captains, and thief Wat. thy raeo. es, Nobles, army (Wirers, pad weal - U, 23. The daughter of the said and dreadful powers. No wonder be Herodias came in, and danced. The was terrified, liered wes a Sadducee, Revised Version brings out mor and dented existence of the soul ef- atrongly the astouieliment of the pees ter death ; but a guilty Cendelence is pie to see a prineeoe danee. Some of stronger than a creed, our pupils will need to be reminded id, Elise. The Greek farm; of Flijah. that soolal dancing was and is un - „you aro whose return to earth had been tore- known in the Rau. songs' 4” °3Q145' and glee' 814e1 43 i ere etrationary. All the ebendeliers of jeer At them. They say: Yeang navn feel an their way ° 4 tr Vbristian easactuaries in one flame of ' suppose every hour of the day and told by Malasibi. John had fulfilled dancera, who form a class by them - but professional explanation, Jesus must be a new this prophecy, It is a prophet, A third selves, marriage. Oa and on they go. It le, by graceful and eeriauous twek1night there are soels going into eter- e o'Cinck at night when they ; light could not throw I nity unprepared. Oh, what excite- movements delight the men who as - .4, GLOW-WORX SPARK oven withiu hailing distance of the - . ° Prophet sent from Owl after asilerace $eadde at the feasts, mat a Jewish upon the path which you awl I will inent it must be aboitt tbe death -bed crying out for a lamp, and for the , of four huadred yeare. Or AA one ,Of prinvess should dance before the eat, throwing them up, thrown:1g there' powers rivaled the great prophets of A miracle worker whose , &looking tlaing to the people at large. oil, and for the light; throwing betide the luvPilata' drunken men at this dinner WAS around, until. the UUQO aska: the Paeti Alt these varinas eliPlaaah Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and "Whet do you want, water?" tWas 'We"' to have been made to 2 r will give it thee . . . unto the Ile says shaking bis head; quiet Iferotra conscience, but that was half of my kingdom. Herod was only "No." "Bathing of the sersuses r He , not so eaelly done. valle4 king by courtesy. What lit - shakes WS bead; "No," Wbat does 16, it la John, whom I beheaded; tle power he had was delegated. Re uld not have kept such a wild raise if he would. "Therefore do theeit penvere work in him." gero4 truagined that John had. canna back to life clethed with new he want? Oh, be neunot get his light burning. Ile must start; he is started; he contee up to tbe gate of heaven; he knocks; be voiles: "Let roe he is risen. The ingenious auggea. Lippe of the Courtiers all fail to allay the pangs of a conscience whichwas "a thousand swords." 24, Whet :shall I aelt l The story, dramatic and SenSUous up to this In 1" He i's not admitted. hie says: I'l. Herod himself. ror pereonal reit- point, suddenly becomes loathsome. 1 want to See the bridegroom." The sons, without the complicity of priests That a glad, led by her mother into voices within say; "You can't see the ; or Pharisees. Bound him In Prisan* shernelesa conduet probably for the bridegroom; he is busy with the Thruht him into a huge building— purpoie of obtaining a favor from a gneStS now," *aye the man; "1 must fortress, (lunge; n, and velem In one, corrupt man, should go to that come in; my children are in there. 1I: 'o& Rerodinn' sake. Herodias desired naother to ask for guidance, and be tends and. kindred are in. the man; "I must come serve John's lite Herod hud imprison. iln*B;uat.lilinsiayytarled him. Mark writes with the haexor- Ilark I now I hear the sound of cwt.! emenese at Truth. Herodias seas voices, and the bounding of their feet. Let me in." Aral a voice from with- 'Herod's queen, but in the sight of God Ip says: "You are too late!" It says she was stilt his brother Philip's wife, Herod Antipes, xnarried bet Heroine too late:" to another, "you are a Fhillia— to one Man rt "You are twenty years ' as had first been married. to her Miele a minute tee late ;" on act which was itself con- , rear, he migbt not keep his word. destroyed ones outside the door take and i.he mob (Alcamo Herod Antipas, who was RISO I trary to Jewish law. To their home . aheliarger. A largo plate et: platter, e coveted not only her enemy s raonth too later" to another, you are up the thorus, and cry 1 "Too latel :latir -allele, as guest. He induced but reveled in his pains. And the hot wind of the de- i,Ilerodias to desert Philip and became sert eight): "Too late 1" and the 'this queen, her daughter Salome came 26. The king was exceedingly -sorry. bell in the tower of .eternal / , to Galilee with her, Meanwhile Herod Annoyed, exasperated, .ivorried, but midnight tolls and tolls : had abandoned his lawful wife, tend mot penitent. It hurt In's vonseienos to late 1 too late I" And the torches of white had, as a consequence, been drawn in - an kill this good