HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-31, Page 8TETWART'S SH ..,STORE CASH OR PRODUCE, ONLY ONE PRICE. A Few Special Bargains Worthy of Special Attention. ...,14•••• •••••• .,•••••1,1••••••••.F.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••"••••••••••• the yard Tweuty pieces of new fent. v tiress good, all doable fold rectifier We goods,they're great value at Le ^ 08e for a, very large white quilt, slightly soiled, but will waeh,regular value 1.50, this is a snap, we have only one hunched or their at 98e. 4,ate the yard for fancy plaid ging- tienas„, good washers,and great wear. Tr% worth in any regular etore 8te„ just the thing for girls school dressee 100 each for roller towells, 21 yds long, we have only ;50 to eel!. at 10c, Ole the yard fen. 30 inch apron ging ham& regular yalue 9e1 we have only V yards to sell at Nct 15c each for your choice of a very fine lot of catpot semples, they are about le yds long, and tvorth regular 4.> to O0 the yard. Remember your pick a no o them at 15e each. 10e the yard for your choice of a very well lot of new blouse materiaj. some very nifty stipes in this lot. 45c the yard for velvet corduroy, for boys wear, so strong that the boys can't tear it mad a real good looker. 25e each fee men's and boys ceo =eh hats, correct for the bet days, oeIy 15e each, 1.$ etteh for young metes v swell new grey fedora hat w fancy hand, this a, hargaiu.. 75e, 1.00, 1.23 awl 1.50 for 4 very special bargains in new lace certains they came to as direct front the makers. J. A. STEWART. Grigg's 1300k 81;014 :For Marriage Licenses, weddIng Rings, Weetghtess Clockse elewele-ye Spectetqlese et Oee R. HICKS \Vetch Repairing a Specialty. A full stock of School flookslTO ADVERTISERS, Public Schools. The copy far changes must be left - A full stock of Sunday School; i advestisemente accepted up to noon , Weduesdav of each week. 4 1,10t lat___..,..._er than Tuesday noon, Casual Library Books at wholesale prices miss Andrew, of enneen, et a guea Family and Peachers' Bibles Line. et D. A.. Ross.' Frank Willis was in Winghani tile past week on business. S. P. Halls, of Goderich is quite ha,ving suffered an attack a paralysis. The Misses Howard, of,London, vis- ited under the parental roof the past Everything Stationery, week. wholesale and retail. Jan Gra Miss 2". White attended the summer millinery openinge in Detroit bet week, Mrs. Oliver Johnston and son, of Clinton, visited at Ef. Buckinghane's last week. Will Stewart, of Detroit, spent the past week visiting his grand-pareets, UX ET ER on Huron street. MISS Neeland and brother, Bishop, )of Seaforth were guests at Capt. Kemp's the past week. Lemen larothers are an old firm and keep in advance of the times. The Great Shows will be here june ist. Agent for the WESTNIIN .ASSITRAY"oh Coat - veer, et Taranto ; also for the Pncernx Emn Dr. H. P. Ross is Immo spending a Y.SZBANM COMPANY> a London, Ermined; short vacation before he permaneutly xl.axez Last:malice Comeenr, of Eng locates for the practice of his profes- Rea. sion. - As a, tonic and blood purifier for this hot weather, Native Herb Tea is a vflURSDAY, 1IIA.1:731st, 1000pleasant medicinetic a box at Lutz's drug store. j. R. Morrison, of Chiselhurst, a third -year student at Trinity Medical College, is studying with Dr. Amos The pa/siltation of Bruasels is 1,228. -clueing the holidays. Rev. TenEyele visited friends in Lon- Messrs. Boyd, Gardiner, Anderson, don lost week. Gowan and Bloomfield, Public school Robert Sweet, of Dunnville, visited teachers drove to Goderich last week his parents ere the past week. to attend the Teachers' Institute. Mr. Blackwell, of London, purchased Jonathan .Miller, of Goderich, dis- a number of horses here an Monday. posed of his two fast horses, Virginia Blackley, of Toronto, was the mad Payrock. Mr. Miller could not guest of the Misses jeekell on 