HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 2•44.,,We. ,• TRB BX1',013., TIMES Notcs and Cotnments. The leorchgrevirilt Seale Polar ex-, pea:- lom wbieh returned to New Zee- I land from Vittoria Laud recentlyo reptile that it has leoated the post.; Mtn at the south raagaette peke. nen., Oral years agaSx Jeneyle Hooker eald that " the key to the future know -1 ledge et terrestrial magnetism liee in the determitiation a the exact pesi- tiOn tbe south eatignetir pate; for j. we are not within Zell reales of geess O lee exact poeitiou." Sir Jeetpla had -; Tefere to the work a c.o.s. James rtoss, who. early in 1811, sougbt. a har- floor itt Victoria. Land with a view to *late:toe; there o.tel planting his flag o tho out magnetle pote in the DalOWing Summer. The neuest he came to it, towever„ was, when he wag off ItIount Erebus. Through cal- einlatIon leased on the dip and &cilia- e.tion of the ueetile I eonctuded tent the aregeerie prole wes aehl mites from reetentain, or, in other words, gCnnewbere near lee deg eaet tongt-, tune and 73 deg.. seutla latttene. 1•01..4.1.r Sixty -raven years ago She Jebel Tteee dlseavered the peeition a the Perth magnetic polite but eo reeeter- eninatien of its peeitiori hes since teen =Ade. A. knewledge oft wittere tetc. north anti 'south 1.01,33setii piees are is needed to set at rest the question, Atilt in dispute mow,- scientific men, Whether their pe.sitien is tined or earl- -elan If these pales are not station- Iere a comp:risen of their positious at eideeetent times wilt .ehtetz the directlen Inatt rate of their motion. Win three data are obteined the epetialists in this hreneh of yhythei have Inde he'pes that they +nay be ahle to tirel 'the ,571.4V th3t giT)VerOs eanstenny ...recurring eleinges tnee,netic de- telinatien, inteivettion en.t tateasity thet, it cheer., thete, vet-tett:to Mee' thi eeleulletre fee f Mere pin:,:ktf, adintes ere.. We diettevery wolf -tithe en:,4C et great stdentirg ',,ateeeet but also or pet:letting ratelite eo ott Invite:eters end surveyor?). COMING F THE STORM longer." But meanwbile the storm, was breevieg. The. fountains• of hereee were tilting up. The pry was being placed beneath the foundations f thei great deep. The last year had come, the. last month, the last week. the last day, the last bour, the last Di.sctISSe.S the =71* eg1;tntift1:1611t1. dah °ceall y, and another done enere for us. What a salve for wounded heart there is in tbe soft palm of a ebild's hand. Did harp or flute ever bare euch rausio as there is in a ebild's "good Frona our coarse, rouge life, the angels of God are ofteu driven back; but oho Rev Dr Tal m a ov comes into the nursery without feel - Time of the Deluge. • nig that angels are hovering arottud. rotted up front beueath; and trod roll- They who die in infaney go into glory' ed the earth anA ratty Luta tote wave but you are es:en-tin yoor cbildren Q wan-erg:I destruction. Ine men now to grow ete iu this world. Is it not a Put off going into the ark. They sey ettestIon, there that rings through 'ons May Go Into God's Ark --It Is a Wide Door-- tlIN'eVIANIYTIIITWENTT YEARS FIR$T Iwutgalhi tilise toanbilecomilnits of ye:ea' snteial, all the corridors and windin It Swings Out Toward All Our Woes--Hacseal:: T.I'etuY %::::::tdilt: IA . worldly associa(es. They win wait (regth1e1.3 4°r "'I" and etern"YI They $ay, .yau "" -,' You ease "I mean to see that t your sous end we With there Fastenings -.Once In All Earthly Troubles --triev. Dr. Talmege preeehei frem the .%`•:711.1,allettbuIleilghac.veae.gi‘s az.c.:7int,..: te3fogseeolf just eitar.goBuint-b.eeiso.71,itiltie gra, ex seem gfee heat 44 ettuvre about viVery well. 3nt le ?at" alla1? tity htuse into the ellt."-tlen. vit. L lasting Me." Whosoever will-Iat him After a white, one night, celiac)). expect a Man Of nly attain- twha !Ire good tmanuersl" V.6rY f:gon-log or- tk-xt:-"Ccm'e thmh "4 till km she'uLl not persish, treit have ever- I knots' Alt 1Z. about. 13.7rust neeP tune't)11'"11:14 I 'shall leoavste'4theYin.' 3 We de not need the Bible to prove renie through the large door. Archie. twelve o'clock, gutetg home, he passee ark? 