Exeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 7HOW WAR BEQINS,
nate. tee Rattle is won en nee country -
Teat Gets in the mrst Mew,
Xany people are under the impree
•Sion that war begins like a duel el
a priza4ight, the glove being formally
thrown down and pleeed tip. But eel
bletory shows that tide etyle doeanol
PaY, excePt When one nation is over
wheiraingly stronger than the other
asfor instance, tee gaiie a the
United. States end Spain. Lineally the
best prepered power springs on Rs
openly without waxwing.
•Tee necessity for this course la ob-
/ague- Wee 14 entered upon for the
Pueeose of inflicting aereat, and a fore
Mae declaration would lieve the
•effeet a giving tbe enemy time to
prepare hinuielf, and perhaps enable
ishe to glee the too Panetilloas uation
'miring. Only a War Minister of
the character of Don Quixote would
therefore, first make •the deelaration
ere/ the strike the blow.
'Certainly •a denteration, after the
)21I2Yr is aimed, is always made, but
it is dope la order to let neueral
powere Underatand therougely Meat
the situation la. Neutral fervors
bane very onerotta obligitione to
wards nation e at ware -aa Etigined
knowa to ber wet, baring Pitid the
Vetted Staten A000,00) fer breach
ot there. But Solaria powers eentaet
be expected to carry oat these dutiee
mail they are pia -Italy tail that
Some ware leave, eowerer, teen c
Wally peceeded by a deetaration.
WU Louis X1IL sent a eerald to
denlare war against Spate. aut.' Jo 1637
gIvedeu deepatched u iaillar official
toe Copettliagen to declere war ageinst
Denmark. 'That eva$ the etre of the
heralds. When Preece fought Alex -
/co in 183e, its first intimetieni ot hoe.
(waisted of a bleeltade oe 410X-
WM Forte. Mexico bail the ieteliigenve
to take thia for a declaration a war.
The Sultan of Turkey, in 184 said,
be would radicle fFght Russia than!
enbrait to her denetutis, and ea the
-Mae at ouve deviated war. which e
commenced two or three ilaee Ler.1
Next time Russia fought Tureeesu
eroneee. •the frontier on the day of the,
dertira.tion. That wile in 1817.
Ainatelia did pretty neigh the emelt
thing towaralti Austria in Me, and
very one !mows that in 1870 thv
rrenelt chivalrously commenced their
eisastrous fight by their Charge
d'Affaires handine Prince Bientarck a
dnation of war in Berlin. into;
reilesian dentration to Turkey, by the
.•way, was given to the Turkish Ana-,
lueseador itt St. Petersburg.
There are several instanees of
Vox' bedtime, in 1800 Lore :sense,:
bury plainly told Portugal that un -
at fofees, offieiale and expeditions
•lvere withdraw,n," from a certain part
te Rtar banks, ani a prom-
ise to that effect given within twenty-
• ° r o rs, our 'meter wouldleave,
. .
Portuguese eapital. Portugal ac-
euiesred in :England's wishes.
Oa another oceaeion the result was
different. Arabi Pasha was ordered
• o eurrondor t to forts et Ateeandria,
and he very foolisbly retueed. So
Alexandria was bombarded.
Sfany pepole regarded President
Cleveland's IIIMIDUS threat• to Lord
Salisubry abaut the Venezuela bound-
ary as a contingent tleclai•a.lion of
ern. But• probably it was merely
that friendly; if strong, pressure
which one AngloeSaxon, knowing the
•exttionce of the race, thinks it safe to
. on another member.
With regard to the withdrawal of
representatives, a curious occurrence
took place in 1871. Tbe United Statee
suddenly retailed their Ministerfrom
• London, and •everyone was looking
for the swoop of the eagle. But it
turned, out that the reason of Mr.
• Mortey's withdrawal was the feeling
at Washington that he was not show-
, trig as much friendliness as he ought
tO show.
No woman •who has a scant, frowsy,
UI groomed head of hair can, possibly
be beautiful. On the other hand, a
avornan, however homely her features,
if possessed of a luxuriant growth of
sole, glossy, beautifully dressed hair
'-be very good to look at.
