HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-26, Page 1'HURON e0. M1DDLLSiX ...(4AZETTK.,„
OOD buyerS make it a point to examine the quality as well as the pricq. Otu. stoc
is Pow complete with new, fresh, up-to-date goods for sprinls,_ Ale endeavor to
make it to your interest as well as ours to inspect our stock. springWo
our prices.
o refund your money if you are not satisfied.
New Shirt Waists
Just arrived la various fabrics. All
hand wade, up-to-date etyles, pretty
and fnseinittiog combivations in lawns
and pigees designs, Ooe 9, kind only.
Colored Pique*
For outing, Seiko and skirts lie
pinks, blues, navy bines, blacks, 1
30.1ne1e plain zephyr, plults, blues,
black, navy. heliotrope, red. Extra
juaUty, 8e2 124e. 15c, 17c.
At Properiees
New Season's Silkolenes in the new
vet coloriogs and patterns. 10c
A. quantity of tine Glass Towelling
'Sr orth
130 -in three-quarter Bleached Tabl
Linen, at 25c, worth .1.0e.
5-8 AR -Linen Napkius.
75c per dozen, worth $1.00
$1.00 a L25
1.25q 1.00
L50 II 2.25
Fine, all linen, fringed and hem stitch-
, ed Towels 20c, worth 30e, 25c worth 35.
Lace Curt ins
Our prices in these good will be found
to be as low as elsewhere and often
ower. But never so low that we can -
lot guarantee them.
50 -inch wide Certain; 10c foe $0 25
60 e e 05e for 50
00 e . $1,00 for 75
00 a n 2.25 for 1.50
00 e s 1.75 for 1.25
00 a e 3.00 for 2.25
50.inch wide, 3!, yds lone, Swiss Lace
Uurtains will be sold"at ae.00.
Ow Leader in Bargains.
A bargain with us means more than
low price, it includes quality as well.
every pair stamped 'Louis Hermsdorf.'
Guarauteed. Two pair for 25e.
We have just received n. shipment of
Bucklee, Beauty Pius, Cuff Links, ete,
f cone New York, all the newest styles.
Ladies' Sailor Nab'
We have a complete asiortmeut
the newest aptoelate shades and
shapes. Note a few of the prices ;
Ladies' Sailor of rustic straw, silk
ribbon ba,nds and gilt buckle,
very new ...... .. . . 500
Defender shape, pressed rough
straw, dark blue, polka dok, vel-
vet band, leader......... „... tiOc
Very special in Sallee& in black,
newest shapes............ -oc
We can save you nioney in these goods
this week.
15.5 I) 81=72E8.08
25 only Large White Bed Quilts,
very fine and nice patterns,
worth 81.25, for ..... .
.414, . imimmaimpaimpia
1300T8 fitiD SHOES
All the celebrated J. D. Xing's
Shoes, bright, fresh stock in
the new styles, just arrived.
Leilies',Dong Oxford $L2,5, worth 81.75
af e. 1.75, 2,25
Cloth Top if LK 1.75
" Glove -grained But 1.75, 1.35
Ask to see the Xing quality Lady
Shoe 5,00
Parties who intend building this coming spring can save money by getting our prices on Hardware, be-
fore buying. •We are in a position to quote the lowest prices and have a heavy stock of
33uildere Hardware.
it Pays to Spray.--eustop-
Your fruit trees. Ask for our
treatise on "Diseases of Trees and
their Remedies." Also ask to see
for painting, whitewashing and
spraying. Also the "AYLMER
SPRAYER," which has received the
highest awards against the world
in England and Russia, also first
_place throughout Ontario.
Is the name of the new fact8r3 "*. MIXED PAINTS
can. It is the best made, as it is
the only one-piece bottom can
made. No tearing the floor;
cheapest, as it only takes half the
time and solder as a pressed bot-
tom does.
IRMIMemliMMMIM•sommoomoavommonile. Wnsaamololoi
Garden and Field ; a full stock PURE MIXED PAINTS
fresh and clean PURE LEAD AND OIL
Sole agents for this well-known
Paint; every can guaranteed
to be up to standard in sample
and quality; ask for book of
fi, 13181--10P Sc 80N
Beteues.-Mr. Henry Smith is hired
for the seasor with Mr. George Haw-
..den,mason. they are now engaged put-
ting a brick foundation under and
•vetteering Mr. Wm. Dearing's unoe-
tupied house -Mr. Wm. Bailey who
has been visiting friends in Sodom has
.returned to his home near London. -
Mr. and Mrs.lsaac passed Sunday with.
friends in Exeter. -Miss Eva Penhale
was visiting filends in Exeter a few
days last week. -Silas Sta,nlake Sr.