'IT:Ptleau tit:, take ketat e " the Deluge. The geetogietee. hemmer anntiterree it. shel:s and merine pews b:s levere,,, and then he said tnat streees it, and a plane wife Dead! 4 TUI'n sT3C3IIII-nolsw Ct.:MING; meles 'wanted a fulerum tee which_ to a seaffolding, as a gust, wied mean to dresi:, itjtent vitt if A despatch frein Washington, eve: the heavens -that "fled to loved the Ments and cif my position to surrend- e have etheele to he ceuld mov the world. Cavalry is and outside the te all, that oat of Christ there is no forientiens, on the tep ot some of tbe the fulertuu, aad the Cron of Christ ' Frospeetepae% a e"weas eehleee isawaY, no pardon, no hope, no Ilea- tteet. Or, riding highest neenntnine of. the earth. prove ilil Ihe lever; and tiy that power all ne- creams into him. mud his team; ..whor. a„d zkt • .... A °elf e If Noah had. stayed out,. de Yon Further, it is a door that swinge, .wbolr su lao•e$ and t not suppose that Ids sous, &hem. Ham ever the tett a the 4V.Ps and the. tee h ways. I do uot know whether twigs fu tit n i - But na tleatt: la, '3 , to do just as yon do. Reject Christ Your SWIS and daughters will be a.pt earlae' Ire 1411cw "; whezber T the edeatirestnee4yeg ilta7oatirse,-;ahir Ittilsetedinagesr . tiaoltis 2::)),4*ra. .iteh °wit Habash 0 thet teens" thee the wetera dashed. eollees teneettinageo.tule, au -.t he shouts /41;" to got Mom in? tio in Your - stens shall eet be ilifted. itet. ciairtatei re Its. P 3W5 /AS ' anti Japhet, would have stayed mai Areles. In nbet way the e4tastv.ftv2i the dooe of the ancient :Usk wee 1M- the daelaboard, and : el . . are toward enit our wares- it swinge exeuua dt t it a e flies, as ou the Wrqr yOur children wM rej lei • youreelf. and the peobability is that ect . ne lightuing ehenging the ate late water, , in toward elle raptures oi heaven. It ,.to Kern -tee Oat of the wreck of the t er ity a strotte tif the bend a God„ swErigt in to let ere in; it swings out jeeese 1481 body ii,,, dr w . bit la out t ito rteeoeut was taii.en of tlie relig- tain dietrict. In the famillee of ploue A.il ere ere:, la Chriete-ebristian3 au . swifter cousser into the e”reat feiture., pueents two-tleirds ot 4.11 children tetrue of lite. tet, the earth --- fl IV t„,,.th, zmi 6311,40,1 hil ehahert. Dead 1 a d sttetter, of a comet or let fliesht-s of c* ti.ke true thrthie ot the ahe hhottteh tee 1 31 hat our nenisteeinh one.; ,,eme out, te uht, lartzed up, ait lied iiveill vitt a , louts eondition of the families in neer.. • # e etaggeted, To meet the eetaarerthe "Otte tinny of the living God. !night he wallrea uP with a dia" the parents were ungodly, only one• u ot *Ws tbe "4! Or• 3°41° wore Chrietinue. lathe raulities where Gest oteleced a gerae shigi hunt. It A4 lila einutrtsol we bow; I trees 'that momentarily ipereases, R. twelfth. or the children -were Chris - I was 74 tpe ,,,,itiwal tw.aa, fur ue Ithereu Part of the host 'have croswd the ! tuatit he altrielts out wit Th Km- 3 " tians. Reeponsible rtii you re fee flood, head sheuld gnaw L. It Wan vaet ?,,tot tale are. eyes:ilea new* twerity drew, but no relief-eforty 41, •bt doctor§ twine in, and they give him 1 heir temporal existence, you art! al - i u preeieLey 13r40 , Swing in. bleEleed dear, until d three teenerd za.eaniers. The ship ie .'i eat -.1,1 shall tro in and iiVe. Swing oat 1 reVasf: tifeloY tditeruh9shesritjthcierre*Pethi:Ittillipoo Whrt:;Itelaueta.as; tevill Igu, ttallkeler th4ettitrt Olt& 4vne. flit, 40,0r i.., ,T.,,n1). .4.10 u4ardtii inenit,:iin;101 tilibee 11;:aivtieunrs4 come fotth tol to read one Ot the peintel'see- Re tiMe 4" t4° cielugl'' (11. Int° th° 11114? lia" ., to get a singto Nin j. 4:* Tbv rate twee made goo earnest prayer for r'"vi- in' Tile C.31•12e v;•"UCr is, Tile 11•' 1 a 'dem' with tan. i ebijdron tareane Tee ethe faintli i heir inuncirta souls, '7 What w kit ',you 1 ui Intl ler, tt :4 grat•Sil'in:"...rh4;iii in. The hirde fly in. ; • el-,4:upi. The. flitile says ot Noah,' The VIAINC3 fait. Vie heart amps.. ?.44,iri %ill the '44144r14424,/Tueu Ciuu 41'1",!' Thh. invarattiutt g,),.,3 fool to ...,krab.,.. r',1he Lord shut hint in." A vessel; The soul flies. 0, to„y Clod! Dead I and ';4•1131.4/ la (len 4°' el* eurY" "Fran4/ ..h.thhh zhhti, ma, ,4gti tlay ut,Itto in,„0 lue, r:e.o.thatiusatflathwearsks or doors would. teat " ettiside the erkt 1, or NLary. Or Anna 7 'Where are those etter Jeer. . xi . hustegi feut.ly 14 4.- • Noab and lesei.-3a:1;e1.6Let.'diutite taV'sPeetele-legnh;vec'eolpIlhdQ011ebtt oLhi'Ailideer,ly.ski-4.4/3 kT.eget" : le3"';Aule‘mi4.4:3tet54iitilusiow,tival,:r_ Iii,ifirelf:11,:a I h4ve' ea. ev en the strange ekerAge„ atal 1 hear tile logs of 1" he doer a the arta they sArere world 14U41 4(1 Au ere a Mari tr,•0 tn. ,.._ clY lig "'" 33icl ° 3. 4 ..srt °Fs; th..or stem t,but. ..1, steer, eienei teee-,:,pe ", 71°4 Wed- Wh+heut these doors 4- 12' mad 6:aid. 344 41 is 3 pan meal ;eh toe ' titer. Yon gave me an etletntUOUR qn° .1 i ,,,„,. . , . ..,.. , i; ...„i,„. , ...,e. c„,,v s;44:,..jtv41_,t1;30 /If fit heaVy Ziurge ,,,e tee . a it wee. wey,. t lune min 4.1.0 it.ta deo. a!,04!,rnainuprs,an4 everything tivitee 'n4tit"1 ',4;:i 4t'l;"; il.7...:te..•.::'4r.:.;:p in"th; :hey mlalgtiTt4.;kVLIT,'.4144 :1,t:,,,:t.'!,',1:,1, pr,'„,fienttgrt1,130,:1111t1n; Itb."" Thilknaba,,16 lzgrt 1 L't?etni4k1), 44412 41044 ;fetire:j 1:Cli!c;". eett_Vii Ehttt, haute., It a 2... 1* in alit, mita. eale Ow att us ineehe tee art;, "Tim inp,! 104 At the ark i t\ii'eil. tirit.