HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 8t A t 4 - nee • t s pet?, Nav atria - est., • tet• • • ni, for ay!, ' :084 0.,‘"; , -.7;14 ;trttki tzt ...,ar; vv. • • LY ONE PRICE go -Vicar Snit$ ith thernost omplete stock of clothing e cntroI for Eetcr the cetebrated ▪ ch wetht is the most durable and bes t. Every piece of clothing we sell you esa +incited by ours. Your money back if eea isfied. 0. I wt.ed its not sbodely or trash, but the kbad •- Remember :Oa oar $5.t10 suits are•gueraiateed 44 4 '1 4+1,VerS4 • ,N .104 tweed or oavy bitten wool s e suits. At 4,1* of patterns. If ytui want a suit e our line at -mate in the new soft over clieek le foe $6.09 and $7.00. ineSteed' finished tweede. This • or -DA: pure .„ and tat $7 earti•-• strAs of Vc..1.• Yon cy,et tOts BITE31.ARY ATTI1B STAT1011,-Friday oight emoi, one broke into the railway tVtiQfl ana abstracted from the casai drawer $1.35 in change. They com• pletely deraoliehed the drawer, and sufticient toole to open tiltnos anything. The tools were procured at the foundry and planing mill. a mai Satin. •7, It am?, " :nser;.',. very fine tweed and ivorstea suits. Suits y;P ' hyd 'ex .t. ,-.. 4 WO ;WWI tea ip-tx .0.354 for yery One, very ,well, atilt anal 'Ottlik rzar. ar , ",, ' ;' '..... c•11;;•• Wt.- ilt:tvt. zt Itt.;46ttifta -, ....Nage Moose Snit* thiS is a rare bargain and well 1 RUPORT. -We Italie V ,.: 7, 4,4E0 g. Wed. ft, 60py of the report relating to . . registration ot births, nuerriagas • oeies, e e ise at e hors new two piece ends. Every suit a hate il deaths he the Province of Outerio i ee, iii ea7e, t• 1,, in,) • itit.43" Bril t ' with or without eadlor r the yeer ending Mardi 81st, 1898. lie ••. 'I A * -es tire i itt eta t ..••.i. NIM r• , .0 z-144,11'„ . I t.• • , .. intritiehiugs in shirte, ties, collars. underive.er &c.. Mee .• etitilete, ais , a al' i kne tif ikeinV h:trd and soft hp,ts fop inu and bays, Sty10.44 ;h. ft.!ilantV;•• ge uW naty goodie, At:MOW:T.-On Tuesday while Wil- iam Treble wee driving Along Huron streets otie 1,4 the viaggoo wheels Went suddenly into a soft. hole on tbe road. The jar threw Mr. Treble from tise waggon, and his both' striking the gravel with considerinee force ceased , fraetereof his collar Houses, Soon. -On Mond:tee aleDon. ell Se Ba,wden, delivetied to Chas Bean. O f alvalitlivreyi one of tbeir recent itopormtion. a Shire eeallions, toe Rufus," No. 11741, for whiali tbey were peid $2.090. Tbe animal was imported la.st fall bythis neon anti is a flue horse. Ile weighs i22o ON Max 21w1I.-Fo1' school, children and bands in uniform, one - belt of single fare to Parithilt and re - on May 21th ; adolts, siogie fare. r 200 sebords hone alreacly Aiecepted OU e invitatien to be oreseot. Folioev- nis are the rates for L., II. & i.s Selsool tihildreu Athilt v to Parkhill anti etre . . 75e boy° atle tOe ;i15in uniform tlattle thildren. from which we glean the f(11 wing Dnring the year 1898 in Ontario there were 46,60a births ; 15i375 marriages arid 23,370 ',teethe ; total unnaber of tulle birtbe, 23,893 ; total female births 22.703. In Ontario during 1895 there are 14.5 birthstIl every 1000 pupate,'• nun. tisere were :103 palest of twins and testae in stleith triplets oecurred. There were 10.1.2 males born to everes 100 females in t be province daring 1,80S. December of lain had the largest now- t a marriages, and woe a ism hod tht'largest number s 5Say of 1897,03 the lea.q. number of marriages. n. Couutes death rate for the past hies.heen 8.3 to the 1010 n , QU1Y two counties in the prov- inc are losver thn oar couuty, being Grey and Peel, whoee death rate hi..2 in the 10a5. The following in- ation has reference to 'Huron Co ty The total births in the uunty for 1598 was 2,27$ P. total still u%tis, including infa.nte who died 'tin- der one day old, recorded writer deaths 25 ; still births recorned under births stilt births not recorded meder leaths 4 ; deaths