HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 67-le"atere 7-teree TU BIETEll TIM S present time unpropitious for mai Dyspepsia anel, ifiGlpstteol,, 4 BOERS' LAST Duct'. MARKETS OF THE 1110111) 'on-u-noft diseases, but hard to S FiTitlit IR litS Meats. by a Maaority, • vietions are naereay partisan juclg- The tag firemeu at Cleveland -threat- .S*441alid Said t0-• be CheSen r or Re' ....-, .. . . . , „, . °)"?1)(1114Sal.OsiAN 'WINE IllardEla, Sir larilfrici Laurier teld 14. Puttee rrioeS. Of Crain, Cattle, CheeSe, &e., cure •?viill ordinary retedies, De. C. A. • ires say e heresy cog tiewsy Items About Ourselves ad Betereen Apia). 1 and August .1„ it tereby wires. to the 'Morning Post trom Loncloro April 19 -Mr. Prevost -Peat- Na*O3 Of PrauleoLeedgilgastuinret.ile NIttiold- any cotelusion in regard to extenaing 14 ;11e t'eading Plirket5.• Jodie. It wee thought advisable to to -day totalled M. carloads ot live yield readily to IVIarileY's aid to tae 44411-4o-etrickeu dlOillts O o Toronto, A.peil 24. -The reoeipts here to arike for more pay and, to. tie up treat if Pretoria is Tae. that the Geveroinent had not come to Our: Neighbors-Sertethiug of Is estireated tat 75,000 peeple will sail for Burope from, the -United States. Bloemfontein. 'Under date or April 17;- "Observatiou might PrOfitablY be ........ ectraeaunicate with the Home entbox ."'" steak, and while the MarIxet Was, in sense, little elm -aged foam its condi. Celery -Nerve Compound. , the herbor is on the lakes, luterest From Every Que,r,. Lard CUXZ014, VieeroY 01 India, re. QUESTXONS ANSW.ERED, Ur. Gilmour, Conservative, East ities on the sobject. Eat, tin, alteuktionr 1;17t,,a,asaattylze_a"ti ter of the Glebe. sized the loyalty of the. Sikh soldiers. respeeting Swaziland. ..rix% alternative den that the Government has no en- 3Olfitioutex:gxhzsertalediateheateelloaeo.sv:sZareecee6Peet itallt atItaaa'ruersadawY'eatitheit: pla,taQerelAsinsager: plying to an address at Bembay, mete- kept on the inteotions of the Boers .Mr. Clarke was heformed by Dr. Bore was troubled with Dyspepsia end CANA,13.11.. afton of his books, PI, R. Fiteber. ro3 at Pretoria includes the employm.eut annomecereent in the I3ritish House et innate uotaree in iedia, ,fr,,,,,t.,,, were the western Yards. tiontribate to the relict or the eon. hxcligestion tor o lone trme, mut , )cottie get no rend woe I trtea meeteeticelery-taerve Compound, eaa.....e. During the progress of avi ex lau a operations fel/owing on defeat formation with regar'dt t� the reeent his constituents, who wore auzletts te eheraeteristies. of the, eattle teecle at ' brains I a swohonna or the retirement of Commoas. that,. tae Australiau carale'y aleiga. wade to raise a subst4rajalawn, 'The export deraaed is light, and wideb ;wee me, teed I cannot constable of M.ontreal, is dead. 1.chiea.g? says the demand for eheap er belt foals back to. Zeutpansberge responsible for adul- "Boer emissaries are already io that be allowed, in addition to the impertal 1; cienc::. rulfs‘rtilipte4in. °ay= . Introrgitt tair4„sakt1 OL askin • that the Garernment woom. 311stitchlteercal:tesatbrIiese.slow and prices, ' *9440";a411::::F101goni,.;.,'" ---•-• ------------....,,, — ,. - • _......, ..,....._ Owen Found will ereet a school cost- ., OakIaad, Cal., bauker, blew oat his . ,.. _ , . Mr. L. S, Bissoonette, deputY hige l The Assistant Food Comeniseioner of half of tbe. etoer forces, while the oth.- Oa their way. to. the. Cape are tO Of looney, and. he rose for tlie purptme*pedees are nosninat; 4a -le per poarel InV $18,C00 at Owen Sewed. - e I " Letter-earriers will hereafter ride ; gods is imegeix couetry endeavoring to garcbase eee rateS of pay, -certain local allowances. - theeicies Tee sweaker, with ae as quite the top About 25 per cett. of tne seed of I Ta greystone countrY, shillings a day, for privates. Neither trAdCiaa4...1.) o4asTteclu'all5pPwhether It would I figure, • I be edvis.a.ble to .offer cUntributiens in .1, steeleare were steady, wanted, aud , acheraY.• A good langb is etinshaue so a home, , e Rouse. of Represeutatiaes asicret iefortnation coneerning. the ca- winch will gixe them equivalint to i., tree ma. the Street ears in Louder. iteration, - • I of the eIeotieen of Senators by a direct with the objeet of accumulating Inn, is the Government aware that Lora grain. He read the reseluttous adopt -1. 