HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 3. Tay- E 13. TB .4. -TIMB S. DOCTORS AND PATIENTS. Keartlems cruelties Prateleett .elerinanY wilder tee Onitieuf acientille investi- game. A Company of German ladies hey* 1 eollected evidence of the most coa- 1 vied/2g oharacter whicli snows that tile oraze for tryina newfangled poi - Sox and knife thrusts leads many German praetitioaers to experiment With them ola patients without their ooneent„ or und,er fraudulent repro, eentations. ' 1)r. Schisannelhusch, wishing to ex.,. periment to get information concern,, lag infl arunatery tumors, took a quan- tity of neoilli from the diseased, ear of & little girl and planted them in the kir Of a boy who wise suffering from. ntoodepoisoning. »TEO QUICKLY. At the end cat the month the boy W& s dead, The pnat-inortem proved that he did, not die ot blood -poisoning, but a the disease artifioielly planted tie bim. ilis dying agonies were horrible to flee and caused aeveral of the nurses ne cry bitterly. Only Soldeeraelbuson W& s uninevede to him the little One's pains were, a gratifyieg confirmation et aa allegial theory he had ha lila abed, but whicl. proved faille. The earn() dootor made, a Alller ere poginsent ea a Young roan ln 'eare Old, who was also suffering fret:a KOOdpoieoning. He planted in Aim the eatire oorruptiee matter Or O. fttav en4 furinusle, witereupon 50 earbun- do developed, "Ereza a medleal standpoint, they' were very satisfactory," says thedoe- tore "bat 2e hours after beoculation, ray patient died, to My great surprise anti disappointraent." Tbe ezPerimen- ter adds; "I learned nothing by the deeoribed ievestigatione." A ZYMOTIO DIS,EASE, A Man named Kumla +mined at the Rudolpids Respite!, in Vienna, to cone eeeLinlit tlie doctors with respect to an abe- Ansa tie had ou Ida forehead. Le was retained for a week, and one fine morning DA Gross, the assiatant pbysie Sian,. took him to/ the operating room and injected something tot into hint, Kanto; eked what the injootion, Was good for, and was told it wouldn't hurt Win. A. few days afterwarda the man discovered, to his horror, that he had a zymotie diseaae. He, charged Or Gross iiith having ilsoculated bim with it, a.nd the latter laughingly an.. awered: )e "I am glad it made its appearance in the normal course." . DEEP DEPRAVITY. Some of the oases sheer a depth of depravity on the part a mercenary Parents hardly equalled in criminal bistory. German professors and physicians seem to have no difficulty in, procuring any number( a bey& and girls for their so.called scientific, tests, whetter they imperil health and life or not. itea the father a the (shad and the doctor "arrange, things" over a bet - tie of wino; again, the little victims etre sold for more or less money or 3 - • avera, for the promise of rendering e Tee medical acme°, for instance. Not few helpless children, it seems, must pay the penalty for little acts of in- eubordination, laziness or other naughty behavior bya poisoned con- stitution, or by being crippled for life. The German ladies state' that their totion is a crusade against heartless - nese, and a brutality that is spreading and' impressing itself upon the char- acter of future generations. BITS OF sinacambrrirr. . The scarab, in turquoise blue, is the ell -important fetich of the moment. The princess petticoat, for both streee and evening wear, is a feature of modish lingerie. Watth is 'Using a deal of net and tulle with satin in his gowns. ' There is a return to the ostrich fea- ther in millinery. Black taffeta stitehed in white, is muoh worn for afternoon frocks. Plaitings of tulle, on which chen- ille is sewn like a cord, form one of the popular hat trimmings. Draped taffeta toques, with a"chou" of velvet, are the ultra smart mode. Ntircarte The black velvet skirt has sup - 4'511 others for wear with the independent bodices. Tulle and lace straw hold first place Le the hats of spring. . Russian lace; coarse and heavy as it is, turns out to be one of the latest cries for gowns ceremoniously built. Smart fans have their sacks studded wi th jewelS. White veiling, trimmed with yellow lace, is to be a very fashionable com- bination. Little braids in all colors that simu- late hemstitching, are being.imported to outline the seams of new( gowns. ,The gown and hat ol 18f0 seem to be effect that fashion is aiming at. la -transparent yokes of the now.. 