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Exeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 5
MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon term or village property at lowest Area of interest. DIOESON 8t OARDING: Exeter. W. GLADMAN (Successor oz to Elliott ._. Madman) Banister !Solicitor, Notary PubIic,. Conveyancer, Etc. Money to -loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest, Dates of interest FJ?IOE MAIN STREET EXETER lir EINS,AZAN. L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. TCINii1IA,N, L, D. S. D. D. S. Honor Graduate of Toronto extracted wtout Dentist. bad actor enacts, °face zu Fan - son's block, West sideof Main treat, Exeter" R. AND 1ItSOtti• (D. D. S. i. D. S )' DENTIST. Ronor Greduateof the Toronto tinivtersity. and Royal College of Dental eurrgeons of /Ontario. All bridge work. Crowne, et 4 Plate work don©lily the neatest possible manner. 4. harmless auaesthetie for painless extraction. Thestrictest attention given to the preservat- en of the natural teeth. Qtfce opposite Cep: trot Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. A.FTING. o do Grefting rears. u4pplee, Plned umsmidleenies. Bele e a_llrefnlly STne'eted. Satisfaction gttarantecd, Inberges moderate. 21 -at S. i'O\%'alta, Isxeter. CUT TIT'S OUT and send uswith acerata in silver; and eau w]I1 by return mail a GQI.UNN BOX OF 41001) tont will bring you in IllePn l�ovt s, in out lllOnth, than an}stbhng else in .Americo, 1►. w. ICINNBla B.1;, Snecma -1 anemia—Ile N. S Five Paas of Cards Free, Qno l: ack, May I. C. L. Ilorne. Ono pre$ Escort, Unepaek 'ldirtattiona Onapaci: *Hold - ea -tight,' One pact; 'Qtr .t.'afa dust Hnlds Two.' Sarut,Ies of 20o other styles with bash full of no - sums. Senn yes silver for postage. 4. W. Ii;,INNEYr E. T. wstem--' a.rmouth, N.8 THE ll~: C TAMPION N AY e WIRE FF -•k I.II RC T lP. THREE S� 1 I.I:S. Posts placed 90 feet apart and g outwit. Either straight or evilest wire used best eo, 9 steel. Also the American steel fence. poi STUJRAGE, 10, or 12 cattle taken for the taz'ason. Rum* water. OUSE , IN IIENSALL 101,, b AI.I.Olt ItiN1'. Seven rooms, geed well. goad location on Oxford tit. Apply to W, Jeletl'e uFo D. It d neon u le Tar - eon tieon the heard. awl the result so far has proved very t=atisfaetoryr, k1,CC7e't lino,g to The M diene Sentinel.. it etas been ascertained by carerttl ab - mg, servation tient certain families in a village of St. Ourn. France. enjoy ab- solute immunity from tuberculosis. They are gardener:, of eveedlent habits who intermarry among tllemtelves and ne i ep apart from the immigrant labor- s. The latter suffer Bever -.'y from the disease. It Iv ennsidered erobablo that hygienic conditions are not the soloa c iso of the difference. but that by tt kind of natural eeleetirn a Taco immune from tuberculosis bas been de- veloped. Caleson di" -core. or enmt resod air dlsenee, is a seeln civ which is often contracted by those= who are crng;eged. in engineering. work in poeitians lettere they are subjected to greet air pres- sure. Dr. Thomas Olive:. los observed several cases of this kind. eend be has arrived at the conclusion that the symptoms aro best explair+et1 by the theory that the malady is due to in- crenred solution by the bland of the gases met with it in compressed air, and the liberation of these gases dnr- ing decompression. The increased so - C lution of the gases is due, of course, to the greater pressure upon the person of the caisson worker. The old "Physic Carden." at Chelsea,. which was leased to the "Apothecaries' Company" in 1672,. and presented to them by Sir Hans Sloane in 1722, is to be placed under a Committee of So- cieties and the garden is to be main- tained for promoting the study of bot- any with special regard to the require- ments of general education, scientific instruction, and research in systematic botany, vegetable physiology, and in- struction in pharmacy, as concerns the culture of medicinal plants. New of- fices, lecture rooms, and laboratories e are to be provided. The old "Physic Garden" was one of the oldest,. if not the b oldest,botanical anic al garden in the world, and is of considerable historical importance. THE EXETER T1. ES SCIENCE NOTES, WOMAN RAN A CAB. The sewers of Paris are now being e or treasutes, owing to the re- cent discovery by workmen of a bundle containing ,SI20,000 in securities, "Tho latest American idea. 