HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 4T Jb-1 EXBTER 'JLES
iheS ° ns Bank iter dians nfarniing in tbe U
e niten I ere front other friends. He woeln
States would haeten horae to the Can- Huron county Nqtes j bave been 83 years on June 15th. He
BY inhaeleiNT
adieu grain fields, bringing thousaiads came to Goderich years a,go. Seven
,CDARTERED net. Wine
suomoo of Americans with them, Oan(ula Mrs Thos Swats, Clinton, is seri Its- childrien survive Wale -Miss Mary Ann
Pion up capita.
Rest Pend .... neva we• could take be r picle and choice of the ly ill. baying just come through au and exeorge Gibson, ot Lotusi Mo,
a 4..),
Head Ofece,Montreali
(inseam. 41,kx.ausn
Sfoney advanced to good farmers on their
awn note with one or morn endorser at 7 per
cent, per annum.
Exeter Branch
Ova every lawful day ermine. in. to S p. iu
417,, 4- T., 2 :7,•.•!
SA.'11:RDAYS, 10 a. to. to 1 p.
eurzant rates oe interest aleawed en deposits.
DICE:Si-Ks; CA.ELINO, N. D. lit.1(-DON.
Exeter, 1",..v, 27th. 'O.
Calendar for APRIL 1900,
SUND.1.17 1 15 92 20
2 9 10 'ill 30
TVESDAY3 10 17 21
WBDN'EsDAY... 4 11 18 25
12 19 20
.... . . (i 13 20 27
Sa.Tirm 7 le 21 23
APItIL thine .
TC peivete bills 0011414114C0 44 the
.Legielatuee have reported fevorably
• 141 (twee the title ntratfotd
• anthinity to giewentee inert-
eto te of etiowtio Aiki nwerge :eh:Legion
niture mautdactcrer, relined.
• tit tactory deetroyea by lire six
-Igo. A bonus ofvtu by
Strathiloy to the Palm- Upboletering
e . Wati legalized,. as was a by-law of
hViarton granting eietoo a year rot. els;
Feats to the \Viatica), S.ugar (.`e.
• I.0 toberts has severely eritivise•d
CietiYr, On ztecount of thci Liege
Ws ef life among, the troops ett Spain
Kop, entiming that be lied not the
poweite of a. general in eoennanding
hie forces. We ell thought Retitiers
Buller did noble work m relieving.
leielyetuith, and that the Spion Kop
tam' eervetli te detreet attention from
the litileeppeeted towa.
Tbe line elements in Ow preened
eberacter Cif Buller sleme brIght anti
dear the trembles arid 4441VerSithl$ o
his earanaign for the 'ie of 1.211y-
J$tetititi The cold militery jecheitent
od lewd Roherte will come es teethe:It
to the weillioue who ialmireill General
Baitlet The task which confronted
Buller May have nem almost too morn
for nunian genius working througn
the egenties et his nesposial. It is
strenge, that when Gencrel Buller was
vo (*nevoid el lintit milititty capacity at
,r4vzoi Roberts practically suggests, nie
retaimid in men a high deghed ebeit eon.
fl(leina71 MS OW11- melt. • i7e should
consider tbat anent' welch Lord
hitv"er "third.. at Paardeburg, in
wlueb i'llhX;a1 Canadian. Bee:intent
suiltiveilid.in severely, was aa badre't man -
Mtn; bustness as the Spion Kop af-
Whine this einitith African tremble
ewes Great Britain will probably be
the meet powerful nation in the world
-isnot account of its enormous navy,
equal, we lielleVet to all others in
Europe, and its enormone mercantile
entwine, easily used for transportation
of troope geed military supplies.
2d, Because a its large armies, now
thoroughly equipped and experienced
in using all the most modern military
3d. Because of its power to add to
its armies hundred of thousands of
men from. its various colonies in Can-
ada, Australia, India and elsewhere.
4th, Because of its enormous fortifica-
tions on both the Atlantic an Pacific,
And in almost all parts of the world,
5th. Because, after deducting the
great. military debts of continental
European nations, it will be found that
Great Britain bas probably greater
finantial power to carry on great wars
than all the continental European
nations combined.
Oth. Because while there may be
differences of opinion between the
peoples of Great Britain and Germany,
there is almost no possibility that the
German government will, dining
many years, be found at war vvith
Great Britain.
The Conservative party has a policy.
