HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 2TUE ExErER. TINES
Notes and Comments.
Tie ettacks, upon the trtpie alltance
which are being made by emit of the
leading nerospepere en Italy and tne
eettellar cheracter of the defenee of
thet coalition which ie offered by
few ot the prominent 3ourna18 of Bete
ehow leek of berme:44y betwee
two ,of its members whittle menaces the
•continuance f that league. Eva,
dently, fou ° the to of the 00N:roan
papers, thee believe the aesAulte en
the Methanol which( are taking Place
enerly every day in some of ate Italian
journals are "inspiree by Ring;
Bectobert. If they are eorrect An this
view, and there ie a cbance that they
axe, in Immo ieetancen the league is
It is now exegete' twenty enare ststee
he alliance of the tbree Neetterore
was meperseded be the present tripte
leagne. The earlier eimatination con-
sisted of Russia. A.ustria and Ger-
many. and was segued by Alexander
F`rancle .iresepit egad William I.
theset Monerehe leave peseed awe
except Fraucie Joeepht the soveret
et Attetria-Hurigary, In was atter t
deelth of tbe eattr utenttotted
(met lettere thetbe Kaiser referre
to tbat tbe ieew alliance tegan, Vets
wee in Ihetht auti Italy here took tile
'Piave %Inch Russet vacated. Reesie
%been deye te•gan to Watt tower
ntranee as egainet tiereattnY, anti that
attitude, in A nwiteure, latte Leen mat
tinned eter einee. It watt the warie-
r Alexaoder Ile indeedwhielt
ppet %teat wa6 aide to nave been
tat preeeeted; march oil Warie let Ger-
neacy hwitei. it was rumor-
ed. by Bismarck, who wanted to emit
Frew Stefere her twit tenantry
11,etn, peoteeteil aftee ten' iteertbroW
lednettl, tenni le pieftentet,
Rev. Dr. Talmage .5peaks of David's
Faults and Excellencies.
od Is a Being of Infinite Lefsure.-fle Existed 'Before
the World Was Made. -Beggars inay Come Be-
fore the King --,The Dr. Tells How to Reach
the Throne,
A despateb frotxt Washirigton says: testate +Imp out of is poesession, and
-Rev, Dr. Talmage 'Preached front the ba fatiure upeet the next man, and
WIZ text: „Bee uth, ,s ethe next, nntil the whole land
ats e e g
nos reclaI red haste,h4 saxe. quaint under the panic, disester is
busi ft -insignificant eerapared with the ruin
As the depths of the sea ere said to 'a that Man who loses bles own soul,
rreepond witb the heigilts •et the and. by eraMPle, takes down enother,
ontuntains, so the hettots ot "when •; and another elld another until iteavee,
teethe seemed 'be be as great ae 't"h'e '°.eeaaatto2:1INVIlilellita*mttehle, tebeenneut7rollnallludial:
eight et his excellencies. Ilowevee. e4 down forty-six of tbe cleurehes of
oar husiness with David tees moraine, tied, in order Olen he Might eularge
k fu So men sweep
s um to criticise him, bun catch from away spiritual things that they ulaY
hie lips judge. While youreason aces put
a profitable sugir gestion. tie advance theAmusements and world- it,
to the grandest use -that of
peen tefore Ableeeleelt without ' ly. gains- Sot the great day of etene weighing time age:east eternity, and
r food, or limn “teutumta utty will reveal the feet, that the teeaven ageinst aele Wbile your win
. - , ' most important of ell busipese on acte, tine it to in bignest tlatt*-411
4 Civea en WS re'Oon ter tohi Un" earth and in heavenis the King',•- t g I enet1 ' t a
. coremg 0 et . 1 0 tinter *Meg n -
melte that he Wall Mt heeilleett. tioU actebring before YeA the nail-.
tierial business, end had P0 ' ne King's business in not enlY line tiea a auother emend, Loon met now
into droperiy. accoutre or equip porte, het inneerte. In we. de riot you carry. the rnageifin,et toilet, of
attenrto at gun: Se we milt neVer your intellect. lest God put, it out in
of his Peed to a haaan) above, so thee
the nee; moment he nodded in sleep
the pain wonne wake him. So, there
axe men now,. who have such morbid
and unhealthy., notions about how
much work it is necessery to do, that
they never take arty Teat. They can-
not stand the stress. The most bril-
liant are be the most peril, What if
the inind, that God bas given you for
high ann holy uses, should perish be
tore yew have found, ChristA heavy
fall, an accidental stroke on the head,
a sudden affliction,' for whIce you
anta Matt ready, may kin you' hetet-
leen arid so your laat ehauces for
beaven paw away, thouge yon should
live on for many A year. In the great
POPAlations that oeeupy the asylums
of the country, or earefully guarded
in private. develtings, are hun.dreda ol
men and women who expected some
day to, be Christiaps. They had
anundarice f, tiue, tbey thouglite but
mental disorders dropped. upon there
before they bad decided the matter;
and although nove they are irrespon-
eihie, and shall not be braeget to
aceoent for anything they de under
this mental eclipse, yet they shatt at
last be called. into judgment tor tee
Jong years ot mental bealtn when
they aegiected the Goepel. WItat
beecome a t)ien 1 leave non le
Tee nreveut itostility •in Italy t
lotro9elf, and he soid.."-Vhe killWA btleie ; atteuct to it at all. Here 15 a Cbrietian eateetuess for ever, The' Kings 'hes1.
