HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-24, Page 41
rhe Moisons Bank MAFEKING RELIEVo,D
1 Huron ContetY Notes.
. ....
Perth Piokinge
— Lacrosse News.
. ......
Balers -Mr and Mrs Jas Miller, of
the jieuie of Refuge, Stratford, ,ar.e
t o few wee s visit am nest, their
au n a Is o ,
old, acquaintences.-Rev De lintnilt011,
of 131htherwell, svas here last rr• ida,y
assisemet Re NI Scott in the ar
• - e . v P PrePa.r,-
tory serteces for sacrament, which,
was dispensed on Sauday morning to a
3 - -.Mex McLachlan los
large audience - .Mex
a, va ua e iorse lie XS", 0
1 lel 1 S 41' b b iug
• . . • .- • . - 7 -
etarreo. with a snare sticx.--messre me -
• • - - • a
wino. au& Kennedy are busy this wee
°1°Ying and raisthg barns or A Ale '
Lachlan and G Wilsore-Frnit pros-
Deets are oocl if uot destroyed by the
- 3 .
aernos nie. .i, ros a- . rs oy e LS
htx - f t M B 1 •
- 0 • r
zornewhat improved. being nine to go
about without the aid of a atntr,-Jns
Miller sr is awav imon an extended
,,,• .. ' " ... . . , e . ._. .
* ism amongst merles m avisconsin.
Ever have them?
- Then we can't
. r tell you any-
thing about
them. You
know how dark
everything loo
,. and how you are about
ready to give up, Some.
how, you can't throw
the terrible depression.
Are things really
blue? isn't it your nerves,
after all? That's where
th e trouble is, Yo
nerves are beingpoisoned
the impurities
your blood.
, .
' -
. 1,
urifles the blood
gives power and stability
tO the nerves. It makes
__ealth and strength, activ.
xty cmci eileerfulneeS.
This is what "Ayers"
will do for you. It's
oldest Sarsaparilla in
1/1-14 the kind that
OW before other Sorsa-
parillas were known.
This also accounts
he saying, One bottle
of Ayer's is worth three
bottles of the ordinaty
• st
at Utile All emanate
MAR° tifte Vector*
et nu eave aeyeetspisietweatever
erei Ogre thOtMitnlIttOnd *deice
an essallay receive wales the doctor
reeiy. Ten win. revere a prerapt
Or, Neuron cog. eesrese
au. a a IMER,Zawell,t1seff.
k $
u r
. -.
,PHARTEDED. BY PARLIAMENT, nese n wan officially anuouneed Friday
aiti Kt CalgtO, --. - that I tit l' *- d f ts d
saseehte w wiz , e aagersan or aroun
est rued, - - *i445.000. Mafeiting had, been severely bombard-
Heed ellice.elentreal, ed the siege wee abandoned. a British
force from the south taking possession
woLrEnszot THO.U.3..% ESQ.,. of the place relieving ff.
uEN=Ar., aus,A0.rat, mateitill ' - r d le d
g was re ieve tea ies ey,
Stoney adveeced. to geed fennel's,' ell their- The seige of Mafeking began on Ore-
wallow with oue er fleas) endorser at 7 err sober 13, and a d M r- there-
en e on May 0. ere-
me per amen.r
Exeter 'Welsch fore having, lasted 214 days, There
was in thetowa small force of13ritish
Open every lawful day from le a. Ba. tO SP- o' irregulars, pollee and towns en under
SATURDAYS. 2a. U. tele, nie command of some Imperial officers, F
nrrentrates ot terest snowed.= eposits, among whom luckily was Col. Baden
XOESON & CAM/W. N. la Eleltlaahl. Posvell to assume chief cowl -Italia.
ecaterrorte. 34.1074"11 There were about 7 500 natives end
, ,
*eters Dee. 21ne'9.5. /.000 eivilians, besides the small feree"
The contract tor laying granolithic
*cl lk * W* nh I, li e been let at
si. ewe s in ine a a a
lle a foot.,
The yeteran merebaut and tailor, of
Goderich, A. P. Mame annoneces
that adter a business career of 40
h Ill ' t*.
e•eare e wi le are ad allow Ids sons
to carry on the store.
=as . i e , -
Th Bell,of Arreeham has of
fered to give $000 towards paytog off
the debt of St Paul's church in that
town proving the congregation can
raise $700 in six months,
Alleu S. MeLeau, who has bee n
Reraling a couple of weeks with frieuds
ire Seaforth, left for his home in Lon-
don. Eng, 1:le was accompenied by his
The wouderful Mayetta. Family, re. Theee svas a very spleited inetriecittavn
nowned aerialists, Will perform here
a - - 1 - ...."
