HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-24, Page 7• . TEE EXTLEJR THE ROXER S OF CHINA. ---, sortetY or Thieves and Alturderers Num- bering 31413ous Causing Trouble la the Fetestlat Emptre,. Originally organized, on the plan of a law aad order league, ter proteotion against the bandits that infested Shan -Tang pnonince, the Chinese Se- eiety of Boners, at length degenerated tote .4 band of merclerere, robbers and geilerel lawlessness. Repeated out- rages of tbe bandits led to the organ- inaticat of the "Bonene wit° were at first known, es the Sweaty of the Great Sword. Dielteuest and designing persoes sue- ceeded in getting eontrol a the af- fairs of the society, the efforts of which they directed against their personal enemies, whom they repre- seated as bandits_ and lawless persons. Then% vte, in turn, appealed "to the Chran missionaries, especially the German enthelics, fin' Preteetieni profeeetng converatene and the min- eienaries need every effort to seeure justice fer them. It is helieved that some of these fellows were hypocrite - eat in their Pretenteiene. At 44tY ;ate, the etniditign Of things intensified t feeling thet the Chinese have alweya held. agatuat the miseleneelea awl, tek- en With their general contempt for fereignere, prodneed en aletaning an- tagonism that has Xesulted in Littrii- ems murdera and outrages. Up te tea years ago the Dattlaitallerie had rot:IMMO unmolested far SODA time, wheu On May 10, /Olt t WO Ann 'awe maltreated by e mob, wile eharg eat them with bewitablug oblidre DdisSien houeea were Plundered au dieturbauees occurred aU throug China. Einally, some German priest Were Murdered at s10.44 -Tuna. wide areueed cousidereble resenttitelat i BUNN. Vle, "Boxera" at ebia tire inaugurated a reign et terro througlteut $hen -Tung, robbing!" beat ing and tuanderiug eative Chrtetian end deetreying bowie; The goveree a, emanating favorite a t1e. emperor wader stress sent au armed, tore against the "Baxers," a. hundred o whom were killed and man wounded. • The governor was not pleased wit the results. lie degraded three o the victors, and reported to Pekin that the so-called rebels were morele a cougregation of honest country pee pie WhOM the aoldiery bad attacke and satassacred without warrant Within two weeks the "Boners,'" on coaraged by the attitude a the gay melon had reuewed their campaign o tillage aud murder. Many Cat/eoliee and Protestants suffered, and the truck of ruin wee wIdeepreade The murder of a young Church o Bugland anissiouary named Brooks brought matters to a climax and ex- cited the British goveretnent 'to ;Action which has been less vigorous thau if John Bull were not otherwise engaged 'rite Society a Boxers is said to uura- .ber 11,000,000 mere A"' I ' VALDE OF DLAD Cia,ERRITIES. VoiJUL; Money IS Fth:f Fuld for e airs on Noted heads. Statiaticio.ns tell us that the hairs of our beads are numbered, remarks Irim Cornbill Magazine, and they lur. ther atate that the average head of fair hair consists a 143,000, or dark hair .i0000, and a red 30,000; there- fore, if we ellow our celebrity 100,000 haira, or say, 500, reale trade, locks, tilith_ve ahall have some date. upon which to estithetethe value of hs ihirsute ' adornment. A luck ul Ectwa.rd 'V.'s hair last July fetched £8. Va.; in 1890 3; SOUlll tresses of Marie Autuinette's , hair NI ere, brutal as it sounds, knocked 1 down for £36: two locks oi Na- poleon's bay, one of which is in the ossession of Lord Sheffield, sold ra- cially for £1100, the price included a letter ;allowing that it was a well - authenticated memorial, and £5, re- spectively, while a. watch and a lock of Sir Walter Scott's hair• realized «26 5$.; if we value our celebrities' locks et £8 apiece, or £4,000 for the head. of hair, no one with the above figures to guide him can accuse as of exag- geration. A 'pert" of the beard of 1 George III. last August only xealized )1111, , 11kr" 35s. bee thou George was never really pirlar among reale hunters, and we have no doubt that our celebritywould i command better prices. As a 'part" ie so vague a measure, and