HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 51
EtiThitiltblie ;TEL IS
:voter, T415.1 4
MAY 3.
Thisepring Vt,it of Pee 1 a.1:1. to
show a larger variety Cf ' L a:. n
and Paris Styles than ever Wein' to dm pub
11. before.. 1 .hati. have Ladtel; oral Gentle-
men's Wigs, Totmee4. Bangs. W end 1. am
Fianna sae -Riles of all iener hair in et try if
eneth and ehade, et e.
LtDIES, my geode are recognized a,: thaetatuderd of
ion and their use proteas the head awl prance4 a younger ex-
pression to the faeo.
GENTI KUHN, ArtE YO1J BALD 1 I invite you to my show
rooms to demonstrate the emnplete suece,s of nty Art Coverings.
in V1 iga and Toupees, worn en over 55.00r heads. They aro light
In weight, strong, and most natural in appearanee, and a protec-
tion to the head azunst dmught,. coals, eatarrit'nen u"gia. etc, and give a younger and hand,
sumer expression -to tho face. Please rernemberclay and da..”.
ole,N wzitt
e •
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property ate lowest
ates of interest. _
DICKSON & CAletel,
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Ilamter icitr,Notag Fun% "
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loau on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest,
ee. Jele. A.B. KINSMAN. L
D. S. D. D. S.ellonor Graduate
-of Toronto Untemeity, Dentist
Teeth extracted without pain or
had after clreets. Mice in Fan
son's taloa. West side et Main
treet, Exeter.
Ariptn3Ori. ( D. 0. a )
Honor Oreelnatoof the Torouto University,
and Itoyal Cellege ot Dental Suegeons o2
Ontario,. All brelge work. Crowe%isi d Plate
work donein the yeatest peasible manner. A
harmless anwst'oetle for painless exon,
The strictest attention given to LIM preeereat-
O4 of the natural teeth, Office oppeeete Cent'
end Hetet. Exeter. Omar -k.
R A.FTIN (4.
prcrared to de Graftiet.
Apples). I:luitas actleellereree. Veterae
uU-steeetteo. Satteletetlen guaranteed.
S. l'OWELL, Exeter.
-LES. Pesti placed 40 feet opal and game -
eat. Either eirtight or coiled Wire used,
No.iteteel, ;Mee the etnerlemt :steel wire
tee .
10 or I:rattle taken for the - aera. liumaher
" rou OR RENT.
.9.even memo goo wen, gond. Ieratiun on
Oxford Ft. apple to W. BLATC1IFO1D,
- -
five Pads of Cardo Free,
L. One reel;
p,eeert, OM, peek `tlirie than: (Ju e reek %gee
tollgin:u Ole Sofa euet, HoldeTwoe
Samples of CO ether ete tee wetta be fun of ae•
34411.4 St'4444 Ca-% oilver tor mat aete
lealeme-N annotate N. t:
N(..Yri(li, TO
AU rt,r4.402e1 /Wsvilag any ellabai ogeltee. the
(elate or Weill tomato Jeffers lieseesewhe flied en
or about the 44 dap of June. MP. i1.Mateheed.
the :loran -hag Territoriee art hereby re -
Guested to revel in full eartleulare of their
rialtos whit their addreseet and deeeriptioue to
A. E. feetrre of the village of PaltuctAon in
the county of Wellington= or in,fore the leth
day of May. lestant. atter whites thue the Ad-
ministrator 02 the estate. below named. will
pretecal to ali.ttribute elms:MI estate :ward -
mg to RAW. 'melee regard only to tbe cleans
then filed witblem.
Detealat Palmerston dill:110th day et April.
Adminietantor Onto said Wellington Jelfer,
Exeter Turf Club
MAY 24111, 1900
2,20 Trot or Pace
.80 Trot or Pace
2.50 Trot or Pace
Running, Open
- $125.
For first class
A fine selection of
awl all kinds of
Ft -esti land !milted Veleetts
on band.
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Co's store.
1.01.1iS Dy,, PROP
HO ON SilefilleCilfrierS,FOrk oncl Roo
0514AV/A 0141°
q-• tIcy
, Tee above cut represents Proven's Carrier
tut1 Sling. Altogether ib is the most simple
and practical machine made.