man; it endemgered, his the silly virgins begin to flieker and :to war with bar father Aretas, cause with the people to offena them hiss la the storro, and one by one i !Arabian king. by killing their fitvorite; it endanger - they go out until in the suffocating , 18, John had repeatedly said, It is ed his interests in Rome to commit darkness they cry: " Our lamps have r not lawful for thee to have thy broth - peered in the heavens, and all the such flagrance and injustice; hesi-lex, gone out!" And they go wandering exas wife. A Jewish king, even though what unknown spiritual friends might glories of the eartle with lighted toreh- the owed his dignities to tbe Romans, as went forth to meet him. And the :was expected to keep the Jewish law. not this bnlY 1-"Pilet lay° for nis through eternity, ages after ages, evening and the morning were the How this law bore on Herod's acts ma oath's sake. This word should be feeling out for the light for com- , fort, for peace, for hope but finding ' be se" from Lev` 18' 11, 18' It John 5' first day." , e plural poesessive. He had sworn over I next learn from this subject that " hed to reform the morals of the and over again. The Jews more than none and crying: " Our lamps have • Ins their eir..rnieal laboratories made the no man has any light to spare. 1 sup- ination, he dared not neglect the viees any (tither nal ion insist ed t he t an viously cancelled by punching a hole i , gone out 1" and then turning in an - after age, age after age, feelingfor oath or vow must be kept. pose if some of these obliging brides- and crimes of the national leaders. through the amount (in figures) and other direction, and wandering on, age blue light, and the green light, and • V tearing off the signature of the chief • Herod's sin, with the war it had even if made under miatakee the yellow light, they have never yet ' melds heti taken the linen from the /closed furnace, and shavings and bun- i en, but finding none, and crying: :much suffering to thousands, and of those 'which sat with hint, doubt - conditions. There were many cashier. The notes are burned in a hope and comfort, and light and Heat- , brought on, would bring inevitably been able to make the white light of . top of the flambeaux and wrung pardon, and Peace, and hope, for a !them out on the lam.ps of the improvi- 3' lost world. Peace! where is it? Div- . dent ones, that after a while they iless, who were almost as eager for "Our lamps have gone out I" such sin a faithful minister of God dies of wood form the only agency 19. Herodias had a gliarrel against john's life as was Herodias. employed. For future purposes of re- ing belle have gone two hundred feet 1 themselves would have been in dark- I must rebuke. . ference the notes are left for five down, and not found it in the depths ;nese. So they did not lend it. There I ' of John the Baptist. Herod might do many things—hear John gladly and Indulge in bacchanale by turtle —but bis implacai)le -wife through all be months had one plan in her mind, and that was for John's earthly ruin. 25. Straightway, immediately, with haste; for if Herod bad time to become DODGING SHELLS. him. Or, as the Revised Version has it, "Sef herself against him." Would England every day is about 50,000, not found ie. in the air. From a eon- 1 A Scrgeant-Unjur 'relit; now 11 May be Naither has anyone any grace to spare. I Done. and 350,000 are destroyed every sliming brand of Calvary I pick up "Oh," says sorne one in this house: "1! "Shell -dodging" and "dodging a week, or something like 1,000,000 every the only light for a lost world. The , , had a very good father and very year. The stock of paid notes for five fact that Cbrist died to tia-sre sinners good mother ; if there ever was a good shelr' are expressions frequently used years is about 77,745,00 in number, is the flambeau, which flumg on e woman, she was; and somehow I hope : in war reports, as well as in couversa- and they fill 13,400 boxes, darkness of your soul, will scatter ' through their piety to get into hea- 1 tion between military men. The its gloom as by a daybreak. , words naturally suggest the inquiry !yen." Had they any surplus of piety ? All the flambeaux of the grooms- whether flying shells can be seen, and 'None. Bad they any goodness to spa.re? men and the bridesmaids of the text if not, how it is possible to dodge 'None. You cannot borrow oil out of them. gives no such piercing, leaping light , their lamps. And, I suppose, if at ad is to be found in the tossing. A London paper quotes a sergeant- ! the last all the redeemed of heaven Fli.A.Mi3EAUX OF THE GOSPEL, 1 major of the British artillery as , were gathered in a circle, and some • - z which flings light into the dungeon i r saying that it would be impossible for poor soul should go around and say: 0 thy sin and comfort out on the ocean of thy trouble. A blind man , idflave