--i$ La 4* 4-', UES* 4°41 g°1114 UT° tn th6 43"" nee 1't1)4Lihe pref1ee‘'g4It0 t T.eeelGem eeiliea. h1 -4 V.1‘4 4 V %Vb. u haive taugh;itft‘ your meyarm.hrf .2ere ead i TMla MAP e.a01rettbow ie lvebeetSOU OSO vb. i.ivuia1,.0tti ntalgtg4 riy mbe g!enginto *L 2' Under tis s41Ug".''*5/1 4L41141*11*1 elt-toe ey tee fliee th1e4.te• '".",7aJglari a 11v7 :10ettlery eorn tile unmet2024 11"e is not tea irepertant as the great 4ere- 4tige '4U -4, leek kiewa tate ...lee wetete rre•redleoP te deep. Woven to mortice :when eeriebee. are on .9 Ilea_ ete-ea hey, um itie*, by the feat- of ileion. flee eioung 11114 4%Ore %hi A4ls there On' ',As • 4 after. It LS rAOT so remelt the few eltaid 'shrew 4 • 4A1 Infin117,8 At ;IS eitte the grave, as it IA It arnyalitreeettieueee1';itlel.ebtt..terneugett ee Lo,iegithnacoili-eatI-ic:ltic4/r1la.. i il.icIliL-te.,thgiI1t.A,ool,e- tti-eeaIT1 a1/tut,,Ce4n0.Oti PeeOtn&o.s. -p' t /1•.1.1tw- n.1n`l7e 1 .l%.ii• , mtnloe,eWvGn e aECteT atinllIlvyIliXithInCiitnNgeieOliN fWliehtir.qyoouuld wto!line'y li I'urlt:y,tte.'4- yclIP 11n.—n1ev11n41°1v144kss.IE14 14 "t,"b:llb1aet-4FtiPral.:,..'dd0 ivvorvwwt;tz4 h 44 414 ythteOl‘4111::‘ttrIiq41;131ign\eiti-t ymnedt . !f°t3edof e"4041ao1 oh. , .nloh14„sfec4erauuaue e.ihat penmainLtil-LA 4Uttu'lwt"`" ANNOTOPOW lt)-LI When I ot (11. 21 o tie eltilot4gnItlia.14°11de'tinY1 Tiali ieenheeeines iyp0 g tgi11.c4brniioith174:;1iS W4td °1°°tle°4:41"i--feireIe-:lieet-invltss- i mi eof tererhrhe netUtt8i'1 .1 1sZnlLto d2°314411('vn444e tIf tpheheunhante 1 el four egand twv1„yed IOUll KNEEtbet no. e* 4'.i2 0 eternity 1 ter tnet ltacgonenotlin,tliethe eetth uea oeoehuLech' the .inet ff /ittelt, ilealouo hearYou ItraY. tNTPU101ON. tgteeeatedl'. aVe 1911# earritige owl cabriole • limy he ttAVe Ala a tout* 1 %eel. dn it„ eh t 'here Is 3, NviliSP"Ing'galli"7* A l bee 84114 for it 0- eo3t, As the eeseetell rel. -te toot k ,„4, IA 11,,gi titski 6t.auris .. 44-4mittlIt. T.130. 3444 44 deep uf 4•01u4m4r• nt); I414%,Vat' 441. ilting, lAll1-4ed at that , voice uttered MoSt freety et otte aide etwer the. sauthern enagnetle tole it `' 4"" 1a€'11111`"14°14 1" h h Pretty eh le it % fatiered, .4; tio'on eetteeehite ;tor- . • alt AO VA Ai 04.,•4 wte • fa tall ,Yiel are Mee notieng about further 4.7q.4-'!4"rru. ul,,nlitatn,.. 10‘;14(i 0,1 the 1111 44454'-' 81.' .41;:lAt broken up, aud for ireces Yeat out of the kingdom oe itt ;the is ItederiltdaiitisttineVY ittiene On Wietoria Lend, it iie/ be twit oNs 4t• .2ilu•ot ;lieee3 111') 41,417:1`1(Thaiztlw huvrwan°*1°.(14 :iaeusrinAl 1,At'gr'g':)is4 twee -mei 81edgo wee. thei.in toveiril 1.4 8.. 44 "1"Y ‘'lh -°*711 1- Ili""'s stru''" 11.m. D"t wan 5."°. U uz "1 )t. the/.ef II h d 4U:144-1,- 241 du.", er eit ellereel frem the etortn. •"'rho Lora In the dee of eternity will tbey bell atsuad s Nirtlie and tallkes twit - tee Seuth Pole proved to he ittitireet:- i`tt ttett to.`„,.:- u'ut hirsi ill*" 4. fhtod ditmeetle Yen ottl ; Ah. they cea keep s-ou out Ven whitiPtlEin,g-sallorY• as • iho hut to stand nnitie. thtmgli It is certain that a up,te the trunilieu frit Itho• 7111d bi.3"") 14"' "It th"3? heel' Yell e"t ar'" riol to h't 4"°, *4t 4f conshiereble leneth „e thew „teeth wee h., te-reivement came. The raut ettleee; of heti! in the door and teal, until ell thti fam- e A. 39 ' ' 414 the Wails blew' the heavens •tre .1l.v trientla end neighbers email in t HY "ale in. Aged 147°41-11 where ie neecesary, either by boat or eleil te. -Itas ntin"teinel Woe to 11.10 bea 1 . -1. . ' ' - ',..ji" • 4' • --- ' ' i 4I f David!' oltere is Abse1orat ki, .....! i dm zi,, „Ltruli:o.. wivra ou the txth ,,t, ,tne, 111 the gardens of ea; tidy d.-- Ile i ;away. teolue in thruugh Christ, . ' al' le . . . the, wide door-tite door teat swIngit l ilantubi I'vhet-e. i° ha* Innei / Bring cut tuward you. Conto in and be , them in through C7hrist-the door. elle I Won't it be enemata to spend eternity saved. Come eud lie Istuppy. Senn and the Ikeda say, nemee. I wit h our families 1 Gladder those Ittroir, in the ark 1 Christmas Or Thanksgiving festival iueitee you to bring your family, family into the aek. Whielt of them bat 110 alit gnlan alone. The text 1 will be the reunion, if we gee all our etteme, teen, end all thy ihm„e,.., Tim t . eon we spare out of heaven I in order to reach the neignetic pole FLOATINS sToNES. 'tIZ4-%V41.3. itieptetnt,er, tefier tile stiud We for t• ; net t Leg T(OU 111°A"11 that' Lb° ;I era,. eat in the itesnlaits1 roneery. st""° "' ttellii"""4'..uil in, the doleful hall once a -ring tekelout dis-iut-', with Int•rry VuitTS. 