.addressed the league last Sunday even-
.ing.-There is a bad hole in the cul-
vert between Win.Chingis and S.Stan-
elake's which should be attended to or
•e, bad. accident may be the result this
culvert was built the year the Lake
road was gravelled which is 29 years.
10 • (Late with bleOarthi-Oildr &Co, Toron-
to,) Barrister. Conveyancer, 'Notary. Money
o loan. Offices formerly occupied by &
r.Stanbury over O'Neils Bank.
Briaans.-Mr. Delaney who was work-
xing the Wilson farin for the past year
has moved his family to Dublin. G.
Wilson nopurposes moving,'onto the
tfarm Park, Jr., is busy
building the foundation for his house.
—Norman Park has been confined to
bed. for a few days but is now improv-
ing. -Our teacher and wife came back
last week after spending their Easter
,holidays amongst friends in Hensall,
/Brussels and Forest. -Simon Miller
has disposed of three buggies this sea-
szon already. -Fall wheat, is looking
splendid inn this sectima-Seeding has
not started but if the present weather
continues it will be by the end of the
Milieus.- Our town is putting on a
:spring-like appearance, and all are on
413e move. The blacksnath is kept
busy and the Mayor has his potatoes
nailled up and. will soon be trying them.
-R. T. Johns and S. Andrew went to
'London on Saturday list arid returned
with a load of goods for R. T.'S store.
• Geo. and Robt Wilcox left on Satur-
day for Chicago and Pullman. We
•wish them every success. -Miss Hut-
ton spent laet week the guest of Miss
iEIIa Halls. -Rev. T. Philips left on
Monday morning for St. Thomas to
write upon hie examinations. ae B.
:Spicer comnienced work on Monday
at the new residence of Mr, White, of
Winchelsea. - Thos. Hartnoll, :of
Exeter, occupied the pulpit on Sunday
...evening last arel preached a very ac-
.ceptahle sermae.-Joshua Johns and
An Coates are able to be out and enjoy
the senshine after many months, ill -
Dashwood Mitchell
death occurred ipa Tuesday of Wesley
Norsworthy at the age of 30 years.
He had been ill for sometime with a
general decline, gradually becoming
worse. He was highly respected and
leaves a wife to mourn his demise.
His remains will be interred in Goshen
Line cemetery Thursday afternoon.
DEATH op JOHN GouLD--The sud-
den death of John Gould of this town-
ship, has cast, a gloom over the core-,
munitee He bad. been ill since Friday
with sciatica, but on Monday was slid.
)clenly attacked with appendicitis
which carried him of on. Tuesday,
after six hours' acute suffering. Mr.
Gould leaves a wife and four claildreu
to survive,- who have the heartfelt
sympathy of a large circle of friends.
His remains will be interred. in the Ex-
' eter cemetery on Thursday at 2 o'clock
BRIEFS. -0. Eilber our ;sleeker has
started a new route. He iaow also sup-
plies Blake, Drysdale and St. Joseph
with bread twice a week. He recently
purchased a new peddling waggon
from F. Hess, eud now has a very
stylish and pp toNate outfit.-Rickbeil
and Dumart have added another ad-
dition to their already large imple-
ment/shop; they report business good
and that they are selling more Deering
machines than eyer.-Mr„ Roffman
has moved his tailor shop to more
commodious quartersin Zeller's l3lock.
-Chas. Grob is giving his hotel a coat
of paint and otherwise improving it.
This willadd greatly to its appearance.
-F. W. Hess has purchased a cino-
geaph. He is goingto have a big show
in the Town hall here next Tuesday,
May I.st. Dont miss is expected
that Zurich will have telephone connec-
tion in two or three weeks some
material being already on the ground.
-Louis Werra has sold his house and
is going to move on his father'sfarro..-
Jac. Deichert has returned None a visit •
to Michigan. -Alf. Heideman left for
Detroit on Monday. -Chas. Haitlieb
paid Dashwood ,visitmn Sunday last.