24th of pay the attention to them that Ben May. We are sorry to state that Virilliam Drew, is confined to his room through Mrs. James Hodgson, whose hus- band died in Palmerston last week INSURANCE. ERN. hi -A ELIA 01", LOCAL HAPPENINGS en wilL The marriage of Fred. Nott, of Tuck- ersmith, one of London Road's pros- perous farmers. and Miss Blanche Craig, of Londesboro, took place on Wednesday last te Inn to Exeter to reside. a' Turkish Scalp Food is an excellent. Dix Nerve and Blood Pills are equal: 'dressing for the hair, relieves itching to anything on the marketfop paleness, of the scalp and prevents dandruff and debility, nervousness, etc. Over fifty keeps the hair in its natural color. A doses for 25c. You pay nothing for :Only 50c a bottle at Lutz's drug store. advertising. For sale at Lutz's drugtnrp' W. A. 'Davis, of Hamilton, way called here on Wednesday to attend the fu- neral of their only- child, who died at, its grandmother's, Mrs. Pratt Fisher EMPIRE DAM -Wednesday last was the day set apart by the Provincial Government for the teaching of tea- triotisin to young Canadians -the day known as Empire Day. The forenoon ot croup, . The parents haye the heart- was devoted to the reading of essays felt sympathy of many friends in their and the eineing of national songs, and sad bereavement. addresses. °The various rooms were On Siferday, June lath,. the mem- decorated with flags and flowers. Al bers of he L 0. F. will attend Divine 2 o'clock the fire bell rang and 350 service teethe Presbyterian church, at pupils promptly responded, making a 2.30 o'cloelete The brethren are request- safe exit from the building in the short ed to Meet at the lodge room at 1.30, space of la minutes. The ceremony of and march to the church. Rev. Martin floating the new 'Thelma Jack over the will conduct the service. 'school building was conducted by Dr. The congregation of Jaanes Street Rollins and N. D. Hurdon, the entire Church has hact a prosperous year, financially and otherwise. The church funds have been well supported, and in addition to all connexional claims, the handsome sum of $129 wag con- tributed last Sunday to the Indian faanine fund. The Epworth League will, by their subscriptions, bring this to a total of $150 for the congregation. The boy Lamont, who was kicked by a horse in Hawksha,w's stable on May body of pupile saluting the flag and singing "The Recl White 2,nd Blue." Hundreds of citize. 'tend 'visitors pres- ent, led by the Exeter Brass Band then repaired to the school lawn. A raised platform awaited the speakers. Mr. 8, J. A. Boyd, the Principal of the school, to whose untiring efforts were due the success of the demonstration, spoke briefly but eloquently of the object of the celebration and called upon H. E. Hueston, as representative id is progressing nicely. His cheek of the Trustee Board to act as Chair - bone was driven in, causing the eye to man. The following speakers took leave its socket. he horse was owned their place on the platform :-Revs by Graham not Mr. Ferguson, of Birr, s ateast week, and had been pur- chased from Mr. Iletherington, of Us - borne, for a cavalry mount. It appears the lad Lamont while paising the horse to procure water steppec1 the an- mg by the pupils. -The literary part lima when it kicked him. Mr.Graham of the program was followed by var- who had a full number without it, did ions games. The large numbers pres- not ehip the horse, and as Mr. Bother- ent and the keen appreciation mani- ington was loath to sell it he took the festect in the entire program proved animal back, but would not, assume that Empire Day will be welcomed as any responsibility. The beast is a a national holiday. The businees men fine one anti Mr. H. had received $125 for it. Brown and Martin, Messrs, 'Henry Eilber, M. P. P., Dr. Lutz, an L. H. Dickson, who delivered appropriate addresses. These were interspersed with singing, calisthenics, and march- . Ntw letee,E e.reet Aner,R PAoRiens.