HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-31, Page 6tb
Newsy Items About Ourselves and
Our Neighbors—Something of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the Globe.
'greatest Parliamentary figure of our
J. E. Iloward, of New South Wales,
offers the British Admiralty a new
submarine torpedo boat, whieb ettet
travel backwards as well as forwards,
withotet turning, sinks below thesur-
Noe without planging, and fires a.
torpedo wich fastena itself, by a
Butstiork arrangement, against the
sbio's bottom. Tbe Admiralty bas net
yet ordered a trial test.
men;. $900,000 for the. X. C. R., charge
able to income, and $355,131 to capital;
$1.355,40 St, Lawreuee canta system,
$30,000 for hinder twine "requisites at
Kingston penitentiary; 75,000
gration; pi),000 additional for Paris
Exhibition; c12,000 add:Mona/ for
A vote of $9,000 sasked for the Pro-
seoution in the Ville Marie Bank
ease, $36an74additional for adminis-
tratioo of the Yukoo, a34,715 addle
tioutil required for Cestoms, $4$,000 to
the fishery service.
The commissions to the Canadian
Bank of Commerce for transacting the
Government's banking basiness ii the
Yunan are as follows: -Four per cent.
for handling gold dust, 2 per tient.
commission on drafts issued free to
rattlers, 1 1-2 per cent. on revenae col-
letions, 11-.2 per cent on cash pay-
ments, 2 per cent. on mounted police
drafts, 2 per cent. on Militia Depart-
ment draft. Lately these commissions
hare been somewhat reduced.
Notes Of Proceedings in the Nation-
al negislatara,
• 1••••,
The following private bills were read,
a third time and passed:-
UNI'TED STATES. -net to ineorporate the Canadian
The, Bisley team will sail for Eng -
A, Chicago boy was nued * or Bankers' Associetioa-Mr. Brittua.
Land on june 22. killing song birds. To incorporate the Accideut and
The .0...P.R. Imperial Limited will hta The street car men's strike at St, Guarantee Company qt Canada - Mr,
gin running agaia ori June 11. Tome has been settled. Peony.
The Yukon garrison is to be with- Forest fires in Allegheny Moun- Respecting the Iniffalo Railwey Co,
drawn upon the opening of navigation. toans destroyed $1,00,000 worth of aelfr. Gibs".
The E. B. Eddy Coutpany, of Hull, timber. MANITOBA GRAIN TRADE.
will re-ereet all their buildings a- Dariog April, the exports of mere
etroyed by fire. ; elmadiee from the United States me
It I; oreaeed nee Mee, 0.
A. delegation from Kentucky A il t
ebortly visit Manitoba and the North- i Tbe Leila famiue relief eerantittee
West. to "spy out the land." at New "York is seeking aid from every ,
The hospital at Regina is fall of , city in, the 'United States. '
dipIxtberia, tirought there, it is said.1 A mob seized a uegro named Wilsoo..
by the recruits to the Northweat fm a trai4 near Augusta, (lag on I
Mounted Pollee.
' i Seturday [Light, and hanged bun in i
toba state that wheat is well ad..' Dr, F. S. Morris, New Tori, nses '
valued and earlier than usual, but is .
aurning pigeone in bis practtee. He
in need of rain. leaves the birds with hie patients and
Over 4,000 immigrant% it is expeote gen; reports by them.
ed. will have passed. through Montreal
q A statue of General Grant, presented '
for the Northwese before the end ; . _
1 by tne Grand Army of the Republic,
of this week. :was =veiled in the rotunda of the
A strong company has been form- , Capitol at W'aelalugton on Saturday.
ed at Kingstou to operate smelting, i
The apprt priations at tbie ,ession
works. It te eedeetee that eaadien ' oe the Int te i SLee Cengress will be
operations will le cemmt"" 4" n'er0 OA lel lees than Ilya Oeers ago
few winks. wima the Spa Man ATtiterielli wa r a as
The %%exit and safe of Mr. it. G. ed.
