HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 7COL. PLUMER WAS HIT Story of the Recent $harp Fht- ing Near Mafeking. PLUMER HAD TO FALL BACK, VA* Rhodesian RelievIng Parts*. floW. *Yen, Cana, With* Six Milise of the litoodezed Town. and, X* "Witieln 20 Stiles of It--RrItIsh 122untaltiox neer Lose Heavy, ;7: fiedirement was well carried out in good order ttader heavy The. The above despatches give the ' British version of the retirement of Col. Plunier's fore first announced April 5th, in a, special despaieh from Lorelmo Marquez, Valuer 20 Nilo oar. Louden, Apra 11. The Deily Mail hes the following from Lady Stirah Wilson, dated alafeking, March 80: "Col. Plumerao column s now within 20 miles of us, but ita edvebt undeeirable, tuiless aceompeined by "food supplies. The opinion prevails hei•0 that young Crorde has returned to the ranks of the inveeting Boers, and M trying to. avenge Pa.ardeberge• Went. at luau ciao Bulawayo; Thureday, Apra 5. - Metering, Tuesday, Afareit 27. 7- Lieut. Milligan of Col. Plumer's News was received yesterde5" of too inxin is a prisoner in the hands of the advance of tied' Southern relief col- Doe. The Boors this morning opened fire ki.g4kvx nowriNg, ae wgraeratt, anua. diturise with seven. guns including 1. ----..- ol;le 3•0°-Peunderi lrhis hes heeu the -Coetiteuee Wrote, Ineeday ifecti %%testate. moat vigerous bembarebeent of the 1 --Tnree CoostuAndose leas already ered over sixty rounds. seaseni. The Beer afege gun ale" 1 Allwat North, Monday. April D. - 'Under cover of fire the Boera adv- iwepmer. An engegenient took place toalay at The Boers Vickers -Maxine -ed to the northero face of tbe works , did considerable execution at erst. hu retired precipitetely within ritte range., They enteecera'eg but the British guns soon got tbe a' a"' , Mtge and inade great bavoc. Tetteeel to tbe eotetbwestern posts ,1, v„ventag„ae.rito golfing at wopeeer but Were repulsed. There wee one :., w 6 socro , 4 , and laeted nil day long. *e4404,1tY. The Boers, under Cenunandent Jan !rilit1.1/°.'11"4/ received a check' The ca- fes were rether heavy on both Cronjo are evidently falling back be- • suet" - fore. the advance of tho seutbern re-- :5.`"'s' im,„ 1 A other eamentendo ii advancing to - 21°1 PQ1unla and ar° "n"litrat'aa. eirds 1?epener irOnt PfkWetadorp. Trith two minuitendoes who are re- i'; i The Rouxville emineando lute gone tiring before Col. Plumer in erder to to wevener, rattk0 4 tinel effort to reduce tbe I Allwal North. April 10. - Ifeavy 'iewn' (al the fort and eutlYiug Pe- t 6 hung was contiatied at 1Vepener g Melons ore manned" tale trO0P3 are i ' this morning. The result Is un - attending in Arms and everybodY, *e Atuowia, Three Boor 202alnandOS are tualer cover. All are convinced met we is the liettaelong the town. Boers' last attack readeiareeretz neperne 1$111,1•Kft ,NOW WOItIC, Puloword.iqh 1. - Col. Bo- itI $atd rfee Command of0e one* ett-V'owe' (ren afefeking. un- i Prekeribere newel, der date lee March 27. confirming the London. April 10. ..- In connection report that the Doers had been litlabe with the remuoption of hostilities ie ed bee; eo far that the town wes emparetively •out of range of lItua, Natal an interesting rumour is cur - keel'. Ile concludes with saying; ; rent that Gen. Duller Item obtained "All pt•ouiises well for oventuelly command of one of the Draltensherg vatting off this force of the enemy le . passes aberehy he hopes to take tbe U0 CAD hOld 814Y11144 here." Boers in the rear. In the event of if his being suceasitil. Gen. Buller has 1 enough troops to leave 20.000 men COL, PLUMER WOUNDED. to hall! N4141 while he should ad- vance by way of Harrismith whew* brittle version or the Uagagemeatwt.. lie would be able to threaten the se sleet er ereaaoeveuee,e wine Boer positions at Bethlehem and. Two to Owe. Kroonetadt. mem irJu ear leadreartith• Ladysmith, April 10. - Heavy ere Ing was heard, early this morning in the direction of Sundays River. It continued for a few hours. No de- tails of the engagement have heen etieeleeda t-ee*Ime,,al, NJ,••••414leauPle Piot ermariteb r April ! Heavy eannonaullug commenced this Gab ronee, Suude.y. April 1. -Yes terday Colonel Plumer with 270 mounted and 4 few