meek regeires aatel
My friends, we are all tuteuitted "Zat4g111 e ti!'"s awetg UtbtNavigcrlie; I would Iave you regere the, text",
ith .501340 hart of tbe wigirg blIsi, f.13°.--- - ag ../1 • in ealn,„Fweee tee; because you they beee ettrue__ near o
t4....,;, 444 our great need is to have 4.1.4...rshs4e. gie..attl feirgay941erg, .iii,eTtiii iunii , i.,,,ii.. the teed of God- e potwave. There can
-t will "tin ne or :middle 'lite or old age, se, eggre,
peed accelerated. God aceras to gone. Out with your Bible amS. teittn . vatiehiy reject the Gospel., that Goad
s required bane.' VAPI expecting mime day to !fl- •
.ye to Jesus, the only refuge. The next
moment roey be worth, to thee an
eternity. The Kintee business requiyee
haste 1
The tell of liottliers or uritisit Sown
African Company Stock.
A. list the elea.rebolders in the
Beitisn Seuth African Chartered Conte
Paten, has recently been Published and
laid netere the Britisn Perliament,
Among the names, which are princip-
ally teose a fietaneiers and persons
high in the social vitiate, are those of
the Deke 0 Fife, the son-in-law of
the Prince of Wales, and of the Mar-
quis of Lerrie, son-in-law of the fnueen,
Sin Francis Kuolys. private setoretary
to the Pxince virale, is also on the
list. Lord Rotbschne is down for 10,-
000 sharest and Mr. Leopold Rotinwelle
Yeomanry now in the fieW are ehare-
Seve a officers of the Imperial
holders for varioos alma -ants. (ten, Lord
Methuen figures for 3,000 shares; Oth-
er otficers rommanding local levies un-
der Levi Roberts, ouch as JrSV. Care
ringeon, Col. Carrington And Col.
Riraington, are also oil the list for
smaller numbers of shares. Lord May-
or Newtou beide 200 shares, Mr. Rider
Haggard and Ws two brothel's Stand
for 3,208 eitares aineng there, and Mr,
lhochfert Maguire, one of the Irish meat. She "was getting to known'
flOrne Rule M. P.'s, is the holder °fettle n, Phratet that taints that site had in -
fewer time 49,00 ahem. while Sir • .1
Charles lyilke's name figures for neon Online eloselY ;le to Ins whereabouts,
theite Fargo etumber of atembere of alto lielaght Jesus. A btu:Keen •ISOW.
Parliament both pOlitical parties ever innocent, is liardly favorable for
are on tbe Het tor from 5,001) down to a
eiZri se eiP'eszlni toeunetel alit' was Ultht)et Ilaane't 1:1:cde to
IP additioe to the above eighty Peere
Imperial and Conseler officers, ad tvbitIll a Penitent einner would free-
eociety bankers, FA Geeerale, ly go; but it was Jesus that this wo-
Generals, Colonel& and other efficern Mall sought. nrought an Alabaster
THE s s LEssoN. forgiven' or .she loved allude In tie,
to • 47. 4e. Her sins, whIch are rnaey, ere
((demos at the Pharisee'S Ilionse." Lake 7.
as -se. statical Text. tom 1. �.
Verse 30. One of the Pharisees..
Simon by imam, verse 20. In his evi-
dent: admiration of Jesus Simon was
not alone among the "chief rulers."
See Luke IL 37, 39 and john 12, 4%
Desired him that he would eat with
him. Title was probably a friendly,
hospitable havitation to an ordinary
meal or aupper. Sat down to meat.
"Reclined at tbe table" on a divan,
with is feet turned away from the
tnble. jesne had strong social ten-
dencies. He Ivas the farthest possible
remove from a hermit.
37" 4: "Mall in the eitY, which was
a sinner. Ancient legends make the
eity Magdala anti the woman Mary
Magda/one. She was evidently
blown to Shawn. Her sin probably
was that ef unchastity. Her conaing
to the dining room unhidden was
not without pArallel in that eountry.
