HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-17, Page 4sY vv T H i' EKE T E It TIMES ASH STORE:JT Note carefully the following prices, They are picked at random from the largest and best stock we have ever offered. Comparison is the way to test our prices. Comparison is What we invite. Cash and one price make the following prices possible;— Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, soft net, 3 yds long, light lace effects, the stele of a curtain you would expect to pay $1..00 for; our price 75 4e0 yds fancy check ging- hams. fast colors, suit- able for Children's school wear, extra, special, per yd. 4h 1,2110 tlOL-faolti fancy tweed effect and check Dress elootls,la patterns Tis line is iv money - easier ilea a, great wear - ea regular valee, 23c. We bought it job, berme the Brice, lac 4. 50 pairs boys' kniclaea* pants in blue serge tweeds, „tad all -wool Halifax. Speciat for school wear, per pr iale 100 white bed spreads, slightly soiled, large double hed size. Corn - Pare it with ;arty $1.50 quilt in the trade. os‘, 2,000 yards best quality German prints, blue grounds, colors and wear guaragteed, you know the usual price ; our price per yard is 12i. 10 doz. boys' sweaters, navy ;find white, just the thing for school wear, a special bargain, each 25 25 dozen white hemstitch handkerchiefs, the kind you usually liar ac for, our e pedal price, each 3e :=0 pairs lace kid boots. sizes Zit, 3, 3;and. 4; were $2 a pair. They are not the latest style, but the quality is good. Clearing at tla.:. 50 dt3zett lassies' black cot - hose. ribbed and plain, colors warranted fast. We say its the best 10c hose in the trade 1Oc and Tapistry Cur - ins, for arches or doors, special prices, $185,. 3,110, 3.75, 3,t}'it :Mens' all -wool tweed pants wearing quality guaran- teed. 'Yash and one price' make possible the price, per pair SI,d We say that our man's $1 Felt Hat is the best in the trade, Call and see it and test aur judg- anent, pure silk tabu- ming, new shapes in black, brown andTebae, Ladies' Cottor- Vests. short sleeves, good wear ere and good stock, Sc or two for 15e Serges are very servtce- nble and popular for suaamer wear ; we are Showing some special makes in Bradford ser. ges, fiery suitable for ladies' suits, bright &n- isll, and unshrinkable, 41 in, wide at 40, 4a, 60e POIRFAMPOINNSIS If yon want the new and stylish effects in Dress Goods, you will be re- paid by seeing our stock, Everything new and stylish is to be found at this store. Colored Burlaps, suitable for covering sofas, 30in, wide, great wearing quality, only 10e yard. Apron gingham, 30 inches nide, blue and wbite checks, per yard, just 01 Our Millinery Show Room is filled with all that is new and beautiful, in Ladies' and Children's headgear. Do you find it hard to get suitable millinery for your children ? We think we have just the chic and nobby things fir children. New sailors and new shapes arriving every few days. Our has a style distinctlybelonging to this store, styles and effects that are .becoming and millinery y g g new and sure to please. Leave your order at this store if you want to wear . the most stylish millinery. » at• A. STEWART. Gr9gg's Book Storo Miss Robertson spent Sunday in For Marriage Licenses, Rensall. Miss Afortiock is visiting friends in Hamilton, 'Wedding 'Rings, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Spectacles, Etc VALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing at Speeiitlty. A full stock of School Books TO ADVERTISERS. for Public Schools. The copy for ebauges must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual aclvestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices:p . (Additional locals on 5th page.) Pure wool bicycle pants 51.25 and 81.50 at Stewart's. Family and Peachers' Bibles' T. L. Rogers, of Parkhill, visited Full Line. his son, R. Rogers, Exeter, on Satur- day. T. Fitton will commence the erec- tion of his new block, opposite the Central hotel, in a few days. Peter Foilick, of Brantford, and L. L, Folllck, of St. Marys, spent Sun- day under the parental roof. John Welsh has purchased L. L. Walper's farm, north of his own, pay- ing therefor $5,000. This gives Mr. Welsh 250 acres of land. wholesale and retail. Jolill G�i99, EXETER INSURANCE •ERNEST ELLIOT W. Anderson has very much im- proved the appearance of the interior of the Metropolitan hotel, by repaint- ing and repape .. ren the same. Mr. Labatt, late of the Molsons bank, here, visited with R. Rogers over Sun- day. un- da •. A large number of entries have been received for the races in