1 toItuagur2,14teantatienneuepts it la glorioos even Vanatotea'a nese, wheat crop is, under i Wastiogton voted' 24.0 to 14 in favor vern4 in the wbich are lenown only to the natives, la-utiker avinicletobmisiorpireiCriareectese, 1.1 ti:: li votema jeeLlttrrtalneeZleei the 1.3.33.ued, states vietotie and ammunition." Reberts IM$ written, to lova cote • ed liy his constikaients at a nteeting at Ind 5,131411 "Pi4Y. lotreto. win itasue .1.,000,00 aorta el itiou end corruption: Tlae Dominion Cot.ton Compauy, of tten e. book charging perseoue • PLENTY OF WATER of cardigan, waistcoats, socks, flan- ",1 tiorteheoe Oirornotrt,trortt.hai!i the a.nd feeders .are practioally unehanged. uel 3'.1.rks, to. CerAain auciies' "'ell .Oulain"'aliari pliel't,it raieeefunds3 in aid SheP "4 1°'"mbs 44.e °''cra at temat ret Qtatftearpcbee.tivlobaagfoorl4lYe, and ends in as the Red Cxose, have ask the War iof the 3,....ffet,ers in India might be quotations; aboat 150 euma in. an light bulls,: d000nt•test-yot resptaitre_e. What loneliness FA more louely theta shoauprieta ripple over Klonallre, ,arrey, eourtexuartialled elevert times, tees in England, asking for eupplies ',Hyde Park, arid commended the =eve-, hiim cows, .e.xport, a.. . . greultd. 44,500,000. . has wri . j. W, NieMahon, wanted at GOMM, addrese before the Prete& au ' . e- 1%1110 Efate RemoVed 011e of Oen. ,-, ., Good veal calves are 'wanted. eb. f" eueaed., frond, is under arrest lima Cenference• on foreign missions Roberts.' Cliief DifileilltieS, it IsZew York: ea APril 24. i effooe What SapPlies would be out. . i . ... I t I .' tor the eolatees and many enquiriesFielding achnttted that there Too mony. light liogs are sttil cam.- distruste-George Eliot. . , d w !was need Vor amnothing being dune to.. beg, . hut as yet prices are unchanged, There is no ,genius in ltfe liko the new stock. 'President AfeKbaley will deliver, „... at 'Winnipeg. Bloemfontein, April, 19. --Baring the 1 ; aluna this line have lieen an ere • help the unfortunate 14 India, but liel; .. einted ant that titere were many eb„,ki For prime bogs, scaling from 160 to gie.:7:04reoirs en17:::bs::::teae'f12:1:::::::0; . i L win ran ga enZellt41:11ctusuulacli:recretlosthtei,putlx at: :orers,veaurtd.3 jpteureeti:74e,tr:tati!:d:nlitbniefemeadftetelsrria03 :04rf •',1 1104:11:44 .1-laireililtg.orusPr51.7.80is refi ii.ce.o)b;. 1104 going ardent and sincere eerntsaie wawa Gererameea ter Federal re -'T thee Seauthaten eitteates,1 and mills in , 1,oaerae , outh, t roi na. an Florida rains, and an enorin0US quantity ea: _ 1 tate Department of Militia. The Gov - Dawson City has retitionett Morita- Yellow pine is. becoming scare°. in. last ten daye, there have been constant presentation. water Itas fallen. These conditions, al.,1 , Q . ellqlllg la the range of (Pieta.- ness.---Piekene. . . . . A message was reeeived in Ziogeeen t. -- -n two-thirds time. as IC Oa': Ca4adian treena .41 •"•'•011•114 Af" to the nufertimates, he suggested that ec „„ , 1, Every duty whieh we omit obscureat announting that the \Yelleuel Canal According to a report sent to the tboumb eatremelY uncomfortable ;Navy.Depa.rtinent at Washington, the far as the 30141or° aro c°ucerile4, IA" riga, Er, Borgen further, stated t a any Canadian subscriptione sheirld WI ""q"'-"'' ',11cone truth which we should bue 'Ventre:a bY a small Eire that started La toe c‘paniso war realized 4e00°,!: in t4n eountry round about is filled, t"'" • tuk?"'" ''''' . • , ''`, 214,: p:stettlette..ytiltir:tittitt!zirtriionlf:dcFyi:aeittla,atuusc;eer, evreoallutoeearrinuanIctird.i.;ibuquifeeeptieererre4; emPlaii:eri:T:iip:t4dgitoirat.:4:: 4i2p5 * ,..li ',hnown.-eltuskiin, Children Ory for wad Wien oil ay l• I h,„„ Qtreern,..,„„,.. e.,..., no imowleags as i farwarded tO 1Kr. 3. W. mi. , .0 , .J'arties. flews was suffoeated at "Fl pi:zzes, taken. by America.0 warships had their advantages, for every dam room where he was sleeping. Jt. 0. HYdea, aged SI Years, fir, niM , y t. tO 'OK. nuanoer of en turntsuce. oy h years superintendent of p 00 r at Bear. and the questiou of water, which beta- eb at „ow 001mIte4, Hama ton, 0 rirasby it; Beauisville Eatte- le.libuliatuIrdigare.etitatas, tasealtr.,si,folootrt.riaoni"tue : bele.et.o.0 douuretuogt thgerenittatreibugieturty teXhas ueei xlxig*Ciresatur:tainoivvari3rutfoorgenetaellezraish ence Seine yea.re ego, an erge,niZatien WIlieb, Wan in exist -'Stockers. per wt. , 275 303 2 .I.S.TO R IA, Conductors an riaotoruien o re train of four sections, tarrying The Areericale Navy Department hes, be apie to mov..9 in any direction with u lines :were ecnistgaeted on tile eiorth Sheep and Lambs, worth, of effects, has arrived: in and l'cl'irg •lisigned a contract Submarine Torpedo Boat Ceropany fer.P1Y or water- Paia3e PAL 14aVialaux' 4114D11 3'lle aPEAle . TO APRIKANDERSt S."114 la3:41)3' sac. ' gr4 "CIJRti 'it" --1V-..