HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-31, Page 2THE EXTEER TIMES
Barrieters. Solicitors. Notaxies. Cotifeyangere,
Cannais51• Meri. Ex.%
afoncy toLoan at el per cents a'&5 Iry cant,
centaxo. St,' X.It. metes=
member et he arm will he at Ilensoal on
Thursday of *acts week.
1111,6 COLilaINS,
Ealuster , SAk,itot, thiveyamer, St%
(*.VIOL ;" Over O'Neil's Bank.
rth LT203' Gr...4.1)11AN,
Barristers, Saicitors. %taxies ?alit%
Convesaueers Sze, tte.
Wan -me!, to Leese
V tat;t1TY.
Qx:Atconi.,:,e$. zt.:.,s5aenc,•?eante 4fartirse.
Jt t*:1-.
t,o1S,Lnit, sms
lYsA nate, 11-
.h.ie Oa;
By xass M. E. BRADDON. 6434e
CHAPTER L Waya been happy. When it pleased
The gray old walls of Laseanar heaven, to take her lutsbaed, after six
Castle rise in a. massive pile above a i• years a married life, she bowed to
broad reaoh ot the Middleshire ekvon, 1 the rod. He wao twenty years her
which hero makes a bold au d *weep, sentor. and a nhrOnte invalid. It was
lag curve, and dallies with its rusty „ better that be should be called away
banks, as if some spirit oh atm Lash, kg, fifty yearS of age thous that he
• •
"No, I am a progressive Conserve -
tire, and I believe the truest conser-
vatism coneists in doing the utnaast
we can for the people. We can only
each the to respect Dae privileges
ot property by letting them, taste the
weetnese of (poseeesion. There
is no stenneher Coaservative titan
Tour workingman who IMS saved, a
bemired. pounds."
"You always talk like a book, Lash.
larp,:oS:esearre;1,0:esrpeloadkysinbirpe:p';yi Sthootulailsts
man laaldwoode at a great public meete
drag out a leo su g e
mar woods were the Cleopatra to 611°4 -ta tier heaet of hearts she was tbiele-
tbat watery Aaton.y. The stream bas to tbv S4.1'4401.41 teor andte ieg bow
Lady Lashmar thought that Provi- sorry a figure the hunch-
backed step -eon of hers would make
each a lariguorous flow just at this
point; the river here spreads itself den" w4"I1dttave done well to lakeupon a public platform; how poorly
to snob, a raaehu
ia expanse, that ono , her sbandis affliceed son, and to
4"S *nw, greve teues would sound atter
would hardly eredit the current with leave her cwn boy, n f44°' ,hen,IthoS Boldwoed's base bellowing, o. voce
youipe:„er, to fill the Place wnicutne wheel
force etwagh to tura a watermin or thuedered and reverberated
drift a barge. It has an Arcadian aeEer4led stePsgu coold never hold
through a vast betiding. aa it it were
lea a, river made for Chloe and Phyle 'thLnr°I)er dignitY* the roar of Beelten's mightiest bull.
its, and St rephou and is flock, and She had ace bee* onkind to her
or the vulgar uses of 444ftt.' aganesou- .9be was fer tate clever a
snaky Crever, Yet that very river waxes utilitarian wQ'sava t'a make th-t arrePatahle
L enough before it reaches the sea, and take- She retitliVei in the very be -
a ries an foal thiugs which a seethe Orating at tblna's ha he PieasautlY
Pou'2eee ceres to cast into itsW i /ler ltellibeittil's son. It would be
; livery
oh eo merit better for them both; espeele
it Pate en the dark.
and diet only axew woes le ally tor her. ehtt,ehneer WaS
of tjacese hammer wools hon.. When hie feeher died, and Victorian
the great manufacturing NW:4S 'Ore, a dittereDve at aline Tears;
D., 51.C.,
s ticridtinte V.etoi la Caieirsity
e reeeleuce, oeseesese lesberes
Ors. Eeeter.
laNIMAN. coroner for the
eeeets or the e opeesite
Rill% General Li-
• d A.NArgel.
tieLeel It P.o.e.
