HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-24, Page 54 • • ' THE /1 XETER Tiltd45 eCeSSity MARKETS. MONEY TO LOAN, We Ixave unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or vellage ptoperty at lowes ates of Interest. DICKSON ez CARDING Exeter. F W. GLADMAN (soccessor to Elliott Gladman) Banister Jiiti thtaiy 2111D, ConveYancer, Eto„ Money to lama on Farria lend village properties at Lowest rates of intereet, FFIOE MAIN STREET EXETER IT 151?..'BiNTN,MANE D. S.D. D.S„,eiletner Graduate of Tu oronto 1,ltversity. Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - SOWS Welt- West side of Main treet, Exeter DR ANDASON. (D. D. 0.L D. 0 DENTIST. lrouor lazeiduele et the Toronto Univenety. settri Royal College of Dental Sargeone of Optario. Ale bridge week. Crowns, ,as il Plate %rote; denetin the neatest possible manner. A Itarnaless anteethetie foahess extraction. The strictest .attention gen to tho reaervat- cn ot the natural teeth. Office opposite Cent teal liettel,Feeeter, ()Mario. • CUT -1111 -S -66+ - sand scud ns with'eteetitsiu silver. and you mill get by return mail a GOLDEN .13(114X OF coops ehet will bring you in Mahn hitaistSV, le one month, than anything else America. Salem -1 arrneuth. N. 8 Viva Packs ofCards Free, One emelt. ' ,,May I. U. Time; One pack klecert, One meet Vlitiotietet One_eaeli %eta, tio•light.' Ono peek "tnr SofaJust !folds Two. elaattplest O Other etyles with book of ste. eioue. Sena 5e. silver for postage,. et., W. KINNEY.I. Te Salem -Yarmouth. N. Vt- rOURT OF REVISION. ,.-ro,w:.isruc,OF HAY, A evert tor the tteVIMOO of the asteeement vet of the Township of Ilay for Han, or letet te laid at the Tourelup teurlela. en Written.Jiue fth, at *& 0 e e in th ture' 34e011. Any pereette havlug businesaa ld eettrt pleate tobe notice eild govern them- selves memetinely. FRED fiEe78 Sr • Zurich. May 7tb,1.999. COUR1 OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF 1811011NE A court for the ilONTWOU of the asneement relt of the Tonnehlp of teehorne. for •tlio.Yeal: Vete wilt hebeld at the Township Hall, Woe no Smuttier, June end at Itlekleck in the . foremen. Any acetone having blindness at add court will please take notice and govern thenteelvestweordingly. RANCIS MOLILEY, Clerk. 'Whalen. :gay Ith 1901e NOACE OF APPLICA- In The Surrogate Court Of The County Of Huron, In the matter of the Guardianship of Mary Alice Campbell, Nellie Gould, Caroline Gonld, and William John Gould, infant children of John Gould. a the Township of ty, in the County of Huron, yeoman deceased. Notice is hereby given that after expiration et twenty days front the flee publication of ehis notice appliention wilt be made to the Sur - negate Court of the County of Huron for ogrant of letters of truardiauship of the above zuuned Jannis to Mary Gould ot the Towoship of Bay. widow and William Northeott and RogerNortheett of the mine Once, yeomen, mother and uncles respectively of the said in - Santa. F. GIADMAN. Solicitor for Applicants. Dated at Exeter this 5thday of Illay lea NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Richard. Elworthy, late ot the Township of shorne, in the County ot Huron, nuttier, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. 0., 1897, that all persons having olefins *iralns* the Wahl of the said Richard Eiwortaye o died on or nbout the 30th day of Aprii, 3.900„t are required to send, on or before tee find easy of June, MO, by post. premed to J. U. Stanbutry, 13. A., Exeter 1,, 0., Solicitor for the Ifteentere of the fetid Richard Elworthee their namee es. addrees and. occupations with particu- lars of their elahns, and itatement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute:the aseets ot the said deceased among the parties entitled 'thereto having regard only to tho claims of which notice shall, have been given as above required. ; and the said. Executors shall not be liable for the .said assets nor Dew part thereof,. to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not havebeen received by thetr. at the date of such distribution. Dated the Oth day of May, 1940. . J.G. STANBURY,exEenn, Solieitor for the Executors. . . . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of William Stevens, late of the Vit '- . lage of Exeter, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice ia hereby gives pursuant to Ohapt. 129. It. S. 0. 1897,that all persons having claims against the Mate of Rio said William Stevens, who died on or wbout the lat day of May, 1900, are required to send On or before the 14th day et June, 1000, by post pre- paid to .1 G. Stanhury, 13. .A, Exeter 1? 0, solicitor for Rio Administratrix of the said W111, Stevens, their names, addredses and oecepations with -particulars of their claims and. e statement of their accounts and the nature of the seertrities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby ifiven.that after tile last men- tioned date the said Administratrix will proeeed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the . parties entitled thereto, having 'regard only to the •claima of which notice shall inwe been given as.aboNe required ; and the saidtAdministiratrix shall not. be liable for the said assets nor any part thereof to air.v orpersoes of whose- claims notice shall not , have been received by her at the date of sixth distrib- ' STANBURY, ' , . Solicitor for Administratrix. Dated at xeter, the 20t11 day of 'May, 1900. ' BULL FOE, SALE.'' A thoro'bred Durham. bale (registered) 14 anonths's cad, ?:oten color, for sale on, lot 4, eon. 4, ttsborne. This is a duo SIMON Ef UNTE , ProprMtor. Exeter P. 0. ON HER MAJESTY'S SER- efeu etented at once for No. 0 Co , 33rd Batt„ Buren In fa n try, (Exeter COM pa ny. ) Age between 18 and 45 years, height minimum, 5 feet 6 Oldies, chest measurement, minimum, 31 inches. Pas soc Per fiair- AooLv at once to Lieut.'s Davis or Boyd, Exeter. as 'we are desirous of having our optimally completed in time to take part, in the colebraion at Exeter an the 211.11; those who intend joining will please do so at once.•. Ef. T. RANCE, CAPT. No, 6 Co., 33rd Bat rIWOCtICZYMZIVIretatiVetft...,e0=111Neas. rIEETING OF HI.JRON COUN'I'Y COUNCIL. The council of the County of Huron will Meet, in the coimell cha,mber in the town of Gode- tech on the first Tuesday in June next et 3 o'clock p m W. LANE, Clerk. 15..U -Law No.i, D. 1900 Polio Villagoot Dashood, IN TEE COUNTY OF ERMON, TO raise by debentures the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars, for the purcbase a Fire ,ngirxe and Other ap- pliances for the purpose a fire protee- tion arid the supply of water therefor. • AFF, WerElteas the Ponce Trustees destrotQtuake provisions for Fire Protection - AND WHEREAS the Police Trustees estimate the cost thereof at eS00.00 and they desire to purchase aro oneene and appliances. and to ewe fee ileatpurese the said sutra of *Oak% • by debentures In manner and payable as here- Inafter set forth. AND WnEntets under and in pursamee of the powers Tested in the Police Village Tres. tees under "The Municipal. eueenchnent Ace," 1200, Section 61, the seid I:melees have author- ity to issue debentures for said purposes. ex- tendMe over a period et ten years. Aree SHEREZIS the total amount required to be raised mutually. by special rate. on a1 the eatea.ble property of the said Police Village ot illia.eltwood, for a period of ten years, for the oaring eir the said dela, and interest thereon is the sum of $101.60, as set forth iu the schedule hereinefter written. Axe 1,11nEnees the $elreral annualamounts payable for principal and interest In the re. spective Team are those retpeetively set out in the said selledulte AND Wlienret-s the amount of the whole retoble property of the said Police village of teeenweee, ttecorclipg to the valuetion,equeliz- ation and deterouratien vf tho .Assessors of tho Townships ot Stephen and Hay is $T405.00. AND WerenEes aermeling to euGh equalize. OM it will be nezessary fee the Muuletpal Connell of lite Township at Stephen 10i:elle de- bentures for the portion of such Pollee Village. situate in the Township of Stepheue amounting to 5e, per fl;reand the IgURICIPat CC -;.7., # of We're wnehip of Hay, to issue debente •ee, for the melon of seelt Pollee Village 05 18 situ - We