-Jack Knarr is working for Mittel-
holtz and Richardsen ageirathis spring.
-Sam Faust and Garnet Steinbach
-visited eoree friends in Dashwood Sun-
day. -Henry Ortwein hasmoved into
Christian Hess' house. -Ed. Bossen-
beery has purchased 21 fine driver from
Mr. Witzel near Dashwood. He has
named him Lord Roberts. He beats
thein all.
BRIErs.-John Chappell and wife, of
Kirkton, were in town last week see-
ing friends. -William Fawcett, Thos
Skinner and William Oolquhoun, of
this section, got prizes for their horses
at the Stratford spring show. -John
Honey and son, Edgar, left Test week
for Manitoba, where they will re-
side in future. -Mrs Craig, who has
lived with her daughter, Mrs Holtby,
for some time, left on Tuesday for her
home in Calgary, in the Northwest.-
Rev Me McAuley has taken until May
7th to give his decision about corning
to Mitchell. If he decides not to come
all the e ork will have to be done over
again. --The carriage firm that is
thinking of coming to Mitchell if they
get a loan, is at present doing business
in the village of Ethel. A deputation
will go this week go to see the place
and prospects. -The Easter vestry
meeting of Trinity church was held on
Monday evening last. Tbe reports of
the year were very good and encour-
aging. One hundred dollars was Peld-
ed to the rector's salary, and officers
were appointed for the coming year.
Rev 1 T Xerrin is one of the best, rec-
tors in the Huron diocese and Trinity
church would find it hard to fill his
place.- Mr. Henry James has im-
ported a fine horse from the States.-
His Lordship the Bishop of Huron will
visit eitchell on Sunday, May 13, and
will hold confirmation in the morning
and preach in the evening. --Mr. Our -
veneer, of Fullerton, delivered over 1,-
000 pounds of wool at the woollen mill
on Thursday last. He keeps the best
make of sheep. -The funeral of Mr.
James Green came to Trinity church
cemetery on Friday afternoon last.
He was one of the pioneers of Logan
township, having attained the good
old age of 86 years. . He lived with. his
son Thomas for the past few„years. A
large number attended the funeral to
show their respect for the deceased.
Two sons and three daughters compos-
ed the fa,mily. -There was a quiet,
but pretty wedding in Mitchell Wed-
nesday when Miss Prederika Groves
Dent, daughter of barrister A. Dent,
of Mitcnell, became the bride of
James Charles Jones, of Jones Bros.,
grocers, Stratford, and son of James
'Jones, of Mitchell. The . ceremony
was witnessed only by the immediate
relatives, and friends of the bride and
groom, and took place at 5 o'clock in
the afternoon at "Rowanwood," the
residence of Mr and Mrs Dent. The
drawing room was beautifully decorat-
ed with pink and white roses and the
young couple were made man and
wife, standing beneath a orSeshbe of
lovely Easter lilies and roses. The
Rev J T Xerrin, rector of Trinity
church, was the officiating clergyman.
As is becoming more and more the
1:ts. Jn
oilstone the services of bridesmaid and iOOBullo Gibson,
groonesmanwere dispensed with. The
pretty young bride wore a chm
costume of wialte silk or,gandie and
carried lilies of the valley. After A
most elaborate dinner, Mr and Mrs
Jones left on their houeyinoon trip to
Detroit and other points. On their
return they will temporarily reside at
the Windsor hotel, Stratford. Among
the gneste front a distance were Mr
and Mrs 11 L Wilson, of Toronto ;
Miss Sutherland, of Hensall.
St. Marys
BUMF% The town watering eat.mi
ade ts first appearance on the
streets on Saturday last. It succeeded
well in laviug the cluet.-Oitizens are
awakening to the fact that a cinder
path between St. Marys and Stratford
would be very desirable, so much so
thet they have railed for P. general
meeting to he held. in the Tosvn Hall
Weduesday evening next. All
those who are in favor of the pro.
position iire kindly asked to attend -
Many of our citizens are desirous to
learn when the town band will begin
their Open air concerts.
BRIEFS. -The Public School enter.
talnment in connection with, S. S. No.
