HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 1^ T TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 3e. yr_ URON & IVI1DDLESEX. GAZETTK. EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY 'OitNING AlAY 10th, 1900 IhL BISHOP& SO BLACK Black, Special in LadiesBiack Hose for 5 and Special in Ladies' Black Kid Cloves for 99e Special i Ladies' Kid Shoes for Black poplin Dress Coods for 49 Black all-over Lace Pure silk, for 79e Special in Men's black Fedora Hats for 75o. White. Zion. 13=Fe.-The farmers bave their seeding completed except. the peas. Tbey report the land getting very dry„ IThe heavy frost and dry weather of the pest week has bad a, bad effect on the fall wheat ; the farmers also say that wheat growing does not pay at esi cents per boehel, and say they will not sow so much wheat and have to buy grain for the hogs.- We feel keirry to le•er of the serioes illness of the eldest, daughter of Reeve Delbridge, but hope for her speedy recovery. -Mrs Gill,. a household sorrow by the death of his l who has been on a visit, to Mrs Hero.' daughter aged only 18 years, Sbe reterned boucle last week.-Tbe sales of Wepe to Toronto a short time ago and ' e Messrs Jones', held last week, were was brought. home a corpse on Tburs- voided success, II Brown wielding they, e hemmer in his 'mat good style The bikes are out, again in large num I hers, --One of our yoling men of the liensaii. pecial in Ladies' hemstitch- buggy, lie win not neva tom to spoil 0, J.eutherlausl, rff;la'taty Public. COUNTY the youngest being eleven years of age. He was respected by a large circle of friends in town and surround- ing tovnaship. -As the Cinder Path is to be only three feet wide it will be tvillsisit.ipia must fieve a larger Aehi for the sale of , the artist* is of the opinion that she move to the Queen City, Miee Clara, other evening faceb.e-rArliner*tSBawickueelll 13spa'etintetn4ig her PracluctibrIs'-ne Alex. roues, of the 2nd concessiop of , stay on the traen,-Ilerbert Brown was the guest of her friepd, Miss Mimi what might:have.been a fatakaccident. ( quite a feat for some of the riders to day in Seaforth.-Miss Selena Epplett, Stanley, escaped witb. slight injury, i fresh Garden Seeds has purebesed a. blacksmith business ,Murray, on Sunday.- Quarterly meet- Be was engaged in breaking in a colt, i - in Galt and will go next week to take ling wee held in. the Audeesee, ober& i and in endeavoring to make it bark up ' BY PACKAGD or Or N'eliS cliarge,-Mit Dawson, of Kirkton. at- D on Sunday.-Thete will be a meeting • he got too close to Its heels and Ariolerson. F8. -311's Batten, et Chicago, is seaeseeessesessesee. tended Mr. Walker's flinezed on Fri. / on Saturday evenbag, 12th inst. to or, kicked in to: with both. feet. 7 lest. Mr. Walleer bad a host o friends In that sectiou.--Mr. Jame Aikens of the Moms Read, ruet wit f gentze the sports for the eeaeou, AU s interested are cordially invited to at - h W Atkinson, who boa been visiting at his home, has gone to Springfield, where be purposes to prate tice for the suMmer. d W has passed Ms exams, enticeesfully, having taken the scholarship. This is the third nano in which he has come out first. s north has purehased Arend new ed aril embroidered Eleetric S gal e Any moven-David looks lonely of lete, beeause his near Handkerchiefs !friend, Jonathane ba e deputed, from our teidse-Mrs Stephens has neWed for 40 boo S Peart's house, which Mr Me• Pherson vacated. 60e bleached 1' Seaforth. Table Linen Bniors.-We understand that the work of laying the granceithic pave - for 25c ment on the es t side of Main street . will soon be commencedee•A Broa foot and d Millson, who started for Manitoba last weekhave located re- speetively in Portage la Prairie and Winuipegs-datues Jobeston has re- tuned from Calgary. for the purpose If purchasing a few hundred head of mug cattle for ehipment to Id; ranch for h.