dismounted in - floury and one Maxim gun arrived at atianathiabame., where he left the dietuounted men, and t”,.7wearlivi along tile retilroad to bovh,vz fretting. The "aea"e guard under oneounteted a largo body ' of Boers and almost, einuatancously the left and right thinks were attack ec1 and eharp fighting followed. Tr. Boers were in evescent formation an. outnumbered the British two to one They advanced with skill and stub liminess and persistently endeavore to encircle the British. .After hoIciln his grottud for an hour Col. Plume retired, with the Boers slowly fot lowing blue up. The lighting was coetintied through- out the ten mile retreat to Bernath labania, where the British Maxim gun was brought into play. After stiO: fight Col. Plumer reached his comp. - The British casualties were: Railed. 8 cancers and 7 men wounded, 3 of- ficers mut Ile mon; missing 11. The Doer loss VMS serious, At, the conclusion of the Light Oen. Seeman ineermed Col. Baden-Poweil that he hid some British wounded .rid both haden-Powell and Plumer sent, amauTences. The Boers were 'use busy\Sundity collecting their dead and wounded. Most of the British, wotded were .only slightly bait. Col, Plumo was wounded but was able to carr out his duties. While the a tlaulaace wait still at Ramathle.been April 2nd, Oen, Srty- men and three guns, nil finding no British vicinity returned to iere that the advanCe ethuen's relief force has left Vrybu Joe eariaveg, Col, Plumeraiwound was in his right arm, Hi Tiodie and Capt Col, Plumer'st ., Sega -Ma j or Dragoon Geordie Morning In the vieinity of Mande- - !eagle. d. Votire Now at se Helene. • Island of St. neleno.. April, 11. -; The Nlobe and the Milwaukee have d arrived here with the Doer prisoners, g. The health of the neon. is good with r the exception of four cases of meas - lee, which necessitated the Milwaukee : being quarantine0. The prisoners nre quiet and well believed. They will probably land to -day. Leads 0 ,t.. To Brussels, April 1 1. - Dr. Loyds left, Brussels last night to confer with the Boer Peace Commissioners. Zoete en 3181n1a.,4i =mu. Cape Town, Tuesday, April, 1 1. - The reutainder of the Ber oprisoners that were on board the transport' off Simonstown, about 2,000, have been transferred to the maiolaud. itocr Utalbueset. aore a;;Nrialeit. Naples, April 11, - The Boer Peace Commissioners, Meseta. Fisher, Wolmareas and Wessels. arrived here yesterday, and were welcomed by Mr. Muller, the representative of the Orange Free State, and Mr. Van Boerschoten, the secretary of the Tree:metal Legation at Brussels. They will remain here for some de.ys. - TBE EXETER TINES' Alarm. exists in offielai circles in Th., Portsh pt,e'd Russia's de., 8 1 RglergiittaageidahocoeciVtions between rearole for railway coucessions io Asia —e .1 Water and the Bear is sa.tiefied, Newsy Items About Ourselves &nu Four boye -charged with lowering the Our Neighbors -Something of Interest From Every Quar- ter of the Globe, Germen flag at 4 country hotel out a Nelhelerne, Aus.. were *emitted, • chmate bas bee ie perfect,. end the meet 'have been walking out iti red, wItieh Pirates ear -toxin.' a British boat aear meaas that they have thrown off their the Vieekelloung Shan dietriot. The Mr. Bell ntaddizIgto4, waa inferined avereeete, from the 15th et March. ...---.. Pilot was Mardeded and tba supercar- ea eir, serdene that the major ger, Their health la all that could be desire go take a Prisoeter. ed CANADA. The eiresideat of the Italiao Chem- ,- IIORSES FOR ,IiIRITISH ARMY. tion cif flee militia will he ordered met -' w.A. aF4s. coa14udebbed liln, It8119,te ,OdtiteaLiiirienbm.reotiecroi ,litley,r bas resigned beeatise of inability or drill in eatnr this year in juile aa . Dr. SProule called attenticia to the preserve order, If re-eletted. Radi- usual, and tae rest, in September. The . ' I setbravtins:rtwwill)r 1Lhe til)Imeeu-expired p Notes. 