It has frequently been clearly set forth
in the house, on the platform, and in
the Conservative newspapers. It is to
give Britisb goods preference in the
Canadian market in consideiation for
a small advantage for Canadian pro
ducts in the British market. It is a
very simple proposition a common
every -day business proposal ; and there
is nothing in it that a child could not
understand. Whether Great Britain
will ever accept the proposition is
another thing: that is Great Britain's
affair. The Conservatives simply
make the offer, and that the offer
should be made by Canada is distinctly
stated by Mr. Chamberlain and others.
If the imposition of say 5 cents a bus-
hel on fcreign grain while Canadian
grain was admitted free. constitutes a
"bread tax” in 13ritain, it, may he that
noparty there would agree to accept,
the Canadian proposition. But evonld
a differential clay of say 5. cents a
bushel mi. grain cause a tax on .bread ?.
Grain from Canathowould be taken to.
people of the . world,. Le a few years
this oeuntry would be eble to . furnish..
the belk of the green consumed in Eng-
land. . , ' •
• ie. v,-. :A- 4=7.
Lord Roberts: would not be. long at
Bloemfontein if .the dghting pastier of ',
the Boers were the only obstacle he ,
his advance. Distance Is the oreate
enemy. if tbe 13eitish army had been
assured. of a clear track to the Boer
line's at Pretoria the delay at Bloem-
fontein would still bave been latices:
eery. 'Pretoria in roughly speaking,
as far front Bloemfontein as Montreal
75 from Toronto, et general who had
to equip a great force for a !nevelt
front .Toronto. to Montreal weukt need
time for preparation. The effective-
ness of Lord Roberts' movements will
be in proportion to the completeeess
f his preparations, and it is well that
he is not being hueried into a premix::
Ire advance.
The Latest News
itt the Legislature Frieley,
o mne hill to reinnite the registry
cies of the oorth small ridings
f Perth received its second. riding
Cornelius Vanderbilt's estate only
otals up to $110,01.19,000, instead of
Metelinellien as was expeeted, am! the
Owlet.' to bis family must be very try -
It is expected that the Dominion
House wilt sit till the ist ofday at any
rate. This government bas a leaee of
power until the 1st of August. 1001,but
ill likely appeal to the country this
s anew,
An English army captain and a spite.
lal connutssioner called upon a Arm of
1iore dealers at the stock yards Chi -
o, Saturday, to aseertain wha't, they
venlig charge 'for MOM horses for the
Baglielt Goverument for sereice itt
South Africa. The. firm submitted
stiro,ttes in the neighborboott of
nnitealatin and they were sent to Eng-
land by cable.
ildlipnreonwern, of Peruhill, Liebn
township, was the victim of a serious
ecident on Thesiay last. One of the
len employed in teltingtiis barn down
Inpng up a bene wnen the heavy'
rep erawbar slipped and fele striking
„ oadwaril, who was en nrontal ter, ;dins Mary, and Mr, Crawford, of
a erne a little dietanee. Ilie elwek son%
evils lete open fate eeeitral lnellQ$ and it The Executive.. committee of the
'te lit in have sewed aline, 1 County E. L. S. S. Association met
the meeting of tne private nuts moonily, splendid programs wore
commit tee a the Legislature Thursday i arranged for nem egening cenpentitori,
strateolens len to guarantee for eienreleel whicti, -tnibe held in Sitatorth dining
to let horrewed to u*S16t GeO. INICLIgi(1; I, t
t.-.141 tatter part Of dome the exact date
in reel:Wing hie furniture facternt wait, not yet tieing deemed on,
rtsurtJ.Thc' (4 Sienitibroy, an J. B. R. Barnwell and wife of Kirk -
lowing thene int if.ve ;emus of $0,500 ton are spendiug then. Easter holidans
Strathroy Canning Company, visiting friends around Varna. KA-
.. as reported. They had decided to too seems to agree with him ai he
give the herene the law We' looks fat. We are glad to hear that
venting boanses wets passed. be is getting along well in bis new
The offieers. and nien serving with field of laboa- Varna correspondent.
the Canadian troops in Soath Afriea By word front High View, Assn, we
are to have a 'chance of seeming eeln- learn of the demise of Sarah Cassidy,
missions in the Imperial army. The
Impetial Government has asked Lord
Minto to request, Lord Roberts to
transmit to Ottawa the names of 2t
menibers of the Canadian foeces whom
the Field Marshal recommends foe
cononiesions. These naraOS will then
he sent to t he War Office as those of
the nominees of the Canadian Govern-
p ate. . the hitter, being with his fethee iet his
John Clark. von, Oulross, sold .a deetio Dr 8aenuee albeit"), Langtord;
boree recently for $175 ; the aninial N. De Aire AI Little, Mrs Burnett and
Weighed. leen pounds. • Andre* Gibson,. of Pilot Monnd, and
The pupils and teacher of S S lo. 5„ Miss Louisa Glbeon, at home. • -
Stauley. sent a very' libecal sem Of
neauey last week to the India Piaui ite
Benet Fend.' • '•
Rev. Dr, lefeedoualcie ae one time .
resident .f Minn, more recenlin of
Seadovthe but twee of Detroit., is he very
poor health,.