'gowns there is no apparent shoal- ? seam. uttons set with real gems are the Teat thing if one can afforcl them. eparate waists, and not "blouses," what fashion dictates for spring, . aim leaves bid fair to rival the ev- popular polka clot for foulards, In. i silks and challies. Stack and silver is a coming popu- oombination. 'eparate belts are no longer good mt, as everything now savors of the noesse ef feet. . q taile, gpannled with red pant - es, is -likely to become exceedingly ear for evening frocks. 1(.1; Lice work of jets, beads or jew- wh,icli, unlined, le used to cover as and shoulders, Is a late novelty waists for the theatre or seani-for- occasione. - Nfil ten sleeves" dope in fine sliir- chiffon, wilt be us ,,t1 t� the excl u - o af gloves this corning season, it premiisoct. 4,16,1sAtii...., --weve,,iarre,.40,Ave,e limbs four inolies in dianieter thus i On the Fara eight years. Lased to paint tree wounds with gum shellae dissolved ie . •-treatod have healed over entirely in alcohol. That is. ,too, expeneive and, does not serve the purpose desired, It creek% and fella of leaving the wounds hare. Do not fear to use oil paint on, trees. 11111111111,11eileeleftelteve WOOD,1174E,..% FOR CROPS. Geed, wood ifsbes are usually look- ed avow siniply aa a soetroe a potash, While it le undoubtedly true that this potash, is veny available, and is taken up, hyl the plant at once,* the good re- sults from' applying this fertilizer are partially dem to the small percentage, o pbospherie• acid, ranging from 1 to 2 per cent. and quite a percentage of Lime, amounting in aenie oases to 05 per cent, In soils of mineral origin the lime is very effective in liberating plant food, partioularly potash. The combined effect, therefore, a all these elements in weod ashes is always bene- ficial. Ashes have always been con- sidered an excellent fertilizer. TIM Supply, however, is rapidly deoreane lines and be money cage* It ia siheto obtain tbeni. R is generally understood that hard- wood Ashea are muela richer in potash tan eon' wood, elion aa that from maple, peeler, oottonweod, anti the like. This is true to a eortain exterit, Bowever, aoftwoed, ashes are intich ligiiter thee< hardwood and conseam- entlY, iveighti for weight, the differ- ence la not so groatt as ia einnetintes auppooed. Rret. Veserbeee states that J3 e average commercial ashes sold for fertilizers contain about 6 'per cent, of potaah, 2 per cont. of pluasphttrio eeid and 321 per (mut, et lime, aligh. grado aeaes have frequently contained 41'01n, io to 40 Pereetit, of potash. Leaohed fishes contain Mama 114 Per cent, a pottm.b. 11-2 to 2 per sent, of phosplierie acid and 20 per cent. of Tanharlt ashes are poor in estiUzing content ana seldom con- tain more than 2 per (lent, et potash, iihnekith asebea are also poor in pot- ash, but COntRill a ver,y high portent- ge of lime, amounting in amity caSee 60 par cent, Teere le 4 difference of opinien as tho velue of coal asbea. It obtain- ed from, anthracite imal, they contaia a trace of, potash, 8 to Da per emit. of lime and, magneata, aria klOrn0 soda. Tito oluof value front an application of Lb, is class, however, Is supposed to be enlefir due to the mechanical effeeta upOit the soil. At any rate coal Ashes or all kinds abould ue Preserved and used as, a tep-ciressiegio grassest or about fruittrees and. hushes. 