When she knew that Jesus sat at
50 and fewer aileron
" 13eing ut 43diiait"elkittre" //ti too repraa4itElletrliieaufaultsiriarssatiof efhne jetsbibeentlealT tolVle5' 81"1"1:nd 11firarm. in tbe army serving tit South Arra.- h
ticenetiraes takee twenty.fire hundred, stere, of the shoo, anti ot the tieid, ox of ointment e delicate onyx
(t)Of ti:en thed's fare ds calt after ca, and a considerable number of eler- "
years te do one thing. Thetigh in you are rieglecting Goan busitiess. vase a perfume.
bioa to come hack, gYmen end the. female relations of
elx daye itie put on the world the final Your soul is losing Its best-pernaPe HE WILL NOT COME. members of Parliaraent are sbareliold- 08. Stood at les feet behind
elms that Matte it babitable, fort Ltz7, last chance. 11p, maul Tbe ere in the British Smith Africe Char- bira weepiug 'As she drew near
4-..1 g',sintsineei requieve baste. , Eternal affrout bas been given; and tered Coutpauy, The Brotbere Hanna. re wan net. was evernewered by
Math geelediets tell Uthetand 1; belle." 9 1U the da of th world's doom tit tbat; book where no erasures are worth on tbe Lannon Daily Mall are 'y -- '''--- ';-'" ---n-- 'h.-- -
ber feeling, and the tears foll upon
lown for Let10 share.
them -thee uncounted aed ged fneswhat will bet thth
iteome at Man Whellad made. e man's name is Pot down ce
, his teet before she Wea able to pe.r-
• tom the aet of love which she had at
efA,nRiteneAP MN. i *tied. The tears fell unexametedly,
• and. that she might wipe titexn, pre-
-eaf,. tbougb all hut iron --------fastoor aganlat You,
1 • - eirldis greatest themes. Interest the comment fano. the 0411,ttle, she un-
lilli rine bait always been one of the parotorz., to the pouring upon them.
between the it -tying ef the corncr-stene thousand Sebbetits, aild tea thou- among the dome( . rasa
of tha earth and its filial completion. eami.opportuilities for neetulnees, and that divides God's mercy from Mis
0004 mail thin imaixtnaun reach of Iterttittent chancre of tieing made net., wrath-Steli but one inch over. and
eepertence, an ten thousand furlonee. Before
tiree for work that tie could have done a jaulapercilulatatrilsttlle gate ul *t"altYd* *4)41 are " Uft " Yt:41
14 three sannuteS, He has plenty of
rrning out Ws "'St desigeu 'Meets, you have postponed your boat sails for heenith, yule bad better and then, She 'kissed
eteie te tat. (*.ague uttli natettta s lite be was 'walking In genten harvest- you had better go in. Wore the last never flags in tbe subject. Men have Whined her hair,
toile tivisuarte, telteved to portend but we are limited, tiod hence, wuat wow/. uutii noe tens me you win get on beard. Baste then ont of thy tired of theih own instrimonial experi-
t, is the meaning of the veal ie ,frage. does all she can tO enCourage
lob feet again and again: for. this 'not ostensibly in favor ot equal sat-
votoime. and France. which quickly, "The hitt
eeely web the du ett work we have toad: rabuusstiulel don roovtgoeur.mewmthoeiVyAoitpeatpans: en en:ere-into be pardon of God. The ;en
mese requirida King's businese requires imetel never',
ees sometimes, out or inner people's wied.”....ur. Derill.m. A ptaesttulau
women's work. The gala medals r
parable, fee verse 42, love followed fon.
givenese. The debtor loved because
he was forgiven; he was not foreiv
because he loved, The words /if s
verse on their first reading seem
Imply that the woman is forgiven be,
cause she loved. There is a sense fa
which both meanings are true. But
now, Otis woman having proved Itex
forgiveness, Thy sins are forgiven.
uafroc:srugLr al ov;sus aoubtyt I theoproloveiltvaetri,v0 T ne lerrIons:tif:
49, 50. The guests were aetonished
hibite, Semis formally deciarea that
no Jaint as to the lasting impression
made upon their souls or upon the
soul ot Simon. Thy faith bath saved
thee, says Jesus to the woman: e%
pineapceea.ce Idme more literally, Go
whieh has lame to you.
The young Empress of 'Russia. it she
lived in this country, would have been
a leader a the suffrage movement.
She believee that most, if not all, the
great reforms which have taken plaee
in the world have been brought about,
if only indirectly, by women. Under
her imperial patronage societies for
Qnlyligigrboltirvincgultreiy otrovrreomnuemnroaroecieet
St. Raton/Jury. but they are rapidly
spreading throughout Russia.
Since her imperial Uatesty has be-
ooratt AO inuoh interested in women's '
work and clubs the Czar has ordered
that full reports of all etuth proceed.,
logs shall be prepared for the perusal
of thit ral;ireSe. One of the Car'i
settretarieti attends all women'* meet.
lags In the capacity of a reporter an
writes down ever yr Word in sbortband,
so that, should the Czarina desire it,
a Lull account can at °Poo be produe.*
ed for her inspeotion. Rer itIajesty
is.soraething of an atighnuaniasi tdati
has erdalued that presentetione abali
be made ia the English faseion, the
sovereign offernng ber band. to be lase.
ell and not abaken, as WAS the onetehn
of the dowager Empress.