Baxe ern priva te beet at Bur;ingtoet ; "
were wreeked with teitro-gyeerine on i
Erhlay night, but Siete° le, the bank I Meseta will equip the entire Black
i rdeee fleet with wireless telegraphy.
was overlooked by the thieves.
Roman Catleolio hiehops of Quebec, Empress Frederick. mother ot the
who form the Council of Pablio In. , Emperor of Gerierney, is ser ous y 111,
The railway crop reports in Mani -
the woods.
Tim House went into emnolittee QTA
the Government bill respecting the
graia trade in the inspeetioe. triot
Manitoba. It is a romeare founded on
the report of the grain commission,
which sat in Manitoba and the North-
West last sumnaer. The object ia to
afford redef tub fru mere 02. 1.11.1.t seca
tient, who complained that they were
not provided with sufficient facilities
for shipping grain, and tat they were
overcharged hy the elevator
Les whica 'were allowed to neve
14- Fielding introduced his bill to
amend the alioniag Tbe main
purpotie of this amendment IS to carry
foroard bitlaiE charters for atouthir ten
years, but. several important clumps
an eationt are al .a to the
aaa,. Aot. in 0.sod Lae alaarebalders
ca it t.t..it eon far eortein iniormae
Lion froze the directors tae Aot, as
anteoded, would require the iuferma-
tion to be furnished at the firer annual
nueetbag. Banks wilich have suspend.
e. pazuent eon be prevented from
etruction, will =eke the teaehlog of An Offkcia1 bulleein shows ileit Cuba Leaman teethe after suspension,
the English langnage otaripelsory itt, test eendea eeneeene daring the civil Bizzankstimiubtleyr and
ndnionete" uppornsetatanodf-
the echeols undee their titrietliccion, :irate
The eight -year -aid daughter of Ur, Germat newspaper publishers will : the quarry. Security may be taken
Emersea Main of Gait 'vvas very sert-, ' ereet their own aPer rnflIs beeause by banks for liability incurred by let -
ousiy burned on Friday by u. firecrece of the trust's bigh prices. ters of credit. lthe ease of a ban]
RAN' ilirtava on Ler dress. Mrs. Main There are new under trreat end holding land for other than purposes
ye, eivea painfin injuries in Patting ' awaiting trial in Servia, no fewer of its own bushaess, provision is made
oat the fire. thee 30P politicel peisoners.
Ai Una:411e the little son of Mich- In Madras iwo polieernen caused a
eel Costello, while playing with a
collie dog, was suddenly attaekeil most
viciously by the dog, which lacerated ,
the child's face and throat awl chew-
ed off one ear.
Colonel Sherwood, Superintendent of
Dominion Police, ie making arranFe-
ments to send a squ.ta et twenty-hve
special policemen to ,guard the Wel-
hint Canal. The militia now on duty
will be withdrawn.
The returns of navigation at Mon-
treal ehow a faltiag off iu the num-
ber of inward bound vessels, attcum-
pared with last year, owing to the
number of vessels that. are still in
the service of the Bridal Government
as transports.
The King of the Begin e has arrived
in England on a visit.
The Queen distributed flowers and
conversed with the wounded at Netley
Hospital Wednesday.
The khaki craze has gone so far in.
London that they are now painting
statuary that colour.
The London County Council is con-
sidering a plan for nine miles of
underground railroads.
Richard croker, jr., New York, pur-
chased the famous bull dog, Raduly
Stone in. London, for a4,000.
The Canadiau salmon ova sent to
Scotlend last month have hatched out
well end the fry are healthy.
The rumour that Lord Beresford
was to resign the command of the
Mediterraneaa fleet is officially de-
The new Royal Ulster Steamship
Company propose to run a line of -fast
freight steamers between New York
and Liverpool.