from consturiptiou ttmbered 71 of which 32 were males d 4, females,. In 1871 tbe county niven as 'having a population of efitalde and the deatit rate from coo- Seiumption was given AS o.a.; in 1808 tile population wee given as 71,061 and tbe eletetla rate was given 1.0 from con- sumption. Total births in the county in 1803, was i.28; total marriages 380; total deaths 058. The rates to 1000 emulation is given 17.8 births, 5.5; deaths 0.2. During, the year 1898 the thr county had an =reeve of 3 in the number of births over 1857 ; a.decrease of 63 in the number of marriages, and a, decrease of 89 in the number of deaths. f,- L. 'Scarper, ot London was in town on Toesday. a. rAt,i1.1'4Ut was removed from the • h ' thet On& J A. STEWART st, f School Public Schol)ls .‘ ft all stock of Sunda!, Libary Bcoks wholesal 17; nily and Pe chore f t e. Every t g in wholesale and retail. It• We enses, •.% et KICKS Watch Repairing a deity. TO A DV ERTI SERS t --- The copy for ebauges must he le : later than Tueeday noon. Casual i advestisemeute acceptea up to noon ' Weduesdav of eat It wee. 'ele001' prices'( Large stock of field seeds at W. II. ev Servent girl wanted. Apply at The . Pieliard CoSs Store. Me. Neil Dow, of Stratford, visited riends in Exeter the past week. Mr. tater* ana D...Cantelon. of Hen - 1 were in town on Saturdiey. ,T. L. Rogera bauker, of Parkhill" visited his soo .here on Saturday. • t A car load of seed corn just received • by NV. H. Levett. Get your supply early. GeorienTnener and Andrew Oke, of - Brumfield, visited at Hugh Oke's on Sunday. via und Mrs. Geerite. Knight and , famine of Ilderton. epant Sunday with i friends esioes---_--areeaeo-------------- ) Mrs. tipearin and ditty:him 44 S. INSVItaletea, i almane vieited in Thom PS 1.1 trton'e ei is- I' L1-1, 1 thia I °vet. Se titian. A. E. Stewart IfitaYrd to Setif-00AI • . that week, where. Mr. S. has putallased 811 iuterest in a flomeng mei. Two children tie James Shapton, of the iSed once:es:on of Stephen, are suffering 'from an attack Of typhoid f 4_, i H. Cantelon was in trees:di on Mons THURSDAY. APRIL 23tb, 101)0 I t satin nl tionery JON 612IQU p•••-... 416 xeter, 1 . . Spring is here and t reminds ils that time is is at hand, and in all probability you will require some - I,. thing ia the way of Olrpets Curtains Curtain Poles Blinds ,•-•,4416.4H100.,.--,•*,..,,,*--,..-,--nn .......,-,..,, . 1 Wall Paper, Etc, in these lines aVe carry a larger stock than -.pop-6-ot-- a6 , ,- , prices that will suit you. See ourLadies'hlouses., . litioiebse..tter. Dress Goods in all the leading styles and quah. 1.1 f RES5 0 ODS i Hati, Caps, white and coiored shirts an.a ties, all in .al the newest styles. Full line of Ready-niade Clothing both in ..\ ever before has there been such men s and boys. Good style and low price, We could aa - 7 fine collection of high 3Iass Dress 00 0." vertise like some re(,,rehants, and. say here is a, suit sh.own in this county. We have all theisi 5 that's if we wanted to lie. ow and fashionable fabrics, and whati , Pastor Sheldon, who is trying to ran a daily Ohistam s more, we will sell them to you at less I an ad as the above and wrote the party to as-- oney than they would cost us to buyl paper read such t. ucni again. We would call esPeeial I certain how he could do it i getting no reply would not insert, ttention to our beautiful stock, of Black it Wo conamena him for his stand. When will people real- 5 e g old Medal Dress („loods; they are sim- izhthat they can't et 2 for Si.diere is a medicine now being tiedaby the Riallita ly superb. T i 1"1-lumbug," We can't see the necessity o people buying 131a6E. Drss Googs 42 inel) Wank brilliant Lostres, Idealing and honest prices. , '°when they can get it for nothincr .90 hiunbug here, strai t ti -k. t1,1141 splendid finish, i 1 Ghia' US a call. Highest prices paid fatproduc:e. 1 DIVS 600tiS Xew Dres% Tweeds, in varions shales and