31argberita. Queen of Italy, although
ontan will Ititgi the feet of a judge • eentIy presented to her ladles i
teent. ;bear ;rent% 401, In general quiree bares" thing, as a wise peillene. to -day, if from bleu she lete received -
waiting who bave corapletecl tlairt
At Kenesaw„ duriug the battle, The great
T4X•t-e-v" a great work of comfort those who approaehed a certain tree pher said is to get the right girl. • tir exPerth greet for, but hens act years of service was deingned by a wo-
u/3"' 144----- 11r lijug" Igiug Qt giurY' e done. If it is not done speedity were almost sure to et that. ht was tote of spertai reverence- all OX -
g Mart,
iete allsalt• e- Her , King of Zion* King Attraidie ng It will never be done. Yonder is a men bad fallen at. that place. A sign There Is no etereotyped way of get- t ravagant honor "-and manifeetly Future generatiens msy marline
out. al /at' thaw ninon it VidtM first ob. ever all the v heaven. heart breaking; now is the time to say was put, up. "BeWarer men. tu a Ling ber. Just as aten have tumid divined Fier feciing of gratitude and
-read an account or, the lift; of the KM
• t the healing word. Go next weak with braggadoeio spirit. said, am not different \tees a proposing, so there love.
teemeer ,11 • • -•• • ;•
press of Germany as written br4kIr
Viry actraettve te tier- tie is " Ai never die. , V. The Pharibee. . . saw IL. He seir, wee Empress is in the heLitt
your balsam, and it will "int touch the afratd to stand there. There is no res' have been endless wane in which moll
tit itie le se et the ettength ere Louis Ilan Dwell Where ease. A Man eouderearae under your S011 why man should be shot therP 'en3 watching the ProPhet, and with; writiug daily in bar diary. No
,b,tetZlenfeits tuthieift utpateesinhAntruthultninolhiec a shock that we cannel. overmeasure
Imbue Alatq ab 1,114:M411W kg; Richard 1l1i Dead! Where is influence, and you migbt have cap- any more than sinyebere elr " he saw a wieked wimaan PermitLe4 LO .Etnperor. At the (nose of the year
ever sees Um contents -not even t
Inn& to Pranee. • Ferdinand'? need" Where is Peter tured him for teed, etou will never stepped up In the tree, mut inetan 3' affatre,
liely has row another man wilt be under your you ocoupy toolay. Oeinner. it is WaS "lOtre my daughter, love
explocert yetsreaseeittoigNIst,•autettioithnirehi,mb.uyehohaudttenveivteedr eaew diary is opened awl the thh 0
;which eas. a lock clasp, aonSige
htte'e another cliance at him. To mor- fell -fatally w, ailed. just the P1 „° , With inethy Stanley, the
expected this. Ile spent) within him- p to the iron safe eautalaiat 14er m
weet relatively to the Great ? Bead; At the door of
atyo nav.y, 12, out vely the a:Vie hole sheaf of scena.e
,14.3.1. a ..nt.,ty than won tree. Death Nits an Om palace of tile
ten callt aeth nth,e herstnee:. eepuicitre. and dm potentates of earib
hes mule ;Invehnuse. et,":04. ;e'""1"ien"..0, axe his cupbearere; and as Lb e old
'Vij" blind muneroli staggers around
1°14e/ice. Yell will bare but one 01)- fatal place. Hundreds, nt just your ,
'eSty'S domestic. jewelry.
portunity of saving him It rime be al. • point of procrastination, have perisie Urn Tennant. persistently refused to
ten o'clock, at twelve ieelock, or at ed. Look out that your turn does not consent to tier daughter marrying. self. It would not do to speak aloud.
i The King of Sweden sets aeide
three o'clock; miss that, and "Belly is 01 that 1 have left, anti 1 . Thubvise rakanno,wilfx h,evhnowraenad pwrAllitetmt would' : _ __
ery eecond Tuesday on weieb any o
YOU tane'n IT FOR EVE-% ; come next. Beware! Beware! wen not, shall not, part with her. Bat, or worm_
Have regard 10 the suggestion of tile to entreaties she finally ytelded„ • 1 an this is that toucheth him. ;of his subjects may call on him. I
for a moment that i may formality required is to se
meet 431 the interval. Bui twee the ° wc will ec, lost ellen nu mi get h tee text, beeause your life may unexp I. It Ant etatt
ec - • • • daugitler nor my if He never ;dreams
d, 1 "t b ' ii"
palace ever and arum, bo trips on sOme W --e," teat knowledge would lead this Pro-; II
Charlemagne in his grave, and Pun 4 come. Be prompt and immediate. in a moment be ealled. in. There 18.3(1431
Tee thing's busiuess requires hustle great future into wee "She is yours " replied mamma, "and
/ -rnte"sister." ing was correentile could not under-.