'for the sheathing of vessels ton preve tfoul- ing and corrosion is to sheath theist with glass plates, which, is, said to be entirely feasible," The above item is from The Engineer, o; London, While this may be true, we I"lave heard troths log about it, and it sounds suspiciously like paper bicycles and other things of like order, which seem to exist only in the minds of newspaper reporters. The British Eastern Aaleralasi.ta China Telegraph company filed a with the State Department of United States for $86,000 damages cutting its cable by Admiral De at Manila. last Say, The United St Attorney -General bas now render decision finding to that. according ernationaI law, there was no gro or a claim far indemnity' wile ilitary commander cuts a cable u tbe territorial waters or an etre Petit Bleu, of Brussels. recently curious experience in which it shown that no one is in Uspensibl his world. The compositors Ila. knell, the text accompanying the ustrations Was written out on ypewriter; thea tbe tyre eu sheets and the coley he pictures were pasted ma la ix .. eets of cardbolyd and the wbole educed by photogrtpby to the req d size. Prom this negative a pilo ugraving was made from which • was printed, Tire authorities of the Southern ii opolitarn Gas company, an Engl orporation, have added workingnt rectors to the board of the comps he report stated that the profit sh g system, which was introduced 89. continues to justify its existeu it induces a generally intelligent test in the e We Rare of the comp tbe part of its officers and 71t o of the workmen were elected e workmen shareholders to sit • n and claim the for wey ates ed a in- uud r me a ~v ray. had via$ e in vleg ii the nee for rge Ives air-, to. the let - isle en nY. ar- iIn ce, in - ay en. by on t 1 1 t e di T u 1$ 05 to on Tw til COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSI]I1' OF HAY, A court for the Revision Odic assessment rob of the Township of nay tor the -year Milli, will be held at the 'iowtahtp Ball. Sandell, on Iitonday, Juno 9th. at 10 o clock in the fore- i;rgau. ANY Persons having busium at said court will please take notice and govern thein. selvtt;accordingly, lnrleh. May 7th, 1900. FILM BESS Sr ; Clerk. COURT OF REVISION. • TOVelesinP OFU5BORNla A court for tbe Revistou of the a sseranaent roll of the 'Township of Vsborne, for the year 1990, wilt bo held at the !Township Ball, lslitn- forenoon. Anyu a persons having business the said court will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. 1'ItANCTS MORLEY, Clerk. Whalen. May isle 15(10' OTIOE OF APPLICA- in fn Tine SuFragaae Court C The Cotiiity Of Huron. In the matter of tbe f: Tuiirdiatnslrip 1 ofh ally Alice t Campbell, Nellie Gottld, Caroline Gould. and William John Gould, infant children of John Gould of the Township of 11 ty, in the County of Huron, yeoman deceased. Notice is hereby given that after expiration of twenty days from ibe first publication of this notice application will be made to theSur rogate Court of the County of Tiuron for a grant of letter of guardianship of the above named infants to 3laey Gould of the Township of Ilay, widow, and William Northoott and Roger;t"ortheott of the same place, yeomen. mother and uncles respectively of the said in- fants F. W. GLAA1fa\, Solicitor o crier for Applicants. D., Dated $l . A Exeter this a e s thein of May F 10u0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Richard Elworthy:, late of the Township of Lbborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. 