- iiiiii trie• Railway want increased wages, t practically solved. The tr0OpS will riettlere trout Ontario with the ateliaea, cereaoaty of eluding a eieffieient •suie. attore ot the at. aawaease4 east a Sheep, per owt- iliPeg. .,.. the addition a mane or trade boata to, idrefte have arrived, and the Highland The whole regular and volunteer gamier oi 1859. Lambs per ewt, . , 4 50 64 ,,cio Duke, per cwt. . . 2 50 3 00 Felix Cieurdeen, a weit known gner t ,,, - - - a uoiv at ite full strength. • Ifilirere and Calves. I'll?A" Lautiel.' las V1163/31)eareti. l'e*‘"13 ,"41 n:e7SSY:ii sailed from Pailatlelphia ilu'l,fiTadye Is Roberts an'd her daughtera arr. (Joke was informed by Mr. Pat- ,ocir oevornment circulating 4 caws, 00.04. , . . . 2400 45 00 liabilities in the neighborlaood of t i bound for the. port of Vladivo- ItanireSto in Cape Cololly, (ah es each, , . 200 10 GO Rheumatism Banish., 550,090. erste), time elle amotrat of rebate paid P teetreal police bave trapped a gang "stock, Bussia, where she will land a ' have arrIVe4 at 131QealfMtei'll" ed Like ititagics. i twoces who ha„.t. committed a score , cargo of' 31 locomotives and tenders, ..ix - waich are valued. at 5450,200. the flocal year e.nding jone Olt, 1858, CaPe Towo, .A.pril 17. --Ther Boer Ogle- i „.„ , Dept onA o to t_. OU bicyoles exported. ire= Canasta irt 000ice bogs, per cwt. ewe o.,‘,. -VW i Sheriffs' deputes and striking wort • AMI3ULANGE CORPS. waso.695.45, and during tile Xiaelet Oral:neat is circulating the following iLigilt. begs, per c„.t. Soo 55? 1,4 munifesto to the Afriliandete through. i Heavy hags, .per owt, 500 537 1-2 arveliCotes Statement subscribed a50 towards a raOrtionent ; York came inte Ceti -Piet fall SaturdaYi ing Witii. the ReerS, . Henderson was veld by Mr. Pat. that the equal average rate Of "We feel that our fitte,tind the fatelSoaw:r.oltt'et A/1%u 2:4‘,,_.;‘,1: „,„'412;-.5e erson tile whale Oi AfrikanderdoriA ia at l era mark,ete were weak again te-day. Sherman Howe. Morrisbure, *at la kno Sta ZS. . . . . 200 '125 E. W, liberman, proprietor of, Officers ot the 47th Battalion, have 1 men oni the 14 creton, dam near 1,10,,, The Chia ago "Nurses" Are NOW Fight lief from Orte Dote, months. 149. ie was aio.91.3.0. t Cape/ Colony: - al burglaries within the P ' le rick, Louden, Thursday, Aprii 10. -The year ended 1-,uth a true, etea, on ell eke. and We appeat to yen to stand '',, Local prima were steaciyovith the, ex. by tbeueittale of Cauedierts, loam the fel, - mg d:ruedwruut,iled. 114v° been gr' uty per 10j pounds eollected in the ' itt Kingston to the late Sir George'. several shots were exchanged and two The Winnipeg Electric: Company an- . il fight shoulder to shoulder with ue. ',I, ceptior, of Manitoba,s, whieh eased off. owing ntatenitnt from Mr. seeteeir, win oe gas wilt be reduced to 51.80 per 1,000 Groaner° Hill buried an artificial coal factory. The manager and seven ' 1 Marques says that. nearly half of tbe ail()?a IQ IX *''''' in "494I'' W°'s neat* 01 3-4 c-enta. yrant to extinguish forever your red and white, 05 to 05 1-1Ic, north and "I brie beea cmca of rheinuntlim a It/ n oilmen. you may not, allow the 'Quotations are as follows:-Outario, e read with treat interest and eltiorete. uounves that atter may let the vice ! At Naples a landslide from San Daily lilail's correspondent at,Eorenzo sugars nor elsewhere. specifie0„, not feet to cash customers. , workmen were tailed five otaers he_ , M:milers of the ambulance corps from ;Vs. Wiletee was informed by Mr. est tratis of character as a nation. NVeSi; 66 to GO 1.4.; (mob; goose wheat, are allaadlad In three dara. Oae bottle The 'Montreal mut ipal ecalelals are ,31, _ . ia,F.'