The British National Rifle Associa-
dolt has been asked to submit a plan
for rifle clubs, as advocated by Lord
Salisbury in a rental, address.
riot. Ineven people were killed, aix-
teen woundeJ and 5:xty arrested.
Mount Vesuvius is again in erup-
tion, and spectators are forbidden to
approach within a certain distance.
Ruesian spies have found Japan is
the one country in the world where
officials cannot be bribed or cajoled.
Lionel Dade, an A.frican explorer,
sends wurd of trouble in tae Congo averY tive yearin the same way as
Free Satte territory, whore, be says, returns of unp ild balances are made.
Better proviehm is to be made for
the Germans have stezed a largo ex -
the handling of a bank's affairs after
tent of territory claimed by Belgium,
The outbreak of cholera in the fa -
that proceedings may be taleen by the
Crown to appropriate the land if the
bank does uot dispose of it after the
expira.tion of the Statutory limit of
seven years, or twelve years if on ex-
tension is granted. The object of this
amendment is to torce a bank to sell
land whica it acquires and holds as
an asset and is not necessary' fernier -
poses of busIness. et return of un-
paid drafts altall be made by; the bank
slue relief tamps in India has result-
ed in breaking up some of the camps,
and in consequence the number deter -
it lia,s suspended payment. For this
Doubtful if Boers Will Reu.ia in
Lainfrs No
A despatch from Londoa, Friday
sa.yet-In hiatal Oen, Buller'a forces
have crossed. ;nee the Transvaal near
Ingngo, but are BUB Iteld at bay at
lanno 5 emit, where the Doers are en-
treoehina thenteetven With the ex-
cepeloa of this paste Natal is clear
ot „Doom 'Plow Live a big gun potted,
bal. tt ir, (MulattLc if they will be able
to told the etnitioa \viten clereatea-
ed by a fideit.ng ruot outwit from tOe
force that croseea the lugogo river.
Gea. Dartue.l's volunteers occupied
IUMIDE Prospect Monday, Lord Duo-
donaldn oar:Alley ieat Fiennatonee,
Iiinego. Ws intaetry tests a
Seboonegaiognii. Tbeir =Mae are al
O& fatal memory in, the tirst Boer war.
Thole face leougn no, uwhere the
Beare tbrouga the range glasses qf
the British, are occaeicomily
lhe menet across the biggarsberg
all the Terme, except eon, were found
vacant. A. temporary braige has been
finisnett ttcthban. Teabas now go
to Dundee.
One of. Col. Bethune's Squadrons
Suffers 66 Casualties in a Natal Prices Of Grain, Cattle, Cheese. 40.,
Tovonto, May 29,-Elour -- Ontario
pattents, in bags. $3.45 to PA;
straight rollers, §3,a5 to $3.45; Hun-
garian patents, 3.80;aManitoba bake
era', $3,55, all on track at Toronto.
Wheo,t-Oata.rie rea and white, 650
north and west ; goose, 70e north and
west ; No. 1 Man. hard, 7714e, Toron-
to, and, No. 1 Northern at 70o.
Oats -White oata quoted at 27o west
and ant; east.
BarinY-Qnoted at 43e for No, 2
west, and feed barley 36.0 to 370.
Rye -Quoted at 50e north, and west
and 51e east.
Bran -City mills sell bran at $15.50
and shorts at $16.50 'M ear lots, Lti,bn,
in the Leading Markets.
A despatch frora London, says t -The
War Office nes xeceived the following
despatch from General Bailer :-
X have received the following from
'May 21, while Marching in the di-
rection o Neweitetle, one of my squad -
roue of Bethune's mounted bufautrY
was ambushed by Boers six milea west
of Vrelleid, and, very few eeteaped,
Lieuts. Tawas= eud Capell are among
the missing. Captain the Earl De La
Warr is slightly wounded in the leg.
The total casualties are about 66, I
have returned to ainutu for supplies,
WW march to-raerrow for Newcastle,
vie Dundee."