June 1st. held. Frid y afternoon 'n the W' s •
hotel, St Marys, when the severalsl
Dr Fraleigithas arrived in St Marys delegates from Exeter, Clinton Peek -
mut hee entered, upon his partnership hill, London, Seaforth, Mitch'ell aod
Practice with Dr Ma,thieson. $t. Marys, met ha commit for the par-
Miss •orultenden. of St. Marys, has poso of arraocri h d 1 f • ti,
tiga se ene ca. .ie
returned from AU exteuded visit to • n r ,_ —,
coming lacrosse eeasop. iraue Ns ee
Japan and other •eastern countries. lianas of S . f th d' t d t t • -
. ea or . is ne s.ecre tuy,
Mrs Job Tu k • of
• a e ele - '111QQ"Se1/11114.. presided and performed his work
Man., is paying. a visit to her parents. well. The first question discussed
Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. Heal, in Fullerton, was whether the St. Marys Alerts
Ou Saturday evening there died at r -IA t t • •
were e igt e 0 en er the Junior ser-
his home in Stratford. John Orr, at ies, St. Marys of course was at tile
the age of 41 ears e was bo ex in
7 s li . . 1 beguaraug of the year placed 'in the
Stratir°1'd• intermediate series, but owing to the
4 ter lat than never't e
'Bel r e an I • is best li •
withdrawal of the from
- f let G I C
- o be
Miss Serabel MeLean
however, to be never late other clubs
inn i ater men. eeera a sit
Calendar for 1VIAY, 1900. gan the seige with 8,000 Men and nine
90 ee guns, and since then other cerulean-
UNDAY.,... 6 13 .,- ,,,,t
Eozgray 7 u ea es dents have succeeded Paina Cowman-
IsESDAY •„Ns daut Spun= being the last A big
vaseieesatee„ , . 2 9 in 23 30 Creusot gun was brought to reducer
3 10 17 2i 31 tbe town after it bad stubbornly held'
`rtireve' 4 11 IS 25 out for three months, but it has not,
12 19 2(1 achieved 1M missiort, Col. Badeu-Pow-d
ell bas by ell eorts of zuilitary• opera-
sister. 1 , .
• Dr. Fra,nic. Scott, of the 2nd con, of
Stanley, is about ts f h
. • • Hblood.
o ail or ome. e
has been studying in ..urope, where
i he devoted his time to the diseases a
the eye, ear, nose and throat.
Samuel Boyd, for many years a resi-
dent of Seaforth, died on SaturclaY
last, after a somewhat extended ilb,
ness. The deceased 5Et
aboat this series, with the exceptiou of SL
Hood's &area merle to r f . our
P P11 3 7 7 Marys, the home team was conse-
Take M now. (mealy throwe out frona playing this
-,Tabeagatenst. "•31117or Jan season, unless they are admitted io-
v elonoloie ot ate -weed b 0 b
- • = . = r agbt Y to the junior series. This the dela,
ROLL Little, for alleged alienation of a gates from Lonclon, E.xeter, Cr t
svife's affections, has been dropped. In On
f jaiand the junior team a St. Marys,
H Ready! ra ansbard. has moved
- were unwilling to de, for no other rea-
into Mr Wilson's house, Greaten, and son than they did not wish to suf.:
occupy it temporarily. Ile in
STAHL-In Stephen. en theenst, inst., the wife
et Levi Stahl. et a daughter.
0D -In Seafertb. on May 12 leSeetniel DS9/-4,will
aged re years and 0 month.
elAlitlea-in Bracelield, en May akacJLqt Reber
W. marlis.eeed Tilmer93.
TRORN-In Los ,Augeies: ent., On the eetn.
inst.. Lewis 'florae. aged, 47 yeara,
"usP-R"T-bi.xirktcla an SaturdaY, It'aY lill-k•
Sirs At. Gilpin. aged 91 years. 0 montlie.
eliosi•membe et, mares U'
aziaa chewer., aged `a *y•enj'erPkelluttbasv. IV
liflisM-Ie Ashtleith el) May 12th. Harvey. i
Awit sell ch•leserlr Helm. aled ti olentlw, cud
18 dep.
ee • .
OTT -Iii east NS. awanesh, ea May5th, Owe
no3gerao. wife ef.l. T. 9Reett. aged 21
endu mouths.
RICKS -In London. On may Oh. Mrs• Rieke.
relict ot the iste Samuel ilia% remelt!' et
Exeter, 00041 yentn.
0 '9•11111NRlia et Fuevab re n 0 ei 18th last ,
'4'..anetduaaleler. 4retivtaer °awl late Merit
eardieermeed leyeara
nouosoN-In rounerston, on the zne13 last,.
Jameelleaseen.„ derinerly of rlsbernal awe
01 years, 5 months amyl re. deer.
' —
tions -by sudden sorties, by night stir-
prises by dynamiteexplosions, by bay-;
V , meet charges upon the trenches in the P
dark -and numeroue other manoeuvres
kept the enemy not only at bity,but in-
wee years of
age and was one of the veterans of
The results of the exaraination at
the Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph. are out A. Atkinson, of Eg.