...1_%_tn_nAleti. Heavy rains caused the " Chicago, on. reaching Pretoria, accopte Fishe.r that at the Pans Esposition it4 You on our side the 'issue can. i72c, east, and 71o, west; spring, east, si $OVITH •".1141.1°4•1:3 Kl31UUATIO under arrest, and there is evidelice "ia4b1wi'. Tile Kari of Warwick, I.ford Herbert. Bed Cross badges. Tliere isa builaing Or the accomme- t be deubtful. Wo nanSt controm.100c; 3fanitoba, No. I hard, og 1„20, e.0Mil tier:armed thismest remarkable CO* grant Hint love for your country .1/North Day; and fill 1-2e, g.1,,t, offeete of the first dine of South Amy* growing worse. Two tau effielais are ; ed Mansur riales and removed. their there is me speeiaL Canadian betiding.Ood departments. ! ler, arrtved at New York on Wednes; Jes. t -e Transvaal Otwornment tha e f L .f ,I 1, . "d for in propertion to the amount truggle." men truly free, natty induee you ers' bags, truddlz freights, 5,.., ger icy. .nd now haven't ene etre of thennal- laremetie Care were trete weederfc), 1 001P taken one bottle or Atte roe - vitiating to groes corruption in several Vane Tempest and le. .1.1e C. a. . ' 34r Hay, the e.rnerioan Consul, not dation of the Dettisb colunies, to lie d your liberty, arid the r,oblo virtues, Elaur--Quiet, Straight roller, in bny-. Manitoba boteliniepers are discuss- t day and have chartered Perry Bele nauet report, tlee circurnetances tq the I ee aP3e0 ee"Pled 14 e"‘11 aolonY. Canedian Oxen., according to tin state- join ns in the uony of oux supreme bbi. bid, and $2.0 arlred. Sxiecial VA I:iigniAetiztuillit iudo.: rinusz brands, in wood, 58 to $3.10. Is said titty G-ENERAL. will be 5tee,7e8., 'Iltere is alsoa build- eng at Vincennes for the a.coommoda... 's. O.d. aot1751tIioa5051t8o NeristN.Vesi.; and shortsid sow-. by C. . lte."*---20- ing the attitude they shall take bathe i m * , . out s yacht, the. Satanella, and will anthorities at aVeeivington. awe. lawn of the Itapertal Commissioner, Milltied--Still scarce. Bran is rprote; r. since. 'Fellow fever is epidemic in San Sul- 36 DIED IN I-10.SPITAI.S. mu a agriehlkus41 i°31)`°111°°ta. Can- PRETORIA PROTESTS. 4" Corn --Easy. No. 2 Asneriean yellow,. Lutz, Esete the leading hotels throughout the pro.. , event of prohibition, becoming law. It .• reed to close au ., fish for tarpon in Perovian watere. vador. aches share of the' eost of this wilt Le at 40, on track here. Canadian ecarce; The Massey -Harris Company have bra* 55,040. Tias coautry will also pay -....... Detailed lite Brantford authorities that Russia and Germany fear a mei All But Two of These Were Victims $1,a00 tor an atiditien to the Coionial Thinks Great Britain Bad No Bight Ilona ofrered here. Peas--Holiling, steady. Car Iota, unbs 4 adequate protection Iron eexeng famine. building to provide roma fur cold. ston. tO Sella. Prisonor to St. Helena. north and west, 02e; and east, 08c. freshets is afforded tietty.will consider ,-., 4: reraantle, Westeen, A.u.etralia, has of Fever. age pant, and 51,atiO fur otfiee accent,- Pretoria, April 11. -As tioon as the Barley -Steady. No. 2, 42e west, eau caber city.. All the exiiibits at i he Paris Exposi- to -day printed a list of 50 nerds of a a-dit.on, Clanntle occupies certein space award of the arbitrators in the Anal- 43o est; and No. 1 dull, and cjnoted at 430 west, and ale east. the advisability et moving to tome case of bubonie plo.gue, London, Avail 18. -The War Office moaation,..malcueg a total oi 5.0,418. ln C°- ,,_i_4.4 t two will be open SaridaYs. I Ainaler ease of boodling mes amoug the Iniperlai exhinits, ',Olivia ter of the seizure of the Delagoa bay Rye-linebanged at 52o west, nod Iglu in Montreal raunieipel pollume Alt the fruit. ports hive, been nett- soldiers who have died in various hos- space will cost aliNoaa or 510,400. At railway was known here, the Trans- 58c. east. a alio to! Ded that yellOW fever is epidenaie in t pitals since the last report. Two of the Columbian Expesitien at Chicago, vital Government offered to loan Pore Cote -About steitay, White ar 56) for favorite positions to a eler 11 woueads; and others were froro fevers. cost 026,354. but thiewas used for of- ugual the =n.