Exeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 5Twenty-one herbs, roots and barks of the greatest medicinal value, form Or Native Herbs the best e -d h T' ml;le y l?lmhf)wn. for diseases of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. The most stubborn cases of Dyspepsia, Constipations Catarrh or Rheumatism, yield at lance to the won- derful efficacy of Our Native Herbs. It is a powerful blood purifier, au active kidney and liver regulator, and, goes directly to the source of a disease like Rh it perm,aueutly from the system. I suffered with rheumatism for about six years, so crippled at times that I could net walk without a cane. I was not even able: to drive. After using Qur Native Ilerbe about three moults I could go anywhere without my stick; and am able to do as =nett Work as any other men of tray see (36), Waxes= x GozT Q , Stay uer, Out, A box of Qur Native Herbs contains enough tablets for 2Q0 days' treatment—from 31 to j ehe quantity will usually effect a cure. gad]. box is re,:stered like a back note and contains a registered guarantee. If not benefited your money back. Also sold its powder form. If you can't get it from. your druggist, we will mail you a box (either tablets or powder) ou receipt of $r, ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 232 St. Paul et., Montreal, Can. HAIR! ,GOODS 6'� i:wrtti:w l a.J' 1p" a 1 OF' TORONTO, Ile will be Gomm CENTRAL HOTEL lt a Exeter, TI -1 LiR.r-a` DAY. MAY 3. This Spring Visit of 1900 I am prepared to show a larger variety of New York, London and Pari;, Styles than over oirored to the pub. ;' lie before. 1 shall have Ladles' and Gentle. meds Wigs, Toupees. l3an s. \V:,vy bud pinto Front.. ;watches of all long hair fu every length and shade, etc. LADIES, my goods aro recognized as the standard of Perfec- tion and their use protects the head and produces a younger- ex- pression to the face. GENTI.14MEN AILE YOU BALD t I invite you to my dhow rooms= to domonstra-thi complete zjuccac:a of my Art Coverings, o 7IgIt si,e-Teepe.. , worn on over 55,000 heads. They are light weight. strong, and most natural in appearance, and a protcc- tion'.to the heard agsuzst draughts. colds, catarrh, neuralgia, etc, and give la younger and sourer expression to the face. Please remember day and date. Also, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFOHTH. THURS.: MAY 3, and F1UD_1,Y 4. and - MONEY TO LOAN. We haveunlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest ates of interest. DICKSON Ec CARDING Exeter: W GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Bolster ,S licitor, liotaly Pabiic, Conve er, Etc . yane : Money to loan on Farm and village ....properties at Lowest rates of interest FFICE MAIN STREET EXETER t S. AND L.D:S KINSMAN', DIC. A, R. •7iTRaDIAN, L. D. S. D. D.S S.,.Honor Graduate "of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects, Moe in Fan. son's block. West side of Main treet, Exeter' } . i'. JTNTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University, lid Royal College of Dental Surgeons o ario. All bridge work, Crowns, ai d. Plato done in the neatest possible manner. A ass anaesthetic for pathless extraction, fleetest attention given to the preservat- o o the natural tenth. Office opposite Con; psi Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. . ..Iti FTING Leundersigned is prepared to do Grating - , rating Pears. ,-A-pples, Plums and Cherries. Scions Olt.rirefutly selected. Satisfaction gnarahtoCd. rharges moderate.' S. POWELL, Exeter. STJRIROGATE }; HE dOtJNTi' 0I' $LJRO1NT. C.OUIiT:'OIt T In ibe estate of ;Micbcel Nd' isle; de ceased. Notice is hereby given that after publication Hereof in three successive issu es of DIE Exam,b TOMS, the undersigned will Blake application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, for, letters ofadministration of the estate of Michael Novine, late..; of thevillage e of MI. ti nae. in• lie„ township f Stephen, n y blacksmith,• deceased, who died:at T �a of ur Mt. Cayrrmel`aforesaid •on the Gbh day of Decent-. cr A. aD.1599. 4 JOHN GREGORY QUARRY, By X N.NN"CTIU1 OODSIAN, his Soiiciter. i March, 1000. It. Carmel, 2811 PASSED BLOOD: T oa ells Pi 0. Ont., writes : y Airs. Travzts, 1' inMy Husband wad :•so.bad'with 'Jjiarncoea`that; leo passed bl, 1; and could get nothing to cure him until he Dz,. 'Fowler's Extract of Straw- berry:, a itaved. hoe Lite. '• THE OH'iA.PION S t'AY- WIRE PENCE IMPR'tOVED, THREE STVLES. Pots placed 40 feet apart and guar. antoed. Either to might or Coiled wire used, best No. 0 steel. Also the American steel wire fonce- pASTUR,AGE. 10 or is cattle taken for the season. Running water. OUSE IN HENSALL FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven rooms, good well, good Mention on OxtorrtA W, St Apply y to BL,1iLI19'OIi.D Hurondale. NOTICE TO CK1DflO%5.' All persons having any claim's° a `iLinst the. estate of Wellington.1efersE r wg d on sse lio led or about the 3rday of ut 99, at MacLeod, in the' Northwes Ter tar aro horeby re- quested to sea f 1 'c mars of their claims with their lr, anddescriptions to la w c s A. . 1. aor Y a • of Palmerston its iE a c t ,.te the county of -pston on or before the IOth day of May, inataafter which tame the Ad - =twist -rater of the estate, below named, will: proceed to distribute the saki t.8to to accord - ng to law, having regard only to the claims then filed..walhhim. Dated at •Palmerston this lOch day of April, 1990. • T1f0itf•AS IDSSEP,V, Administrator of the said Wellington Jefcors Essen-. ENDERS WAN TED. Tenders for the erection of the Grand l3cnd Presbyterian Manse are requested to have their tppplic{ations in en orbefore the evening of the 25th inst. Plans and specidoations are to be seen at the 1 o e, zdence of Rev. S. A. Corriere. Lowestender not acce .ed S A CARTIIERECairman of • Building Committee.. Five' Packs • f Cards Fr One pack i11ay I. 0, U. tfoD7o;' .One nock • Escort,- pack 'Flirtation.,'. One:pPacic `Hold - ib -light.' One pack 'Oar Sofa Holds olds Two.' Samples of 20 other style$ with book full of no- ioris. Servo 00Oilver forostage. • A. W. KINNEY, E. T.; Salem—Yirmoitith; tic. S • CUT THIS OUT and send ns with ;i centsiir silver and you will get byreturn mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS th't will bring you in Moan Moxgy, in one month, than anything else in America. w.E. T., Salem—Yarmouth. N_. S a�l�d9.er Cry for i IA. THE 4X,JTER. TIMES Exemption .Voted Down "The Mitt G'annQ.t Grind with Water That's Past.A A. meeting of citizens, of Seaforth, called by the Mayor, ivas held in the Town hall there last week. to discuss the advisability of subtnitting a by-law to the ratepayers granting • exemption frons taxation, for ai terns of ten years, to the proposed purchasers of the Ogil- vie nails property, lliessrs, RQllins & Stewart Broe.. The subject, was pretty thoroughly discussed aud sipon a show of bands being taken the proposal was voted down by a very large majority. On this account A. J. Rollins has de- clined to fake hold of the mill, but the Stewart Bros., viz: Andeiv, James and George, are going to Anatol a colxiliany and operate the nai11. They will take hold lst May. %Ve wish them success. in their venture, • 14•AI01 PURCHASED.— Henry Rundle, formerly of Eden, but lately of Hew sail, has purchased the Melnues farm, Thames Read, for $7,200, and has inov, ed onto the same. Mr. ?McInnes will move to Exeter in dune, GOLDEN WLrADING,---fon Friday last Job)) White, the senior proprietor of'. Tug TIS and his estimable lady, celebrated the SOtlt anniversary of their wedding, at their house in Exe ter, surrtiuoded by the members of their family, and noose closely connect ed reiatlyee, to the number of thirty. • Dot: and Mrs White are of Irish des cent, bath being natives of County Tyrone, Ireland. They were married in Philadelphia. Fa., and e=ante to Oan- ,•:,, /ell!) gin Stptt1Yville, where Mr, '1, tett a postmaster for many years, scall conducting a general store there. About :15 ycats ago they moved Crest: to St, Marys, where they lived until; Mr, White Was inclined to start to newspaper. !u Exeter, tsnd in August, 1 3; establ.islsed Tion Thine, which has since been nudes his control. They are both in the seventies and • enjoy comparatively good health. Mr. Wh te, notwithstanding a fracture to one of his hips a few years ago, being still a. daily visitor to the +office. They were blessed with five sails and two danl;lotere, Their fata- lly -'W. J., of the Immigration De. pat tniexit, Ottawas ; T. M. and J. J., of the Windsor Review; M. J., of TiIi Tterns, and two daughters at home. The re -union 'vast a very pleasant one. Many= costly presents were received in ct,ttmtuemoration of the unusual event. Tho evangelistic services wbielt are being conducted its Trivitt 11Ien1oriai church by the Rev. Arthur Murphy, ,vitt «lose an Tuesday evenine next with toauksgiving service. The Rev. Arthur Murphy will preach in Trivia, Memorial church ou Sunday next, at the hours of 11 a. 111.,'I.15 part. and 7 p. no. The service at 4,15 is for men only. Subject, "A. Good Choice. All men are invited. 0. Knight, who has been in the em- ploy or the Grants Trunk Railway for over 40 years, and who has had charge of the herder depot for 20 years, has resigned lois position and will .retire from the active duties of station Hfe. His son, John, who has been his as- sistant, for some years has been ap- pointed to the fall charge oP th Exeter depot. We wish Mr. C. Knight many years of healthfulness to enjoy bis well-earned rest, and wish his .suc- cessor every success in his new office. Sodom BRxurs. Miss Jessie Creech is 'the' guest of Miss Eva and Emily ^ Penhale.. —Mr. John Penhale claims to be the owner of one of the most prolific pigs in the County she having present- ed her owner with no less than eight- een little porkers one day last Week. —Next comes Abe Dearing with a mammoth hen egg, the dimensions of which are seven by eight and a half inches. .Abe challenges any other hen in the Township to beat this—The mill was shut down for a. couple of days last week for repairs and improve- ments.—One featureof the League lest Sunday night was reading of a letter received by one of the members from Miss Lilly Harris who lately wept to the N. W. and was formerly one of the leading members. HIS LIFE W S SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a.wonder- ful deliverance from a frightful death. 1n telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into `Pneumonia. My sungsbecame harden- ed. I was so weak 1 couldu't even sit up in red. Nothing helped nee. I ex- pected x- ec, d to soon die of Consumption,, p e when I beard of Dr. King's. New Dis- covery. One bottle gave great relief.. I Continued to use it and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest, and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. 50 cents and $1.00, at any Drug Store ; every bottle guaranteed. MARRIED ROBSON—DTUTTON— At Oshkosh, Wi3`„ on April 5,John Robson, of Stoughton, Wxa., to Alice Maud Dutton. sister of Mrs. Jas, Slep- perd, Clinton... -' GIBB-IMlttlO-At the Manse, Exeter, on the 18th inset, by Rev. W. M. Marna, B. D, Daviel C. Gibb, 01 Fallarton, to Miss Jane, youngest daughter of John Imrie, of Tucker smith. i ISHPR—CUIttiYL'N—At the rosidenee of the bride's father, Godericb township, on .A.pri14, by Rev. J. A. Anderson,B. A., Herbert Fisher,' to Francis Jane, daughter of Henry Curwen. ANDERSON—WOOD—In Usborne, on the 12th ins, , at the home of her brother ; Wm. Wood, by Rev, Mr..Jowitt, H N. Andorson, teacher, to Miss Ida, dgn hter of the late W. Wood• JONES—DENT—In Mitchell; on the 10th ' inst., b .It . Mr.Kcrrin Charles by.Rev. ��; a lel J ones, of. Strat- ford, to hiss Freda, daughter. of A, Dent, Barrister, lteholl. SMITH LA0l)LAW—A1 the Manse, Eginond; ville; on April 1lth, by Rev,, N.• Shaw, B. A., John Smith, of Hullett,: to Miss Ella Laidlaw, daughter of George Laidlaw; of'Tucke.rsn ith. PRICE- HUTOHIVSON—At the residence of thebrides father, Seaforth, on April lith, by Rev. Mr. Russell, Isaac D. Price, of A"yliuor, to Miss Bertha 11.. daughter Of ' Goorg"'e Hutchinson, Esq.' DIED IMMcDOU GALL—In Goderioh township. on April. 5, Ann eDongall, wife of Wm, ]Elliott, aged 56 years, WHITIDLEY-In Godericbi on April 4;, John Wesley Whiteley, ,,aged 35 years, 5 months and 23 days. S R ARM T ONG=-Tn DGodericri,.A cit 6,• ar- in11faig et avies, wife of Edward Armstrong;' aged 52 --ears, 4tlionths and 93 days. McNAUGHTON—In Clinton, on April 5, Cath- arine McDonald, relict of the late John Mc- Naughton, of` Stanley, aged 58 years and 1 niontli, SCALD: HAND. Some years ago Iscalded my hand very badly then took cold in the burn, my hand swelled and was very painful, but halfa bottle'of Rag- yya>;ds Yellow Oil cured' it eompletely. Mrs. Wannamaker, Frankford, Ont. This (s what a fagged. out tearful tittle woman said tcllrng her cares and vea%- noses. Her friend encouraged by telling of a relative who hadjust such trQubles.and was cured by ffogd's $arsaparilla. The little woman .now has tears of jey, for sloe tool., good a, which pother, blood in primo order, and mile lives on the strength, of the present instead of tl worrying about that of the past. Humor--" When 1 need a blood purifier I take Ilood's Sarsaparilla. It cured my burner and it is excellent as a nerve tome," AP= Ea'ro:4t Stattorsi Springs, Conus. rysipe1a5 Sores—"After scarlet fever =Prang sore was lett on pay inose. Took #cod's Sarsaparilla, and it cured arae. My brother was also relieved by nor ergs pelas. *obis face." Err Covessn, Burden, N. P. n Good 'Clothes are worth the price asked for them. SHOREY'S CLOSING is made to fit not made to order. ]@14oc1 v lI31s curs liver Ills :Om no :xr4tas raj and qnl eaitlaaiat10 to. latae walla nua0 fi The :Minneapolis Journal says ; All the fa t theta of the world on to sort of international trust to restrict the pro• (Institut of ti heat and sante prices: is the plan which it is hoped to carry in- to efi'xe't, at the International Agri- eultnrttl Ct,tat'e•rotrce in Paris, July 0 to 10, It i^: el °posed to ask the world L•tt i•eshwe their wheat nutptat by 20 per cent.. and 1141t. to sell ir~ bushel for less than a. dollar,. t'ilSY WAY TO SUE MONEY. DIF ! 1OMD DY58 TsNi by All I. eonolltikal Women. von', throw away your old blunse, all, .•t, wast .ar tint'es simply because yo to are tit ell of the whir tar because t ^a faded or smiled. Roy a teen vent yet loge of Diamond is es and with bleb• work you can po attire aa: garment that looks like 1la lti. If you 11131;e Caryl clothing for your- self or the s•hilelten. ilu' ini'e to dye it with a new ei'b.r t.f the Diamond Dyes, .Beware of imitat.ioes ; also: for the an Diamond Dyes and tike no others. Direction snot: and Card of IS Colors sent free to arty .adtli ess. \Fells .�. Co.,C, Richardson ., •.att,t Mountain St., Montreal, P. NEW .eat Market The uudersogned has opened up u new meat market one unor. South of Carl ng Store where he will keep the choicest of means constantly on hauu1. A, (.A1] I (1]t)1ED JOHN T. PLANNING EXETER ROLLER MILLS &L`t'F AYS READY FL Mill Feed and. Cern CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. l3IG'nt'ST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR GOOD RED WINTER WHEAT. Carload Matin. Southern Sweet and Improved Learning seed Corn. J. COBBLEDICK & SON. You Make stake if you ha tT Pale, Greenish, or Sallow Ci9mplexion, Cold HandsF and yet Loss of Ap- petite, e etit - D l e sa Lack of Energy or5tomaoh Troubles, ou Make Mistake , When you do nout ue r W s D . a iti,a s Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act e ount r act these conditions. Why? Be-" cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build tip the human system. The. wayto a cure Y lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on bythe stomach an.d pre- pared pe .ared for absorption into the s stern. P F Y Dr:; Ward's Pill3 give just the pro- per help to a tired system, an dif- fuse'a glow of health through the whole human frame. You feel yourself ette,weit Dr B1oci: ` when you . take , Want sw, . and Nerve Pills. soots. per box, flue, boxes for $200. All drug ai.ts. gr:Sam Wilttrms dt Co., Toronto, Ont, STd by eliabledealer only. t.4 Any arttc. of c.okhing bea is sure to be good, as .n every garment made by H, Shorey & Co., ter reputation is at stake, and they cannot afford to sacrifice that Shore'.Shorey's Clothing is sold ou the un- derstanding that if it is not satisfactory your oney will be returned. MA R K. ;eater s PHIL ., 3s Marley Peas hatter.:,., OREY'S Cars Serge Sate Retail for $12.75 et t0 nt i to .1 91; to jae lei to 110 to 10 Turkeys . to to Lt b1eese...., .. .. _ 4o G Chickens per lip ,... G to 7 Duets.... . 7 to t+ Moot.,,.' ,,,, Fs to r5 Toned 4•ppics. .. ll to to Pork dressed.,.. .. £0.:, to G'K LONDON' 314 Lsndan. ,41'l:•t,.11 /1.10M Wheat, per bi;ettel, t eat f?tr {]ars 53, to Zia - to e;. rley-,n • :b to 4w leStt5lresL , ... to 4 Ityo .., al to Vitra . ao 4e, Milner .,., ,.... .. to 10 zaga•••• - . 15 to lhacki ,ata to Turl.eya 1Ie At ,-., .. its to 4teereper2+,..... 0 40 .54 to C'heesei,,..,. ...... t to ,-at rotaterrs ger arc .. . ,d to , • gg .. $1.5ta to 25.00 EISMARK'S IRON NERVE. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, kidneys and Bowels are out of order.If you want these qualities and Bon SPccees they bring, use Da. la.ing's New Life Pills. They develop every iaowerof brain and body. Onl