129 R. Notice 0.,1807, tis hat ail pn ersons has nto g claims against the estate of the said Richard Elworthy, who died on or about the 30th day of April, 1900. aro required to send on or before the 2nd day of June, 1900, by post,prepaid to J. 10, Stanbury,B. A., Exeter P.., Solicitor for the Executors of the said Rihard Unworthy, their names, addresses and occupations with particu- lars of their chins, and statement of their :accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute:the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required ; and the said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets nor any part thereof,.. to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by thew at the date of such distribution. Dated the'9tlh day of May, 1900. J 11. STANBURY Exiseert, Oar., Solicitor for the Executors. 71— NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . All persons havingany claims against the estate of Wellington JefrersEssory,-w!to died on or about the 3rd day of June, 1890, at MacLeod, • in tho Northwest Territories, aro, hereby re- quested to•send -in full particulars of their. claims with t their a' addresses sses and descriptions ritons in A. E. Essay of the village of Palmerston in the county of Wellington,on or before the 16th day of May, instant. after which time the Ad- aninistrator-of .the estate, below named, will proceed to: distribute„ the said estate accord - mg to law,' having regard only to the Claims then filed withhim. Dated at Palmerston this lcalt dayof April. 1900. Irril;.: THOMAS ESSERY, Administrator. of the said Wellington J Bssery. g utters a..-vS�a`aa.'?1>rn�-n .BORN CORNJSIr In Usborne,D inst..,ther(Devon,) on tho 6th �t+lie of J, J. Cornish, of a daughter .. A IIA RASING COUGH. Dr. Low's •Norway Pine Syrup cured me of a Harassing e ng Cough and Hoarseness - T know of no better remedy. for healing and seedling the lungs and bronchial tubes. 2- Price . c ,c CAST �x t ae: NOTES OF NOTABLES nuaouer f ".,+end Balnbrrage, the Superintendent of the Royal Labors.- tory abors tory at Woolwich, who has been made head of the ordnance factories. entered the Royal Artillery' in 1860. and has been associated with Woolwich in var- ious capacities for many years.. 1a 2. Ernest Legouve has completed his ninety-second year. He is the sen- ior member of the French Academy, both by election and by age. Crowned for the first time in 1829, lie was elect- ed in 1854, and only a few days ago received the "Prix Jean Reynaud." The request made to Mr. Ruskin that Mr. Holman' Hunt should paint his portrait has received` a negative. His' present state of health, say those who know' him best. would not .Permit. him to face the fatigue 'of sitting to so laborious and cons ' cion i. t sus a painter as Mr. Holman Hunt. Lady Georgirrta Grey, daughter or. g sari °Grey, the "enious English states- man, has just iebrated the ninet - Y erebth:annn'eh - of herit I.t„th. Lady Georgiana is t' oldest resident ` of Hampton Court -.Palace, . where for Scone years she has occupied a suite of apartments. Considering- her age she enjoys remarkable health, and takes drives almost daily:- Fraulein Elsa Neumann was "pro- moted" to her degree of Doctor. of Phil- _ osophy y in Berlin University the other day, the first woman to be so honored. She obtained ed it in, the studies ' dies of cbenlistry and mathematics,' watch she had pursued at Gottingen and fin- ished ed at Berlin. The hall where the ceremony took place was crowded ' o suffocation, and the' young woman received great applause from the gen- eral public and the students present, MRS: MABEL BRIERLY OF FORTJErRVIS N. Y. HANDLED THL BRAKE. She Liked Itamaine an Electric Cur, But leer llu,btand Protested. azul ATAo. Cont-. patty Ant'earmee (ler $hto Me t l'ursuo Ii_er Studies Iwtse-wirers, A young woman has shown that Icer sex is quite-, capable of bandling the electric juggernaut with skill and safety, says the New York He':a]d.. She is Mrs. Mabel Brierly, of Port Jer- kis, N. Y., who has been learning in Middletown tow to be a motor -woman. She has been aceompanied by an i.n, structor during the week she Was on trial. After one week of operating till brake her services were dispensed with, but she has determined to follow her newly adopted profession eisewitere. Her husband remonstrated with the superinteudent, and the latter eonelud- eel that the woman's presence on the car was hiving the road too much no toriety. 