9'4." long, and the eaaneeisi are that they 1 , I will likely wee back td their homes. i The diempline et the foroe is good eip PreeeedingS the NatiOn- to the. standard at tbe' daPOta• wht01, Leg/Slat/are. te saying male considerin th tations of Dawsor City. 8The(t'wtieriTtePr- QUESTIONS ANSWERED, recently, eats threaten ais aorcible expulsion. alinister of Militia wa la ., rge pbese of 'horses being made bl t d , signa; e the particular corps whieh will Goverment and asked what stem. the new Nurraal tralutug aahaul at•Causing the Germans trouble. Haugh- . . . drill in each, month as the Military the C'anadian. Government was. takina 'Hamilton. ty and brutal treatment from the , $ una e in the Theited States by the Imperial f. Lord Stratheona hasgiven 42,000 to The biaeks a the Carnerons are • he V. Pi• Re InaPerial Limited bee Germans stationed there is said to Programme Oar the annual camps had Sir Wilfrid Lanfier et-72ualt tween Montreal and Vancouver, %rill be the trouble. net Yet been mule ttp. presentaticem to that eifeet had been run again in june. During the past year e23,800 has appropriation of $3,000 wee ever grant, 48 had tauten to believe 4 reeult • Bar Marcotte the laritisb authorities and • eequired whether an Made to t been vollected in tines for violation of the iaw Dawson city. r. er stated that he had ire, NABKETS OF THE if01113), ed or promieed for the purpose of mak- "aid 't.1°1'v ifram'edia44Y. M 0 The capitV stock of tbe Montreal ing a eurvey witbi a view to lowering quently cabled and written to the Rolling Milde Company, has been in- prim af emu, cattle. cheese, 8,4, furnish a large amber of useful and • t • the level of Lake TerOseamingue. High Comenlestoner that C•anada could creased to $760,0010 from a500,0000. In the Leading Itlaricets. Sir Louis Davies replied the the eerviceable horsee, and believed ; The Ameriean Tobaego Co., the lag Goverimeedt rotild find 00 rec°441 44 there would be a result from. these truett are after the Tueleett Co's face Toronto, April 17. -There was again any melt grant or promise. A. report eenuannieatione sbortly. tory in Hamilton. Tb,..37 wiu not get ft. practically no ehano in the market 7 on thia subject was received, from Rev,ii NEW.srAPER POSTAGE. Fat or Paredie in 1087 b t it - A survey is being made preliminary to -day, as the receipts were fortunate- . was dee: Repleing, tee Mr. Bergeron. Mr. ; to tbe work of mmetriniting tbei elece .1Y aklierwi'" wa shim" 11'1v-el/Rid for et Werticiper poetage at 4 goarter ' in atcek and Ingersoll. ary cattle. • Ftster WaS 121OTWed hY rentendtnir Mrrebncialt,„"18t449a, NtVilarrait140#33411:1119*. e eericieri hre3k in the price of or(tio,, atroyed the the fire be the weia lock stated that the amount coneeted We street railway iine iiet ewe Weed- " ' I. It la reported that Hamilton clItzens Both in shipping cattle, butcher eat.. Blair OW sixteen ears were purehed The amount at balf a rent par pound i ' who oppose the ItPaS0 Dundura ball tie, and iisenele eteree• the added firm, fur the two mouths ending Vehrtetry by the Itailtvay Depertnieut trent the growl ere go lig o OS ega nese to pelves wee reaiuty owing to a w. ce a • me ser 28 1340 was *17,9S2.39. Tian returets for of the matter. 4 011ie a imp ay tu Rev. Jr, Antlidfe has been appoiuted .1°4 feral. uf we le On these care were cal College at Montreal, to itueeeed the Se, per pound, but the quotations that , theae were replace(' by the Wagneri Reginald itoti. of II. al. Se. disturbed. Mr. Davice wee tuld by Sit' 'Wilfrid .4'911g.41 i run noting Prieeipal Weeleyan Tlaeolegle hdi few luta Of ablarlog cattle sold, at , afterwards found to ee tiodorttee, nue i Rev. Dr. Shim have lately prevailea, were in no sense naretetny. •Lieut.I Pheasant was shot and eterlottely ah remarks _ o to WRIT wounded by the eentry at Escpeimalt eaie sante "014Y to uq""4" ' Laurier lama ebe Cloverament of Cane deepatch froal London. Ar if 11, navy yards, whesia ohellengo the of. cattle; goer], idea sold at from $3.75 , ada, pap to tlie Government of Maui - The liritisb tireteci eruiser P. Dyspepsia aria COMMOn diseases, but hard to .0 cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Alianley's Celery -Nerve Compound. W. n. eucklughm,396 King et Elea, liamiltee, Oat., seas:a-el was troubled wide Dyepepele end Incligestien ler a long time, am 'ecenti get no relief Rant 1 tried Mactrey'eCelery.Nerve Compound, wistele eared me. and cannot epeektoe highly in he praise." Put Out an a Dean*. Mr. Williogham-Wbet would you dc>. Rockington. if