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Exeter Times, 1900-6-6, Page 1
TWENTY SEVENTlI YEAR NO. 40. H. BISHOP URON {X, IVHDfLE ESEX 2J TTE. EXETER ONT:, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE Oth, 1900 S Bee field.. BRI s. --Mr. Rossour townsman, has sailed with a load of potatoes for 'Marton. We wish hien a fair voyage ._ .....,. _.. and ood ser c ,— Mise Sarah Fee, of the Goshen Line, spent last week with ® friends in Goderich township and Bay field, Sale Brucefield. BaIEFS.-Geo. A. Turner sold his White Blouses. -We have just receiv.Ad a large shipment of Ladies' A or White Lawn Blouses, LinenCollarslS andCASs for ill, � y 50 d. ?, pair Ladies' Summer Corsets, a, good near; corset, two bone strip, ,five hook clasp, two side steel, perfet fit, all sees, color whit€, driver the other day. It was a band - some animal and we have G. A.'s word for it that he obtained S200.—Mrs. Mc, :a d Cartne nfamilyleft last res week e o y kt join her husband in. Manitoba. The home R. G. Simpson has been made happy by the arrival of a,. young son :and heir.—G. A. Turner says he has div n three -hundred •u disposed i t ree h r r nd ed fie es a 's p f his timber land in the Bruce Peninsula and bas aa. uh!ed leis anon thereb • The Rovers are aauxions or a match with outside teame, Clinton and Sea - forth preferred. They wouldn't even objeet to the Kippens, • . 24c. Summer Corsets 8c. Men's s Brae • A Snap: at 29o. 50 dozen pair Men's Braces, they It re going ut rapidly and no wonder, as they are the •egulal 25, 20 and 15 cent lines, bought very leap., To be cleared out at 8e. 14c Pr. Towels 5c Misses Children HOSE. 25 dozen pair Linen Buck towels, plain. tape ends, a sl)lendid towel for 20e, will be cleared out at the extremely low price of 14e pair.. We will continue the sale of Misses and Children's Cotton Hose, 1aranteed fast, stainless, all sizes in stock. rake advantage of this offer before they are all gone. 50 a pair. a !Hardware�ardware R D w A R E Lawn Mowers, .Screen Doors and Windows Plymouth Binder. Twine Buy PLYMOUTH and get your money's worth. Turnip SeedEast Lothan, airs \Vesbury,Carter's Elephant Yellow Aberdeen, Etc. . BISHOP & 80N. Usborne. Zurich SczzooL REroxr.—The following is a .correct report of 5. S. No. 4, Usborne, for the month of May. The names of the pupils are in order of merit.—Sr. IV, Ernie Buswell ; Jr, IV, Lettie Rook, Hattie Handford. Bertha Quin- ton, Warren Hunter, "Willie Smith, Frank Hunter, Ada Kerslake ; Sr. III, ,Johnnie Hunter,Tommy Quinton, Roy Luxton ; Md III, Beetle Luxton, Lydia Handford, Blanche Smith, Ethel Wal- ker, Vera Essery ; Jr. III, Percy Cave, Wesley Webber, Sarah Davis; Second, Lela, Buswell, Ernie Hicks, Alice Davis, Nellie Rook, Hazel Snell, Lizzie Davidson ; Sr. Pt. II, Pearl Bissett, Noble Bissett, Richie Ricks, Frank Handford, Emily Cornish, Ernie Lux- -ton, Alma May, Willie Belbeck ; Jr. .Pt. IL Frank Rook, Velma Webber, May Skinner. R. E. BUSWELL, Teacher. Braun. — 0. Swartzentraber, of near Blake, returned a few days ago from a visit to Ohio, Indiana and Ken- tucky.—Mr Holtzman has returned to Elkton, Mich., after a visit to his friends here.—The police trustees have proclaimed June 13th as civic holiday. —The telephone poles are now up be- tween Hensali and here. ` Zurich has now all the modern conveniences,two mails daily, telephone and telegraph connection, electric light and more sidewalks than any town of its size.— A. large number attended the funeral of the late Daniel Steckle, near Blake, on Wednesday,—Rev. C.S. Finkbeiner and F. Kibler are attending the Sun- day school convention at Rodney this week.