HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-24, Page 8ei W rm Woothe*. N �ee1 ►.,,. '� • le reaal v ith a complete .let+ stock of Bods suitable We 'ti g for the hot days Our stoek is the largest in town,oui, prices are € hv. io+ve :t, bqing for cash and selling for dash makes this po,;sible, CA H THE EXETER TIMES ,AECIDENT.--Tuesday num:ling while Samuel Gidley was. stepping into his furniture store, he stumbled and fell heavily on the step, injuring himself severely. lie bad to be conveyed to s,T RE . his home It has since been learned a that Mr, Gulley sustained a fracture to one of his hips, and will be confined to eegiPnaaa. wrrr .ws� liisbed for somet[tne, FRUIT PROSPECTS.—The late heavy frosts do not :ppe:ar to base injured the fruit buds, and there isan excel- tent prospect for fruit, both small and large. Apple, pear and cherry trees are loaded with buds and bloom, phials alone not showing as much blossom as is usual in this phew -bear- ing section. Small fruits such as cur rants, gooseberries and strawberries, were never more prolific with blooni, and if they escape late frosts will yield immense craps. Unless owners of orchards and gardens take immediate steps to destroy the caterpillars' nests which. axe growing at a very rapid rate just now, their chances of having mach fruit will be exceedingly slim, and the trees will speedily be denuded of their foliage:, :? and 45e for Ladies' cool summer . 2a"c each for men's and boy's coollin- corst•ts, they au•e great value and full en crash harts, they're a snap, good of viiinfort. wearers and good lookers. 955 fc , cerdinal, navy :and cream ' She.) each for men's very nifty re paxasols. thee're eery swell, see them, fedora. hat; with or enc bind y rel. aa. Lee amp Lee fair three special i y g lines elf black pates il3,t11ese are money See them. savers. z 81.25 and1.50 the pair for men's bicy- ,sic each foe the new pully belt, they cle Pants, good 11001 tn.aterial and well are the latest fad and up-to-date. made. 10e a;u:1a for geed solid leather belts, '' 25, 50 and 75e each for men's alp-to- witb bright polished buckles, date straw hats, just the thing for 4.00, 4.5e and 5.00 for Ladies "Very .these hot (hays, nifty lace and jet trimmed capes, the r 75 and (tae for cairn's soft silk front 3 pr for 1.14) v;iellest 1.19 an town, ribbed cashmere shirts, very stylish and correct for this s • hose, this lute is one of one great lead- Basun, ere, Slee them. 1 25, Six and .50e each for men's new 75, 1.09,1.25 and 1.50 for 4 of the best { and up-to-date summer ties, our stoek lace curtain values that we have ever is very large and. complete. offered.75c and 1,01 each for 2 of the best 10, la. 211 and £0e the yard,for a swell white shirty velues in the trade, lot of new mercerized, ginghaws for shirt, waists, they are just as pretty as $1.00 each for men's blaek or brown cart iitfedora hat, worth regular L25 to L50. Reallw nher cash and ane price gives us au immense advantage over regular dealers op bad accounts to make up for. A. STE ART. ;For Marriage Licenses, BooK Stor8' / full stock of School Books Public Schools. Wec1ci1ng Rings, Westchers, C1c�rrlcs�,: Jewelry, Spetuctes,, .Etc I'ALb ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO1lE T D R.ISERS.. �. The copy for changes must be left not latter than Tuesday noon, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each. week. A full stock of Sunday School I •,. . Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peach.:') Full Linc. wholesale and retail. Jolill Griug, E X l'` E R INSURANCE. RISTEST ELLIOT, .. _ . a Agee fu W Ag. fie Lal&R."r Aa$IIRdNCA Co.AI PANT, of i vrtalto; also for the PucsNxx FIRE NSt 1teNts Cevare ar, of London, Englatncl; aL eree'8 INBTTR.NCB COSSP.ARY, of Eng and Everything in. Stationer, ','fii II;SDAY , MA'Y 24th, 1900.. LOCAL NAPPEN1NGS Mr_. Douglas is visiting friends in Seaforth. W. J. Parsons, late of the Parsons Produce Co..has gonetoWinnipeg. Sinoo Hunter, of Usborne, a breeder of first-class stock. In another column he advertises a fine young bull for sale. ears. Switzer and Mrs, Wilson, of London, .and Mrs. Wilson, of Prospect Hill, were guests of Mrs. J. P. Ross this week. The total amount raised for all church purposes on the Ii`ipp.,u Circuit this year was $2,567 or an average of $14.15 per member. Dashwood village is arranging for the purchase of a fire engine anti fire protection. A vote of the villagers will be taken on June 16th. D. A. Ross was in Toronto last week attending the closing exercises of the Medical School from which his son H. P. Ross has just graduated. A. Q. Bobier has recently remodelled his creamery, put in concrete floors, and repainted the interior of the build- ing. It now presents a very fine ap- pearance. Every Grand. Trunr section boss and employe has received a circular order- ing hien to report every morning to the agent the number of tramps l3 e tbe previous day, with their descrf - tion and direction. These reports are for use of the Ontario Government. A very lamentable accident befel George Harrah, of Winchelsea, last week. It appears he was returning from St Marys 'a d n in some manner was thrown from his buggy, s ustain - ang severe what might yetprove fatal, injuries to hie spine. We since learn that Mr. Harrah has recovered. William Mitchell, Local agent for Frost & Wood farming machinery had abig delivery on Tuesday. The farm- ers loaded at the station and forming a procession, marched dowu Main street. A number of general agents, as well as the .company's energetic agent , at Cromarty, F. L. Hamilton, were pre- sent. Remember the greatest event of the .. astrondinicai year 1900 which will be the eclipse of the sun on Monday, May 28th, which will be total' over a large: area of the Southern States. Here about four-fifths of the sun's diameter will. be obscured, The: eclipse wil begin here'a little before eight o'clock in the morning ; the greatest obscura tien will be about nine o'clock, and th eclipse will end about a quarter pas ten. Mrs, C. Lutz is visiting friends in Sarnia. Mrs. Douglas is visiting friends in Seaforth. R. E. Pickard was in Loudon on Monday. Reeve Arnold, or Hensall, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Stewart visited her parents in Staffa the past week. Ernest Dickson has returned from writing on his dental examinations. Il1rs John Charlton is visiting her mother and otherfriends ads in Parkhill, AndyThompson, p n, barber, of London, formerly of Exeter, has moved to Sarnia. Rev. Nethercott, of Staffaa, was in town on Thursday, This is his last yestr in Staffs. Lyman McCord, of Exeter, was a visitor at, John Ready's fast week,— St Marys Journal. Miss Alcock, music teacher, of Exe- ter, was in Iiirkton on Thursday last, trying to get up a clues Miss Winnie Hooper, of Landon, 'is. visiting at S. Sander's, and will take part in the 24th May concert. Wm. Bender, former proprietor of the Blake Hotel has engaged with Sam Rennie to work in his brick yard. The semi-annual meeting of the L.O. L. of the District of Biddulph, will be held at Centralia on June 14th at 1 p. m. Rev. Jewitt, of Hensall, preached for Rev. Milyard on Sunday, and de- livered two int .r w e estin sermons. Mr. Milyard conducted anniversary ser- vices in Hensel]. Revs. Whiting, of Mitchell and Brown, of James St. church, exchang- ed pulpits on Sunday each preaching sermons in connection with the anni versary services of the Epworth Lea- gue. g THE Taws is published a few hours earlier this week on account of Thurs- day being a holiday. Let everybody remember the celebration in; Exeter ou May 24th, and come.here and spend a pleasant time, The London Conference of the Meth- odist church will be held in St Marys, opening on June 4th, when the sta- tioning committee meets. Owing to the illness of Rev Joseph Edge, presi dent of the Conference, Rev J. V Smith, D D, will preach the ordination sermon. 