. . life insured, the premiura being -4
map off the mother, fathen h b King Oscar of Sweden has had
ubiti, ii.ls borne wile pressing neight "; crown on. his putselees temple, and a
But been ahead and roans back to tell us ,
• • aT • lo r hag
, and the true telemeter of our Lord's
relatively small expenditures %%huh new edly terminate. We are trailing on Stanley said, "give her te me, end do
Italy has teade bane been a burden Pliet te increased tenderness. From
his Pharisaival etantipoint his reason -
saved him. Do not say, "Wait until ; wben their turn comes in the
fallen coronet. TheY not uP the next tireete next time wet never borrowed capital ot years that ,may Jou at. the same time Leconte my of arrival.
eel lee taxpayers of the Le/nolo/rt. Tele eeeptre las ltfesess Mind; yet that ett the city of Basle, hwiteeridne ie we are trateiling, .o exp
tio am 1." That, in brief, is the etory
tendetnees. His pextition is one with
• " '
roner, f10,300, per year. He we
is meet of the reasens tow .he woman - cella! uut bring back his kingdom. was the custom to have all the clucks ut blarney's wooing, and Mrs. years old on january 21. The Kt
Emperor Rtes. ire of the city an hour tthead of tivae, fo_. now it is. Bach aim feels his way mint la his as inwparably and Wilts- '
Toil- : whieh we ehuuld symptthize for many
t thought itself rich in buying so manY twelve Mclean at noon. lout the eathe- -
at t ,e.iiiii.l.g n'o t unithilo. h hot, by slip, ; baud and a tractable stint /obedient , numsi,
tY Le ing: U. , y sun, long cruise along the bold aud roma
tent and industrial palaces -St. Cloud, end the Tuillerhos, elleray be, assaesinatioe, by malaria, IV over , It . . . 1 1 , .ex .
shows tenderness to the Phu. -
King Christian of. Depnaark loves t
considerations tie-; And the Versailes, and the Palace stead of tevelve; aud so tee by insidious disease by inis-1 .
' , beide Hunters" that Capt. Mayne ; isee as well as to the woman. But. Si -
romp with his grandchildren ad
tic mutat of his northern icingdon.
growing belief in Italy that connuer- I deal eloca by ntistake'strucit one in- •
exertton, . ts as thtoug i h s novel be .
wand a rapprochement with France:Royal, and tile Lutientboortli but our thought that they were too late to bridge, h
laced railroad switch, by rotten . • . • , ., , ,
- ..i„:Reut eon a brute. He .waS 30 years mon was maineg ilaree grave mistakes
may often be seen seated in a dimi
carry out the etratagena, nad gave upens old tvhen ha met a darasel of 13, wit h -he had a wrung conception of boli-
tive pony carriage, trusting himsel
' palace -the mountains its pieture • the assattit; and the city was saved; e i
swinNo 'man goes when he expeet-
y fractious horse, by Lau
, Whiiii he at once fell in love. The • mein of Jesus, and of the woman.
the care of a very youthful coachm
olives would anittunt to an estrange- i Kiln; has the whole earth for° His
mem from Germany and Amitria. Here; gallery; ; and it was arranged for many years ' ,ehild, of course, took no notice of 40. Jesus answering mid unto him.
h efooted. Suddenly the
or be sometimes acts as the will
ere the muses of the great interest 1 elLE OnEAN ITS FOUNTAIN; ithat the clock struck one when it 1'. i nel'L. ttlesp derunixPmin the life march him, but he gave her the story Answered, the Pharisee's thougbt. I
horse of a very yoeng driver. ....
;entice the leading journal:, in Berlin; the sun its chatidener; the midnight !iv:is twelve, and twelve wheu it was •-
lilillid:nly the cuetain.g falls, and the •
as effeettee a manner of court- 1 e
' have somewhat to say , unto thee.
It is said that if the Sultan .of
, tng in this nineteenth century tc. "Thee" is emphatic. "What I am
y were allowed to consult his o
man and woman of God, engage in mikker than I can drop ibis hand- ever was Othello's in an earlier one. , about to say is for you, Simon, your- i
tastes he would only have one wife, i
lig.hts are put out. We eb.ange worlds ' readt
• bout Christian work -set your cloc,ks 011, if ' kerchief from one hand into the oth- •
;Tent years later the young lady was '
as self." =ester, say cm. Like most ; key
aeons of the Italian preset It portends fete -es - - ' ,
st its were- the glories of the ' 0
ble ' eleven.
and Vienna are taking in the expres- !heavens its candelabra; inmate. . _
at. a public. meeting where Capt. ! in verse 89, he "spa..ke withiu himself" .
. of us, Simon tries to act politely,
what ever may be his thought. Ween, stead of the 300 be now maintains
a new elignment among borne of neeth, windows;
;sunrise and sunset the tapestry a
the lightning -hoof- you want to save the city! Betterget ,
Or. At one tick of the watch we are
In time ' tbe next ive are in eternity.
vital consequence to, the world. i ihe heae-enst an the glories of the late. The Kaneda blisinese requires ' fugees• "A.n electric thrill seemed to he tams aeoud he says 'IMaster."