—Miss Lydia Faust will com- mence her series of lectures in behalf of the Young People's Alliance at Rodney this week N DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and MILLINERY e; At 1'ensalt WE have opened a new store of up -to .date Dry Goods on the Strictly Cash and One Price basis believing -that up-to-date styles, best qualities, good values, sold for rr ..cash only will be to your advantage as well as ours. Every- one knows that in, doing business on the credit system, the cash customers must pay for the loss by bad accounts ; also .not givingone customer goods for a year's time at the same ,`price you pay your cash for, but cash and one price to all. 'Nhw DRESS GOODS • NEW SILKS ,NEW MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, PIQUES NEW (CLOTHING 'NEW GENT'S FURNISHINGS; NEW WHITEWEAR BARGAIN:IN MILLINERY Speclal lot ofLadies' dies Sailors, worth 50 and 75 for 25c. SMITH BROS 84 CO., Goderich and !-lensall. St, Joseph's. Biene .--Dan Bedard and wife from Courtwril;lit',were visiting in the neigh- borhood.—S. Geoffroi, wife and yogng. est child have gone for an extended visit to Michigan where many of their relatives resisie.--The saw mill is kept busy lately as they have logs on hand for an indefinite time andmoreover the engine of the mill is kept going nearly night and clay as the eleetrie light is being run by it ; with the ex- ception tion of Sunda :. N. Ca titin now F v a n. sports a wheel, -The other day while I•'. i ossenberry, from Zurich, was tuaa- iiar a piano, his horse took fright and ran away. M itch ell Unint v?, --The Mitchell lacrosse club went to Clinton Friday and came back, the victors, live to one, Our club will soon be able to play with Cornwall. June 8th they play with Cornwall. The Methodist church bas closed a very ,uccessful year under the pas- torate of Itev. R. Whiting. -•—The live hog market has risen gain this ween, which will be good news for farmers, Itis $0.30 per cwt. --Mr. Janes,af the brick yard, has closet, a contract for 71.1,000 brick for the church at Dublin. He will make double the quantity made last sumwer..—Tho G. T. R. has advertised that all cattle found within half a mile of the traek wall be inn, pounded. --Robert Bell and his wife were driving into town Thursday morning, The whistle .blowing scared the horse and it ran into the middle of the town to Mr. Sawyer's corner, where the horse fell onthe sidewalk. Mr. Bell and his wife ere forown out of the buggy, but were fortunately not much hurt. ...or St.Marys BzaxErs.—Captain Janieson, of Toro- nto, is at present busily engaged in town securing recruits to n o under can vas with him. on June Oth. He is al- ready meeting with good success, and has now a goodly number of men en- rolled on his books. Capt. Jameson desires to make his company this year one of the best ever put in the field, consequently:only first-class men need apply for admission into the company. —W. Taylor, machinist, who has been conducting business in a small van for some years, died Thursday afternoon, after a short illness of only in few days although he had been a failing health for some months. Deceased came from Manchester,England,many years ago, and during much of the time he carried on a cutlery business in a van travelling from town to town.— The many friends of J.B. Wiederhold were very much surprised Thursday after- noon to learn of his very sudden death which took place at one o'clock. Mr. Wiederhold, who was boarding at the Office Hotel, retired Wednesday even- ing in the best of health, with the ex- ception of a slight pain over the heart, Towards morning Mr. Wiederhold took several grains of morphine which he had in his room. When the doctor arrived he found his patient in a critical condition, being strongly un- der the influence of the drug. They tried every possible means to restore him to life but all was in vain for be never recovered consciousness but calmly slept away. Deceased was well and favorably known in town, having until recently carried on an extensive business in boots and shoes. ScsaooL REPORT.