-fer defeat at the hands of this famine,
tends to 1100Ve to Sarnia ha a few ible teem. Thia certainly shows the
Ae about. eix o'clock, on Thursday faint heart, and at the same time is
doing a great injuetice to our Senior
eveniug, Mrs Jane McTavish, ot North
Easthope, passed away at her home AlerLs. If these junior teams think
to shut the teams they
THURSDAY. MAY 2tt • l• flieted severe loss. i
mondville, has paseed his first year's
out old are
there. leaying a baby of two weeks. mistalcon as it is the intention of
the inuocent
ertetee. t li
— --1
Rev Joseph WWI, D. D., formerly Among the amendments in the .
,astor of Bond Street Coneeregatiolail Municipal Aet which have been placed r
bore% Toronto, and now m charee of n the statute book will be found the;
rue of the largest :churches in *Los ollowitle- i -Year
. Provtqlon la made for inere• sin the
tageles, tale was recently. invited to 4 Z
match in Honolula, Plesvalin Wands, number a voters in re polling subtlivi-
vide a view of accepting a call there. to 31`10, but there must not be3
iore than 400 votes in any one eub„,
it is now yearly two years same the e• ea ... I
'erriretrer's ofdee in Iluron County be. 'dry" 1.1* • •
e&stars The provision of the Ilunichril Act .
anat. vacant, by the death of the late _, .
neumbent, and eo appointment to fill respecting nuus. mspection are funeral
d in accordance with the provisious I
he vacancy has been announced. A. ed a. . •
orreepondent asks us why!' He also o€ the J-"ckensan B.IIL 9
At the su eetioe a the Brant l
Sits us what the counteds share of the gg • • I
many c . . ,
Mires has been since to office was re- outwit the section .of the "let
alined. if more or less than before 10 respecting horse thieves has been I
vneutled by nrovieliue that the amount '
rVe caunot anewer these queetionabut • .. • .--. • e. ... , 9
mum refer our enquirer to the Hon. payable as Imam SIMI, be in theet,
I. W. Rose, Premier of Ontario, • diseretion ef the Judge, but Shall not•
exceed the azimut:it fixed, 13e- the by-1ne
The Boer envoys. ,Mesers, nether. law. Under the old law the eel:mei
reessele aril Wolmarans called on eat oat be i 1 aese 1- i ,
McKinley 7..'nesday and were ateatieees Atcre than the horse was i
Kellen:a,. received. They were given watch, and cense et a held
ci. en y out a ,
o official status and presented no ere- temptation to defraud the zuuniei af
o ity ,
entials. After preliminary that the wheal it is sal, • , d -t- .
it pletee some flues
'resident confirmed the declaration of irresistible. ,
arretary Hay, that the United States The local iranrovemerat seatern is '
'.90ukl, not interfere, in any way, in extended te einageh as wefl as awes .
he present war, and etateethat there aud towne, and ttith4o Davit. f t • t
g 0 9 lee 9 1
/as nothing further that the Idnited • la , a • • f ,1
as we ae to te construction o en e• •
tales could do in the premises. The walks. .1
uvo:4,-a intimated that they were glad •Further provision is wade respect.
e feel that they bad friends in this in - - • a' „ t 4
. g the constitutioe an gosernmen I,
euntry and then bade the President of police vinaws. 're
ocel-bye. Munieipalities using electrical powexe
After the svraugle over the West may sell or lease any surplus electric,*
Euron and Brockville election eases power or energy, but not in caeas in,
ill come a binder twine scan...lel. whieh a company is in existence for
twit is the order issued to the Opposis the purpeee of supplying seal pewee ,,
on by their whip. It has been twhis. or energy.
ered abroad that Mr. Mulock is the
exanduatioe, winning a seholavship hi
D R Landsborough, of Tuckeremith,
utts pessed his third yeer examination
a . . -
at "rrinity Mecum]. College Toronto •
j T Ely r Eeno-sedame" flee rlaRSP(i
Into re--- ••• s' - 4-'-"'T
bis Anal exannuatiou at the earoe in.
StItUt WU, taking second-elass Leonora
Elizebetb Scott widew of the late
• ' e, died
Robert Graham, of Se Ingham, on
the Sal inst., at the great age of 00
years. Deceased was born. na Rex-
boroughshire, Scotland, coming to
Wingham about 1802, where she has
s.1 1. d
i ice ive ..
The ceremoIly of laying the corner.
stone of the new let. Paul's church,
1"rkt( z has been fixed for the after-
la ' '•
noon of the 7th of jaw. The Bishop
e e, „. e, . . . a
°A. .€4 nran has *".":""y coneeueeo. to a s
elate on the ocetielouiand several other
team it 1 .
