HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-31, Page 1TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 39, (MON & MIDDL USER G Z NTT E. EXETER ONT,,, CANADA., THURSDAY MORNING MAY 31st, 1900 T S+sxsml4e blatur Public. e ' $ t 's, -the ro osed visit 1(111417-1D—Eirehtf411.--wpaLafra%;(471 1'YstraS;�li. eGlirrtott,entverys Brezz:rs.--Rev, Gea, Je+vett of lkteu- o, J.Sutbaraand, y , Canv r p p ofthel hasa(*ainu11 sa ossa !~lnot1)EF:Iaveryeliy :$raavn' Tcessnu lei to . was P4:ispi ed tJlla7arAeend.9 ilial:to estandmostrespectedcitizens,in1 acTeri eaanPrCassoeshed•ePmmnyheOrirFi.piSabbaatli�vee1�,and][ssnrervtMarriae7jreIasnrnncasemiBoy$BrigadetobrodezEctzonfile2thl ibis place, s nd removed otle of Miss sola d R it h L ld Fri - well for come tune.—C. $, Russell is Many toleananreal estate at low rates of in date there is to be "tCt13ixi the coon- the; person of Mrs Oarl Brown, on F''ri-. �►cR,►!h spending his holidays at Ilia honee ; he throat. (Mice at the least ewe. Iiensall, ty taw)x, and the thnugbt they arty lust, after an illness ofu but a, week, re has been studying in Toronto since -Y. D. cooKKE, _. would take aadvantaa, .af the °Pportu- Iter funeral took place on Sunday and " "rash Garden Seeds n� expects to raise Solicitor. CKAGE or OUNCE tilOter B 011f N 4 SII We have now a complete stock of this season's Novelty Silks, in plaids, ds, stripes and fancy, in full waist ends, no two alike. This sale will begin to -day ;.nd continue one week, Do not miss this except - :*oval opportunity of securing a stylish waist at an extremely low price. .Back Sateens, full waist lengths, very rich and heavy 49c yd, Extension Sale of Shirt Wais#s. Last Saturday we reduced the price on our Shirt waists and our .sale meet with so much success that we decided to continue it for the week beginning to -day. This is a splendid chance to save money on your needs in this line. These waists are the newest up -tea date patterns. Remernlber the price Noe. Clearing Sale of Corsets We have left about 25 pair of those famous E. & '1'. corsets, in odd sizes, and have decided to clear thein out at a sacrifice. This -corset is well worth 75; our clearing price 390. Our Biggest Hose Bargains Misses and Childrens guaranteed fast black hose. We were suc- cessful in clearing out the entire lot of these superior hose at our own price. The lot includes every size. They will be on sale this week for sc a pair. A Sensatio*-n. ii -i. Metes Braces For this week 2r, pair of Men's braces consisting of all kinds and all prices tram 15 to 3sc, your choice 8c. Oi.w Grocery. Department Our aim is to keep a good,fresh, clean stock of the choicest good and we think that you will agree with us that we are successful. We can save you money on your grocery bill. Try us. a specials for this week 6 bars Toilet Soap, sc. 6 sticks Stove Polish sc. In Christie's Fancy Biscuits we keep a complete stock, I--Iardware A Drop in Binder Twine We have just received word of a drop in Plymouth Binder Twine Gold Medal and Plymouth Special. But we are also advised the rices are Liable toadvance at ,pany time. Now is the time to buy .and save money. Call and see us. 8OREEM DOORS MD INDOW8 Our stock of these is going rapidly, but we expected this as we are holding to last year's prices. If you need any buy at once and save money. SP AY]ING MACHINES Paris green, blue stone. �--1. 5t8t1OF & 80N St. Marys Russeldale. • BRxnrs.