There are women who think because
teeir hair is thin and poor that it is
not worth "fussing over." But it is
the thin and poor hair that must be
cored for. Otherwise its poesessor
be bald long before middle life.
The scanter the hair the more liable
the scalp to -disease. Germs, microbes
and dust find room in which to lodge
and in whieh to accomplish their root
destroying work. Hair should never
be washed oftener than once in four
or six. weeks. Constant washing ruins
the heir.. It deprives it of its natur-
al oil, makes it liable to fall out and
. break and hastens a tendencyto gray-
ess. Very hot water and strong'
hauld never be used. The yolk
of the egg makes the very best sham-
poo. Beat the yolk up, 'mix it with a
little tepid water and rub it thor-
oughly into the roots all over the
scalp. Then rinse the hair in two
414: t hree tepid waters. This method
of washing the hair ,renders it beau-
tifully soft and glossy and gives the
pretty Iluffy effect which most wo-
men think can only be obtained with
soda, ammonia or strong kitchen soap,
an of which are absolutey fatal to
the hair.
One's method of dressing the hair
has much to do with its general con-
dition and wellbeing. Twisting and
pulling the hair tightly from the scalp
Ur0 moat injurloue. The hair should
tie arranged as loosely as fashion and
lieauty will permit. • "'
Never, under any circumstances, use
er permit, any one else to use, hot irons
to wave or ourl your hair. Irons may
beautify the rtppearance of the hair for
felVhurs, flat they quickly ruin and
‘lestroy its beauty. They burn away
ell the natural oil which is the source
the soft sheen and glessy surface
al .1,ving in the hair •
he Home 1
inget try to keep bouse, especially
if yeur family is large, without proper
coeveniences for doing tee wore. Wig
should the man have all the labore
saving devices foe use in the field and
barn, and woman do without the few
allege that are really a help to her.
One oe tbe heady things about ther
boae-e ia the nteat chopper, *Web, pre-
pares minces, bashes; ate., et all sorts
with the miniraura expenditare of time
and strength.
Whea the bread and the p:e meta
" taste of the tins," • tell it not in
(lath and pnblish it not uPhilistia,"
but the reason is that the pans were
not washed clean after using, and the
accumulated grease in the enime and
corners becomes rancid and roakes tbe
bread taste of it. Where earthen pie
plates are used, it one is eraeked, the
grease fries into it through the *reek
in the glazing. geta rancid, fries out
hen the Mate is batten' •again, and
wile. tee Pie. [lee emelt a plate fer
te tiege dinner.
The wash -bench, with the Iwo tube
tbe wringer an supports between
hem, is a witelesday couvenience that
ougbt to be indispeneablet in the iar-
mer's kitchen. And if there is a stout
plug in the bottem of melt tub, so tbat
tje water cart be let out into a pail
set under the tub, end thus avoid lia-
na I he tub to empty it, another labor-.
anver is provided.
For cooking brown bread, steamed
Puddiege, etee procure two pails, one
ot wbacla will go Weide the other with
is ever u.ndone. Hew do you keep up
all oe tb,e loose ends 1" "Once they
troubled me," she said. but I learned
to put a pocket on the outside of my
•eitehen apron. In it I carry a small
card, and peecil. At first opportun-
ity as 1 think a soma odd thing to
do, 1 slop and jot down some signifi-
• cant reminder of it. At my first lei-
sure 1 refer to my card and cross off
the items as the week is Gone. 1 el -
low myself to bike up no regular sew-
ing until as far as possible ray itern
card is empty," Imprecticable ? Try it.
Jacket te, slate gray home -pen. trim -
some room to spere. Put Your bread Wed with bias :olds of the aline ma,.
g i
trial. One side bee buttons and the
Vuddiliin the. snaaller sot t in
le larger, and add seme boiling, 1,a- colter buttonholes, which close the
ter. Set all Irt the oven, after rover- jacket. The revers are of white faille
ng tightly, awl there your reeponsi- and the :route are feeee with tee eame
:lily ends, until it is done. material. Cat canar o hornespuu
edged with a bias told. Irateriel re.