* that region. - R InT;oters, jr, non - pecial in Nottingham ace Curtains Worth 35c Special in white -all-over Lace for Boys' white wash Suits (all sizes) special 99 Reg. $1.25 Very special white Embroidery Reg price 10c for 70 6 4 42i Riles; onuniestener, lire Insurance Ewen Arld..149urer or MarriageMeenseS, Legal doe monks carefully drawn at rel$4744140 rate Money ta leen on seta estate at. law setts of i terest. Office at the east office, Ilensell. IL J. n. COOK. (Late with Clarrow & Penideson llarrist Solider, Notary Public. Wotan. Ont. Grand on 11 Bossenberry t improvement to his s comer 1' hotel building a large cliningnrown, * Sp ekroan, of Exeter.han moveIn- ti) his autorner cottage, where he will remain for the summer. Ile has also reuted neveral of his cottages for the owing camping neason.-Mr Lannott. • of Stra,throy, has built lieAtttiftll ....Itznarner cottage in Mr 'Sped naan s e park, 110 ban chosen a veriiplensant ALL KINDS We are glad to state that his iniurien were not very sevem-The boys tied FIELD SEEDS FRESH girls. attending the Collegiate lustitute. drove out to Mr. MeEwen's on the 2 -id conceseion of Stanley. the other right Wall Papers Lace Curtains and 1144 real lolly. time.- Mooday morning Harry Fitzsinntione will as- nil new and it for honse tonne charge of the butcher eliori here- cleani ine. cent- purchaned &Qin We have a n Capt. Shaw has already started tO 4 ma bordme whip his company into line for CiIMP 4-7.4•41-41'‘'""'" nning, of June, -Those of our citizeps who Sikik season, which conies on about the leth F.3.,N re bent on enjoying themselves on the tb of l'slay are already laying plane the occasion. Sortie are going Ran In the Black and Vl,Thite and the Blue arta SOME, to the Exeter wenn and White, very pretty dress pat. tern. Call iind see our inuelinn and Print. All kinds of Farm Produce for which highest prices will be void. EnecWC.161LP*4-1: ik>inta. altgt extracted withantestain er bee effects. 011ie in Petty's Mak, time • At Zurtcb eve Illendar,ceseroesselag. 31'441-301b. Bittnes-T, .1., Berry hint week shipp ed ear load of draught horse from Kincardine. They are a lin lot.- .111%s. A- 'Murdock oe companied by a number of youn friends, on by evening los drove to the home of Simon Camphel Thames Road and spent a pleasan MeMoran is ill with th eseaped being severely atjured fetsPPe• -Sacrament of tho Lords stn) hist Wednesday. They were unload- ic`ce will he dispensed io Carmel chnre ing bay with a hay fork in a barn at! neXt Runday. Preparatory service the house when the rope broke, and on Filday be conducted by R. half of the load fell on him, hut he is. Mr. SawYer• of Briliaeldnnitev. F. E. caped with onlyP a slight strain. -The Roy, formerly of 'Henna, ea ronday roof of Bell's foundry was damaged by last peached eernson on missions in • fire Wedneslay.---Fortuntitely the fire St. Paul's church. The attendance was noticed before it gained mueli was large, and the discourse interest - headway. The alarm was rung at two Maims fola son. Gordon* different stations, and in neither ease have returned home from Toronto. did the hell respond, and this delay Gordon has very MIMI improved in nearly caused the loss of the building bealtb.-Messrs Carus and Smith have and the plant in the foundry- Our each purchased a driviug horse and town authorities will some day ;Make OUtlit. -,-11118S T. White Called on to the necessity of a avtenuttic and friends in town on Monday. -Me Ward regular n•spectliim or the &V apple, and sister. of Varna, spent Sunda (incest hydrants and our fire alarm sys. tero, when neglect of this has taught them a. severe lesson. A bucket, brig- ade was formed and they suceeededin putting the fire out before the arrival of the firemen. -Allan S McLean, sou of M Y McLean, ex -M P P. and now of r31" spot, near the lake shore,- Bonsen. berry is riding an ,entelope wheel this . season, which he purchased from Mol - s lard 44 R Oliver has completed ids =Una of building a woodshed on wor Cocleriett • flip. --The town authorities have ut to Ottawa ten large packlug cases Ilea with new and part worn eiothing for distribution among the sufferers - by tbe reeen,t fire. The meets were _Eseava $ bane already legit cn celleeted from our eitizens.