.ne t speakers team e, fret.vuee
aye been invited to tales. part ne the
proceediugs and make addresses,
A visit to Wm. Warnock's erebarel,
shows that plums and pears have
bleseonied freely, and apples show
. -
eigns of an equally abundant flower-
inv. The leaves are ileyeloping grand -
ly autl there are no signs of that pest,
• • •
"liable " although at many points in
Ontario this insect is said to be in dans
gerous abundance. So far the signs
up this Was are a. full crop of phnus
and pears.-Goderich Star.
Gabriel Reeves, of Seaforth, met
with a bad accident on Saturday' last,
and one that came near proving fatal.
He was " •
, placing lightning rods oh a
barn for ;John Spoilt, of Tuckersinith.
and while working en the gable he
. lost his balance and rolled down the
roof, and being unable co help himself,
. he fell to the ground, a distance of
about twent f t T1 t t
y ee ie unio r unit e
cause of her decease. , this club to seek admission into the
Auson Moore, who WAS recent** ;limier series, and in this manner be
given two years in the penitentiary, placed in a position to cross. sticks
for eteeliug $21 from Wm, Leversage. with those unsportsmanlike teems
Of '.1.111art°b* was taken to Rmaiiitna who tried to throw them down and
Friday morning. beat t . g t et, nta la i 0
Not one in twenty are free from hem in 143 ions! t i
- , , or all years that the senior team
cletn,c eLttre allnientocallsed eb7 ina.,9tion ebould receive support ae the hands of
°1 Idle river' 'CS° €darter4s 1-dttle lacer their townsmen, and not be froz t
plea The result will be a pleasant en on
. . as they appaxeutly have been by the
prise, They give positive relief. mismanegement of the secretery of
A verY baPPY event. was celebrated the O. L. A., helped on by the rieighr
*€ tile rcsideuce a Isaac Kneatel• bors.London, Clinton and Exeter. 'no
Ellice, on Alay 15 when his daughter,
Lydia was united' in znarria,•re to Geo, other delegates from Seaforth, Parke
bat d /14..t tt 1 d • s
i an me c ei were very estrous ot
There, one of Ellice's Popular young seeing two clubs in town in the geld.
men. , and voted acaordingly. However,
R bt W 13' I F R AF
0 • W. Irta. ca -t• Marys, son of this will be the ultimate result of this
Robt. Birtch, of West, Zorra. has re- very unpleasaut matter, and before
eently bought the Robert Sperling the season i e d a se
.. . . . s far a venire Marys
eetate, adjoining the corporation of will see at least, one good lacrosee
St. Marys, 100 acres for whicla he paid, teem in the field,
0 " After this line of business had been
o tratford's oldest residents despatched, the a r rige t f the
i I in th • •-r a men o
Passed awa7 1‘1°°d€V. 1:1 --It € te€ echedule for the two districts waS Coin-
INT *S. Margatret W ' ther 'W OW
son at --1 . . a s • • pleted as follows :
f the late William liVitiker, at the age
• •
f 09 years. Mrs. 'Walker had been in e L
st Marys at Loudon, June 21, July
r three or four mouths, dropsy being -. - Marys at. ithu ,I ' July$1.e3
e immediate cause of death. :ar, at mares at ar I, June lo,
n Sunday 27th inst et '3 30 p in 19.
0 . , , • - . et . o, -
Ms Lordship, Right Rev F. P, Mc. London at St Marys, Jerrie 8, July 2 ;
R • . Bishop of London. will lay the London nt- Parkhill. June 5. JOY 5.
'e°,rne r stone of Dublin's new Roman Patethill at London. June 2„ Aug 4;
Catho lie church. The preacher on the Parkhill at St Marys, June 28, July 12. •
"on will be the Rev Father Bred
c'ecas1 . • • Y. II.
professor hi St Thelmel's College, To- Mitchell at Exeter, July 10 ; at Sea-
rout°. forth, July 2 aat Clinton, June 1.
A Granton correspondent, referring E •ete r at Ali ch I June 8. et Sea-
1. 1 4 t e) t t ' '
to a, former rest 1 t of IC kt •
t en ir on, ea.es . forth July 10; at Clinton, July 5.
"F W Clark re mrts 0 b • '
at usmees lias
. ,, . I. • . . . Seaforth at, Mitchell, Aug 3; at Exe-
been ear uee-onu bis expectations and. ter, June 22; at Clinton, July 12,
consequently; Ini 1 • 1 M C ' '
s eziete r names Clinton at Media, July 18. at Fee
b il l• 1 • 1.1 • • 1' b , . r
u ding or a ve-3 ear tuna N% De ter, Aug 27; at Seawall, June 12,
neans that he is here to eta . His • 7
I 7 %he following were the different
About three years
leave school with
Nyteacher said
or Eczema and told
Mother got some
• "
It did me no good.