N.eneou Orkin operator te, ,the sta-
tion, Clinton, left last Weduesdley for
liolby,Micb. He will stey over there
11 .ciretnestances suit hint. • •
A poor fellow named Croons or Bel
grave. mho bad his leg broken. by a
kiek from a Ikeda% *as taken to the •
Home .of Refugeon Tuesday.
Mri Iliebard Penbale, Stanley,: bad
a mare whiele gave birth to two colts
on 'Thursday eight last. They have
been named. Crozet° and Kruger. .
Four .Clinton • dogs fell victims to
poison on Sunday:morning. Antoeg
the quartette was a hound belonging
btOyeldhituil., Rattenbery and highly prized
B Fealeck, Who removed 'neer
Brossels last spring from the vicinity
of Winghant, has sold .bis fifty -acre
no.rm neer Brussels, to Win Rands, for
Rev. W. G. Howson, Clintoe, nes re-
ceived a call to fin the vacancy itt
Boeil St Congregational elatreh it
Toronto, wben Rev, Morgan Wood
goes to ttlevetanti.
Ah. D. Beres' pet pony.Summerville,
tried to jump over a pieket fence. the
other day, bat sheee. and on,
toe. of the pichets it so severely injured
itself that it bad to be shot.
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
desp.epeia. try Carterhe Little Nerve
Pills. .Reltef is sure. The only nerve
mediciee for the price in the market.
Dr. Matineson, of St. Marys, bee as-
sociated with him ia his practice Da
A. E. Fraleigh. late of Westminster.
:here be has been succeesteilly engag-
ed in praetieing . for the past eight
A pretty wedding took pace at the
residence of • George Grog, eleinillop,
1 Wednesday eventnee last, being the
wcanion of the matriage of his &nada
Perth Pickings
In almost every county in Kansas
there are fine farms owned and operat-
ed by women without the aid of men.
Catch the opportemity." By tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla now you may
build up your health and prevent
serious illness.
Mrs, Robertson, whose husband has
unfortunately become insane, has gone
to reside with relatives in McKillop,
'Her former bottle was in Blatashard
Mr. Johnstoe, St. Marys, has been
awarded the contract for building the
new ehurch at Mount Pleasant. Price
$3,000, brick, stone and seats to be
furnished. by committee. The total
cost will be $5,000.
Mrs. Barbara, Robb, of Stratford, ac-
companied by leer daughter, Inatha.-
leen, in visiting her friends near Far-
quhar during the Easter vacation.
She has been teaching during the past
two years in Downie.
George Ogglesby, of Blansbard, bas
hens which lay eggs which measure
de by 61 inches. His hens are crosses men, are completinp. arrangements for
of Games and Plymouth Rocks and the holding of eit concert in each of the
they are certainly the proper kind for following places early in May :-Sea-
turning out full-sized eggs. forth, Clinton, Goderich, Wingham,
On Wednesday evening, April 11, a and Brussels. The intention ie to use
very pleasant event took place at the the funds thns obtained In providing
home of Mr and Mrs Wm Elgie, West more creature comforts for their men
Nissouri, says the St Marys Journal, while under canvas, he it at London
when their daughter, Minnie, was or elsewlere.
united in marriage to 3F McLeod, of .About, two months ago we published
London township. it lengthy article which referred to a
Palpitation of tbe heart, nervous- sta.rtling story then going the round's.
ness, tremblin,o-s, nervous headache, concerning the mesterious disappear -
cold bands and feet, pain iv the back, ance of Thomas Iliellyeen, a fiwiner
and other forms of -wealenets are re- who lived on the base line, near Su re-
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made merbill, some three years ago. The
specially for the blood, nerves and story seenaed. credulous, but to satisfy
corn plex ion. many who were dubious, it was decid-
Detective Ward has taken to ed to make investigatioe at the place:
London froni St. Marys, Albert Monk. It was said that on the Sunday night
who gave himself up to the police, wben ArcIbeeen disappeared, some
Monk is an alleged participator in the tramps had gone into the school house
Glencoe outrage, and it is said he en- and put on a fire, and when he ordered
treed the woman, Sarah Dorsey, away them away he was struck, the blow
from the railroad station. He will be proving fatal. The story was that he
brought up on April 24th. .._ , was buried between two certaiu trees
• TurkistiScalp food removes dandruff, 'at the rear of the place, Awaiting un -
England just as it is now. It woulth itching of the Scalp, restores the nat- til\ the snow 'went away, a search was
be admitted free, just as it is now, at ural color and vitality of faded and made the other day by a dozen farmers,
elle market price, that price being reg- grey hair. Turkish Scalp Food is rap- As one who was there said, "the Whole
-elated by tbe supply and demand. Iidlygrowing in public favor and takes place has been dug up. but not a trace
is clear then that there would be no the lead of all other preparations on has yet been revealed."