-I)e. Rol. Qneen at e for the building of So hut's of Fsetees wavdeu Ii"rms Iv" Bartiett'n new -tor the soloot grounds...nue aud Airs 1./ in town Wednesdav.--The Goderieli g Smith lowe rettuned after spending a 04010 votea $214 to the Roll ana t few. with mrs stows sister. of Ottawa, relief fund. -The Peddle Sehool , Afre.Clian. Smith of dimen,Ohie, 1. paisley, who has been very. lieesevii.„ I Board held 1i9 1.13;41/101, meeting on writes ; have MC,' ever,F roinied,y for t tem Lafood is all smiles. its a sota..c,, Tuesday eviming, Prineipars re- , sick headaehe 1 could hear of fel. tbe e Arthur !award visited Ids parents! port ehowed an average attendance of 1pit fifteen Fenn lust Carter's; Little . Sunday last. --The 2Ith of May comes i being SS per ceotof the numberver Pill did me nor good than clt h bnt onee a year, and there is Only one 119f Pnunills""ns-The ! the re5t" s lace to pro prix, enjoy yourself and ing oluti is now. fully organizes1 for the The ibrcet..Fear.old „ali of me Itnettlio season Id 111 G11 1C'( r*g41 az o t JIM, was lucked On the head arterlloon games in a fewtlaYs.-tioae- :by a horse which, Mr lbinttle was rich 14 expecting that an additional ;feuding, and &priousty injured, The line of steam -len Will le on this; route leer,• ekull was fractured, and his J P Ross. Hardware Department— Wire Seeds Mantel, Turnip, and all Woven Fence Wire, Barb- , ed and Plain Wire, at prices other kinds. that will surprise you. Con— Learning, Yellow, Dent, C'ulan, Giant, IV. T. T., visited friends in towm --Mrs, J. A stewaet etee4 Mrs. Celiins visite friends here Monday. --Ittenni'o4 elatel ford and wife, are visiting in (Ankh roar to leaving for their home D bat is at rand Bend. -The eight- month-ohl ebild of 'Urn Silas Diniar- dims died on Saturday last and %IS buriedebere on Ilionday.--The fisher- men have cinotrienceil driving there iond net stakes. mid 4.1 tile weathet veils fine will have their nes: tneneSt. Mary $ , __„......- p.......2-.15 .-.. RON. Ilaird, or Corbett. purehaseu-nu `' ' - - --- - , ' Tli'STIA101‘,ZIAL Or W$1. CHOWFN 1 To T.IID VAITEI. Ole liN'6. Antelope wheel from Mollartl AS; Co.- Beteet; 'e'res Diggan. Exeter % Tilos I, anvil attended the funeral (if ,$unday: in, l'owne.etasee.yredieate'ieie ,,:. TASK STOCK FOOD tide season. fsealp badly eut. The physician heti goal. hopee of ids re.conery. his mother in tioderieli last week. • b ot t l of openiug up a large quarry in a Pil-• — ___..--.0,111pri.x. ...“--4,--..• Qentralia tion of John Legg s farm to the south N% 810 is I estd she began to improve stud of St. Marys, close to the London and I:IMF:N.-MISS Culbert, of Biddulph, St, Marys branch of the G. T. R.- 1- Chas Ifehetall,- Thv i.Repalliellt eer. 1 to a. farmer named Ellie% ;1110 lives on healthy and they do Well:" It '48e " IS 110NV doiii,g well. 1 find it a most a spent Snedity here, the guest of Mrs Saturday afternoon a horse belonging excellent food for c".:tk,fanil, ke„eir URI)) , leicee naitninistered here last Sunday 1 the Sth line of maushard, became and think it pays well. IVILelest t tfum. NT. a- were iargely attended, and roved to i frightened in some manner owl dashed I I had a cow which was no( iitAng efter calving, on feeding English ota.-eirs. Gilchrist, of London. is be very heneficire and intetes Theidowu water street, at a forieuo ince. visiting friends in the viIlage.