4.s ashes contain a largo percent - ago of lime, it is thought adviaable, to intply Litton to the clover crop which Precedes the field orop to be, fertilized. They camp be vett oa at the. rate of Liam 1 to 2 tons per acre in the fall and winter. The °levee sod must be broken the following spring and the oultivated oro p planted. Thereafter to maintain the, fertility of the soil 500 lbs Per acre should be united either .be following winter or early spring. Where intensive culture is practiced, such as in the growing of potatoes, the application may be in- creased to' 3 1-3 tone, Wbere large amounts like this aro applied the ap- Plication musts be made the fall and winter previous, or at .least a part of It should he put on in advance, For garden orope a lighter application is satisfaetary and may be put on very early in spring. In any, event, whether applied to field mops or to orohards, the ap- plication should be mime some time ahead of planting. The ashes should be thoroughly and uniformly mired ivitle the sueface soil. Where only a small amount is to be used, say 300 40(k Ins per acre, it is beet to soat- ter it, about the hill, working it in well. In no ease put on a heavy- ap- plice.tion near the plant, as the caustic, effect is always injuxious. Aa a gen- eral ruee, foe field crops when the ap- plication is made in the Spring the ground in plowed and the ashes scat- tered ever the surface, which. is then hear° wed and prepared thoroughly for seeding. Wherethe soil is defi- cient in phosphoric acid it wilt pay to add to the application of ashes eco to 500 lbs bone. For lawns, where a heavy-, vigorous growth,is. always desirable, the grass plants n:vast be well fed. T'he first spring apply, a heavy coating three to faux tons,. of wood ashes to begin with and then every. spring thereafter put on 500 lba, of ashes and a little, bone and the ,grass will have' a dark green color, resit the effect of drouth and will crowd vat the weeds. DOES LEAD OIL PAINT INJURE OEREESI' SOME. 12 or 14 years since, rabbits gnawed apple trees inmy nursery rows badly says a writer. To induce rapid and sound healing I had painted With common lead and oil paint all trees where ineurred. •The result was to my perfeet satisfaction, The "wounds were not only painted over, but to peeveni: further rabbit depre- dations the bodies of trees, were paint- ed from the ground two feet up. Two years afterwards my sari called at- tention to, the superiority of the trees painted over, those standing side by side not painted. They were more vigorous and showed a better ,growth. Since then I have thus painted all my Yelling- orchard trees for two purposes -to prevent rabbit injury and to stimulate the tree. Rabbits will not touch a painted, tree, and I am, con- vinced that trees are stimulated in growtb and health. Do not under- stand that I paint the tree body with a heavy coat of paint as I would wood- vvoek—only a slight; coating, enough barely to eover the bark. For many years, when pruning trees, trine lawnor street, I have paieted heavily and, thoronghly over the wounds of all limbs, large or small, with orclinaryi cheap ead paint and Japan tea drinkera try TEM PARest WELL. CEYLON GREEN TEA Aneeensity .on, every farm/ is good It is absolutely PURE. well. blot only should a good well contain phial` of water but that Wav T OTTINEIS ABOUT THE Trrn tor should be pure and the eurroined- VY A Ii mega of the well should be leept as tidy and clean as possible. The well should always be located at a safe distance from, 1:POSSiblo SWIMS Of POlhai011; the bride or SUMS work should be set at least 44 far down as the gronad water -line, in cement ira- Pervious to water; the top of the well should be raised about. foot above the death -dealing pieces. ethrfeoe of the ground and he provided Lord. Kitchener is the youngest with a tight top to keep oat all vermin. . and the sarroundinee opted be kept major -general in the British army, free oe all au,batances that might poi- The Zulus are inferior physically t Lute the water. The well should never their old-time enemies, the Beers. be used DTI; roetfrigirameatonsr, noo; shootbneldr th4exTelruaensizaofl Wna11.6.auadt30 the r aa r Lost ntensila enried immedla - - ate neighborhood, letkleaa envie pro- A attittering aoldier waa cereal et ViSitill le made to earry away ail wash his impedimeat by Moser bellet water. Slope and garbage alanild be passing througli hie threat. thrown On the eon:post heap ethereal An lavelltor has derivo 034t 0 tiler belting, se. fog ball, With whieh to envelope an antagonist in imeenetrabie