tax On bread. made by Canadian wheat: the market. For sale at Lutz's Drug „ The funeral of the late Captain
John Ball collects a duty of 5 cents a- Store, Exeter. Only 50c a bottle. Samuel Gibson, took place from his
bushel on it, and it is marketed and -x,„ ----- late residence. Bayfiela road, Gode-
sold at exactly the same price as was • BRAVE MEN FALL rich. Captain Gibson had alvvays been
paid for Canadian wheat- Thus Jelin Victims to stourach, fiver and kid- hale and hearty, and being an old ship
Ball gets the American wheat at the ney troubles as well as women, and captain, who took stores to the Crimea
stone price 1,vhich he pays for free all feel the results in boss of appetite, at the time of the Russian war. He
wheat from Canada, und gets 5 cents it poisons in the blood, backache, nerv- also sailed 3 years betweenNew Zea -
bushel to put into his strong box. °useless; headache and tired, listless, land and A ustralia. He enjoyed life,
Would it not work out that way? run-down feeling. Bat there's no clicerlul w'it h all he met;agreat-church
It is not the west of the wheat that need to feel, like that. Listen to J. W. worker, being an. elder of Knox church
governs the market price ; it is tb.e de- Gardner, Idavilie, Ind. He says : for many years. Among the floral
'nand. We think that if John Bull "Electric Bitters are just the thing for tributes were: A handsome and very
were to accept the Canadian Conserva, a man when lie is ail run down, and large cross was the floral offering -sent
tire proposal it would not be such a don't care whether be lives or dies. by Mr Watson, of Morrlzeak nephew
Shockingly bad thing for Britain after It did more to give me new strength of the deceased captain. A shower
all. And so far as Canada is concerned and good appetite than anything I bouquet of Omk roses from Mayor
a differential duty on Canadian pro- could take. I can now eat anything; Wiliam, Sheaf ot wheat with English
ducts would really bring such a boom and have a new lease on life.," Only violets from Dr and Mrs Taylor. Love -
to this country as Canada has never 50 cts. at any Ding Stone': Every Ley anchor from tbe sailors, whose
experienced. All expatriated Cana- bottle guaranteed. .1 friend he always was, and some flow -
John .Steetelee Gotierielt township,
met with an accident on Saturday
laet by whienhe sustained a broken rib
aud .bruised. shoulder.
Assessor 'Cottle' has coMpleted hie
roods ; we urelerstaud. there . is it
slight decrease. itt the population of
Olititon since lest year:
The Beacom and Nentisle deal in (lode-
townsbip is declared off and Bea-
com retains the extol ; Itir. Beacom
bee it ranted for three years.
Charles, eldest, son of John . Rogers,:
of Westfield,lead the misfortene to
hall la a monger oneday last week,
breaking his awn above the wrist.
Jet -nee Petrie, of Aleinillop, bas rent-
ed the propoity on the Bitylield read,
Goderich co-west:lip, owned. by Arthur
Cantelon and known. as the denim?
property. . .
eiti. Gen. DenstedtAshtield, nes
, -
decided to go out to the west for the
summer with it view of establisbing
hardawee Intsitaies in the prairie prov-
At, smote Monday Rev, Herbert Mac-
nenzie, pastor of the Christian Work-
ers' church, Loudon, wits married to
Miss Senile dolmsten. formexiy of
The mettobeis • of the infant :Phew ie
e Methodist S. S., Hohneseillei met
t Mr. Malhollantles. Sat urtla,y and pre-
sented -their teacher, Miss S. Courtiee,
with two jardineres, accompanied by
..‘"\7411. Stacknouse, Westfield, has
pdrebased the Buchanan farm, lately
Occupied by V, Aennstrouge John
WightMan hen sold his farm adjoin-
ing the lihnelismith shop to W., J.
Parke, for a good 811111.
A teerible accident occurree le
miles east of Londesbows' Tuesday.