—The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 1, McGil- livray for May. Names in order of merit :—Sr. IV, Ray Cobleigh, Charlie Miller, Patrick Glavin ; Jr. 1V, Ada Neil• Libbie Miller, James Glavin ; Jr, III, Mona O'Reilly, Clara Glavin, Irene Cobleigh, Edwin Miller,lelartha Lewis, Fred Lecky, Joe .Lecky,Charlie Lecky; Sr. II Willie miller, Lance Oobleigh, Lucy Cotter ; Jr. II, Murray Neil, Cecil O'Reilly, Mabel Miller, ; Sr. Pt, II, Tom O'Reilly, Harrison Lynham ; Jr. Pt. II, Garnet Flynn, Andrew Flynn ; Sr. Pt. I, Edna Lewis ; Jr. Pt. I. May O'Reilly, Violet Miller, Barry Neil, Leo Thompson, Harold Miller, Willie Thompson, Gordon Flynn. Members of alonor Roll for May, rharli.e Miller, Ray Oobleigh,1 , Lucy Cotter. • M. ELSTON, Teacher. BRAVE MEN FELL. Victims to stomach, liver and kid- ney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, pois- ons in the blood, backache, nervous- ness, headache and tired, listless, run- down feelin •. But there's no feeling g like that. Listen to J W Gardiner Idaville, Ind. He says : "Electric Bit- ters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and dtn't care whether he•lives or dies. It laid more to give rue new strength and good appetite than anything T could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease of life." Only 50 cts at any Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Hensel'. G, J.Sutherland, l`:otary Public, Convoy aucer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent And Issurer of Marriage/demises. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. C Moana taloan o a lie., t at in- terest.°ince At the Poet o9ic.H»salL of H. J. D. COOS L 1Late with Barrow Lk; Prou ifootl Barrister Solicitor. Notary Public. Reason, Ont. A. Sellers, L. D. S., D. D, S..aionor ate et et Toronto VniY ersity, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad effects. Office in Potty's Block, Hcnsall. At Zurich every Monday.conamencinr Mav80th. Bicinrs.—Quite a large number of g „ our attendedthe villagers funeral of the late Colin Smith. The remains were interred in the Hills Green cem- etery. --Ails Mowbray is visiting rela- tives in Whitechurch and vicinity, --- The circus held in Exeter on Friday. Junes largecrowd fromthis 1 t, drew as r wd t _..is place, --Mr and and Airs T Coleman, of near kilns Green, were in the village on Monday last, visiting Mr Coleman's parents.—Mr and Mrs Thos Neelands and Mr and Mrs Wm. Kyle,' all from near Hills Green, were in the town last Thomas week visiting relatives. MrsTholnals Holmes, of near Ripley, was visiting her father. Alex AlcMorran, and her aunt, Mrs J'as white. !Diss Collin, of Purple Grove, was also here at the same time visiting Mr McMorran and Mrs White. --3. S. Case's pony ran away the other day, while left stand- ing at the post office. It collided with a. shade tree, and smashed the buggy. --.1. E; McDonell was in Goderich lat- ter part of last week tie business.— The folloay'in g young Len left for camp in Loudon ;—Geo. Rickert, II, Busch, Dr.Gilca st. Jno Mddletoaa , Adam Trapp, A. Ortwein, and F Routhron. --- John Case, of the .London Road, who dispesed of his horse for a cavalry mount, has pur- chased J. S. Case's Welsh pony and out fit.