in the TONS nslup of Day. mow:lento 48 per cent. tit the tofal amount a debentures and interest, whici ie more fully ea. forth in the schedule liereirafter ntee, Atm Wittelltee there Is no other vNisting De- benture dela of Gee said Police Village of WOO liTill:IMF01113 ENAMED by the C'etpore- tion of the Pollee Village of Dattwood. and it Ls hereby tenteted by the POlice Village Tree, tees tie *allows: L-jtsilo be lawful for the Reeve awl Tecate urer of tins Toweehip of Stephen. and they are hereby malformed aud instructed to borrow far the purposes aforesaM th sum of $ildeeli and to issue ten d bentnres of the Feld Corporation, each for the:sum of SAS7 payable at tire Molson's /tank, leisieter. and at the time set out in the s*itt schedule to this aud such Debenturee shall tent< mitt Rio rtepele le cars, Rio ir 1 ud • ti • as shown in the eatd ethedule. whtett interest la reckoned ea the unpaid pcipel at the Tate Of tiVe per cent. per annum tannuityl• 2. -It shall be ti.wful for the Reeve and Treas. user Of the Townslalp of Thy, and they are hereby authorized and instrueted to borrow for Rio purpittes aforesaid, the aunt of ',SSW*: and 10 itiette len Debentlires of the sale Corporation, tacit for the emu of $19.73. - at ree sous 'AIM at. the tintee set Out in the said Remade to this Iltelaw, and suck de- benturee fault repreeent, in the respective yeare Rio emerge of principal mid interest, respect- Ively, shown in the teed tielteclu,0 which be tercet Is reckoned on the unpaid partelpel at Rio rate of live per cent per annum (annuity). Vt.-U.414111 be lawful for the Iteevel of the Townships of Stephen and Hatt and they are hereby authored and inetrueted to gen the said Debentures, hereby authorized to be ie. sued, and to cause the eAme to be elened be, the Treasurers of the respective Municipalities tufa Rio Clerks of the reepective nre hereby euthorized and instructed to attach the seal of their Municipal Corporation to Gm ealt1 Debentures. 1 -For tho purpose of paying the Raid Debert- tutee. the annual surn otSee" e7 shall be wised and levied in etteltlearby owlet rate sufficient therefor to be raised, levied and collected et the same Limo as ordinary rates for the Munieipal- ity ht eat% year of the end period. of ten yeara, from and upon all rateable prepert•e in the Dasliwood Police Tillage, Situate In the Town- ehip of Stephen, In wheaten to all other rates ditring the eureeney of tho said Debenture. a. -For the further purpose of paying the mid Debentures, the annual sum of rth1.73 shall be raised and levied in each year hr socciat rade sufficient therefore to be raieed, IovXe� and collected nettle same time as ordinary ratee for tho Mutileipalley, in each year of tho said period of tett year a trout and upon all the rate. able property in the Dashwood Pollee Village, situate in the Township of Hay, In addition to all other rates during* the currency of the said Debenture. By-law shall take effect on and from the date ot the lineable thereof, which date shall bo the ditto of the issue of the said deben- tures. The followleg is the schedule hereinbeforere- ferred to :- TOWNSHIP OP STEPHEN', Theo. Amt. of Amt of Payable. Interest, Principal. Total. No. 1, -Dee is, 1900 s12.21 $11.69 853.37 No, O. ... ea le, 11.9741-60 e.1,87 No, 3. -Dee la, 1002 12.27 41.60 53.87 No. 4. -Dec 15, 1003 12.27 41.60 53.87 No. 5. -Dec 15, 1901 19.97 41.60 .487 No. 6. -Dee lo, 1935 12.27 41.60 53.87 No. 7. -Dec lee 1906 12.27 41.60 5387 No. 8 -Dec 10, 1007 12.97 ' 41.60 53.87 No. 9, -Dee la, lees 1227 41.00 63.87 No 16. -Dee 15, 1909 19,27 41.00 53.87 $112 10 $416.00 $538.70 TOWNSHIP OP Etat Tiro° Amt. of Amt. of Payable. Interest. Piettelpal. Total, No. 1 -Dee 10, 1000 811.33 $38.40 S19.73 No. 2 -Dee lo, 1901 11 33 38.40 49.73 No. 3 -Dec 15, 1009 11.33 . 3110 49.73 No. -Deo 15, 1903 11.33 38.40 49.73 No. 5 -Dee 15, 1901 11.33 3140, 49.73 270. 6 -Deo 15, 1905 11.33 38.40 49.73 No, 7-13ce 15. 