th as e sta- tieticiara, 80 far as we know, has so far failed to number the hales of our • beards, we feel obliged to e.otitnate the value of the celebrity's beard and moustache at the neminal figure of 41 -1i;(10. -a very i.]arming sacrifice, we feel sure. ILE LIM'S Err CUR Will cure Epilepsy, Fits, Lithos Dance a d trolling Sic nee& TRIM. ISOTTLEsentFhgE of ALL CHASSE to any sUfferer Sanding U3 their name Rnq address and mentioning this paper, AdriresiThe MEM CO Ki , 179 ng Toronto, f The suburban read Was gay with the ,plumes of flowering Mao, awl the bright promise of laburnum. The red hnda on the May bushes had not yet he uncurled. The water part bad en game by, leaving a pleasant scent of wet earth. She tvaa 'geeing her arms on the gate and looking away from Wm, “So it's no eser be gaid-he also as leaning on the gate. The road was very quiet except tor pestling tradesmen WhOtte carte now wad then fleshed along it a ealenee, Ile had call- ed to brite.' Inar book, aed ehe bad mixed 'settle bun to the gate. Re bad en " not met e,penk then -had lucleed n. rehearsed many a tire° a declaration to 4 pe made in very different surround - le tags -but sbe looked so dear in her ttlue Yearning gown, the breeze of s spring played so eharmingly with that h hair ee ber's that quite amide -illy be had spoken and she bad aaid No." a "It's no use?" he repeatea, tor she ✓ still kept ;liken; and her eyes were - tar awey. 4 "No; it's no us• id e," she Sa. could r, not Starry v.neone unless I was 60 tonil • of him that I couldn't bear ray UN a without him That's Ow only excuse t for marriage." • "Then I'm not to came here any more -I suppose 1" b "Ob, dealer' she said. drawing herher t eyebrows togetwth ia worried g frown. " why did you. go and span It - It It was all so pleasant ! Can't - you be reelly sensible? Let us go on d jest as we were, and pretend that. , nothing has happened." "No," he said, "1 sbalt go away, - When one lives in lodgings they may aa well be in Putney or Kew -as here." Rhe thought how dull tennis and dance and plank) woule he without f end said stiffly: "Just as you please, of coarse." Then her face lighted up as the rattle of hoop and ,hoopstick and lit tle eat tering feet drew her eyes =to the • other side of the road, where a little ixt searlet frook eame quickly • liking the aseibalt, her brown hair z flowing bebind her. "Here's Vynie-" ; The child saw her sister and her friend, for he wa,s a friend to all children, and .truck the loop so that • it bounded on the curb and flew into • the iniddie of the reed. The little seerlet figure followed it. Then, in a flasb, a butcher's cart from a side road, a riveter, a scream, a curse and the buteher was reining in his horse, 30 yards down the road and looking back over his shoalder at a heap of scarlet and brown that now had criM- S9n mixed nIth it, and over Nrbich a girl in blue gown and n. Juan in a gray suit, Were bending. "Her leg is broken. They have set it. It will 1,,e months before she ran walk. But they say she will be all right then again." The two were standing at their gate again, but now there was no fresh rose in her flee, and in his eyes no light of passion." " Any poor dear," he said -and she did no reeent the words-" let me do any- thing I can. Forget all that follya thie morning and lot me help my poor little Vynie." " I will -you shall," she said, look- ing at him through swollen eyelids red witb weeping. " hut there is nothing any one can do. It is horrible. When I told her she would have to lie still for a time she tried lo smile, end then she said, "Don't cry, Sissy. I will be as good as gold;' and then she said she should sleep all day and 1:e awake at night- and hear the nightingale. She Les never heard if yet." He rememberedhow he had listened Lo the nightingale in the copse be- hind her house on many a surniner night- when he had walked lonely in the fields to see her light in the win- dow and her she:low on the blind, and he sighed and said: "Tbe nightingales are singing brave- ly in the wood beyond the statioe. Tau glad she thought of something that