Charles Bainbridge aud Me eldest son
were eating down it tree and a. strong
gust of Wind turned the tree and it fell
the wrong Way and streek the boy on
tite head =Mug an ugly wound. He
NM mildews' unconseioue and the
poor innate passed away on Wednee-
day night. Ile in about 18 swats old,
On Saturday evenieg John Sturdy,
h 'cote, eioderielt township .iiteet with
au ace:dent which tesulted painfully
for him 'Whet! nt hlaekiinlith
shop his vale pulled the bridle ow and.
:dented torue a.w-ay. Mr. Sturdy
caught it beetle neck but was thrown
with such violetwe that on the doctor's
investigation it Was .disvoyered that
his collar bone and two. rIlis were
broken. •
vere,sad =Meet, occurred on Sun-
day afternoon last when Mrs. Alexan-
der, a pioneer of - Goderich township..
aged.eighty-seven yeexs, was teampled
by it horse in .the stable owned by her
son, Jas, Alexander,of the 7th eon.
Though of the above ripe age Mrs.
Alexander bus always been exceedmge
relict of the tate Francis Booth, Who ly • active 4ttid was never eatielled to
died .at, the residence of her speed. 1. let it day pass Without paying a visit
Booth, at the age of 71 years, 0 mouths to the stock at -the barn, About
and 13 does. She formerly lived in half -past two teentein on Senility Ow
the house pow occupied by David Cote made bee eneeetennie \leo, and had
nell. : • gone. he beeline a, quita horse. She
As the Government will not provide had eyident:Iy. tried to throw some
the 33rd Battalion with the new equip- feed to the horse ie the uext stall and
ment until it has an armory for the ranee under the horse, oe else the
proper caretaking of the arms and tee- • horse was friglitened and knocked her
• couteements, the burning question down. Some .pecipie in passing heard:
just now is where should. the ernmen the noise and ran to we tile eittlett Of
be located. Colonel Varcoe promised it and found bee in it semieueconecions
to recommend Clinton to the Minister condition on the floor behind the horse.
of Militia. It was found that one leg bad been
A meeting of the House of Refage brokeu at the ankle and badly crush.ed.
Committee was held op Tuesday, the She oleo sustained many injuries on.
170. It was decided to install it eew the body and bead, the seriousness of
appartus for heating water for tb e -whiole is not yet ascertained.
laundry, and to build about 100 rods
of fence. fence. The question of ventilation BEATS irliE KLONDIKE,
for the women's apartments, and it Mr, A. C. Thonme, of Marysville,
supply of water Inc the barn and pig- Tex., has found it more valuable dis-
gery, were left over for further con- covery than bas yet been made in tne,
sideration. Klondike. For years he suffered un -
George Hayes, Summerhill, lost five told agony from consumption, ace
bogs recently. and not understanding companied by hernorrbages ; and was
the ailment he had the vets perform it absolutely cured by Dr. Ring's New
post morteen when it, was szcertuined DiscoNrcry for Constunption, Coughs
that worms, and many of them, were and Colds. He declaves that gold is of
the cause of their death. The animals little value in comparisou with this
became crippled and lost their appe- marvellous cure • would have it, even
tite. As soon as it was understood if it cost it hundred dollars a. bottle.
what was wrong it was much easier to Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and.
effect it 'cure of the remaining hogs lung affections are positively cured by
which were also sick.DaKing'sNew Discovery tor Consume -
The ()facers of the 83rd Battalion, tion. Sold at any Drug Store. Reg-
wbo are always alive to what concerns ular size 50 cts end $1. Guaranteed to
the efficiency and comfort of their cure or price reforeled.
A. very distressing accidcrit Wel Mr.
John McAllister of 2nd con. preyon 11
th inst.. by which he lost his thumb off
his right hand while engaged in edg-
ing lumber in his own sawmill.
nstztsittireRVA ARP.Rte.7.7,:gnumigstatma
aresiouad Triou
• ta=zEzarammTsamsslass--r.ra kg
For 2Ei fears 11.
e 7N1
neould you feel perfectly fig8
IV safe to put all your inone3r
le, in a new bank .2 One yoa
• have just heard of'? X
eke But hew about an °HA
a bank? One that has done
business for over a quarter ei
✓ of a century? One, that hiaei .14
lc always kept its peoinises ? Agg
If Ono that never failed ; never
• tais1.6d, you in any way? X
. You Oohed trust such a batik, ;
opoichat yob.?
Si. like such a bank. It has never
se disappointed you, never will. jg
Je It has never deceived you,
• never will.
ar Look Out that someone
V does not try to make you.
invest your health in a. new
tonic, some new nieclioirie
you know nothing ofe
eh. and $1.00; all druggists,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
Exeter Public School Board.