—The Junior Lacrosse team : "ourrae ed to Parkhill on J y i Thursday and were defeated by the home team ' by two goals, the score being 2 -0. --- Empire Day was celebrated on Wed- nesday afternoon in grand. style. The schoolchildren, some 500 strong, as- sembled at the Central school at 2.30 and, headed by the Citizens' hand, •playing "Soldiers of the Queen,' marched down Main street and then -back to the Town Hall, where speeches -pertaining to patriotism were given by •the different trustees. e q. " "Prevention is the best bridle." You tau prevent sickness and cure that ,tiered feeling and all blood humors by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, Worms, these pests of childhood can be :readily destroyed and expelled by the use of Dr is smown purgative. Ibis easy to take and con- BrtxEs's,—Bert Hodgert has been en- gaged as clerk in T S Ford. & Co.'s dry goods store in Mitchell.—Alex Hodgert has disposed of his driving pony to Captain Posey, of Kirkton.—Wili Pounder and Miss Aggie Newitt wheel- ed out from Mitchell on Sunday to the latter's parents. --John Cole has a Lord Ferguson colt from a. well bred mare; he is a dandy.—Frank Williams, of Mitchell, wheeled out Sunday to our burgh. He is always a welcome visitor; his presence is always always looked for by one of our fair ladies.—The hotel here has changed hands; the present owner is Mr Schellenberger, of Strat- ford.—The annual anniversary sermon of Roy's churoh will be preached on Steaday, June 10th. Tea will be .served on the following Monday. Everybody for, miles around will be here to see Lennen Brothers's Three Ringed Circus an June lst. DRYNew GOODS, CLOTHING and CIILLINERY tore At. Hensalt. P. ROSS ast fail, --A. Wildfo g his barn in as few days.—Miss N. North- cott is learning the dressmaking in Exeter this spring,--Afisses E. North- cott an uc er, ofExeter 'North — mit to see the elephzen.t in reality, the was argely attended. $ number frcno !Lata with Qgrrow r Proudfootl Barrister Isere attended the funeral of Frank. . BY' 1'A olioltor. Notary Public, senasail. out, proverbial vision not being in it with y F A. Sellers, L. D S., A. D s Boner (Irwin the genuine article' -•-John I3e11 left ! n of Philip Ba;Iter, of Grnucl Bend, ort tt d B T. k avitliouG� pam or bad : ficetai. office floe 1Yorth-r a rt, Mr Beli is nnan;ctaiiv o£ the k" — ' i- iir'e s ui athize wu 9 in Petty'& 33loek, Sanson- -t Zurich every interested in the iVest • d al - the bereaved in their Sore afilicti h called on friends here on Sunday,— tanday comsnencins; May 3�1th Fin genet ly on FIELD SEEDS DS F ES ',rite of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth Friday morning on his annual trip to Qnday. The Maccabees bad chine i ALL KINDS John Williams and Wm. Jacobi called ENTENS.-•.While drivingfrom Bien- ^�•^�*-+*-max on friends lest Sunday. --Quite 8. num. heuz1 t9 London IkT".' Iii CQCIS'$ ora __-r ..-_ .,-,.�.,,,,., mit ,, ther ,....e he iw- coat o pa .•e .- .. alto Clark has • Curtains ber took in. the celebration at Exeter 1 Crosse: team are giggler plEased with Purchased a fine new driven—J �3T Papers ace on the 2ltli- took asci. and died shortly after reach- file game they Put ug in Eseter pain and family, of Clinton spent �1 l S lvPrincipal1' Perin from a swollen knee, has, since �� atering 1 ar" Id R7 t of the PuUI' Bayfield. t3liauF$$,••--;+tics Lillie Elliott left this his aenayanee -reWe arq laci t o lea' eek to visit friends in tyindea' —G filet George Trott, rvi)c) as neem sttf- been over- fed, takes a mouth every season leaking Matt ytorlock is giving his residence a ing the city. The horse had b • - fed, The fact, that the day before leaving Blenbeiw. Mr Babcock was of - fere( $1:0 for the horse does not lessen school, e , is bis operation, been stendiI un roving . choo , ,attended the teachers conte I P, g convent- The oLh ! ox n ht Nom ev ai 1 1 n ! ds oed 3" p$ tion at Goderich on Friday and Satur- day. F A lldwards lies reatl i l; y m proved the appearance of his store, by putting in a. new front of large glass.-•-• J G latanbury, Barrister, of Exeter, was in town on legal business on Sat- urday,—Anurnber of picnicers were in } the village oil the 24th of May.—Line . laitiey; priests orders, fishing WAS never better than itis at ar wined in I.ondnu Bon- present.