General Buller then proceeds
"1 detactted Col. Bethune and about
five hundred men amen Dundee, May
17, with instructions to raarob by
Vaut's drift and show hie force at
Nqutu, evbielt was repoeted to have
been evacuated by the ettenay, pre-
paratory to the return of the magis-
trates and the eivil establiehmeot to
Ute distriot, Be Wee to xejoin, me et
Newcastle afterwards,"
Sone or tne Prisoaers Taken by
A despatch, to the London Daily
Mail, tenni Mefeolog Sunday, says:-
Ainoeg tue piheoners teipcuree with
COUIXIMAta.t.tiv arat attain are Count
ue Bienoutoi, a Frenchman, and Count
Von Vit e.se, a Gentian, It is found.
that the Beers were guide1 by two
purpose the Bankers' Assootation is ueserte" named, Hay and BentonAt
tue enemy's inquest we have hanued
to be incorporated, and immediately
on the suspension of a bank this as -
sons seeking relief has declined. sociation shall appoint a curator, who
R. G. Reidof Newinundland, pro -
shall be manager of the bank, direct
The Archbishop of Canterbury ar-
gued at the annual meeting of the
London Teraperance Council for the
necessity of adopting Sunday cloeing
as a rallying ery.
The Jewish Colonization Association
must pay to the English Government
§6,250,000 in succession duties on the
estate of $4,000,000 left to the asso-
ciation by the late Baron Hirsch.
An armoured road train built for the
War Office, was tried yesterday at
Leeds. The trial, th ,ugh under se. ere
conditions, -was successful, and the
train will proceed to South Africa at
The Marquis of Lansdowne has intro- here, has issued a proclamation saying
diced a bill to extend the powers of he will defend Johannesburg and
the volunteer act, by providing that
volunteers may, be mobilized in any
great emergency, instead of only to
repel actual invasion.
(The Duke of Argyll, formerly the
Marquis of Lorne, who has been of-
fered the first Governor -Generalship
of Australia under the Commonwealth
bill, is not, it is said, likely to accept,
as his wife, the Princess Louise, ob-
jects to living, in the antipcides.
s th all its affairs and assume all powers
prietor ot
f he ra waythatcrease e
I conferred upon him. The curator
tolony, is said to be anxious to dis-
pdte of his interests itt the dazwey shall remain in charge until a liqui-
to an English syndicate.
dater is appointed, or the bank un-
der suspension resumes business. The
point yet to be decided, and upon
wbieh some discussion took platte yes-
terday, was what responsibility the
Bankers' Association should assume
for the acts of the curator. It is
also proposed to grant the Bankers'
Association authority which will op-
erate as a, means to secure accurate
returns being made to the Govern-
ment by banking institutions, but
this proviso is not in workable form
as yet. Provision is made to enable a
solvent bank to sell out to another
institution, 'without loss of time up-
on a vote of two-thirds in value of
its shareholders.
A. long discussion took p lace over
the bill to regulate the packing of ap-
ples and pears for export. There was
a general feeling that the trade re-
quired to be controlled in such a way
as to prevent the reputation of, Cana-
dian fruits from being injured in the
English market, but some difference
of opinion, was developed es to whe-
ther Mr. _Fisher had hit upon the best
method of bringing about this desired
Mr. 1VIaeLaren -presented a petition
frara the Corporation of the City of
Stratford praying that the Postmas-
ter -General be authorized to acquire
all telegraph and telephone lines in
the Dominion of Canada and to oper-
ate the same in connectiou with the
postal system or else to construct- a
new system of telegraphs or tele-
phones, or both. .
Russia's fortifications at Port Ar-
thur are being pushed up very rapid-
ly, and troops and supplies are arrive
titles. About. 100,000 coolies have been
sent to Manchuria to build the rail-
way to Port Arthur.
Emperor Francis Joseph's cordiality
towards Russia, is displeasing to the
high political authorities at Berlin.