colorings, atiti great si valne for 20 special per yd. aeautlfill !low eieules in alengn- 4a inth Week hem:nate iinieli lite tiords, very stylish gooils and casbinere, pure wool, heeutiful oreat to Wear, speeial 00 , pearl finish' 4 soap, worth 75 a yd a F vuol 13rtytileb it lie in all ; Diatik broadeiont 4t in widenove I h Very correct for suits, iplesolitl value ., Gold Medal Drese Goods le hiaek nub% lovely riew patterne, heenti. Cul tifaerts, voiretti nitwit more. , money foe Gold Montt Drees Goods in black tterns leattiag? thanes. and make * ly Rune gravid value Imported Steoch Home -pens in all Initialer colorings, % 'ay stylish and m great demand, 51 ist wide Id good weight, worth 1.33 kn. 1.00 cls • e heightof fashimaall new tilincles only, in a great -variety of pa Loeeily Scoteli Plaid dives goo al to wide, great value nen fully %Ferrante& very tat est, styles F r field seeds. fresh mid clean, ca 'Very large Shepheiel Pleat areas land pattex•nsss worth 1.2,5 foe goods, 5l hi wide, lovely gonds aud t Beautiful lareneh hievelte es the newest, thing mete foe ekiets Goode. exclusive designieVery rich • r v 2 to and glossy blaeir., speekal ut CAR 'NG = De. Seltery ood. L. Seott, of 'Jensen, 1 Ti vted friends bete. on Sunday, . la W. Gladman was in Chicago the i forepart of this week on businese. for the "WesTszx ASSCP.ANCP, COM- , et Toronto also for the PrazNix Flux Nsrue. ;see Ceeireee, ot London, Engleiedk. ; LlAtiCF; INBC214,,NCZ COMPANY, of hug and .101Sena SwOLTnee. My little Wag:nears old, it at a bad at tack of eRhourani,pattsilseaeip. v•ItittshIothihetpsa\vne.roosLoblioexuaourdmalre hura's Ithotonatto Ms completely eared me,,, Iiissouetto, Port Out, tr, II. Levettn, opposite. the townA: dn Btiggi.cps2 11.19. now on liana awl for alto , Buggies!! and suate. a , P ,teTribeeheal(sTeseenarxneParitP1=1:11itilnis?ta; : a ealveloued of very nne bogeyed darseent styleg W e also bare 1 4141411tm. or Dres longthil ill special Novelties ea voi 4.30 1(41103 deatrt oil Sunday ot Snther-ji,a.;;;;YEITTS, MIKADOS. 1,1iniNG MEN'S BUGGIES, THREE QUARTER BUGGIES. 0.00 and Pt per length. TIttsu ar, pecial designe confined exclusively to leatindist•Setii,:euertehal. (trete"; maid .f:01,nuleept,Reaeti.4 irseives. SutherIalad Macklexu, of Perkbill, eves t uslueismen, fanner s surror, etc. i aunounced by cable from Eng am . , • Bueze:leise :Li inold:eaabprole aduldie:ibtlizsie tliveueiz: sonucamo le $125.00 will be hung up in purses fot tick advantage to call and seethe* boor* Stgligi R all the races ort tbeatth of Mae at Exeter. There will be 2,50, 2.30 end 2.20 trott- i elsewhere. " tg races. and A runiaug event, open Men's Tweed Sella new len-terns Men's Twee(' P,tuts, t\ 11 made , tneittiTiniza°nrotretrtigli:tritaiZettPisoAtisret'ellilatiSsel: Two doors e h of l'Itatix•osiNrilai.,9011: armee satin lined, vevy stylish and anti splendid wearing cloth, rept- spleodidly made. ea**Ily worth 1.50 tar $1.35 line for.. . ..— ........ .00 ters. so for • .. •oror• . o rr• .• ...... - . .• IOU, 'o, 1 _ All e.ases of weak and Mine trite ly lined told matie‘very StYliSh V* terns, in the regular way, worth 96450 Men's Flue*T.isitatiSifits. iniecials litif mae,?:int'o. caTwg. T. sileag. te:Liva:pliatl.citl :fel:forma:I:a: a 'aligeler'eas:et." ,1,,,,m it\tIveyeekcieetttegtItilt e noBnutte:itaiisi..1.,:i:li.,:iill le Itit:Icsk,rIttetlelitereft - for • • V • ..... , • 4 • 4.23 Plasters. Price a' el .. Try them. Men's bik worsted sott$, beauti- , LITig,e0 • d.feoartnilleriyii ft -;ier:idellit?sovfbaTtilton fully tailored. splendid litters, best Men's timing overcoats in a very lining's. You'd pay $18 foe no bet- fine quality whipcnrd, eiteehtl rinae ei,' took ine. ti last week. Mrs Mowbray, 10,00 ings... • • . ........ • • • • .... _____-.1. i Winr wAs (mite 41, yoeng woman, wai be ter suit einewhere....titir price 21Ib ItEDPA PliSS 1." 