dar DO NOT BAND TOGETHER. acto0s, Tama. oaaaftna folf,aolsgruetaztomizozaa 1"ediera at the trent have beim aell in; tiny StinarOS Or red twill for a. °The 'pug' Idea, as applied to crim. apleCe so eocitet-handlter- filets Is a ridiculous bluader,' an cblefs. experleuced detective, "There are nni 04vAlri cover fear miles an hour such things except in story books. lea= walking,. eine miles* trn hoar There items to be something about the when trotting, fifteen miles an hour inuer nature of confireecil crooke that galloping-. forbids them to hand together. gonest To mobilise the entire Vane of tbe rake/ hAlltIllettVelY drift toward each ljoer army when war Was declared other and form Societies and took hut sieventeen telegram from Bona for pelf prOteeelOn and mutual General ,Tenbert, Interest, but alleluia are tritetly the A gunner meat find hie right range reverata • by constant experiment, SS the COW "Safe burglars generally work In of a shell Is affected by the parties 04 of three, but that Is heeause plierio conditions, three men are neeeesarY to tbe average ;: An ordinary mule waggon weighs loh'-two to inaniptdate tbe drill and about 1,0oe pounds and carries a load other toela and one to 'pipe' or watch the outelde. Whenever It Posaiblelof ten or ti'V' • of .ne000 poun4, It la drawn by a span for a burglar to 'turn a, trick,' u they g "Weary Willie" was the name given call la single handed he is certairt to ihs! Tommy Ataine to Albin' gun out- go alone. It is the same with all other aide of T.,adysinith,. whose shots fell thievee, 'far short of the British lines. ayoti read of a 'gaps of picitpocketie I Traction enginea are employed at descending on somacountre fair. Tbey the front for the conveyance of sue- de- their work In pairs, so in that eaSe Plias* They drag heavy loads up steep It vrould simply mean tnat six er eight hills, and save the struggling lames. of the crooked couples happened to boar d which would C°3t 7" strike the place at the Same time. The thirty IthillingS in London, you must 44 in Cape Town. Firewood detective novel theory Is that crimanale Plt7 are organized Into great sextettes with totrilittinize times as mucli as it does in regular heads and anst iron laws and Otief Khania on the North-western bylawa, to violate which rams * den •and mysterious death. 'Transvaal frontier has I200 armed ,men patrolling and scouting on Eng - "That is all rubbish. If such an or- •,/and.a eettale. gantzation was formed, the police , . te. troop of Boer horsemen who per - would know it ten minutes after the i form nightly in a Gernaan carous have drat meeting adjourned. One cie the been forbidden that part of their pro - things that keep thieves apart Is their gramme whieh represents a Victory horrible treachery. I have been a de. over Britisn redcoats. tective for over a quarter of a. coning', The Gerraan war authorities have and never knew a single crook wbo duplicates of all bridges in France, would not betray any other crook If, in case of war, any or these merely to curry favor witb the officers. bridges were destroyed, they could be They are well aware of that little peeul. replaced in six hours. ferny themselves and dread one an. Australian horses are especially other a good deal more than they dread suitable for the hot climate of tbe the authorities." -New °demi Times- Cape. 2,000,000 of these animals are Democrat !now raunoliing Australian fodder in- stead of facsbag Boer guns. Still Others to COMO. Ladysmith street, .Kinaberley street, Mra. Howsiceep-Now, then, I've giv- and Mafeking street, are the names en you your dinner. Let MO see yoti given to three long sheds, resembling get to work on that wood pile. streets, which have been erected for Wragson Tatters - Why, lady, 1 British prisoners in Pretoria. Vougbt I explained dat matter ter yer. The famous shot fired in the jubilee Mrs. Flowskeep-Whati You told me year of Queen Victoria from a twenty - you never worked before meals. 1 Om two ton gun to ascertain how far a you a meal, and- shot could IL car,ried, remained in Wragson Tatters -Ali, but, lady, the air sixty-nine and a half seconds. dey's udder meals still comin ter me At a cricket match, in Ladysmith from somewhere. Ta-ta, lady.