Emperor William and the German
Foreign Office generally are very
much surprised at Austria's bid for
Russian favor.
Though more than a month has
gone by since the opening of the
Paris Exposition, there are still very
important exhibits which have not
been opened to public, and large sec-
tions remain in the halide of the
workmen. It will take another
month to complete the work.
Fatal Case of Disease Reported in
A despathh from Durban, says
extraordinary issue of the Gazette
announeee the existence of a fatal
case of the bubonic plague in Durban.
The victim is an East Indian.
The local authorities are strictly en-
forcing precaution.
Kruger's Proelamation Calling Upon
Burghers to Defend Johannesburg
A despatch from Cape Town, says: -
President Kruger, it is announced
calling upon all the I3oers to fight to
the bitter g end.
Douse or Commons l'assc,s the Inn on Its
Second heading.
A despatch from London, says ;-The
House of Commons on Wednesday die -
cussed the bill removing the political
disabilities' of wonaen in regard to
In the central hall of the House of holding office in London lorough. The
Commons on Saturchay, Sir Henry bill makes women eligibis 10 election
Campbeli-Pnianerman, Liberal leader as aldermen and eouncillors. The bill
in the 1-lieise, unveiled a statue of Mr, passed its, secoad reading by, a vote of
Gladstone vette= he entitled the 248 to 129 amid load cheers.
Dannage 000440110cj by tho Boers
in Natal.
A. despatoli from Newoastle, says
: -
'When the retiring Deere passed.
through Newcastle they were there
Oily demoralized, Their -wagons
ante racing ever the veldt fifteen
abreaet, in an excited hurry to got
safely away. In order to lighter.
Orioles their drivers emptied their
euteota ou the veldt. The Boers
ve looted the Ratting spruit atation,
cl smashed the water tants. At
Lite Dannhaueer and Initagane stetiona
the tanks neve been treated, in like
manner. Tbe Iugagane railway
bridge abutmenta, the Wasebbaule
grinder bridge, and all the culverts
from Wan:3103,0k to Glencoe between
Gleneoe and Dannhauser have been
damaged, but eau easily be repaired.
over their deed.
"To -day one oi our men was asked
to surrender, and replied Never.' The
Boers at uuce shot liAM through the
,Further tietails of the fighting at
Marekiing say that Commandant
Sarel Elofr's followers deserted hem,
whereupo,n Eioff fired, an them him-
self, and then surrendered with 80 fol-
lowers. The despateh also says that
aue, party of Boers was driven out of
the state and, allovven to escape, as
"we had sufficient prisoners:.
The capture of Eloff and Ins follow-
ers cost lenuen-Powell three men kill-
ed and seven wounded.
Wooden* Marilee t4r Chinaman a
Winstead. It. fie,
A despatch from Rossland, B. C.,
gays mysterious occurrence hap- 04013. t3') 141ti Usdh 09 Wei July, 69 lei-
pened on Wednesday. Male -Lin, a September, tia 7 -be; No. 1Northern
cook, was found. dead at 6 p.mo in the eash,, ,A„IaY' 57 "a ; autY1
house ot his employer, Mrs. Chance- 6( °-111; 'o" "spr'"g Wheat' 02 8-8a,
aevering the internal artery
tering the head between the jaw bones
and North-West and South-West, and May,
Oats -21 1-d to 23c, Corn -3,1
Chicago, Mae ete-1,1aeseed cloted:-
wale. He was killed by a bullet en-
b$0.1.,r80, $1.22 bid. September, $1.27 bid; Qetee
altnginglaneoinust.hNeo'sbliny6w. aTainththNe'allsoujuse-
at Ole time. It could. not have been
suicide, as there are no merks of
burning. Mah-Lin's body was lying
under an open window on the ground
floor, The murder was probably com-
mitted by a Chine.ge highbinder.
13uclewheat-eFirm; 48c north ant
50e west.