(mired, 59 ladles wide, 17-8 yards.
illte.IDED RUGS.
Tho beauty of braeled rugs depends SOME GOO RECTPES.
atgely upen the arrangement of val..; Tomato Settp•---Take twelve large to -
ore, write; S trait G. Wil eve (ley ceders um toe,e and ebop them ; holt one half
are not Inlispual1, ht there ritoulil an hour, then etir in a Itelf tea 'poen-
be harrinon;otte blending and shading. foi of soda wbon firtoling (4.3.des
As handsento a leg a I ever saw was add two soft era ere rolled very fine; .1
of' only two colors, ehndee of soft aotiluNteurtirbfrATiVialet1917,11fluil
gray and brown. If the eurface ettows peeper to taste. If too thirk add a
rough at first, and it will unless made little tiolVng water or milk.
wholly of eon, woollen reg., it aeon Apple and Celery rla 4iPliriOUR
Wears 414001 h, 1 IMPS meet oldenotic- Naiad may be made from apples and
Ing Is and even felt. Cut old veuol celery. Feet, hill tbeuiia ewe woe
dress skirta and epic flanitele little
moro owl an inch widos which wily ter, After they are dieed mix equal
parteef both ligether. Salt to tante
and Wesel there ighly with mayonnaise
dreeeing. Serve on lettuce leaves.
vitt displace all japan Tea the same as
Seleda black ia displecing all other
black teas,
At tee recent marriage of the Eax•I
of Chesterfield and Miss Enid Wilaon
in Lodnon, Eng., the bride wore a
gown a white orepe de Chine, (one
broidered in silver, and trimmed with
old point deAlencon lace. The fult
train was of white satin, and was eme
broideeed witle a design of silver lilies
and was edged with ermine.
The bridesmaids wore quaint cos.
tames, cousisting of oldefashioned ride
lug -coats. of red. cloth, and skirts of
white gauze. Tbe coats bad two (lapels
en the shoulders ant were trimmed
with far and featened with antique
buttons. They also wore blaelt three-
corneredbats, adorned at the side
elle a elueter of wbite feathers, held
in PIM by an old paste buckle. They
did not carry tbe nanat shower-huu-
gust, for to each the bridegroom bad
preseuted a eable muff,
The Shortest, and Nosit Concise
Story Ever Written About
Dodd's Kidney.PIlle.
tirs. .Kennedy, or 1on*ra* he Aitillote
Tette the iIhote Tale Ist Eleven
Words -.A Convincing' TrIlaute
to Podira Ti.ulney Pitts,
hfoutreal, April 10. -It is seldom that
the man who svelte the most words
makes the greatest speech. In tee
Ottawa tionSe or Pediment it is
proved ;Very day that tee member
'that can say what be has to eity mOSt
enneisely carries most weight in de.,
bate. in the same way the letter of
Mrs. Kennedy will not have the less
weaning because at its hrevitY.
Mrs. C. Kennedy resides on et. Philip
City ot Aiontreal. Oa her own au-
tiative she wrote the following, letter
concerning the weliknown reuteey,
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Jan.uary 8th, W00.
Dodds Medicine Co., Limited
Gentlernene-elaviug used Dedd's
Kidney Pine, I find them a great, bee..
32 St. Philip St., Montreal, Canada.
Mrs. Kennedy says not a word of
diktat', but ties tine great fact a itu-
port ance to other sufferere ties in the
expression "great success." The t
contalue all the eomforting assurance
that, vould be expressed ba column
of detail.