- After July lst exporterr of apples will be requested to mark the barrel with the initials and the full surname of the packer, with the size of the fruit in inches across at the COM With the uerne of the variety and witla a clesigs nation of the grade of the freit. These measures are, calculated to prevent fraud beingperpetrated. Last year so lima) inferior trait was Worked off on shippers and dealers that a serious blow as dealt the reputation the Canadian fruit had gained in the Eug- lish market. ExETRie Nolan Nos. - Prof. Rnight rides a new "Cleveland" and cuts quite a Agure.-Mr. Levy bas re- turned from Blyth and the family are now occupying their residence in We end. -Thos. Hatter, who was in the London Asylum, escaped from that in- stitution one day last week, - Joho Charlton was in Ailsa. Craig on Tues- day of last week, attending the trial of Victor Hall, the "Vitalist" on a charge of manslaughter, over the death of his sister-in-law, Hall was committed for trial at the Fall Aesizes. --John Heywood has reached Mani- tobe safely and secured a lucrative job, TUE Eetarsx.-The Promised, eclipse appeared to the ettizens of Exeter, on eciteclale thee. The elements seemed to eyinpathize with the sun in his ability. tor a ihort time, to direct hie rays uniziterruptedly upon the earth. The sky became more or less over cast el the clouds dropped rain. But. rifts 10 the eleuds reyealed his obseerea fece at intervels and Afforded a in* WSW of one of the grandest plieume- ena, mortals are permitted to witness. Everywhere were to be seen people with verioue devices to obtain glimpse of the streggle of the moon to hide from aur vision the great Itunin- ee of heaven, but the struggle was an unequal one, and in the time noted hy the astremomers, the last three of shadow were swept from the face of the greeter light. In this portion of Ontario the duration of the eclipse was almost 2 1-2 hours. The first contaut occurred at 61 miuutes and 40 seconde past 7 ; the greetest obscuration at, 87 seconds pest 9 ; and the end of the eclipse at 17 minutes and one eecond after 10. The magnitude of the Mime was .81. In other words, tte:i of the din of the sun was covered ; so that there was a, noticeable diminution of daylight. LeetteSeE VONettnae--The concert given in Gidley's Opera. House on the eveniug of May 21the under the KM. pices of the Exeter Lacrosse Club, proved an unqualified !success. Every Next, or the hall was filled with an or erly and appreciative audience, who demonstrated their pleasure and satis- faction by hearty applause and fre- quent encores. From the moment the eheirreau, X. G. Stanbury, stepped on the Platform and ennounced the first number until "God Save the queen" was sung with lope' heartiness, the prOgraan proceeded without a :bitch. An exquisitely rendered piano duce, by Misses. Hicks and Rieman, opened the concert, and preceded a tot() by Miss Agnes Templeton, of London, "Soldiers in the Park," Miss Temple- ton has a sweet voice of considerable volume and sympathy, which won for her a hose of admirers, Miss Winni- frede Hooper, of London, a soprano singer, with S. pleasing voice, also made her first appearance here and \vas cordially received. Dr. Gerry, of Mitchell, is assured a warm wt !come for his full, rich tenor solos any time lie favors Exeter with another visit. The danchig and reciting of Master Bishop Neelins, of Seaforth, were among the most enjoyable features of the evening. But none the less appre- eeated, bemuse they were local talent, were the singing of Messrs. RQSS and Hemming in duet and of Mack Vincent in comic solo. The latter bas become a prime favorite and no concert is corn plete without, him. Miss Martin, whose tecnique is irreproachableegave a pian o solo, that was heartily enjoyed by the lovers of music. The commit- tee are to be congratulated on the general success -of the entertainment: keecnossE.