Mr EMBER LiceneedLoo.
eest.,zxs 0: 4,42:4?a
; t•3443-4, couductcd 1%;04.94.,
ent & lennen
aseetatit. sSeS
Teeo G3doc' fthe flnelo areterhterv Cole
t faccatin, ers uth et Town Bell.
9'111 wivrEttLoo MUTUAL
1 (ill.
Detithlieliou 111 1e$63.
.3 tan fetal shy hes twee over Nan: v-sish
pat. m sleevelet °per itiee Westere
s Ione et es:nit/am' luityarcissetilitt. lois sr
elst•es left. lieiethres. nereM
✓ «,o04.rito aol III Other deisCrostio4S
eso,Va report,. Inteilling insurers nava
II m nen in iniurincon tito Premittin Soto sr
lituraF Ike lutoil. tell years obis coullUlaiV Tzug
int culs., 9 Poi ieitie. covering property to tho
are; $40.1472.1:,,NS soul paid in imees /nous
Et ;Witt: .
14#444i t,. 70,100.0 0 i01: of Cash
delI1oevtreturet 1uan.1 the unalbcole
sea 1 iemitiu Noe* en hand aud n force.
J. n Preeitlent; it M. TOII.UR
• c ,dry; o 1. Pi tan e. Ins, eetor , clue,
Is LI., 4gi nt for Exeter aud vicinity.
Litiblished °vets' Thureday morning at
Times Steam Printing ilonse
u tercet. ne'mly oppopite tton'sjewelry
store. It:inner, Ont., by
*IUDS' WLT.F ON Proprletore.
RAILS Or abVititTIS11;O:
abet kers ton. per hue ...... ..10 cents
t 4'41 se que c int crawl, pet: line.. 3 cen ts
le insure ineertion, int. eat:mutants shouid
kt tett in nut later mon Wednesday morning.
owo oh Drumm obscures the heavens ttrol Laehmar ts old for his years.
ciliate He bad never been at any public
with the smoke of numberlees
beys, 4174 Luirhs tbe atuaospbche with sehtool. He had not ventured to fate:,
the light-hearted republic a a univer-
the seteed adore of the people. But
r„ thoco is tin 0,04 grt,at Pity. What should be, the pariah,
nstriel souse. No h,ne b„shinth on the P:40;en one, do there. ameng the
green slope ebave thie gatesy '"t41°trli. and retreat Tie had been
e, between a foreground
brought tip la cottooewoot, as it were.
lie had a ufiddleelh.oefel tator, who bad
o.ke, would p
soaseet the ex -
teen with him from his tenth yea;
ist nee of place alt Drumm
and Wlxii remained with hint as lib -
within ten miles " mrian eud secretary and he had an
Min open the blue sky alliiVe yon -
Ye bervaut' II*. hid t"'vele4
Tee lthough its entethe natide lla 'I old
eleel wU the tutor and the eervent.
er gray (1'"rs' arum°4 33'3"4 He bad read more than most young
the inhabitants ot Lashwas
d that by no means - " lx4e15 `''f five 3n4 "re/rAt'Y" 110
good nasieat seholar and had soroe
oenee; an witnessed by knowledge of whence. In a word, he
eship's temper tepee this par- we h Whebad twIttekesol
;AS elle 531 at breek- -n-;oh
the o* parlor, with tier etep- but h'irue in andu3;
headliner, and ehe Eton boy* heh - atat ian •
feelsThe v-stv°ng
marug. illegers
abOut haelim adored bhp. Ile drank
(urJoll Int INTING DEPA RTILEN T is oue
(1 Ile lorgtet and best equippedLn Ulu County
Itt.ren. work en rueted to ns will re-
tteet our prompt attentou.
Deris.ons Regarding Newspapere.
1 -Any ponion 'who takes % paper regularly
Henn the ,.oet °nice, whether directed in his
name or nialtherti.or woether he has nixed.).
tti or ;lot. le respen-uble for paYmeot.