1.frs. Brierly was much depressed, Out declared sale wetted go to Port .Ter, Nis and get a position on the electric road there, as elite was determined to make it a lite busines;a iu spite of ;leers treed t, nits, ' ' ear front which Mrs, Brlely" hope,l to graduate belonged to the Mial- dletown Goshen Traction Comp try, stud was used as an exprc r ear be- tween Middletown anti Goshen, 'Tie forward end was used to conveyboxes std bundles sent by express, while the rear was ,partitioned oft as a suloklag ear. Mrs. Brierly Went on duty at 7 o'clock. in the morning. The tract: leads out 01 Middletown throrgh the streets and then among fields and woods to I*Ifdway Park anti Goshen, As soon as the express car was out in the open, ernere there is little danger of accident, the hnotQrWOman threw the eape of leer maeitinte:slh back over her shoulders and grasped tbe brake with one bandand the controller with the other. She answered the caution of her companion with the remai'n that if She could baudlebiey a hu, r le s'•e A. could take cadre of a trolley car. She knew how to mangy the curre and tulle the ear around. curves wi out a jolt It o. eow got on the tra as sometimes happened, she Sang! the gong nettle the animal ileal in d may. She likes the work and mea to contlnue Mrs. Brierly Is tall and strong, a thirty years old. This is the teem wi]tich elle give of •herself and of t reasons which led her to engage iu h novel occupatir m "My name in ore I was married. w Mabel McCrae illy mother lives Matamoros, wi:: •e she is o, nurse. A husband, Charles Brierly, left me, a I was forced to support myself an my three children as best I could. "I tried first one thing and then a other, working at almost anything th ( could get to do. Finally I became a agent for a household article, and sol it all through this part of the stat using a bicycle to get around. I fin ] can do a man's 'wore., and when have learned all about running a car am going back to Port Jervis to tr for a position on the new road there I don't think the work is hard. Any wee:, it is a lot better than doing houseworks for some flatting woman," Mrs. Brierly's entrance into a nein which has hitherto been occupied ex elusively by men has aroused sbme ole. position among the latter. One of them -wrote a note to her a short time ago and left it where she would ses it, telling her that she had better go batik to Port Jervis "and not be trying to run men with families out of ]obs" In Middletown. Another man has of- fered ber work cutting wood in Calla. coon, and promises not to charge cher anything -for board. A. Citizen of Mid- dletown has written to her to say that he will give a'• P n of boots if she will wear bloomers. She has .not ac- zepted the boots. She bas even•haci a proposal of mar- riage thorough the notoriety which her work has given her. A. short time ago she e tee ' received a l .