Tuckersenitle held in the hall bece
last Friday evening, was a grated sue -
cess. The hall was crowded. and the
toter* sustained till 12 o'clock. Re-
ceipts, $33. -St. Annrew's church, also
Hillsgreen, congregation purpose tak-
ing up a collection on the inst.,
for the India Famine Fund. The
Presbyterian church in Canada. has
already for warded $23,000 for the suf-
ferers. Rippen has donated through a
few friends $22.25 to the Patriotic
13RIP,Es. -ate, and Mrs:McPherson
left for Strathroy, on Monday with all
their effects. We feel deeply grieved
that recent developments have caused
his departure, for 110 teacber ha.s
taught the children moro efficiently
then be, having passed a, large number
to the Entrance, while the progress
of the school has been rapid Mrs.
McPherson is very highInrespected,
haying taken an active part in the
League and S. S. work, They will be
greatly ' missed and our lose Will be
Strethroy's gain.
The following extract, from a aketch
in the Toronto Globe has reference to
Dr. j. &owe, who died recently
at Darlington, arta who was a brother
of H. Brown, of Winchelsea. Deceased
WAS born at the Brown homesteed,
and was educated at Tyrone Public
school and Bowmanville High school.
In 1871 he was appointed instructor of
silent speech, or "visible speech," in
the Belleville Deaf and Dumb Insti-
tute, Prior to taking charge he spent
three months at Boston training for
the new system. After seven years of
successful. service in delleville be ad.
cepted a similar position at Pittsburg,
which lie filled three years at Jefferson
College, Philadelphia, and graduated
as medical doctor, practicing the next
two years at Dundee, Mich. Owing to
ill -health he sold met his practice and
returned to teaching visible speech
again, accepting a professorship in the
Deaf and Dumb Institute at ICanses
City. Three years later he accepted a
similar position in the Deaf and Dumb
Institute at Jacksonville, the
largest institution of the kind in
Ainerica,30 instructorsbeing employed..
He held the position of first teacher up
to last Clliristrnas, when ill -health
again compelled him to resign.
BRIEPs.-The "White City" will be
larger than ever this season as the
Jowitt Bros have decided to add one,
if not two more cottages and all are
rented. To further enhance the papa
larity of the "City" they will erect a
pavilion which will fill a, long -felt
want. It will be 20x40 feet, with all
modern coaverdences and a good hard-
wood floor for tripping the light fan-
tastic. Ova. citizens intend to make
this the most, prnsperous season in the
history of Bayfield, and of the good
work the Jowett Bros are doing a goocl
share. -The following from Bayfield
will form part of the Government sur-
vey boat. The Bayfield crew this year:
Ed Reid, H Falconer, Alex Brown, W
Ross, ie Ferguson, B Spencer, and jno
Ross of near Brucefield.-The trustees
of thp Public schom are contemplatiqg
putting m a system of ventilation in
the school during the summer vacation.
This is badly needed in all schools, for
there are no more depressing effects
felt by teachers and pupils than those
caused by badly, ventilated school
houses, and yet it 'seems to be the par-
ticular part of school architecture that
is generally neglected. -J. G. Sta,n-
berra, barrister, of Exeter was, here
on business on Saturday. -Dan Mc-
Leod -Jr. has gone to larricefield where
he has engaged with T. Delgatty tailor.
-eAmbrose Smith; of Hensall was
visiting friends here on Sunday. -Rev
Mr. McLennan, a Gaelic preacher oc-
cupied the pulpit of St. Andrews!!
church last Sabbath and. Sabbath pre-
vious.-lhe social at Mrs. Janes
Follock's unclerthe auspice s of St. An-
drews' church on Tuesdayleveningawas
a success. --Rev. Mr. Roy is here this
week collecting for the Diocesian
Funds of the cherch of England. -Mr.
and Mrs. John Whidclon returned Sat-
urday evenieg from a trip to New
York and Pennsylvania.
Robt McCartney, Brucefleld, has a '
position in the Massey -Harris Co., sell-
ing prows between Exeter and London.
A very pretty wedding took place
on Tuesday, April 10th at Poplar
Grove, Tuckersinith, at the residence
of the bride's father, when Miss Har-
riett, It Dale was united. in marriage to
Jas rn
Oeiabell, of IticKillop, in the
presence of lane hundred guests.
H 4-. ndVensall. " Merton. Proceeds, 818.