Christian$ ere in a eimilat Poeitinn still retains his love for the rem
the renewing reason. Once an euenay , along the path, not knowing whrtemo- toolubly as her deughtee is, anti Mr. tweay, Are yen Ho was riot an enexay white:. he was apprenticed in h
joutnels tire elamoritig foe tbe with-; the world was armee, we ------------ con.
mbent a. ?voualleag rnrc soay tn•ontit.enwracrs
of Justin; bat his friend, and 0111• Lord's youtb, and every August he makes
diawal of tireir reentry from tee tInue after it le burned up. King brit was movies; upon the city, and their Stanley is said to be model bus-
tr'ple alliance. Anoihert reason is the .1 niortal. The ler ouch teovernment etwitstgeut was to take the eity
great powers of Etnope which is of ed coursers -dashing, up and own Y r t. r y
What if with all our sins unforgiv- - he se t
keret Jealously Guarded by 011ielalsin
(linear er ter tieevtee.
In no department. of service under
any Government -even th e Foreign
Offiee is not excepted by naval man-
ure tbere so many secrets to preserve
as in the torpedo service; and with
melt absolute exactitude is every
article connected with torpedo stores
keel I h it men Ivive been rem ve 1 from
employment and 3 -educed in rank be-
cause a single common iron bolt -of
course, of v. particular. inlet -worth
the minutest fraction of a cent, has
been missing.
just at this time England is unueual-
ly etrict. Every pattern of tool. bolt,
pinscrew, spanner, wheel or eug has
its own separate, locker at the great
depot at Portsmouth, where there are
always 1,000 torpedoes of the latest
kind, worth about 8%6'03,000 as to anere
prime (hen Every
t item must be pro -
timed on demand at a moment s
notice. On one oceasion, when the
stocktaking took place.' it was found
that instead of 5,000 little screws-
tbese partioular screws cost Scents a
groSts-being accounted for by the
men who was told off to eount them
ebere were only 4,997. Au animated
eorresponcience took place about
these three screws, and eertain im-
portant changes were made in the de
parient through thein loss.
The incident, is cited in a Govern
talent handbook, distributed arn•ong
torpedo officers and men alone, o
e them/ of e importance o
not losing sight of a single object
tbet could give a, clew- to certain se
erets. When a torpedo; is from any
muse broken up every part of it is
separately melted or crushe1 to pieces
and tbis in the presence of a
an hem
Who cant deolare tbat be personally
'tote, each; parttoular part riestY0Yea
t of all recuguition.
• en, we rush into the presence of the
pass through me all he entered
utterly loathsome an you mag e the 41. There was a certain creditor
!land. and sea, and sky His wardrobe; haste. 0.mnipotent God, before whom sin is
1 Cfield His conWe are exercising a fatal deliberm room," sheafterward said, and when ; which had two debtors. The creditor
• - i in
a11 th e flowers of the
I senatory; all the fish of the sea His
; aquarium; all the birds of the &King
' morning 311s orchestra. But better
than all these, the hearts of His people
earth, and of His saints in Ina -
ren, are the palaces in which he de-
• lights to reign. Xing universal! Like
other kings He has His army and
navy. Fighting on His side are the
hurricanes a the great. deep, tla in
the breekin,g ip 0! the Spanish Ar-
mada; the volcanoes of the earth, as
in the burial of infamous Herculan-
eum; the fire, as when Sodom was
deluged with conflagration; the rooks,
as when they crashed their terrors
Icaught a glimpse of them among
counted tee flaming artillery of
, heaven, as it came rushing; down the
, sky, and cried, "The chariots of God
are Twenty thousand." Elijah's ser-
vants caught a glimpse of them among
the mountains -a cavalcade of flame;
. and the horses had necks of fire, and
eyes of fire, and nostrils of fire, and
I feet of fire, and they were driven by
reins of fire, by horsemen of tire. The
alierubim on His side; the seraphim
on His side; the archangel on His side.
I King Omnipotent 1
Our King is wrapped up in the wel-
fare of His subjects. The Sultan of
Turkey had a rule that when riding
aut on horseback, any of his subjects
might approach him, and state their
wrongs and sufferings; and the peo-
ple pressed so close up to the stirrups
that it was sometimes imposeible for
the Sultan to proceed. But we have
a more merciful King. We do not
have to wait for public occasions. Any
hour of the day or night, without in-
troduction, we press into His palace,
tell our wa-xits, and secure His help
Going belore other ktngs, we must
have a court dress, rightly cut, and
rightly adorned; but beggars may
come before this King in their rags -
and the prodigal, filthy from the
swine's herd, is immediately ushered
; in, A perdonieg Xing! A conde-
scending King A merciful King! 0,
,Iyus live for even ,
is on the business of such a King
that, we are all sent. It is the busi-
ness of bringing the world to God.