7:14111; silent forever ;;;iiiieey‘etete a fact not tu be he *Tied, 'The Lord gave, the Laird leith takers away; blessed he the name of the Lord." "The Lord Molt Itina All dickens of a life-tiane clamoured for his overthrow. The broken 'VOW% 11:41 dlAilull4411 red So bbat lei, the out - t "f joY gre buried fifteen iethi,s 14•11"'".4.' "ewl 141‘'"4/36: f2-"4 1146 deep. Rut stending by the empty The nits or Seale That Prof: mon , • . -to.. An. sew riettitng In the Ocean,. ,I say that Prof. Erlaml Nordenskield, the soul et ettOltel IS. C031ING, i 01 the frtmout. Arctic. explorer, riaW a compaxed with whieh Nuah's deluge eurious eight last year while fleeing was but an April ehewer; eau]. that it, le 13e, long .and marrow ehanuel a vb. is wittist "Ad '4'tfe3t i°r Sual "131 :fur le ,. •. Y 0 ' 'a, ' , Y. Ulna. luerArlZa, On the seuthweet coast Th., ieNiutiva ume went forth r,,geous profanities, the mistime:in- of Pit,agonia. olieerved fragniente Nadi :meads in our ears-"tenne thou ors of twenty yetra reached. up their of slate fleeting on the surface in larg-, ttliti ull thy house into the ;irk." hends to the door of the ark to pull Welt, 11;w did Noah end hie family lam out. The boundless ocean. of. his ar or smaller dusters. There were oe„,„att 111.1, the ark C Did they Mimi) in sin surrounded elle stool howling like e great many id them and at one gest ""t at the window or come down the mutt sonoom, raving like an Eurorlyilon. et that net he gathered in about 700 L. ,4 a, went through iho door. Arid ' But looking out of the window he enema The stones had evidently drift.- "" just so, we get tutu tho ark of God's ' s:tw his sins sink like lead into the nd on, front the beach, winch was coy- mercy, it wilt be threugb Christ the , depths of the sea. The dove of heaven ered with Mannar fragments that had door. The entr ince to the ark (died brought an olive -branch to the ark. fallen rrom the slate cliffs behind. The must lieve beeu a very Lunn entrance. The tenth of the billow only pushed eurietee of the stones was dry and they We know that it was from tile fact + him toward heaven. "The Lord. shut *sank at once if they became net that there were monster animals in 134111, inl" threugh the roovement of the swell. the. earlier ages; and in order to get The same door -fastening' that kept The fragnaents eontained no air ewe- them into the ark two and two, ac- ' Nob in keep the world out. I am Mee that were perceptible to the nak- eerhing to the Bible statement, the to know that when a man reach- ed eye, but 9. discovery was made that door must have been very wide and es heaven+ all earthly troubles are may explain the fact that .stone frag- very high. So the tioor into the 1, done with him. Here be may have had mem of a specific ?ravity, of 2.7Iwere mercy of God is a large door. We go it bard to get bread fur his family; floating on a fluid of a epecific grav-!in, not two and two, but by hundreds, there betwill never hunger any more. Ity of 1. and by theusands, and by millions. , Here he may have wept bitterly; there If was found that small gaseous bub- nles were attached to the under sure. Yea, all the nations of the eatith may i"the Lamb that is in. the midst of the go in ten millions abreast. throne wilt lead him( to living faun - fere of the floating stones, and these bublavi were also found on stones at the fringe of the health where they were being eontinually washed into the see and went floating away. The greasy surface of the slate fragments oleo helped to keep them afloat by pre- venting water from adhering to them. This unusual phenomenon is of geo- logical interest and may serve as an illustration of the bard problems that often pre,sent themselves to geolo- gists. Prof. Nordenskiold believes that tonsiderable solid matter is thus trans- ported for greater or less distances. Thrus now strata, that are now form- ing at the bottom of the sea may have a considerable admixture of these frag- ments representtng a far -distant geo., votes that penetrates the Hindoo jun- the bulwarks of celestial, light shall logical, age. Perhaps some gaologiet, gle, and the Greenland ice castle, arid not break them down. Howl on, ye centuries from now, rtlaY Puzzle his Brazilian grove, tbe English factory winds, and rage, ye seas. "The Lord shut him; itt?" beed over the question how this for- and American home, cries out, "Come, eign material Was introduced into- the for ail things are now ready." It Is a Oh, what a grand old door! So vride, later rook -bed. wide door The old ceoss has been so easily swung both ways, and with The dew ox the enemt ark was an . tains water; and God will wipe the side. So now it is in the side of ; tinily all tears from his eyes." Here Christ -the pierced side, the wide open be may have hard work to get a house; aide, the heart side. that we enter. but in "my Father's house are many Aha t the Roman soldier, thrusting his manstons," and rent -day never comes. spear into the Saviour's side, expect- Here there are death -beds, and cof- ed only to let. the blood out, but he fins, and graves; opened the way to let all the world THERE IS NO SICKNESS, in. Ob, what a broad Gospel to no weary watching, no ehoking cough, preaehl If a man is about to give no consuming fever, no chattering an