Art is well-known. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are claimed to cure any term, of
Kidney Disease that preys on man.
kind -Bright's Diseuee Diabetes
Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heart Disease,
Women's Weakness Bladder and
Urinary Complaints and Blood Dis-
orders. It ie used with equally "great
euecess" in all. Weatever was the
e u•••• K d ' • neaessity f
Dodd's Kidney Pills, the result was the
same as experienced by everybody.
make a fine' strand breed ;theta an
inlet In width. If the rage are mueli
wider the braid will !ma counts and
tbe getters1 etfect will not. be as geed. Army and :envy Selaii.--Shred a
A teree-strand braid Woke common small, white head ,st eahbage, as fine
and tbe colors will not show to a
good advantage. Cloth tit' heavy tex-
ture meet be eut narrower. Draw tee
strand only tight entrigh to xnake the
braid firm and flat. Old milieu shades
nieely and furnishes a pleasing var-
iety jor)e working It with Holla colors. made Maid aril, two teaspoonfuls of
A.n oblong rug au by eit inches
e us tor salt, a tablespoonful of tomato catch -
37 or 38 rows of braid. Star the center,
with a 10 -inch length and make sev-
en rows, using one red strand, two
black, and the others of netutral tints;
then shade from dark to light for five
as possible, and out half a pound of
lean boiled bam into smell diee. Mix
the two and pour over them a dressing ,
node as follows: Rub the yolks of two
hard -bailed egge with u teaspoonful of
ale bait a saltepoonful of white pep-
per and three tablespoonfuls of oil.
When thoroughly mixed, add aewine-
easeful or vinegar and beat in the
whiles of the eggs, (-hopped fine.
or six rows. Now put on dark colors, Slime] Tomato Sauee.-One can to -1
again, the seine if you have them, matoes, one teaspoonful salt, one chop -
and t3hado to ilea again forr seven
or eight rows, and so on through the pod onion, une teaspoonful sugar, one
given numbet• of rows, more or less vhianitf,a,illeid., petition one quegter cupful of
accenting to Um colors you 'lave at ono half teaspoonful of
command. ground eloves, on.e half teaspoonful of
mina men ; boil tomatoes and vinegar
An amateur may have difficulty in '
sewing the braid so the rug will be together slowly one hour, then add
seise. etc., and , wok one, half hour
flat. A lap board will be a help. Tee
outside edge af the 'braid may some- Inner" This sauce can be used eithe
times need a little stretching. Use er hot, or cold, and is very nice to serve
heavy carpet thread; the rags will kvith cold meat. ,
outlast the thread. Take the stitches
close together, back and forth, ball
stitch, and occasionally taking a back
stitch. Edge with circles of black
The Dutch are nothing if not prac-
heavy cloth, pinked or noteb,ed. About float. No matter how prosaic other
two-thirds of the circumference of e. nations may be in the matters of every
tumbler will give a for the
first one and the secopatternd circln e should daY Urn' when it nifillen Ln unnr"hiP
be smaller, of contrasting color, and and marriage they lino to throw a
may be ornamentecl with feather halo of romance about their lovetaak-
stitch. Place these circles a little ing. Not so, however, with the
distante apart, sew first on the right Dutchman. Because he has made up
then on the wrong side. Smaller or his mind to take a wife seems no rea-
larger rugs aro made by °hanging the seinen earth to him why he should
length of the center strip of braid. even for a moment depart from the
A round rug is made by commencing placid equilibrium of his every day
to sew round and round from the cen- jog trot existence.
tre. A bit -and -miss rug .viih no at- The four Sundays of November are
tempt at arrangement of colors is observed as fete days in Holland. The
very esretty and is somewhat of a month of November is known as the
novelty. "eourtship sea'son." The Sundays
ans known by the following expressive_
SYSTEMATIC HOUSEKEEPING. ly envious niones:-Review, decision,
purchase and possession. All refer to
mot r 'mon ial affairs.
On "Review Sunday" all the youths
and maidens don their very beat "San -
day go to meeting" clothes, their
steeliest biba and tuckers,, After
service a great dress parade and
Jeanne will get his foot eeushed just solemn review is held in the principal
when the clock says time to out the promenade of eaeli town and village,
baby to sleep, the head of the ,family during whioh each one tries to show
off to the best advantage. his or her
will come in tha.t dreaded " Where is
be,st points and a lit ra t ions. They
--/-7?" just when the order '11 the day
Unforeseen eircumstaeces will often
arise to interfere with tbe cherished
plans, says Mr. 0; B. Clark. The hun-
gry visitor will come just when the
peogranune says ' wash the dishes.