---The lacrosse match on Queen's Birthday between Glbaton and Exeter was a keenly contested and in- teresting game. Though both these clubs are in the same league, the game on the. 24th was only for exhibition and the love of sport. A large crowd was present. The Clinton Jean) came up looking like so uany trained ath- letes. They weie evidently IL the best poasible form, while the Exeter boys showed the leek of sufficient practice. Notwithstanding this out boys played splendid game. The game started With a rush on Exeter goal, which was cleverly met and the ball returned to centre. Here Ilyndinan made a neat run, passing to Snell, who passed to Graham, who made first goal for Exe- ter in 611 minutes. The second goal was preceded hy indifferent playing by both teams, and was captured by Couch in 8 tnins. Exeter's turn came again, when after a brilliant play by Dignan, Ilawkshaw secured the hall and landed it safely in 9 mins. Ford now began to enter the game in earn- est and made several very clever runs and passes, but Clinton scored their second goal by Couch in 7 mins. The second half started with the best stick work of the day, in which Martin, Hyudina,n, Graham and Snell distin- guished themselves. A very pretty pass among these meri, with the aid of Tlawkshaw, ended in a cannon -ball shot by Snell. ,Goal for Exeter, 7 min. After a short up and. down play, a de- termined rush WAS made by the visit- ors, but ttse invincible Mack and Sweet stood by Hooper. The only re- sult, just then was a broken goal post. Ford now got .the ball again, made a dashing flank movement and gallop for the visitors' goal, the nimble -footed Whiteley spanking :him all the way. Ford passed to Harncheian. Nvhose check slashed him over the chest. The home captain protested, and the game was off for several minutes. When the ball moved again the crowed were in the way, and Exeter lost the next goal to Clinton ha 4 mins, The remainder of the game was marked by clever runs by Kinsman and Ford and by Sorrie nice combination work by- Martin and Hyndecia,n. Vincent played hard in a tight place several times and was re- warded with the soldier's scar. Crooks, Shepherd and Matheson excelled ong the visitors. Score, 3-3, Ref- , Will Ross, Clinton. showed their sympathy with the de- ain parture by closing their stores. eree 4 J:frJ[ Co.HCA ' B have just opened up some large shipments Of new seasonable goods, an espeeially pretty line of Blouse Silks came our way a day or two ago We bonght them at a price which will save you money. • Be eure and see them. 11.•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••1:1•••••:•••••••[• Blouses and louse Silks Blouses and Shirt Waists will be more popular than, ever this season. We have them ready-to-wear in great variety of design and price and we have the most beautiful 'assortment of Blouse materials it has ever been our pleasure to show. Ladies' shirt waists in new cut, special value ....... . . . . 50 New pined shirt eists, very stylish, with detachable col- ilers. White pique elect waists trioantect with sert'n, very stylish1,25 Ladies" bleek and oi'd mercerized. sa- teen blouse waists in a. great variety of styles at LA 1.50, 1.76, 2,00 and Blouse silks in strip s, plaid& checks.fare cies in great variety of patterns at 50, 00, 75, 00 and ...1.00 POPULAR SIXADRS Our clothing trade this season nas gone away ahead o any previous season. These prices are the reason for big se ling. 811111811I ed011-t0-711Gfir 610tHill0 so V G able R hi r I e Men's Tweed. Suits, new patterns, Men's tweed pants, well-maae and farmer satin lined, very stylish and splendid wearing cloth, regular 1.35 splendidly alone, easily worth 87.60, line for. .....1.00 foe ..... ................. • ..... .., 5.00 ieoy's