� e er from Scran- ton, Pa., signed by James Runyon, of thalt place, telling :cher that he has a rood salary from the Scranton rail- road and would like to correspond with her concerning matrimony. Perhaps however, the motor -woman may come to the conclusion that it will be better to go back to her own. home and resume her place in the ranks of matrons whose names are not heard beyond the circle of their friends. Her husband is anxious : to have heradoptthis course. He went to MiddIeitown a day or two ago to ask her. to return to Port Jervis. where he prosnises to establish a home for her. When he arrived he found that his wife had just left for Goshen on the express ear, and he was obliged to wait for an hour'for her return. At alt elf, ed is - ns na tInt he er as in Iy an d n - at n e, d i r Money' We Spent Well. Complaint is muds that we Ameri- dans spend '$20,000,000 a year won amusements. But whynot? p o Is it not the amusement worth the money to an,overworked and constitutionally too serious people?' We are igrorwi;ng suet ,crops as no- body ever heard of .before. We are rellin,g not only our:grain and cotton and meat, but our manufactured goads, our steel, our iron, our machinery and y the like abroad to such an extent that economists are actually feeling appre- hension lest we grow rich -too fast. Why should we not see plays and buy pictures and p a d decorate our.habita- tions and in other ways lighten our lives at a cost 'that we oan abundantly tfol (a d , Why shoal z d we not laugh. Why: should we not cultivat th 11 and softer side of our characters? what Is money for 1f this is not a good. use to make of it? -New York World. I'`Want of Watchfulness Makes a Thief." .Many cases of poor health come from want of watch - Tr ul nes� . But. _ u. rf you keep. your blood pure no thief can steal your health. The one effective natural bloodurls.ler is Hood's Sarsaparilla, It trere? disappoints, impure Blood -411y wife suffered with palm and distress from an affection of the throat caused by impure blood, She was aimed in ,despair when abe turned to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Six bottled of this mediciahe completely cured her." Jonst< Wecesate, Galt, Ont. Scrofula -- "Boo4's Sarsaparilla bas cared me el scrofula. I was weak and de. billtatevoscaarlMterere ed hadtrhafever .,!gain resorted to thio medicine audit cured =e." Seam B. Derma, A.nnapolIs, N. S. t Hood's Pitts care liver ills; the nonirritating And earl cathartic to take wrath 11ood'p $arsaparriia, 4,414,114.,414 Zfl?US or Paxi°'s • Celery Y pd A re 1'ceogniaed by the Ablest Physicians,. It is the Great System Builder in The Spring Time. Ise Produees Solid and Healthy Fees ,91aa ;es Purer Blood and he Strong Nerves. At this st•as021 of of the year, when cr til u , td> t are lited, rundown mad $iC.iG, Paine's Celery Compound comes to the resent" of the shaky and enfeebled nerves and keeps them front utter pro- sth;ttlou end ruin, and banishes that feeling of exitntistion that, is the cause of de: pendency. melancholia, and de- peeselon among men and women f dr all ages. Paaine'tt Celery (compound makes solid and healthy flesh, pure 'Wool and strong nerves. , Pat N a n • Celery y Competent strength- ens the digest Ivo powers, and restores the nerrnuu syeiem when impaired tram over -user tion of mince or body. Paine's c('ele Celery Compound is home bottle .nr TIT tit t1215 time Is hen the body nous cleaning and building up. The peculiar :Old distiugu!siting nheclicati virtues of Paine's Celery Com- pound are fully recognized by the ab- lest medical num in every part of the Dominion. In its peculiar power and ability to inyigoh'ate the body, to snake new blood and to regulate the nerves, lies the beast value of Paine's Celery Cohn - pound in all wastitag diseases and dis- orders of the .. kidneys, liver and stornnch. Do not suffer from sick beadache a moment longer. It is not necessary. (garters Little Liver Pills will cure 1 Doe 3o Dose, one . lit. tl uP ill Small price. Small dose. Small pill. THE Exeter Turf Club SPRING MEETING MAY 24m, 19OO PROGRAM, 2.20 Trot, or Pace - 9 ..,.30 Trot or Pace 2 50 Trot or Pace Running, Open - DR. ROLLINS, A. E. Pres. - $225 - $200. - 5175- ^ $12;5• TENN T AN See'y. Remo ber that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. Remem that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser- able yourself and make those you come in contact with mis- erable. Remember that in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have ave aremedy that has never yet failed to cure any disease caused byim- poverished P d blood,. such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion, p exlgn, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression Presson of Spirits, p , Lack of Energy, Puffiness and Dark Circles es under the Eyes, 9 Ci Pain in the Back,?:`�. dne-• Liver Disorders, and Catar::.. 