entertainment, he issues one or chill, no. tolling bell, no grave. The two hundred invitations, c.agefullyput sorrows of life shall come up and up and directed to the particular knoek at the door, but no admittance. pereons whom he wishes to entertain. • The perplexities; of life shall cora@ up But God, our Father, makes a ban - and. knock on the door, but no admit- guet, and goes out to the front door Ulnae. Safe for ever! All the agony of Heaven, and stretches out his Of earth in one wave, dashing against hands over land and sea, and with a • taken apart, and its two pieces are such sure, fastenings. No burglar's 1A.VE NO USE FOR TIIEIR TOES, set up for the door -posts, so far apart keY ran pleir that, look. No swarthy c . ean oome in. Kings arm, o • e ran s ove az tt o , e . - husbaad with you-aot by fretting about religion, or ding-donging them aye "ain't" his PthCs' Lhere Is stixe t° ef shoes go on iorever why should scatter treasures on days of great. re- I rejoice that f clo not ask-. you to come aboard a crazy craft with leak- be a vaeancy. • means your wife and your Children. I On ores or the Lake steamers there You -cannot drive them In. It Nealt twee a father and two daughters hod tried to drive. the taverns and the liottl'neYiNtt T.,:itei s"sule'll "irm'eltv dotes into the ark. be would only ;Poor. A oenerotent gentleman eteelied have eeat toed thezzi,, sumo paroutb up to the poor man, to proffer some are not 1%ilie about these things. They !"./at of rell.ef# and said, "You seem; to melte iron mite about elabbaths. and 3 be very poor, sir." "Poor, aid" replied they force the catechism down the !the man, "If there's a poorer men thront, as they %meld hold the child's itheta me a troublin' the world, God tutse and farce down a dose of rhu.- ; Pity both of usl" "1 will take. ono. of barb and calomel. You cannot dt•ive your ehildren, and adopt it, if you say I your children into the ark. You can so. I think it would. be a great relief draw, your children to Clutha, but you to you." "A what?" said the poor cannot coerce them The Crites was ;man. "A. relief?" "Would It be relief lifted not to drive but draw. "If .1 be ', to ha ve the bands ehopped off from lifted up, I will draw all men unto ,, the budy, or the heart torn from, the me." As the sun draws up the drops breast t A relief, indeed! God be good of morning dew, No the nem of Righ- 't** us 1 Wbat do you mean aid" seteonustaunees: exhales the tears of re- i Go home to -night and ereet a fault- ily altar. You may break down in Come thou and all thy bouse into ,Your prayer; but never mind, God will the ark. Ile eure that you bring 'take what you mean, whether you ex. your husband and wife with you. How ,Press it intelligibly or not. Bring ail would Noah have felt if, when be i your house into the ark 4 Is there one heard the rain watering on the roof , son nbom you have given up? Is be so of the ark, be knew that his wife was 'dissipated that you have stopped cone- . outside in in the storro.1 No; she went - selling and praying? Give him up? How -....—a-- with him. And yet SOMe of you are :dare yuu give him up? How dare you on the ship "outward bound" for :give him up/ Wbile thou hast a single heaven, but your companion is umbel- - articulation of speeeh left, cettee not -REVIetele VERSION. . heaven, but your cementation is unshel- to prey for the return of that prodigal. 1 Myer. -As Shakespeare says, Jesters tered. You remember the day when Be nasty now be standing on the boatel 'do often prove prophets. the marriage -ring was set. Nothing at Hong Kong, or Madtast meditating l Gyer.-Yes, and he might have add - hes yet been able to break it. Sick- return to his father's house. Give him ed that prophets often. prove jesters - nese came, and the finger shrank, but up! Hes God promised to hear thy especially political ' and weather pro, the ring stayed on. The twain stood prayer only to plock thee? It is not Phets. alone above a child's grave, and the too 'late. dark mouth of the tomb swallowed up a thousand hopes; but the ring drop- ped not into the open grave. DAYS OF POVERTY CAME, RUSSIAN NOYES IN ASIA. steutoeance. or Mei Wagon to Rearm the !Pettish Indtan army. The decision suddenly arrived at by the Britiele Government to plage the nattve troops he India on the same footmg as the. British in the untter tt. TUE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AMU. 29. egesue and Jcelot Itaptlit,r auto 1058. +Ridden Iresx1,, uarn I. an PRACTICAL NOTES. 