Compared with it, all other businesei
If a man go into some financial opera-
tion by which he loses a hundred
thousand dollars, and his house and
Our youngest eland talks contire
Boy Or girl?
A'n't yeti able to clraW 8.0
5005, my my dear siri
tion. We sit calmly in church, medi-th, how the meeting was over she went to
; the chill of Chet moment or
tating about how to save the world.speak to him. leave for London on
Meanwhile, six million of people will ror of that undoing? Whet ! twenty,
and the next train," he said, hurrieely,
die this year. You migha. start the • thirty, forty years, to repent in,
"Please send. me your address."
Milieniuna next year; but it would do yet not have attended to ! Beyond
"I do not know where," she replied
them no good. What you do for them the dead line there is no rectification
you will have to do within a twelve- of blunders. In the grave there is
month. What you do for some of NO PLACE TO PRAY.
them you will have to do this month- Those who founder here, founder for
aye, this week I -aye, this day I Have ever. 1do not want you to fear death!
you never beard that a neighbour was ; I want you to be prepared for it. The
sick, and said to yourself, "I must go ' fRider on the Pale 'Horse spurs on his
and. talk with him about his soul, for 1, steed; and in a moment he may be
I know be is not prepared to leave pounding at the gate for admittance.
this world?" but that day you were What ten hand eindeth to do, do it
busy; and the next you were busy; with ell thy might. Do it now. The
and the third day you went to see him. ' King's business requires baste!
You pulled his door -bell; a servant 1 An artist wished a queen to let him
came out, and you said, "How is he take her picture in hie gallery. The
to -day f" The answer was, "He is 1 time was appointed. The queen,
dead!" You say "It cannot be pos- prompt to ilte minute was at the
Bible! How long has he been dead?" place. The artist did not come un -
She answers, "Five minutes." God til ten minutes after. The queen had
have mercy upon that Christian man gone. It was the mann Iasi. chance
who comes to do his work five min- for Milking his fortune. The King
utes too late. The king's business re- Dames- out to meet thee, to -day; you
quires haste! • may now have Ilis image impressed
I pray God that my text may be upon your soul. It may be your last
broughthome with special pawer to chance. Meet Him promptly with your
those in this audience who have never heart's confidence and love; or you
may come too late, and when He bas
yet sought Christ. As many of the
causes that come up in court are ad-
journed, Sometimes because the wit-
nesses are not ready, and sometimes
; because the plaintiff is not reedy,
and sometirnea becanse the defendant
is not. ready, and sometimes because
the judge is not ready, until the bill
of eost, is ruinous and, hard ta pay
-so there are men and women who
have adjourned the cause of the souls
salvation from youth to middle life;
and adjourned it from health to sick-
ness. and adjourned it front
until death eternal will be the bill of
costs to pay. 0 promeeseinating, de-
liberating, haltieg soul; let me tell
you that the King's business requires
baste! Before you attend to it your
mental facultiesmay fail. Your in-
tellect works admirably now.oma-
thing in 'The climate urges men on
to sueb extremes, and the pressure 011
active ,menis so great, that before
they are aware et it, the brain soft-
ens, en more suddenly, the mind drops
dead from its throne. Pythagoras.
studying philosophy, was so anxious
to keep awake and improve all Ms
time, with a stringi be tied the hair
I stem] here with the feeling teat
if some of you do not start for heaven
One morning, you will not start at
all. 0 that nod would arouse you.
Sin has benumbed your soul. The in-
sensibility tbat you feel is like the
drowsiness that comes over the Swiss
traveller before to freezes to death.
lwaire, before you diet There is a sea -
ft Ower called the " Ophelet," which
spreads abroad its petal beautifully,
but it is very poisonous; and the lit-
tle fish that touches it struggles but
a moment, and then dies, and other
petals; of the same flower, floating
in the water, wrap around the fish,
and pull it down into the deadly 'bosom
of the flower. That is what is the
matter with some a you. Sin is an
attractive flower, and it glows and
waves beautifully before the soul ; but
no sooner do you toucb it than you
are poisoned, and must be swallowed
up, unless we may sweep you away,
and sweep you up in this net of the
Don't you soe that the tides of world-
liness are melting against you? Don't
you see that there are influences at,
work to destroy yon for ever Has( e
with some embarrassment. He in-
stantly handed out his eard and was
gene. A formal little note followed.:
"Dear Capt. Reid -As you asked me to
send you my addressel do so." By re-
turn of post came the answer: "Only
say that you love me and I will be
with you at mace' and tlien the reply,
"I think I de .love youet Needless to
say that there is nothing as good as
this in lovers' novels.
Being told by a friend that Miss
—'s eyes possessed the property of
double refraction, Sir George Airy,
the noted asizonomen exclaimed.