60eteiperbox fvoboronfor:$2. 4.11dru ist ora ga; s, am' .Fill In me da: Co . • Torou to, Ona gat sae The best dressed men are those whose attire is pleasing rather that COf Spi® CUouS. The careful selection ofp at erns in 98 CFtthF renders it passible for gentlemen to shut their la eyes and pick, , They cannot be wrongly dressed or ill dressed in a SI-IOREY suit: eeryarment is triadetoi � � fit (not made to order) and every stitch, is guaranteed* Your money back if dissatisfied. ,. Sold by reliable dealers only—an additional � �uararitee to the purchaser. Spring Overcoats Shorey s etre all Rigby Waterproofed MARKETS. Beeter, MAY 9111t, 1S00. Wheat per bushel. .et to 6l Oats .... 29 to 31 Barley .90 to 40 Peas,.„. , ” 00 to SS Butter.... E . . -. , , ,,.11 to 10 larrteys' .,. ▪ <„ 10 to 30 •••• 9 act 10 Chickens aerta .,_ „ ,;,.,, G W 4. ,,,, 7 to 8 Dried fipples, " < , •- 13 to l: Pork dressed.,•,. '" G to 6 3G.� to 6.2a LONDON' MAIMKETS.. London. MAY 9th,1500 Wheat per bushel,., ,... ,. E} t,a d,Yl to33 . Peas •.. ,M1 B,, Bayle}:..... ,..• W Buckwheat ItTa "•• . Carrs Beans Butter .. Eggs Duelxa......, Turkeys Tier 121.... ... ,, Geese peri,...... Chickens .. ' • DucicR ,,.., ....35 to 9Z .,.45 to 48 6lto 56 • !2 to 47 e4 to 70 19 to 24 ....... 15 to 16 60 to 70 10 to 12 9 to 10 SC to 75 (Awes() 8w 1 Potatoes per ba,;..... 51 to 70 Ray per ton ..... , ..$ 6.00 to 3 7.30 Porti ear cwt „ 34.50 to $3.00 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS T rT 1 L �K AT TJ11 SOLE If you look at the sole of the shoe you're buykand the name and price appear thereou in a slate frame, depend au it being at `" Slater Shoe." This is the registered trade mark and a point of distinction,. Beware of the "just as good.' 12 foot -fitting shapes. All reliable leathers in black and fashion's shades. Every pair Goodyear welted. assaassaaaaaassWessaassaersaras A� OLD AND W5LL•TnTmr Itsstnov.—lura, W]uslow'gSoothing Syrup bas been used for over flfty years by millions of mothers for their children dren rr hila teething, - ung, with perfect It soothes the child, softens rho gums. allays al pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy or Dlarrlhcra. Iiia pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo euro o and ask for Mrs Winalow a Soothing Syrupand'tak ono other kind. her DTRE fness nd Noises lady herrHead by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums 9 h•,A. sent £1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Bar Drunks may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the institute, 780 Eighth Avenue New ' •' , 'knhaw,ll. 5,:1, PArtheriand Innes roe LTD. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE 1-4 Ext EITHER STANDING OIL IN ...THE LOGS, Apply to E. C. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER_ ONT. �fA liothiction( JGE PRICE( Pi�6C1� .weeds redcuced from $1S.to $16. a 16 rr 34. n rt II 1e "r 10. Plain Worsteds e rr 22 di 10. Twill ' n n It L"a81tb1g Tweeds reduced from $4.50 to $3.75 Black e e $6.00 to $4.50 With all suitswe give the best of trimmings and guaaantee to fit. Call and examine these goods before buying your suit, VW JOHNS, The Tailor - A LITTLE COLD LET RUN. A. little tickling in the throat—now and /hen a dry, hacking cough—snot bad enough to bother about yon say." But every hack makes a breach in the. system, strains the lungs and reP ares the way for more serious trouble. prepares 'Twould ]d bei w se foxon to take