pleases her. poor darling!" Vynie, lying still and rigid in her splints, with wide open eyes, watched the day die. Than the lamp was light - • P REVIVAL or woodizN Goons. Thin woolen euuffs are premised tre- lendous vogue, and a fabric that sells at. sight is wool muslin, which comes In all delicate shades.. It is as r.,--' -•••zt_kk.4:11,s nine etehandee, and has tadvent- • £1,0 over other than fabrics that, as it d . has no ressmg, it can be worn equal- ly well at inland resorts or al, the misty, ninisty seashore. Then, too to spi te of the tacks and, plaits and full neSe that are earning with such a rush , into vogue i he wool muslin is s Ci- obough to preserve the graceful out I line of • the figure beneath, a single 1 quality that, in it self is enough' to ende,tr it to women otf goodly form. MotOseline de laine is the °rig -Oral s isi ely with ivbatever • trimming h i oathm , Of the aterial. It combines ex- P ma te‘i,l,a 1 onel ma,y wish, to use -With ,Bly9,1, lace, satin, applique or silk, n .., . • CON OER,NINO 1 eLEEVES. . I b •The nogIte -ef) the sleeve which ha If , • (Joie cat the band may be &led to be on b ne,wene tn faVOL' of the elbow steev , An d there is a rumo i' tba l', the ci 0 ow t „ sleeve will soon be the rule ori all downs, and tha 1 long glove,s will tic- g CO 1: d ingly be, an upper to nt arid /laces- ary i tun of the y,ai ds ohnm e oce ore, , want of sleep, haggard with anxiety. S.he took the great basket of roses her Lanett had brougbt, and holding it, told him bow the night had paseed. "They were singing like marl down by the station," be said. "Confound the brutes! 1 aspen your nightingale isn't coming title year. "Donn," saki the girl. "I believe Vynie will have no rest if be doesn't, • When elle beard the enurch bells this morning she told toe to send to the elergyman and tell him to expiate to God that slae roundlet: do withoat the • nightingale. Ohmy own little girl! Oh, TOM, she's all I bare." TOM was not such a feed as to ear, 'You here me." Re only said, "Yes, I know," and pressed her hand, " YOu are good." *he said and. wen back to the child. A little fitfal sleep came,enehe long night hours of that terrible SundaY, nrJapan tea drinkers! CEYLON ORgEN TEA. Is more healthful than Japan tea. ^`,S.,,,,,•••••••••••o•.•••••••,-, HINTS FOR THE FARMER. PLOWING FOR, CORN. Roth deep and snallow plowing for but at was broken and feverish, and corn have their ardent advocates. at every awakening the little . voice, Where the land is govered with baru- growing ever weaker, ssid ' yaxd manure the plowing should be at "Isn't it dark yet? Won't °Oa send , the nightinga.le? Ott, etisse, 40 want 'east an ince shallower t to bear hint," the bet plowleg. The mist The old servant, who lead been with rain e carry tee soluble particles the two skitters since Vynites birth, two ee e months after the fatber's death bad *Pawn licienien in the soil at coat the lite of the mother, insisted ian each soaking rain. If plowed shat sending Reee, to rest, and sat by the strata of formerly plowed that comparatively few worthless or- ohards ere eleared off annually; so that it more are planeed and receive , no greater are than the present gen- eration le giving, the markets will be, come more and mere flooded with inferior fruit, whie1t depreciates prices. •••!,•••••••,••!•., FOWL FACTS. The earlient <>bloke are tee best wine ter layers - Aa a rule it hi best to teed sunflower seeds sparingly to Ilene izt geed cone aai0 perches induce humble foot and: the hunehle-feeted fowl is neither profitable iacir good looking. Cultivate the soil for chicken food as Systematically as for corn and wheat and yon will realize lager profits end surer income. The amount of farm prednee that ban goes allUtlatly to waste would feed ant• abundantly 4 large_ flock et -liens on e every term where but few -have here - 04. Wore been kept. And tbis as one of ter the lost opportenities, and one ot tbe low ; great wastee and extravaganees in Vpie's side, 'Nursey," whispered the chil'iv. Itra lelleg 4 Pi ma and 11(114 tdelierY e'er do; tlitella "' et Uittil 