°40 of teener eaves- •quotecl at 28 1-2 to 29e, east, and 2 peylug liteausee ranging foam k Sao Salvador. these deaths were tbe result cf ba 1E4.3, Canada had o. builaing widish nioneti Teesier, evil° claims that all 1 It is officially announced that 111 'rhe War Offite also issued a list of flees and other purposes nut connect- sary to pay the award. Portugal west; mixed, 27 to 27 lac west. . laveksters in the markets have been I tile cash was handed over to various 1 cases and 35 deaths from bubonic ed wit h1 the Caradien. exhibit. Mr. Buekwheat-Quoted at 50e west, and aldermen. 1, plague have occurred at Sydney, N. 40 cfficers who have returned to duty, including Lieut. Caldwell, of the Can- Fisher was unable to sae how much would be required to complete and courteously declined the, loan on the ground that the money bad already Buffalo, fitirll 24, -Spring wheat - 51e, east. Tbe two new vessels for the geeing, It S W, .• Nombaal ; No. 1 hard, tile; No. 1North- Hamilton and Fort William. Neviga.-; Owing to an outbree.k of smallpox adieu contingent. a buildings at Paris. tboroughly egaill all ;t1la eanathan The Government intends to protest ern, lac; No. 2 Northern, 75 1-2e; No. : been provided. in England, are 925 teet in length, and land, many A•merican tourists were A PRINCE AMONG SLAIll. Mr. Water tried to get acme before Teatime. regarding the 163 horses of he the aetiort •ot tbe, British in sending Gen. Cronje and the (lour nominally, No. 2 red, 74e; No. lwhite, 2 spring, 75e. Winter whea.t-Weak; , loam. One boat will bring a cargo of In the Chamber of Deputies at Brea- Boer prisoners to te't. Helene. 73 1-2e. Corn-Finmer ; No. 2 yellow, tion Company, which are being built]. on the excursion steamer New Eng- fieoria blocks from Middleboro, -alnge sels the Premier read a communica- Cireassian Nobleman Killed in the an their way to South Africa, but Dr. Aestording to Beer reports, there is 43 3-1c; No. 8 yellow, 43 1-2e; No, 4, will be christened Winona and Strata- aba.ndoned at Naples by the steamer. .— the Stratheena contingent that died to lorooto. tion from Mpg Leopold, in which His British Victory at Boshof. Darden told him that the •Gevermeent a steady flow of foreign volunteers to the Transvaal. Hitherto these advert- torte 43v. Oe.ts--,Sliglitle" firmer; No. yellow. 42 3-40; No. 2, 43 14e, No. 3, ing •$200,000 smelting works at King- Berlin aper express indignation snatch to the Daily New.s, from Pre- that the greater part of the stip flies and provisions required for the t4ainl. are to be forreed into a, special legion No. 2 mixed, 20 1-ec; No. 3 mixed 26c. 250,000 CUED The Catarequi Mining and Develop- Majestey presented to the nation the London, Friday, April 20.-A, de- knew noehing about it, Dr. Borden informed Mr. Clarke inters have beert attacbed to the var- 2 white; 29 34 to 30c; No. 3 wbite. men.t Company conterapiate establish- whole of his real estate. lees commandoes. Now it is Said they 29 1-2c ; No, 4 white, 28 1-2 to 28 3-4e; 54,000 a year for 15 years and Partial German Governraent favors baiting 13arastion Mograff, a Circa:a:ennoble- tenance of the regiment now garrison- a rumor that the emenaand will be Easy, YO1ING IVIIt ilita.gm tra sten, where the eity has offered them at recent, English eharges that the torte, dated April 16, says that Prinee with Continental offices's, and there is' Bye -NO. 2, xionabaelly 03c. Flour- rehef iron taxation. The Kingston England and attacks upon the Queen poan, was killed et Bosboa in. the saree ing Halifax are procured Irma the ellen iceorent o a terrible crime ye,,, it Board of Tra.de has asked the council and the Prince of Wales. engagement with the British in whieh same contractors who turoish supplies given to a distinguished Froth sol- dier lately 'retired, who is now in the -North-West and Soath-West, eash, babit? 'Mentor. late to amid the este Chicago, d.pril. 19.---Flaxseed-Plosed: werecommittinc. Ditleoutiniteenste the fascia:dim allureesente ee thts Works a7a,000, without interest. Ger-Teeny is now the third nation come Capt. Sartatal, wbo was Prince More teradere have yet been asked tor by, Transvaal. 51.731 May., 51.72 bid; September, $1.20; rible results. ware your eyes teem& Os your peril? TM you luteron in rm.. GREAT BRITAIN. mercialle with Javan, adding that in gaff's comrade, will return to Russia this Government in connee,tion with these • supplies. Detroit,. April. 19.-Wheat-Plosedr.