HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-17, Page 3C.§ THE EXEITIR TIMES LEGAL, DiCKSON & CARLING, Barristers. Solieitore. Notarlea Conveyaneers, Commies, Money to Loan la 1 per cent. and 6 per cent. OFFIOE e-FANS.ON'S BLOCK, EXETER. en, CARLING, G. A. L. IL PICILSON. melUher of be arm will be aelleneall a }avidity of each Aveek, R H. ooliLitis, twister, , Solicitor, Conveyameer, Ste, leXETER onT, OFFIOB : Over O'Neire Hank. ELLIOT 4. GLAD:WAN, BarligterS, SOligitOrS, %An Pablics Conveyancers &e, Money to Luau. mum, - MAIN1IflT,EMOTE& B. V. nearer, F. W. Gunmen. ,"'n"""'"'""`'''""'•""°"""an""."""a""--nann— E D ICA li DR. a. B. RIVERS, M. B. TORONTO UNI VERSITY, 141 H. C. M. Twiny Vetoer ity.ttillee-Crediton, One. 2tnaii0InaNnee AMOS. :erarate011icea lieshienceseme ae termer. ATIOTOW St, 011ieteenp.tekortanat Al Obi ;se formerly, ucath flier Dr., Amos' loom Manua, nettle door. ett. InahlaNa. L.U.. Toe. A al0a. M. 0 • Exeter, Oat "1 WBtOWU U r . 8, tiradnete Vielorie eniverenY Mee anti resideine. Dordittion laborea tory, Exeter. ooron4r tor the tlouuty num. opposite Oolitic Ares. tore,Exeter. VOTIONEERS. BOSSENBIlIaRRY, Clenerat • oeuaed Anetioneer Sides Coudneted 31 ellpai ts. intietectiontetaittutegot. Chervil itectierete. neural r 0.00; 141001411edAlle• tioueer for the Centeno et aroma lizaelesex; setae eeedneted at meta sato vitae Otiate, At Peet Oleo Goal. Ont, ,.tma....maaomam•t VETIMIN &RI; Tennent & iennent ItXtiTtat, ONT, Graduate intim *Maxie Veterinary Cole lege. Ofilee-One decor iteuth et Town WATHRIi00 MUTUAL J. allot /Minn Ann F00 nstehtliai U( 1ri settle, HEAD OFFICE WAnftLoo, oNr elatt Company br.n been ever airenteenea Tenn in aneressita °per elm in Weston% tin litlie, and NMI hitte9 1st metreagainst lessor denage lent.'aterehantiee tiaaatactents Ong all ether 41escriPtimiS Minable property. Intending insurers have the option of igsitrin e ea the Premium Sete Cash ;•:yst eat, Dunne lige past tettarere this teuttiaily has home 6,,tee Votieits. revering property te the Writ lint oi Magenta; mei told in tossesulerie ingeninar. Melee., 170neo.00, consisting ot Cash, ID oehlt tiovernment nellata teed the uhu'v4- sed Platinum hetes en hand end in Iowa .11 Alaimo Preniant t 0 AL TA exant reci °airy ; a, 11. licents. insi trier • CRAB. BILL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. THE EXETER TIMES Is published every Thursday morning at 111114% Steam Printing. House MOM Street., nearly opposite Fittonnietrelry store, heater, Ont., by JOHN WHITE &aONS. Proprletora. ItAtilt$ aDvenaisieo: Firitinsertion, Per Bee • 10 cents liscb subsequeut insertion, per line3 coats To insure insertion, advertisemente ahould be sent in not. later than Wednesday morning. OurjOBPRINTING DEPARTMENTis one U the largest and best equippedin the County el Huron. All work en rusted to us willre. ccive our prompt interim. Decisions negurtunr, newspapers. 1 -Any person who takes v. paper regularly from the post oftice, whether directed in hie name or anotheoseir weetherho has subscrio. ed or not, is responsible tor moment. 2-„tf a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears or tao punisher may continue to send it until the payment is made. and then collect the whine amount, whether the paper is taken from the ale° or not. 3-1n Snits for subscript ons, the suit may be hastituted in the place where the paper is pub- lished, although the subscriber may reside bun trade amines away, g -The courts have den led that refusing to ake newepapers or periodicals from the post Oka or removing and leaving them uncalled or, is prima, facie evidenm of intentional raud. 1,-CARTEas rrrLE IVER PILLS. •CURE ,ICIt Headache and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as ' Dizziness, Nausea. Drowainess, Distress after eating, Pain in the side, &c. whim their most remarkable Sueee138 has been shown in curing SIC Headache, yet CARTER'S LIME LIVER PILLS ere equally Tamable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, etimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEA Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without theme But atter all sick head ACHE Is Mebane of eo many lives that here lowliere eve make our great boast. Our