1000 11.83 38.40 49.73 No. 8 -Dee 15,1007 11.83 38.40 49.73 No. 9 -Dee 15, 1903 11,33 33.40 ,19.73 No 10. -Dec 1,5, 1909 11.33 33.40 40.73 --- - $113.30 sssf.ea $107,30 9. --The votes of the duly qealifled electors of the said Police Village of Dashwood shall be taken upon this By-law on the 16th day of June,. A. D. 1900, conmaencing at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon and elosxng at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and the polling booth for the taking, of the yet° shall be held in Mossees ellein the said Pollee Village, and John W. Greybeil shall, and is hereby authorized as the person to act as Returning Officer, for the pur- pose of taking tho votes of the ratepayers. 10. -On the 161h day of June, A. D. 1900, at the hearer 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the said Returning Officer shall attend at Mossees Hall, in the said Police 'Village, and shall appoint, in writing, slimed by him, two persons to attend at thefinal summing up of the votes given for' and against this By-law; one person on behalf of the persons interested and destroue of pro- moting of the passing of this Bylaw, and one persoa on behalf et the persons interested in and. desirous of opposing the pas,sing of this By-law, which claer and hour are hereby fixed. for the fund purposes. 1.1. --The Returning Officer shall attend at MoSser'S 'Hall, in the said Police Village. on 181b 31.1110..A. D. 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon to sunisip the number of votes given for and. against this By-law, which place), daY and hour are hereby fixed for the purpose. Proyisiontelveiassed May 19 A. D. 1900. • • GEORGE-KELLERMANN, • • •. Inspecting Trustee. • 1. GEOUGE KEILIADYLIVANIV., inSpeCting TrIlSte9 •of the Peace Village of Dashwood, hereby eer- • tifi that the above is a ttaie copy. of a proposed Bydaw, which has been taken Into considera tion by tho Pollee Trustees Of the Village of Dashwood, ane \leech wilt be finally passed be the Po ice Trustees en the (Went of the asemt of the eleotote being obtained thereto), after one month from the first _publication of the lexierun TIMMS, in thee ViUago of Exeter, County of Huron, the date of the first eablicie den being oe elay A',1). 1000. and that at 1 he hour, date arid place: fixe0 it', the above ]3y -law, is the Halo and place fcir the taking of the votes et the eleetees and the place where thepoll will be held. . •• G IL' ORG 5 KELLERMANN, lnapectieg Trustee. Dated at YilIng,e Of Dashwood, this 19th day of :Vlay, 1900. , There oceurre 1 a sad vaeaucy in the ranks of Auburn young men last week, in the person of Gilbert Baer, second son of Mrs Baee.. of that village. De- ceased was 13(.' in the terenship of Hullett twenty-seven yeareago. The trained Zebras with Lemen Brothers' Big ShOW8 are a curiosity. Will be here June :Est. .. • . BeeTfielet. TiBufe.B.,-On Tuesday of lett, weelt . Robert Marks passed away at hiallOtOt in Brucefield at the age -tat )7ears,„ After a few weeksilinees. The deceas- ed was a native of Ireland, and when a. youn.g roan be settled near Bayfield on fart*, Itt 1855 he came to Brocefield Where heopened a genera). Sttne, and boughtlarge shipments of ,grain, that was shipped to Bayaeld, then a good lake poet. lie WAS- the Arst postmaster of our village, at that time the nearest post ofteeswere Harpurbey (near Sea, forth), Bayfield and Clinten in the vi- cinity, 11 Marks was then known for raileS around and did a flourishing bus- iness; he was a friend to the poor man.. A kindly, generous. honeee: man ; he leaves a. Willow and three ehilaren- Robert, Of Earisos; andMrs W .R.3,tten- bury atta MS* elarke, of ette He was a staunch Conservative,and well-read in all the affairs a the times. He will long. be missed in our village and vicinity, where he had many true friends, The- funeral took niece on Thursday afternoon to Rayfleld (*me, tery.-Xiss Maggie MeTaVish. of Del, troit, is visiting . at holue.--41iss Lang- ly„ of London, is Waiting at the home of her sister, Mrs W Aikenhead.