G. Jeautherlaue, 2.4'Jtary Public. Convey 1
Money 1Tiloan on real estatA at low rates ef In- BRIEl.''''';"---. 8(..eCdrIendgitt:inn fall b/ast 'Ind
ancer, commissioner, Fire Insurance agent;
and Issarer of MerriageLieenses. Legal dem - — ;
Wrest. ow.ce at the Post ado. Hensel', i totptriaraere.ulTe :carte, bittg bt co:11014:z 1.1°1 nitios:isal
merits carefully drawn at reasonahie ra_tpz,
1-1. J-D-cx)°KE. !amount of sickness around here of late
(Late with Garro- & Froudfoo0 Barrister, both of nom and beast. Our doctors
fivolieleasre.11Noreyta.reu DPI'. bsT.D.IIDAnssall..go, Onnotr.aradu. 11 ohpaerneelliwen busy day and nigha-Sehool
on Monday after Easter vete-
'''. -tee at Toronto tlaiversity Dentists. Toexectbe I tam, all the teaches's being on hand
?if tpreectleyels wii3itolivelcumeenisnaz balezfreecriteelt every i ti
d in good trim to prosecute the
Aforeleaecorameneine May:iota- !work of the term. Pareote eboind ea -
Baines. -A very interesting event. I operate in everv way with the teach-
tocta place at the personage, Hen -all, ere who have the interest or the pupils
on Wedneedey evening last, being the 'at heart. Regularity of attendance
marriage oflyilliante A, Vanhorn, of is °gm of the es.sentials of success. -
Ribbed, to Miss Ida J. Troyer. xnerch- 4C. Beaver has begun the eacod work of
ant and postmaster of Hills Green. h tearing (Iowa in order to build greater.
The cereanony was performed by the ' On MoudaY last he had a swell bee
Rev 0 Long. We wish, tile young moring the roof of a building to nis
couple ninth liappinees through 1 life.- linme to he used as a ceveriag for !i
Miss Campeche% of near Seaforth. 11AS Wamous,hUggyitro. Harty Was' tealllo• •
been visiting Mrs V Swan. --Mr and etre, Ezra did the laughing. and the '
MrsRicbard Wright have returned Dr. did tbe lie./to-heare part. Work
houie from Rochester, N. X. where will begin on the new block innuedi- Ail kinds of Faret Produee toy:which
they Wive been visiting their dangle. ately.-The S. S. annivereary serviees .
OM -II, Onutelou, wile for tlie least in connection with the AL E. chute*, highest prices will fie
six mouths has been running the Met- held last Sunday and Almulay ss•ere al
ed A A Goetz' lease of the Commercial Prin. Warner of Alma. College, preach- l J P Rostify
ropolitan hotel in Exeter, has petrel:ins- decided emcees hi eyery way, Rev. I
raid will takgpeeseesion Alav 10th. 'hr ed eloquent and helpful sermons on e-
Cieete will viele the pavio ti,,position, sunday and, Ron. t'. W. Brown. B. De Pee deeth of I, s ey a Vales
while his family are rusticating at of Meter, delivered an interesting :a. mot Poo, CUntnn, OnW inwjday
Grand I3end for time months. dress on Monday evening,. The can-114st waS Crne of the sadde5, mni 1°°8t
leireantelon comes higbly recommend tate rendered by the children eras well distresstng of the kind which have ins
ed. and we welcome them to our vile eXecUted. Thesaserviees wore wen at, eurred in this vicinity for 601110 time.
lege. Alr Goetz and fatuity have many tended. Proceeds nearlY 525.-- Quer. The accident occurred about 1,30 P. ne.
friends here who reeret their depart- putetetlitlelt.tsuilli,ntritiattylinnglrotii.in.:11.2111.geleviti ‘IA:iptn11101ii.s;;;.:1.1:aeitpl.dte. Guy Miller, Charlie Moore and Wesley
tufa-Rev a Long oecimied the pulpit •
of Carmel church ou Sinalay morning . the m. E. runreh het e in the morn.
il his brother, also a revereud gen- II ing.._wwon Amiemnrinat a. raising
were full of interest. -On Sunday
tleman, in the evening. Both sermons ilmi Isu,:riltlin(eusIt4ii,iti ilaltle.irtnir 1..11151:4•Lof
'ening hinters entered the store of mek 4sz vo. ilna unumuti lurk in
Joseph Case. gracter, and carried away catching iish lids week. mere are.