pills aura le wail° others do not. CARTER's LITTLE LIVER Pima are very ornall rind very easy to take, one or two plus make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do note -rola or purge, but by their gentle action please fl who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or tient by mail. tam 11111DI0Illa 00., Raw York, graiI Dot ball rim ev.39Baaaaaa7;--B:)43,434):3414.)::a: The Great Keinplatz Experiment Tbe body of the professer, feeling conscious suddenly ot, a grea.t dry- ness about the back et the throat, sallied oat into the street, still elauckling to himself over the result of the experiment, tor the soul of Pritz within waa reckless at the thought of the bride whom he had won so easily. His first impulse was to go up to the house awl. see her, but on second thoughts he came to conclusion that, it would be best to stay away until Madame Baum- garten should be informed by her husband on the agreenrent whien had been made. He therefore made his way down to the Gruner Mann, which was one of the favorite trysting- places of the wilder students, and ran, boisterously waving his cane in the air, into the little parlor, where sat Spieler and nfuller awl half adman other boon co:cepa-4ton% "Hal hat• mny Level" he shouted. "I knew I would find you here. Drink up, every one of you, and call for what you like, for I'm going to stead treat to-dayl" Had the greei . man, who me deplet- ed epee, the sign -poet of that well- koown tun audilenly marched into t.ho loom and called for a bottle of wine the studenta could uot nave beett more 'lazed thanthey mere by this tea. expected entry of. their revered pro- feesor, They were NO aStOhished that for a minute, or two they glared at him in utter laewilderecteut without being able to make any reply to hue hearty tnvitetiozt. "Donner nod nlitzent" sheeted the Professor, angrily, what the deuce is the matter with you, theaf You sit there like, a eet ot steek pigs taring at we. What la it, thent" It to the unexpeoted honor. etam- awed Sptegel, who was in the chair. "Il000r-rubbishl" said. the proles- sor, testily. "Do you, think that just ' t"use 1 hannen to have been oxide Ibiting mesmerism to is parcel of old fossinti, I am therefore tooprood to eeeociate uith, dear old trioxide like youf Coine out, of that chaitetimegel, wy boY. for I ehall preside now. Beer, OE wine, or echnuems, lads -call tur what you like, and pue t all dew:* to Bit.." Never was there mach an afternoon In the Orono 3latin. The foaming flaguns of larger and the greerietteck- ed log ties el Ithenish eirculated mere rily. By degrece The students lost thetr shyness in the pieeence of their profebsor. As fur lone lie ehouted, Ito sung, he roared, he halanced itPing tubarce-pipe upon his twee, and offer- ed to run a hundred yards against any member of the company. The kellner and the barmaid whispered to eaeh other outside the door their as. tonislament at each proceedinge on the part of a regius professor of the once ni University oi 'template. They had, still more to whisper stbout afterward, for the 'carotid man crack- ed the kelluer's crown, and Wetted the barmaid behind the, kitchen door. "Gt•ntleznen," said the professor, standing up. albeit somewhat tot- teringly, at the end of the tuble, and balancing bias high, eld-faeltioned wine glass in his bony trued. "I mutit now explain to you what is the cause of thus yte "Heart hear!" roareil the students. hammering their beer glasses against the table; "a speeele a speeehl-silence for it speech!" "The fact is, iny friends," eaid the profeasor, beaming through his spec- tacles, "I hope very sooa to be mar- ried." "Mermen" eried o student, bolder than the others, "Is madame dead, then?" "Madame whot" "Why, Madame von Ila.urngarten, of course." "Hal hat" laughed, the professor; "I can see, then, that you, all know t all about my former difficulties. No, she is not: dead, but I have reason to be- lieve that sho will not oppose my mar- riage." "That is very accommodating of her," retnarked. one of the company. "In fact," said the professor, "Ihope that she will now be induced ea lied me in getting a wife. She and I never took to each other very much; but now I hope all that may be ended, and