Exeter, on May 24th. On the front page Digory 13raund, ,'peter North, advertises a. number of 'rigs for sale. Mrs. John Polon, of Farquhar, died on Friday last, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. Capt. Rance, in another column, ad- vertises for recruits for the Exeter company, 33rd Batt. sg The new mercerized ginghams for hirt waists 15e. 20c and 40c the yard, t ey're swell goods, atStewart's. •""o,J. Abell, of Seaforth, spent Sunday With S. Powell, Mr. Abell is now travelling for a wbolesale house. Rev. J. W. I3olmes,London, was en- able to.occupy his pulpit in the Askin Street church Sunday, owing to ill- ness. Rev. Dr. Potts announces that the century fund of the Methodist church reached 799 115. iswill be the bas a hed Th 3 isum reported to the June conference. The human system can endure heat of 212 deg.. the boiling point of water, ( because the skin is a bad conductor, 1 and because the perspiration cools the 4 body. Men have withstood without injury a heat of 300 d eg. for several minutes. ' There's only one 24th and there''s ' only one celebration, and that is at Agen for the Wrcaxxxx Assvxtaxcn COM- Exeter, May 24, 1900. Good races, a emits., of Toronto; also of the Psonvxs Emit first-class track, and a most enjoyable ' ars C f L d England; account of tate cold weather. In can- oe -mule= This has been a bad season for hatch - ng chicks. A great many setters have een leaving-• their eggs, no doubt on U W & Y, o on on, time are assured. X. x.TAxcii:'Irsv1c.%cs CoxrANY, of Eng _ sequence the birds will be •a little sad . W. Blackwell, of London, son Mon lighter this year for show purposes in day shipped from this station a carload the fall. of the finest draught horses that has THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1900. aleft this station for some time. Fancy William Drew on Wednesday re- prices were paid for them all. ceived a telegram from Los Angeles, LOCAL HAPPENINGS *' Dix Nerve and Blood Pills are equal 'Ca1., announcing the serious illness of to anything on the marketfor paleness, ,;this son-in-law, Louis Thorne. The is heart disease. Mr Thorne ,troubleho Cover fifty nervousness, s . Ov �^ debility, nervou t s Y, meal resided in Exeter and othe i nn or Barton Hooper and W.D a s e �tt v t x r h'n fo a "c _oit a etc.not 1 p g P. oyes for 2a . Y If z Sunday in Clinton. advertising . For sale at Lutz's gdrug� Wendel Holmes, of Brussels, is 'ail store. guest at Dr. Rollins'. 1 The beautiful day on Sunday drew F. W. Farncombe, of London, was pretty fair crowds out to the different in town on Tuesday. churches in the morning and evening, Donald McInnes willwho bad the pleasure of listening to Mr. and Mrs.M veryable andpractical serrnons bythe move to town in June. different pastors of the four churches. Geo. Manson is able to be out after stands first in order of merit in the leis recent severe illness. Sam Switzer, Goderich township, re- third year's course in civil engineering. T. W. Uawkshaw and L. H. Dickson turned on Monday from London where Mr Clement also takes a large share of he spent a month in the hospital and ( credited with the were in London on Tuesday. the prizes, being underwent an operation, in fact we Saw logs; for the Walkerville match 'believe this is the second time the sur- YlcCarthy prize for field work and factory are beingshePPed from his aeons had him on the table. station. The Education Department has is• P P he able for the July exam- 1 sued t time t o J Y towns in Hurou, and many friend throughout the riding will regret t,; learn of his illness. In the report of the recent examina- tions in the faculty of applied science, McGill University, Montreal, Shelton B Clement,.son of Rev B Clement, pas- tor of Ontario street church, Clinton, prizes for surveying, practical astron- omy, road -construction, descriptive elementary r design. and e Harry Clark, Clinton, left last week geometry E. A.