-Philea bowling and batting were both so delphia Press. Idangerous to the spectators that they ITDIS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU nus Ti neadable Paragraphs From the Seat et war-avent Our Mitre Soldiers Are Polies to South Maim. A single shrapnel sneli scatters 340 'remarked it was mush worse than the THE AGE OF WOMEN. Boer shells, and. all solemnly retired. At a literary salon in Paris, Balza° to their caves. was once asked by a pretty young girl I Lieutenant Douglas Campbell, of of 1:7 why it was he liked women she , the Imperial Light Horse, who was would call passe, 'Why, monsieur, !wounded in the recent attack on Lady - even when they are as old as 40 you 'smith, seem to enjoy their society!" Balzae , Lae ter.s a In sh othetundae trabzie.war he had was also wounded at Elands looked at her earnestly for a second 1 Among the exhibits at a recent and then langlsed heartily. Then he •flower show two prizes were awarded remarked in a serious voice as though to primulas, named respectively "Lord weighing every word lee said: "Per- 'Renert , s" and "General French." Art - haps it lies in the fact that the wo- other fine specimen called. the "Sir R. I / 7 • man of 20 must be pleased. whiten the .Buller got a silver medal. woman of 40 tries co please, and the 1 The Krupp works have now stopped alder woman's power consists, not as , the further turn -oat of shells ordered has been so often said, in understand- from England. It is insinuated that ing and making the most of her own an Italian order, amounting to £2, - charms, tint in comprehending and i 500,000, just given to Diessrs. Krupp, with happy tact calling out and mak.. is really destined for England. ing the most of the good, 'qualities of , the man whose favor she seeks." 1, According to the last returns there ,Balzao dared a great deal when he is e262, 772 standing to the credit of made one of his heroines 30 years of ' bluejackets in ships' books or at the age. But since then the limits of a dockyards. The number of depositors woman's youth have been considerab- eas 23,000. Each man, on the average, ly extended. There was a time, and has therefore over £10 to his credit. it was not so long ago, when a woman According to an officer's letter, at who had passed 28 was described as "a wanlan of a certain age," which, as Elands Laagte the Imperial Light everyone knows, means of an uncer- 'Horse, who had no bayonets, joined ain age -a woman who ixo longer will ' the Gordons in the charge, and club_ t tell her age. At present a woman in 1,bed witla their rifles any Boers who good health, who knowS, haw to dress dared to stand and fight on the hill herself, is considered young up to 35, 'UT- and if she rennaina thin, up to 4o years Pretoria is at present defended by of age. • I think the reason of' this is wee powerful earLs, and there are five that women live MOTs active lives in line,s of mines and. enormous entrench - these days ; to take delight in aztivii4 is a proof at youth, and, also a hygiethe inents. The ground all around and m nega soil are. Wshi lid oph pareevheanntgse fromgrow-about the Transvaal capital is fur_ i rowed vvith mines of lydclite and other f looking at things has had its in- high explosives. a fluence on fashion ; the wonaa.n no In Grosvenor Crescent, London, a longer °wielders herself compelled, af- private llogpital for offizere has been ter a certain date, to adopt special arranged in a private house and the fashions and colors. ' whole ground foor has been' so plan Women have come to realize the fled that it has accommodation for truth ef the French saying that a, wo- six beds, with rooms also for atten. man is never any older than she looks, dant nurses. ' Any self --respecting man will lie Henry James, tbe novelist, is to re - oil. I have found nothing to produce when he has begun to take his Clothes tun to Ahlerica, next fall, after a such rapid iind satisfactory healing off and bis wife asks him if ha mailed long absence in search of Material