when I marry she will come and stay with me." "What a happy faintly!" exclaimed some wag.' "Yes mimed; and I hope you will come to my wedding, all of you. I won't mention names, but here is to my little, bride!" and the professor waved his glass in the air. "Here's to hie little bride!" roared the roisterers, with% shouts of laugh- ter. "Here's her health. Sie soli leben-ghochl" And so the tun waxed NMI more fast and furious, while each young fellow followed the professors example, and drank a toast to the girl of his heart. While all this festivity had been going on at. the Gruner Mann, a very different soeue had been enacted elsewhere. Young Fritz von Hart- mann, with g solemn face and a re- terved manner, had, after the experi- ment, consulted and adjusted some ma t hema tical instruxnents; after which, with a few peremptory words to the janitors, he had walked out into the street and wended his way slowly In the direction of the house of the professor. As he' walked. he saw Von Althaus,, the professor of anat- omy in front of him, and quickening bis pace, he overtook him. "I say, Von Althaus," he exclaim, ed, tapping him on the sleeve, "you were asking me. for some informa- tion the other day tioncerning the middle coat of. the cerebral arteries. Now, I find*" "Donnezavetterl" ahoutect Von Al- thans, who was a peppery, old fellow, "What the deuce do you mean by your impertinence! have you up before the academical senate for this, min with whioh, threat. he burned on his heel and burried away. Von Hart- mann wasg moth surprised at this re- ception, on account of this fail - re of my experiment," he said to him - &elf, and confined moodily on itis way, Frest surprises were M alore for him., however. He was hurrying along when be was overtaken , by two student s. Th ea e youths ill St ea d of raising their caps or showing any outer sigu of, respect, gave a, wild whoop of delight the instant that they saw: hien, and rushing at biro., seixed blew by mune aano, aod come zoomed dragging him along witb there, "Gott in himmell" roared Von Harty:Vann,. "What is alw meanies: of this unparalleled. insult? Where are you taking me?" "TO (track it Pottle of wine with us," said the two atudente. alorigi That is an invitation which, you balm never refused." "I never heard of such insolence in my life!" cried Von Hartmann. "Let go my arms! I shall certainly have you eusticated, for OIL Let me go sayl" and be kicked furiously at his captors. "Oh, if irons °Inmate to turn ill-tem- pered, Youmay go where you like," the students eaid, releasing him. "We an do very well without you." "1 Icaow you. pay you out; sold Von Hartmaom furiously, and continued in the direction which he hough:led to tet. his own home, mach incensed at the two ispieoties wletch had ocourred to him on the \fey. Now, Madame, vim Baumgarten, who was looking out of the wendow and wondering why her husbantt was late for dtexter, was censiderably towelled to see the young student a:mu stalking clown the road. Male ready remarked, she bad agree.* anti- pathy to lime and if ever be ventured into the house it wason sufferance, d under the protectiou of the pro. teaser. Still more astonished was she therefore, when Site beheld hint undo the wicket gate aud stride up the garden patit with tit • ot I is master of tile situation. She could Ihardly believe her byes, and hasten- ed tot the door with all her maternal ; instincts up in arms. From tho Up- • per windows the fair Elise bud also observed this daring move upon the part of her lover, and her heart beat quick with mingled node axed con- eternatton. "Goed-day, sir," Madame Baum- garten remarked to the intruder, zut ‘, she stood in gloomy raujesty in the open doorway. "A very flue day indeed. Martha," , elm nod the other. Now, don't stand there like a statue of junto but bustle about and get the dinner ready, for 1 OW well-nigh starved.' "Aarthal Dinned" ejaculated the , lady, falling back in astonishment. "Yes. dinner, Martha, dinner!" howl - eel Von Hartmann, who was becoming irritable. "Is there anything wonder- ful in that request when a xnau has been out all dayrn wait in the diningeroom. Anything will do. Schinken, and homage, and prunee-. any little thing that happens to be about. There you are, standing star- , ing elem. 