-Willis astor preached two ver - strikin ser Mr. Elliot, wbo was in the buggy a the staft of the Financial Ames. L)n- and Shepherd Made another shipment mons and the choir rendered some ex- the time, held bravely •onto the lines me don, Eng., is hoon a visit. -Ab of hogs on Monds.y.-Mr. Cantelon cellent, musk -.The Edenites purpose and succeeaed in keeptng the animal Morrison, who returned from Cleve- and felltilY have at -rived in town front holding a lecture. entitled "A Trip I in the centre of the road. tt timee it land last week, is improving. 3:le Was Exeter, and Nvill „take Possession or Through England," in the church, on seemed as if the vehicle and occupant ill for over two months with typhoid the Commercial on the 10th.---eIrs. Thursday evening, and also a large Ifever, and the hospital authorities' et Reid bas =Vet]. 12110 the reSidenee number of views upon the war, ac• one time had very little bopof his recovery. —•• Mltchefl - - BRIBPS.-James Jackson has been appointed organist, a,nd Mr Hoskins leader of Knox church choin-Williain washer all best quality at low prices. McKenzie and his wife, from New York, who lived here several years The Rooker Washer, fully Churn ago, were here hist week visiting their old friencls.-The funeral of Alex - use. Take one on trial. the eth inst, to Inc Presbyterian cern-: all the latest improvements. eteey was very largely attended. Rev John Kenner conducted the service at the house and at the grave, -Our citiz- ens voted in favor of a frontage tax by-law, and now they will reap the benefit, as the Council have decided to 1 d • .-guaranteed. ihousands in The Leader Barrel Churn, ander Walker on Friday afternoon, H. BISHOP & 80N Farquhar. -- BaIEFs.-Large herds of fine cattle , passed. througlithe village on Wednes .day of last week on their way to Exeter. They were purchased by Mr, Ironsides, of Montreal, and are to be -shipped to the British market,. -Ono , day last week Mr. .Daniel McCurdy's three horse team , ran away with a disc. One of the horses got down and - Nees es, badly mangled by the revolv- a bar' machine that Mr. McCurdy is . doubtful of her recovery. The animal is a valuable one and the loss to its . owner will be byno means a small one, -The wind blew favorably for bicycl- ists on Saturday evening last. Did ;any of our boys take advantage of it? \ -Miss Lilly Passmore, of Thames • Road, intends going to Sault Ste Marie ere long where she intends to spend / the summer. -Arbor Day was duly ' .observed in our schools on Friday of last week. -R. Whyte and family, of Mitchell, spent Sunday of last week at ;:the home of D. McNichol.--Fariners have completed thele' seeding opera- tions and are now busily engaged pre- paring the ground for their root crops. Kerslake our popular milk •dra,wer", for the Winchelsea butter •factory, is on his rounds again and farmers are wakened to the realiza- tion that their cows must once xnore be milked by 0 o'clock, sharp.--Benja- ;nen Beaver disposed of his bike on Sa- turday last to Benjamin Kerslake for a nice figure -The boys have re-or- ganizecl their football team and are now open for challenges. -mrs. John Pollard was stricken with paralysis on riday, but at time of svriting it is not lateen how serious the stroke is. ay own granolithic sidewalks amounting- to over $8,000, in some cases taking tip good plank walks that would last for years -T H Race, F Dufton, E A Dunbar, Dr Gerry and A Goebel are the Mitchell contingent of the Ulteler Path Association. The money at this end is about all sabsci a,ncethe Council are asked to build it for the -first mile, which will be de- cided at the next sregular meeting. - leis Broderick, the assessor, has finish- ed Ids roll, and finds the population 2,083, a small decrease from last year as a good many of our young people leave .for the States and other places, where they find employment is snore plentiful. -General Bobs