—Geo. F. Smith is manager of the br;aucli store of Smith .Bros. Co— l. R. Carling and Robert Rogers, of Exeter, were in town on Monday even- ing, --john McEwen and Alex McEwen have each put banks under their barns. The work has been done by Messrs. Busch and Thompson, and reflects credit on their workmanship.— Jno Steacy has erected a new kitchen to his residence which adds to the ap- pearance a the building.—,at. Bishop, of Usborne, ex -M, P. P., was an the village Monday on business. - Miss Myrtle Ilodgins, has returned home from an extended visit in Toronto.— The Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Paul's church, were pleasantlyentertained on Thursday last by Mrs, R. Cagg at their home in Kippen. --- Miss Sheffer is spending a few wee . visiting friends iu Seafortll.--Thr sale of the estate of the late J. P, Marshall will take place on Saturday next at Rogerville. The real estate comprises the brick block of stores and large residence in Hensel!, and a residence and parcel of land at Rogerville. -- Willis c& ,Sheppherd shipped two carloads of bogs from this station. on 'Monday, for which they paid $0.15 per cwt. --Miss Kilda Beek is visiting friends in St. Marys.—Mrs. Babcock has joined her husband here. --W. O. Davis is erecting a handsome fence in front of his residence, which adds to the appearance of the property. —The fronts of the stores of J. S, Case and the Marshall block have beeu re- painted a nice bright color.-- Mrs, Wm. Elder is visiting her sons in Hay and Tackersinith townships. .•— 1itr. Gliders, of Goderich, is visiting his daughter, airs. Joseph Ellis. --On ac- count of the reported capture of Pre- toria, ou Thursday last, the Reeve proclaimed a half holiday.—Geo. Trott has pitched his tent in Zurich, and during the summer will visit Grand Bend and Bayfield.—Miss Mary Hagan was in the village last week the guest of Mrs. H. Cook. (.hiseihurst G. aSTANB Ry, D. +4., A •GTSB, O\T. Mata With Amok rtlay, Oder & Co„ Taron- ta ` to,) Barrister, Conveyancer, Nory; .Moue to Mau. oftacesfornerl� occupied becellitte Staubury over o'lveUs Bank.- BaaiElrs.--Miss Nettie Jollustan, of i Buffalo, N. Y, visited at W. Sillery's last week. Mr. Sillery recently had the bad luck to lose his valuable brood mare while dropping a foal. The loss is a severe one to Afr. Sillery,---Mr. Kinsman, was dillgerely hurt, by one of his horses is able to be around again, as else is Ur. Pybus,--Tr. Morrison is studying medicine with Dr. Amos, of Exeter. Crediton BuxErs.—Geo. Zwicker has returned to our village after spending a few days with his parents in London.— Rev. Hussar and Geo. Rivers left on Tuesday for St. Marys to attend Lon- don Conference which is in session there this week.—The citizens of our village have recently developed very strong British sentiment and have twice celebrated the "Fall of Pretoria" When the first report reached us on Thursday evening lastfeelings ranhigh and manifested themselves in firing oaf anvils, beating tin pans, ringing our school and church bells, large bon -fires on our corners, patriotic songs and parades, demonstration by our fire bri gade and a general good time until the mid -night hour, Everybody turned in and helped to make this impromptu demonstration a huge success. A. sim- ilar janibouree took' place on Tuesday night of this week, its chief attraction being a torch light procession through our main streets. They say there are only four or five Boer sympathizers left in our vicinity. Well done Oredi ton ! ` God save the Queeul—C.Zwicker is laid up this week haying stepped on a rusty nail, which penetrated deeply into his foot. --',zany of our citizens at- tended the circus in Exeter on Friday last and the general report is one of disappointment. However, if the turnout of people brought us that good rain it was not so bad after all How- ever, we expected to see more wild aniinals.