—Dr s'n'oods drove to London thhy the Bishop ciYarron.--Janles Icon- Mitchell against the team of that town, This '•! Thursday last with bis sister, Mrs ,, all new and fresh ter house was the first game of the season for I Risere.--The trustees of our achopls cleaning time. the Clinton team, and. when they F have Purchased new up-to-datee aeata ; We have a. select new line learned that Exeter had 4 couple Of 14,°,!?",* ,* Of ii uiuor rciot)ts,----Rev J G ; , ,, a ct s.kuportatic)na" they were incliner! to l eek fur Rantley * + balk. but, Capt Kennedy cheered there Nvh"1'e he will �sreaeh are Salnday neat4 His o nils n with 1 t here will t.aea 1rl)l result that P he filled the l G 1 ,;r� y played 1►y loczil for all they were swarth and tvhe time brethren. Air when me � EN as called the score stood 3 even.— o person broke the leek on Air, Trait's Stan:!the tat' platform !try In the I31 ack and White and the $1 A r mess, and took see. er Strat#ora iu ilia satber and watch tent. Call and see our roneliue3 and areal photos. They Also Carrie The ino " o show ease, which was hanging in front an e s loll p a arlxr crit ak Rizeen's 13irthsfay, and White, Far a ue of his lace of lu s' air of bowls iu One hand and a ticket y pretty dress pat - o d aft your train pull out is rather anuo ing„ regalruing of the 24th broke in Fruit. souse three dozen chic photos which yet skip Forrester was at toythia splendor. or. Valentina boomed and , All hinds of Farm Produce for which Mr Trott had on exhibition. -.-0n Fri- yetskip F ri ht in his ore tory a guns fired slutes, and hags end bunt- a highest prises will be avid, day Rev, i'4' J Doherty, of Heusali, woe g u n n ing were tas be ascii everywhere. Trail p , the tilornine of the ()licea'� R-0ntb,rina_ , „ y cl ' T 'Qitecrs ai weather" prevailed. The J 'fit Rogim. sham fight and military procession ; _ dress People in early in the clay, and , horses in soon our town was crowded. proper racing s'ondition. At a little before 9, the military ca- There were only two races, a ruoibg date and artillery assembled at the and' 34 trot. The former was won by e toCelan"; for the Queen's bietlidasy, ton las purchased a. handsome driver from Dr. McLaughlin, of Dash- wood.—Win Moir, as representative of Cromarty the liensall congregation of tlw Pres- byterian church, and Roht Bell. of Brtiens,---Another of those sad Kipiten, as representative of that events, which cast as ;ivom over al, per. churkh, leave on June Oh to attend tion of the community. happened hest the Oeueral Assembly la I-lalifati Wednesday , when Mrs Thomas Laing, who, while not feeling well was still going, a .round, was suddenly taken ill, and In a, very few hours waas:,letd. She leaves a husband and live children— two sons and three daughters. all grown up, to mourn their loss. The tonere' to the Cromarty eernetery was largely attended.—Quito a number took m the sports in Mitchell on the. 2lth.—Mt' and Mrs Mellraaith and Pani -4 ily spent the 21th visiting friends near Seaforth.—Digs Alex Boyle and Miss Heron left Monday for a visit amongst friends in Lanark Co, for the good of their health. Miss M Sheller visited friends in Pink- on wednesua R last, when ?piss Ritz it on May Ith,—Sutith Bros.. elf Goderich, will open n general stow, was her sisterd �to Mr. coney. bother,. here shortly.—A number of Clinton' ey, tit of Young hien. returning from Exeter on May 21th, acted unruly while in town for a short time. A number of them narrowly escaped the cooler. When Woodham Bltzatrs.---Arthur Kirk spent the first of the week visiting friends in Clinton. SVtn. Semple hats purchased a new e ickstp 1 o bike Quickstepfrom A J Ford, as has alae! Miss Maggio Copeland, of irkton. —117 Echlin spent Sunday with friends in Coderieh.