'T 1NDARD GRANULATED SUGA.R FOR $L00. ' a eerily felts She was a coosistent mem. ----- - ----- ------ ---------------------- ------------ 1 tomato missed and her demise will be MAL HAPPENIBOS day completing the lease of tbe Com- inercial hotel i here. He takes posses- sion on May 19th. Some of the hest horses ita Western Ontario have alleady been entered. for I. Smith bas moved into bis new the racing events to be deeided in Atop. Exeter on May 24th. ei Miss Polly Puke is ill with an attack For lame beck and all ordinary de of her old trouble, paraaysisi a trill i rangemeuts a kidneys, Doc Kidney Joseph Davis intends takirig Pills are equal to any on the market to the Old Country in: a few weeks. t i and only half the price. Sold by C. The Senforth Presbyterian cburch is of the iluest in the Presbytery of I let" - The Minister of Education, has de - one Harm There are 626 communicants on the rola There's only one 21th and there's only one celebration, und thatis i years to SO. Exeter, May Sith, UM. Good races, John P. Marshall, who died at his a first-claes track, and a most enjoy -1, able time are assured. swine in Rodgerville on Friday was a. former resident of Exeter. Elis re- Thursclay morning a corps of street I i mains were interred in the Exeter • cleaners with the scrapers began evork ii cemetery on Monday. on Main street. We compliment them theon excellent wort done. The The MarksdaleStanclard reports that street is greatly improved. There is danger in the skipping rope; from a New York paper we learn of the death of a girl 11 years of age, from spinal meningitis, caused by in- ordinate use of the skipping in i these contests among the girls in this habit should be stopped. hand broke the second hnger. A practical farmer says he never saw the fail wheat fields look as well at erland-Innis Co., had his hand severely 1,1 m. Dell, an employe of the Stith - this time as now, In other 'gem* there the knives of a jointer. Mr. would be spots killed on the hills and alit IV , Dell left on Monday for Sarnia, where often on the low ground spots would_ be drowned out. But he says this he will join a sailing crew for the sun; year he never saw a single blade in- cided to adopt the proposal reducing the period ot service before °teacher can apply for superannuation from 85 Wit eye of Mrs, istiattatteltsoe, Clinton, the tither day. Herb. Pickard returned to Brantford Monday to resume his stadles. Hilton Bissett. of St Thoums, has se - Awed a situation with A Bagsbaw. Sellout re opened on Monday for the mower term, with a large attendance. Miss Ida Brown, of Dashwood, 1Y113 visiting her sister, Mrs. Gray, MeRil. rerentiy. Cieorge Manson is confined to his bed through illness. He has a severe at - Jack of la grippe. Another advance in the price of brooms has been ordered, and just, the be tinning of the house-cleaning season, too. grain, however, showed it full of little , Report states -OW, more people than ever are buying wheels this year. The Mr. Anderson, of St. Paul, lzas black grubs at the first joint above GrO)CerieS Reg ilit• nuculor(d Jo pan Tea COI Royal Yeast tankers per box Eddy's best middies per hox Best Aylmerranneti peas 3 tins for Best Clothes pg e pr1o7. 6 bars White Castile Soaps for 6 bars White Oat, aleal Soap for N GARDEN sh Gr(iliCerieS •e 03 7 bars Good \VIII Soap foe 2 lbs good Baking Soda for 05 OS 5 pee:lenges of Corn Stereb foe tie tai Best Whiting per lb 0 as 3 lbs -finest selected Vidmida_11,aisins 25 2 tins Maple Leaf Salmon for 12,11)5 best, green Rio Coffee for 1.00 for 25 ea ILOWER SEEDS FOR Se --,—.---. GAR Se PAOKAG --ALL KINDS OF --- FIELD AND GAIRDEN SE1B1DS JUST FRESH. OPENED UP. We want a. leg lot of Butter and Eggs and will pay bighest market price for same. ber of the Presbyterian *burial Lu- cien. Pfeffer Beets. are improving tbeie ready well-equipped grist mill at Mil - velem by the addition of a number of new machines, including two 'wheat cleaners, one of them for the removal of cockle, and six dust collectoes. With tbese new collectors much of flee former waste will I* saved. Mr. Pfeffer was formerly of Crediton. Tlie Fibicard GO., Dired illipOrterS •••0•••••••"1•••••••••••••••1•Mil....01.M.SOM••10.0•••••••••.