promenade slow -(y up and down, the
has brought one to tne bread-knea...-
.1 youths on one side, the inaidens on the
ing point, the jumping toothache win . ,
0 Mel' lam gaze ion17; e anit, intent ry, but
start just as the chu.rch-bell is ring- ,
ing, and yet in &tee of this and much '
athermoas •
/The next Sundi,y is cal.led. "Decision
tern'atio bmusekemay beper,e a th Even hlito " ase &mine " and. this , onus de..reil the
11.1.0S1., ii;iportant of all, as olt this oceas-
eleaning week may be laid over whiJe
ion intch baohelor desireus of' becoming
the ohildren have the measles and (he a be le diet it pp r o acli es t 116 Midi den of
systann receives no severe inju.ry. *.to
his choice, she .who the previotta Sun -
force the .carkying out of one's plane
day had seemed to him he best aellet-
because there. is just so much to be
Bil of her sex to his special. needs.. tend
done, which under no ether order can
ecoomeiristet, itso tym
tforeevasatwe away man
ogt.-enionio.us bow bo
gi ris
a (01)1t tin d. during i ro-
otherwise pleasurable moment's, to
obartinif oolnd oagerevouosdridesst:o nerealtiliskeletotamid r
ldn(38tso mmateei d.tes
on h im]) y .sivyheftihn.edoes
is hise,tat(i:
happiness and discomfort to the oth-
er members of the family.
I lived for many months in a home
the wheels of whose machinery never
'grated. Its program seldom varied,
Each day had its appointed duty, and
while, as will happen in any house-
hold, there Were times when the daily
round did,not inolude all that was ne-
Ceeeary to be done that day, the ex-
tra work was treatedas, though ex-
pected, and because' of the orderly
vanoes are exceptable or otherwise.
Should she give him te understand
that he finds favor in her Sigh t: he
calls on her a ssidtioutilSr all th rough
the following week.
On tile next, which is "Purchn •
Sunday, the eager SWa ill approaches
the fa titer of the girl of his choice, and
if his consent is obtained all the
Wta cl g preliminaries are then amic-
abty a Er anged and. theh
date set for te
Lying of the knot.
habits seemed to cause but slight in- eenelly comes the last Sunday in.
convenience. I loved to watch and November, Icnown as "Possession Son -
study the movements of that delight- day." On tlits happy and auspicious
tut] family , oac,1 ageeee the dear date the successfni lovers proudly an
" But 11,0W do yotn do 11.7 Nothing nounee their migagentent.
Theory That Bubbles Driven By Manger
Mille' A Explode 1u the Body.
Physicialle in South Afrin now have
another theory for explaining away
the charges made by both Briton. and
Boer that the other is using explo-
sive bullets. The extensive laceration
often found in bullet wounds is now
said to be duo to the air which the
-elicit drives brfore it into the wound.
The existence of this phenomenon ean
be proved easily. If a. round bullet be
dropped into a glass of water from
the height of a few feet, it will be seen
that ween the bullet touches the bot-
tom a large bubble of air will become
detached and rise to the surface. In
this case the bubble will usually be
from ten to twenty times the size of
the bullet.
Now, a Reeser bullet travelling. at
high speed is said to carry before it
a bubble of eompressed air of large
dixnensions. Experiments made by
a surgeon who tired a pistol ball into
glass of water showed the bubble to
be one hundred times the size of the
ball. From the appearance of the
wounds and from these experiments
it is conoluded that the mass of air
driven by a Mauser bullet: explodes in
the body of the wounded man with
suffielent force to muse extensive lac-
eration. This destructive air bub-
ble is well known to surgeons under
the name of projeetile
• Ladies ot hish class in hCina use
the daintiest thimbles imaginable,
some of them being carved from enor-
DIMAS peorls, ornamented with bands
of ffine gold, on wbich all manner of
quaint and fantastic designs are en-
graved. A mother of pear/ ease is
always rnade to keep the thimble in,
and with It the Chinese lady has a
pair of delicate scissors of finest: steel
encased in a sheath of mother Of pearl,
with a needle case to match. The queen
of Siam OWDS a thimble which was a
present Deem her royal husband. It
is made in the shape of a lotus band,
of the flees{ gold, and is studded with
diamonds, which are so arranged- that
they form her name and the date of
her marriage.