---Fred and the Misses Ella. :Emma and Ruth Harding, of Thorn - dale, and Miss L Reeves, of Hyde Peek, were visiting a few days at Zai Ririe's. —The death occurred here, on Sunday morning, of the infant child of 1. Knight. It was buried in Kirkton cemetery on Monday afternoon.—$. J Ford has purchased a line bay mare from his brother, Dr Ford, of Thorn- dale.—Miss Atla Palmy, of ICirkton, and Mrs Thorton, of London, are visit- ing at Albert Switzer's.—Albert Switz- er found his horse, which strayed. from home, near 5ebringville on Friday last. —The Coopers' church, of the Wood- ham circuit, gave in collection, on Sunday last, for the Indian famine fiend, $18. This .is remarkably well for a small can regation.---Thoneas Nagle had a valuable cow die of milk fever, a week ago. Stephen CotrrtCtx,.---The council of the town- ship of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, May 513th at 10 a. m• All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Hicks—Sweitzer—Thab the clerk forward the following letter of condolence to Charles Brown, Treasur- er of the township,—Dray. Sin — We, the Reeve andCouncilmen of the town- ship of Stephen, desire to place on re- cord our deep regret that you have sustained in the loss of your beloved. wife. And we sincerely desire to sym- pathize with you in your bereavement and consider it a melancholy pleasure to dwell upon the virtues and accom- plishments of your dear wife, and if any consolation can afford you assis- tance under so heavy an affliction, as you have experienced in your Ioss, it must come from a higher Power than us. We trust that you will support your spirits and look forward to that brighter and happier world in which we shall go to those who cannot return to us. Accept, dear sir, our sincerest coedoIence under the sad bereavement and affliction". A. deputation waited upon the Council in :reference to the closing of a road allowance between lets 21 on- the 4th end 5th concessions Tp. of Stephen. After hearing the deputation and considering the platter the Council considered it would be an injustice to the parties interested, to have the road allowance closed. :The following orders were granted :—Muni- pal World, Collectors roll, etc. $5.20; eriry Link, contract an A. and 13 35 ; C. H. Wilson, etal. contract on B. $883 Prouty and Dearing, work: n road - $5,00, Council adjourned to het again on July 3rd, next, at 1 p. HENRI' EILBBIn, Tp, Clerk. WE have opened a new store of up -to .date Dry Goods s6 on the 'Strictly. - Cash and One Price basis believing s.. that up-to-date styles, best qualities,. ` good values,sold for: ° ,.:cash` only will be to your advantage as well as ours. Every m one knows that in doing business on the credit system, the cash customers must pay for the' loss by bad accounts ; also a 1' giving one customer goods for a�' ears time � gy the saltie =price you pay your cash for, but cash and one price to all, NEW DRESS GOODS NEW SILKS NEW MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, PIQUES NEW CLOTHING NEW GENT'S FURNISHINGS Nli'V WHITEWEAR ,BARGAIN I1 MILLINERY Special^2 Spec lotof Ladies'Sailors, worth 50 and 75 for .mac SMITH BRAS & CO, Goderich and Fensa:II CARRY' „ SUNSHINE WITH IT YaU. A bright, fresh, sunny face: is alwaiys. inspiring; and it always denotes good health as.rvell as a happy heart. Many faces that were once overcast with gloom have been made bright and sunny by Hood's Sarsaparilla which cures all dyspeptic symptocns,strength- ens the nerves and tones up and invig- orates the whole system. Constipation is cured by Hoed's Pills the non -irritating cathartic. Sold by all druggists. ' A CHEAP AEEDICINEJ CRRIST. Mrs. D. Williams, Goodeiham P. O., Ont., writes : "1 have used llaygard'e Yellow Oil for i3tu.i k's.—Charles Close returned to town this week from British Columbia. They do not like that end of the world as well as this.