•••• prospects are that cycling will he more arrived, and will take possession.of the the gronnti. This was the real cause • of the dama.ge, and not the weather. than ever popalar in this year of grace etropoliton 1st May, nineteen hundred Tb.e nobbiest lot of gents' up-to-date he wheat was affected most 013 sande Thomas 'Merry, sr., died suddenl hats that we have seen this season is son. We understand. that A. E. Puke is at bis home in Exeter on Friday las at Stewart's Cash Store. offering his two brick houses William at the age of 83 years, 6 months. He Public Sthool Leaving, blank ap- . resided with his son, alnd had been plicatiou forms may. he procured by . stir for sale. The employees of Dyer ez Hoevard.of around the house as %%suet' He went teachers from Prinmpal )3oyd. S White, of the 10th con of Gleneig, has a cow which bas given, birth to four relves within eleven months. They are living and hearty. Wlaile Robt Quick was handling stave bolts at the Sutherland-Innie Stave Works the other day, it bolt a,c- cidentally slipped, and failing on leis A CANADIAN FEN FOR CANADIAN FAIIMERS; We use the best high grade toiled wire J. .STINSON Kirkton, Ont, 4' THE NOBLEST MIND. The best contentment tee." Yet, however noble in mind, no inert or wornan can have perfect, contentment without physical health. The blood.1 must be kept pure and the stomach i and digestive organs it good ot•der. The best meansisrthis purpose is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It promptly cures, all blood humors and eruptions and tones op the system. Alt liver ills are eured by Hood's AUCTION SALE OF 'CHOICE AN'TheSreTrillKie sold by Publie Auction on the Afeinnies farm, Thames Road, Usbortie on Tuesday' the 8th May, 1900, the following t.-- llorses. agricultural year old ; Steers, *steers 4 years old, 12 choice steer 5 years old, 10 choice Dairy COWS, 6 cows with calf a 000, 10 cows. steers 2 Tears old, choice ste:rs. 2:7:Igo:I ;2, d ort high, or low ground. A good live committee have the 24th A very short time will make spring of May celebration in hand, and are bound to make it a. success in every in every sense, if the sveather of the past day or two is to be the rule. One Particular. Special train services, P"1 rates, and specie) hotel a,ccomo- of the marvels of nature, in this halt- modation for all eashing to spend tilt tude and climate, is the extreme rapid_ been arranged. ity with which backward seasons can day in Exeter haye be brought up to the normal degree of Get the old bark scraeed off the ea - Progress toward sunamer and harve,st iple tree trunks and la iger branches tinae, and thus destroy the laror larva3 of Richard Jones has disposed of his the apple borer moth. Other larvm and eegs farm lot A, con. '7, Usborne, to Sanaa I destroy mare insects in a half will also be destroyed. You Horn, tor the sum of $5000. The farm can contains 100 acres. Mr. Janes intends day's work now than yOtt can in a enaging in the fence business until whole week in June, outside to sit in the warrn sun, wlaen Thos. Bissett,last week sold a the Exeter planing mill, one of the oldest and best known institutions he suddenly expired. He was a native team of matched icerriege horses to it I between Goderich and London, last of England, and prior to moving to gentleman in London for a good figure. petitioned the firm to allow Exeter, batifor man Y years farmed ia E. Render late with H. Bishop & week them to quit NVOrk Saturday evenings -Usborne township. He was highly re- Son, has accepted a situation with a spected. large retail honse in Hamilton, as As mentioned last week a happy window dresser. eventtook place at, the residence ofJohn Jas liaurrity has purchased