The Slingean be attached to any truck.
Alt adeustments can be made from the floor
by means of pulley hoists. Ono rope places
hoist on hook, the other, takes it off without
any climbing, For particulars apply to '
General Agent for Western Ontario,
' , EXETER NOF2T1-1.
..-••••• •
Mrs. 'rreviss, Fennells P. 0. writes.: My
busband :was so bad with Ltiarrhtea- that he
passed bloo4 and could get nothing- to cure him
until he tried Dr. ,Fowler's Extract of Straw-
berry. HeRays, it.saved hig Life.
• •
A wen -known young lady of Clover BillaN. B.,
writes: "I gladly recotemendlaxa-Llver Pills'
to anyone suffering .from ,Constipation, They
cured me entiretylaefere I finished the third
The Evangelical Oonfererice.
e • --
- The auni session of the Canada. Con-
or the Evarigelieal Association
convened. In the Wallet* elettreb, near.
GowanetoWel, Ont.., on April 19th.
BisluipThoneee Bowman presided, and
delivered an instruetive and lieart,
searching address which made a deep
impression upon the brethren as-
sembled, On Tneeday evening the
leev,O,S Flokbeiner Of Zueieh enthus,
ia,stically advocated the cause a Tem-
perance and the Rev, 0. I?. Brown, of
Mester ahly discussed the interests a
Op Wednesday evening
the Rev, S. R. Kneehtel, of Berlin,
• preached a missionary serunin and on
Thursday evening the Rev. I. Mattill,
of Oleveland. Ohio, junior agent a
OR : publishing , house ably oeteapied
the pulpit. On Friday we were fever-
ed by S. ' -L-MbaCh, De with_
glimpses from his trip in Palekine...
Rev. Me L. Wing', of' Beene, woe re.
elected as presiding Elder.Elder's.
orders were voted to W. 0. Helm and
„Y. O.Borne who were eadained zi
Sunday afternoon. Carrick circuit
was netted with Walkerton Mission
and Clifford with Mildinay, Rostliorti
• iu the Northelot WaS tglitgli up as a .
new mission and the Rev. A. W. Sauer
ef Dashwood, was appointed as Mis-
lonary. Over $1759,60 were raised on
Sunday afternoon at the missiouary
meeting- and Wallace is holding the
eroien. The next- eonference session
will be in Berlin beginning the third
Thmeilito in April WM, The station-
ing commit tee reported tie-Ai:love'
East Dist elet, S. R. Kneeling. P. te'
Berlin. A, Y. Heist ; WaterlooG. I)
Daman ; Hamilton, G. Haist ; Tor-
onto, L. Wagner;apao,
Yager ; Rainbow. mJ Burn and A
Clemens. Morriston, S. Krupp ; Blen
beim, E Eby ;Ileepelere NY. Zimmer
men ; Niagara, AI Moyer; 04insboro,
E 11 WPM : Arnprior, C. Bolendee
Pembroke, 11 A Thomas Goldeo
Lake, 0. Wagner ; Roekinghaub
J W Bean ; IlOnnec here, 0 'Ilan -
mann ; 1Vest Dist., Al 1,4 Wing, P E ;
New Hamburg. C -1Caatz and E S
Moyer ; North Eastbore. M Man
TEB .liliETER 90114Efi
'The Least Ilair
Casts a Shadow."
A single drop of poiSon
blood wilt, unless checked In
time, makeMe whole impure.
Hood's Sarsaparilla the
great leader in blood purifiers.
A caste no shadow, but bringe sun -
Rhine and health. into every household.
Rtertning anro-"My mother was
troubled wah raeumatiem in her knee Ice
a, number of years, end It broke out tate
ramie; sore. She Vert three betties et
Hotel's Sarsaparilla anal is pow welt,
Hood's Olive Ointment helyed to real the
eruption." Ms. Rum pAge, clover/awe%
A/waster. Ont.
Rtspumatism-"I was beelly afflicted
with •Wiatin rhemearatiern. Consulted elGee
tors without mike. Was fterFnativil to try
Hood'a sareaparelia, and tire betties gave
me relief and enabled me to go to male"
Wrie.reet lloeca, Margaretviete, 8.