A !tel? 1 had suffered
itchin . and burn'n
months, mother
Id t B d
'wou ' ry ur ock
1 only took two
my hands got completely
•-,EMITYin, Sheridan,
- ------- -
any e es
th B
In the end
it cheapest. Furnish
- -
cant room with
Bed Room Setts,
w h •
SO ave 1
Take a, look at
fi.nd what you
Opera House
It is fashionab
new heart scare
The commonest
peesia otrouble, r nerve
- . -9
Pltatihr4 weak spells,
tite, and poor circulation
fied and distorted
. .
Of heart trouble,
frighteniiig the
this or that heart
hundredth part of
we hear. about were
• teries would be filled
- •
Wrong. construction
• • •
m on ailments in
the people into the
. ..
disease •is prevalent,:whereas
' • .
heart troubl wh
- e,
Suddenly fatal when
a rare disease. Lopsided
cannot convince an
Iron is the vital element
' -
Too little iron means
of spirit pallid cheeks
, .
breath, Sleeplessness
- , '
loss Of vital force,
break -down. The
'9 oo an erve
ble form you need,
• h h '
wit ot er curat we
manner that disease
action. You feel
well when ou
. Blbod and Nerve
- so. per box five Loren
ago I had to
sore hands •
it was Salt Rheum
me to see the
medicine, but
with the
1 g about three
thought she
ood tters.
bottles, when
Parry Sound,
- - ----e-
the Rest
you will find
that va-
one of our
' Tables,
t t *t
, you wan 1 .
our full Ime of
and you will
are looking for
um itig
e t d t h
o- ay o ave a
every 24 hours.
symptoms of dys-
such as pal-
loss Of appes
, are magne
into serious signs
with the object of
public into takin g
remedy. If a
the heart trouble
real, the cerne-
in a month. A
is put upon com-
order to humbug
belief that heart
- lea
• '1
•. • • . ,
ic is so sa y an
h dl ci
it does occur, is
• • arguments
, intelligent people.
of the blood. ,
, .
weakness lack
. . .
, o
ending in general
iron in Dr. Ward's
ills is tn the solu-
in combination
agents in such a
,, . , .
can t resist tneir
yourself getting
take r W d
D ar 's
Pills. '
for 1
sm. ei measure
- n• -*--.;%"4, 7,17"%5"7"77:7"-e, a ,,,, -4:- ' ,
Go Piro
Rowe s
tar() IR
le Y.
Furnot r im
reatest opponent to granting an in- The Latest News
estigation into the election eases. .
heal Farr turn up and give evidence the open dens of wild animals in
lore than one 'Gerson will turn white the street pageant with Lemon Broth.
then he is asked. who sent the tele: ers' that will be here Jame 1st.
i fellow bad several ribs broken and
was otherwise seriously injured. Al-
though Ins condition is serious, It is
thought thee he will pull throueb
' • - 's '
The editor of the Brnesels Post is,
show room is now being aimed and,' v
, „ , . r• P delegates: 'N A Davidson, Mitchell ;
rein°"e"e"' 3 Fisher, Clinton; Alf Galbraith, Lon-
One of the pioneers of Morningtou don ; 'Wm Dignan, R Kinsman, Ext.
died on May 13, in the person of Mrs ter. Frank 'Williams Seeforth
C It f the 1 t J It Coulter.' • ' 4" • • •
oti er wife o e a e o n
She was horn in the townehip Kit
ram saving, "Keetryoer man low tt
lobert Holmes, M. le, is conspictions
a bis absence from the House wben-
West Huron election methods are
rider disenssinn.
If an attorney at the General Ses-
ions of the Peace had used towards a
amen witness the language tvhich
tidge Morgan used towards Pt•itebett
e would have been properly rebuked
y his Honor. The holy. indignation
f Judge Morgan may burn in the
=Mune remark that "Pritchett is
, self-confessed liar," but will his
tenor kindly explain how the
cuth is to come out except by the
stimony of self-confessed liars?
b is not Pritchett who is on his
cial, but the organizers and bene-
ciaries of the system which chooses
5S t04%.1S from arnong such men as
ritehett. The evil of Judge Morgan's
teak auelysis of a bad eharaeter is in
s tendenc:y to divert public indef.:Da-
on to an individual like Mr.Pritchett,
eito may be all that Judge Morgan
rtys be is, and still infinitely lees dare
rerous than the more responsible and
igher placed men -who use such tools
s Pritchett in their assaults upon the
enctity of the hallott.-Toronto Tele-
ram (Ind.)
The Upper Canada Lnti" Society has
decided to increase their fees from $23
•to $40 a term, corenneheing lst Septem-
bee lino,
One of the finest barns ever erected ,
in McGillivray was erected on the
farm of William Williams, on Tuesday
last, near Clandeboye.