'William Mitchell, local agent for the Frost & Wood farming machinery had a big delivery on Tuesday. The farmers loaded at the station and forming in procession marched down Main street. A number of General Agents, as well as the company's ener- getic agent at Cromarty, F. L. Hamil- ton, were present. The L. H. & B. line was visited by a number of prominent Grand Trunk of- ficials last week, F. H. McGuigan, General Superintendent; F. W. Morse, Superintendent of Motive Power; G.C. Jones, Superintendent of Middle Divi- sion; ; W.D o.Rob Division Master, Robb, v on as . and George A. Mitchell, Master of the Bridge and Buildings Department. They found the line in good order. Towns o l pe p c should be a Iittle back- ward in accepting Mexican silver, of, which there is so machfloating around $ g just now. The Mexican silver dollar is onlyworth 9 4 .7 cents of Canadian money, and a person. who accepts a piece of money for its face value only gets half the value of the current coin of Canada. There is so much of this cheap money afloat that one is forced to the conclusion that some "shar er" has brought ap g whole bag of Mexican money, on which he would make over 50 cents on the dollar, if he succeeded. in passing it off for Canadian change. Before long a combined effort will like- ly be made to shut the cheap stuff out, go citizens should beware and not have any more than a 25 -cent pocket -piece in their possession. 1 e t DIED .AT PALMEraSTON.—Jas, Hodg- son, son of )ors, Hodgson, of the 2nd con. of Usborne, diet!, in Palmerston on Sunday last. Deceased contracted a cold in July, and in September bad a severe attack of bronchitis which com- pelled hint to quit work. He spent live months in Muskoka. and was un- der the caro of some of the best doctors of the (a. T. R. staff but failed to get relief till death ended his sufferings. He was born in Richmond Hill bat spent the most of his life in the town- ship of Usborne, till. he accepted a situation as freight checker on the G, T. R. at Palmerston about fifteen years ago. LIe married Miss Elvins Johns. ten years ago who with at.daaugb- ter mourn the loss of a kind husband end loving father, lie was a promin- eut member of the L O. O. F. under which order he was buried. He was in bis 38th year, Mr. Hodgson was an. exemplary young man, and was held in high esteem by the citizens of Pal- tnerston. The rettiains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on \Vedees- deay. The large concourse of people in attendance showed the high esteem in which he was held. The relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. WII.r. WE,�at, STIa,#WIL%.T8 AT DRILL. —A meeting of the !►fess Comwittte of the 33rd Battalion, consisting of Cap- tains Combe. McTaggart and Holmes and Lieut. Grant, was held in Gode- r'c11 onFriday I rr .aa last arrangements s en were:made inviting contracts r mess supplies, etc. The etcetera includes a variety of things, such as tables at which the men will dine at this clamp instead. of picnic fashion as heretofore. The men will appreciate the change, beyond a doubt, and be the envy of other Battalions who will be compell- ed to "sit around" after the old style. The oi1h ,.s are also arranging to sup- ply tbe men with &raw bats and cot- ton blouses to wear while at drill. The blouses will, to be sure, be the military color, khaki. This will add greatly to the comfort of the men who have heretofore drilled in heavy helmets and hot tunics. The blouses ;and hats would be doffed, however, on all cere- monial occasions. It is estimated that they will cost about ninety -cents per' man and the strength of the Bat talion will be about 315. The martialt spirit runs high this year and added to this is the increase of.pay for the Hurons to eighty cents per diem so that there should he no difiieuity iu filling up the Cinu par taieta. D1t. T1,a OF Louts TuonNE.