'Wnroan, will you or will yout not stir your legs" This taut eddrebst delivered with a neatest shriek of rage, had the effect of sending good Madurne Baumgarten flying along the retesage and through the kitchen, whore she "%eked ber- , self me in the scullery and went into : violent, hysterics. In the meantime. Von Hartmann strodo into the roora and threw himself down upon the sofa tn tho worst of tempers. "Elided" he shouted, "Confound the girl! Elise!" %Itne roughly eummoried, the young lady came tiraidly down -stairs and in- to the presence, of her lover, "Dear- est!" she oried, throwing her arms around him. "I know this is all done for myteakel It is a ruse in order to see me.' To be Continued. OVER A BAMBOO BRIDGE. Exeittng Experience or a Traveller In Mr. L. A. Waddell, in his book, "Am- ong the Himalayas," describtes the crossing of the Toesta. River on a rick- ety bamboo bridge. The bridge, always dangerous, was at that time a mere ragged skeleton of itself, and to make matters worse, was slippery with green slitne. Such nridges are usually rebuilt once in two yeara, but this one had evidently not been touched for much longer than that. On this nar- row, tottering structure, open at the sides, Mr. Waddell had to cross over the turbulent, rapid river, three hun- dred feet wide and seventy feet below the 'bridge. The instant you step on such bridges they recoil from you, and awing and shake in an alarming way, rolling from side to side and pitching like a ship in a stimm. They swerve with a sudden jerk every time you lift your foot; not only sideways and longways, but also downward and forward, as your wiaight depresses the bridge. This goes on until you pass the middge of thehridge, after which the oscillat- ing structure kicks up behind you as you aacend. I got on fairly well so long as I could Wok to see the bamboo rod on whioh I had to walk, although the open sides heightened the .litenae of insecurity. Ilut away frogm the bank, if you look down to e.ee where to placeyour foot, the rush of leaping water in the tor- rent below gives you the giddy sen- sation that both you and the bridge are running swiftly upastreata. Yet one mutt keep his eye upon the single bamboo overhanging the abyss, and find a shaky footing upon it, since to mass it means certain death - 1 was a quarter of the way over, perhaps, when, as I stepped from one bamboo to the next, it tilted up, and I could see that most of those in front were lying loose and disjointed in their NT -Slings. They had been broken away by the passing of the person who had preceded m.e. I could not srwing round to go batik ; forward vvas my only course. T went on with long strides to get a foothold on this shaking, swinging line of slimy bamboos. After each step had to half close my eyes to coun- teract the giddy feeling of the up- ward rash of the bridge. It was a creepy, ghastly process. A false step meant death in the raging gulf be- low. After what seemed an age I reaatted the oppoaite hank, 80n NSTRUOTIVE .F11138 THE Finn KNOWN 18 THAT OF $0D0111 AND GOVIODEAD. he Hortastr, of Rome -The Great [ire Lontion-rtetures of atoseon. nod Chie- n.% In olainee-reve itinidren rersons Cast a fear LIVcS in (memos At rarioue times in the world's his- tory tire a have wept over cities and eountries for that matter, leaving be- hind them deetructima and ruin. Dor, Mg modern timea fires have inoreaaed while apparatus for fighting fire has not kept pace with the tendency for greater compaetnees ha cities and with the greater employment of inflaearaae tne buildings on either Side of the etreet neerly met at tbe tog. Tiie baker's. house was filled with tegots, and bra:W.:mood. The fire spread with incredible itxrsinto. me. :most .deusely populated, quarter. 