111 Ole CI°Se. Will you th? What 4 plant feed, whereas it turned llia V f" I tO the venal depth It will soak i ' Anything, ray preelous," eetd the the mabeoll, and being deeper t old woman, holdieg the hot little hand moat planta seek their food, te eine in her Nemeth, withered palms, lest ma ter 05 immegiate xeturus " Welt, kneel down awe tell God I concerned, owe deeper plow bail die if 1 don't have the eightine will neeke this locked -up fertil gele. God will attend to you beeanee 1 medial:en for vie/It fowl, you always remember to say your prayers. I forget mine aoraetimes, almWeeitth tlhel3tal4e4egtlet444 latbl,VieCeQ124 °Li °I:3:r e farming and ' Good hens are important, but a good Yet," male is even. more importnot, and one 0, gi -especially atroug in time points where uttattal 1 btoeril, rhoeg'senbit,t.it the flock, 'when it ream 'ler i the females may be Weak. RellieM., itY useless to argue with. customer; or to 1 eSt It your market demands a. brown ore egg, keep the kind of bees that ley ing , brown eggs. This is gueeptione It re try to teach them wbat they altoeld alie prefer. even when Ione not Very sleepy. Oh. applied To (IA surface and pen mareey, 1 anti never be sIeePY aPY. under. Corn La not a deep feeder ; more. Die tell God all about it-" • The old WORMS knelt by (be bedside, find4 few ISVIleS below the tup tilt a and with a faith eimple and beautiful rooea Pln"atenct exateretAmvoerlyk ot l'e.iebtars°olln3 as the child's own," told God all about deep plowing for corn la or great ad - e„., vantage and extra, large crepe are Tbe dusk wee deepening. Theee.."„tek"' often grown front this practice. How- wlakitlevipthimewheatts Hbeeineltolegteyaeg:taxe070ene .aceraeru„ oltnflnav"ortabliegtirre Lthheatfctoundeitel-cel.a4ra the slowly darkeniug‘ squares at the In for deep plowing, gbenew ntA window, .She nioaned with pain and e misery of eleepleesneas, "Open the winnow, nursey. nty shdoaelre,a1"lhillage.1.7failleatZt113.4 Ththeinnktbio hnel8ell ' hen the window wee opened - Vynie beld her breeth and listened to has seeds before planting or sowi a silence that after a moment was them. to see hew large ar Prenerci broke u by two or three mellow notes. of them will gerzeiluete. We know 'It i*.. -oh, it is. N • • " • k no better way to do thia than tepee It' e the nightingale. right 01(1.02. them between tWo layerti Of Lauri inn' Pet," said the old welnant as Rase which place in 4 plat; moisten wit crept into the room like a ghost in water and cover with another pia her while dreeaing gown, then set in a warra place where " Oh, Siesy. my own 1 It is7it 15,1 will net freeze wow, and /mei? t Ciod's not forgotten me. Ile's going in Iflanuel nutlet. itIoat of garden see let me go to sleep, and I sball hear „Ileum gerratuate in a few 433, the nightingale even when I'm asleep. Listen." Any which do not appear within week atter the first comes may drtArkgnaeinsal.he full notes pierced the soft considered practically valueless, f • although some might be more than week behind (be first, and yet spro finally, wbere they start ee slow Lha y seldoue make vigorous plants. is a eoucl iden to count the seeds p loan did not Mlle, then another day, in, say loo a each for small seeds, an and another. Rose ;missed hire anis- if 80 to 85 per cent, of them have pi errthly. On the finot day she was an- out good sprouts at the en(1 of th gry at hits ahsenee; on the seeond teL thy are good seed, and 70 r,e anxious; on the third she sent tint old cent. as a very fair seed, though we nurse to see whether he was ill. would not care to use any that did "You'd beat go round," said the old not test up to that. Or course the woman when ehe came bark from her time before the first sprout appears intesion; he's more titan ill. Pneurno- varies with different seed. Lettue nit or something, and he keeps ask- might come in three days awl some, ing for you. Go you; stay with the kinds of grass not in less than three ehild. Mee got no one with him but weeks. Carrots are said to gamin - his landlady, a feckless body, if ever ate better in the soil than under this