- disease? Wereyoucured? Doyoutere October, 51.14' bid. boodoontraetanyrILIVATEerlatOOD to loan the Kingston Locomotive The Politisebe Correspondenz says Col. de Villebois Irfareuil lost bis life, to the Inaperial authorities. No public The Duke of Conneught may yen, and in 1899 almost a2,-000,000 yen. torthwith. that Mr. W. S'... Patin .in addition to No. 1 white,. cash, .71 1-4e; No. 2 red, • teigif31:eicilloreeittiVrerrerepose surp, 1895 German imports ' were 20,000,000 Mr. Clancy was told by Mr. Blair 'LOSSES . AT .WEPENER. aeed tbe late Sit Williatra Lockhart as cash, 711-4e; May, 7114c; Jelly, 71 3-4c. Mil wa u'kee, Aprit 19. -Wheat -N0. 1 . Vine selOgnacitardlentri ge toot The British North Axaerica and occurred at Sydney. N. S. W. ••••••••••••• Mr. Magann for the extension of the Had 20 Killed, .100 Wounded. Northern, 66 1-2ct No. 2 Northern, 65 oe CU - to 651.-8c. Rye -.--No. 1, 58a, Barley- MI% igtilltIViittilinaedetTentsoranat= plague and 29 deaths from. the disease EXCITES BOER GRATITUDE. has also a contre.ct as the partner of sinee the Investment British Have Comtaander-m-Chief in India. laioety-three cases of the bubonte ---4-.......... his contract for drecihing at Toronto, Thursday bus oeen appointed as a day eases? Have you been drugged with nes caused Y weir abuse or later ex., ed by a battleship, two truisers and ' of intereession and prayer for relief reunotne Way tst 'wroth nriirsu ,r, -rent west pier at the east entrance of To.- lifaseru, April, 17. --Colonel Dalgety's No. 2, 431 to 48 1-2e; sample, 38 1-2, to rent° harbour. The work is being' several tweed° boats- front the plague. Cape Town, April 19, 10.55 a.m.-The done by tender, and no payments have Their Sten PrlfieetP4. casualties since he has been -besieged 4a 1-2e.. Minneeemlis, April 19. --Close: Wheat • mercury? This bocaaetwMpointoutto The Prince of Wales., who is visiting The strength of the Russian garri- yet been made on it. at Wepener have been twenty killed T y sea the results of these crimes andeeint out leaf out NEW METIIOD TREAT - West indite squadron is to be increase ,la,are ,-- 1 Copenhagen, is suffering froro an af- son at Kushk, north of Herat, is about sueceseful efforte of the military au - COL Preor called attention to the -,..n sore,. No. 1 Northern, April, 64 7-8e; May e 6307-8c; daily, 653-80; to 65. abowslimetheesandebiresteeneeeedbr MEET will vositively ergo you. Ib fectinn of tbe throat and has been 3000 men and includes a mountain di Titles in fighting the fever epidemic: press despatch announcing the arrival losses are reported to have been con- 1-2c; September, 65 1-2c; axe track, No. our NEW TREATMENT. It proves and one hundred wounded. The Boer • obliged to consult a specialist. battery. Previous Teports greatly. ex- among the Boer prisoners has appealed in Britisb Columbia A large numbers sbrierably beavier. , . • I hard 66 3-8m, No. 1Northern, 64740; bow eve can GUARANTEE TO CU Sir Williara Overend Prieseley, mem- aggerated the araount of the rein- No. 2 Nartherra. 66 3-8ce Flour and / we treat and cure-SIMISKONS; • ettlaY CURAIILE CASE OR NQ PA tiee ol addinaurgh and St. Andrews district. nouneed Dutch, newspapers. Mr. Dupe destined for the United States or Can- bran-alnellsa,nged. Duluth, April 19.--Wleat-No. lhard VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS. GLEET STRICTI3RE,_ IMPOTENCY. v- eer of Parliament; for the Univerat- forcements sent from tbe Caucasus • -- 4 to the gratitude, of e yen the pro- of 3"apaneze, and asked the Govern- ment to ascertain whether they were After ibe night attack on Apeil 12 . , I since 1890, and. form.er President of thet By aplan which it is lioped to carry hessis, the, secretary of the Boer Sielr acia. If- they were going • to remain in the, dead were left on the field where they still lie unburied. rash, 613ce IDLY, 68 1-4c; July, 69 1-2e; OHAROES, KIDNEY aud ELADDBR ORBT DRAINS—UaTNATURALI) re Obstetrical atacietyI of London., is dead. aito Offset at the International Agri- fend, has a letter in the Ons Land to- the Dominion, tbey wouid be a serious There is a conflict of opinion among September, 671-20; No. 1 Northern, caioueeses. Dr. Joseph Kenny, for many years cultural Conference in Per's, July V day, in whic,h he says 'abet the British xnenace to white laboair. • ; cash, 60e; May, 66 1-4e; July, 67 8-8e; ES GUARANTEE a eoreseicums figure in the Irish Par- - , 't ' • o osed to ask the farmers •r authorities, deserve deep imperial reasons it was- thought Kr Wil•frid Linrier said tbat for the Boer leaders. Some want to attack a,gain, wbile otbers refuse tie do sto. September, ' 66 1-2c; -No. • 2 Northern, the late Mr. Biggar, handled all the put by 20 per cent. and not to sell a 1 terd every Telief possible. He addle advisable to restrict ••Japanese imrai- Desultory eaetnon firing and " snip- . 