— Miss Dobie who has been in Germany studying music for a couple of y'ears,waas in town this week. —Rev. Mr. Landsky had two weddings Stratford, One of the bappy couple will live in Russeldaele and the other', Neill reside in Stratford, --The rate- aayers at the last election decided in young mon cannot behave thernsehes avor of as frontage fax fur new aide. they should stay at home. --Geo Wren, : walks, They are protesting against Chiselburst, intendsretiring from rearm the a granolithic asidewailks proposed by ing this frill. Re is leaking for a house Council, sand now itis proposed. to in the hall' a which to Iiye. house build plank walks and charge them to Lou McColl, of Detroit, spent the holi- days the owners of the property. There is iRhin her i<nrrt�ntls at eRpsfier• be great veryeas easily, but the towers 1 3 Twitchell has a relapse of that be Kraut to coni eI thein to his previous trouble, appendicitis, Anil is confined to his bed.—John \Villin, hog dealer, is slightly indisposed. He will likely undergo ,au operation before he is much inproyeDl Thera aro three weddings on the taepis, which will oc- cur , e r the iFrst week s:k rr June. c. P e r They are y all prominent persons. --The Misses Bates. of Bayfield, i' is stated, have rented the rooms over J S ease's store card will open a guess -Making business shortly.—Mr srn.I Mes A Murdock, J L pay for new walks which the owners think are not naicssesary this year, — De Gerry took part in it concert in Ex- eter on tins eight of the 24th, -- Mr. Hinds met with a slight accident on the 21th. 'While riding on his bicycle and trying toget through the crowd, he fell off and urt himself, but with good care be will be out in as day or so. --Messrs. R. Babb and Alden Burritt have been appointed to attend the hfethodlst Conference that meets in McDonoll and`y.} . alisx a 4haw :anal gt,Marvs sol Tune. Hatton spent 24th Of Mani i -i Mitchell, --Messrs 1? Case ami y Cantelon spent Sunday in Clinton.—Colin Smith,who recently proved to the village frothe township of Hay, died on Sunday evening, after a somewhat protracted illness, of consumption. He had reach- ed the ase of a0 years, 8 months. -- Hogs Bate a advanced t•t price the past few days, being worth $0,00 per cwt.-- Mass Lon Gibson, of Goderich, and her sister, Mrs (Dr) Little, of Manito- ba, visited friends hero on Saturday.— The Misses Johnston spent the 2lth visiting their sister. Mrs .7 13 Short, of Parkhill.—Messrs James McMordie, Seines Johnston and Geo Trott were in Parkhill on May 24th.—Miss Jennie Murray, spent 24th with her brother, John, in \Vingham.—The eclipse of the sun was observed by mangy- cit- izens, through smoked glass. One man was handed a piece of Smoked tin, who declared the eclipse as magnificent as compared with looking through the glass.—Our teachers 11 s, Miss LaTatrzel, was in Goderich on May 24th, while Miss Stephenson visited her parents in Clinton.—Mr McIntyre, student of the Memorial church, London, preached in St Paul's church on Sunday, in the absence of Rev W J Doherty. Mr. McIntyre is an excellent talker and convincing preacher, and has promise of a bright future.—Miss Dnffis, of Thamesville, visite`.- friends in the vil- lage over Sunday. --Mrs 0 F Baun- work, of Detroit, is visiting her aunt, Mrs 0 A Redmond,. Hay township.— Tho new bank baro of Rout McLaren, London road, was raised on Wed-tes- day Inst. It will be among the finest on the line when completed.—Misr Mary McKay was in Biucefield Satu- day, visiting her brother, John.—Mr 141cDougall, of Manitoba, is yisiting his father, Wan McDougall, near Kippen. —Miss Van Horne, of London, is in the village this week.renewing ac- quaintances. -=Corn. Cook is in Taxan this week an busine{'ss.—T A =dock, has added a very comfortable and attrac- tive carriage to his now fully equipped livery.. Elinviile. BRxnrs.—The parsonage has been re -painted on the outside .:and acids read to its appearance. - g y rhe work was clone by- a Mr. Treble, of Exeter.