Cattle Huyirig Swindle.
A man who travels •tinder several
aliases has been trying strenueusly
to "do" farmers this neighborhood
says the Stratford Herald, Ile has
been trying, it is Alleged, to represent
a wealthy ranch owner out west, and
has been offeriug farmers fabulous
prices for their stock. He showed his
cloven hoof, however, when he asked
for $5 to have each pedigree transfer
inade in the Ontario Stoek 13ook, He
secured several -,tives," and disappear-
ed, le:tying' the rattle with the fanners,.
No Cheap Twone For Farmers,
Montreal Gazette.
The binder twine issue,. vi bleb the
present ministers raised when in op.
position, is not to be a help to them
when they go to the country. As in
the ca.A. of barbed wire, the Laurier
tariff has hurt the Cana -Han Juanufae.
tuner. without helping anybody in eau-
ada outside of a specially favored ring.
In 1895 the imports of binder twine
were valued 04 $227.009 and in 1899
at $818,000. They contributed a good
deal towards that lewarkable iocreeFe
of imports from the Vinited States
which has before been commented on.
And they did not give the farmer
cheap twine.
RA Neo svaeoziOB. c(la
IlEs"DII/1,..14---tra 1;2%, W
• 1.:).1. WeAei lltddu
11111e1!/'• to. 41,1f4rak.14.1.-01!likl!;1541.17:41;VT4111414.1V:
In Eneter. cit the Will
inst,. he rveidetert, tilt, tatber,
JObn eteetiele by live. C. W. Brown. John
Ator103,' of Lxmolen, Alt,s Emily Mitohell.
; no$4141..vi-Pg1;nt I; ten April atela a! tit.
naidenee of tee US' 141.7 15.
Itegeri, ilenry terstaatt, to Mesa M try.
PIT:Milt (lanoline' of 'Bee: y l'erttue. Eel at of
ARID pe iteee" 111x14, o•
Moni, lo 'd5- itnit.y1;.re:11'iljt:Yr;1, of I'aq
CQ.11:,,....i4:1":11 it ,t150. the -4-atle hie!.
l[rawa, it It.14`41',.(41'-r.'1,;:3 "t"':!
eA;IittiVri.invitlif !It"' :d331"“')n:4"1t''(‘'.;:lt?rf
eriilee Two,C4.41:Ielt!t4,1;
Rev; T$1tlaz,..1.ames'ilf ('.la;, (4' Wink-
titifitf: .1%1 chltti 43u4htcr cf
WIVt1114.11,..`‘Y.. t.-4!.114 liK44.1iZ:12/Ell tif' ::;^1 k
Jeke V,Arasy4itil. livrf, Iziprari., a Ittaenee
Aenti-e, lalateleinte (1) APri4 rah"
Nnyt-tu Stanle;i%, ufeeilVkr•)[14,,P111„11,14'6Gi
APEZA.micr :Nt".viiii;v0.;;41 ;0
. ;
Stratford, W 0
Helm ; Sehringville.E Duro ;
ton, E M tiisehler ; o
Middletn, II 3
Nolte:mann • Milverton. J II Orerm,.
haelt Maidantl. (,1-nsZurieln,
4„, S Futhbeiner ; Dasinvood, S Ahor-
lock ; Crediton. 0 Litt • Allihriro%
Becker ; North Dist -1) Koch. PH;
Kt. Jacob9,1411 Brand • Elmira. fl 11
Leihold Drown ;
L Wittieh ; Normstulsy, 0 Fink-
beiner ; WalkenC
. n and an Mi. Tin
Ilaueh and 11 t. dieruer ; alildmay,
Moyer ; Hanover.3 .1 Schmitt ; Port
11 ; ebesloy. IP
Braun and 13 Meyer; P.Arry Sound,
L K Bich Winnipeg, W E Bee;;;! ;
Rosthorn. A W Slum,
i. K. Him Reporter.
Trout fishing stetson soon Qom -
J. 0. Stauburv spent Sunday at his
hem in Bitylleld.