I were to ask yon for your daughter in marriage? Rockington-Well, that ifs some- thing that I hardly want to answer off - 1r. WV/Ingham-1'ra glad of that. Now, if I could, be sure that you wonld„ not anaWer with your foot would feel. free tri go, ahead. ' 74 the year 1306 a party a crusaders brought a namhe.r of rose bushes home Bngland with thOln tr0133 Da234K4e/ aud these flourished so well that short time the beautiful !imam were - to he found everywhere throughout the countrv. Mareit arei no yet complete. Children Cry for ;ion FROM VIE WAR. even's. Weerume la the thellat men r f t cer lettered. dater, ts 1 Evangellet dole. tins beeo, arrested to fifteen cents more tees oecaeitinal- 4144 in ewlra ekotes It" t" ailbtatmtlttios'arrIti,oamY tfortteIN- -I the • t4-au.,,tti.,,,etse113.1.4e° e r I . whose brigade/ did eueli side Per 't -el . . Servicel in the defence a leidye smith, arrived' at Porter/emelt Oita afteramin, nide was reeeived with itninense entleusiaion. by ithousande of people. Tbe whole town :livened to be in the neiglaanerhood of die water- side, wbale was larieltiY decora ted with • - ly peat; hat for medium and commie ritories in the hranito,,a asylum, sir ; plioated in nuMeroue robberies that .1 took ptiloa at the, c.v.& station etaft prices are no better. Y Stockers, feeders, milker% expert NtheilfalciwtualiToeatnuobi Tit et otiarsatinT3.d en1-‘tjal e01' o(f The authorities a Laval University and abialdng bulla are uuchanged. 11/`" Iune3i" have transmitted to the Council of Goad veal ealvee are 10 requeet; Cone- OIIINEe3E LABOUR. Montreal the account ot the damages moo rcugh calves are not wanted, oven The Chita:be problem was brought ocoasiouNt during the recent disturb- at low vattro. same. Whey ask for V10.73. up by Ur. Z.Launes la the a an awndwent to a. WI gratttinz rain. 'Joliette. man, with .8 arrived there, troops in the Meeting. It is report peed of Lord orae was shot. Col. olt were wounded. erly is missing, ning of the fith ho took up the duties of orderly, id excelleet work. Capt. Fred Cro was shot dead while covering th etreat of others. (apt. Mediae was severely wounded, and Lt . Milligan, :the famous Yorkhtr wiekeLer fatally, While holding am a eued position. Medical OrderlY neford worked plucicily on the fie little cover. Saturday's fight whieh afforded he environs of llifitfeleitig Was 00 cted on Coll. viewer's side under at di(ficelties, being in the proXimi of the Boer Imagers, whence reinf imenta could be pron.-11)1,1Y sent t he burghers, and there was little .or eveosme i'at the Iiril,1131.1. when, fight began, the plain being but ei ei5;, wooded and the railroad 0811)ment, the rhit proteetion, being high. Tbe melt bele however, and the office! Aionally conspicuous in With the excoption of y t vete feet gene n tly, ere excep- affair. v rounds lived. by the British Ma. guel at Ratthalarthittna, the fire otth sides was entireLv by ritle Sif of the British officers were o1ess ser- iously wounded. Ketired Geed 0 BaLtrWay0, Tuep,daY, AP .-Col.. otemer engaged the Doe tweeli. Itairtathlabania wad Ma.fek istareh he 3 I . TBoers appeared t able force six miles from. and to prevent, `beitut outfithoh 8ideE,4 heel jraw itainathlatmine., subseqt rig 1,0 his he pe zamp. t gegeitkeett lasted three lamii,s14 the MORE STRA.TEICONd. ERORIVITS. Fifty Moro Mem Required in Prospect ot Heavy Work. Ottawa, Ont., April 11. - Lord. Stratbcona last night cabled the Mil- itia Department to recruit -50 niore men for Strathcona's Horse, to fill vacancies that will pnobitbly occur c whoa the zu'en get jut° the fight. This Is taken as significant of the fact that hard work is expected in South t Aftica. Major Drummond Itoesevrurd Booed. A private message wa,s receited a „last night; from Cape •Town to the t effect that Major Drummond, the gal - lent fighter that accompanie f the first contingeat to .South Is on. p his way home. The inesnage does s not say whether he is siek or wound- a ed. - Roacb, wit() was implimated la Chaim lambs are wauted, and as we way eeetaer tat the utand of van - the Uominton. B.Ink robbery at Napa- bad a sroatt sitarld' to -day prices were evuver. Be wented to prevent the the I.Ntx) meant of being eunneeted with the