-ilyard, who has beenattend- for Chatham district where he will try mations Candidates for any of these ing the Methodist College in Montreal fanning, examinations who wish to write at the for the: past year; and rho will be or- for henry Miller has purchased the farm Collegiate Institute should makedallied a.'6 the forthcoming London of Wm. Connell of the 10th con.,Gode rich township for the sum of $2000. Mrs. J. P. Clarke and ,famil left :Ex- eter :on Saturday morning for their new howe in Winnipeg, -here they will join Mr. Clarke, who preceded them some weeks ago. A number of friends met at the depot to say fare.. well anct wish them health and happi- ness in the west. application to the Public Schools Conference, to be held in at. Marys, InsPector on or before May 24th, from preached two sermons in Main street whom application forms may be ob-. Methodist church Sunday last. The tained. The examinations begin ae congregations were large. The young follows; The Public school leaving, on manis an excellent preacher, elo- July 3; the commercial specialist exam- quent, practical and original, and his ination on July 4th; the junior leaving discourses are ripe with biblical re- and junior matriculation examinations search. He is truly "a chip off the old on July 5th the senior leaving and block," his father, B. J. Milyard, being. senior matriculation examinations onone of the best preachers in the Con- July 9. ference. icARLIP'-r-,jBROS rb ) „,„. . 1IS THE PLACE FOR —mew -Exeter. SPECIAL IN �� e have just passed into stocl; .a mosl. magnificient range of Novelty Blouse Silks These goods we imported direct from the lar- gest silk house in old l.c:ndon. Tht•y* should have been here a. month a ao, and on that ac count the old country firm have made us a fair reduction in price. It's s, bio lot to coin- mence to sell at this time of the year but the prices and values will help us cut. Do I, ou need a silk waist ? If so this will be a very favorable opportunity to purchase one. There is a here and prices are strictly in your favor. ,`'i. inch pare silks in aril fashion arable shades and blacks. spt•rial per rel ..» .. 50 Pitney stvipetf silks in all ; t hides, great values, per yid_ 04 A gu'at: variety of plain and. .ncy blouse silks in new comliine- aou of shades, special 75 rent GOOD GOODS ►' RIGli- ,.'T PRIC SS. . Ladies' waists in all the des reabie fabrics and shades suitable for house and street wear. Ladies' wiiitewear in the newest and latest seyles. Parasols full line and at prices that 'will please you. Laces and embroideries jn endless variety. - Colored dress goods in all the latest -shades. In Black Dress Goods we hold the fort. Gloves from the finest kid down, just to hand. - Hats and Ties, nobby goods. - Summer corsets aid linen skirts, just the thing for this shot weather. Beady -made Clothing in. Men's, Youth's and boy's at L"' " t ti'e'r low ftaure$. Wo Jake a specialty in Ordered Clothing, an our t lack woisted suit at $15. - Pore Taffeta sake in uew Shades worth more money for.. ... . 75 Tartan Plaid stet t silks be,iut- iful shadings Opt ciul....... ...... 1.00 New flowered silks. strictly env - et and great value for ...... , , ,. 85 Special fatneys•rl. in0 iiety shades lovely goods for.. ............. 1,,2< ouse and Shirts Waists. We cleared out a lot of these goods from manufacturer who wanted the money rade badly. This fact is reflected in the prices y'ctt will bare to pay. The • goods are all th`s seasons make and strictly .up.to•date :an range in price from 5oc to It would pay you to see them. We dove just opened Up a lot of Novelties in Millin i3 BIG BARGAINS 1-20 yds of $a,32 inch wide Flannelettes, warranted fast colors, regular 7e quality foe $100 2 ---Regular Oe Towe iliugs, speciel price, 0 ads for 23 3...30 inch Grey Cotton, heavy weight anal in the artlluttry way worth Se per yard, we will sell 2,01)0 yards at 4 --den's Stripe Print. Shirte, laundered fronts and cuffs, special quality regular palet 444, for 5 -Regular Ioe Cretonne, in a variety of patterns aid colors, special snap 0 -Ladies' fine Meek cashmere hose, full fashioned, all sizes, regular3ae kind for 7 -Ladies' Muco. aml colored kid gIovee, in new shades, 2 donee fasteners embroidered betels, .regularly worth: $1.25 a pair, for ti -La -Ladies' Print Wrappers, good patterns perfect fitters and well anode t egaln: h• worth 51.35, special for 9- Heavy Indigo Dye Cotton drill print, very wide, worth lac, for 10-Iaidia s' White Kid. Gioves, with black embroidered hacks, special 11- aaaw Patter; German Prints, warranted indigo dyes and fast colors worth i0c for I2-15 ineb White hewn, good weight and fine thread, worth iMac for 10 13-•B'eaaviest make Cotton Shirtings, indigo dye colors, warranted. You pay as high as 10c for thein in some stores, our price 11:) Complete stook of groeerlks, tilwtij=s new and fresh. Try our 225c Japan tea, elegant flavor We :arc the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one triol of these teas would convince you that they have no equal, Give us a call, Highest prices paid for produce. GFIR N V S R.05. Ia'or sale cheap, a number of larg yat<s, suitable for cisterns, apply to W, IL Llrt Exr CO 'Warm LOST. @-Oil Tuesday betweer Exeter