-Sel- don. Ross has returned home front Chi- cago where he is studying dentistry, -The creamery eommeneenematiens last weeke-John Th1ttenbue os offici- ating in the post offiee at present, ow- ing to the death a Atr. filtirdock, brother of 3 Itiurdoek, pass- • ed Himmel here last week on his way, t 41°,... where he has a good position 13 o....,son'sdepartmental store. -Jas ; Aikettlicad left here la.st week for the Old Country. IT NEVER Fill TO HU SIGK rEOPLE ViEbIN in* Celery ...lompam Is A Great Physician's Prescription. t Ifossesses Life:0i\ tues Unknown to Other Medicines. elleeeleeeW All Classes of Our Peopl Speak of Its Marvel. Ions Cures. VSMINOMI. The bestblessing of lite -good health -depends upon the perfect action of the nervous currents and the vigor of tbe circulation and the qnality of the blood. If you are rundown, feel without eta orgy, lifeless, useless, fretful and des- pondent, one or two bottles of Paine's Celery Compound will effect a wonder- ful change. Constipation will no long- er give you disquieting thoughts; your appetite will come back; the blood will be made pure; sleeplessness, ner- vousness and headaches will be things of the past. This is the happy experi- ence of tens of thousands of men and women in Canada. The great and ever increasing de- mand for Paine's Celery Compoend as a, health builder tells the story of the continued confidence and faith placed in it by our people. Paine's Celery Compound must not for an instant be classed with the or- dinary patents of the dey ; it is an em- inent physician's prescription that gives new life, vigor and strength when all other remedies fail. The use of one bottle is sufficient to convince the most hardened and sceptical, LUMley BRIEPS.-T, Slavin has been engag- ed. to draw eretult for the Exeter creamery for the summer. -John Bol- toh has gone to Seafortb,where be has secured a position in the flour mill, the property of his uncles, the Stewart Bros. --John Horton purposes raising his barn and placing a wall under it this summer. -Mrs. A. Neil, who has been poorly for a long time, is improv- ing. -H. Anderson moved and raised his large barn this week, preparatory to placing a wall under it. Remy be- lieves in havingthings done up right. -Miss Annieorney, eldest daughter of Henry Berney, is lying very ill at the home of her parents. Her many friends will be pleased to bear of her speedy recovery. A NARROW ESCAPE. Tankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a. had cord which settled on my lungs ; cough set in and finally ter- minated in Oonsu in ption. Four doctors gave me np, saying I could live but a short tinie. I gave myself up to my Saviour,determined if I could not stay with my friends .on earth, I 'le ould m meet y absent ones above. My hus- band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eigl3t bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved tend now a well and healthy woman." • Sold by all druggists. 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded, Timothy Hewitt, of Billet -ale, was last week admitted as an inmate to the House of Refuge. Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- ziness, nausea constipation, pain in the side, guaranteed to those using Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. • One a close. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. Mrs John Arthur has purchased the stock of G F Youngblut, A.uburn's late • shoernaker,and intends to carry on this business in all its branches. Mr Young - hint has gone to Henson Private McLean, who was wounded on May 10 in an engagement with the retreating Boers, is a brether of David McLean, of the River Road, 1.31a,nshard, and is well known in St Mary.. He had been living in Brantford for about a year and enlisted with the first Can, adian contingent. tie* KTIOWSvn wheat pert/v.4am, te N0 La 0 Battey - rt Exeter..111A Ord ,19e0. .,I3ut a taw of Nature bows to_ the necessity of keeping the blood pore -so that the entire system shalt be strong, healthy and vigorous. To take lifood/e Sareaparillaethe great bleed purifier,. is therefore law a health and it as a necessity in nearly every household, Xt lierer disvpaints. Erysipeina-"Bati severe Attack ; eryelpelae, atiffering Bean dizzItteSS and rteevousnese so that Icoul4 not reet et Went. ° Tried/food% Sarsaparilla with geed results, and now recommend it tet °there," oria.m.tees, Toronto, Out, Tired FeelIng-"Was all run -dot:mend I had no appetite. Wee tired all the thee. Sereaperilla Wee suggested, and a teat benefited tale se latleh that HOW I 5 0731,4nlifinottierrbe u.leettin°t11:arNelurteetlial,‘VNI43.ep.". 