Rev George F Salton has been invit.
ed by the Quarterly Board a Centen-
ary church. Hamilton, to remain theWesley,
pastor for the fourth year. •
To he free from sick headache, bile
ousnessecoustipa.tion, eteeIdse Carter'sBelwood;
Little Liver Pine. Strictly vegetable,
Then gently stimulate the liver and
tree the stomach from bile.
Major .T. O'Reilly, Master in Chanc-
ery, Ilannitone received a private tele-
gram from South Africa condoling
with him in the death of his son, Pat.
rick O'Reilly, who was killed.
'While discharging a giant firecrack-
er on Friday night last Fra.nk Mitchell
a prominent business MAU of Sarnia,
had the fingers of his right hand
blown off and his nose split open.
Peter Brill, one of the pioneers of
Nesv Hamburg, died in Waterloo on
May 14. Deceased WaS born in Ger-
many in 1815, and came to this country
sixty years ago and took part in clear-
,a. sadly dieramointed znan
1 . e b ef, a ..
veeuse he is not t e other e ow,
and unbasonts himself to his readers as
followsz-"Some of our friends have
bee generous enough to wi Y
bappy returns of the day" over a birth
notice in last week's Post, in. w ee 1
1 1
twins are reported as new arrivals at
tbe 13ouae of W. H. Kerr. We beg
lea t
leave o say we are not the bappv, par-
treferred t t if d
y o fLS we camp a or any
such luxury. The bletsieg has •come
to the home circle of W. H. Kerr, theMrs,
Der baker e G . ' ' ..,
we .„, nown o ., carte, a genoe-this
num, we trust, who will always have
bread enough and to spare, but be will
knead the 'dough' if the above men-
tioned occurence is frequent.
Word has been recsayed of the death
f Win Rae a former resident of Mc -0
1:( "
illop townshipmow of North Dakota,
and brother of John Rea, of the 14th
concession He came to the Huronla
' •- ,
tract in 18a7 and settled on the 12th
• • .
concessit , .
xi where he resided for about
twenty years. .
Wm Rea was one a
the pioneer settlers of North Dakota.
The deceased was 00 years of age and
- •
had not been in robust health for some
time He spent the winter at Tennes-
see, and before leaving the south stiff-
ered an attack of la ri e from which
g PP 9
of -
ley, nearly 70 years agoeend was mar-
. 1about. -4 yearslast Ch t •
lee( a . ris nine.
sex od yerus ago s e ea um o e
'-' h • t th
township of Mornington with her bus-
and settled en the place where
she died.
A respected resident, of Iherkton in
.. . •
the person of Mrs Wm Gilpin, diect on
Saturday week. She leaves behind
her four sons and six daugbters, viz.
of Idarriston ; Joshua, of
. • .. •
Brussels; Thomas, of Wiarton , vvli-
liam, of Toronto; Mrs A. A Dotme, of
Airs Jos Doupe Mrs White
and Mrs McGaffin, of Har'tney, Man.;
Sarah,of Grauton, and Annie at home.
One by one the old pioneers who
fa.ced the hardship of backwoods life
keep dropping off. On Saturday, May
12 Christian Bachelor, of Ellice died
t4. 'el f his'd 91 ' M
a the zest ence o atie iter, Mrs.
Geo. Ries, of Brunner, at the advanced
age of nearly 36 years. Fifty years
agoMr. Bacheler left Lurainne,France,
and came to Canada, settling for a
time iu the county of Waterloo corn-
ing to Ellice about -14 years ago. '
d end." •When you twee
Cometb a goo . y
Hood's Sarsa arilla to urify your
The only Female Somersault Rider
astonish the mnItitudes here june
James Stevens, of the Base Line,
Stanley, sold a. half dozen cattle hist
week which, had an average weight of
1350 pounda
.... ...
William Jones, of Blyth, an inmate
of the London Asylum for the Insane,
died Friday, aged 42 years. The re -
mains were interred at dlyth.
E. Manes, Parkhill, depaeted
life on May 2, after a. long illness,
borne with great resignation. She
bad been au invalid for the last 13
In East Wawanosh, on Tuesday of
last week, there passed away at her
, .
rate residence, Oth con., Grace Dolgar-
no wife of 3 T Scott, in her twenty --
3rT h
1, as . o nston, Stanley, received a
telegram from his brother, William, of
Michigan, on Wednesday last, inform-
ing him of the death of the latter's
wife Th ' b
. e remains were rougbt to
Bayfield cemetery.
Rev. j. J, Patterson of Arthur, eon-
in-law of John Leslie of Clinton has
been called to the pastorate of Geneva
church Chesley, at a salary of $1900
When Doctors
0 t' • 7
X ..."1&: '
. .
sleeplessness and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause.
Nothing can effect a permanent cure.
that does not remove the cause.