Corn-Cenadiao, Ant; American, 40
1-2e on traele here.
Oatmeal --Quoted at, n3.20 by the hag
and ,83.30 by the barrel, on traoke itt
Toronto. in car lotn.
Betts -41%1(40d at 58e Perth and went
for immediate eltiltment.
Eaet Buffalo, May 29neeett10
About steady; the meat trade la it
little (lath partly due to the labour
disturbence. Qatires-in light supply,
good deinand, and a quarter stroag-
than yesterday; oiled(*) to extra, ail
Sti.45; geed 4.0 010,10% $,Ia0 to i.
OP and Iambs -Fair demand at a
rthee IeathI w. ,ef eedeOtiutt
Monday s price; LeMbs, choice,
te extra, 5.75 to§6; gitod, to eliolce,
n5.50 to $5.75; eieeep Mixed, 4.M t
n4.83; wettiere, $4.00 to $54:5; eaten
eiteep quoted, at about te-5.:41.. Hogs
Unchanged; heave' $5.40; mixed, $545
to §5,45; raker.% dadedd to$4.3.4; pigs
0,0 to $5; rungitd, 44.70 to .1.1=0ga,;
0.75 to 44; ODISO NV,I$ steady.
tlanaltee, ditty 29ea‘V1leat - No.1,
urtkoru, la lean Ree -NO. 146 1-20.,
Barley -No. 2, 42 to 43e; sample, 37 to
4.?, 1-20.
ntianeepolls, May In -Wheat eloied
In store, niro, 1Northern, Alas, 65
14o; July, 05, 1-4 to 65 3 -tie; September,
65 3-2 to 00 1-2e; on track, No. I hard,
67 8-8e; No. 12ortliern, Q 7-80; No. 2
Northern, 61 7-8e. Flour -First pa -
eats, 43.0; beconai patents, 0,85; first
clears, WO; iteeend mears, $4.10, Ilran
-In Balk, $11 to
Dultetb, Anty 26, -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
,ommon diseases, but hard to
:ure with ordinary remedies.
yield readily to Manley's
Celery -Nerve Compound.
W. 14 Buckingham, 396 King $te
Oast, Manditon, Ont., says: -.0.1
watt troubled with Dyspepsia end
indigestioa for a tong time, arid
'could get no relief until 1tried
which cured Mon end 1 eaunot
speak too highly in its praise"
The gray feather noa, is in greater
vogue than ever.
Silver girdles will ha muele worn
with the summer Irwin
Am old fasbion revived is that of the
crochet buttons, with loopa of cord in,
place of buttoneltoles.
Small gold or gilt beroese buelelea
aje considered vers eneart for fasten.
ug the popular stock of ribbon.
Hand work of all hinds is to be ex-
ensively used eke all summer gowns.
White gloves, eneept with evnite or
black froeles, are not worn eo much
an tbey were last tieasen. Gray,
eream, fawn and. Wont aro the fay,.
°rite tones.
The Capucho or Capuchin hood is
re on everything even to the tailor
Indignantly Protested Against Kru-
„ger's Proposal to DeAroy lhem.
The Durban correspondent of the
London Times, telegraphing Tuesday,
says: -
"The Rev. Adrien Hofmeyer tells rae
he was informed by a high Boer offi-
cial that when President _Kruger no-
tified the Read of the Government's
arrangements to blow up the mines
and to destroy Johannesburg, Gen.
Louis Botha hurried to Pretoria and
had a stormy interview with Presi-
dent Krueger, to whom he said. if the
plan were not cancelled, he would
himself defend Johannesburg, adding
that the Boers were not barbarians.
At this. .according to Mr. Hofmeyer,
the plan was abandoned."