better, but there wee no aete„t leote censt euctiou or operation of the re id, nee, was arreSted at Montreal on sus- stablegir; eeene Pe01110 theta eundePnent t. hiucse I34": 'n iiie Large numbers of ,Nmerican syttlers aireep are steady and unchanged, 1-l'he C. P. R. land dr- light begs only, but it may be well to tre.tting the questien was unwieo, and. t t 8 On .these who voted. egainet _him diol, so but found only 21, meutbees of the et the hold-up nf a grocer for $100 last fall. ajne change, House who agreed with him. Nest of are teeing to tlie Portal distetet, on There wits it, deeline of a quarter in berituse they thought lee method of vartanent sold 2400i) acres Of land in' observe thet the bo n .1 it it 1 • I li d ei a no.4use y gree I08! dist riot to taunters ;1 ad 2 460 • • • doenward tendency all round. general idea of reetrietina Chineee an - acres to western fanners (ening to the , We received about Lsoo hogii to -day. migration. Weyburu district on Friday. For Prime atop, sealieg from 160 to • GREAT BRITAIN. IWO Ms, the Jeep price is di -le: light Ur. Prior enquired vailitie THE REPORT OF TUF G.O.C. The British atoemer Memnonga,trwhen the epurt would be printed. and ribether eattleiby heavy seas and terrific gales, adios id- O. C. -'1 rr Londondey euceeeds the !Juke * CaD ttle. ea' et ei,;le r. Borden replied that it was now C • Bristol from Portland, Mee lost,at bes tire hrigtng 51-2c per poutu. P 175 "Ihiwiag la the rat gut"- it would. centein the report a the U4 30304 '• Kippers, per CW 1 8423 5 00 in the printers' letnds, and would, con- , Englanil, the teeter having ' liu.t aer, t.loare do 373 4 25 teal such parts of the time:zee/eta himself to the w•tio • , • • ...D.. • • • 1d,' „., • 1 a nh httan a of Portsumuth. aft, - bunting, ivlailei the iortifiaitiou nuti other poiuts of V6D age Were thronged with cheering crowds waving llega. The warehips tbe herbaec were it itho Jeannette, and allot. crews manned eltio and elleered agein and agaia as tile Powerful cutered, the babel of sountis caused. by tbe bands, the cb,eertng, and the bit ricking, oe the gamins being deafening. Tbe Fast Lord of the Admiralty. Geo. J. Gaseheni, avitotral 3liehael entree -Seymour, the torone,nderen- ehtef at Portsmouth; Lord Durban), it nit others, welcomed taphole La cab - ton, hts officers, and crew. To -deers intensely entbusiastic re- ceptIon oh the Powerful was Luerely eelcome trout th soli ie.s s. flora, end , v. ris•utitt. : W:t 3 511 , report -thic liinieter of MIMI Lerge crowds,, ineluding the Ma Nue: Btu cher, inferior , • . . 250- '3 - theaditt neeeimary. of Salashery and Ilen..JeSeple Chant- Stoekers. Per OM, " • • 275 $ 40 PROHIBITION DISCUSSION. berlain, attended the Prince of Wales' I levee at St. James' Palace. Sheep and Lambs'. I The discussion. of Mr. Flint's resoln- Sheep, per cwt. . . . 300 375 tion favouring prohibit:lea by pro.. The Princess of Leiningon, white Lames, per tort, . . 451) 00 “ emcee was sot down for Monday, visiting Liverpool Jest week, with her Ducks, per cwt. . 359 00 April 2$r4. husband, Cot. Atkinson, lost at the hotel, jewellery, vauled at about Mtlkere mid Calves. CALLING PARLIAMENT. £5,000, a mat mato reeeptio ate preparauons are in been poetpoaeil A.pril de, a The Committee of Lloyd's Pal riotio Fund have informed the Canadian High Commissioner of their intention to runke a grant of £1,000 to the Oen- adian Patriotic) Fund. UNITED; STA.TES. Over 29..000 coal miners are onstx•ike to Um Pittsburg, Pee, district, bix thousand men from the building and other trades in New York are on strike. &bill prey -Ming for the inspection of tenements is before the United States Senate. • Jos. Horne & Co.'s department store at Pittsburg was burned entailing a toes a si,000,000. The e'erris Wheel, one of the won- ders of the Chicago World's Fair, is to be sold as old iron. Adrairat Dewey, has given his collec- tion of war, relies to the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. Four hundred men are out from the works of the New York Air Blake Company, at dVatertown, N.Y. Gen. Otte, commander of United States forces in the Philippines, re- turns to the United States in July. Chairman Cuttiag of the New York Citizens Union, declares