A meeting of. the Beard .was hela
the Town Hall on .ilioenay, April Eith.
' itt 8 In ni., With all. the Members pree-
rent, Inollowine. is the order .of besinese
duly submitted and, approvedeaPer
(Their the minutes of previous meetiee;
reports of committees; repairs t that e
' loads of sewdast had been peocured at
otie per load; thet ea cords or wood had
been purchased • at .$3. per .cord
per • R. N. Rowe, that; the chairman
and .secretary be authorized to ad ie
connection with the truancy cases re-
ported per Principal Boyd; per Prinen
pal Boed, that the average attendance
for Marcie was 303; per H. Hnston and
Senior, that the Board declare them-
selves as 'being in beerty accord with
the leiinister of being
and County
Inspector, that. the teerd of May be
held as Empire , Day the schools
throughout 0.ni Province, arid that the
.efforts. of Principal Boyd to matte. the
day specially educative one in that
directiou recelee their cordial approval
Mal support, eon that the public pre-
eeediugs in connection be attended loy
the fell membership; per R. N. Rowe
nd W. 3. °Ogling, that the following
accounts be paid : H. Spackman, Wire
mat and sundries, $10i70; W. Davidsoe,
repairs to windows (1898e $/.25; S Fan'
San, eleameg clainmee..59e; per Je
niter and W. Trevetlilek, thee the fol-
lowing prepayt»ente be approved: in-
surance, $15,90; W. Pfaff, wood, $1.9.1n;
A. Fowl, wood, $ii3; 0, Isaac, wood,
$17,88. Per U. littstcin and 3. Senior,
that the chairman eeceive the thanks
of the Board,. for nis One and success
in the put chase of wood t equine& Per
3. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that the
Chairman, W. Trevetbiek and U. Huse
ton be a committee to (wituline the
condition of the .school, and report • at
the beet meetbig the repeles and Mi-
provements desirable with speeial ref-
erence te the fileeaces and couditiou
of painting. Per Chairmen that the
cootlition of the eetehicter pipes be re-
ferred to the repaireeonnuittee. Pei'
II. Huston and J. Senior, that in view
of the umber of caees of smallpox
within the bowlers of the Province and
the possibility of infectien . being
brought to our widen the Board urge
n the: parents the desirability Of Oen'
complinewe withe be otweinetten clitteni
el the Boaiiii of Ilealth UotiCes at the
enelleet possible date, not only for the
protection of their own eitildren but as
Well to prevent their being O. source of
danger to others. Adjournment, per
W. 3..Carling.
J. Greene Secretary.
borne COttn011.
Council met April 7th, all themem-
leen present. Minutes of March meet-
iug were read, approved and signed.
By-law No. 2, consolidating .letielaws
releeing to school fieetion. bennularies
and areae, Was read a, second and third
times, passed by the Council, signed
and sealed.
The tentier of A. Hill & Co., Mitchell,
to build to. Warren truss, rivetted steel
bridge over creek. 13th con. on side.
road between lots 15 and 16, for 820,
was accepted ; bridge to be completed
by. July 10th.
The following Pethiatasters were rip-
pointen for the current year Div, No.
1 -John Webber, John Kerslakei, N
Switzer, Robt Kerelake, B Higgins,
W Cave, S Hunter, Pincombe, It
Kydei, 3 Horne,. Eli Coultice, Albert
Andrew, I Jame N Ogden. Div, No.
2-P McTaggart, 1' Case, Dovetail, R
McCord, W Oke, Reddy, (I Fer-
guson, P Moir, Airth, Geo Entering -
ton, P McDougall, R McDonald, j
Cann, A Neil, Wm Glenn,. Fred Keyes.
Div. No. :3-F Morley, 8 Horne, 3
Kyle, W Heywood, Squire,: $
A Fuller, Chas Godbolt, Hanna, W
J Tufts, W 'Wiseman, W Hazelwood,
R Copeland, C Wheltban, Div No
H Francis, T Coward, R Monteith,
Tucker, T Hunkle, A Bolton, 3 Vance,
W Towers, W .A.Ternbull,R Gardiner,
II Emcee John Duncan, R Doupe„ J
Rutherford, Hackney..
Orders were issued in paynient of
accounts amounting to 05e. 7
Council will meet on Saturday,. May
al), at one o'clock, when tenders will
be received for building abutments for
bridge on sideroad in 13th con., be-
tween bots 15 and 10, and also for
eeteat Elimville-stone or eeznent.