went to Lon- don on Wednesday morning. That was the name of a, black dog which one of our dog fanciers exported to the riorest Cober, of the carriage firm of Ethel, was in town on Teesclay interviewing, the 'Council about removing to elitchell. Re hes a good property up there and. a good business, at(' unless he gets some good. inducement he will not moye here. - Knox church congregation sent away several cases of clothing to Ottawa for the fire sufferers on Wednesday afternoon. -Robert Keeler, jrand wife leave next week for Hespler where he will assist in his father's bus- iness. -Our new Lawgiver has put new life into the business. On Tues- day one of our lady merchants was fined for keeping stun on a side street Dublin. BRIEyS.-X Ryan spent Monday of - last week in Stratford. -Joe Weber has taken possession of his new hotel in place of Mr Cook, who has moved to St Peels to start in business again.- • Mrs J Brennan, of Gretleytt, Y,• is spending a few weeks with her SOtt, ROB13E DI TIT E GrRAV E. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by bim as follows eer was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow; eyes sunk- inuch th its appearance, . . en, tongue coated, pale contmuallY in EADACTIE iv quickly leave you, if you us- ed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thous- ands of sufferers have proved their Matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves end build up your health. Easy to take, Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back it not cur- ed. Sold by all Druggists, Rev James Anderson, for 43 years a them. Only 50cts. a bottle, every Methodist minister, died in Belleville Ibottle guaranteed, at any Dreg Store. on May 3rd, at 68 years of age. Tom.-Anme Breumn is not recover- ing very fast from her recent illness. - Miss Lizzie Quinn was visiting Mrs J Weber -Miss Annie Kelly spent a day with her aunt, Mrs M Doyle. -Mrs J Peirce is on the sick list. -Mrs M Madagan spent a day in Seaforth since our last issue -Mrs Redmond • has gone to Clinton to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs Crawford. -Mr and Mrs Jas Aikins have the sympathy of their neighbears in the death of their y011ng daughter, Miss .Tessie, who died in To- ronto on Tnesday, May lst. She was interred in the Methodist cemetery, Mitchell.-Patricls. Oanteloe, an old time resident of this place, died Sea - forth on Friday of last ‘veek. His re- mains were ta,kee to Irishtown ceme- tery. t,romarty. Brianus.-"Vir Butler, jr, is able to be around again after being laid up WM' inemps,-Jas'Rislop, our Worthy Post- master, purchased a Bell piano from. Scott Bees Seeforth h' 1 d ' . ered Monday by one of the members sidewalk. The fine. weech the town of the firm. -Ed Allen, now • drives' out in a neW top.buggy (not always alone), which he .purebased from our builder, 5 A Miller. -G Miller has rented the vacant corner lot from sets. is not large but the costs count up which aeems to be the principle ob- ject of the jeer. If the lawwon't come to lefalunnet why Mabel/let will go to the law. -Mamie, the beloved wife of John Whyte fon a terns of years, and Isaac Aikens, assistant inspector of has it ploughed and purposes putting prisons and son of Mr. John Aikens, a wove -wire fence around it, so that died in Tel...onto at the early age of 80 the sinall boy has to look for some years. The remains were brought to other place for his games. -Mrs Boyle Mitchell to be buried in the Methodist cemetery. --It is with great sorrow and regret that the public will learn of the death of Mr. Alexander Walker last week. Death comes very sudden at times, as Ior. Walker was in town on Sa,tiinday afternoon apparently as well as usual, On Saturday night he had a slight paralytic stroke in the head, after which he could not speak and kept getting gradually worse un- til death came. Mr. Walker is in the prime of life being not nauch over 50 yea,rs of age, He has lived in this section nearly all les life and settled on the farm near Mitchell about .15 yrs. ago. Besides farming he did a large usual quota of business was transacted. a visit. It is quite possible that if Miss insurance buriness- He leave a tam- --Mrs Johns visited with her son, Mounteastle can see a favorable open- ily of one son and four dal ghters, liam, at Zion, ter a couple of days. ing she will persuade her ,sisters is at present badly crip.plecl with rbeu- , matism.