—Wm. Lewis, sr., attended a meeting of Farmer�Institute �tnHen- sail on Monday last. —Geo. Finkbeiner smiles again, another girl. -- Mr and Mrs. Coultasand family, of Elirville,, spent Sunday with friends in the via- J. and Mese Clark spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Granton. —Our pathmaster•s have done a much needed piece of business in placing a. few, loads of gravel a each of our street crossings thus making va carire through',. our village much more iigreeable. This is as it should be.—J. H. Holtzman is attending a S. S. convention at Rod- n'ey this week, and delivers a valuable addressonwork.—There , S.S. w Zher are • e 'Li:t i t.- poets of considerable petty thieving in our vincinity. Citieens would do well to lock their doors at night and keep a bull -dog in their cellars as au ounce of prevention is worth.a poundof cure. Crornarty. Baas.—Robert 'i Arley, of Chisel - horst, who bad been visiting the be- ginning of last week, at Thorns Hog - goatee, has hada. severe attack of pleurisy since going home, We believe he is recovering. --Peter Skaley, of Dixie, has proved halo Geo. Wren's vacant house, on the 12th con.—Alex. McLachlan lost a. valuable horse last lst week. His horses were grazing in the bush and. one of them stepped on one end of a stick, causing the other end to raise up and enter into the abdomen. 'he contract for the deepening of the Whyte creek will "cost, it is thought considerable, over $1,009 and will give employment to our ditchers for a time. Smoor. Rneorer,.-Tho monthly re - T port for S S No 2, I.Iaay, for the month 1 , s follows: Is f11w.NA s of May, a 'a o s Nantes a are in , l order of merit, Sone. I1'.® -II T Joliaa+ Ston. J R Northcott, Gertie Harvey. Juni• IV. ---Daisy Dining, Cora Munn, Luella Munn. Senr III. --W J Russell, A W Johnston Ethel Harvey. ,tune III. --Mary Johnston, W J Gould, A Carroll. Second—Edgar Munn, Sear Second Part—T Ballantyne, W W Northcott, Carrie Northcott, Junior Second Part—Chester Harvey, Alva McMahon, Roy Melick. First Part— Violet Dialing, Ruth Wildfong, Bertha, Munn. The best spellers in the month- ly spelling snatches were 1 Sens, IV— Freeborn Freeborn Johnston; Juno. IV—Cora Munn. Sens III --Albert Johnston. Junr III—Mary Johnston. Senr IL— Willie Northcott. Juno II,—Chester Harvey. First Part—Violet Dining.— H, Joxx\ST©N',Teachea. Goderleh Uslaorxhe Conn ill Jane 2ad, J.)OO. Council met as Court of Revision. of Assessment Roll for 1900, All the nienbers erere preeent and duly suo s r There were no appeals so the roll . was esrefully examined, a few clerical errors corrected and the court closed. Council met for business at one ' to k. a c e Minutes of May meeting read and approved. The Assessor's roll as revised was accepted and the Assessor paid his salary. The contract to build 4 Portland cehiaent. conerete tardier culverts rias let to A. E. !lodged at Of -00 each. Contractor to do all ordinary exeavat; ing and filling, and complete work by July let. Orders were granted in payment of accounts amounting to SI.,,v I.EiO, and council o Saturday cal �dj a rued to meet...+.tnrtlaay July 7th at one o'clock. F. filotionT, P. OS S Fresh .aarden'Seeds BY PAC .AGE or OUNCE :' ALL KINDS FIELD SEEDS FRESH Wan Papers Lace Curtains p ,.se 1 new f all l av and fresh for house th Gleaming tante. We have a select new line Meaciaftizp BEN the Black and White and the Blue and White, very pretty dress pat - 1 ucan terpa, Call and set' hair analeliny Alial ..,...... Pri t. t Btatxarj,---John. Foreman .wiw hada 411 kinds of I''a-ari�a 1'la'odateefsirwhich suffered for to lc ngih of time from . paralysis was taken to the Ilorne for Incurables, London,' heh'e he diet! Fl i- su this eve:. Iiis remains aa•ere bion he to Liman by Undertaker Mindy . 