for whore, cut, I can show where oak that letter to -day. a new novel. a., seen MAY'S TOTAL ECLIPSE. Error+, mu ite Slade to Xeclote Ibe ifypetieetient Plenei veleen. no toted eeliese of the sten, which °craws QM May 28 next, is likely to be in ita reaultei one( of the. 00.02t re- markable pheeeneena Of the wonder- ful nineteenth, century, Almost invariablytotal solar eca linses heretofern have beer* enly from remote anti more or less in- accessible parts of the earth. To have one °emir within easy rental, on the lines of mach, travelled railways, 0414 in tine heart of 4 centntry, where eCienCe and; civilization are at their zenith. is a most aempielons event. During the corning eclipse a special effort is to. be made to fina Vulcan, a planet which, is only bYPatietical at present, having ese.s.ped observatiou because 06 faiatness of light, Sup. Peaing tbat Ykan 18 found, what kind of a world wilt nt prove to bet It is difficult to understand how it an possess any considerable size, and yet have SO lont (=aped deteetten. Still, If la 1;41,140'cl:1,W elm) to the ann, it would he hidden wry Wee - Wally in the glare. except at partt- alerly in, MOMentet. Aeh wreiegi that it is oe habitable diragn- boas, what ehanee la there that living eings count ex* upon It? If the tenet la discovered!, IMO of the first estioria to be solved will be as to natare and exteut of ite attatia- here. Being rauela nearer to, the min n hIercue'y in, the heat upon it be tern:its. It it, la (situated. half ay between the sun and aferoery, or, say. eighteen million mike from the former, the the soler heat and light at its surface are More tlian twenty-five tiznea as !attain aa they are On the earth. Other Wage that will receive speo- 151 attention are the atudy of the corona' forms, and the nature of the onderful rayatio gaecour layers that surround. tbe 41111. Lisa the nature et the subetance, centaiued in the corolla of the sun., whodi shows apeetral green lime. QUEBEC TIMED, NO Division of Opinion, in Regal to Dedd'S Kidney Pills Whatever, •1•04.1.4••••• 1%$ Anna Houten, or Oreind Stet Voters elle Cal venni Verdiei-Sels She Fedi Obliged to Teti *ter Friend); or Oadtre Kidney Pilltt. She Herself' Pea nem Absolutely leered. Grand Mats, Que., April 30. -Miss Anna, nrongren, of the Village of Grand Melts, Quebec, has been cured of her kidney trouble of years steed - Ing by Dodd's Kidney Intl& Through- eut this country it is becoming more and more common. to /sear of cures this famous medicine is making. The peo- ple of French Canadaare not a class who are taken in by imitations or mirthless preparations of any kind. They are a conservative people, and the reputation of a medicine has to be thoroughly esto.blished before they pin their faith to it, It is therefore a moat coavincing sign that Dodd's Kidney Pills are a sterling remedy when French Canedians throughout Quebeo simile a it in the highest terms of praise, and that moreover from a knowledge blood on their own exper- ience. Dodd's Kidney Pills are now proved to be infallible in the ours of Kid- ney Diseases of absolutely every na- ture,Brigbt's Disease, that terror of physicians; Diabetes, which used to be called incurable; Rheumatism, the af- fection which renders the lives of so many otherwise strong and robust men. and women of Quebec) tniserable, and which is the accompaniment el old age nine time out of ten through- out the Lower Provinces; Heart Dis- ease, not generally known to be the result of Kidney Disease, but which is so nevertheless; Dropsy-, Urinary and Bladder gomplaints, Woman's Weak- ness and blood disorders all kinds yield freely and promptly to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Miss Anna Mongre.n, well-known in Grand Metis, writes as follows con- cerning her cure.. "I was suffering from a great pain in my side, which caused me much pain and uneasiness. I had taken three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I felt a wonderful relief. I continued to take them and now I am perfectly cured. Considering it only fair and hottest to let the facts be known, feel obliged to tell my