Many friends will regret to !earn of
• the death of Ella Ray Walker, the 8
year naught er v. ad Mrs. James
Walker, ot the 1st con. rsborne, who
died 3Tsterday morning, after severe
A. very pretty home wedding was
eeetabeated. at the boine or Mrs, J.
Gould at 7 o'clock Wednesday morn.
inge when her daughtm Miss Ida was
married to Chas. Coates. of Pontiac
Mich, formerly of Exeter, ()illy the
immediate relatives beiog present.
ceremony was perfornnel by Rev.
Mr. Brown, while llttIe Miss Andrew,
niece of the bride, acted as maid of
honor. They are both highly esteem-
ed and a host of friends wish their
happiness in their new ephere of life.
suffering of appendicitis.
The thirty.sixth annual session of
1 he Canada Couference, Evangelical
Association, enlivened at the church
on con. 6, Wallace, en Thursday at 0
m. Rev. J. G. Lit t, or Orediton, was
reetppointed as secretary and chose.
'Rev. A. Y. Heist as assistant, Rev. W.
.1. Yeager copyist, and Rev. G. D
Damn) as traustater. It was decided.
to holki the next conference in Berlin,
Ont., April 18, 1001. Rev. AI, L. Wing
was re-elected presiding elder. The
presiding elders were stationed as fol-
lows. ; West District, Rev. M. L.
Wing ; East. district, Rev. D.
Elders orders • were voted to Rev. W.
0. Helen, of Stratford, and Rev. G. J.
Burn, of South Cayuga,
The report of the Minister of Educa-
tion for Ontario shows that there were
in 1S97, the year for which the flgoves
are given. 501,300 children of school
age in the Province of Ontario, the
school age being from 5 to 21. The
overnge attendance for the year was
273,451, a decrease of 103 as compaved
with the yeat before. The figares re-
lating fo 1 ea net% and teachers' certifi-
cates show whet A striking change has
Laken p ACP Within the lest -31 years.
The number of teachers hes thereased
.since '07 from 4,800 to 9,200. Although
the total number has almost doubled,
the nomlier Of nude teachershas de-
creased from 2,849 to 2,743. ITp to '82
there was a steady increase in the
number of amen teachers ; in that year
3,002 men were engaged in teaching in
Ontario. Since then,: however. the
tendency has been generally- dOwn,
ward; and in '98 the number WAS, as,
stated, 2;743. On the Other hand, the
nether of female teachers, which was
.2041,in '61, has been !steadily increas
ingeevete Since until z08, •when 0,406
were engaged: In the 31 years cover-
ed by these:tables the number of Best -
class -teachers has docreased from E899.
tb 450, hub the nuroberleolding seacand-
ClasS certificates has increased front
2,454 to 3,456, and the member, of third-'.
class from 380 to 4,364. It is ,only fair
to add that the nualificatione neeeesery
to obtain certificates li'aVe been :eery
materially.changed during- the period
referred to, and a second-clase to -day is.
really a higher 'standard than a- first-
class 31 years since.
• Thebusiest and MightieSt little
thing that ever was made , is pr.
King' -s New Life- Pills!, Every pill is a
sugar,ceated /globule. of health, ,that
changes wealariegefinto strength, list-
lessnese into energy, brain-fleg hetet
inenthl Poweie They're evoriderful in
buildipg up- the latalthe• Only 25.ets.
per box. ' Sold by all Druggie4s.
EAST -In Clinton, cm Wcalnc,..day. April 1.:45,
Jan W0441..5)19 of William mot Maw Eal.
a1*e4 13 years and 41 wens.
GOULD-In Bee townehlte on the eh% beat -
John tiouldeteed 0Year,a.
NORSWORTHY-In iketwealt 1:on Ma 21th
ba • -•1.„ We Noreiwerthy. aCed l I ear.-
roost 'ironic
Thousands Suffe
ing in Springtime
Palm's Celery Compoun
The Great J3anishez of Dyspepsia,
Indigestio aid tomach
Thi mostprevalent trooble in spring-
time is dyspepsia in its mauy varied
This common but dreaded disease
is produced by acute inflammation of
the nerves centered about the stomach.