—Last' week we referred briefly to the serious illness of Mr. Louis Thorne, of Los 4 An ele.. Cal. In this issue 1]' s ss a of THE TIMES, we are painfully called upon to chronicle Mr. Thorne's death, which sad event occurred at his home in Los Angeles, on Monday, `list inst. De- ceased was a native of Devonshire, England, and came to this country with his brother (now deceased) when quite a younginaan, settling in Landoll. He resided in that city for some time prior to coming to Exeter. Here 11e purchased a grocery and liquor busi- ness from the late W. Hooper, which he conducted in partnership with lir. Palmer, for a umbe • ofs number years. About y 10 years ago he married Miss F. Drew, daughter of lir. William. Drew, town. Selling out to Farmer Bros., Mr. Thorne moved to Blyth, afterward to Seaforth, in each of which. villages he carried on business. Some 12 years ago he went West, locating in Los. Angeles, b e es and frugality has succeed- ed in am amassing a� goodly compel{ once. Being possessed of amiable qualities, i1r. Thorne soon dist - guished himself in the western. ci - both as agenial fellow -man and a pu"laa lie -spirited citizen, and was one of the best known and roost popular igen of the city. He became identified with many important projects andheld sev- eral offices of trust. He was connected with many fraternal societies, and has on several occasions visited the East as a delegate to the Grand Lodges, etc. Among other important offices held, he was High Chief Ranger of the A. O. F. for the State of Cali- fornia. Though exemplifying his alle- giance to the country of his adoption, Mr. Thorne held dear to metnoryhis pleasant associations with Canada and Canadians, and was ever anxious to uphold Canada and extend a hearty welcome to any of its citizens who yis ited California. He was a prime mover in the organizing of the Canadian club of Los Angeles, which is a healthy and strong society. Time and money were no object to him ifhe could ou d make it pleasant lfor a 'Canadian visitor. He was liberal and genial in a marked de- gree, and was a kind friend to the poor and needy. Over a year ago Mr. Thorne eves taken ill with heart trou- ble, and sipce that time has been ailing more or less, though nothing Serious, was anticipated. Some weeks ago' he was taken suddenly w'orse,♦ and gradu- ally sank until death claimed him. Word of his illness was received here, i h regretiie: with mut by his many friends, but when his death was announced it cast a gloom over the town. Deceased leaves a widow to mourn the loss of an ideal husband, who has the sympathy p, of all in her sad bereavement. The remains will.' be brought to Exeter for ickard Co E have, just opened up some large shipments of new seasonable goods, s an especially prettyline of Blouse > so god , 1 Y Ladies' waists in all the desire;able fabrics Silks came our way a day or two ago We bought suitable fo,':, house and street wE?cL1<', CARLING BROS. PLACE FOR--�- 000D FOODS AT FIOHT PRICES. them at a price which will save you motley. Be sure and see them. Blouses . �"'' ande Silks Blouses and Shirt Waists will be more popular than ever this season. We have thence. ready-to-wear in great variety of design and price and we have the most beautiful assortment of Blouse materials it has ever been our pleases a to show. Ladies' shirt waists in new cut, special value o'0 New plaid shirt waists, very stylish, with detachable col- laars, special.,..,,.,75 White pique skirt waists trimmed with insert'n,very stytish1,25 Ladies' black and cord mercerized lee - teen blouse waste in a great variety of styles at 1.