tweed suits in great variety ined Men's fine tweed suits, specially. ranging in poee r,,,,,u1,.2,1 to ......4.00 land neadeevery stylish patterns r Man's Waterproof coats, a grea leten'e black Worsted Suits, bone. t in the regular way worth 89 for OA e fo , 4 lly 23 ifutailoree, splendid titters, best I 'Ire" Men's Spring Overcoats in a very linings, You'd pay $13 for no better floe qualitYwhilacord, special lin- suit elsewbere, our price 10.00 ings • • • • • • • 10•00 ••••••••••111•1•1 See our itnmence stock of Victory Flags,Canadi an Flags and Union J'Acks for the 24th. ••••••••••••••••28.61mulmlin.....matimmeal Dress Skirts and Underskirts Ladies' hard finish- ed Blue and Blk Serge DressSkirts mademvery latest style and well lin- ed $ p eclat at 9 75 Ladies' Plain a n d leency Lus- tre Skirts, newest cut, welltmade and lined at... -2.75 to 3.75 Ladies' Linen Pique Skirts latest designs at 1.50, 1.75. „ 2 00 Ladies'MetallicStripeUnderskirts various patterns, special 1 35' Ladies' Frilled. plain mercerized. Sateen Underskirts, in all colors, latest style out at 1,50, 2.00 .. . ......... .0.11•140,04••••••••4101MOIMMYSJOINVIMItlIMIC.M.11111 SUNDRUB' S Regular 15c box Toilet Soap for 10 Regular 5c Rubber -Tipped Lead pencils Regular 5c Penholders 03 Ready -sharpened Slate Pencils five for 01 !Floral Writing Pads, special 05 Good strong Horn Combs, special 05 " The Ideal Papeterie, 12 sheets of notepapes and. 12 envelopes, special • Regular 25c epool Crochet Silk assorted colors for 90 Ladle's Tortoise Shell Side Comb trimmed with rhinestone, special pox, pair 25 The Daisy School Scribbler 01 Fine gold -planted Beauty Pins various patterns, special 3 for. 05 Ask to see our stock of Fine Station- ery. . We want a large quantit will pay highest price for same y of Butter and Eggs and .ThC R. ri6kdrd Gas, Direot importers R. E. Pickard was in Seaforth on 'IclWrIdilalY.Yoe, of London, called on friends here yesterday. Alex. Martin, of Toronto University, is home spending vacation. Wm. Pridhatn and wife of Fuller- ton, were in Town Tuesday. W. Kernick had two valuable cattle killed by lightning on Monday. Edvvard Tones, Exeter North, has purchased a new threshing outfit. The only Female Somersault Rider will astonish the multitudes here June ls b. Mrs. - J. T. Clarke, of Cobourg, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. J. S. Harvey, Thames road. The monthly meeting of the Exeter L. 0. L. will be held on Saturday even- ing June 2nd. The semi-auntial meeting of the Bid- dulph District L. 0. L. will be held in Centralia on June lath. Miss Lou Gibson, of Godericla, and her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Little, of Morden, Man., were visiting friends in town on 24th • Exeter has an Isaac Waltin club, , and almost daily they- form fishing parties and go to the Bend. 'Some - large hauls are reported. A. E. Stewart moved his family' to Seaforth on Monday. We regret their departure from Exeter, as they were valued citizens, but our loss will be Seaforth's gain. S. J. A. Boyd, Principal of the Exeter Public School, has been ap- pointed an associate examiner, by the Education Dept,. He will go to Tor- onto in July to preside at the examina- tions. A quiet wedding was celebrated at "Hill Side," Downie, when Miss Alice Isabella, daughter of the late Richard Cawston and Mrs. Annie Low Caws - ton, was united- in marriage to John Cliphan Smith, of Listowel. Thos. Cameron has received instruct teens froro Messrs. Campbell and Sturgon to sell aixteen new milk cows with calves at side, and springers at the Market Square on Thursday,7th June, at one o'clock. . Mr. and Mrs. Brewer and the Misses Brewer, of Clinton, visited here on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Livingston, of Hullett, visited at Wm. Penhale's last week. The wonderful Maretta Ea,roily, re- nowned aerialists. Will perform