01 Verse 18. Showed him of tat these armament: has caused much sur- It'lleo and 0, good deal 04 81'0°4 -Intl" theig.oart. on04thaellitINovullnett out there. Hitherto tbe native Indian the centurion's servant at Cayenne. troops have invariably been armed utin the raieiog et the wiclow'e soo at with weapon inferior to that in the "pia, and other teachings and mira-. haude of the .British soldiers; and after .30111.1„ The Baptist, -ulna Waft the greatt mettely 1847 the native now imprisoned by Herod Antipas . artillery was abolished. Under a re- • the depths of the lonely wilderness eeut re'521ut5eu st the Piiiieh UsTer,u- ,110:11:cheenhto avr sltound4eirg: 4st hotraei went, however, the arming of te° i led to his 'imprisonment ; toesy vait• :e"titts47vitintlicte°1t-1.1417eielvdifinuedig2t7i8ot; rtellsbwaillrevettsille0lanhaeurn:u11:;hel:uilal. `Itli1084 1* u et the enmity ot the king of Oat- rietPteflet'ditrayr,i falti5d NavUttemtaptueraprylaelsesuV40114 119!"eiterer' ,babny4 rebukingePev1.a17 t beg4 iithe k„1. and bow "atepolettcse-Xinetitiaoltrisfyliell )3fiesaminatahee rte:etruv: partly to proteet hi.ne and partly be - other regfinente. in order ant they ceeTlalrnalleiAl atitane 141113 I 3 let 'awutoliToi Ph4111i akeult:ael ielperItte 8. mane:, is_boeapopusat, througb a course of - Although at John's owe suggestion, s ruetion the )eautineg of their some of ids dieciplea had followed Sits - preparatory to Teem- Er! tuisl6otertsbealtaistuttAlecinotxntoiltioder E;,othoi4. Aver: "lg. the Thee-taitebis wittelt ne se" for anotiv,0 John had believed Jostle let to ladle an fast as they can( be to he the Messiah, and had An pro" niNt Qui, of the agnii alat twtones, claimed hiro„- but JeAlla is nut asektrie- 4bl:a WM ty-urived at Aleeimion at the !Lug *1:8"914414° silveQ•igntic John 444 ideuttised Ito:lawn wait Jesus's inter. British Government is generally at• irituttal itt India to the unsettled state f Ventral Asiatic politics and the ferar of 111.1-$Siall aggreesiea on the Iler- Ad Afghan frontiers. In Judie enost interest being manifest- RII.88448 movemtolta WhIeh 1 dkleussed in the beer the vent of the Grillalc, AO- Unhoat of 083 tons, to Bander Abbas an the eutrance of the Persian Gulf to -take in. 3113 tons ot coal that had been sent there by a ihanbay Mot teas been treated by the whole Indien preae as A matter of great signeft- cane*. What seems to he considered must remarkable abut this affair is the fact tha.t the 1,111Jak has net space to:4,4;ert blaouauldaliregtrientef4;504%3N:sayi:gila:: eigiaatt:t;tivagt; co -4„, end after filling them and Z4 Vuiriler 4.44lees Ott account, of the itessian Goiernimut. Itrem tilts the impoaseion has eilw Ih.tt Russ,:t hos2234 siv4h e I his6'grnat),414137 bLuelli'ej‘ e4!.ifletUr ;Pa.: sASS upen that part, and has tondo it noitielorna 04 441.14-. cooaulieugoicittibi,t,itiundinoti1254n ttpieirrsk,:o4twituteituratisnsra;nimsilitse iel:iienesItoturneg- up at important points front much smaller beginnings; and asks, with others papers, what the Reitislt. Gov- ernment is going to do A0814 it. „ 2J'o0e* W4114 coal:41;44:0:r atnEsni, Itfiztroledn•ttrtzull?igtilda14,1elipuiFx 4-3416 to 1.144-5 41*14 apply MS lever to- the nation. strengthening of the gJrnstdIS 44 what things yo have soon and heara. of Russia. Other steps, stem as the.: 1,12, (-10 your way. Return. Ton Jasla the Bet felt too resaes toward 13:11n,iletie The elimatele emphasis is put on what her, and. the roneolidatiett of Lee' they heard, the poor the gospel Is frontete distrtete' tomittende, ore eon"! preached. Or, as the Revised Version eidered tot lie in the same direetion. of Afghani ellen of Joyaltiyh.' mGtheer; nhaao2t3,41,011)1*eo'sit:E:andriltiotdkilliinno'gsze;*.;0).(41VoVr% shait The retteat declaration. of wIIh Governruent, is also spokeu oft!! tar more of tomfort. than reireke. In but nor in. every euse so favtitubly them. The Reviserl Vermen is, "WhOt. Ottght seem tu jttittifY• It 'stosver Lind none occusion of penned out. tlint ite pitraseologe nen- stumbling in me." This strange way tiletintistr:eettilyliaugnti.1-111taattis(ithana. tine t.4%hlelePteetniaatt .tilteattanailanhilligla-1341teentete. INeirtariaa- the Aimee. commits Iiimeelf to nothing , ed indeed is he who has the splritnut arid ia hitting on the Some Se far tis insight to discern thief: 14 18 810441 3404* the utteranees of the itinedun Press : like to dispense love then wrath, are concerned they are the reverse of 24. 'When the, messengers of John unfriendly to Aighenistan, whose inel. were deported, he began to speak un- depeudent existence they deseribe as; to the people emiterning John. Not essential to the accomplishment 04! that he deprecated, the messengers R,oesia's plans to seeuro an outlet to heering what he said, but thesr having the Indian Oeoan, free from the ine emcee ore an important mission, he eervention or control of any foreign 'speeded them; back to their master, flag, through Persian • What Went, ye out Into the 'wilder - Commenting on the war Soath ness for to seat The intense -drama- Al rice, the native papers almost with- tic eberectexe of roost of OUT Lord u out exception, express wishes for its i teachings is too little recognized, and speedy conolusion, being or the