there was ane. Go now, my lamb." test, and the sera° may be true of She envie to him and took his hand. beat, " Tbat watnan says Pm dying," he whisperiel " but Vynie'S all right, isn't she?" " Vest yes; but what have yen been night -every night since Vynie'S been ill. Say it wasn't my doing." " It was for Vynie," he said. "I was the nightingale, dear. Beget you re- member how I used to rail the robins les, handle as directed, and yoti can make butter that will command the top of the market. Do not make the mistake of feeding calves too much carbonaeeous food, as it will tend to faeteu them while inter.. tering -with growth. A nitrogenous diet, judiaiouely tempered with ear- onaceoue food like ruwen hay, with Anil send nurse to take care of you. , the addition of Oil cake, is admirable, NOW promiee me, at once, that you will especialey if rotes are given at inter - get well, beganae Vynie and 'I cannot vats throUgh the winter. petesibly live without you. My dear, There e evidently a etreng prejudice dear-" on the part a the farm dairy woman Tom did not give the proniise but against what is called creamery bat- ter. Why? It outsells her product. If title is teas why not studs up and learn what the creamery process is and sea if that process cannot- be Lirja‘41.--You seem to be a bustler, adopted in dairy practice. saw that life insurance agent go The Pennsylvania agricultural col - into your house this morning, and in lege has been working onthe line of less than half an hour after him canto making stuall cheese to meet the exi- the doetor. genoy of these oonditions. They have Smith -Well, what do you gather been making a cheese of about seven from that ? pounds weight. This makes a cheese Brown -Merely that you were in a of good size for handling and for fam- great Lorry to undergo the chysicaj ily use. Professor -Hayward says there examination and have it O'er with has been a ready sale for all that Smith --You're -wrong. The doctor halo been made in that vicinity, • and °ante to examine the insurance man'sname could have been sold. The price wounds. ved ind RUSSIA'S A BerrEs, In g will guard ageinet to'ter. tiltty, au the growing crop in no ono sewn utilizes it all. TESTING SEEDS. The farmer er gardener alieuld tes Russia has three armies. with dif- ferent terms of service. In .Europe 'ter mee are five years in the active a tbirteen in the reserve and five eecond reserve; in Asia they s vete yeara the aetive array and in in the reserve; in Caurasia they re tree years in the aetive arnly and Weep. in the reserve. SLItlF•P PROTEM'S TilEntL .t a:edit-al paper seye that in rail- collieions nearly alt the ea nen. Jag , 0 are aeleep env. the bad on effects of shaking and eaneession, na- 1 tare's own enttesthetie preserving, of them, co el, th te, it be da s. a be Ut ly It ut Then came a night when the nIglit- . ingale eta not sing. Vynie did not miss it ; she slept so sound ce nights now. On that night followed a day when DAIRY GRANULES. Throw away the shallow pan setting of the Milk, for this is the abomina- tiof all the evils. Take the deep setting in cold water, Churn to gratin- fyou in yoan the winter It was a slily little tbing, but it was all eould do for t he deer. And it did do her good. You said so." He turned aside bis head, exhaust- ed. She sprang up. "Dear Tom-ruy own dear Tem! You're not going to die. I he did what was better. He got well. HE GUESSED WRONG. to ed and presently that, in its turn, gave place to the yellow glow of i he night We light, and the great shadows it cast. N "Are you asleep, Sissy, me otyna," YOU said the little voice. tam "No," my darling." Rose bent over it o the had ." Does it want anything ?Win it have scene milk,-niee fizzy milk?" " No -yes; but I' want La her the niglitingele, Sissy Why doesn't he ,• begin? Isn't it late enough?" has " Yea, my sweetheart, but perhaps 110. [he nightingale's go suchpretty iorae, in the warm country -where - Ives that: be can't melte up his mind o come here." IL Oh, Sissy, be must: come! T can't lie the till all the time unless he comes I Do ed i lease a.sk God to tell