here June 1st. Miss Garner and Mr. Anderson, of Londor, were the guests of the Misses Sweet, Huron-st., last week. See the open dens of wild animals in the street pageant with Lemen Broth- ers' that will be here June 1st. Ib has been decided by the executive of the Huron County Old. Boys' Assoc- iation to hold the annual excursion to G oderich. s, Wm. Uptegrove, of London town hip - SECOND-HAND acre frecentlyarm in McGpurchased the Miller 180- illiyra,y, just outside of Parkhill. Roland 13a,lkwill, of Glencoe, was in town the past week renewing acquain- tances Mr. Balkwill was a resident Only six months old, good make, in of Exeter, some 18 years agofirst-class condition at a price that will interest you. A.sk to see it. LING BROS. --18 THE PLACE FOR -- GOOD GOODS A'F FOG HT PRICES. Ladies' waists in all the desireable fabrics and shades suitable for house and street wear. Ladies' whitewear in the newest and latest seyles. Parasols full line and at prices that will please you. Laces and embroideries m findless variety. Colored dress goods in all the latest shades. In Biaek Dress Goods we hold the fort. Gloves from the finest kid down, just to hand. Hats and Ties, nobby goods. Summer corsets and linen skirts, just the thing for this hot weather, Ready-made Clothing in Men's, Youth's and boy's af very low figures. We make a specialty in Ordered Clothing. aee our black worsted suit at $10. Complete stock of groceries, always new and Try our 25c Japan tea, elegant flavor We are the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial o these teas would convince you that they have no equal, Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce, OfiRLING E3R08.. TO TRE SITARETIOLDURS OP Trig Ex- ETER Szia,a‘ WORKS Co. -Gen tlenten, You will please .take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders ot Lha Exeter Salt Works Co, will I e hod Tueedey, jime tbe 12th at 2 oeelock pf ne at town hall. T. B. Ceateexo, Seey.-Treas. Arre.exan we A. Brix.- Saturclay evening a Jersey bull, owned by Thos. Brock, attacked John Sanders. of Wil- liam street, who WAS passing through . Mr. Broele's field. Mr. Sandeee was lenocked down and trampled upon by the brute, until he was unconacious. The timely arrival of Mr. Broek. eaved Mr. Sanders from being killed. Ile is rallying somewhat. STORAL-On Monday forenoon 4 Se- vere electrical storm passed over this place. The lightning was vivid, while the peels of amulet. shook large brick buildings. The rain fell in torrents and soon filled the gel .et. r. During the storm lightning el i ...le the resi- dence of .Dr. inkt. did no serious teem:. Several transformers of the electric lie! gt service were burned. A CANADIAN FENCE FOR CANADIAN FARMERS. We use the best high grade coiled wire J. F ,STINSON &00e Rirkton, Oa, Buggies Buggies ! Buglati Sprnig is here and mwbuggies are TITE LAT4 LOUIS THORNE. -The re- selling lively. MMUS et the late Louie Thorne, of Les lf you tire desirous of seeming a Angeles. Cal, whose death was an I nonuced in last week's Tams will arrive in Exeter teeday. On Saturday First - claso-,,,, Buggy the funeral will leave the residence of his father-in-law, William cheap now is the time.illiam Drew, At 2 We have a, large number and differ- ceeleck p. in. for the Trivite Memorial ent styles to eelect from, church where a short service will be held, after tvhicli the remains will be LARGEST DEALER IN TOWN, interred in the Exeter cemetery. .. The procession committee for Queen's Birthday, beg to thank all those who T o doors south of Town Hall, took part in the procession particular- ly the ladies of the Empire Gar, the EXETER, ONT. Military and Artillery, the Wets, the Firemen and the Boer Army, Also all those oatside of committee who e worked in getting up the attractions. The amount subscribed by ni erchants, etc. was $17.25,and the expense is aver $25. N. D. Benencee, Chairman. _ SUFFERED INTENSE PAIN. Mrs. Chas. Miller, Bowling Green. Ont„, says t"I have suffered greatly from Inflainma,- tory Rheumatism for two years. My joints would swell and the pain was most severe. Could not get out of bed. Milburn's Rheuma- tic Pills have cured me." DYSPEPSIA gioRT YEARS.. Nine bottles of LaxarLiver Pills cured Inc of Dyspepsia, and Pains in theStomach after 1 had. suffered 8 years and could get nothing to do me any good. Mrs. Asa Hamilton, Rear. River, N. S W. H. Parsons BORN OASE-ru Reiman, on the 22nd inst., the wife of J. 5 Case, of a daughter. iconams.-In McOrillivray, on Monday, May 28th, wife of James Hodgins, of a son DIED BROWN -In Crediton, On. the 25th inst.. rust - tine Efaitt, wife oC Charles Brown, aged 08 years, 1 month and 18 DAVIS-In Exeter, On the 23rd inst., Pratt Wellrose, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis, aged 3 years and 8 months. SMITH -In Hensall, on tire 27th inst.. Colin •.•••••••••••••••••••• -Smith, aged 56 years and 8 raonths. A 8 N This week we offer a snap in a rifiNG James Wanlass, barriater,of Duluth, and his sister, 'Mrs. (Cape) Smiths of Buffalo'were renewing acquaintances in town last week. They were former residents of Exeter. Mrs. Wanlass, wife of James Wan - lass, at one time owner of the Exeter Woollen Mills, died at her home in Chathatn last ei•eek, of dropsy. She had15n ill for some time. The directors of the Molsons Bank have appointed Tames Elliot as Gen- eral Manager to succeed the late F. Wolferston Thomas, and E. 0. Pratt is made Local Manager in Montreal. At the May Meeting of the Official Board of the Lucknow Methodist church the Rev. John Learoyd, inform- ed the members of the Board,that ow- ing to his continued ill health he would be compelled to retire from the active service of the ministry, at, the end of the present Conference year. Mr. Learoyd who is in his 71st year, has been in the ministry for over 45 years, and has filled many of the most hiwor- tent charges in connection with the Methodist church in Canada. •6111••••rIIIPPROW• Ourebicycles are evidently meeting with Public favor. They are easy to ride, easy to buy, `stylish and popular in price, quality, and appearance. We speak of the celebrated Clevelands, Welland Vales AND Crescents. Made and guaranteed by tlit world's ittrgest makers. ••••••9112•••.••••••1•03.111••• SEWING MACHINES, CFIILD- REN'S CARRIAGES and GO-CARTS alwa,YS in stock. S. Martin vitt's Fair Is offering this week special bargains in 10 piece toilet setts. In hammocks we are offering a, lirte, worth 1.50 for 98c, a, line worth 1.00 for 754 in washboards 1 worth 25 for 19, worth 18 for 12, 1 worth 15 for 114chair seats worth I0 for 7, skipping ropes worth 10 each 2 for 10. A cut in parasols; this week we are offering one line worth 50 for 35, one worele 66 for 54,line worth 80 this week foe 69, line worth 1.25 this week for 96, line of black and white worth 90 for 70. A nice line of lawn hankerchiefe worth 5c each, 7 for 25c. A line of pebble leather belts worth 30 for 20c. This is the place to buy your fire crackers, fire works, flags. 'Everyone should have a flag and a few crackers., Come and get some. We also keep in stock bananas, Oranges and lemons of a good quality. Our ice cream parlor will be opened on Saturday. evening. We will also serve lunches and ice cream on Circus day. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. FOR • FINE GROCERIES FLOUR AND POTATOES CORN MEAL ROLLED AND STANDARD OATMEAL OIL CAKE LINSEED MEAL AND FLAX SEED GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS TRY, US. We are making a specialty of the above and would be pleased to have paet of your trade. • Our facilities for buying are equal to those of our, neighbors and our shop expenses are much less than those of any ether concern in town. TRY US -to:- BEST JAPAN TEA 18e. wi Trevethick