2 -if a person orders his Riper oiscontinued
ho must pay Ill arrears or the pub,ieher may
continue to send It on: il the pay meat is made,
tnia :Len collect the wLoa amount, whether
the te.pe- is t a...en front A.; °Ohm or not.
3- in snits for suberi pc one, the snit may be
inet.tuted in sue place wnere the paper M Pub-
a.though the eu.rscriber may reside
bun reds of 'mien away.
4 --Thi courtb have deoi led that refusing to
take new papers or periodicals from the posb
Mike, or removing and leaving them uncalied
o r, 1s primefacie eviden e of intentional
r and.
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles mei-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, leaueea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &e. While their most
remarkable success has been shown blearing
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
end preventing this annoying complaint. while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the 'liver and regulaus the bowele.
EVOR lf they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceleeo to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodnese does not end
here, and those who once try thein will find
these little pills valuable in so many Waya shot
they will not be willing to do without there.
But atter all sick head
to embattle Of tormany livestbathere to where
we make onr great boast. Our pills cure it
*3^1,:ile others do mit.
Charm% LITTLE Llama PEAS are very small
end very easy to take. One inetwo tante make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or ipurge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 26 cents;
Zee for 81. Sold everywhere; or sent by mail.
ilAt11111 013110Ii11 co., Eve Tore. •
rglt 11
Dm kali lico,
dyship was the Dowager
artiness Lashmer, and a woman et
• She was one of the daughters
MUStric4113 Marchiottess ot Pite
land, famous alike tor wealth, talent
rad force of diameter. Old Lady
tea with the old women, read to them
when they were ifl, wrote letters for
young aad otd, lsUed poles or meta-
hysics with the thoep thinkers and
carried the light of a neble intellect
into every house he eutered.
Oelielral nOtiliaN Daughter it Wool, Da
Englitud.-Ileers Flee ou *be Fleld
Hospllikl-Piitriotto IfIllages -The ne.
lief eif hadystuilb at Ventbrtilitz, mte..
Minnie Rothe. the 11 -year-old
<laughter of General Botha, of the
Transvaal army, is a pupil iu a echool
at Highgate, London,
"They are all civilian deeters here,"
writes a wounded Dragoon from
Naattespoert Hospital, •ftand they a
very nice men."
Tbe Benchers of the Inner Temple
re considerieg whether President
Stern being a traitor to the Queen,
Oa -4 legally remain a member of their
The National Zeitung diesolAines any
you reelly like to bear me desire to see the Beers eheitered in
oFeak 1" asked Lashreae, erainuc German South.ewest Afritta„ where
faintly, - "047 .ntight occasion. roomy difficule
Wee there ever a young Man NVIIO ties* '
has read and thought deeply who does General .Cronje's property leer Pot-
ang to give seen to leis cbefstreattl. COntaill5 eVer 6,0.00 wee.
thenhitssh it ta to satisfy ibis hesihe The farm house is a one -storey build-
thet illeehartice Institute,s are Wit;
it is tor this that an Athenaeum is
pleasant thing in a town.
"I ehould like this bletant beast to
be aneweredr replied her latlYsIdlh
some what evasively.
"Then1 will to my hest to answer
hint next Wednesday week," sald. Las
Mar. "Tare is to be a Coueervative
meeting at the Towu Ball on that
night, Celouel Spillington, the new
Ceneervative eandielate, is going to
addreee the eleetors. It is expected
lioldwood will be in full ftire and tita
there will be a row- $FillingteD
bus asked me to supoert him
-les. I really should like to anewer
Boldnotel. Mine will be a very our
epeech, of ceuree; a very tatue re-
ply to tieldwood, who is a born avatar;
but 1 eltall have education on wy
"Anti prestige," added Victorian,
wha had been too Ituey with his break -
Cast to speak before. "I wish I
were only old enough to tackle Bold -
wood, I'd matte his hair eurl,"
"What hideous expreesions thaw
boys pick up at Eton," tetid her lady-
ship. with a shiver. Theo with
fond approving look at the handsoate
Pitland had given laws and talbwne "It is an outrego against the de-
10 ti, elm said proudly;
I .