— Mrs Albert Sieamon and daughter, of Michigan, are visiting her father-in- law, Wm SIeamon;-Mr and Mrs John Andrew are. visiting friends in Inin- burn, Blyth.' and visiting friends concert on May 24th was a decided success. The church was filled and the program quite up-to-date, while 1111 O e give» m t ill selections ns b1N can were Quite patriotic.. A good collection was taken up, and the receipts sent for the relief of the Indio, famine strickelr peo- ple. --Mrs Stattou has been very ill the past week,but we are. pleased to say.is. able to be up again.—Quite at number of young gents, of Zion, with their best girls, attended the services here on Sainday evening, while scleral Game to see their fair ones, and judging by the looks of several toftil.n 1 el they must have been quite disappointed Rev Waddell attended the anniversary at Woodham, on. the 24th, while Rev Phelps R andT Jo Ilea tris their F,, d the >..luok at fishing, but the catch was small. Thos McMillan, of Hallett, , disposed Burns, scalds, sprains, ;Bruises, Sore Throat of a 4 -year-old colt last week to .ikt r. iti and away, lir e, 1, Stomach and Bowels, and Archibald, of Seaforth for $200. .It given, xolie"f. my ihottler says i , is a regular medicine chest in itself. was sired by Elevator. Centralia G. sr11.:el ItY, I3,.A.., .sxMR, ONT. ' trate with 3zeCartlly, Osler d: Co,, Toron- to,l Barrister, Conveyancer, Notary. Money to loan. Offices formerly occupied by Collins Stanbury over O'Nefls Bank. Bnrnvs.--Richard Hicks and P. Our - tin left on Monday for Manitoba where they will 'speed a. fere weeks.—Dr. and Mrs. Jones, of Clandeboye, were the guests of his;sister, Airs. Hicks ofiFair- field, on the 24th.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buller. Wesley and Luther Pym, and Mrs. Michael. Buller, of London, spent their Holidays here under the parental roof.—Messrs. Harvey Laue, Charles. Haggith and Edgar Buswell attended the teachers'convention held at Gode- rich on the 25th and 26a.h. They also paid a flying visit to that new town of Stu Josepb, or Contiue city, and were the guests of James Dalgety, of Blake. On Sunday they returned home.— Ernest Hill of Crediton; is making his nark among the fairer sex of this vicinity. We wish him every success in bis undertaking.—The Rev. S. Sal - armory and. then marched to Recrea- Frank a Fe (1'°ndoxi i "Maori tion grounds, llrucied 17 � rg rson s, Wires) "Helen v Lord Roberts , hunter' ; :3rd, David I3issets's, (Wind - (Capt, flciwarcl), The regiment was in ; „ ,. command of Capt. Rance and Lieut, sora Ma,voureeen ; the fritter he J. Davis. the c tdet.e and artillery under ' 1 eMe me{Stria s t" Ltf ford,) olddu Lite Aid, Lieut. Boyd. A.n inttnense erraisd Rau.. gathered on the grounds and made the--.. - -- .." - trioverneut of the troops rather awk- i3ISA!AftG'Is' S IhU (my ,"I;f3 'F ward, but soon part of the grounds Was the result el his splendid. health. were eled lis the Baer army, trho ; Indomitable will and tremendous bald {7ri.ricsuonsl, hes n conee,zled, coin. , energy ;area not found where Stontaacb, nieneing rs furious. musketry fire, Then .i Liver, Kacineys end I3nweLs ora out of the British fenced Itne in open order, -- order, 12 yoit want those ..iusdities. the cannon belcbedd forth its lire, mid and thea success they bring, use 1)r. word was given to advance, when after' King's Naw Life )?'ills. Thew develop s>. gallant bayonet chnces tt:e white : army porter of brain and body, (inly flag flew, ('vonje sent hie aidecan ip ; `ze cents:oat aunt' Drug Store. to Gen. Roberts and then surrendered. '.Cthehthe aryprocessio,headen d ,again byLfootti rmitedobPrisa, aend TESTIMONIAL OF WILLIA.M eri milit entered the town, supposed to be+ • FRANCIS. Bloemfontein, and received the keys I have used English Stock Food for from the Mayor and Connell. After a fat cattle, mileb cows and calves and march to the market and hack and to have found it a most useful Yoccl, It Town Hall, Reeve I3issett proposed seems to aid the digestion and they three cheers for „Th e Queen,"The' limprove un der its use. I find it espece.LxIiesof Empire Car, "The Dilittry ally usefulfor yoimg calves, when Mr, Hurdon, and the cadets 1\+xrTJ-set FRdarrs. sang "Soldiers of the Queen" and "Gott .