That is what our scientifically fitted
glasses do.
S. Fitton
: . . AT . . .
T. Fittgn's Jewelry Store
- - e.
uty imposed on American printing
.aper coming into Canada compels the
ublisher to pay 85,000 for each $4,000
ing the primeval forest of thatsection•
Rev William Patterson, of Cooke's
church,Toron to, announced at a specialtorah
meetine of the session and board of
managers of his church Friday night,
only nartly recovered. Shortl af-
e ' - ' Y
ter arriving at St,Pa.ul he was stricken
down with pheumonia, which develop-
ed into a complication of diseases,caus-
ing his death,
blood ou are making a ood beein-
. Y 0. • 9:9
ning, and the good end will he health
' happiness.This medicine cures
all humors of the blood, creates a good
appetite, overcomes that tired feeling
and a iree naanse. Rev. Henderson of
Hensall d'd t f • '
, was a can i a e or this pas-
Lemen Brothers' World s Monster
Shows gave an exhibition in
mirth of his principal raw material,
nd tbe extra $1,000 does not go into
that he had received a call from Beth-
any church, Philadelphia.
_ . ...
and imparts vigor and vitality to the
whole system. It is America's Great-
e Valley
City Monday, to a crowd a at least
e e11
e,u00 people. fiejah was there, and
Lie public treasury,but into the coffers
f the Canadian paper manufacturers,
Vith the raw material growing almost
t their doors, and other facilities for
The late Mr. F. Wolferstan Thomas,
General Manager of the Molsons Bank,
who died at - ontreal on Fridaysleavesmaces
a widow, three sons and two daugh-lakes
• —
BRIEFS -Miqs B. Murphy, of elm-
• ' *--' - e'
treal, is attending at the sick bed of
her uncle, . p y. J.
Rev. Dean Man. la -
O'Connell hurt by a fall
est Blood Medicine,
• d. b . II d' P'lls
Biliousness is cure y oo s i „. ,
2 -
a cents.
the boxing kangaroo was there. The
show was good ; the acrobatic perform-
were first•class. The absence of
and skin games was noticeable,
heap production unexcelled by any
ther country. in the world, one would
aturally think the Canadian. menu-
icturers should be able to bold their
wn in the open market. ' But there
re some good Grit free traders in the
.oreirion Parliament who seem to
aink that they should have a 25 per
ant. bonus to prop them up. Perhaps
he votes which the mill owners con-
col , In the constituencies of these
:entlemen have a more powerbe in-
trence in moulding their opinions
ters. The eldest son is at present in
South Africa, serving with the first
Miss Helen Miller Gould received
1803 letters, containing requests invol-
ying more than $1,548,502, during a
recent week. Everything imagineable
was wanted, from a farm and three
cows; or a peddling horse and cart, to
$1,000,000 with which to form a colony
in Cuba.
With one or two exceptions all the
industries destroyed by the big fire at
got while un-
- -
loading stone off a fiat car.- Miss
Cnarity Worden has gone to her borne
in Stella on the sick list.-Ms.0
Bigart attended her sister's funer•al in
Clinton one day last week. -Siris Beal
b -
as gone to Buffalo with a, view of im-
• •Alexander
roving his prospects.-W.Saddler
Fa bought fine ' - d
ba;a , ne .new engine ad
oi er for use 3n his tile yard. -The,
many friends of Mrs. James Carpenter
will be pleased to see her back in her
. .
old home.
.soss'sekeare. ea, .
• , •
• . .
fo se 1
kilt n,, ,,,,„
and the management can be assured of
a goad crowd if they see fit toagain
visit Valley Oity. The baby • lions,
four of it kind, infants of the forest,are
a strange and lovely sight. Will be
in Exeter on Friday, June lst. '
Bethune, son of Dr Beth-
vine, Seaforth, ' and formerly of the
Seaforth company of voliinteers, de
with the first (Janadien contingent in
South Africa, and like his comrades in
amass, Irdr Bethune is -making his mark
in the military world. Ile is spoken of
.e.....,... -----
reed e oe•
e e de .•
• . '
• ..
• ..4.
- • a
•er -
' ..
These pills' are a specific for alll
diseases f
, arising roar disordered•
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They , cure palpitation, dizziness, ,
smothering faint a cl Ils
shOi•tness of breath Swelling of feet,
and ankles, nervousness, sleepless-.
ness, li • t - St Vitus
ys eria, .
d ance ' 1 1 • • e .
artia ara eis brain fa e
female "complaints, general debility,
And lack ofvitality. Pr; c a box.
- - . .ce co .
hen a sense of eight and wrong, -
luron Eepo.sitor. •
Ottawa three weeks ago will be re-
built, and preparations are being made
Your doctor knows all about
• foods and. medicines.
by his.companions as one of the bray-
est and best soldiers in the company.