0 society for pearly forty years bet reticles of life," sae exclaimed"hope you will be in Parliament be
for elle wan translated to that bet- ' " What's tae matter, mother l" ask-
fore ou are ten years older, 'Victorian,
and thet you
✓ world in which, perhaps, there ed Lashmar. lowill be a distinguished
king up at her with „ „ „,
neither coal minee nor leaders of his deep sunken eyes -thoughtful l'inttteztuh-
", '
t,Ls ion; and e had transmitted eyetit, of dtrkest haOhI dont mind going to the
zel." Is it anything
house in ten yea.rs' time," answered
h of her managing power, and about Boldwoodr the hely easily, ;but I should like to
ing a her talent nd charm. "Of course it it; about 1301dwood. 1 v -by Mut; tris the continent tor a
o her daughters, the eldest of whom, 'That low treadurn-°
e has been holding -I
as Duchess of Malplaquet, was said • forth at another nteeting. They seem few years first, as Henry St. ..filin
to be quite the cleverest matron in to be perpetually having meetings at had, don't ou know, beforhe sat. for
, the family borough. Nothing en -
England, having managed to marry :Bruiraul." larges a fellow's views like diplo-
thall her daughters to rich men, and I " They have very few other plea;
o have dressed and fed em in their sures," Inurruured ',estimmacyI shall get on to one of the
ate legations direetly I leave college,
spinsterhood and maintained appear- i " They have theatres and circuses, . .
f p
ances in town and country on some- And horrid low musie rooms," field her Paris iossible, and Imo as much. as 1.
can of life before 1 pin myself down
thing under five thousand a year. ladyship. "Surely those are enough .
to ."
Lady Lash
ar had been ten yeare for them." To be Continued.
a widow, had enjoyed just a decade "Enough for the frivolous major -
of undisputed dominion; she was eight itY; but You see there is a superior
and thirty, handsome, straight as a lainlrItY who have learnt to think,
dart, with not a wrinkle or a gray and who want to say their little say
hair. airs. lionsuou, the prince' upon great public questions."
own particular dressmaker, had been ' 'Those thinkers and spouters are
heard to say, in the confidence of the pest of society," exclaimed Lady
friendly intercourse, that. Lady Lash- Lashmer, throwing her paper aside
mar was the finest figure she had on and going on with her breakfast, with
her books, and the greatest screw. a.th' attn. of finding no savor in either
"I dolt% believe I have made twen- I truffled chicken or the Arabian ber-
ty pounds out of that woman in. all rY' '`Over -education is the greatest
the years I have worked for her," said evil of the age. Thank heaven, thepeo-
Monsoon ; "but she shows off my ple themselves are beginning to feel
gowns to perfection, and she brings the burden of it. After clamoring ,for
me new customers." free school and higher teaching they
An age in which scandals about the
aristocracy are the ourrent coin of
conversation had not furnished one
hint of evil about Lady Lashtuar. It
was of her that Lord Blandville, the
Cabinet Minister, said, "My friend
Lashmar's wife has all the virtues.
She is handsome, well-informed, ac-
complished, dignified, chaste as Diana
-and the most disagreeable woman
of my acquaintance."
They were sitting at a cosy round
table in one a the prettiest rooms
are beginning to groan under the
tyranny of compulsory education
"Perhaps that is betause when
they cry for bread we give there a
stone," answered Lashnet r, in his gen-
tle, meditative way. "We cram 'ologies
down the throats of starving children;
we feed babes and sucklings with
grammar and logic, and then won-
der that they are not grateful."
"That clads of people never are
grateful," said Lady Lashmar, calm-,
ly ignoring her step-sou's drift. "But
tortunetely, there are not many such
For Infants and Children.