1°s'. -...keveera011:07#4.4-'7'` cod's Pitts earls liver tee no erritattag anti eaater th Uesd's Ssiill, - .-..5 .f.d4a to° 44 Butter...e. Turkeu 10 graieltens per*s ::::******12111 ese ,P OM • ro Dried Apples6 - .. .4.1It 11.1.1 •fi k3 ro. 7tow 68 3VI 494.25 te 0-4 LONDO• N MARKETS, Deletion, MAY e3rd. 190 Wheat per bushel,.. Poe 1)010 7 Bailey. -88 to 42 te 48 Rye - . 51. to 06 Cora Beaus. - o 17 .... • Le 70 Butter - 14 to it Eggs - -- 15 to 16 Ducks . ... „ .60 to 70 10 to 12 Geese per ?b..-- . ..-- 0 to 40 atick.OAS 5C to .5 Chem...-. ...... 8 to 1.0 Potatoes per bog ... .54 to 75 Ilay per t - et 0.00 to ; 7,50 Perk tier cwt... There are many rare animals with Lemen Brothers' never before exhibit- ed in America, ancl will itebere June, let. eeteeeee- J Nieholsen has purchased the 'Tieonlyl30.lugRamt00 in hntlArsraefona thele hodist wtnldvulbe1rejutecouretttere,anlutetalmaug Tbe posters toe Lemen Bros. circus it Ins foture residence_; it is reported lie intends building a harness shop on the erune lot. The roost valuable Elephant in the are adorning the bill -boards of the ferW11. Aneas Down*, of Blanshard, who left- for the North-West some weeks worlti will be here June it. ago, has located near Wetaskiwan. al - . Meg ion a few miles south of Edmonton, FOR ov,vat Fin )1' )rtlATtS His family will go west durifie the As Oen Aso WE11.-TIt.teD ligttlefre.-Mre, sentinel', .., Whisloe•eSuothive setup ime Wee usea fee oeer titly years by tontine of mothere for their 1 amerce nbee teething. with perfeetenceete alit. curee a aid cella, and is the best remed5 Better stop that cough now with a few doses of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup than let it run on to end perhapsin Bran- chitTs, Pneu- monia or Con- sumption. It's o 'won derful I ung healing.-:"VmetlY that cures tie ' worst kinds of coughs and colds when others fail. Price 25c. & 50e. Or. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. F herland limes Co. LTD. . RI PREPARED TO PURCHASE It soothes tbeehili. setts= gum% alleYs Yor Inatelecea. le is pleesant to the taste. 0o). lar druggists in every. part of the world. 25 (Tulsa bottle. lte value is incalculable. lie sure mid aen for Mrs Winsiew's eootblee eyrup and tette no other tied. Tutt DF'. -A rich lady cured at her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsous Artificial Ear Drums has sent MAO to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. .Ap- py to Dept, A. S. V, the Institute, ITS0 blight]) Avenue, New York,r, 8. A. All dealers. LAXA. Cure constipation, laliousnets, skit beedache and dyspepsia, Every LIVER pill guaranteed perfect and to act without any griping, weal:veer or sickenbag effects. sec. at all drug. PILLS gists. L6111611 .^{ Rifee0fMe etele.ree% •-e-eeee.-rer e OTHER TIMBER FATHER STANDING OR IN THE TAGS, Apply to E. 0, Kesset, FOREMAN, EXGTER, ONT. I "'"'"*":""*"'"':!•"!,.. .".7^7",r,!..?".."!!"!""r"rr rothors W(1111,1I,S._0.NSIT11.8110W8 3 RING CIRCUS, ;CONTINENT MENAGERIE, TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION, REAL HIPPODROME, FREE HORSE FAIR. SURELY COMING AND POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT EXETER, FRID9Y,JUN.1 Good Clothes are not expensive, it is the common kind that CefltStS most in the end. -,{1. • -.. 7.1.1 . ' Shorey's Clothin must be good as every garment is guaranteed and money will be refunded ifit is not as represented. seams are overcast. The Cloth is sponged and shrunk. The Linings are good. The Buttons match. The inside, which you cannot see is as good as the outside which you can see, It is sold by reliable dealers only. Made to Fit -not made to Order. Forbes worsted Trousers horey S Retail at $3.50 Tailors get $6.00 teeleeelfeeeeeeeeeremeneeeee.e.,,,,e., tar * * * * * 6 * • * * • A SLATE FOR 44,1/4 SLATER "Slater Sheer.'" have their rxteanr. et Meet:- ficatien, citlintetaiehfc4 teen trent the hi;nies ef nee:el:es ;tees. A elate framewith the norr.ear.d price in 94 as trar.ded on every so by the maliere. Leak en the cote for the &late, co without it's no 11 Slater," Shape.; that fit the foot and meet fa:Nan% s,.eemente, r -qt"- Jor •-t reliable an eetoro reott Only le.athert; cult:Ale. Every pair Coorlyeov 114' lring.