F.: Monalty,
The excitement that prevailed' over
the relief of Ladysmith! why ie was
nothing to the excitement in our vil-
lage last Thursday, it being the open-
ing day of oar new mill, when over
two hundred people turned out to cele-
brate the occasion. Did the women
go? Well I should say so. Why
there were tall ones, short ones, dark
ones and fair ones, fat and thin ones,
coming from all directions -a whole
grist, of them, And there ae, the door
stood Mr. Shier, the proprietor, suite
ing like the very king of tramps,ready
to weigh them in and weigh them oue.
And the faller fairly bursting with
good nature, longing to take the cus-
tomary toll from some of the fair miles.
But then he is it Scotchtnao, and as
you- know the characteristic of that
nation is modesty and bashfulness, 60
he juse pat the desire in his packet.
Vieelneafter everyone had got their
correct weight and signed their names,
we then proceeded to leave it look at
some of the mysteries of the mill. On
tile first floor we were show:, how the
wheat was emptied into this box. then
it goes into the cellar, then it goes into
this elevator, then comes up here;
then the bran goes out here, the flour
out there, the-shorts—oh ! then went
some place else. "levet too, we found
Mr. Carr making the very best chop.
Then we proceeded to the engine room
and the remarks of admiration 1 hat
ed Fred on the cleanliness and
-3 of -this depat talent must have
very encouraging. From thole
entered the basement of the mill.
— ter having the different uses of the
many boxes and pipes explained to us,
we started for the upper floor. From
the second floor we proceeded to the
garret, where the -funniest thing of all
met our eyes. They,call it the shaker
and sure it was, and to hear all the
funny rentarks. Some said it had !he,
palsy, some that it was ,Iler,V0118—sp
',many ladies looking at it, some that it
,would he a good place to sit on top
if yotWe're--
cold, same that---. But
it wonldn't do to tell all they said.
Thltit'aYd.iodk fanny , ea eee sleet a lee
body standing on such small cotton
legs. Now we are at the top storey,
bas have we eeea ? No. We must
have a. look iit the miller. if thp
looks ot the man neve anything to do
with the kind of flour, we would pre-
dict for this section the very best.
And as some present bad tried the
flour and hen proved it to be the very
best, we feel safe in recommending it
to all.
Boenne.-hle. Fox, of Durham, has
hired with Jewett -ma Shier for the har-
vest as bas also Kirk, of :Kirk.
ton with Albert Switzer of the Base
Line, -Mise Sitz' of Audereou vi as
visitiug Jno, Capelandisila,st Sunday.-
elissA.lice nugget,who formerly work-
ed for A. Melts in- Co., wits visiting ae
Thos, Hopkiuse last, Suuday &hoot
opened on Monday and the town has
livened up again after the bolidaye.-
George Hopkins who works for Dick
Canon of Wincbeleett was borne for
Sunday. -Fred Gadke bas moved hi*
few belonging's to the farm lately oc-
cupied by Andy Stewart, who is to
wow,: for the J. D. Moore & Co, in St,
Illarys.-eire. McIntosh, of Pealchill,
who was visiting at Rev. Knott's nest
week retuvned home.--Nie.s Katie
Fotheringharo, of Granton, is visiting
her cousin Miss .Anna Bell McKay. -
Mr. Collins, of Mitchell,the new tenant
on Stephen ilaine's farm, moved there
last, week, --A. J. Ford has sold two of
Itis wheels this season and bids fair
to sell more. -Mr, Martin, of Exetea
the Memo and organ man was trot to
Watodhete with a piano tuner last
weelo-Hugh Kirk, of Seienee
was over to Woodhant on his wheel
last week. -Pine balance of this curres-
pondence hasbeen unityoidably crowd-
ed ont.-EiLl
• $41plo.. .
Stiowineue-Erne aud O'Brien, the
featherweights of 010.' village, met ou
Monday evening, litst itt what was to
Ititee twee a legetuel bout, but. was
stopped in the secimd round by the
referee and the fight was declared it
draw. In the nest round Erne seemed
ttie favorite, he doing the rustling, but
he seemed wild mut multi not land.
They spae and Erne- swinge right and
lefteent nut, tens, t.ilinfd.
sends a heavy left tei tUe 140,
nmelt and WI* maw down, hut he is
Ur again soon and they climb :tun are
fouled that way as (110 gong temeds.
Second and lasit roman -Thee., come up
and O'Brien counnetwes by :it right
Swing which lauds 441 Bruen: ewe,
Buie returne a left and right lightly
on the head ; thee- then clinch and
commence wrestling. Here tlw ref-
eree interferes and etops the fight, nee
inuring it, a draw. After the light Jilts
Erne, brother (of the pugilist, chid-
lettged O'Brien to tight to a, linielt be-
fore a Week.