e ]Jr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup now, before the longe become permanently affected, It i9 the most pertain and satisfaotory for.Coughs, ; ;Colds, Bronchitis Croup, loarsenesa, Sore Throat and Whooping Cough. Mrs. Geo. F. Foster, Lansdowne,N.B. heath's to say: "I was taken suddenlywith a cold which settled on my lin e. I had a terrible cough and it gave me great alarm. :A71 the remediesItrie*teemed of I then ptarted takingno use, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ` Syrup, whish cured me sromptly that it was a pleasant Iurprise. x shall always keep it in the bonse during the winter Hatton.'' C Al AT MAN ,SOLE 1(C'k THE FAMILY ,• eat For Lrse class .CORNED BEEF. PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA. and SA'CVSA( LARD and. SMOKED A fine selection of BEEF, itr 1l , 11 mar 0 u,mtybSrr� i rr. d ret. �" tan x c x;t:,�,•'' F alis iti wrriteaas,I, era �&en,A ;!l,p,. LAMB, sotwxNEabha, DOYLEY LI N Y LEYGC'), i sox 'ronoraro MEATSN B'' .eat Mar FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Ft-eset cartel Salted Meats! r on hand. � e'ats Th lenderstgned has open I new meat market one door Note the address, one door north al The R. Pickard. Co's store. SOUti] Ot Car jri '¢. Store LOUIS WW1 PROP' where he will keep the choicest of (��i (�Et(((�� ppnn''rrpp ��!1(�pp rrpp.rr nrr]' fig !!.pp' " meats constantly on hand. 1 ll it U t1 bUYbti�l�ftll , �U(Il it tl 111 z A CALL SOLICITED. �,� t,"�l°� � .iCll'iiot ' ,i�A1�P+INC� RAl a ` PATENT ► EXETER 'ROLLER MILLSiM i ar - =1.�r a. Tho above out represents Proven's Carrier I and Sling. Altogether it is the.ntosti simple and practical machine made. Tho Sling can bo attached to any truck. .All adjustments can be made from the floor by means of pulley hoists. One rope places on hook, the other takes it oft without any climbing, Por particulars apply to JOHN CHARLTON, General Agent for Western Ontario, EXETER NORTH, F° 1-11 Clot U1TO Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able t avail yourself of our offer. We ffer. �4 e are showing a fine range e of Black a 1� Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays y (bought before. theheavyadvance vace il] price and selling at. the old pr� ICe S. Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suitln�, W�, show ct big range at moderate b prices Canadian in Scotch and Canadian' tweeds we cry a large and as- sortsorted - ed stock.:. Prices t0 suit all. A large E SL OCi of the lat- est - est goods 1r0a b ot?rcfor singt- frolYl S1Q up. TJS A CALL and see what we Ga;Ii do ' ff�1 y011, J. H. Cries eat MERCHANT TAILOR. &1eWAYS READY Mill Peed aril Cern CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOGIE. HiciesEST MAnIcnT PRICE PAID FOR GOOD RED WINTER 1VBBIIAT. a, Carload Mats. Southern Sweet ate, Improved Learning seed Corn: a,, J. COBBLEDICK & SON. Two severe cases, that were completely cured by the Great Blood Purifier and Healer, 8i ff�r�,d7 For over eleven years 1 - ll 19 Toare, suiiered with Dyspepsia y pepsin and tried everything 1 could think of, but was unable to get relief until I took Bur- dock r ^ Bl 0 od Bitters. er t s. I" had oil taken y on e bottle when I commenced to feel better, and after Ever takin five or, six bottles was entirely well, and have :remaine d so ever sin ce and as r feel though B gh la..Bload saved mYlfe. Mrs T. G. Joyce,StaHiloPe>P.Q. , CovO cd M little b Y , d Fa With tR. ottf , years; 'was aoy completes mass of sores, caused, the doctor said,. by bad blood. His head and body were entirely covered with sores, and we could find no cure. Finally I' got coil bottle oi! Burdock Blood Bitters, and before otic, half the bottle was gone c he began to improve ova: and Pthe.' by time: it was finished there was not a sore on him. 0 used the B.B.B, as a wash as well as internally, ally, and it seemedto give great relief as soon as it was put on.—Mt. Philip Mitchell, St. Mary's, Ont.