the ware - Mitchell, Station street, oo Wednes- house of W. Lang, for it store room. day, when his daughter, Miss Emma, Mr. Lang will occupy the front part was united in inarria,ge to John Moeley for his implement business. of London, formerly of Orediton. The The Royal Tempters of Temperance knot was tied by the Rev. C. W. will hold an open meeting in Main St. Brown at about 8 o'clock, in the pres- ence the more closely connected re- latives -about 80. Mr and Mrs Morley will make their home at the Mansion House. The bill passed by the Provincial Legislature, providing for the regula- tion of the width of waggon tires, is an important one. ''')The provides that no wheeled vehicle drawn by horses or other animals shall carry a burden of 2,000 pounds if fitted with tires less than 3 Inches wide. It can- not he denied that narrow tires and heavy burdens are in the main respon- sible for the many ruts found on some of our highways. They cut, right in the roadbed, where a wide tire would run smoothly over the surface. The eighth annual report of the game and fish commission for Ontario is to hand. The moose have increased and in the northern districts are to be ' ' numbers. Over NO deer hall,when hewn). go to Manitoba to The habit of loafing in. doorways and seehis fortune. He will have a sale on the street corners is becoming quite of hie stock and implements on Tues. Prevalent among boys and young men, day, May ist. again. Not only do these fellows The anniversary a the Sunday gather on the ehruertg, and use. dem_ School of Main St. Methodist stvelanguaze among themselves, but church, will be held on SlindaY and they also make insulting remarks to Monday next. On Sunday special ser. people as they pass. mons will be preached by Rev. G. The mission services condueted., in the Trivitt Memorial church during Henderson, of St. Marys, Morning and evening: In the afternoon it mass the Past few'vveelesi closed on Tuesday. meeting will be held. On Monday The eneetingshave been very successful ovening the pellet tea-zneeting will be and Productive Of much good. Rev. bold, whezabesides a ninsical program, Arthur Morphy ,is a forcible speaker., addresses will be given by Principal . Boyd and Dr. Rivers, of Crediton. Methodist church o commencing at 8.00 p. A goodpro Weatininster Coofession of Faith, gram shonld ensure a large attendance. For more than two hundred and fifty h ervices Saroes St. church years that confession has been in use, •Now 1SYOUR, CHANCE Look out for bargains this week, we are going to sell granite wat•e cheap. Here are a few of our prices. Granite pails regular price 85e for 65c ; Granite preserving kettles regu- lar price 65c for 50c Granite preserv- ing kettles regular price 850 for 750 • Granite coffee pots regular price 98 for 70e ; Granite tea pots regular price 55e for 40c; Granite three piece toilet sets regular price $1.65 for 81.45 ; Granite wash basins regular price 30e for 20e ; tin pails, 10 quart replier price 18c for 12c; nickel tea kettles reveler price $1.20 for 51.00; sad ir01' s regular price 05e. for 80c. • Stli)rnionttlar shill id '„Ba°T1ghssoe' a0anb quantityoeostcl= °I is s S e our fine stock of Umbrellas"and Parasols from 39e up, Shirt VS 'Lists Cotton Hose, Towels, Handkerchiefs, The aresteers well tonvard and hoary weights Lace, Ladies Vests, and Men's SurO*1- Filoleiardr:usili:CArthsbsaei t ahreredit will bo gt'en oai mer Underwear. We sell these lines atitOs oam furnishing approved joint notes, A discount I of 6% Der annum for cash Fresh fruits always on hart . a eggs taken in exchange. B. BROWN Jill) T. CAMERON. Auet, nnoN. proprietor. , veEryu:theera: 40.044144444,10414444.4441144414$ willing to grant reasonable requests to , After Easer at 6 o'clock. The firm who are always I . their employees, happily acceded to We expect fipeweath- the petition. . . . The Presbyterian General Assembly will probably be made historic by all . . • er for wheeling. You will :1 that will meet at St. Louis on May 18 that evil' there be made to revise the be in a pos t" to itnportant, if not it successful attempt not ion enjoy.it unless you have and although often assailed, the rever- ence it inspires has saved it from the hands of those who would reform it. It does not seem to be an ordinary, ' but a very general moyement, and ex - Steel Sermons in eption is particularly taken; to the Steel Briggs and Rennie's best gar- i it paper. Rennie's -Danish • laird chapter of the Confession, and en seeds 2ic package 40e*Itiaore precisely to sections tit. and IV., Sugar Beets 1 pound Best grade, longs red. Giant Inter- i ankh declare that some men and mediate and Golden Fleshed „Tankard!. ngels are predestinated unto ever- Mangold- seeds. -Rvel'Y Pettud guarani lasting life and others foreordained to kt,,,exed. :A„t;Stesvart's Cash Store. At no period in the history of the everlasting death, and that there number is so certain and definite that 1iitshceadn. neither be increased nor dimin- lthnedQatutedengl.ohralovietseix.epigeenssoifolhiesroMf laojyeasittyy, to the Empire and devotion to the i -...— _ throne been more strikingly manifest- RED 11.0T FROM THE GUN. ed than at the present time. ' In view, Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead - therefore, of this sentitnent, it should man of Newark, Miele, in the Civil foundbe the aim of all Her loyal, subjects, to War., It Caused horrible Ulcers that have been killed dirring the Past s.eason celebrate the eightyfirst anniversitey no treetmerite helped for 20 years., according to reports: 6,500 beitig the 0 her • hd ' n '1,. mann ee worthy of Then lituelden's Arnica Salve cured number supposed to have been killed. the occasion. s• him. Cures eine, Bruises, Ili ens, Deck have baeie found less plentiful Thomas Anderton, or eon. I, Dover; Boils, Felons; Corns, Skin Eruptions. than -heretofore, and the woodcock is showed the Chatham Planet the other Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. fast , becoming extinct. 'About 100 of- day tt lot Of little bugs he had taken Cure guaranteed. 5q111, by all' Drug - law • were ealt om his wheat. Mr. Andert thinks gists. next Sunday will be conducted by Rev W. G. Howson, B.A. of Ratteribury St. Clintoi3. The pastor, Rev O. W. Brown, B. D. will preach S. S. An- .. . • tintabetrsragat of tf the hem settling be" fine. they are the larvae of the Jiessiafl The denartment have been eottilidering ay, although the fly hes never attack - steps neeessarst to encourage the al:- ed.the graininthis way before. Like dustry of frog raising for home' d many othersMr. Anderton found his wheat apparently', winter killed in I s An etenunation of the dead while Mrs. lieuriehahs addresses to the foreign markets. ladies were appreciated. (Additional !orals on 51h page: SCALD BAND. Some years ago I scalded my hand very badly then took cold in the 'burn, my hand swelled, and was very,pinfol, but half a bottle of flag - yards Yellow Oil cured it completely. Mr,. Wannamaker,Frankford, Ont. an Up -To -Bate Bicycle. We are showing them • in the .,latest patterns. We believe they will meet the requirements of the rnost exacting. Both in STYLE AND PRICE. Call and see theth Carriages Don't forget our child- ren's Carriages and Go -- Carts. They are new and nobby. 'Rernember'we sell the finest Pianos, organs and ewin.); machines, S. Martin .4444024441.444 2 Levitt's Fair. AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. FOR FINE GROCERIES FLOUR AND POTATOES CORN MEAL ROLLED AND .STANDARD OATMEAL --- OIL CAKE LINSEED MEAL AND FLAX SEED GARDEN AND FIELD 'SEEDS TRY US 'We are making a specialty of the above and wOulcl be p!eased to have a ' part of your trade. Our facilities for buying are equto. to those of our neighbors and - our shop expenses are much less than those.of aoy other concern in town. 'TRY US JAPAN TEA 18c. Trevethick