'2h; Do.
it on ,4?9-- oar,
tug, and is furnished with uttneet
The Queen has purch.ased it quantley
f red, white and Mee hadgee, waich
he has presented to all the members
a the royal nearly Ali o
vhone Ate wearing theta on ell,
An Army Servieo• Corps mart- men-
' us in a letter that At Peardeberg
Beers deliberately trained a Pottle
p an on the field hospital, and pitch,
twenty-one shells .amang the poor
Ideut. KineeldeSmith, who took part
Ai -Melon raid, and is u.ow with
unition eoletuan, bah receive
s cal:Rainey in the Royal Field Ar-
t, after waiziug :over eight year
How very nice it will be when every
woman can make her own diamonds
and nob be obliged to save out of the
Market mOney to. buy them, or tease
her indulgent, father or husband to
buy them. for her. The blissful era
of diamendemaking at bome is promis-
ed by it French. chemist named Moue
san. He has had diamonds that were
indistingu,ishable from those made -by
nature. Sugar and electricity were
the ingredients he employed. En-
ormous heat and tremendous pressure
are brought to bear upon the sugar,
and, presto! one has as many diamonds
as one wishes. The chemist does not
hold out encouregement of an
in the castle. IL was a small, low room wretches as Boldwood, or we should mediate fall in the price of jeweils as
in whieh the old oak paneling had have this castle sacked, and find emir- a result of his discovery, but he thinks
been painted white. The ceiling was selves turned out upon the high roadit possible now that the wells or oruci-
J3oldwood is worse than Robespierre. bles in which the diamonds of Brazil
decorated wlth Cupids and garlands.
The high, narrow mantel -shelves were Just read his tirade upon the unequal were formed will be discovered. Till
lit uP by bright little bits of old Ori- division of property, hie revolutionary 110W these diamonds have only been
ental china. The curtains and chair_ language about great land owners, f ound in alluvial deposits, but some -
covers were of the delicatest chintz; and his savage insolence about the where there is a gigantic stook of
and in every spot where flowers could Duke of Northerland," brilliants, and it we can possess our
be placed were bowls and shallow "Boldwood goes too far, Yet there souls in patience long enough every
vases of the Lashmar roses; red and are generally some flashes 01 sense woman mayboast her tiara and rive -
yellow, now in the plentitude, of their amidst the cloud of rhetor LC. I read ere.
Summer beauty. Se long as the r oses that speech of his before yhe came
down to breakfast. He pleads the
Lasted, Lady isasemar, would have no
other flowers io decorate hes rooms.
It wee in vain thet the head -garden-
er pat forth his rarities from the
stoVes, " I will heve no exotics while
I can have roees,'' said Lady Lash -
She sat with her face to the win-
dow, as Dee who need not fear the
light. No, there was not the line that
bold of advancing years upon the
hard, handsome face. Those neer enao-,
tions which plough the human coun-
tenance, the eare and fret of sensi-
tive natures, had never affectedLady
Leal:eras She haa almost always had
leer own way, and she had almest al-
caute of the yeoman rathee clePACTS IN THE CASE.verly- ,
Ho.w aid he lose his standing. in the
when one considers that as an opera-
tive he cannot have very keen sym- emmuinliY?
By getting drunk and letting a train
patties with the agricultueal class.
His idea of dividing some of our great r-3111 over his legs.
farms into small holdings, and selling "" - **- —*—
them to th,e peasantry, to be paid for Refare. After. 'Wood's Phogphodine,
The Great Raglish, Remedy/.
Solcl and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only rell-
able medicine aiscovered. Ste
inagrages guaranteed to cure an
"And a pleasant place England
by installments, uponthe same system
as that upon which iseedy people buy
pianos, is not at ail bad."
allowing tribute to Geoeral
acre coraee from it private of the
*Wog Fifth":-"Newepapers have
muting hina down, but all they
wrong. 1, for one, would fol-
low him to the gates at the other
Private Coppard, et the Mk
Watch., wounded at hlagersfonteln, roe
eelltly arrived. at his home in Tun-
bridge NVOls. At it few minutes.' tw-
ice a few tradesmen ot the town
anized reception. Three bands
about 10,00a spectators escorted
Lo his home.