`.',"a, 1.50, 1.75, 2,00 and , . ,250 Blouse silks In strip ars, plaids, eheeks,faai- iles in great variety of patterns at 50, (l0, 73.90 and .... • , ..1, 00 SE. TO SI OD n STOCK OP ALL OV ft ACES x ALi. POPULAR, sIIADE ('ul' clothing trade this season bas gone away ahead o any previous season. These piices are the reason for big sel lint;. sasnao Reio-Yar 6iOUililu 5Gftl10eaO1ei Men's Tweed. Snits, new patterns. farmer satin lined, very stylish and splendidly glade, easily. worth $7.50, t for,,., ... 5.00 Men's Erne tweed "suits, specially patterns a de er St lata . lined. anti ma v l n , y in the regular way worth 50 for (1.50 Men's black' Worsted Snits, beaut- ifully tailored., splendid titters, best linings, You'd pay 513 for no better nit elsewhere, our price..........10,0u Alen's tweed pants, well -mace and splendid wearing cloth, regular 1,85 linefor.... , , .. .... .. , .....1.00 Boy's tweed snits in great variety ranging in price from 1.2,i to ..,..,4.00 lien's Waterproof coats, a great linefor..............., .. .......4.25 lien's Spring ring Overcoats in a very fine quality whipcord, special lin- ings .............10.00 See our imin once stork of Victory. FlaLgs,C:u Mian Flags and Union Tacks for the 24th. Dress Skirts and Underskirts I n . Ladies' hard finish.! ed Blue and; I31k Serge r _sSkirts D efi madeinvery latest style; and well lin- ed s p eciai • at Ladies' Plain a n d Fancy Lus- tre Skirts, newest cut, r5 to3.ra `ped t —2.75 wellmadeand lined a Ladies' Linen Pique Skirts latest designs at 1.50, 1.75.... .. ... Ladies'Metal i i cStri pe lin d erskirts various patterns, special .. • , 1`85 Ladies' Frilled, plain mercerized Sateen Underskirts, in all colors, latest style out at 1.50, 2.00 2 50 SUNDRIES Regular 15c box Toilet Soap for Regular 5c Rubber -Tipped Lead. pencils Regular sac Penholders SlatePencils Ready -sharpened five for Floral Writing Pads, special Good strong Horn Combs, special The Ideal Pepeterie, 12 sheets of notepapes and 12 envelopes, special Regular 25e spool Crochet Silk assorted colors for • Ladle's Tortoise Shell Side Comb trimmed. with rhinestone, v special por pair... , .. The Daisy School Scribbler Fine gold -planted. Beauty Pins. various patterns, special 3 for.... ..... ......... .,..... 05 Ask to see our stock of Fine Station- ery. 10 03 01 05 05 05 20 25 01 We want a large quantity will pay highest price for same of Butter and Eggs and Tile R. ?i6KdrU Co,. DireGt Importers Jix Nerve and Blood Pills are equal e'to anything on the marketfor paleness, debility, nervousness, etc. Over fifty doses for lac. ., You pay nothing for advertising . For sale at Lutz's drug store. The annual meeting of the South Huron Farmer's Institute will he Held at Hensel' on Monday, June 4th, at one o'clock. A. ;geode program has been prepared. The election of officers will also take place. The annual .rneeting of. the North Middlesex Conservative Association will be held at Ailsa Craig on Wednes- day May' 80th, at 1 p. tn. It is prob- able that a candidate will he chosen to contest -the approaching Dominion election in the Riding. The Postmaster -General is now pre- paring for the public use a small book of stamps,in which the leaves of stamps are separated by leaves of parafin becarried in the vest paper and can cket without the usual misfortune of having them stick together. The annual meeting of the Exeter Liberal -Conservative Association will be held in the Town Hall on Monday May -i . ' sharp.for next,a �8t11 . t 8 . r1, Y p election of officers, general business, and selection of a deputation to attend r ed Iesda 30th at, -Ailsa Craigon VS i y inst. i� cal Iood is an xcellent � Turkish Scalp e , .dressing for the hair, relieves itching of the scalp and prevents dandruff and, keeps the hair in its natural color, Only 50c a, bottle at Lutz's drug store, KIcr%sm IN Tea Facee-Ont Wednes- day, D. Demon while attending a run- ning horse, at Hawkshaw's stable, owned . by Mr. Ferguson, of Birr, he was kicked in the face,; breaking : his jaw, Sodom. BRIEFS.