the nightingale ow badly I want hint. And, Sissy, put out the 111,:,:b t: 11,g:hM t. Perhaps he does - 't like Co sing till he'S su re Pin in sue-, )ed and he could ribl: know I've got hoIh roken, could he ?" • brot • No, my precious one. Try to go to d„,,. d' 1 Jeep, anSissy will iaeilre you if he -- TOOr egina lo sing," nut Vynie could not sleep, and by A re orning. the fever was high. She alked, and weaned and laughed, but W lWaYs her r Y. was for 1 be nig-hien- sure Ole. • Oh "nleSler Tom, mss, to inquire." frien Rose went down tternbling with lie w NOT TARING CHANCES. eighbor's Day -Pop sent me over borrow your lawnmower. uburbanite-He's early, isn't he ? haven't used it ourselves yet. eiglebor's Boy -He said he thought se hadn't, and now would be a good e to cut the grass before youse got ut of order. • N SELP-PROTErtTiON. •ar 1 she said, I wonder. what became of that household Jour- , e ditle't say a Wara. tere was imether reelete in it that anted to tey. e for now he was assured t he ban done wisely when he burn- t up. '(40 HODES TO LIVE FOUR YEARS. iss Rhodes, sister of the "Colos- " says it has been foretold to her, by cards and palmistry, that her her will live Toter years more, trag whicli time he wilt achieve e than in all his previeus career. LL THAT WAS NECESSARY. reeeivea is 13 cents a pound, equal to ati cents for butter. --- FARIVI INDIVIDUALITY. The trouble with average mankind is that it delegates somebody else to do Rs thinking:and as much of its work as it is passible to get rid of. The agri- cultural eeperiment stations are do- ing a splendid work in the way of ex - peri mettle. Li on, bu t every farmer ought to experiment for himself. Not that he should go into expensive, dif- ficult experiments, hut into ordinary ey..perimentittion to test the value of different varieties oi grain, fruit and vegetable. Probably there is not one farmee in • a thousand, perhaps not one in tan thousand, who min say that he is growing the best and most profitable variety, or that b.e is using the beat means to keep up the fertil- ity of hi- land; and in the majority of rases ne one can give him accurate in, formation upon these points, for there is an individuality about the faim, NEGLECTING THE ORCHARD, The advice to continue apple -tree planting is sound ertongla with this proviso addect-t hat no oneshould at- tempt it -setae is net firnal3r resolved to ere yoee amateur theatricals a give his trees and the jand they grow ese : on all needful attention. It may safe- ', yes; every ono in them had ly be reckoned that not more than (ma- de enough to convince him that third of the owners of apple oreharde as the beet, one of the lot. • look after them, as they should and V TIVWFIff.frf ....ar..11•••••11.1-sw NELSON N OW8. IVE ONTARIO VILLAGE WRE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE VALUED. mit. Fitzsimmons About Agnin-Tione,. hotid'a Kidney PM* tar it Vied Abon Two nous and health sow Perfect. Nebo, Ont., tLay 14.-Frien4ls of NErs. R. Fitzeimmone of this inane wilt be pleased to learn thet elm 1st alrottt again. As is well nnuwn in this distriet, Mrs. Fitzsimmons has been more or less of an invalid tor the grrater part of the lest twelve mouth e She is now, bowever, in rebus; health and thanks Dield's.Kidney tills for it. Piteetizumons, her friends will emember, was not at first aware of the cause of her ailment. Kidney. Dis- ease attaelts its vietims in so nriny forms and 80 gradually that its pres- mice goes generally undeteeted, until ' its ravages have affected some Other vital organ. Then the =hely is called ; Heart Dime -lee, Itheumetiein, Bladder COmphtinl, Dropsy, Women's Weak- ness, Paralysis, or some other one 01 those many forms of d;seased kidneys, Sueh, no doubt, was the danger into whieh Mrs. Fitzsimmons was running when arrested by Dead's Kidney Pills.. She eomplained of e p -tin in the side. She grew so weak. that sbe WilS, as she ' herself suttee, almost unable to walk. She took various inedif.ines, never dreaming, of course, tint Kidney Dis- ease Wali, the el nee of her trouble. When the truth did °emir to her, she at mice hag reeettree to Fettle\ Kidney Pills. TI1P result is she is now in per - fen health. Lannon !rune aye, oninibusee and andereround railways carry yearly 453,all6h100 pa ss e n g, e *Promotion of General ittappiness' Ie securee by Nerviline-the greet nerve -pun cure. The highly pene- trating Pre -peril -es if Nervillete ineke ii never railing in all t';33se.,4 Of rheum - at 1sn, neuralgia, aramps, pains to the back and side, leanbego, &o, We heartily conaraend 13. ABOUT THE HAIR. , Paris has given hp waving the hair in front, It is worn very far forward and dragged ,to one side to shade the facie. Some women affect that child's fashion of tying a smaller ribbon bow at the left side of the front hair. TO CURE A CORN. There is no lack of se -called cures for the common ailment known as corns. The vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms bare been ran- sacks 1 r tires. 1 1. a s rrpl, mat er to r'enifive corns without pain, for if yew will go i o any druggist or medi- cine dealer and buy a bottle of Put - ea 'm Painless Corn Ext re ct or and apply it as direeted the thing is cline, Get "Putnara's," and no other. • MEN AS HAIR GROWERS The longest esearded hair growing on a female head was eight feet. Tbe longest recorded beard was twelve jo5d0111 - „goo& in buying tea corisi,ste Itt buy/ C331 7'.OleT te'•.tee,.. Lead Faoltalte. •-• 046/111.11.46016,441.1s10/6",4111,411,164c.".+44.11tis.11e.44-4 isollefilivels- Mk Ihrdikill• 1011111 shade e-ou want But a woman wants will assist you to select the exact J tion of colors. and A good color char Ie usually a. vent gtlide in the &elec.. , E a good paint as well, one that does • not peel, crack or blister, be b gs, ece 40, ep and See. A WOMAN'S tesivenseeeneineenenionneneenteet° ten* 0 T. Ramsay's Paints, are made for beauty and durability, t look welt and west well, a little pret tier than the prettiest aadJtstini better than the best. They laea,utif end preserve everything they toilet. Ask your dealer. .Rtimsoy g1VP • S0t;n4ta1,.. PUEDE * ifmrleot,..aluwed-aly hueband has teak,- ed me out at having a new epring br llaiSS Gabby -Row did he do Jt9 Mrs. Nuwed-Re says my hair itsin pretty he hates to, see it hidden by a , nat. tnrAvrFIgriYeOeese niergleOEP hassa g bees 14484 1/484woweretr thcirchillreu tchip.g, t it COIxp. pla kit :r b.; "e" c558, Itfg: .424' 11;t 1132.1:1.N1r.t,c4:" Sow hy tAgrmliftWIC Oa woe*, no nue and colt far" Wipe area deal/sing Sp When all other gore preparations it, try Holloware Cora Cure. No in whatever, and no inconvenience using In ••••••••••=. EFE's 2. -41" IVIA)...1 T EXT 141:k4 6s1;3,2 P334;33-ta- LL5Y0 Wool), riotenn •••••••••••• 3EAKING INTRENCHMENTS. lo making intrenelnnents the pick mu -t be nevi trout awl rear, and never rose the trench, nor can men safely work closer together at such operation ban four feet. TO CERN A COLO IN 0,111, PAT Take To.xativo Brom° Qainino Tablets, AD IruggZe'sramel the mom** it rails to cum 2Se. S. W. Grove's Lggaature an eseh box rz.12 The Elephant •-• Professional Hi would not lie no WM if it were not for the long jumps The Kangaireo-Ole I don't mind (bane. 41130 Reward, SIO. The random et thto parer will be pletueel t !own that there is micas! ono dread, d (limas that solenea has burl able to cure in al 11 eeeel and lyt Clitarrh. Iitura Caterr tee etraont. tetra Cetera Clue to elk( ntn ter irgl .1. 1? a _ 4.-6;z4luttitn,:kglii17extInt 0 01 nitiri; 4'1,7k gr'llf tt," nle n au c tbeiohy de troying the found:nip of Ito' di -o, an giving a o patient strength by building up th constitution and as- naturo dohm Its 3rertt. f.he preerlete s here so much taien in Fs curative powers. that itcy orer no Imo- dred Dtilars for any cas- that it fails to cure Send for list of test, moniak Address. .T. tilt NEY & CO.. Toledo, 0 Sold by druesi• s, 7.",e• Iferaely lot.lis aro the boob DISTREeiSING .A. Man can't be too careful whom he rnubs. 