friends of the virtue e of Dodd's Kidney Pills and to thank that medicine for the great benefit I have received," ROpES IN TWENTY KNOTS. There are over twenty rope knots used in military engineering, in ad- dition to which for pontooning and spar bridging there are several differ- ent forms of lashing and bracing. Al( UNHAPPY LOT. That advertisement said my bald- ness could be mired if I would send a sample of nay hair. Well? None of the men in our office eould spare me the sample. Thomas E. Vale, chief burgess of the old town of Carlisle, Pa., is the youngest burgess in the -State. He is 30 years old. •••••rana•MY*Kammlummommoga DELICIOUS CUP OF TEA-. CEYLON res Mii kiira noNsing but Mis tlissiet toes obtainable. YOU 441 help liking ci LEAD PADEADEO. 25,35, 49, eti and 60o viaissaiwasissaaneerszese 1 MIL•11044/000,06111,e. 64 y yeMsab"eastiotro ylgatrtstiteolascotimar paint chart ; but how anent lb You can select, tbe color ON any quality? How wilt it took next ity in paints; it's the only kind that is a geed laYeetroent. Ramsa s Paints, are that kind. good dealers. Y al Ramsay I at 1 M MONTROAL. give' i$m elletelleilleelialisteetieteenseveneenaleseeenseen, TOMUT CARRIES HIS POINT. Tommy Tuekert Tess, ma'am, fa Ulla senteace, Beata go to your eget, pare% EsItt. gattnt A proper nOttn, hlaSeniille gen- der third limner% singular - How do yoa make that out, ban. Utiatt, rielatt-Ohoht There are over one bandred gold- raireee in the immediate. hood neighbatw- af .10lieneeebnrge stretching out on all eidee of the city. The monthly ceitput04 tho raine,s was fifteen toms of gold, aria will be much, more when the Transvaal la at laat under good government. Remember We ItEaLBAIKER., don't advertise for ram etteat. but for business. We know that, 14 olti are subject to cramaxs, that abould have a Pranslit, eIfielent remedy on hand. Nerviline-nerve- ixiin cure -has a wcatderful and ro.ediate curative power. It relieves in one minute, it cures la five. Pleaa- a t to the taste and the beet known remedy for pain. Groat Britain la building seventeme new warships, Fritaile four and Russia twelve. A GOOD CORN SHELLER FOR 25,3. A. marvel of cheapness, of efficacy, and of promptitude, is oontained in a bottle ot that famous remedy, Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor. It goes right to the root or the trouble, there acts quickly but so painlessly that nothing is j{DOW11 of its opera- tion until tbe corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes offeredfor Putnam's Painless Cara Extractor -safe, sure and, painless. Sold at druggists. •••••••• Senator Beveridge Is to spend his next vacation abroad, when he wit make a tour of Germany, England, France and Xtaly. :)'KEEFE'S itIT8N MALT invigorate, out Strengthens. LLOTD WOOD, Toronto, OENERAL A.OENT William Dean Howells has contd.- bated $100 to a fund for the relief of widows of Amerman soldiers killed in the Philippines, TO CORE A COLD ST ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money it it tails to euro. 2.5*. it W. Grove's 8:gasturiaja on each box Butlers in families of wealth and culture in Chicago have formed a club. $100 Reward, $100. The readers o4151, paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stares and that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Cure is the oats positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cons. titutional &home, requires a constitutional treetment. Hams Catarrh Care is takvninter. main sating directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des. troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the cienstitudon and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hun- dred Dollars for any ease thyat&itafoa.11, Ts otioodeou.roe: Send f for Address.leto js .t ornHo Sold by drucgtve, 750. Family rills are the beeb Mrs. James G. Elaine is colleeting her husband's letters fer publication in a biography. MONTREAL HOTEL DIDEOTORY. The 08 Rah/literal," Free Bus tablit;;, 95 4.1Carsiake European Plan. Rooms P from $1. a day up. Opp. G.T.R. Station, I1X013 treat. Gem Carsialce 500., Prop s. Af4VENUE 1400111-Ooilese avenue Samii;sy0.181i ST. JAMES' HOTEL- °P Railway, First-class Commerc-iabwl. obtlX.k Plfro°det9n provereents-Rates moderate. 