Two treasures belonging to Presi-
dent State, of the Orange Free
State. are safe in Great Britain. One
* Mrs. Steyn, who is in Setaland with
relatives, and the other is his Private
torture, which the London Leader
saye he transferred to the keeping of
a London bank before war was de-
Colonel Duller, who first suggested
khaki as an army uniform, is it Bel-
gian engineer. lie spent some years
in the British service in Egypt, and
while serving out the cloth for uni-
forms all his goods were stolen. The
only cloth he could find was khaki,
from which his tailors made it uni-
form which attracted the favourable
attention of his superior officers.
Carnbridge, England, celebrated the
relief a Ladysmith by a bonfire, to
which the undergraduates of the uni-
versity contribated signs, shutters
and furniture belonging to the towns-
men. Several were arrested and were
convicted of theft and fined heavily
by the Mayor. They have since
found out that the conviction bars
them out from the Church, the law
or any other learned profession, and
from many other positions as well,
but the Mayor refuses to take back
his sentences.
The'London Graphic sass that Lord
Roberts, notwithstanding statements
to the contrary, is not at all likely
to be created a Duke. Only two men,
Marlborough and Wellington, have
ever been created Dukes for achieve-
rnents purely military. Lord Roberts,
however, will almost certainly receive
an earlaom, with special remainder.
Even had he not gone to South Af-
rica he would be entitled to a new
grant of his barony, extending the
remainder, seeing that be had only
one son to whom to leave the barony,
ana lost that son in battle.
The Grenadier Guards were nick-
named "The Coalheavers" because
they 'were at one time allowed to
work in plain clothes at odd jobs for
private employers. The Seventh Foot
were the "Elegant Extracts," be-
muse at one time all theix officers
had been chosen from other corps."
The Fortysixth owed. their name of
The Lacedersoniens" to their col-
onel's stirring speech on the ancient
Spartans. Like many other regt-
mente, The Gallant Fiftieth" reeeived
several nicknames -"Tae Blind Half
Hundred," from their ophthalmic
troubles in Egypt, and "The Dirty
Half Hundred," because th their Pen-
insular fights they wiped thexaselves
with their black faciugs. The Oue
Hundreth Regiment are "T he Old
Hundred" and, the "Centipedes." The
TwenLy-eighth were called "The 'Pore
and Arts," beciLaSe Si anding Niel& io
back they repelled a front awl rear
heart a Ra.dical," said her ladeeship. by J. W. Browning, druggist, attack before Alexamiria in 1801 •.
forms of Sexua VVeakness, all effects of abuse
would be for decent people to live in if or excess, mental worry, Excessive IV% of To -
it were clopped up into little bits to obro, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
please sech men as Mr. BoldWood. But, six will care. Pamphlets free to any address.
Price, olle package V, SIX, ee. one yea/ewe,
i are at Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
really, Lashimar, , T believe , yon
'rho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
- ' •‘'s so ••
JAAA<: "V‘.\\tkX \
eaStOrta Or. Samuel Piteltees prescription for Infants
and Cbiliren. It contains neither Opium, ll'orpitine or
ether Narcotic suiststance. It is a harhaleSS Sulestittate
tor Paregoric, Drops, Soothing SyrUPS and, Castor Oil.
Ii is Plein. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
'Wagons of IHOthereo, CaStOria eleStrOyS WOrenS and
allays Veverisimess. ChaStoria preventS vomiting $our
Curd, cures Diarrinna and Wind Colle, Castorin relieve*
Teething tneubleSe cures Constipation and Flatulency,
Castoria assimilates the Feed, regulates the Stomaebt
and lioweis, giving Ilealtby and -4o1eepp OW4)44
Is tleta ralan,-Meltes FrIende
.4caotono, is an excellent medicine for
children. Montero have repeetesily tele sae
ef good ;tact upon tbeir elsildree."