'Whet do you mean? Why, every once in ewhile snub- beti -Fume plain peeple who efterward tame into a lot of money. titutionat &Reese, require+ a tionmettion • , 144 5144 Prayer otflxu, scarikaz, ipolft,Rosarreere .8tiVirrT;s1VreC_1447rgfili4tsa., 0.44.goAlitifft 4/4 00,11eatreal. SALE L 05 To ITATCX1 MAI* Mosaics and White ?ad; Ito -lo, high elan stack $t a attend. Rig McIDOV041.1,. RAZ 2 Cothoprood.Dot. POULTRY, SLITIERt ECLIS, APPLES, tni other PROMOS. to e!sore hog Tashi carols's to Tho Dawson Cortunteelon Co., Llolittid, eor.Wett-tearest14 Colborne STorente, eing I Cleaning 1 Ter : he vory testy or- I your sc:xli to Oa " ARITiSt# AMERICAN OTEDie CO," Llnen Marker Pr-rre&f, TA 7 'arises, or;zakuldctr:gru, real.l'oronto, Ottawa, bec -__ r cmo uo..-.10 ,04448 a N.4#44tle aa*10 la :ATM elcAr. WIC if.alaMCI, la* pletr ..'iesa4-b. lizzetaerIP Ca' 11.5 J, areetr re1412e tt3sext,letytrry, Le go its„Tps. 0. ItiO4G.4 AO: _R ..,-. ..... 110.11N. fin p 1 fj 41 and Sh T 1111. Mei or artett. SLATE SLACESOALISS. 0 JPIP:r KII'Llio awl Iligh8;:belis.Telnun howler nth. emit Tor. ire, lit),JFIAJ TILS (S -e NOW *511y0341. fano Ine eve dent ee mar Ono. Mast Caters, eor. eces,ote, E-Alosatosturobilei a tor work otglarlete or !OR, 0. 'Aterudssb U4 En 5 larrlrta tatinualterhoo l2i,3 -,-....,— OliTillX4 ei0113, Adelaide& VildnierliteTarenio. Ante FURS. FURS,, Importer and exporter ot Raw Furs and Skins. Con- tagnments Felteited. High - eat prieerental for Musing. 11. JOIINSA: St. Paul street, Montreat' Michigan Land for Sale. St COS ACRES 0000 FARhilliti LANDS -ARENA° ZEUIV, osretaw and Crawford 1..`olinti,..a. TizIr per. feet, On :3441..gan Central. Ihrt.31. .5; 1:3U4u,112 al Leon Lako Jtadr,,acia, as pnzes sauairg Iran, 43'2 ta114 rer vlro. Viten Lana we Close 0 Lutrivranefr New TilYru, Char -boa, will romoosttlet•sou. Apply to It. PI EittNi, Agent, Wee: 0,,'eilr, Mich. lr W lir4attamoro,141ah. o CANADA PERMANENT tletritICAL 40701- 335051511Y. • ,u,e•••••••••,,,a, T !AO g S rn..s 'Nan. 3, .3.3 Leo)vsg? t•,. „ r %16:1 • ue.vi Loan and Savings Company. IS61nrottAmai 1S55. The oldest and Largest Canadian tort. gaga corporation, Paid-up Capital, - $2,6oce000 Reserve Fund - - - neoo,000 need emcoanorreta St, Toronto. Dranoli Man., Vancouver, ILO DEensIT RECEIVED Interest oiltnvel. DEDENTI-111,.4 1.2.4171it for I, 1, 8, 4 or Srear,, with Nome, npon 0.114bed. ,3NYIV LENT en 3r3:•33 0! real tt,-tatemcrtgages, CoNein%Ant 01 I Num, r21 2; tele, olo. 1,74r furtherr...13.;tizirciresitazieite5tzeisom Mann ;Jaz Dir ctor,Toroato lotal eace-gxz:3,9 Mow' t ol, 3'3 r ST. JAMES' RaOrrar. F34.,t,c1-3.. Vi,33161,13vr14 1if,11‘).,e. 6 rrorerneuts-14ate,3 0,, ler W. P. C. 1034. carbolic fisl81f0ofneta. Soaps. °int. moot, Ti)oth etC.. Kase been awarded 103) tned6331a ;Are di4313:17nae: for Fupetior excelleav, ir rego,n1.11,....prerent. ens disysses. Ask year dealer to obtain s supply: Lists malif rl fre.,i on application, • F„ C. MAIVOI-JESTER rli-JaLseitt, Instruments, Drams, Valli:KM:S. vary Town Van have a Lowen, prices ever quoted. Fine 0;,31,3.13 gue 500111.44 tratlaue mailed free. Write us for anythlu„ 11114610 Or. i0usiclhiStrumente, h,aToront ,Zt,rfaeHo„4ag,iam A 5l3l34t, MITIs 14 Malec Iclwristers,ete..retnovet1 to Wesley Iskigs., Rics. wee et, nee Toror 5. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eh an are nete, ett ii 52 Over iS0 earglio power of Light for 20 Hoare at a o..)st of .03. Gives a better and more economical light than electric-, ity or oil. All coun- try houses, hotels, summer resorts and a nt p 10 re parties sheuld have them. MANTELS, CHIMNEY SHADES, 0118 entviallES, always in stock. Tiik3 Toronto Auer Go, roi Yonge St., Toronto. cars, TOront0. G. 1 Harp $6.00, VW. a ANNE -IT, Manager. JOHN d. MAIN, Supt. and .Trona - lie Canadian El ve We Safetyfi riOILEA Esplanade,• 'Toronto Opp, Sherboorne St., „ereneenen,„„eneen High Glass Water Tube Stoa Boilers, for i Ali ProsSuresp Duties atqd Fuel. SEND FOR ' DESCRIPTIVE GAT :„.1.00US. Toronto Electric Light 7,1., Ltinitecl { The T, Bator. 00. Lim .ocl ; DoffilDnialn ele nasseenatte, oe Lti'n" tod. atnitAlubo The Ci lab, Pemba Etnober f;;;;'3lig. Clo ' 1:1-10 WilumPolAtg. O tillun „ LitiO134, All of Toront.c. YOuVre boil as may be Beet working, 3.,3333., 3,33 33;1,4 .