To CLEAN ItaBcg4s.
If a. person uses proper care arid. is
In the open eir when cleaning ribbons
or aille with gasoline there will be no
accident. To clean ribbons effectively
fill a. fruit jar about halt with the
asointe and put into it ribbons tba
are not rintesed. White ribbons should
bs eleaned eeparately. Aside froal
lea the jar may be filled with many
ribbons of ay coloring. Close the bot-
tle, allowing it to remain closed freak
two to six emirs, and shake occas1Qa"
ally. Then take out the ribbons, hang
themte dry in the openi air, end, if
Passible, give them a good sale bath,
to remove the objeethkiable odor a
the gasoline. The ribbons need no
preesing and are ready for use ausun 11.
as they have been, aired. They should
be stretched and smoothed out as they
Ue from nOatin$ bat the Aiwa*, tee* obtainable. oara
ItEee Patatheet,
5, en
PeRenteleemelleeenleillietellellemememesememeitege4 megeotem.
Mattel always said she would neve
w,arry an,y but a irrofessional roam.
And haa- she f Walled her desire?
Yes. iler husband is Prof. 'riddle -
ton Ile lianan edizeated guet and a
trained monkey that he exliibits ea
th.e, idaree.
Rev. N. Goielmeu-Are yoo ewer
terthat pee atee QM the downwerd
Seakle.y-Slety, eat sloe Mash good.
I wash fraid mebby I might be ort the
way to get tient up.
Shine While :.irdLe)74u4Pittlt.Ftyirivtj.=
too, and keep. on abirting feryears,
maltiog it better, briehter. newe
a or by the uee of
Mr, Benefield -Teem isn't much dif-
ferencs between a farrier and
Mr. Bloomfield, resignedly --Go on.
Mr. Bellefield -No; there isn't. For
example. a horse Is a horse, sure, and
a farrier is a, horse sheer, too,.
e TerribJc3 Stuaiion of
St. Vincent Lady.
T'lle oldest
in Canada.
fer wear. For sale a
and eardware stores.
St. Vincent, Ont„ Dec. e .-eNtae
other man in Canada hes gone through
• a period of sueh extreme anxiety, al-
ternating with despeir, as Atr. Joseph
McCullough, a highly -respected retir-
ed farmer of ties place, experieneed
during tbe past summer.
Last spring bis family physician pro_
• flounced Mrs. McCuliough to be suffer-
' ing from an ineurable case of Nouns-
' thenta, or Nerve Exhaustion. She was
extremely nervous, hysterieel, and de-
spondent,. be had. severe rheumatic
j)ains, paipitation, had sharppains in
her left side, and over 1.11i3 kalanys; her
feet were perpetually cold, her fare
ghastly pale, urine high -colored,
scalding, and leaving a brick -dust de-
poeit; suur stomach, splitting head-
aches, and emu after eating oppressed
her. saw had no appetite, could not
sleep, and lost etartingly. it
seemed to her friends that she was
"going into deoline." The physician
said her only hope of relief lay( in the
Weir -Mitchell treatment. This Leiag
, so eostly, was out of the question and
her husband believed there was no
hope. He read a newspaper article
highly recommending Dr. Arnold's
English Toxin Pills, about this time,
and decided to try them. Soon a change
for the better came, and day by day
the patient improved, till now, she is
as well, strong and vigorous as she
ever was. Her reecivery is due entire-
ly to Dr. Arnold's ,English Toxin Pills
-the only remedy that cures disease
by killing the germs that cause it.
Every other medicine she used failed.
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills are
sold by all druggists, at 75e. a box;
sample size, 25e., or sert post-paid on
receipt of price, by The Arnold Chem-
ical Co., Limited, Canada, Life Build-
ing, 42 Ring street west, Toronto.