4611449.41.21 delAht «1h141 &k7 A_ AnCal 4:41.4:1A CALVERrs Cab�J1s EPhsliofectstritilF, PUMPS- Pltits mont, Tooth POWMOIMI, eto., NIXc bona award.4 100 medals And diplonisa for impart Raton Tbeir reenter use prevent info° ow, disease.. Ask Year dealer to Obtain JO "%POI. Lista roattad trte en apolieettaa. F, C. CALVERT & CO., IJIANOHIESTIKE IENGLAND,,, rass Band Ottawa. Drums. tesiferres, Et y Town oan have a Band rotreet peeve ever eteoleit. Feta eesslocuo Sea Mir' item metiee fete. wets, en tar seeihiee Must° Or 1111$1013.1 tostruntente„ Whaley Royce Ec Ceis Nacr•r+.•••••1.•••PL .-1•••••T•11•01 Mine, MM. 1 24110 triAteril.ek.lremw Blob. pato TOIVTIGN Catholic+ Prayer 1"*""'"16"cm4 RE11,117,..:141Y."4orle,!italLa'AlroMset1s4rceirtirvinirniPt:11:1:14144 naua J. 114014011R Oa; Mountrfs: POULTRY, ITER EGOS APPL end other ER0DIXO E, to moue best results con:4n to The °moon Commiesien Go., Limited, oor.wesumarast Colborne It, Toronto, Elyeing Cleaning ?or th ',cry bast and xeur work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DIMINO CO." Loot tt,r Vent te Your towo, or seed direo4. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec: Linen Marker f`Qerr`t:;::'16an4 Boob, etc. Soma thEnN trerY Ono needs warranted indollblo black Of red ink, put up In neat strong box w.th name, Ink and Pada, all oomploto 351 each Try one, your Money reitu tdel 14 1101 eatialactoaryr.44Da°°° not aced postage stionce. 0.0. YOUNG.Iadelaide Rest. Toronto. R 0 OF I II a81 nd Sheet Metal Werke. ROOFING SLATS in Bleck. Red or Green. :MATZ BLAORBOA.RDS, crib supply Pub/lo and High Behwi ools,Toronso) Rong en, ?lob. Coal Tar, oto. ROOFING TILE (f3 'How Oils Build- ing& Toronto, done by our firm). Mot"( Coillato, oot` niosketc, Dttlmatos sr:wished for work complete or for materials sh aped to ensmutoe the countrir.rnone 19E3 O. D UTH !EA CONS, eithealde&widmerets.,Torento. FURS. FURS. Importer and exporter of Raw hairs and. Skins. Con- signments solicited. High- est prices paid. for ginsing. H. JOHNSON, 494 St. Paul street, Montreal' Michigan Land for Salo. Q 000 ACRES 11000 FARMINQ LANDS-A.RHNA.0 wit TOW. Ogemsmr and Crawford Counties. Title per- fect. On Michigan Central, Detroit in Maokinais and Loon Lake Railroads, at prices tonging from $2 to EP per acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprising New Towns, °hutches, &Moots, eto., aud will be soltion oss reasonable terms. Apply to R 58. PIERO% Agent, 'West Day Oity, Mbob 1)r J.W. OURTIs, Whittemore, Anat. Cheapest and Beat Covering In the World. Mica PIPE SAM. Covering Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage Pipes. Kitchen BD110[8, 810. Zor pattioulars apply to MICA BOILER COVERINC:CO., Limited, Toronto, Montreal and Loudon. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings COMIIH,E1y. xrroon.ronaanc 1855. The Oldest and LargOet Canadian Merle gage Corporation, Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - 11200 000 Head OffIoe-Toronto St„ Toronto. flranob Officee-WItinlpeg, Man., vanyouner, 11.0 DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed: DEBENTURES ISSITAD tor 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years, with interest coupons attaohed. MONEY DENT on security of real estate mortgages, Government and Municipal tiondiii et0. Pox further particulars apply to J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director, Toronto JAS. D. AHNETT, manager. JOHN 4, MAIN, Supt. and Troia. The Canadi n eke 8 fety 1'1) BOLERO . Esplanade, Toronto Opp. Sherbourne St., . High Mass Water Tube Steam Hollers, for Ail Pressures, Duties and Fin% SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CAT Ni...00UE, Toronto Meade Light ......1., Limited { [CierellgOs The Maisey-Thirrin Po. Limited, The T. Eaton Co, Lim. „ed. The Putts Percha Renber A Mfg, 00, l'he \yea!, rutaealia po., aittatea Alla Toronto. where boilers May be 800111 working, or 4 "E.D. NG 5 n F011, I "?sia but ene ter, vas ver :ed ,Q. xo ete by are aid of 0111. to