you olive oil to spare? Give Me .,..an,my.man LC see a shot coming toward In a few instances only, dur- some for my lamp?" I suppose they tit sat down by the way -side, and Jesus would all answer: "Not so, lest' there ing a long experienoe, this soldiex had came along, and the blind man cried , en a shell in Eight. These were, in all 03 not enough for us and for you.0 S. out: " Jesus, thou son of David, /havecases,1111 from a gun he himself 1"I1 thou be wise, thou shalt be wise 8 8 8 - mercy on me." "Hush up," said the for thyself; but if thou. scornest, thou had fired. - (1' d " • Y years before being burned. The num- of the sea. Astronordersi telescopes iwas ber ot notes coming into the Bank of bave ewept aeross the heavens and i NO OLIVE OIL TO SPARE, owa.mi .1i KIND HE HAD ME'T. Did you ever meet a woman who was forever talking about herselft in- quired the Sweet Young Thing. No, returned the cynical individual brusquely. Those I have met confin- ed them conversation to their neigh- bors. A FLAT EXCUSE, How is this, Jared I Your pocketbook is perfeehly flat 1 Y -yes, M -Maria, Lhasa right You thee I was slot unforchnit as to d - drop it in -front of a sh-shtreet roll. ar h OTHERS QUITE AS CAPABLE. What made Sa.mroy go to a dentist Aileen be felt the grip corning on ?" Why, he said his legs acbed and he thought the dentist could pull 'era. O SO HE CAN PROVE tr. Yotingpop is awfully proud of his boy, isn't het r should say so, "Why, he's bought a phoeogeapb eo as to keep a record of the bright things the yotingeter Says. p p alone shall bear it " Every man for beggar, and you are blind, and this ' he:Itself, every woman for herSelf. iS a King." But 30 much more he (tried I learn also from this sub - out : "Jesus, thou son of David, have ject that some people apply for taercy on me." They said: "Be still; the light when it is too late. How it es indecorous; you are disturbing silly those bridesmaids must have felt the peace." But the more he cried out : when they could not get into the "Jesus, thou son of Davidl, have mer - wedding It was o a searRt verm cy on me." Jesus turned to him and t --- ding to which, perhaps, they had only said: " Thy faith hath made thee a few hours' invitation. I suppose whole." Oh, that to -night, from "this they had known for weeks and months audience, there might go up suela a that they were going to be invited, deep, all -compelling prayer for light, and yet they are not prepared. Though that it would turn Jenne upon us with. they knew, where they could get oil, the response; "Thy faith bath made „and they had. the money, as the text thee whole. But I learn, also, from this sub- intiMatest yet the wedding wines, jest, that the Seal needs a modable they are unprepared for it, and all light. These torches coming out of their pounding at tbe door does not the door are in motion. These torches get them in. I see tbera coming on Dodging shells is -done by getting under eoyet just before a gun isfired. "For instance," said the sergeant - major, "if I were olinibing a hill, at the top of which a gun was directed against me, Gould tell exactly When a shell was likely to come bounding along. Before the order is given to Lire, are men in charge of the piece 'stand clear,' and that is the warning note, so to speak. Keep your weath- er eye on the gun directed against you, and when the gunners stand clear, dodge the shot." SARCASM. George says he doesn't know the taste of liquor. Fours it down so fast I suppose of the bridegroom's party on the hill up tthe dczrr. r,Mhe rabble begin to that his Palate doeen't get a chance. His anger at John made him glad that manson,, Bates & Co., Toronto. as if it were an article of food was a its useias a foods , The Inspector of Stea boats For the Derrinion Government was unable to find a CtIrG for Itching Plies —After 9 years of torture be was positively cured' by Dr. Chase's Ointment. Mr. 0. P. St. John, the Dominion inspector of steamboats, re at No. 246 Shaw street, Toronto, was for many years chief engi the lake steamers, and is a prominent citizen, In the following voluntary Fetter Mr. St. John tells of his rid himself of the misery of Itching Piles, and of his'final succa ing Dr Chaso's Ointment. 1 -le says : f suile.red for r.ine years from itching piles, at times being unab. sleep on account of the annoyance caused by them. After trying aln all remedies in vain, I began the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment, which tirely cured me. I cannot speak too highly of it. I have r,e4oinmende to several of my friends, all of whom have been cured by its use.' • Dr, Chase's Ointment ,is an absolute cure for piles. It is thL remedy guaranteed to cure piles; whether blind, itching, bleeding to truding. It is the only pile cure having the endorsement of emi physicians, and of the best citizens in the land. At all dealers, or , „ •,