and North Boundary of Vs- borne, via Thames Road to churrh,atd' north. A. rew.a,rti will be given by leaving saute at this office. To Tun SllAluuior.AI;rS oit' TII I•'wS- ER SALT Woiti,;s Co. -Gentlemen, bu will please take notice that the uuai meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co. will to held Tuesday, dune the 12th at 2 o'clock p. n, at town hall, T. B. C:cnraxo, Secy. -'.areas. Fifty Wool Knee Rugs, worth S2.50,. clearing at 51.550, at Stewart's. Colored posters announcing the laces in Exeter, on May Wit, have een circulated, As a tonic and bion "miller for this 'h hot weather, Natir ' itsrb Tea is a 1 pleasant :medicine. `.::,sa box at Lutes CANADIAN FENCE FOR -CANADIAN FARMERS., rtrg stow e, e the best Mali grade coiled wire J. F .STINSON & CO„ Kirk ton, Ont, buggies Buggies' Buggies!! 50t.. U. P. I:.,ss, fine of D..i1,. Rays, has Spring is here and our buggies aro 7 p ess<• l lois final medical exatuleatinn, s ,1?hifi lively. 1.00 1.00 1'S 1 12. -ALL KINDS OF RI BI.,13 A1®ilD GARDEN] S1l lEDS JUST FRESH OPENED 1'P. SEEDS RELIABLE. PRICES RIGHT. Tui R. ?i6KdM Go., Direct importers Cool, perfect fitting summer corsets 35c and 15c at Stewart's. Messrs. Wood Bros shipped a car- load of prime cattle from this station on Monday. Dr. Orme, of Lucan, visited friends 'here on Monday. J. G. Stanhury was in Goderieh Tuesday on business. Miss Motlock, of Mitchell„ visited Me. and Mrs. R. Rogers have got friends in town on Sunday. comfortably settled in their new homer and Ladies' sailor hats 20c ou William street. and up. Snore special values sit 50 and Masons have commenced the brick 'oc a t.Stewart's.els work of R. Knight's new building, op-,' Mr. Hall, of Exeter North is putting t.os]te Central hotel. a new front to his residence and other wise improving it. ^hurley W ood on Sunday slipped on the stone .pavement and fell through a large pane of glass in Farmer Bros.' liquor store. sirs. M. .Cason of Exeter,and s -. I< Mrs. M. L. Neil, of Centralia :teethe guests of Mrs. Rosenberger, Leslie street. - London Free Press, John .Charlton has been in. Ailsa T. A. Russell, has been elected a member of the council of the associa- tion of graduates of Toronto Univer- sity. Mr.' Russell is taking a leading place in educational circles in the Queen City. • Chas Cook, Clinton, has been a little unfortunate this spring.: A short time hi connection with since he had quite a severe attack of Craig for a few days the investigation. as to the cause of his lagrippe and on Monday had his right hand so badly jammed that he has not been able to return to his du- ties at the o. f. since. sister-in-law's.. death. . A. E. Stewart, of Seaforth, was in town on Sunday. He cannot move his family from +'xeter for some time be- ing unable to procure a suitable resi- dence in Seaforth. Turkish Scalp Pood is an excellent theheir, relieves itching for a , g of the scalp and prevents dandruff and keeps the hair in .its natural color. Only 50c a bottle at Lutz's drug store 1 A good lire committee have the 24,th of May celebration in hand, and are bound tc, make it a success in every. particular. Special train services, special rates, and special hotel accom- modation tor all wishing to spend 'the day in Exeter have been arranged. The other evening lightning struck a rock elan tree of three feet diameter, in the bush of Josh Heywood, TTsborne atid splintered it to pieces. The force of the lightning must have been great as to person can remember such des- truction to :a tree by the electrical cur- rent. Dr McKelvey, ; of Brussels, some time ago -sold his practice to Dr Sni- der,and agreed not to practice within fivmiles of,Brussels for five years. A suit was brought by Dr Snider for breach of this agreement, and it was decided that Dr McKelveywas entitled to an injunction ancl to damages. Qn. appeal the court in London on!Tuesday decided that Dr Snider must choose between 'the $400 forfeit and an in- junction preventing Dr McKelvey from practicing in the district. Patrick Curtin, near Lucan, bas. just returned from Manitoba, where he had taken, a carload of thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls to dispose of among be breeders of that Province; we un. • 11 right L• in came out a eandtIt that r he a ist g 'st ransaction. o' Us orne on .a sr. t b Robb. Cre ry, , Tuesday renewed his subscription to THE Tams for the 20th time. - Mr. Creary is over 80 years of age, and al- though having suffered two severe at- tacks of lagrippe recently, bids fair to respect the, pleasant obligation for tnany years to come. The