� Save the Queen,"The military escorted the Empire procession was0 Greet Bargains The ocessiaa great success • Bargains and the coantnittee, Messrs, Samuel. 0 . R. Davis, A. Walter, S. 3. A. I3oyd.1, ONE MONTHFOR vas"is and N. D. Harden, leserve credit, Tito preens were as follows c-- 11 . Bicycles, 1si:, Miss P. Levett ; 2nd. A. Kemp; War Specialties, 1st,? Rruger, (A. Walters) ; 2nd, H, Rernu ing ; 3rd, Empire car. In the afternoon the crowd repaired to the TACO track to witness the races, only two of which events had filled. Every effort had been put forth by the committee for at good day's sport, but owing to the backward spring, horsemen say they could not get their HEA\• Y WAGONS R SPRING WAGONS 13CG GIES CARTS AND HARRO WS. ear . rraulnds Carriage sli.op, Exeter, ire If you make ally purchase at. this store which proves unsatisfactory, bring it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Builders' f ard are ton delivered a very strong end im- AIN ID pressive discourse on Sunday night to a large congregation, taking his sub- ject he m from Adam and Eve's disobedience Builders The choir rendered some very haron- ions and sweet music. Our new leader George Windsor, and new organist Miss Sarah Neil is 'succeeding in We nave a very complete and up -to date stock of Hardware gathering up a large and very de- for houses, barns, etc. ligbtfui choir.—Win. Cottrill held an auction sale on Saturday last and dis- posed of all his stock and implements. AT LOWEST PRICES. Everything went at a high figure. - Messrs. A. Nevin, Frank Davis, .1, Huxtable, Win. Lewis and a number of other officeis of the primary lodges around here left here Wednesday far London to attend the Supreme Graud Orange Lodge of British America, to be held in that city. Crediton Bnxnss.—The Klondyke store was burglarized the other night, and goods to the value of 814 taken, A tramp is the supposed thief.—Justina Hoist, wife of Charles Brown, township treas- urer, who died on Thursday last, was born in Baric n sbi.c n tiPooden Uer Germany, on April 7th, 1832. She -came to this country with her parents - in 1855, settling In Oampden, Co. Lin- coin. In 1850 she married Charles Brown, and in 1850, with her husband, came west to Stephen township, where she has since lived. Deceased wise a member of the Evangelical church, Nom; an aluiable Roman, and a friend to everybody, her kindness knowing no bounds. As a neighbor she was true as steel, and was one of the most re- spected persons in town. She had al- ways good health, and was sick less than a week, her trouble being conges- tion of the bowels. Besides a husband she leaves eight children, as follows Samuel, merchant, Orediton; Aaron, of Bletheim township; Joshua, of Los Angeles; Edward, of Dexter, Mich.; Moses, of Unionville, .Mich. • Mrs D Finkheiner, and Mrs Rucbty, of Sebe- waing, Mich:; Mrs Schluchter, of Pig- eon, Mich., who now mourn the loss of a kind wile e a n<t affectionate mother.— C Zwicker has placed an acetylene gas plant in his store.—FrankRivers and his three boys, from Sombre, and George, of Toronto University, are visiting this week with their brother, Dr Rivers. and other friends in this rte: , • SEE US AND SAVE WONEY CeNiEN`I+. QUEENSTON and PORTLAND. Two cars just received. Plaster arm New stock this year. S6roon Doors windows All kinds and sizes at Bottom Prices., 1-1EArIAN, Agency for Ellwood Woven Wire Fencing. • EXETER.