municipal ownership would quicken the social onscienee. , Three robbers- seized four men at Belleville brewery, Chicago, locked them in a refrigerator ear, atia took s50,000 securitees, Four hundred members of the B1144. - 11E1' Traders' Union, of Norwich, Conn., vitt not go to work un the con t rac t- ors agree to a nine -hour day. James Smith, suffering from small - ox, walked into *a Chicago police tation. The building has been quilt- ntined and the police vaccinated. DUMB FOR LIFE. • Bullet Severed Private U1111114111MW'f6 VOCal. el'orase A despatch Leone Kingston, Ont., Stlys :-Pri vital Bra debit iv; "D" Com- - pany, first contingent, writes , a s. ftiend that he euffered a severe 1 wound during the fight at Paardebeig, g 'She wound was not so serious, but the coasequences ng it are le'reible, for the bullet that pierceet him enter- it ed his neck and severed the vocal coeds, depriving lain forever of the powers of speech. Bradshaw belonged Picton, and had been attached -to the Standard Batnk .staff at Kingston and Belleville, He has relati.ves ie. Toronto. „, • Hese-oiled. !And how did you come to marry biro?" "I didn't conic to marry him". all- swered the womanly little woman dignautly, he edill0 to marry mo."-tt C1.11(,Mgo POSt. Cows, . . 2500 45 00 A. short discussion took place on Mr Calves, each, . . . 200 10 00 'Casey's motion atfirming the deeirabil ' ity of ceiling Parliament on a fixe choice hogs, mernectst: „ eye a 25 day annually or ono day between car Lige/ ,hogs, 4.)er ewe • 550 5 ea 'lain fixed and narrow limits. In Ele- Heavy Jove per cwt.. . SSD 5 7e oember or January of each. year woul &ere, 3c0 3 :25 be in the public interest, and woul stao, _ „ • eee eee dee.st 'consult th.e cuuvenienee of tixos Terontot April 17.-Wlent - The who have Lusintiss to bring before tha opening in -eastern markets was body and of the numbers thereof, stroog, on the bullish cousti.ttetion Sir Ldade Dariee said there was given the erep report. Later in the growing desire to have the sessions o day, however pietas sagged, Loyalty Parliament called early, and that wa the policy ot the Government also. e prices were Aimee steady, Quotations are as followe:-Ontario, red and w‘riii be Impossible, however, to hay white, 65 to 65 1-ec4 west; 65 1-2 to 66e , a,. the departmental reports down in ease; ,geose wheat:, 71 to 71 1-2te low January. The motion was withdrawn. freights to New York; spring, east. 60 1-2 to 67c; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, IMPORTATION OF FRUIT TREES. 81c, North Ban. and 81 g.i.t. An order in council bas been passed Fieur-Outside millers offer se raight suerending t he actin of the reguiat ion rollers, in buyers' bags, middle against the introdwition into Canada freights, at $2.65 per lible and export of trees susptected of being Infected agents bid $2.55. Special brands, in, by the San Jose scale until May 1 Mile wood, for. tweet -MI. Sell from ea Importations are permitted to be to $3.10, according- to brand. en; ered at St. John adAS., St. John's MilIfeed-Searce. Bran in quoted at Que., Niagara Fade, Windsor and 816 to $16.50; mai shorts at $17 to Winnipeg only, where they will be 817.60 at the mill door, through West,- thoroughly fumigated with hydro - ern Ontario. cyanic acid gas by a conepetent Gov.. Corn-Unelianged, but rather quiet- eminent. official in accordance with et'. No. ta, American yellow quoted at the mast approved methods. All 47e, track. Toronto; and mixed at 46 shipments made in accordance wit h. 1 9 ; Canadiao. corae * ibe above wee be entirely al the risk Peas -Steady. Car lots, 6De, north of the shippers or consignees, the Gore end -west, and Ole east. BRITISH PRISONERS. CASTOR UV Saves de of lire% Your Team Jacob Dewitt*. of ITae Iced, wag to the wage or etith by streedful laiart dieritite. He ewe elven up te die. Trete vigorous matitiooti Ile hail gene to a brelme deepoodent wreck Re protearrd Be. gternew's Cure for the Resat. moil it faithfully, and l'eelaf welgesi 23.8 pounds. and Ilvee to bless tie - dee the great reamer wee recoanneeee- 414 to bine it relieves In ree nentitee.. - Sole: by C. Lutz, Exeter. Dysentery mid Typhoid nine and Siete and Welt Without Tents and Obibted to Sleep oo straw. -4. despatch from Cape Town, April 11 says: -A lady who left Pretoria. _ an March 20, and who has arrived d hela, reports that the meaner in d which the Been; ere treatiug their 6 prisoners is sbameful, anti that dye t sentery and typhoid fever are rife among the captives. The prisoners, , • who are coneined at Watervet, had f no tents, and the siiik, as well as those 3 whose health has not yet been affect - t ed, were oliliged to sleep on straw. • The medical comforts are stanty. Dr. 