Deducting dubious vessels, the com-
pleted battleships of England now
number 36 and tbose of France and
Russia 38.
The Raw Cutting, Winds
Bring to the surfare every latent
Ram. Rheumatism, neuralgia,. lum-
bago, and complaints or a similar char-
acter hold revel at this seasoa of the
year amongst human nerves and hu-
man muscles. The, best, the most
powerful, and most certain pain cure
is Nerviline. Nothing equals Nervi -
line fon penetrating power. Nerviline
is beyond comparison the grandest
discovery for the relief of pain of-
fered to the public..
The habit of looking on the best aide
of every event is worth more than a
hou.sand pounds a yettr.-johnson.
Neatly describes the position .of a
hard or soft corn when Putnatna-s
Painless Corn Extraotor is applied.
lt does its work so quickly and with-
out pain- that it seems magical in
aotion. Try it. Recollect. the name-
Butnant's Painless, Corn Extractor.
Sold by, all druggists and dealers
=ea Weald, R'ienteel
4.. **et
Atlantio City, New Jersey,
Y esPlieftlth and Pletare newt*
During the watt four montlin heat boon ontortaivoly aril:argot! ani 1
roved. cver ISO Private Paths, tlow Dining Room onolowed he gime:.
oiror tho Ocean, and unsurpasatod on the Atliantlo (loam 1,or drum ee
4019Zr:ulcer. Sauharrige and San Parlors delublod Inalga. Shapootty sotl
W 4fl, 0
The number at persona buried in the
cemeteries at Rome is eetinnitee at six
and Sle ngtbens,
After a woman has tried to merry
eld bacbelor off to three girls and
, failed she makes up her mind that he
-mien be leading a double life.
Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablete. AU
draggles refund the money if le falls to vire.
B -5e. le. W. Grove's ai gamete teen each box.
Physicians are in great demand in
Brazil. They are well paid, but their
life is a hard one, as they often have
to ride all day to reach a patient.
How's This?
We caner Ono Rtindred Dollars Reward for
any came of Catarrh that cannot be tured by
Hairs Catarrh Clare.
F. J. CHENEV.t CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned. have knewn F. X.
Cheney for the hot 15 yearee and believe hint
perfectly honorable in n.11 buelnees transact-
ione. and flnenelalle able to carry out any obit-
gaven mi de by their firm.
Wese St Tuner. Whole -ale Druagiste. Toledo,
O. WADDING, XISNAN & lVfattvtte, Wholetale
Drugutas, Toledo, 0.
Eau's Catarrh Cure IP beton internally, net.
ing directly upon the blood and inuceue sur -
tame of the syetent. Price, 75a per bottle.
Sold by all drum' sta. Teatimonials free.
Hairs Family Pills are the best.
A picture by Sisley. "The Flood,"
which was sold by the artist in mu
for Sie and resold. at a public sale in
Bordeaux in 1810 for $18, was sole once
more in Paris recently for 38,600,
The "Balmoral," Free Gus Am* Phn'
$1.60 k up.
Hotel CarsiakeEu""ml Plan' n"ml
I from l a day up. Opp.
G.T.E. Station, Montreal, Geo. Corslake & Co.. Props,
,Mills Jit Hole
Vrceloy Wags., nho4,
atholle Prayer ' 01054., "I Cr4
Oasis" Naga •
.1'51oue Picture% Statuary, and Much Orneumate.
uootIonel Work. ?lad orden erneat ides,
IX J. ilAinJER k Co., Montreal,
mid ostler PRt/DISON, to online boa:insult( corialcu ta
The Dawacto Commission Co., tiniitecis
Cor Wast-fidaricat &Conform $t. Toronto
uying tneanaigi
ror tb, ver) bel £t URITISIj AMERICA4I4 OTEIyair RR1. ''CO.a
Lock for agent in yarn town ,or gond &net.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
RooFIN Bud Bileta ivietaiworbs.