opinion I what: follows is a good example of le, that if et is nrotriteted too long, un- A. reed shaken with the wind The toward events, night be prodneed itt answer to -this ouestioneis not gtven; India, already suffering froro ever ex -e it es implied. John's message seemed rending famine and the plague. At to got back on his former testimony the Sar+Se Unto thet are gratified at the 1 comerning Zeus, These people were +evidence of confidence in t.he fidelity i for the present, at *least, sure to, be of the Indian army to British ruled true to Jesus. They might ,have pre - has been aftorded by the' judioes Against! John, and our Lora 13rieish Governmentt in the order to -wished to correct any such prelude. rearIn' the nattve troops with modern tee. . 25. A man clothed in soft rairaent It Wit& ttetther a weak man -with chartgeful disposition/ nor a courtier, - that ist a politioian-who sought tit keep, on/ the right side of power. They,.. whieh are gorgeously- appareled,„aud 3344*8 delica.telh. are in. kings' couns. eXyrtoonyeoswsuoahtioaardniiboituete.hnateekgoinune, 480 pothliellyie,iial. 28. A ptrophet I Yea, I say unto you, and Muth niore than a prophet:. Earle in his career John bad •fulfilled • lIORE SENSIBLE. deseries a remarkable prophecies that He -I'd leave tny happy home for pointed to the forerenner of the 'Vies - you. atah, and later he had revealed a ehar- She-That wo+uld be 141101 I'd ten acter the moral brillitinge of which times rather you furnished one and has been lost in the Faye ot the ris- took me to it. lenge g ed. HARBINGERS. • Have yon heard a. eeiiin, yet•, pro- ests, hitt Jesus A$ lanortug John. eulterings, It is high time tor the Messiah to do something worthy of himself, and 14 310 continues to 'Weal; the peasanto of Galilee, John seoraa to think he should retiouPeo his Mts. stank professions. For whitt putl- pass does God send a Aressialt 0111 tip throne in Tiberias is a villain who should be in illiS AlUngeell. not Johan In .1exuealera iire pagan eulaittot defil- nig the holy place. Tile OCHS all saw so clearly year& ago are intensifying and onlitiplyitig wtth tire pitesege tre than. liehere 'is the fire that shall burn up the dross? Where is the hand to owing the ax to the root of the tree Where is the winnower to sever.. ate the wheat frtatt the ehaff 7 Why daily in obscure villages when one hold stroke would liberate the nation. glority Clod, hurl infamous teretehes from high places, and set good menet% pedeatals the whale nation civet? 20. lie that COMO, Or "tie that cometb," was a title given par;iiculax. ly to the expected Nfessialt. Or look we for another? The wail of despair. hn Meesiah, thought John, would pare elle elm% a career as that of Jesuit, But Jceum hail filled the earlier toe- ditione of the cepected spirRaul and ter.operal ruler. lie was nein, <Reap. pointing the long -cherished ,o.ties of Cl*e nation. Why 7 21. In that same hour he enrol many of their infirmities and plagnPA and 01 evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. oontinued what he had been delay for dap and. weeke and months, catiug for nutlet- duul maw, %then John wanted hire., to ADVICE TO A YOUNG WIFE. Never disturb a Man while reading and the hand did many a hard day's his paper. work; but the rubbing of the work Never ask a fat man for anything ageinst the ring only made it shine while • brighter. Shall that ring ever he - pulling on his beets. lost I Will the iron clang of sepulchre Never speak to a man until he has b d semething good to eat. gate crush it for ever ? X pray God en . that you who have been married on Never discuss servants at a, tabl41. earth may he gathered in heaven. 0. When you want anything welt until by the quiet bliss of your earthly your husband bas had his breakeait, hionae; by the .baby's cradle; by all and then help hint tenderly into his the VOWS of that day when you start- ewe and while behind bine smoothing ed hie together, I beg you to tete to his collar the right way, ask hien for it that you both get into the ark. it. that all the world • f h 11 h b k th t b It ome in, and bring your wile or your wh he leehe thhueeh ,tnd plata 1101 our toes grow together? We tmeing. So Christ, our King, comes bare no use for them. We meet and scatters the jewels of heaven. Rowland Hill said that he hoped to manage them. About one man in get Into heaven thi•ough the erevices 1,000 can pull on his interossei 'nuts- of the door. But he was not obliged thus to go:in After having preach - cies and spread out hie toes. In the atemaieing 999 these inuscies are as dead as fiber. They haven't been ii.teed since the infant stuck his toes ed the Gospel, 1,11 Surrey Chapel, go- ing up toward heaven, the gate -keeper cried, "Lilt up your heads, ye- ever- laating gates, and let this man come in his mouth and crooned a baby song In. evithout words. If we wore