—Jacob Wurtz is seriously ill of inflammation of the bowels.—H. Isaac has also been ill, but is now bet- ter.—F. Green had a juyeuile� party last Wednesday; all were well pleased with the evening's amusements. --A kcouple of young men passed Sunday afternoon in fishing along the Sauble rever ; pleased to say they were not rasidents of Sodom.—Miss Ferguson, lair teacher, passed Saturday and Sun-. c"'day with her parents in Manchester. Miss Rate McPanl is visiting friends i Seaforth. Miss Dais f London,is vis - Y Dixon,, i t ng at S. Sanders'. David Bissett f , o Windsor,is in town with his running horse. His a form- er Exeterite. Deputy Post Officer InspeetorFisher was in town on Monday inspecting the offices. He reports everything satis- factory. Mr. Kestle disposed of his household effects on Wednesday last. Every- thing sold well. The hammer was wielded by A. Hooper. A month ago Geo. Lyon, of Clinton, sold his brick house on Isaac street to a Mr. Smith, of Tuckersinith, for the sum of $875, who intends taking up his residence therein. Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson, of Exeter, is Visitingher mother, Mrs M. A. Elliott of Mitcell. The , doctorli wheeled over on Monday evening to attend the League entertainment Redaction P�'��FrOash Sled tI eel eweeds redcuced from $13 to $16. „ 16 „ 14. 13 i, 10. Plain Worsteds e e 22 19. Twill re e e 18 >,. 15. Tweeds reduced from n , 4.50 to 3:70 Black : e $6.00- to $4:50 With all 'suits we give the best: of trimmings and guarantee to fit, ' Call and examine thesegoods before buying your Suit, • W Tike Tailor and shades Ladies' whitewear in the newest and latest seyles. Parasols full latae and at prices that will please you. Laces and embroideries in endless variety. y Colored dress goods in all the latest shades. In Black Dress Goods we hold the fort. Gloves from the finest kid down, just to hand, Hats and Ties, nobby goods. Summer corsets and linen skirts just the thing for this hot weather',. Ready-made Clothing in Melt's, Youth's and boy's at very low figures. specialty t� • We make a s ecial 1 M ^' Y, ty 11 Ordered Clothing. �et� our black worsted suit at $15. Complete �, of stock g . Ogroceries, always hew and fresh. Try our 25e Japan tea, elegant flavor We are the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial of these teas would convince you that they have no equal,. Give us a call. Highest p rices for g �' - paid produce. Of fL1MG 13R05. For sale cheap, a number of largo; Fats, suitable for cisterns, apply to l.,>zvl:rr tG Co. To Tug Sli-'l wuoLw Rs 05' Trill I x- ETER SALT W' ORES Co.---Gentlemen.--- You will please take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Sett \iraarks Gci will le held Tuesday, June the 12th at 2 o'clock p. itt. at town hall. T,. B. CARLING, Secy. -peas: B, S. O'Neil and family spen 4 Sunday with friends in Lucaan, balloon A. all on fisc io ens n anda • p r.acbtrie leap will be here June 1st. 1.. T. Owen, a former resident of Ex- eter, is visiting friends here, Huron County Council will meet in Cloderich, on Tuesday, June 5th.. Miss Ella. McPherson, or Hensall, visited Misses Huston on Lunday. Messrs. W. Heamen And W. Stevens spent Sunday with fr:e, in London. Messrs. John tamp H. Salter and John Mollie, of Lotactun, spent Sunday in town. 4isses Ella Beaver and Myrtle Clarke, c.:f Crediton, visited Miss Mora Situs over Sunday. Lemen Brothers are am old firm and keep in advance of the times. The Great Shows will be here June 1st. Mr. Rigney, late with John Treble, has accepted as position as traveller, and will soon commence upon his du- ties. As a tonic and blood purifier for this hot weather, Native Herb Tea is a pleasant medicine. 