"Dear me, that is 'Very odd; I should
Like to see that. Do you think Iniight
venture to call?" As he was 'nese:peed
on the> point, be took heart of grace
and caned. in the course of cenversin
tion, he asked permission to examine
thee young lady's eyes, to which she
consented. The call was repeated in
the interest ef. science. The problem
grew so inthralling that he at length
resolved to make it a life study and
finally plucked. up enough coil:rage to
propose. He was accepted, and this
steange wooing Jaid the foundation of
many years of happy married life.
White and eoru is e coanbination ex-
tensively employed: A lovely summei
gown is made of wh11. Swiss embroi-
dered with a small ecru dol.. 'Jhere
is a do -trials skirt. to this goette and
both top and botiom skirte are trim-
med with three pleated frills of Swiss
two plain wilt an eon). one between
them. The same style of trimming is
used on the bodice, the pleats being
put een with a fichu effete. An earl
linen has bands of white Linen stitch
ed on, while a e bite linen is run will
ecru line.s and has vest, cuffs, an
hands on the skirt or ecru 'linen, edg
ed with a heavy zeru linen lace.
stands for God; tbe debtors for those
who fail to pay to God what they
we him, and they include the entire
i race. The one owed five hundred
pence, and the other fifty. Or, as we
:might say, the one owed $85
and the other §8.50. There, is, then,
a difference between men in their
obligations towards God; talents and
opportunities have been evenly dis-
42, S. When they had nothing to
pay, he frankly forgave them both.
Though' the debt of one was so emelt
tu ger than the other, the finaneial
rum was as great in one case' as in
the other,' for both were absolutety
bankrupt. So Simon and the woman
are -equally helpletiSi in their moral
state, until freely forgiven. Which of
them will, love him most? Or, in
ether words, wheel wilt be the more
grateful? Jesus waives all questions
concerning the supped defilement
of this womains touch. Be moves dir-
ectly toward the question of ober-
a eter. Ilte turnsaway from measure-.
mente of the law, and presents the
measuremeet of love. And, strange
to say, this measwrement brings tee
prophet and t he Phartsee together.
Simon a nsw e vs, He to whom be for-
gave most-whice means, as the con-
text shows„ the 'one that feels that
most 'as been done for him. And
Jesus says, Thou hast rightly judg-
4446. Here begins a statement of
whab $imbrt hod neglected to do; but
there , is 00 ren son ta se ;tense 1 hat
;Jesus was grieved with Simon be-
cause of say lark of hospitality or
t there; had been ally such 11 eit.
Out' Lord is simply showing I Ite
ferenec between the man who "has no
keen sense of forgiveness bezeuse he
has hall no keen sense a s'in, na
the sinner whose gratitude springs.
from profound penitence. "Love,'
- says Dv. Tiinoihy Dwight, "in its mee-
t festations of itself. varies with what
.attentena it; who her the blessing
- seems to' the soul -and is -greeter or
tmel le r. The dramatiz wey 11 which our
Lord brings this before Simon is eine
gularly characteeistic." Be is, pot
intent on showing that he has -mit
' leen treated with proper honor. He is
intent on explaining the Love of the
1Vornan and the forgiveness so closely
Identified with ite
What is the defense of that mar
whom kiss 'ForLyoda: is suing tot
')reach of promisee
institution. for he knows that the d
he saw the last of his royal
would also see the last of his
Bach occupant of the harem r
the title of princess, hence it
ambition of every Turkish offi
get his daughter ..into it. She
en a large dower, a staffof t
vents and a coach and four. The
tenance of the harem costs the
try about #15,000,000 yearly. Th
tan is probably the richest man
rope. He receives #1,000,000
from tin -country and poo,000 Ir
private estates. He has 03,000,
vested in America.
Tbe real secret of tidiness
leave things where they can b
by the persons who require th
eot to hide them away in blott
presses and drawer.; not to
a man's study and to put all
pers indiscriminately into pa
or a receipted hill into an e
which. be is sure (0' destroy
In a woman's eye every busi
per is an unsightly object, wb
considers it her duty to dise
and though she may hear the
who owns it cursing about the
she never has the grace pf t
dew of Rheims to cone.
say what she has (tone wile qt.
deed she will deny with indignant
eremite: and tette that ehe.ever to
ed his papers, and when, if hap
is discovered, he looks reproach
or smiles, she simply says,
is that what you are 'ldoking for
dea r, you should not leave such t
about." Just es it he had nio
to the use or a table or the e
ef a ebininey-piecti in his own
ss Chel-Wh)It a lovelY
Ince that is.
Miss Amy Bell -Yes, itne it
rue gave me that when 1 fen
Cliellus-Really ? How
has worn;
You, Ile:VOr saw a, man' le
Make a meentain, (116 you?' '
-No; Let 1 have 55011could make a bluff.
his berem. Be dare not abolish t
d to our wo k oo ea I • than come to Reiti spoke on behalf of tee Polish ye " his man ' when in verse 40