25e. , enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION "Th. Wages of Sin" sent free. ail ... looterees. ' nellite movement, is dead. • Be, with of the world to reduce their wheat out- gratitude for their willirignese to itf- 61c; No. 9 spring, 61e. Oats -24 1-2 to funds of the organization, andesat in bushel for less than a dollar. that for the' present the friends and gration, and he believed the Govern- ERNE. If unable to oda write Parliament for ten years resigning t Leon Gaget, a Paris clerk, has been 1 samPathieers of the Boer prisoners ment's policy. in that respect was ap- proved even in British Columbia. he ing"' cootinues. • The Caledon is rising, whicti alarms a (TESTIQN .33LARR for 11011fE a to become coroner of Dee lin. . . 1 d b the Freueli Governecient • •. . , may rest assu.red • that everaitheag Department of the Interior would look foaft1Bieoerrielrv,lia()nXIIremlii.(gt oliiie bcoutitk osiflei; FOREIGN DOGS ARE BARRED. TREATMENT. don.derry. Last Friday four went out place sufficient poitage on one of his t . , Mr. Fisher told Mr. Mcavlulien that Five Boer gens are believed to be English. Order Preventing Ilikent Belli% i(ENNEDY6, KTERGAN-' the servants of the Merge:is of Lon- secrets to •Gerneatay.. ne• neglected to done. into the queation of their destination. thestream was to beeorae flooded. neoelseary for their comfort: will be ., toast:al on Strangford out, , a letters to the Gernaan officials andhis . 1VI,aor. Dent, the Imparter remount of- Itronght Into, the Country. Ger, Michigan Ave. and Shay St. Sunday the boat wee found upturned 'eonspiraey was discovered. e says Deer, had net repotted that he was diaabled. . .-„----4,.....-....... A 'despatch front London says :-Am- over the Arowned bodies of the whole he sold Germany false infornaation- FEVER AT MAFEKING. in Co -node to purchase horses for the TO PAY FOR THE NAVY. • . -- erican. tourists who usually rake their qrsfilettilw.. • A strange fat-ality seems to follow, in the act of selling •Frenchonditary party. Five years • ago. six of London- Imperial army. • .t••• ee, e . le. ',.. , . A. te el., - e derry's servante were drowned in a Pretoria Despatch Says.' Disease 15 Mr. Fieldieg infermed the House only Taxes Avrtilable. _are Those. on tot - pat dogS with them.cannat bring them egtir boat in the same place. able to make the into. England•this year. The Boatd 'of READ -MAKER'S - t,1* birthday of the Rev.. William GEN. WARREN RECALLED Beeilnating the GarriSon. that he was net yet• statement • whioh be had proraised with Berlin, 'Aprils19.e-The „Government, series. one moots, ' i .A,grieurtture has put into rigid enforce • • • Booth, G,eneral of the Salvation Army, . ___ Pretoria, April 18, via, Lorenzo Mar- . . . regard to the negotiatiens for a trade ment an old order forbidding the tem- who was born. at Ncittingham, Eng- ; ques; April 19, 2 p•Ta.-The aPpointieent tre.aty between Canada and the Isiand t ' impositions for. raising 'taxes toll after looking, into the various Reichs- , land, April a.0, 1829, was signalized on Oilier Said to liav.e_ Been tabled to of • Seeder Machado as Goveynor-Gen.. of Trinidad. Part pf the correspond- poragy entrance into England of 1 or- razor eeee rt. ` Oleos, - - • of congratulations from all parts of 'etaleof MOzatabique by tbe Portttguese have to wait for pernassien from Meet the .exeenses. of tbe naval aug- mentation bill, now says tlx.at *leanly- eign dogs. Babies has been externen- aileelealallieelfreelifiteikalle% the world, and -the 'presentation of a London, April 18. -It is said taint a Government is appreciated hoe. Trieidad before producing it. ' 'taxes availableefOT this purpose are ated in Great Britain. The Iaet case . Tuesday by the receipt of hundreds , : ' South Africa. wee was confidential, and he Would purse of:4200,000, at the result of the peremptory order ior ' the return of A. despa.tele sent front arelop.o yeeter- DT. Sproule called ettention to a known was in Wales last November; . eollection.s made daring the self -de- Lieut. -General' Sir Charles Warren, day says that fever is deciniatingthe paragraph in the papers relating to times. . ' .