executive com;nittee of the Hull - Ottawa relief fund announces that it has sufficient stock of clothing on hand or on the way to supply the ineeds of the sufferers so that further parcels are not necessary ; four regiments of 1000 men each could be completely clothed' from the supplies and then lots would be left ; outfit several battalions ; the casl: contributions havereached $700, - Rev. R. Whiting, B. A., of Mitchell, will preheat in James St. Methodist church next Sunday, May 20th, 'under the auspices of the Epworth League of that church. Rev. C. W. Brown,B.A' B. D., will take similar work for Mr., Whiting in Mitchell ou the same day and will remainover to give an Ep- worth League address on Mot.day evening ab an entertainment to be held in the Mitcbell church. wfl h honors, headincr the list. Ile is If you are desirous of securing a ru:w a hi. D. ST?a.00win bebung up in purses for �'1,„,,g. class Buggy the races on the 24th of May at Exeter. There will be 2.50, 2.30 and 2,20 trot -.i cheap now is the time. ting races, and a running event, epee 1 We have a large number and diner to all. , eat styles to select from. Exeter Municipal Council LARGEST DEALER iN TOWN. • w. H. Parsons soils Council amt at call of Reeve at Town' Hall, on Saturday, ahoy 12th, All present. Minutes of previons meeting read and confirmed. Armstrong -Muir -that the amount of the Globe History Cilub per the 11b- 1'4ry board of $i35.80 be passed and an order drawn on treasurer lfor same. - Carried. Muir- Armstrong -that the offer of Goldie & McCollough of 5500 for a six - horsepower gasoline engine and a 4x0 triplex pump delivered and properly installed at their expense, be accepted. Carried Levett-Evans-that we put in a 2k inch main to be placed 3 feet under ground. -Carried. Armstrong -Muir- that the clerk ask for tenders for 24 igdi pipe.- Car- ried. Levett•--Armstrong-Hiatt tenders be asked for excavating and filling drain for pipe: -Carried. Evans-Levett-that tenders be ask - d for a building for engine and ,imp 12x14 n,nd 8 feet high.-- Carried. Evans -Armstrong -ThatCouacil ad- journ to meet Friday. May18 at p.m. y I Carried. GEO. H. BIssET•r,. Clerk. CRA5iP5 ANC COLIC Nothing gives such quick and effectual re- lief from these distressing complaints as Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. SUFFERED INTENSE PAIN. Mrs. Chas. Miller, Bowling Green. Ont., says :' 1 have suffered greatly from Inflamma- tory Rheumatism .tor two years. My Joints would swell and the pain was, most severe. Could not get out of bed. Milburu's Mourns, Pills have cured me." a Two doors south of Town Hall. EXETER, ONT. LSP Pi !7 .e it Fair Is offering this week special bargains in 10 piece toilet setts. In hammocks we are offering a line worth 1.50 for 98e, a line worth 1.00 for 75; in washboards 1 worth 25 for 19, .l worth 1S for 12, 1 worth 15 for li;chair seats worth 10 for 7, skipping ropes worth 10 each 2 for 10. A cut in parasols; this week we are offering one line worth 50 for 85, one worth (15 for 54,line worth 80 this week fot 09, line worth 1.25 this week for 99, line of black and white worth 90 for 70, A nice line of lawn hankerchiefs worth 5c each, 7 for 25e. A line of pebble leather belts worth 30 for 20c. THE 24th IS NEAR.AT HAND This is the place to buy your fire crackers, fire works, flags. Everyone should have a flag and a few crackers. Come and get some. We also keep in stock bananas, Oranges and lemons of a good quality. ' Our ice cream parlor will be opened on Saturday 4 evening, We will also serve lunches and ice cream on the 24th of May. - 'Levitt's Fair For this week and next •while they. .counter 200 will nit on our last we vi l l copies of sheet music at Se per copy or, 5 copies for 10c, mostly new music, other lines at 10c per copy or 3 copies for 2.5c. - REMEMBER OUR ice for LADIES' and GENTLEMEN AGENT FOR PARISIAN STE AM LAUNDRY. - FOR FINE GROCERIES FLOURNDPOTATOES A CO.RN . MEAL ROLLED AND STANDARD OATMEAL OILZC:AKE LINSEED MEAL AND. FLAX SEED. - GARDEN AND FIELD SN` �DS EE ; TRY US. Thour6 -Sal List n� a �. Easy running inachiaies and noisy to buy because of the - Moderate Ph166S at Svhich we sell thein. Also remember our CARRIAGES and GO-CARTS for the little folks: i . ; T TEA 18c. PIANOS ORGANS and SEWINGBESTJAPAN MACHINES always in stock. We are making a '''specialty of the above and Would be pleased to have part' of your trade. Our facilities for buying are equal to those•of our neighbors and our ` shop expenses are ;uuch !ess than those of any other concern in town. THY S a, Mart° S 6n9 thick: W. �'CeYe