It is a well known fact that the
stomach is one of the chief nerve con,
tree, and physicians will tell you that
without healthy, vigorous nerves, the
stomach cannot properly digest food.
It most also be noted that the tissues
and all the organs of digestion are
quickly weakeued by impoverished
blood, overwork, worry and. care.
The firet and greatest work for all
sufferers from d3rspepsia tend indiges-
tion to accotnplish, is to nourish and
brace the nerves and purify the blood.
Paine's Celery Compound is the
choseo medicine of the ablest physi-
cians to produce nerve fibre, true
nerve force And pure, rich blood.
When these blessings have been secur-
ed, dyspepein. and il.s train of evils are
completely banished, and solid, lasting
health is established.
Poine's Celery Compound has :clone
more for dyspeptics than all other corn
bined agencies. Thonsands of testi-
monials from the best people tell the
story that Poi n es Celery Compound
"milli es sick people well.'
Melo E. Trindor, of Sirucoe, 0nt,1
says : "For a long time dyspepsia and
indigestion in :: de life miserable for ree.
I was so had I could not go out of the
house, do housework or get regular
, sleep. I bought eix bottles of Paine's
Celery Compound from Mr. Austin,
our druggist, and commenced to use -it
regularly. My doctor advised rue to
continue with yoor compound, and
told me if I hate not been using it he
would have recommended it to rne.
. "Your Paine's Celery Compound has
worked wonders for me; it has banish-
ed my clyspepstaendigestaon and sleep-
leSsness, and given we a new life,'"
Mr Dromgole, of the firm of Mere-
dith, Dromgole, Judd & -Elliott, of
Loedon, has opened an office in the
• Merchants' Bank building, Lucan.
'A contagious disease of a cerebro-
spinal nature has broken out among
the horses in Prescott. 'It has killed
• four. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, of Pallners-
ton, have been visiting Mends in Us -
borne. Mr. Hodgson, we regret to
learn, is still poorly.
• The house of John McVicar, in Lobo
township, where a case of sreallpex
was discovered several weeks ago, is
still under quarantine, but it is Itkely
that the latter will be removed shortly,
Mr, McVlcar's son vvhoprst had the
disease, has ccamplaely recovered, and
the father hasabout recovered from a
slight attack.
need s4e:seem ;ever
eateeeter to teee
t."4sk8 MAI' IsT.--Falla sst OS' ke
hook 111,,c1k2',. itraTrIttli
R:etvprit 1,41' l041 7, rebeirrea
teeee, at a saa' teelee k. 4 t'zq'rve. IL
Brown, Amt.
Exeter A1'1.111. fietle. 19 5 -
wheel, per Ittiehei ..ee to Le
oats.29 to 3.1
40 to
Peas • Eh to
.15 Zia 1-
_ 10 to 1'1
0 :0 1',1.'
.,„ 6 tO
•...” .. 710
Wom.::. . •. te to
Drieci Apeltie::" .. ._ 0 to ..
Perit dressed--.. „ *54; to 6.10
Eggs........ s.
Cluekene per le ,.....
Loudon, .PRL2h, I0PX-4
Wberat eer erestael,.. ;AZ ts;
4*1 4.t4
to Is
„ to
wovr kiJ
Butter U to 11
...,10 to 15
ett to 29
10 to le
0 to le
to 7-
to 1
eo 44
to * 240
to tisfa0
ityea a a a
Cern ••• •
Tureees per The
Geese eerie
Chi -atom
I-Watt:ea per bag
I Hay ser10p .
Pork per cwt... -
_ -
John 4larnh. agea ttli) yeare. died at
Arden, relen„ sstt fewaday. Ile wee the
0(4 of a L'esited Empire. Loyailiet,lea(i:el
Lamle Of Elizeireth teivitship, Leeds
county.; For nearly ;ID years be lived
in Gorrie, township of Howia, Huron
county, and then rm:oved .ltianizola
with las farmily nearly ten year; ago.