'VI.. ForehnanbeingaFole terthe bre•tllren' Fighting' 'tate C..._(,)dling marched to the chinch of England. ^h or- wliere the Rev. Thomas nesilted by Under the pru� shoals Tlbe Nor Rett, Brownlee, of Granton, prea(l ed lens Insect Acts passed at the recent <� very impressive sermon, after aslti*'b ;:session of the Legislature, every mu - Rev, I't i which Ile Ac i o to 1 thts rt'aaacains wcte is»kt►1a to I;irr 4{�me• Ibur a s s n t t o rad p t('ry for interment. The deceased away : y Fay -array Sliaall appoatat ono or ailCrC' i ne ectors to Inspect ct all orchards and but in the pen of life, being, thhrty- t p 1?� l nine years :►t tht� tibiae ttf tie:itla, alt• enf®rwt` the: regealata(ana. ��y utn or�der- leas es sa wife and four' t•lailal e. n tta in-Qoaaueit assured tan May .lith, as set of mourn his death. --John McKinnon regulations has been prescribed for the who has been in port Huron eel..•aa,me destruction of the codling moth, one highest prices will be paid. tippet working, tonne home. were *era A ft!wawa injurious taistet;iat. t„wiakeh Waltintlaaillislation of the h n o...o, every year t=eases serious damage to Some from here attended the kireglIS in the apple erop. Under these rules Beeler tin Friday aril.—lire;at• prepaaa•- every occupier of a lot: in n, aaaatnla ipal- 1 0 going t. , itv where the Act is in fe►ree will. be ce�lebr at ilia of the surrender f e : ; obilged to lance bands n :aaa all,ue:aa'mzt ttl'r Pretoria 1F p a ePear d ee av ' � isand ea treessac 'alum ;ail: hat lh now understood to he true, ppP-, Latren can certainly -beat duly Place ,°wharal trees of bearing age within 4,i twice the size in getting' up a rousing feet, of them. The bands Anal be ,tin are goin„ n for the intended t•une.('speeially pertaining to anything Pad,' lad,' of "burlap" or sacking, or nittz- tlhat Is connected with Britain -o: iv;sal- liar suit.^able material, not less than ty. It will do you gond to t+glue to Polar inches wide and three inches Luean on Thursday as that is the dray thick. to be securely fastened between appointed for holding the great cele• the crotch of the tree and the geagind. bration,—litarat•e thorn has seeurett as The occupant shall have the bands re- position with S. J)oupe, our genial moved and inspected, all larvae therein uherehaant.•--Ituinor :tyr one of tine destroyed, and the bands replac- IIighSchool teachers ie stinn tl) ltecrt,nhe ed at. intervals of not more than united in marriage to one of want1- two weeks s during June, July and .lug stocks fair 8m—A patent wahine ust. In case of neglect to comply with. BRIEFS. —Richard Cameron, of man gave an open air concert and free the Act, the inspector may order the Florida, son of the late ,lecture on Mani street 5atturday even. work done, and the cost entered on T a a.C t ata a ban ern iu'• Some of our boys wire very no- the collector's roll against the owner. or 11I. G. Cameron, who Inas been boli- i entlemanly toward him. It wnuld daayingat the old home, leaves for the south Thursday. --Early on Tuesday morning,Jas, Greer of rtaessaton Ont., whad been employed e past week fatting up the tug, N. I)yment, for its trip to Georgian Bay, died said- denly in bed. Deceased was sleeping with Captain Vassar, of essalan who comancled the tug, and about three a. m. the captain was roused by deceased groaning. Ile got up and called assistance but death came in a few minutes. The deceased was an ex- ceedingly quiet man and leaves a wife and two children in the town on the north shore. Death was caused by ap- oplexy of the lungs. Deceased's heart was out of place and distended and death was evidently due to natur- al causes. e more beetnniug for the town's Take .s.m -. to make an exainple of those yormg,TESTIMONIAL OF 1' R;7 JOHNS men.