1.1100Iflefo ereeTel. ip Menke
or Gr�,n. hattitel:fa,BPDAreanliewRA011eeillastErfalt%a?tig
Coal Tar, etc. ROOVINGTILEISeo".Nr4,0!i7 Uuitd,
bags, Toronto, done lay ouritrell. total eellines, LION
ainc,eto. liatiroates :grubbed tor work comuinto or tot
natedels (Monad to any cart of the eciultry. Plionelts6
O. DUTHIE& sons, Atiolaidc&VIldmorSts.,Torente
—Michigan Land for Salle.
salXono Ogrutaw and Crawford Conntlet, Tidepew
tea. Oa Atiohigsti central, 8' rot .115isk5siao
Loon Lake Usuroodsat price' ratting trout $2 to
per sore. These Lands arc Close to Enterprialtly Now
Towns, Churches, Schools, etc., sea Wig beeoldeo ass
, reasonable terms. Apply to
IL M. PIERCE. Lyra% 'West Bay 087, Mich.
Or 0173.24,S. Yikitternore. knob.
AIpfteordely-°calms Avenue
39'M '
ily Hotel ratea $1.50 1
T. JAMES' ROTEL,..OpposIte G.T.R. Depot,
two blocks from C. P.
Railway. Pirst-olasa Commercial Douse. Modern ha-
proventeate-laatem moderato,
W. P. C. 1020.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Gint•
orient, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been
awarded 00 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent infect',
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free on application.
r ss
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc.
Every Town can have a Band
lowest prices ever quoted. Pine catalogue 500 illus.
Gluttons mailed free. Write us for anything' in
Musio or Musical Instruments.
Whaley Royce & Co., T.....krucrpte,ego.
C°.1"N ;ANSE KILLS Roaches, Bed
, ugo, Rats and Mee. Hold by all
Druggists, or 581 Queen W.Torento.
Nve want good. usr...,I.A.M.S, UNMICO matt. ID
"UM21)rrelted giStrliarZ g'rrl!ir ttr if°111r1rn 10
sell _a ektri t . S i; ea
good dividends pay.ible Leif yeart, oradduirr rt. :mast.
Ment ; ahem some application.. torgood ham., W.
Sun Savings and Loan Company,
Fel-mors' Llyo Stook ear
Labels, 51.50 per hen.
and up, aceordhig to the num.
ber ot lettere and flames vomit-
s ed. Mao bandy ranch and
'1 Nippers to insert. sena Send
for circular and price 5.1.
, Tack the ad. on the wall iso
you will know where to write
when you want labels.
Bowmauville, Ont.
Loan and Savings Company.
The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort.
gage Corporation.
Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000
Reserve Fund - 1,2oor0oo
Head Offloo-Toronto St., Toronto.
Crane* Offloos-WInnlpeg, Man., Vancouver, 8.0
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed.
DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, a, 1, 4 er 5 year%
with interest coupon. attached.
• MONEY LENT on seourity of real estate mortgages,
Government and blunloipal Bonds, etc.
Tor further widened apply to
• Managing Director. Toronto.
•IAti. R. ARNETT, Manager.
JOHN A. MAIN, Supt. and Trees
Trim collodion
Heim Safety
-:simanade, 'TorOnto
• .
THE DES 'MOINES INCH SAVOR -seat and ehOppSherbourne $t
eapos •t,
o. Rolland sole agent for the Dominion Send 3o
litaziv for oatalogao. 373 St, Paul Street, MOntreal
Cheapest and gest CoverIng in the Worict,
Blica P,PEBA012ER ecivering
Steam and tspt3a,nekictgrenwit,toeirieir Storage
Nor particulars apply to
MICA &31IULE5 COVE.nING CO., Limited
Toronto, brontreal, and London, Gialt.
Migh Cass Water Tube Stearo,
Rollers, for All Pressures,
Duties and Fuel. -
Toronto Efentric tight Co., Inc led.
The T. Estee Co., ',Limited.
Rpigingol phi: itatey-Flartis Co., Limited,
utth PerehF. R libbox tc, Mfg. OW.
V U " The Wilson PublistsIng Ce„ IktitUa
ail afferent°, where %Wiwi -in, r be rams ceorteo