111 the narrow Iazie. Of Thiames .ttreet lived ateve- (lore.; waterneenaeeaters. and targiers. to Thames street Itself were enormous warehousee lined On either side ot the 'street, and stored with oil, brandy anti 0: her haflammable ecionnoditiee," - After the flames had Penetrated this quarter the destructive WAN $0 rapi4. !tett by 0 o'clock Sunday eat:ruing all Fish street Woe in flames, and the fire • spaeading air fast that the people bare- ly had time to remove their goods. All that Sunday was spent in harry- ing goatle to theriver for protection. The fire wee at ltength stayed by Weaning LIP tbe houses at the Temple Cluireb, at Pie coiner. Smithfield's. It had coe.sumed fireesixtles of the .city, We material. together with great pieee beyoed the The firat great fire on record is that veeatern gate. Tbe devastated area wbich destroyed the cities of Tyre covered 436 acres, 387 acres within the and Sidon. Tbe brief mention of that it made in Genesis xia.. chap. 2340. The. eten WAS risen -upoit •the eartb when Let came ioto Zoar. Tben Je- bovan rained iinagn Sodom, and uPen Gomorrah. brimstone .ertil fire frora jee luevah cot. of heaven; and he °Vert beew. thoee eitie.e and all the and ell the inhabitants et the cities god that which grew upon them, And Vibration): got up early in the raor.rsing to the place where he stood before Jehovah; and he looked toward gtigilegto end Geutorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, :and behold, aod lo. the emoke et the laud went up as walls and 7$ watheot. II destroyed /WOO dwellings, St. Paul's Cathedral, 89 Pariah churches, four of the eitY gates, Zion College. the Royal Ex- change, the Old Grey Friel's' Churcb, tbe ,ehapel of St. Thomee of Aeon, and an immense member of great houses, schools, Prisons and liosnit- als. Tim fire swept clear an area near- ly a mile and a half in length and a mile in breadth. The Vallee of thapree pertdeetroyed wait eetimated At ten eallione of Runde. Great numbers of persons must have st.trveL and died of privatlons emce- ed by this great fire, but no re- cord of this feature hat: been preserved in history. THE BURNING OF MOSCOW. The tleird great fire in modern times ais -the burning of Moseow by the the smoke of a furoaee. WIIILE NERO VIDDLSD. Ruseteue, who strove by this meane to thwart the plane of Napoleon. Leo When Rome wee buruing N'ere ftd- .‘,14-'tis.tgatoi1.1thillt,i5aleiEdli glInt,L)gnarltrieftZt7 idled 01 the Are et ltoeue the lals- s,tz,rgeotx in the French army, seyst toriau ?derivate says: " But in the ` We had scarcely taken phssession Midst of these borrere which ateepecli e`e.tho tewa ond sueeede(1 In etina gins tag the fire ki os and the prime together, Providend'e quence of two principal cattees. the , w eel. In cense- ndlbed in the in t beautful quarters in the eatete fear -Cal guilt the people - was preparing an awfal chatititeteent,i fiamea again broke out in the most altd was about to overthrow 'harem, liienoelens:renle "tnoer egtrl:eard, ariaerlitvaig:•11 like the cities of the plain in a sheet the whole plate la commies ruin, *The of retribative fire. Crowded as the first of these causes Is justly reported masa et citizens were, in their close to have been the desperate resolution wooden dwelling 4:hauliers, actidents wQter4e seUetlIctilhealves beQete ertoUnsiiiiilel 1 tiviTt: prieons, tbe doors of wide)* were volved whole stYreetsuarrritinggularters of thrown opeu on the desetriure of tbe ism city in wide...pre:1d ccunagration ;Army, note wretches. whether in- were constantl aim i he- - , aud the eftorte of the eight wetch to own feelings. with a slew no doubt of ' ' cited by superior authority or by their stew these outbursts of fire, with few plunder, ran from palace to palace, and ' of thy appliances anti little, perhaps, from bourn to house setting fire to a the dittipline of our modern, puttee, everything that fell in their war. Tho „ were but iumerfeetly Wee! lull. But vein, of death hailicted upon tho-e . the greatest a alt Ares wee Oa I. which ;Tull. gabtrtinheet coilYtinad3enUoalrn7reNnIstcla sionon tit!et ' broke out on Jul)' 10, in the year 817, other, and the fire raged three days the tenth OS Nero, which begeu at the 4n"Ilre° nights. The h°148es we" „ , easteru end of the circus abutting on the flames „Naly spread themselves nulled down in vain by our soldiers, the valley between the Palatine and over the vacant Foca, and the build - the Cadnan mile, Against the, outer, ings thus isolated were set on fire in walls of this edifice leaned a. 