There died at the Ireeldenee of her
'nephew, R W KO:minion. of Wing -
ham, Agnes Renciman, aged 7i1 pens
• ed 4 onentlis. i)K,e41.1..01 was.- hern 444
titirkshiro. Setolzsnd. emigrat log to
United $tates when :duet 11 years
. After living hi Ohio for t
biW unwed to Canada, residing for
me in the vicinity of Seaforth. About
years ago elle lowed to tioderich
sleeve she lived until idend three years -
g4)f moving then to Winglrou where
he has fired with her nephew as above
nail her death on Tuesday morning
FOR OVER Inn N'.' TE,olt.
00 ' 'Arm:A!, 4$4;,.11.T;;.!t?ni-4111":;;
over lefty yvari 4)5443illiiO4, of tuotierio ter t tete
• 1.4:2 at s'% triroil nu;ke band„
1.4 41 Mat or Doi r !tog from
told rage s r oree dyed with Diem/eel
If Vits34 IrS% s I 4 :','S4'13 fth ipt.cinating
nt,tok Go City ef tete Mute
treated 'eltreegoe o 1 e Reg Ilealt,'"tleee
fully tonio1,;:bz 4a0 441 the wattle tied
how to pl.4 pl./ a a e the
pal% 1;7:41 ,O.:11,-,:4514; 3l4
t, and Rog i)e.
Amts." IP 4 ' '1*4 alma wog, poiisl,
18q141 r (,'"A ,+; th.aers are insur-
ing 4.4..11 f, S f., Wit 1,414S Of the
Jb(fl,1T*lot* Set. a I ''*hi In Its \\Tells es:
WIMP& *so leant -,711 St. 310n -
ad, P tt.
• 1,14.0,1111N ;„ . • 4..4! itcouoritt
croup. loon ...,A tig 4%1%01 thece 1-4
nnt r* 44 e P0414,101 10 D
Norway's Pia.c
Meat Market
The under .1gr.e.i Lds ol.ened rip a
meat mar ket one door
outil t uriiiioss Store
where he 5,4111 keep the choicest o
1 rale corestantly 011 hand.
A .A3 3 3 1( VIED
.thwAys REA
Mill Feeu arid Corn
IN sTors,...
Carlood Mane Southern Sweet and
Imp °veil Leaming seed Corn.
rt 11
It is fashionable to -day to have a
new heart scare every 24 hours.
The commonest symptoms of dys-
pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal-
pitation, weak spells, loss of appe-
tite, and poor circulation, are magni-
fied and distorted into serious signs
of heart trouble, with the object of
frightening the public into taking
this or that heart remedy. If a
hundredth part of the heart trouble
we hear about were real, the ceme-
teries would be filled in a month. A
Wrong construction is put upon com-
mon ailments in order to humbug
the people into the belief that heart
disease is prevalent, whereas real
heart trouble, which is so sadly and
suddenly fatal when it does occur, is
a rare disease. Lopsided arguments
cannot Convince an intelligent people.
Iron is the vital element of the blood.
Too little iron means weakness, lack
of spirit, pallid 'cheeks, shortness of
breath sleeplessness, nervousness,
loss of vital force, ending in general
break -down. The iron in Dr. Ward's
Blood -and Nerve Pills is inthe solu-
ble form you need; in combination
with other curative agents in such a
• manner that disease can't resist t''t
action. '` You feet yourself
. well When ybie take Dr. Ward's
Nos per 1>tocs,aro bOFOI,ROOVA , Druggitsbs.
or 8111,14, lillenukkOo.,,Teroato, ont.:1
chtltiren tviaih., teething, with ter14:18*Tqc1:1N,,
1 Z. M502 theyhtlil. eellerie et, games, weep; el
wale- ewes a eel ceiee. etelie the test rewegy
tor 11115r1h4e. fs plvent to the tvite.
by druggist,* in every pet 01 tee UVT:Q.
cent:in erltre. value 14
ware oral 3134-.J %l1 95T Seettlele
'erup awl take ea oiler Itied.
el". este elee-eiee eteeee
THE WELL, DRESS' D MAN avoids man
the Rough edges along the pathway of 11
If you wear Shorey's Clothing you,
are well dressed.
Every stitch is Guaranteed.
Every seam is overcast and will
not rip.
Shorey's Clothing may be obtain
edfrom the best dealers only.