Mr. Flint presented a.petition from
the Dominion Women's Caristian Tem-
palnce Union, praying for an Act to
prohibit the manufacture, importation
and sale of cigarettes,
SuppleraentarY estimates for the
current fiscal year were brought
down. Tlae total amount to be voted
is $3,589,889, of which $1,335,562 is
chargeable to capital, $2,021,160 to
income, and $160,000 to the war in
South Africa. e
The detailed items are :-$125,000 for
tie annual drill camps; $160,000 to de-
fray expenses of the Halifax Regi -
Ilitatlentive Court artful Elves Tom
Any n l'Itance-Pat's Reason,
An a recent eourtemartial, when the
evidence -and it took all unusually
long nme-han been given, the preine
dent a,sked the prisoner if he had any-
thing to say in his defence. "Well,
sire said the raatn. "I can't see how
this 'ere court can sentence me, for
Major Jones 'as. been reading a paper
under the table the 'ole blooming
time, and Captain Smith 'as been
making me into a caricatoor on the
blotting pad; and as for Lieutenant
Brown, 'e 'isn't 'ad. his commission
a year, and don't count anywaysl”
There is an amusing story told of
an Irish. sapper. He was repairing a
telegraph wire, when he slipped, but
saved himself by hanging on the wire.
There he swayed baokvvard for near-
ly a minute, shouting like mad. At
last he let go, and down he came,
luckily without hurting himself.
"Why, didn't you hold on, Pale" asked
one of bus comrades, who had come
running e up adth a Ladder. "We'd
have got you down all right.' "Be-
gorra, Tom," answers he, "1 was
afraid the wire wud break and give
me a fall!"
Irish Contingent Are Now Operating
It Altogether.
A. despatch frona Rhenoster River,
says: -The Boers have evacuated their
strong position at this point. Before
they left they completely wrecked the
bridge across the river, and two long
It is said that the Irish contingent
are now operating the Boer dynamite
train altogether,
The absence of any wreckage be-
tween Kroonsiad and this place is ee-
plained by the fact that Boers were
anxious to hold the Orange Free State
burghers in line, It is said that thel
latter are angry over the dostruction
of the bridges in their territory,
A drought and a cold wind are pre-
vailing, and there have been many
ctideatal fires on the.veldt.
It only rains about once a year hi
Lower Egypt, on the coast of the
Rain falls more freqnently. between
3 o'clock and 8 o'clock in the morning
than at any other time during the
Detroit, May 29 -Wheat olosed;-No.
1. white, cash, 74o; No. i red, eash,
74; May, 74o; July, 725-80.
Buffalo, Men* 2:I. -Spring wheat -No.
1, Northern, 72e. Winter wheat -No.
2 red, 75o; No.1 wbite and mixed, 74e
asked. Oorn-No. 2 yellow, 42 3-40; No.
3 yellow, 421-401 No. 2 corn, 42c. on
traelt, Oats -No. 2 white, 281-40; No.
31 white, 271-2c; No. 2 mixed, 261-4e,
on track.
Toledo, May O. -Wheat -Cash, 74
3-4oi May, 74 ae4e; July, 73o. Corn -
July, 3834o. Oats-july,
More than 61,000,000 people in India
are affected by the famine. About
6,000,000 are in _receipt of relief.
Once a week the staff officers of the
Ruesian army assemble under the
Presidency of the Grand Duke Vladi-
mir, to discuss the progress' of the
Boer War. The Czar attends the
British Forces Marching East Along
the Vaal River.
despatth from Pretoria, Wednes-
day, says :-An official bulletin issued
here says :-
"The advance guard at Heilbron re-
tired on the main body at the north -4
ern border.
"rewording to Free Stale advices the
British yesterday were at Greyling's
drift, on the Vaal river, 25 miles from
Wolmaranstad, with a large force.
"On Sunday Kalbe engaged the Brit..
ish between Heilbron and Lindley. The
Federate had to retire before an over..
whelming force, losing one killed and
seven wounded."