mittens THE DynTG THIEF WENT IN. all the time the individual control of Mohan' Baxter and B,obert Newton our fingers would be Iost.,,We eat 80 went. in. Europe Asia and Africa about religion, but by a conststent life, and by a eoannelling prayer that shall bring the throne of God down into your bedroom. Better live. in i he smallest house in 13rooklyn and get into heaven, than Jive fifty piers in the finest house on Madison Square, and wake up at la.st and fled that one of you for all eternity is outstde the iteamph, come into the erk. Know well that the door that shut Noah in ark, Go home to -night ; lock the door of yonr room; take up the Bible i.11(1 shut the world out; and though when react it together, and then knee,' dawn the pitiless storm eagle pelting their heads, they beat upon the door "I and commend your souls to Hien elm has watched you all thee years ; and couch soft food that we have soarcely North end South America raity yet saying, "Let me in! Let me int" the before you rise there will be a flot- any need of teeth. Gums would art- go through this wide :door without door did not open. For erle touldrect terings ef wings over your head, angel ewer every porpose, aS Mastication is orowdiag. llo I every one all con di- t ne twente years they we re in i /tell; crying to angel, " Behold, 1 hey pray I" INV eXpeoten tri come ill; t.nt the ,nte- th' d . L ' 1 d •• It • detuviaris , said, "we must etativitie these fields; we =Mat, be worth naore flocks .of sheep and herds of °tittle; ing hulk, and broken helm, and un- If he lies on ihe sore after dinner fastened door; but an ark fifty oubits ehrtkes the house with hie enures wide and three hundred - cubits long, a.ecuse eine nor tit sleeping, for he is and a door BO large that the round. "merely lai Ing with his. eyes shut." earth without grazing the pasts might le he says he is "going to the elite be bowled WI for an hour, dear,- bid. him adieu for Now if the ark of Christ is so grand t be evening. a place int which to live, and die, and If loees his handkerchiefs every- where but at home let hint have les own way about it -that the washer - NN Mlle 11 is dishonest without your know ing . pertoreaed by machinery before -tett, tams, all ranks, all people. Luther begin a meal. There - ere over 200 said that this truth- was worth carrtr- teistinet muscles in the Jauman body of ing on one's knees from Rome to eer- iWbich the best of in keep almut 100 unalera • but I think it worth carry- famil•y. Bring the children Loa. God bless the dear Li/111d rec. I -What -would our homes be tvithout them! We may prune ow:idiot:in by proper use. : ing all adotted the globe and allaround will wait until.. we get. a little have done much for there. They have 1iyou want him -to do anything. wee. er tell him, it is good! for him, for he W411 me be "tied to a, w-onian's apron sI rings." Oceupation is one great source a enjoyment, Not man, properly men, tied, wee ever nuset'able.---L,oadote ing Sun of righteousness. HOW greet Jahn was we cannot know; that be was surpassingly great is plainly de- clared, and if the rays of Jesue have teinporarily obscured bis Inightness, eve know at least that it is 04 41 sort to eeesee shine throug 8. h all eternity See John Oh, yes, I've. heard robins, 13ut I never believe that winter's baokbone is broken until I've seen a oireus. A PRIVILkklE IGNORED. Theee's one thing 3; under- stieul about. the rich. What's that* Thee cat afford to -keep out of soci- ety and enjoy themselves as they want to, and they don't do it. PREP ARATORY. Booklteeper.-Your, wife is at the &me, air, and would like to speak to you a moment. MY, Sellers. -Yes; just see wha.t my balance at the ba.nk is, will you? ePABLE INJUSTICE. Ma, I didn't get the spellin' prize. WeWell,piokey, better luck next time. WOOtatA144 L eeoa,ineugtolone,..tit.:0, t.7hva:ra t:gal_jr_r0171'abtut,g..tohtriliat ain &.226-3A2,tneng those that ere born of women there 48 riot a greater pro- Vilet ihan John. The ReviSed Ver- sion show; that what Jesus said was "There is none igreatee than John," and a fair int2 rpretation. regards this IS an es. lima te of his ettelleetua ' abnities, biS honorable position and prerog a t ives, his moral excellenee. Eat lie that iS least in the kinecim of God is wreater theta he. The Greek is he that is lesser," air but little hi the kingclolin. He that is in the heart at our Lord's spiritual kingdom, how- ever little he 'may be himself, has greater adventagee, ' greater f1 -L4[ loges, higher preregatives, than John. Yes, be will knew more ecencernieg Him that is to come than John eten knovv.... Tee statue may not be so large, but the pedestal will be higher. I/1? aGAINST TROUBLE. Shall I toll you haw to test your influence as head of your family ? Yes ; I'd like a pointer or too. Try to reign" Ite your - wife !tint daughteron reading novele.