- d Only iteeen• oases are Tecortled for the those on lotteries and Bourse transae-. preceding year. Eleven hundred deaths' Pylly-.Ppetofal.. UNITED • STATES. . . the South A.frica field forces, was ease,among American cattlealle wante., Toy soi.,Duo., 1N EGYPT., cafreounmeaeleoric3111r!rariBrlItYecirt3 etli°•i)xii;. nial week of the Ary, just concluded: the commander of the filth division of . British garriaon..at Mateleing. • ' ••. . the exist'ence of foot and month AIS- -----..........-- The U. S. Neer is testing oil as fuel cabled to Smith Aarica.thisf morning. ' • ASKS Fog As,sisTANcg. ed to. know if precautions were being ... Among the •• objets found during the last 51 years. Under the measures A -QUICK CURE FOR • for shies; The War Office declined. td give any , e•-•-..' . taken to prevent the introduction of 'repent ONCOVatiOiiii in Egypt ' vas a , number of ,deeths and eases have dev•in- COUGHS AND COLDS Laken . by the Government the yearly SmallpOx is epidemic at Auburn in•forraation in . -regard, to the rumour., Trouble in Ashantf• Develops Into a Seri- ous Rising... , : gr. .Fisber replied' that he had not inches in height.' '. • the •disease in this comitry, whole company of wooden solaiers .1a , Centre, Pa. . • beard ef/ the existence of the disease, died to nothing. •. Very valuable Rernedy in all Five thousand eigarmakers are lock- Colottel Crofton, who wae, in cora- — 4, NoW that the disease . has -vanished, .. ea out' in. New York. wand at Splay); kop from the time General Woodgate was Wourided, until Africa,. April. 19.-eThe Governor, Sir Accro, „Geld Coe'ta Colony, West hat would enquire. Be was sure that . Canadiart. cattle were in no danger. . COLLEGE BOYS. NOW EIGEITING, the ,determina•Lion is to keep tbe dis- THROAT or LUNGS effections of the (Striking builders in Chicago are as- Colonel Thorne,yeroft was appointed -to, . NEWFOUNDLA.ND. , One. hundred and fifty Dutcb bays of ease ou.t elf• England, by le-eeping for - swatting non-union men. , . . • the position, and -whose . behograph Frederick 'Mitchell lEindtgecin, wires Sir, Wilfrid Lauriere a.nswering Col. commandeered, arnaed and sent.to.. the pOSCE. ' Grey's College, ,Pleemfontein, were eign dogs out,.except for breeding pee. LS-tge 13ottles, 26. V.,,c)i)9,000 of the British war loan. General Better to point Thorney- are rising egain, and he asks for as- always ready to re.ceive any overtures -..--.0.-___..- _ neans aeLereataNcE co., Limited ' •Several Chicago ' business houses ' croft ,to the commaed; was placed on from Newfoundland on the subject of A WEEK'S WEARNES'S. . egi4,44404414REICKE40414** ?fool, of Perly PaisiOkapt-Ktiret ,; American. suloscribers were alloted 'messages to. General Warren causea from Kninassie that the otber tribes Kaulbacb, said' .the , Geveenment was front. • Shrewsbury to,day is to the effect that Coefe.deration. No prop.osals had been -After I had sprained my ankle, said , . . ,. LI T E.1 WI ., ' Askit-You looked pegged out forbid the use of cigarettes .by em- half pay' to -day. . The loyal Bekui0. have been. atta.cleed the colony's •joining the Canadian• ' The -United States has more money . General Gatacre is leaving, Seutle Afri- killed_ ' It is feared this win compel Made. recently to the. island for reel- Ivies. Bellingham, the pain was so sew. Tellie-I are.' ' I've been taking Medi- TEE ., per eapita, more gold .and more silver, ea this week to resume coranatind of a the to join the rebellion. Ervidently the matter is extremely serious, and eirecal• trade rele.tions,,the reason be- ere that I could not speak. • . . ., ski.iol.;. wiiat ? ing that it was- theaglit the political Then you aetually suffered untold. d. eine for 3:' Week back. . f•IIIYIES,. OF, , . . . E,,,, eoloyee. , . • . Private information received. from by the Ashantis, and 500 have .been • than ever before- local district, ' • was minimized until it was too late. situation' in •Ntilitt01111(114 13d, 're ade - the agony, comMented Mrs. 'itingsford. . , Tellit-ator -a weak back, . .„ . . OUR REcoint Es141,,. tan gskooi DISfAsED EN CURED viE.ctiRt j4Eavcais 1300D. SPUN A, powzre, DisasEs