1.1<lispp?r1.11 rTeligeistererigies°te"MtagsngfoSulnlil° :II lots orsnekers in these parts. --Rev, 1
the railway track by sectionmen,badly U. Litt has been away the pest we0; ,
damaged, The burglars gcdned an attending annual Conference of the , !Au Wu to alla Isecoved Y°1olg...74°°res
entrance through the cellar,. with tools Eveaigelleal eleame we, are glad to , oat East had gene down anti owing
secured from Ws.isles planing mine. know lie has been apnointiel to t hie ;Ito a. fl 111 wrist Miller chuId Dot 80
else missing. -Miss Carnochan, of Eg-
Afr (hese has not discovered anything selaminrigene Tefeoirnelaluilictli,teetn, tr1-1,4elipnriet er ,. ajatejg1141:11: Immediately the Alain
and those near by went to
Quite a large number from the \village tinuled 8. $.4 4ini-air Alma,* cm Sunday
diiiiittsite.e2AvidtohlyMhrues. ifilu:(1,ipiteire, cniff tilren4Ttzette. the reecue. 31r Bast, wile was work-
, tug at the ipill at the time, got a grap-
TumSnalainill,er' eltvirnelillasholn)eleis"tvhiissit willegeltN. Ls
attended the funeral of the late .1' P • last an(1. gave a, that address to the liug pole. and after '.11. 0. luinutes
Marshall, of Rodgerville, on Monday scholars in the afternoon. gr. Hooper SfIttncrPet:dellreitn7 ell:11'131;1s l'Ill:tiell'a:::atIt
afternoon, among whom were the is an ex-Superintendene end abeeye resuscitation by the local doctors antt
members of the Alethodist choir, or shows a deep interest in the seined
......wm sweet lets lot our village and others who had arrived, hat, of nG
is a valued meridiem -Andrew John- taken a position near Merton. Ile 1"1101‘;.:„.101:il 11,rlies1;111.00avItio,e0117e•ti;„oyHmet.wi.04:::ist:Iyig:
which P Marshall. a son of deceased,
ston and son were in Exetes on Mon- will lie greatly ,t\ittieiswseisillt ciishileicsiaaleleee^ sin , mooltobs, has
a few Menthe with their sun, 4, purenised from Rotiert
day.- Me ;ID rs a . .• church work
A Fine Assortment of
Arriving Always
00E E
East were playing at, the mill pond
and were enjoying tTaenteelves on a
eift, which they 1uul macle of loge
with hoards laid aeries% hut not fast-
ened Young Moore and East venturs
d out and. when en the middle Of the
ond the raft. broke up, end over the
hays 'MIA into water:Aunt,five
et deep. Seeisig their danger. Guy
who was en shore, pluckily
John, near Brueefield-E3 MeRobert, Iipon learnina that W C Myers, 1
I MeAltilan, Ilullettr his head or sheep.
representative 01 the .1.einzierance and ee...„1--.
district, WAS about to leave town tile ' TESTIMONIAL OP ALFRED III7N.,
General Life Insurauee Co. in Clinton
first of the week, a miluber of the male
members of Ratteribury St. Epworth slits IS TO cERTIFY THAT I u.kva
League held a farewell supper for him
at, Afctllacherty's reetanrant on Satur- vs=
Ts pneensta.myMnrioMenyienrgs siveLteref (1;e MIXES, Aflame Cows and Ferratenia4
Eteglish Stock Food
day evening when a pleasant hour was
Temperaoce and General Life Insure
position of of general manager nf the
ntaraknest fill! Oxman.
&Dee Co. I have a, fat Cow that went cUT her
Albert W Wise, Goderich township, eed, on using English Stock Food she
for the sum of $3,300, The farm con- rapidly improved. I find. it mast bene -
tains about, 70 acres and IS considered &lel for calves. It, makes tbert. thrive
has disposed of his Varna to Wm Gleen
a fair figure. well, feed well and grow well.
For sale at Lutz's Drug store 51)e a bag
ALFRED t >, +. Iv.