- J Hoegarth has pub a new 'wire fence around his lot, which adds back and sides, no appetite gradually THAT THROBING H - 1. growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortun- ately, a friend advised trying Elec- tric Bitters ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decid- ed improvement. I continued their ,use for three weeks, and am now a well man. "I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim"No one should fail to try vacated by W. Eider who has moved his family to Barrie. --Mrs W B Mc- Lean will spend a, month or so visiting in Clinton, while %It. McLean gets set- companied by acetylene gas. All are cordially invited. The Epworth League of this church, under the pres- idency of Harven Lam is improving Great Bargains FOR ONE MONTH struetions which stood alcolg the road, ; ' would be dashed. against several On . rs A ink RA F but with dexterous manipulation of the reins the animal was kept free from all these. After running nearly • two miles the horse WaS brought to n tied in their holue itt the $oo- - l'gr° 1 Mein °Mt.! Illugll Pial is looked for in standstill at the foot of Kelley's Rill. will bc nk, eohlhraninn hero oo Noy - the near future. -P Curtin returned.- Little damage WAS done. The driver 240, Exeter, where races are tal be hoine last Week, and reports that he mine& oniin. off nnseratelied.- D. held, being the objective Joint.- A had a pleasant visit while out West. Harding is home from Toronto on his number Iron) the Zurich 1iailge,A. P. & A. o., visited the sister lodge at Seaforth Monday evening, and report spending a pleasant evening. -Peter McEwen, of Goderieh, visited his brother, George, here. this week. - Miss McGowan, of Blyth, is a guest at Dr Fergnson's.-A Mr Babcock has purchased the drug store and business of SF E Berry, and has taken posses- sion. Mr Berry, who has been con- ducting the business foe some time for his son, returned to his home in Luck - mw this week. -Kenneth Macarthur, of Ailsa Craig, was in town this week. A traction engine for Mr Rowel& of Zurich, came to this station on Mon- day. When leaving for Zurich, the speed at which it covered the road, caused quite an interest among the citizens.-Robt and Wm Carlisle, sons of Robt Carlisle, have started a ]ami - dry in St Thomas, EIimviile. 9 J.. G. STANBTTRY, B. A., (METER, ONT. (Late with ItcCar—tily, Osler & Co„ Toron- to.) Barrister, Conveyancer Notg.ry. 1VIoneY to hian. °Zees formerly occUpby Collins & Stanbury ied o ver O'Neils Bank, Bruars.-House cleaning and general overhauling seems to be the order of the dity,for on nearly everyclethes fine one ca8 see mats, rugs, carpets and window curtains-Mre'Miller occupied the pupit on Sunday morning and preached a very acceptable sermon. The Epworth League took charf.te of the evening service, in the absence of Rev Philps, who is writing ou his ex- aminations at St Thomas. --,Tack Hey- wood has engaged with Wm Cadreore, mason, of Heiman, mad, left last week to commence his doties.-George and Fred Miners, of Exeter, spent Sunday in Lhe village under the paternal roof. -Mrs Heywood is spending a few weeks with ber daughter, Mrs Moat, in Stephen township. -Now that tee good roads have come, the local sports are out in full bloom on their wheels and are already (loin some fast scorch- ing. They took their teat season's run to Exeter on Saturday evening la,st.