'was of tial twinkling of an eye. The serond wooden booths and stores, filled chief- ecteurierugalleftb.e attributed to the °qui- ly with combustible articles. The wind "It would be, difficult, under any eir- ' from the out drove the flames toward' eunistanees to imagine . the corner of the Palatine, vliene horrible than that with which our eyes' a pleture more ' ' --at° were afflicted. The weather was fine - they forked in two directions, follow- and dry, while the wind blew. One Ing the draught of the valleys. At, night tbe whole of the city was on' neither poiut were they encountered fire. Large rolumns of flames of vari- by the msaavo masonry a hiais al, ousecolors shot up frorn every quarter,I d d'f- 3' • . temples, till they had gained suoh head fused a glaring light :tad it scorching that the mere intensity of the heat heat at it considerable distance. These crumbled brick etd stone like paper. The flames shob: aZreVdluravltingnede.°Irtb,n- t up to the heights ; driven on by the vie:. ; fattseeSitg fire. 1 adjacent anti b.wept the basements et dering explosions, the result of the eee niereattluiea many noble structures on the Pala- combustion of gunpowder, saltpetre, tine and Aventine. Agatn they phang-. 004 resin and brandy. with which the ed into the lowest levels of the city, greater part of the houses had been filled. The varniehed iron plates which the dense habitations and narrow covered ihe butldings, were torn catty winding streets of the, Velabrum and the effect of thel heat and carried to Forum Boartim, till stopped by the it great distance; very large pieces of river and the walls. At the same time mats and rafters made of fir, :seized by the flames, were thrown an im- another torrent ru.she.d towards the manse distance off and oontributed to Veba and the Esquiline and sucked upextend the conflagration to houses all the -dwellings . witbfilierginh. which -were considered. least exposed on account of distance. Amidst the horror and confusion of the scene, the smoke, the blaze the c;.' Thal:lower classes who had reniair atouse by thewiiredrievraltuflraotod I.;:ihemeost din, and the scorching heat, with' half t the population, bond and free, cast loose and houseless into the street; ruffians were seen to thrust blazing brands into buildings, who affirmed, When seized by indignant sufferers, that they were acting with orders; and the crime, which was probably the desperate resource of slaves and rob- bers, was imputed by fierce suspic- ions to the Government itself. "The flames had subsided, after rag- ing for six day; and the wretched outcasts were beginning to take breath and visit the ruins of their habitations when a second conflagration burst out in a different quarter. Three days ex- hausted the fury of this second visi- tation, in which the loss of life and property was leas, but the edifices it overthrew were of greater interest. Altogether the disaster involved near- ly the whole of Rome. Of the fourteen regions of the city three were entire- ly destroyed, while seven were injur- ed and four only of the whole number escaped unhurt." Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. Be wale at Antiuxa at the time. THE SECOND GREAT FIRE is that which raged in London in 1666. It followed close upon the black plague, which had decimated the pop- ulation and had the effect of purging the infected city from end to end. Nor WIEU3 this the only beneficial effect re- sulting frocoa a ealtimity which ren- dered 200,000 homeless. The fire broke out early in the morn- ing of Sunday, Sept. 2rrd1 1866, in the blouse of a baker in Pudding Lane, TheineS street. In this region of Lon- don the houses were of wood, painted with pitagh to make them wind and waiter proof. The lanes were very nar- row, and as the upper storeys of the houses projected one above another, Afur. Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English. Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine, discovered. kltz packages guaranteed to cure all forms of sexual Weakness, all efteetti of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - bum), Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 81, six, $6. One teriu ptease, eitz win cure. Tampialete free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in lenzeter by J. W. Browning, druggist. lamentable cries. Extremely anxious to preserve what was most valuable to them, they loaded themselves with packages which they could hardly sus- tain, and which they frequently aban- doned to escape from the flames. The women, impelled by a very natural feeling a humanity, carried one or two children on their shoulders and dragged the others along by the hand and in order to avoid death, which threatened them an every side, they ran with their petticoats tucked up to take shelter in the corners of streets and squares. But they were soon com- pelled, by the intenseness of the heat, to abandon those spots and to fly with precipitation every way that was open to them, sometimes without being able to extricate themselves from that laby- rinth in which many of them experi- enced a miserable end. I saw old men, whose long beards had been caught by the flames, drawn on small c,arts by their own children, who en- deavored to rescue them from that real Tartarus." CHICAGO'S GREAT FIRE. Probably the fourth great fire in history was that whioh reduced Chi- cago to ashes in 1872. A fractious cow is generally credited with having caus- ed this disaster, by kicking over a sta- ble lantern, but history also hints at the malice of Southern sympathizers or the desperate methods of the Ku - Klux Klan. The Chicago fire broke out on Sun- day evening, Oct. 8th, 1872, and raged until noon on the. 10th. The spread of the flames was so rapid that the in- habitants had Lime only to flee for their lives, and so wild was the stam- pede that many were trampled to death. The fire brigade were powerless, as a strong wind was blowing, and the expedient of blowing up blocks of houses proved untivailing. The flames were finally checked by a heavy downpour of rain on Tuesday. The toes of life in the Chicago fire has been fixed it 590 persons, and the loss in property at 0195,000,000. One- third of the oity was destroyed and 100,000 persons renderect homeless. The burned area covered 2,00 acres. The cities of America and Europe genet' ously assisted the people of Chi - (tag°, and the hardships occasioned by the fire were of short duration. The city began to grow rearveleatsly, and in it short time watt entirely febuilt. sigegignageon, 'fief HISIteattsP1,. 900 Ditiips • t4,o4 AgetablanparationtorAs- shmuung uta- ongthaStoroothsandBowe of ProinotesNestiongheerrtil- IleSSancirtestfrontainsnelther =Morphine 'nor Mineral, ,..erA.33,C 0 WIcs Aiwaeors.zuzaf 1,6944 ,eiettete.tvelee- eeirselleeig Antenena fiereetteaniefelea PMPIria" itM%.445VIn ApeLrOt Remedy for CoatT tion. Sour Stometcb,Pierrboea WOrms.gomruisions,Fewrish- ;VMS =Moss or $Lrzr. THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE Snie Sipesturtr of e;g1441 ItIVAT yo: ON TEM APPER BUITITTE OF CASTORIA anittele is put ep in eati-the Unto may, r* z.ot IA Intik, I;lea't ellev ae7tes au mottling tilt° ea the pi, er poach,. thet le it "jest es geee" zed "will trews:. every par- s." Jar the eta yea fat 0-A-Sa-0-34-4 ae. 13 FLANNEL, The Countess de Oastelleue, who is aid to out -Paris Parisians lee lter ex- penditures for perfumes, has carried an Idea of French perfumers to fanciful extreme. The Ir. tour -atm truuks which accompanied the Come. CeSS on her receut visit to New York were lined ivith perfumed flannel, and x through the gowns and liugeriee were scented amulets stamped wiele the ; Castellane crest. Eastern chemists bare prepared siruitar perfumed flan- nel at 813 and 810 it yard. An order for CO yards Irma a fashionable women is net unusual. Closets, cedar cheste, hat boxes and every compartment containing daiuty toilet belongings are lined with it, and everywhere the pungent amulets are scattered White violets continue the dis- tinctive perfume of the ultra -fashion- able, the Duchess of Marlborough has created a vogue for jasmine in Lon- don which has been taken up by cer- tain women in the East. A DISTINCTION. Here' Get out with you! tried the farmer. 