- atrUMVOAWARratilninnri=rt= 14,1g.tr,. . J. SPACKM.A.N, SOLE I ()CAL A4EN1.;„ #6, NEM , On Wednesday, May t3tin tbe resi- &nee of O. W. Lawrence, Morris, was Meat !upon the ottat•ton ef t .1 t. kt of M ooti ket he seTe faShili21,0itt: tins hii1 daughte r. 114 151 to Rohl. J Clegg, B. .A.. :vele it fiant of Beige:ire. The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door South 01 Carling's Stara A severe cold set MI on id the, et aml lungs en that I multi hardly epeate Atter ini.er rein. edies failed 1 tried Lie le code: :Noway Fine Syrup and one bottle of a tenepeeely cured ine Drs. Thos. (*tarter. ;Northport. Veit where he will keep tbe choicest of meats eonstanfly on band. A OALT4 soutirmn, EXETER JOHN T. MANNINO ROLLER MILLS CALL AT ef'f_,____IENAL FEAT OF' QE MING WALKING, . THE MIGHTY BOVALAPUS The rarest, strangest, awfulest of all the mighty monsters of the great deep. RAJAH, The biggest brat° on earth, a towering giant. The very lord of beasts. Taller, longer, weighs mote; cost more than any other elephant ever captured. Bigger than the famous Jambe. CAPTAIN SANTIAGO HIM DIVER, The world's highest diver; actually flings himself backward from ehe highest point ever dived from. LITTLE EDNA, The girl Wonder. .• The only lady turning forward and backward somersaults on a bareback horse. A cballenge of $10,000 to anyone who can .• • produce her equal. RACINIC STEERS, . A Great NoVelty. • 10, EXALTED CIRCUS CHAMPIONS IN ISO SUPREME ACTS. • Complete, Largest Greatest' • . WORLD'S. /VIEDNR.GBRIE9. KITTIE KRUGBF, The only lady 4- and 0 -horse rider in the world. Horse, Baby Hippopotamus, 13abY Lions, Serpents and Birds. el • Whole droves and herds of Animals, Giant Camel, Long Maned and Tailored gAooluasrge\svota°c1Oeoroffthresilnagtt- ,7" 6 THE FAMILY tee For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, 1 BOLOGNA. and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, • LAMB, FRESH PORK, and. all kinds of ireste oarsd Sealtecl Meats, on hand. Note the address, one door north of . The R. Pickard Co's store. MIS Y5 PROP rr 11-11 B Clothirtg UES, I. & , thWAYS READY "Nee UR Mill Feed and Cern CONSTANTLY KEPT IN' STOCK. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID h'Ort GOOD BED WINTER. 'WHEAT. Carload Matn. Southern Su eet and Improved Learning seed Corn. J. COBBLEDIOE. & SON, COVERED WITH SO a', ES 111.9.3. cured little Harvey Deline nine years ago and he has never had a spot on him since TT is praotically impossible to heal up 1, soros or ulcers'especially the old. chronic kind, with ordinary remedies. No matter how large or of how long standing they zney be, however, they heal up readily eue, stay healed permanently when Burdock Bior..d Bitters is nsed. Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show big range at moderate prices in Scocch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as - ,.sorted stock. Prices to suit f:Eiv8eIR,EETiv0P11,1131110)I.EAVE.RYMENIERY2nAdy T. 10 clO'CLOpCX. `fGroluavEluostt A CALL, and see $ 10. M. what we eau do for you. BX01113810N3 ILL RAILROADS. ALL TENTS WATS R,FROOF, « J. H. Crieve. Doors open at 1 and 7 P. •Performance a•_t2 and 8 P, M MERCIIANT TAILOR. let" 6 - HARVEY DELI N E. Zara. 13. .Deline Arden, Ont., proves this In the following account she gave of her little boy's ease When my little eon Harvey was one year old her broke out in sores all over his body. They Would heal up for 9. time, then breek out again about twice a year, till he was past four; then he seemed to get worse and was completely prostrated. When doctors failed to tura him I gave him Burdock Blood Bitters, and bekdes 1)athed the scree with it. It is nine years ago sine. this happened „ ana must say the.t in all this time ha has never had a spot on hie body or eav sign of the old treable reterning." • . , ..` • „ 10 . - ,r!