De. Q. C. Oemeate Latce//, M.
04.04 .dapted to elite:tree,
that 1 reecauseend it As aUperier to any pre-
acriptleu amewn Mute,"
elescostst, AL Agragvi,
' Cheshire Regiment bas been
d "The Lightning Conduc-
tors," becalm "in the Iritth man-
oeuvres of MO several men
article by lightning during it
ChiI-dr4.ory for
Perils of rel. Terapier, England's le.omoini
Expert With War Mateo/is.
Wonderful and thrilling has been
the experience of Col. James Templer,
who brought the English war balloon
service to its present point of per-
fection. While, to be exact, Col.
Templer wasn't born in a balloon, yet
the greater part of his lite has been
passed in the air. As a boy at Har-
row he was a balloonist, and at Cam-
bridge he was the only undergradu-
ate who kept a balloon. As a lad he
knew all the great aeronauts of Eng-
land, and he was one of the first men
in the world to make it descent in
a parachute. While London sleeps -
if a great city can be said aver to
sleep -he has made more than a
hundred trips over the city in free
balloons. That there is some excite-
ment in these trips can be imagined
from the fact that he once missed
hitting the clock of Westminster
tower by only a yard.
Col. Templer wears a lot of war
medals, but these bo.ve nothing to
do with the scar across the lower
part of his face. One time as he
and a brother officer were about to
make an ascent a sudden squall struck
the balloon, just as it began to rise,
with fearful velocity. The balloon
was carried against the sharp top
iron rail of a gasometer, and all the
ropes on one side of the balloon were
cut through completely. Thus the
car swung sideways and downward.
Templer's companion was thrown out
and killed, and all the loose contents
of the car were thrown out. Col.
Templer was thrown against the
iron rail and his cheek laid open.
The balloon whirled. violently round
and round as it shot upward, and the
tangle of ropes twisted around Tem-
pler, holding him fast as he lay in
the car in a faint and
Heavenward the balloon bounded, un -
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hold et hiewente's Drun Store Exeter
fil, acoording to the instruments that
were lashed to the oar, it reached the
height of 24,60a feet. When Templer
recovered conschnemess he, was ttle
most choked by the verified air, and,
as if this was not enough, one of the
ropes was twisted around bis neck.
Releasing himself from this rope, he
painfully and with great effort men -
aged to climb up to the valve arid let
out the gas. This exertion was too
much for him and he fainted again,
and when the balloon reached the
earth he had to be cut out of the
Another companion Col. Templer
had with him in an ascent never has
been heard from since the day they
started up together. He was a mem-
ber oi parliament named Powell, and
for an amateur he was an able aeron.
aut. In a big and powerful balloon
they were thousands of feet in the ---
air, when they canie in sight of Wey-
mouth and the sea. Powell pointed
out a mansion of a friend whom they
intended to "drop in" upon and see.
Templer prepared for a rapid descent,
for the sea was alarmingly near. The
balloon descended at groat speed, and
the plan was for both to jump as
soon as she touched the earth: Tem-
pler jumped and was stunned for a
time, but Powell hesitated an instant
too long, The balloon, suddenly re-
lieved of a good part of its weight,
shot upward with Powell in the oar, _
and the airship drove out to aea.
Yaohts, specially chartered steamers,
and even war vessels, were sent out
to look for the runaway balloon, but
mot a trace of it could be found.. The
last glimpse caught of the balloon it
wa.s heading toward Spain, though a
eourse upper air currents might have
sent it in another direction. But in
a remote part of the mountains of
Spain a long time afterward certain
parts of o 'balloon gear weresetound,
and that is all that is kaown of the
fete of Powell.
Until the Czar's peace eonference in
The Hague decided otherwise, Col.
Templer was exper im en tin g 00 d r op -
ping po' werf ul explosives from bal-
loons. 'Sheer,. watild tear great holes
twelve feet square in the solid earth.
Once one of these eXplOsiVea buret un-
der the balloon, and agein 'Templer
had m nitrrow escape from death.