'llazlitt, the medical officer, resigned owing to the foot that it was impoe- Istale for him to obtain inetlieines, and ; he .was succeeded by Dr. Van Grelate a Russian physician. The latter, when hie fully learned tbe eondetion of af- fairs, also threatened to resign unless medicines and tents were furnished for the sick. The Beers .i hen part[y reme- died the evils et:enplaned of. The meloitie 1 p ris one rs are treated 'aa enmon malefaetors, some of then working. on the streets rather than to remittal in gaol. The lady has seut a written report to the Intellige.nee Department here. FLEW WRITE FLAG. ernment assuming no risk whatever, dlarley--Sileady. Car lots, No. 2, mid- The packages must be addressed so as dle freights, 42 1-2e; aid east at 43e; to enter Canada at one of the above No. 1 is quoted at 43 1-2 to 44e, out- nain,ed ports of enery, and the ratite side. by which they Will be shipped must Rye -Quiet. Car lots, 52o west, and be elearly st. t I ujoo eiuih paekage. 53e emit.As it is well-knowu that well matured Oats-leasy all the deelirie. Demand and thoroughly dormant nursery light. White oats; north and west, stock may- be safely treated, but that 271-2c; middle freight, 280; and east at „there is danger rif serious injury to gal -2e, the trees if fumigated in the apt:storm Buckwheat -Quiet. Offedings iight. before the buds are thorough4y nor - Car lots outside are quoted at .51 to mant ar in the spring after the buds . have begun to unfold. a.1i stook which Duluth, Apr. 17.-Wbeat-No. lhard, when rt•ceived triune -re re er too far ed. B. Thompson, chief detective of ease, lie 7_80; may, 69 5-8c; seetemeer, Tacoma, Wash. and his nephew, A. J. advanced for ;safe treatment wilt be 70 7-8c; july„ 70 7-8e; No. 2 Northern refasea entry and held at the risk of Honer, are eliarget1 with robbing a FI. Gr. Terrence of 820,000. A. New York court has just decided that a man need not seaport his wife if She ;persists in having her mother vith her against ber hurband's wish. store, • 1 erthern; A.prit, 65 3-1e; No: N M. V. McInnes, Canadian Govern- May, 6,5c; July, (165 -Sc; Septem•ber, 65 merit intraiig'ration ageut, has de- 1-8c; on track, No. I hard, 663-40; No. Detailed ninety settlers and six car- 1 Northern, 653-4c.; No, '2 Northern, oads of stock and effeets from litchi- '641-4. .an to Western Canada, Buffalo. Apeil 17, -Spring w t - It is said the Connors syndicate is No.,1 hard nominally Me; No. 2 North- nairested in a new line ot vessels be- ern, 707 -So: Winter wheat-No9 red,. ng built by the American shipbuitd- 74e; mixed,78 1-2c; No. I white, 73c. ing Company to, carry grain from the Corn -No. 2 yellow,: 44 3-4c, bid, 45c upper' lakes to Montreal. asked; No. 3 yellow, 44 1-'2c; „No. 4 yet. GENERA.L. low, 44e; No. 2 ewe, 44 1-2c; No. 3 corn, 44 tele. Oats-DuNo. 2 white, 30 Ten thousand soldiers will be used 1-20: No., 3 white, 29 3-4e; No. 4 white, to keep the, Parts 'Exposition grounds 29e; No. 2nilXdq 271-2c; No. 3inixed.,,, dear. 27e. Rye -Fancy, in store, 64 1,-2e; No. ' McLean, Premier of Victorie favors 2 quoted at 631-2c. lElour-Fir'rie; bet - the annexation, of the South African Republic. Bellaire\ -e. will' probably invite Lord Roberts t a Australia at the close of the wa An album, eoutainiug contributions from crowned heads, is to be sold; in Paris, for elviritv. cneh, 671-8c; May, 67 5-8e: July, 68 3-40: September, 673-4i-; No. 2 Northern, 65 1-8c; No; 3 spring. 62 1-8c. Oals-24 1-2c. Corn -57 1-2e. Minneapolis, Apr i 1 l7--W1t ea ta-In 11 the shipper. LIVE STOCK a.aSOCI. ATIO The Government bill: to provide foe incorporation of Live Stook Record As- ocia lions w It permit any -five er leave persons who' destive to jein together for the purpose, of keeping a 11W° rd. of pure-brea ' live steak of eny distinct breed to be incorporated on applica- tion to I he Min is e e of •ALerleitilt nye. Not mote than 0110 association for ea eh distinct breed of heeeee, cat tie, sheep, and swine is to be ineorporated 'armee the Act. The essoeiation may a.dope constitution and by-laws, tind may elect annual end, 1i inemers1 whose liability shell be limited bya anuni of the memiee.rship fees. An ;ulnae( report le to be sent to the Minister of Agriculture. If, any aesocietion, ceas- es for twelve naanths to do business its Corporative powers may be revoked. Chicago, April t7-Ehieseee eeeesces.._ Any• persons weesigns-a false pedit- may.. &{0.73; seoeemeei., hiee asked; summariey oi a eourt cu. la w. Narth-West anti South-West, cash, and gree for registration may be fined , orptcc,tbrcor, ,14.1pe 179. b c los Tahretaiviel*.-jet.iiiiaa.OIN)e FItELDI r011.0.E. r No, 'Vito, on 01, 73 3-8e; No. 2 red, ee a reeeet erenT.aire men "s "waiv- e commandeut f Gash, 73 3.80; May, 73 1-4o; :duly, 780. tile YelcOp/' ,rce. The eiTort sly°s: Then Shot Down the 'British Wee. Caine FerWa rd. A despatch dated 131oeratontein, Tuesday, says that n strong party of , Boers hos been )(teat ed a ti rose t he river at Banker's Look, where Dick - son's oavalry is quartered. There has been considerable sniping. Two British soldiers were shoe_ from it pouit near a farm house from Which o while ling WAS flying. It is reported thirty- Boers were hidiag in the farm hemee, and tbat a man nettled Richter, who+ holds a Brie ish pass, Ives one of them. NS`hen the British .searched the place Riehter's daughter said he was not' at lhome. FOR BOER PRISONERS, ... Relperts Sais Clothing and Iluxurtei Are 'Freely 4yIti-4),tctL In a despatch to the War Office Lord J.1.obet'ia says the 'toles earns, books, clothing, and luxuries are freely distributed to the Boat' pris- oners in kis bands'that small sums ri of .moey are given direct, that in rger amounts ore given to the clomp:militant for distribution, and that clothing is . being issaed to prisoners in need of it. , ee ; eSt%ee•-. Lived to the At.to of 1141 Yetars, 1 Ovven Soiled, April 11. --- John Hall, colored, died yesterday m iorn- . ng, It is said on reliable authority that lie wes 1 1 6 years old, France (Thalia:: Down, Paris, April et. - The 'Figaro yes- terday says the teventuality of war betWeen Erence and England has die - appeared. . A Book for Young and Old. ouR vx RECORD 'NERVOUS Eat 1878 `BOOT? 25Oot ,sKIN ff5N DISEASED pRIVATE 14EN DISEASE5 CURED • 2505000 CURED Y7ntri8geOUNG Ain.ri when ignorantat e terrblecrime you weracommitting. Lidyotionlyeeneider the fasemetiee allurements of this oril habit? W ben tol late to avoid the ter- tible remits, were your eyes Aimed to your peal? Did you Tater on inentatie heed centrtetanyPEIVATE orDLtIOD disease? Woreermenred?. Do:vont:ow end then see some alarming semPlome Dare Yea mar*, in y_ourjamre ent co. (neon? roziknove`'LIRE FATHER, fas'il SON." If taarriediare you cote stiretly dread? Is marriage a failure withyouonaccount of any 1708ek.. 5053 CaMiCil by early abuse or later ex - cosecs? lie.ve you been drugged with mercury? This bookletwillpointoutto you th e results of these crimes 11.11(1 roiDt out howour NEW METJTOD TREAT- MENT will positivele cure you. It 11 ehowsbowthousandsbevebeensavedbe our NEW TREATMENT. It proves bow we oan GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. Wo treat and oure-EMISSIONS, VAR:1000E1X, SYPHILIS.. (MEET, STRICTURE. IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARAMED "The 'Wages of Sin" eent free by enelosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION PRP, E If unable to call write Aw QUEgtION BLANK itar 110M11 TREATMENT. • 71:00 . KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St DETILIOIT, MICH. '":11M7H., WA.,,AthilMI.M7' dEADFMAKERI ni.".03/7 NEM flat le 0111F 80/ritail eeete ewe -ee .71! 511 Vre guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c, tin boxes and $1,00 yard rolls. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. ,„. y fnmliy should have one ady fer as eater. pricy. !DAVIS & LitWRKNO2 00., FlOgrIlEAL Beware of imitations THE 111X1-, , 1101MES,