If Quality and Value are a consider-
ation, ask for and see that you
et Shorey's clothing.
cycle Suits
To THU DE.w..-A rich lady cured of
1we Deafirm-s and Noises in the Head
by Dr. Niche:et-MS Artificial Ear Drums
has seta X11,101 to his Institute. so
that deaf people unable to plume the
Ear Drums ntay have them free, Ap.
ply to Dept. A. S. the Institute, TSIO
Eighth Avenue, New York,V. S. A.
Henry Jackson, of Egtuoudville, has
purchased the Van Egmond woolen
mill and the storehouse and residence
of WMiam Van Eginond, on the sp.
posite side of the street. The price
MiSS 11,141,fle of St lilat7s fans ac-
cepted a position in Burgess, photo
81841:11 Clinton as retouechr.
heriand hoes Co. L
eze " a can veil be
- .
Telt:, of the leatiwr in ;;;-.: annim up. tit
tc)nl hew to zoo. fer 11.
It givee the reoieter roor.tor cf roe she 17
whreb the raeleave centre-es...Lae% to he teeth, awl ebeeld it net Lee
up to their promisee, mike good the
"Slater Zhcee" May be iileatified by tiele ceueze 4.r1 17 fee
name and prieeetamped on the ss. Every pair .05ee3ye ViCitCd•
$'43.50 nd $5.00.
44:•$,Fis-s..1%•xyz. •
Apply to
E Kassel,
OltENLAN, Emmett. ON
in I
, weeds redcuced from $13 to $16.
16 ii 14.
It " 13 10.
Plain Worsteds tl lt 22 0 19,
Twill es 0 15,
Tweeds reduced from $4,50 to $3.75
Black a $6.00 to $4.50
With all suits we give the be&
of trimmings and gualantee to fit.
• Call and examine these goods
before buying your suit.
A Nell Known Lady of Thornhill, an.,
Got Almost Instant Relief From
• Heart Trouble by the Use
of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills.
It is sinaply wonderful the number of
western women who are coming forward
to tell of the curative powers of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills.
This time it is Mrs. Geo. Train, a highly
• respected lady of Thornhill, Man., who
gives in the following words the history of
her case:
"I obtained from Mr. J. A. Hobbs, drug-
giet of Morden, Man., a box of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, as I was very bad
with heart trouble at the time. "
.,7 used the one box and got ahnost
instant relief. then bought another box,
but only had to use a few of the pills, as
have never been troubled with palpitation
eince using them. '
"I am very thankful that I got the
and if this will be of . any use to ,otherit
euffering as I did you may publish it in the
and sena es with 5teents in silver, and 3'011.
get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF
GOODS' that will bring you in 1VIolis.
in one month. than anything else in America.
A, W. ION.NEY, E. T.,
Salem -Yarmouth, N. S
CI thing
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worsted in twills, vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling ht the old prices.)
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting. We show d,
big range at moderate prices
in Sco6ch and Canadian tweeds
we eary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to suit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oercfor singt
from 610 up.
G-IVE US A CALL and see
*hot we can do for you.
J. H Crieve.
8.13.8. cured little Harvey Reline nine
years ago and ho has never had a
spot on him since.
•TT is practically impossible to heal up
i• sores or tecers, espeoieely the old
chronic End, with ordinary remedies.
No matt. 0 hoar large or of how long
standing they ?nay be however, they heal
up .1..‘3,trtly „:1-1 stay healed p-rmatently
when Burdore: Bleed Bitten in uzed.
„,,,,,.........„.,... itoee
Mrs. E. Deline, Arden, Out., proves this
in the following account she gave of her
little boy's case; 'When ray little son
Harvey was one year old he broke out in
sores all over his body. They would heal
up for a time; then break out again about
twice a year, till he veas past four. then he
seemed to -get wore and was completely
priestratede, ,Wheu doctors failed to cure
him I gave ilaira Btadock Blood Bittets,
iA besidig bathed. the sores with it.
"I1$ nine years ago siece this hsppened
snd I must say that tbir time -hit has
nove!luka a_.pot on his bad* of
WI 014 *rouble rettipiryi."