General Insurance Agent, of London,
accompanied by his daughter, wasein
!the village on Friday. --Miss Hill, of
1Loridesboro', was here recently visiting
R Beek and daughters. --II Rundle and
wife left here last, week for their farm
on Thames Road, Usborne.- Mrs R
Whitesides and Miss X Palmer were
in Londesboro recently, yisiting then -
brother, T Pahner.-Sehool re -opened.
on Monday with a large itttendance.
The former teachers 111 charge. -Miss
Ida Hotham, of Mitchell, formerly of
Renee% was in the village recently
renewing acquaint:mem-Wm, Har-
burn has been sbipping large quanti-
ties of cut flowers and. plants during
the past week. -Mrs R 11 Collins, of
Exeter, is in the village this week,
visiting her brother and friends. --Mrs,
I:I Cook has returned home from a visit
with friends in Toronto. -Mr. and. Mrs
W B McLean, old residents in the vil-
lage, intend leaving shortly for the
Soo, where they will txtake their home.
-W R Hodgins was in Toronto the
past week. -Miss Grace Torrance, of
"Ztuich, left a few days ago for Gode-
rich, where she intends teachingschool
for a time,-House-cleauing and gar-
dening is now in order. -Willis &
Shepherd shipped a carload of hogs on
Thursday and. a load on Monday. Dur-
ing the past year they have paid out
upwards of $00,000 for hogs. -J. F. E.
Berry who has been sick at his home
in Lucknow, we learn does not intend
returning to Hensel!, and is trying to
dispose of his business. -John Shep-
herd. was in London on Monday. -The
interior of the Centennial hotel bar
has been repapered and very much
improved in appearance. -John Gould
son of Richard Gould, an esteemed
resident of our Town died on Tuesday
of appendreitis, aged 46 years. He
leaves a wife and four children to
mourn his demise. -J. P. Marshall a
resident of Rogerville, and a once
prominent figure of this place died on
Friday last, after a long illness. He
was over 80 years of age. An obituary
will be published next week.- W.
Chapman, of the township of Ha,y and
Miss Jennie Westaway, daughter of
the late Samael Westawa,y of Exeter,
were married yesterday.- Mr. and.
Mrs. Sutherland are visiting- their
daughter Miss Hattie, who is fil in
.Mitche11.-Ross Bros. luwe purchased
another elydesdale stallion.
SPRING FAIR. -The spring fair was I
held here Wednesday. The weather
was fine but the crowd and show of
horses small., Following is the prize
list : - laOttsEs - Aged itnported
draught, Horton & McInnis' "Sir Wal-
ter" ; T. Colquhoon's,"Prince of Craig
End" ; Le McConnell's "Prince
Kainsy" - Three year-old, Sinillie
Bros' "Prince of Hurford" Aged
carriage, Thos. Luker's "Ranleigh Jr."
Levy & Co.'s "Milbourne" :- Three
year-old. Ed O. Attri 11'8- "Langton
Donegilt," : 2 year-old, Thos. Skinner's
"St. George," Levy & Co.'s "What
Care I" :-Aged roadster, Peter Mc-
Gregor's "St... 131aise." Robert Brock's
"St. Lynn,' B. A. 'Jiggle's, "Sid Tol-
Blood, Thos. Skinner's "Ty-
rone" :-Sweepstakes, hea,vy, limes &
Horton's, light, T, Skinner, "Tyrone."
13u1.,Ls -Aged 1) urh ale,W ru Chapman;
Elcoat Bros. ; Robt. Charter's, -Two
year-old, A. and J. Broadfoot, Her-
bert Crich Yearling,B
Alex Sinclair, D. Fotheringhain.
Hereford, Alex Monteith lst and 2nd -i REPAIRS 0 • 9
Poned angus, Jos Foster 2nd, no first.'
Sweepstakes, A and J Broadfoot. I
JuDGEs.--Horses, W. Rae, St. Penis ;
.4 .4
ear If you make any purchase at tais store which proves unsatisfactory bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
J 41W
The Ellwood Woven Wire Fencing is the strongest and most
durable fencing for Farms, Lawns, Etc. Parties building fences
should call and see the Ellwood and get
Lfi8TER PfiR18
New Stock disit Received
Builders Tools
The new wall and ceiling decoration.
-44Pan---'118K. TO 8E9E0 17--volow-- •
The Elephant Kixed Paints a.nd Elephant Pure White Lead
Afts........1113.E THE BEST....assook
1 door north of R. Pickard Co's &o