Binettee.-A pretty wedding was cele
beated at the reeidenee of A. Wright,
Cromarty, when his eldest daughter,
Miss Aland, was married to Ale Rona
Delton, of Staffa. The bride was sup-
portedby her cousin, Miss Diugman„
of Bowmanviile, while Mr. J. Wright,
brother of the bride, acted as grooms-
man. Rev. J. C. Nethercete perform.
ea the molten yetfter whith the bride
and grocite led the way to the (lining
room where a sumptuous repast await-
ed .the guests, who n =beret, abnut 80.
-Geo. Sellery has also taken to himmel.f
a, partner for life in the person of Miss
Addle Peff, lie is it prosperous young
farmer and is to be congiatulated on
securing so amiable a partnere-S.
Webb and Aliss Lizzie Hauibly attend-
ed the wedding •of Miss Polly Gregg, of
Walton, to Mr. Wm. Crawford on
Mrs. Thomas MUT, Byrnedale, Ont., writes
We have used Dr. Laved Pleamaut Worm
Syrup and find It to bo better than auy ether
remedy. ILIA easy to take and always
You seem all cliakee up and stuffee up
with the cold -find it hard to breathe.
Cough that rasps and tears you -but little
phlegm got up.
Now's the tim e to take Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup before things get too serious.
There 18 00 remedy equal to it for making
the breathing easy, loosening the phlegm
and removing all the alarming symptoms
of a severe cold.
"I caught a severe cold which settled on
my chest, making it feel raw and tight.
Seeing Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
advertized I procured a bottle, whichgreatly
relieved me, It loosened the phlegm, healed
the lungs, and soon had me perfectly well."
Or. Wood's
Norway Pim
Ever ave them?
Then We can't.
.tell you 'any-
thing about
them. You.
know how drk •
everything looks
• - • •
and how you are abcut
ready to give up. Sor4e7
-* 71 how, you oat* throw of
the terrible deprosz;let.
t • --
I Arethings really so
I blue? isn't ityourrnes,
after all? That's ure
the trouble. is. rcar
nervesarebeingpoiso;:ed -„,
from the irapuritics
Your blood.
power and ib
.erves. F- 4
hi is what. "Ayer's"
., rill do for you. the
0.16.1C$.1: S;Irsaparilie it: the
and, the kind thzt, was
oid before other Sazsa,-
parillas were iinenenet.
This also fICCQURES for
WANrincro "O10 1 fitaa
vs, go e 4
a Ayer's is worth three
bottl.es of the ordinary
tides teen. All ereetinini
muo ft;= Dot:fate
11 eau 1m -co tar complain: s-lh Ittew;:r
un5t.cgru the best me...olat t.t.N.ce Yea
Qin gsa!;tly xece7ve,wr.te elomr
frtzly. von yin
z156, viPzwat cost. Addrr39,
" J. 0..ATIat4Ti.24wa.P2a29.
Undertakin g
R. hi. ROWE.
When Doctors d;----\
Optician 4 3
sleeplessness and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause.
Nothing can effect a permanent cure•
that does not remove the cause.
That is "%that our scientifically fitted'
glasses do.
S. Fitton,
T. Fittgres JevveIry Store-
uy the Best
ignore the Rest
.In the end. you will find,
it cheapest.Furnish that va-
cant room' with one of our
BO Room Setts, Tables,
Chairs, Etc.
We have it, you want it.
Take a look at our full.line of.
FURNITURE and you will
lind what you are looking- for
• a- 4 - •
' °porn Rouse -Block.
ornen 5
Women are cone, - -
lug to understand.,
that tha,BaCkaOleS,.
Heade:ghee; Tired:
Feelings, and Weak
Spells .froni which"
they, suffer are due
to wrceigr actioit a.
the -kidneys:
19,0,ney Pills;
are the most reliable renaedy for any form'
of kidney complaint, They drive away'
rains and aches, make women healthe and
happy -able to enjoy lifelo'the fullest:,
Mrs. C. H. Gillespie404.Britain Street,.
Bt. John, N.B., says: '
"I had severe.kideey trouble for whicila
doctored -with a neinber of the beet physi-
cianeen St. John, but receieed
Ltearinn of leonine Kidney Pince'. I began -
their use. Before taking them Iconid noa
fitoop to tie my shoes; andeatiiineg eliffered,
such tort* that Ie:cmia'not turn over in bed
without Rs sistart --notoitnet Kidney Pine,
Italie rescued meefrom. tine terrible condi--
tion, and ientaved enerY nairnand itoliten