Broken In 001 MI utell
tr1.6&e element fen, lee
emetic; beer it nunthat
et trot SeIttcvsry Pore
deed permau le tele
nanny re tsheed
Iteser er greater deget
by thet clitemeOeg,ellsee
9#41174 aaidereeteee dee
cetneCatetrle If syrup:
tioastrerar, timbal ce14
in !hi lebed, dIreense,
pinu 4tin forehead,
tiedeeba droners: in
the threat. aeasle !nestle lese of tote and melt,
lbet Oitientislatelaca rosy botigbscaing eke; roe-
/44.1NOW'$ eeeTABBEI4V1, rONDigle
Is the mos; potent Cetauls Ciro /MOM to -44
Receenetedtd by =Iona nose awl tbroet
ittenettesneofin nen in to So
" For Tors I wet victim ef eitrona Clime;
lb. erst appncetion of De eettereetaionted peva
der give ma tweet reerf, and tn on Incredibly
short *bile 1 was eerreanently earaci,e-jssees
Dante, NaCane
-Solo by C. Lutz, Exeter.
One of the British Patrols Attacked
by the Enemy.
A. despatch from London says :-Gan:
Bundle's forces are encanape,d at
Trommel, recuperating. A. patrol,
four miles from Trommel, was ittlack-u
ed by the Boers. Oise man was wound-
ed, and several, horses killed, The af-
fair was UniMportarit., except in show-
. .
ing that the Boers are still in the
neighbourhood and on the lookout for
any chance of ,sniping.
His Family and $700,000 AceornPallY
A Cane Town despatch to the Ex-,
change Telegraph Co'ye, dated Thurs-
day, says that. 36 boxes of bar gold,
valued at 1141,000, have been sent from
Pretoria to Lorenzo MarquesState
Secretary Reitz, of the Transvaal, his
wife aad family were on the aenee
Tho Leading Specialists of Anier1 a
20 Years In Detrint.
250,000 Cured.
Thoueende of Teens end middlieuxed
unconsolously. They may home a emare
ing sensetion**ail, twisting einem,
gimp outtingpttinsat times, slight die,
charge, difficulty in commeucing, weak
means, emissions, and all Um symptoms
01 noryous debility -they have STRIC-
TURE. Don'tiet doctors eeporittienton
'Mt, hit cutting. Stretching, or tearing
you. nhiswilInoteure van ttS 'twill r.
turn. Our NEW METHOD T1U:Au:-
MI.1NT abserbo the attieture time;
It can never return. No pain, no suffer-
ing, no detentlee from business by °lir
method. Tbesomealoraenearestreilstla
teed. The nerves aro invigorated, and
the bliss of manhood returns.
Thousands of youee and iniddloaged
men are having their sexual vigor and
eitalit.continually sapped by this dis-
ease. nese aro frequeutly unconscious
of the cause of these symptom& General
Weakness, Umuitura Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood., liervousaiese, Poor Mem-
ory, Irritabilityeat tildes Smarting Sen-
sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles,
Weak Back. General Depression, Leek
• of Ambition, Varicocele. Shrunken
Parts, eta GLEET and STRICTURE
maybe the cause. Don't consult family
dootors, as they have no experience in
these special diseases -don't allow
Quitters to experiment on you. Consult
Specialists whehavernade !Alfa dimly of
DiseaseseiMenandWomen. OurNEW
tively cure you. One thousand dollars
for a ease we accept for treatment and
oannotcure. Torinsmoderatefor acute.
We treat ...a curet EMISSIONS,
ES. KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases.
FREE, If unable to call, write for
Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.
e., DETROIT, 6310H.
'Sr 3B.a.161?
IIEVEP Feet .re ORE SiOntstlika t.
44,0 ' ,reAks ele/r3e
"Wypariasedgetterraroils.aailyteesTiztlehiet i. athtetseer
pant quiclrer than any
25c, tin boxes and $1.00
Plasters will relieve
other. Put up only in
allows you to cut the
should Eyerybafveetnolrii Ye
ready for an emer-