—Mrs. W. I)a gg. td Sarnia, visit -TO TIM VALUE tie ed her sister. Mn-, Walter Hodgins, i Last week, --Mrs. James Anderson is ENGLISH STOCK FOOT) still confined to her room. She was visited by her brother, I)r. Melienzie, �•' of Michigan last week, --Dr. Orme was This is to certify that I have used marriedWednesday to oneof London's Inglis Stock Food for yotr calves. fair ones. Manyjoys and happy day s.Tlrc calves have done remarkably- well — — 1 under its use. I think it as most ex eel - North Middlesex (Cheese Factory_ i lent food for young calves esppecially running but is at present only .turning !when they are fed on separated, milk. out about one cheese a day. Joliet Jens&. VanolsgelOmmommemegiomomiwil If you make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory, britlg it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Clinton. BxsuEsS.—Jatnes Steep, who is carry - big on an implement agency at Indian Head, returned home from t o west t Tuesday night avast.—Albert Turner returned home Wednesday night last, after a four or five months' jaunt through California and British Colum- bid, Mr Turner was obliged. Iast fall to give up farming in Tuckersmith on aceount of his wife's health, and took the trip west in search of a suitable climate to locate in. It is in the in- terior of British Columbia he expects to make his future home, and he will leave shortly, with his wife atidfamily, We to locate in blue Ohilliwack valley.— Mrs J 5 Armstrong, of Ontario, Cal., is expected hoarse shortly, to spend the summer under the parental roof. We all remember Mrs Armstrong when she was called Miss Challie Cooper.— Mrs J Shepherd, daughter of Robert Thompson, 10th con of Goderich town- ship, is expected home this week from Winnipeg, on an extended visit to the old home. Stephen SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is a correct report of school No. 3, Stephen. Names are in order of merit: —V, Eddie Beaver, Daniel Sanders ; IV, Iva Box. Herbie Beaver, Homer Bagshaw, Laura Joey, Chas Sanders, Asa Penhale ; Sr. III, Roy Parsons, Viola Penhale, Clara Beaver, Hattie Willis ; Int. Jr. III, Minnie Sanders, Jennie Sanders, Willie Triebuer ; Jr. III, Eddie Willis, :Lizzie Sanders, Mit- chell. Willie, Edith Parsons Herbie Deering, Herbie Beaver ; Sr. II, Earl Box, Harry Parsons, Violet Woods Alfred Wuerth, Saari Hicks ; Jr. II, Tommy Sanders, Gladys Bissett, Harry Triebner, Annie Hicks, Ralph Willis ; Sr. Pt. II, Fred Beaver, Cecelia Forel Int. Pt. IT Vinnie Cookson Lillie Stanlake, Lillie Woods, 5 Stanlake; Jr. Pt. TI, Victor Sweet, Hilda Preszcator. Tom Penh ale, Earl Parsons, May Sanders. No. on roll 55. Average at- tendance 47. Parents will kindly pro- vide pupils with: notes in case of absence and oblige. T. 13. HoorER, Teaacher. T' , 1'i� C1II%INt:r 'MIGHT AND DAY.. Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was niade is Dr King's; New Life Pills. Every pill is <a sugar-coated globuleof)e alai that cia n s weak- nessinto strength, li4lessne,s into. etferply, brain -fag into mental power. They're wonderfulin building up the health. Only 2ec per bottle. Sold by all druggists Builders' ardware l` N Do Old:_re Tools have n, very :2onlplete and up -to date stock of Hardware for houses, barns, etc.. AT LOWEST PRICES.' SEE US AND SAVE VIONEV ENT. QUEENSTON and PORTLAND. Two cars just received. laster Paris New stock this year. S6178611 DOM'S tVilltlOWS, 4-1I kinds and sizes at Bottom Prices. W. J Agency for Ellwooc HI3AflAN, Woven Wire Fencing. EXETER.