25c a box at Lutz's rug store. Misses Ball and Robertson arespend- ing the 24th ►l'av holidays in Gnderieh, and also attending the Teachers' con vention there. When the present proposed sy stem of water supplyis completes, Exeter will .have spent for appliances, over $2,000 to procure sufficient, water for street watering purposes. A number of fruit growers in the County of Essex report that the grape vines were badly damaged by frost, and that the crop this year will be very light. J. D. Graham, of Toronto, on Tues- day shipped another carload of cavalry horses from this station. They ate a superior lot to the last shipment, be- ing much hugger. Rev. J. W. Goffrn bas resigned his charge as pastor of iVingham Congre- gational church, and the resignation has been accepted by the congregation to take effect at the end of June. Pte Barr, who was recently killed in the South African war, was ason of the late Rev. Barr, of Windsor, who some years ago was rector of the church of England in Exeter. CRAMPS AND COLIC Nothing !gives such quick and effectual re- lief from these distressing complaints as Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry. SUFFERED' INTENSE .PAIN. . Mrs. Chas. Miller Bowling .Green, Ont., says : "1 have suffered greatly froin Inflamma- tory Rheumatism for two years. My joints would swell' and the pain was most severe. Could not get out of bed. Milburn's Rheuma- tic Pills have Cured me." Every True Brit®n Rejoices in the long and prosperous reign of • A CANADIAN FENCE FOR CANADIAN FARMERS. We use the best high grade coiled wire J.1? .STINSON 4,i CO., Kii'kton, Ont• MINOS BUNKS! WHIGS' Spring is here and onr buggies are selling lively, If you are desirous of securing as First- class Buggy cheap now is the time. 1 We have a. large number and dii.Ter- ent styles to select from, LARGEST ES DEALER IN TOWN. 1 W. Ha Parsons Two doors south of Ti s'n Hall, EXETER, ONT., Cur Noble Queen Buy one of those easy running sty fish up-to-date CLEVELAND 33ICY- CLES. They embody strength and beauty in the highest degree known to the Bicycle Manufacturer's Art. Take aononethem as s� trip of and see one of the most beautiful end' prosperous parts of thefinest .colony of the tleallS Empire It wile -add t c y urhealth,pleasure aru1 L®ve of Country!, Also renietnberour CARRIAGES and GO-CAII,TS for the little folks. PIANOS, ORGANS alae SLVI TNG' MACHINES always ' in stock. S. Matin Levitt's Fair Is offering this week special bargains in 10 piece toilet setts. In hammocks we are offering a line worth 1.50 for 98e, a line worth 1.00 for 75; in washboards 1 worth 25 for 19, 1 worth 18 for 12, 1 worth 15 for u;chair seats worth 10 for 7. skipping ropes worth 10 each 2 for 10. A cut in parasols; this week we are offering one line worth50 for 35, one sort05 h for 54 line worth r nthisweek80 foe 09, line worth 1.25 this week for 96, line of black and white worth 90 for 70. A nice line of lawn hankerchiefs worth 5c each, 7 for 25c. A line of ps bble leather belts worth 30 for 20c. THE 24th IS NEAR AT HAND This is the place to buy your fire crackers, fire works. flags. Everyone should have a flag and a, few crackers Come and get some. We also keep in stock bananas, Oranges and lemons of a good quality, Our ice cream parlor will be opened on Saturday evening. We will also serve luiicbes and ice cream on tbe 24th of May. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM' LAUNDRY. FOR FINE GROCERIES', FLOUR AND POTATOES— CORN" MEAL ROLLED AN1 STANDARD OATMEAL OIL:CAKEC AKF LINSEED ME AND I' SEED FLAX 5EI;D GARDEN AND FIEL 1 D SEEDS TRY7�A �Sc E We are snaking a specialty of t ie above , e ,.Lod -would be p.e<Lsed to Have part of your trade: • Our facilities for buying are eel da! to those of our nei -hbors � g and OA . _Boli expensesa,re much less •t,�han ':#hose of an other concern_ i y o p n town. TRY US BEST .P' JAPAN' TEA lac. W. Trevetl�ic