-R T Johns and wife spent Sun- day the euest of Mr and Mre 5 An- drew-M''iss Bertha Andrew is still quite poorly, but we hope with the warmer- weather coming she will soon regain her wonted health and strength. -Rev Philips returned on Saturday last, after writing on his exams., visit- ing his parents at Melbourne. -Mrs Dan Dew and Miss election. of Beth- esda, spent Sunday the guests of Mr end Mrs 5 Andrew. -Mr and Mrs San- ders, of Stephen, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs Johns.--Robt Hicks is home from Montreal, where he has ban attending the University. He He infories us that the prairie prov- holidays.- The senior Incrosse team ince will, in five years, be ahead of will in all probability play their first some of this fertile district and is fast game in Parkhill on the elth of May. developing into an extensive farming and commercial. country. -W Baker, of Fairfield, has joined with our citiz- ens and is now resident of our burg. iVe welcome him to our midst -Jas I Handford is seriously ill and is yet in- disposed. 0I3ITUA UN. -The funeral of the late Mrs Samuel Hicks, of London, form- erly of this place, took place on Mon- day, at le o'clock. -The remains were brought here for burial by Wellington Clark, one of London's undertakers. A. large circle of sorrowing friends and relatives gathered at the bome of her daughter, Mrs G Grafton, in this village, arid paid a last tribute to the deceased, who bas nearly all her life been a resident of this place. Her husband preceded her abcnit four years ago. Mrs Hicks, with her husband and family labored for many years on the farm now owned by Wm Rol -1 lands, and in later years, with her son, moved to Exeter, where she remained up until a short time ago, mien she removed to London, where she re- mained ap till Saturday, the day of her death. She leaves a family of 3 sons and 3 daughters to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. The relatives have the sincere and heartfelt. sympathy of the community at the ' loss of their mother. e, Clinton. Beaers.-On Tuesday evening some evil disposed person threw stones through the 'rout window of the resi- dence of Mrs Moffatt, a widow lady, living all alone just south of the rail- way on Victoria street, Mrs Moffatt cannot assign any reason why this sort of conduct should be meted out to her, and is naturally very indignant at the occerrence. We have no doubt that if the perpetrators are found they will get their deserts from the town au- thorities. --All the grocers in town have posted in their windows that on aucl after May 15th they will close their stores at 7 p rn. The evenings before holicleys and Saturday nights are excepted. -J S Miller, son of 3 G Miller, of the Clarendon hotel, has gone to Bayfield to assume the inan- ageinent of the River hotel. -Mrs 0 R Johns, sister of Miss O'Neil, teacher. has gone mit to the Base: Line, to spend a, few clays with Eph Butt. Mrs johns, who is from Winnipeg, bas been reclining in an invalid's chair for over tNvo years, and we are sure her visit to Me Butt's beautiful premises in the country will do her much good. -Williana Sellers, who has been em- ployed with the MessrS Rans'ford has finished les studies ancl will start their lifrin at Stapleton, has moved preaching after Cenference. He took his family to Bluevale, and will take part in the .sorvices on Sunday- The ela fanning on his own behalf -The quarterly meeting was held in the, eldest of the Misses Mountcastle, of church on Monday afternoon, and the the Wigwam, has gone to Toronto for BEA\ Y WAGONS 3 SPRING WAGONS BUGGIES CARTS AND HA.RROWS. D. Brauncis Carriage shop, Exeter. aLmasPI•••••.••••••••........ sold only by EArl 11,pror, st Vett Sff. tat ed od 31 ?Sia but one • vas • ver • lo by • of