What Do They Do ?
A few years ago the leaders of the
aberal party thought that fourteen
abinet Inizaistets -were altogether too
!any to conduct the business of the
atintrys . Now there are seventeen
to start work on the new structures
without delay. Mareir men are now
engaged clearing away the debris, and
numerous contracts have been award-
4 ell
Before justice Meredith in single
court 'at Osgoode Hall on Fricla,y, D.
The next time You. see bine, •
just ask hien what he thinks,
. SCOirS [11118101
of Cod -Liver 0i). with Hypo-
In the halal ' beforeP 7
a amiesburg, in
whichC d' • t 1
the anti lens took snc 1 a pro-
minent part, Mr. Bethune was ecnes
polled to march al) clay Without shoes
or socks. As a token a their appree-
iation of bis braerery and Of their good'
• • •
will, c; number of hrs friends in town
nd yet the reports of the various'. de-
L. McCarthy made application for as.
order to expropriate
phosphites. . we are willing
and members of the Seaforth company
a/talents r9f the public service over
a portion of the
to trust in his
headed by Captain Roberte subscrib d
rhich these gentlemen preside • are
early all several months liite. Accord-
ig to law they should be bro ht
property of Richard Irwin, of Clinton,
for railroad purposes. The Grand
Trunk secured the permission of the
. .
IS di 6 Fee 0 0
It . M 1 ci F .. t fill Will
Iror t - v •
e _ went,- ft e years d.00-
tors have prescribed our •
Emulsion for
_ .
the sum of £0 whichhas been forward-
1 t h' • ' ' •
e€ ° um
ow within ten days after the open-
ig of the session. How haye all
hese Clabinet Ministers, each of whom.
yaws a salary of seven thousand.dol-
irs a year for looking after public'
1.3siness, been occupying themselves ?
-Montreal Star.
Privy Council to extend their line at
Clinton, and settled with all. property
holders affected except Irwin. Irwin•loes
refused to sell or arbitrate, and the
progrese of the line is blocked. The
motion was, adjourned a Week.
Send For ft.
The new illustrated "Diamond Dye
paleness, weak-
nese, nervous exhaustion, and
for all diseases' that 'cause
in flesh. ••.
Its creamy color and its
pleasant . teeth make it es-
pecially useful for thin. and
• .
a P. Olivet, of Barcelona Spam
- - • , , ,
srreee his winters at. 'Aiken S. C.
• ssee9e. neryes had Caused severe pains
ei the hack of hie head. On
Hug...I:time cam justly claim the larg-
delicate ehildren.•
Electric 'Bitters America's '
est circulation of any book ever issued
in Canada. It tells how to make pretty
No other preparation of cocl-
liver •oil is like it. Don't lOse
. ,
Bl ' ' ' pain
and Nerve Remedy, all won
• .•
soon left him. He this
Win ofter a
, c ose a horrible Barn;
:eaed Cat t Braise,B kl ' A. •
, eluc en s rtuca
;aive, the best ha the world, will kill
he pain and promptly heel it. Cures
id Sores Fever' Sores Cri ers 33 '1
• . 9 c 9 02 8,
•elorat, Cores; all, :Slein Eruptions.
fest Pile cure on earth Only25 'tSCOTT
9 c a
ox, Cure guaranteed. Sold by all
Would quickly leave you, if you
ed D K• 'eN LI Inh. Th
us , r. mg ew i e 1 s. ous-
• •
ands of sufferers have proved their
' hl s erit for Sicl nd N r '
' tplite es m T e a , e vous
H, eadaches. They make pure blood
and strong nerves and. build you tip
' - ' ed' - 26
Easy to take. ry them. Only ,
cents. • Money , back if nc9t 'cured.
f pi! je • t '. '
9y a ruggis s.
and useful Hooked Mats and Rugs
f Id 1 ed tt d
min o wo.o a co on rags, un er-
wear and pieces of cloth. This inter-
st• l'ttl b k h h d
e ing 1 e oo a ows an some
colored designs of new Mats and Blies
and tells ou how to send for them
Y ' ' ' .
Post free to any address. Wells &
Richardson 00 Mountain St
M • Co.," "
time and risk your health by
• a • g - - . . n
taking sometnin unionow
and untried. Keep in mind
_ .
has stood the test ' for ' aanwmia
quarter of a oenturse
50c. and $z.00; all druains,
de BOWNE, Qiemins, 'Toronto.
- „
says grand
d' ' • 1 .'t 1 'e •o t • n d
me mine is w la 11 C, un ry ee s.
America . ,
All knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood,
tones up the stninach, strengthens the
ilex. I. i i
ves, p its v in, v gor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of .
the body. If weak, tired Or ailing you
need it. Every bottleguaranteed,
,....1._ „, ,...,.. c„..i., ‘..... ..,i .,..._
- ---