1 hain't got no use for book agents! • rii give you to understand PER not it book agent, returned the one ade dressed, haughty drawing biraself up to hie full height, Pro a tramp, sir) CASTOR! For Infants and Children. Tb, fse- Math eintaturo le re nary egoasa amen, FLOWERS IN FINGER, BOWLS, Flowers in finger bowls are the latest of fashionable fads. The cre- dit for this novelty belongs to the Japanese, who are noted for design- ing beautiful things. They have prepared little pieces of wood, whicb, when thrown into water, expand into odd flowers which they call "water flowers." The wood is painted in all sorts of pretty colors and is cut in- to little sticks. The sticks are not thrown into the water until after the finger bowls .have been placed before , the guests. It is quite interestingal to watch the little splinters expand into flowers. Some of the prettiest of the sticks are those orbieh form ehrysantheinums and these are fav- ored most by the Japanese because the chrysanthemum is their national flower. CATARRH SUBJECTS This dread malady lurks behind the most in- cipient head Golds, and when the seeds of disease . are sown steals away the beauty bloom and makes life Pleasures a drudgery. Dlt. AGNEW'S CATARMILAY., POWREILt will cure the Incipient cold and the mast 'tub - born and chronic Catarrh eases. It puts back the beauty pink and sheds sunshine in its trail. " My wife and I were both tr011bled.WIth CitSttell. sing catarrh, Mat we have eMoysd freedom from its distresses since flat first applidation of Dr. Ag- new's Catatrhal Powder --it acts instariteeeously- gives grateful relief in to minutes, and we believe there is na ease too deeply seated to batle US. a etirecdye -ytcv. D. Lutz,BhO••e.2.Buiffga sot 0 By the 14 01 Tim D. at L. Eraulalosi, I have gettenridafabstkingeoeghw lahliarIrranblaci 1.46 /or ovie 4- 744; 4,441 invesaltied mender, ably la weight. T. IL WINGliAll, CM, Woven, tiae. end at per nettle DANIS & LAWRENCla CO, Limited, atom/emu that =to thp. cf.r.-At CiI1 e; Deldilly, lett Vigor fula maithavd: rrAtorse the cf body cm mod celusi4 by crevecric, or the err= err5. veer -let par.10. Thls Rernerlyelo, iniutely cures um1e5t obstimge Mee wtirea at1 Othrt RISEATSIENTI1 Intro failotteren to relieve, ala by gists at,alper rickage.er, els ter Cher II1/4 4W141'tct wee t . Sift IN 1.10..1 Ve, V.ta told at Brownmg's Drug Ntot* Exeter THE BRIDAL VEIL. The bridal veil is it survival, of the eanepy held over the pair on their way to church, thia practice still our- vives in Oriental rountries. Another explanution is that it stands for the lineu cloth which waft laid on thil beads of both bride and groom, and remained there until after the benedio- Hon had been pronounced. In the days uf the primitive Britons the bride wore no veil, but allowed her abundant locks to fall about her shoulders. Tina fashion was prevalent with both nobles and serfs. Even as late as the reign of Henry VIII. bridea wore their hair in this simple style. The silken locks' of Anne Boleyn floated abort her on the day of her ill atar- red nuptials with the king Of many wives. MERCIFUL WlieliKLMINA. The young (omen of the Netherland* is giving fresh proofs every' day of what a sensible, warm-hearted girl she is. The other day site sent a letter to the tramway company of The Hague requesting that they in- struct the drivers of all their vehieles not to stop when the royal carriage passed them. Wilhelmina said she ape preemie(' the align of respect and courtesy which these abrupt halts upon her appearance signified, but the sudden 8.nd unnecessary- stops and the consequent starts tired. the horse* who dragged the heavy ear; enel or this reason it gave more pain than pleasure to her majesty to Arty*: the trams recognize her presence. , Children Cry for CASTS R HIS PRESENCE O' MIND. A woman can't sharpen a lead pene oil or throw a stone, said Mr. Meekton What's titatI asked hie wife, rathe er sharply. Don't mistake rae, Henrietta, was the quick rejoinder. I'm not gloeting, I wee just reflecting on the wisdom of nature. There is no reasion why * woman should sh rpen pencils me throw stones, when there are pleuty of men hanging 'round, whose tinae doesn't amount to nation anyhow, and who. mighi as well be lining that al nothing Shall I send the wrap C. a D.? giake ed the salesman, as he remitiveil. the price tag. O. 0. 03 echoed the puzzlegl maid. Then, after a momenta% thought, she Icontinued: Oh; yes, oft course, Cell •on dad for the money: