HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 4TO,- .4... 1WLifI T.
e Molsons Bank
:A1Rrn BY PeeleldaelBeTT, leetee
up Cepa% — ee,e00,00e
Fend — 411,0000
Read. eeetice„Noutreal,
oiley advance1 to good, tanners ea their
eete with OrM or MOM endereer at Per
teat. per annum.
Beeeter Branch
Pen evere lewfal clay from lea. m. te 3V. fl
eteeTeerleeYee 1a. 311. te 1
wet =tea letereet allowea eu deposits.
somerzoite. eiezeineet
ter, Dee. ettle'Pe.
Caencar for A
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TDMSDAX . 3 10
WEDNasneser... . I 11
TetemesDaYa 6 22
FltIDA.Y. 0 13
SehrUetetex ... . 7 14
L, 1900.
15 22 29•
10 23 30
17 24
1.8 23
19 20
20 27
21 2S
TUSD APEIL 19th, 1900.
The eleetion bill introduced by Son.
citmeGeneral Fitzpatrick declares in
elm. 7 that the folloviug pereons shall
be tin -qualified and incompetent te vote
at any Dominion election.
"Ofncers ane men under tne Militia
Act in the permanent force,"
00fileers and men in the NortinW est
Alouoted Pace force."
iVoultbobors who would not lift their
Ougers to protect Canada if assailed by
a foreign toe are entitled to vote.
But the members a Caleatla's room'
ted force in the West -good Canadians,
sound, intelligeot men—and the offie
cers and men of all the permanent
Ieorps, are. according to the new Gov -
etumrent Election Bill, to be disquali-
No man wearing the Queen's Inn
fOrnano soldier of the Queezeis thought
by the Laurier Government, to he as
well entitled to the rights of eiti-
neusbip as a Doukhobor or Gall -
A Doukhobor fresh in the country
and ionorant of the language may
roark his ballot aud illetate a policy for
us, but the Canadian, sound and loyal,
who serves the Queen as a soldier is an
the setae basis as the convict in the
%nos is an Insult to every man who
loves British fair play.
It is to be hoped that the Senate will
ot allow this meta and outrage to
he mennsere of our Military forces. to
become law.
• 41ontreal, April 15.—Sir Charles Tup-
per, the Conservative leader, who is
speuding tbe Baster holidays in Mon-
treal, was waited npon on Saturday
afternoon by deputations from the
• Liberal -Conservative Club and the
junior Conservative Club, and preseet-
I. ed with addresses.
Sir Charles Tupper made a long re-
ply to the addresses, in which he de-
fended the policy of the Liberal -Con-
servative partyand attacked the Gov -
eminent, especially on its preferential
'rade. policy. The Conservatives, Sir
— Tupper said, believed. in the
'Mame .
— but they. believ-
tinity of the Bnipue,
ed the best metros to tiecompne'l; 'that
unity was to have mutual prefereoce
in trade tnattere Within the Baspire.
Ens was opposed to making a free gift
to England in the way of e,, preference,
such eolicy was a blow atafitalian
I;ber. The Governmenf,ebylls policy,
was taking the most effective means to
• prevent a policy of mutual. preterepee,
It was also a breach of faith, as the
• Government had declared that the
present tariff was fixed, and would not
be changed. Sir Charles Tapper also
declared against the scheme of having
oanada represented in the Imperial
hrliament, as proportionate repre-
litsentation, he claimed, would mean
proportionate taxation, and such, in-
stead of helping, would be fatal to the
unity of the Empire. The Conserva-
tive policy he defined. as protection for
Canadian industries, and the unity of
the Empire by means of a, mutual pre-
ference within tne Enipire.
Surmise is running wild in the
neighborhood of Nithburg over a,
find which was made by Mr. Robt.
Turnbull wbile ou his way to his home
in that place on Saturday evening.
• His attention was attracted by the
., cries of the youngster, and so luckily
escaped running over it. Examination
revealed the fact, that tbe baby was
vary young—not a year old, in fact,
though Mr. Turnbull was not able to
make a, personal inyestigation, owing
to the skittish nature of the horse. 'A
kind farmer by the name of William
IYost, who happened to be in the neigh.
borhood, was called and took the poor
thing home with him, where it is re-
ceiving the best of -attention. Mr.
Yost, however, is very anxious that
the persons who abandoned it will re-
pent of their /Asti act and come and
claim their own. In this fair land of
Caeada, it is a shame that Dell a thine
ae-this sboald be. The place where
• be baby was left was coMparatively
• unfrequented, a,nclit naight easily have
etarved to death or been run over by a
• pas.eIng vehicle. Crimes such as this
eh wild not be alloseed to' go imp,uiaish-
ee, but should be subjeet to, prompt
• egs investigation. If the baby had
Ibeen 'Inman such steps would doubt-
less be taken, but as it a as oely a baby
pig the matter may be allowed to
t dm).
MOSMIOMInnemoRoesnia6 Antamowaerwrn
Ar grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
llfe of -joy. Bucklen's Arelea Salve
eures them ; also Old ,Running an
j'ever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
`corns, Warts, ,Cuts, Bruises, Burns,
elds, Clamed Hands,' Chilblains!.
tt Pile cure on earth. Drives out
ains and Aches. nly 2, cts„ b .
Cetiee guaranteed. Sold by all Dreg-
Perth Picking*
Mrs, 3. D. Moe St. Marys has been
ill for the past weeks.
S. Radeliffe a the 10th a Blaustatel
has been very m for the past two
Dr. Herold, a Tavistock, hes sold
oue of his fine stallions to Air. MeCon-
veil, of Brocefieltl.
Rev. G. W. Heudereon, o St. garys,
is strongly. spoken a ais ttze coming
president of the Loudon Metbodtst
On Sundann S, Aire Jobe West. -
ream who formerly lived near Ganeton
died at her home n1Loadorl, et the age
of 30 years.
Mies Gallaglaer, Strattor& net with
uefortonate accident Sunday.
She tell down etairs, breaking her Ieg
aZ4 sasteluipg other injuries.
Rev. E. F. M. Smith, a Granton,
has decided to eccept a call to the Mil-
ton Presbyterian congregetiou at a
sahery •of $850 and a free manse.
Rev, T. E. Harrison, Granton. bes
received a call frons Empress Ay
ewe ehoreb, London, subject to the
decon et the Staeioeung commit-
Mr. joint Ditubar, the well known
11e/Wiate breeder of thoroughbred I3er1e-
shire hogs, killed a 16 mouths old pork-
er the other dayewhieh dressed 653
To be free from sick headeche, bin
leusness, constipatiou, etc., use Carter'e
Little Liver Pill. Strictly vegetanle.
They trently stimulate the liver and
Messre. D. McLaren & Sous, a Cro-
marty, litet week. disposed a their flue
draught, team for a ISMIg SUM, of $3e0
to llandford st Elliott, Exeter. They
tipped the beaut at 3,375 pomade.
The Mitchell town colleen bavieg
given A. Burritt & Co. a fixed assess-
meut o.s:5000 tor ten. yes no matter
how they enlarge their property, that
firm has retied the Brampton offer
and will stay iu
Isaac- Bailey, a Science Bill, has
given up blacksmithing and is moon*
onto hie farm on the ltit concession of
Blanshard. Archie Hay has been ap-
pointed postmaster at Science Hill, a
position formerly held by Ma Bailee.
The Globe ha e a letter from II -1,1
Rice. treasurer of St Mar.ye Petriotic
Fund with statement of the total
amountcontributed—S15,651.75 by St.
Ma's citizens. Tb s a very fine
showing for the town and speaks well
for its geeerosity and loyalty. ,
The home of Mr arid Mrs Gilbert
Carter. Gra.nton, was the sceue of a
happy event on Thursday morning
last. it being the marriage of their
youngest daughter, Melissa, to Samuel
Hartley, one of Brantford's west esti-
nable young men.
Dan Sinchtir and, family, of Blau -
shard, haye lett for tbeir new home at.
Haneaford, North Dakota. Mr. Sin-
clair has been a resident a Blanshard.
township fox. 53 years. He will
probably go into the ranching busi-
Assessor Kennedy bas just complet-
ed the roll of assessed value of town
property a St. Marys as foltowe
Wet Ward $201,080 ; North Ward,
$301,710 ; South Ward, $590,319 ; total
assessed value a town of St, Marys,
Mr. Joseph Stafford St„ Marys was
thrown off his rig while driviug bis
horse Darebiu at the Spring Fair. A
pile a frozen dirt, which had been
fieraped off the crossieg, was responsi-
ble for the a.ecident. Mr. Stafford fell
on his shoulder on the granolithic
crossing, but was not seriously In-
About 7.40 Thursday morning the
was discovered in the store of C. H.
Holmes, in Atwood village, resulting
in tbe destruction of the store, dwell-
ing and barn adjoining. Very little
was saved from the store and only two
liOnses tioel a rig from the barn. There
is au insurance of $4,e00 on Mr.
Holmesstock and building init none
on household goods. Its loss will be
about 00,000.
As a result of the meeting called to
arrange fon a canvas of Fullerton
township in behalf of the Indian
Fainting Fend: .411 of the canvassers
from the different school seetions, met
and the total of all was a surprising
tribute to the work done. When the
different amounts were put together,
a total of four hundred and ninety
five dollars was the result of the work.
Adding to this monies previously sent
from some pelt of the township, the
grand total would be close upon six
hundred. It would not be amiss for
other townships to imitate in this line
of work.
Huhon County Notes, I Louis Selene has purelmeed A. Al -
.Arelo meDougall, of Porter's Hill,
started seeding on April (lela
D. Omeningepeue, section roam late
o Blyth,lies, been removed to Olautle-
John Hart moved to 'Varna on Mon-
day, where he has parelmeed a blacksmZh shop.
Mrs. John Parks Goderieh;township
left en Tuesday to join her hosbend in
Mr. Senoch, of near St, Joseph.
moved on the farm lately cleeklpied by
John Gascho,
F. G, §parling put the ingleam
salt, well in operation again last week
for the season's run,
Loftus Stark and John Letberland,
Seafortle have entered into partnere
ship io the inaex chant tailoring.
J. J. Allen, formerly of the firm of
Allen & Wilson, Clinton, has purchas-
ed Robinson's dreg store, Ottawa.
Fred Jaekson, lately counected with
the shoe business ae Jackson Bros.',
Qintex). left on Tuesday tor Omaha.
• .irilayson, of Tackersmith, had
the misfortune to cut his foot while
splitting wood at his home on Tuesday
A. Brooks and family, of Belgrave,
haye moved to Centralia; he has ee-
cared the position of seetien forernau
Reuben Grigg, of lienennier has pur-
cbased an 80 acre farm on con. 9, Wtd.
erieb towusbip, aud will remove there
W. (.1. Broadfoot, of Tecleersinith,
and D. McIntosh, V, S., of Brueefield,
heve been appointed justices of the
While delving along the read A few
days ago, Frank Boesenberryee Zurich,
met with an accident, his horse break-
ing a leg.
There died in East Wawanoslo on
Tbursday of last week, Mery Link.
later, beloved. wife of George Tervin in
her 00th year.
James 13Iair, Porter's Hill, met with
a very painful accideet recently, when
he had the unefortune to cut three of
bis toes nearly off,
Miss Edna Green, of Goderich town-
ship, daughter of John Green, 0 con.,
died last Wednesday, after a brief ill
nese of appendicitis.
The West Huron local election case
WAS up before the Court of Appeal on
Thursday, but le has been set down for
hearing the second week of May.
Elizabeth Duffy, wife of the late
John KeBy, passed away from our
midst at the age oC 07 years, having
spent thirty-one years of her life In
Mrs. Kropp, mother of Mrs. Aleno
Boechler. Zurieb, died on the Sth of
April. Parelysis was the cause of
death. Deceased had reacbed the ripe
e of 73 years.
F. Hess, sr, Zurich, met with an ac-
cident at his faetory the other day.
He was working a band saw when his
bend came in contact with the saw
nd was very badly cut.
" There is no little enemy." Little
impurities in the blood are sources of
great danger and shotild be expelled
be, Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Not one in twenty are free from
some little ailment caused by inaction
of the liver, Use Carter's Little Liver
Pills. The result will he a pleasant
surprise, They give positive relief.
R. Grigg has bought the Switzer
farm on the Oth con., Goderich town-
ship, at a figure in the neighborhood Of
$3700; this is considered to be an ex-
cellent piece of land which has minable
buildings on it.
R. H. SandI3,o2 Dungannou,luts been
engaged to drive the stage. Jen.
Towler and Henry Borland left for the
prairie province on Tuesday morning,
John Durin has returned to Brandon,
Man., atter spending the winter at
Thomas Bell, of Farquhar, a short
time ago, had an auction sale of Ins
stock and implements, as he intended.
going out to Manitoba, but he has
since changed bis mind and intends
remaining here, but as yet he basn't
decided what he'll do.
There passed away on Thursday,
April 5th, Ann McDoOgall, wife of W.
Elliott, at the age of 50 years. Deceas-
ed was for years a resident of Gode-
rich township, and as she was known
by a large circle of friends and role -
tires, Ler delniee Will be keenly felt.
A.t Seaforth, on Wednesday night,
the bus horses ran aWay while the
night train was coining in, and going
up front street the bus upset and was
'considerably smashed before the horses
stopped ; fortunately no one was in at
the time, the driver being at the sta,-
The youngest child of Alex. Butler,
Blyth, fell into a well which was un-
der the wood shed, on Friday last, and
would have been drowned had not the
mother of the child jumped into the
well and rescued her babe. It was so
far gone that it was with difficulty
that two doctors resuscitated it. a
The hand of death has again been in
Leeburn and claimed a victim, in the
person of Mrs. Sturdy, sr., at the age
of 83 who passed away on Friday; she
had resided with her son Thomas for a
number of years. Mrs. Sturdy suffer-
ed a, paralytic stroke a few weeks be-
fore her death, but previous to that
time had been in excellent health.
In Huron county there were in 1874,
150 tavern and 38 shop licenses; in 1899
8 tavern and 9 shop. In Bruce there
are 83 tavern and 4 shop ; in Perth 57
tavern and 5 shop. Since 1889 there
has been no • vessel license granted.
The total committments for drunken-
ness in 1876 were 3,868 ; 1809, 1,802 ; in
Huron county 24 in 1876 and only 2 in
1899. The duties run from $250 to
$450 ; for. tavern or shop, from $90 to
$350 apd saloons $210 to $450 ; One-
half iS imposed for beer and wine li-
cense alone.
On Thursday morning Mr. Mc-
Naughton, of Clinton passed away
after a severe illness of ahont tee°
weeks' duration, although she has not
been in the enjoyment of good health
for the past furor five years, The
deceased was born in St. Andrews,
Quebec, in the year 1842. She married
John MeNaughton, of the Bayfield
Road, near Varna, where she spent
the greater part of her years, devoting
her life to deeds of usefulness and hap-
piness. There was born to Mr. and
Mr. McNaughton a family of pine
children, all of them are now living ex-
cept the fourth member, Alexander,
who died when but six years old. elr
, Mc aught n die six years ago, after
la happy married life, eetending over
thirty years.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attrac-
tive must keep her health. If she is
weak, sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and irritable. If she has
coristipaiion or kidney trouble, her im-
pure blood will cause pimples, blotches
skin eruptions and a wretched com-
plexion. Electric Bitters is the best
medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves,bright eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make a
good-looking, charming woman of a run-downinvalid. Only 50 cents at
any Drug Store.
For all kinds of Coughs and Cold, Bronchitis,
Croup, Asthma and. Whooping Cough there is
no remedyequal in =mese properties to Dr,
Norway's Pine Syrup
My little boy, 8 years ,old, td a bad !attack of
Rhen.matism. IfiS joints were swollen and he
couldn b Sleep wall the pain, Ono box of Mil -
burn's Rheumatic Pills completely cured nie.
F. l3issonette, Port Hope, Ont.
A .Bear gelinol.
News has reached Williamsport, Pa.,
Of an adventure with a bear in the
wilds of Brown ToWnship recently.
"While Miss Lula I3eaver was teaching
the little country school of twenty pu-
pils, all were thrown in a state of panic
by olbserving a good-sized bear enter-
ing the schoolroom. Boys and girls
alike dashed through the windows,
'while the bear :acted in the aisle startled
by the cusamotion. Miss Beaver, the
teacher, ha.stened dawn one side of the
room and ran out,, cloeing the door af-
ter her. the meantime several
Woodsnien heard the commotion, and
hastening to the scene with a rifle
ouickly dispatched the entma.l. The
hide will he presented to the ,fearlps-r,
*bridles farm in Hey.
Percy Holmes, of St. Oetharines,for-
merly of Clinton, leaves title week foe
Oape Town, Soath Africa, where he
will remain if he likes the couutry.
John 8041)10y, of the Loudon road,
Stanley, returned from Ontatio, Cal„
lase week. He speaks very highly of
that State and as a great dintate for
Alma -aeries Sparling.er„Seafortlehas
just completed a (milt contabeinta1,370
pieces and she is now in her eighty
seemed year, although quite smart for
ber uage
ltfsenot be confounded with comin-
on cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's
Little Liver Pille are entirely unlike
them in every revert- One trial
will prove their superiority. _
e The First Presbyterian church, Sea-
fbrth, bas decided to call Rev, F. IL
Larkio, B A., of the first,Presbyterlau
church, Chatham. It is understood
that Rev. Mr. Larkin will accept the
call. The stipend is $1,500 and free
4. private letter to a friend in Stau-
ley from Thomas johuston, of Hots.
sevain, Manitoba, says„ weather there
is fine, and that they started seeding
on the istclay of Aprieand hundreds of
acres will be sown there before we get
Alex. Seattle and William Clummate
Tuckersmitin jost sold their well-
known Shorthorn bull, "New Year's
Gift," 220S7, to Leslie Smith, manager
for N. P. Clarke, of St. Cloud, Mimi°.
eota, United States, for the handsome
sum of $400.
The Lucnnow Sentinel annonocee
the death of Helen, reliet of the late
John Corrigan, at the phenomenal age
of 104 years. The deCeaSed, at the
time of her death, WAS living at Holy -
rood, Cate where she made her home
with her grandson:AU, John Purvis,
It is with deepxegret we have to
chronicle the demise a Mrs. Wm. Car -
traction, nee Annie McDougall, which
took plaee at her home Seaforth early
Tuesday looming. The deceased was
born In Liverpool and °eine to this
country when a girl of sixteen with
ber parents and settled in Harpurhey,
Aitehesou, son of John Altehee
SOD, of Roxboro, AleKillopt, returned
home on Friday last and intends re-
siding here in More, Ile has been
a resident of the Devil's Lake District.
North Dakota, for about thirty years
since be left Huron, He has had an
attack of paralysis, and is forced to re-
Da Brown, died at Hampton, on
Monday. Ile was a. brother a IL
Drove. Winebelsea. After graduat-
ing, The Brown practiced in Jackson-
yille 111., but found his strength in-
suffitient for 1,he eevere test of a doe -
tor, and after a short rest secured a
position in the state hospital for the
deaf, dumb and He had been ill
for some tirae.
John Brooks, formerly of Blyth, had
a narrow escape from drool:nog, at
Wingbarn, on Sunday last. Be is en-
gaged in the eleettic light works there,
and while cutting ice an the dam,
slipped off andwas carried over the
dam. and but for his presence of mind,
in catebingon to 4 Jog, where he re-
mained, until itesistauee reached him,
he would have perished.
Mrs. John Collonton, died at the re-
sidepee of her daughter, Mrs, J. B.
Kelly, in Goderich, on April Otte She
had only been ill one week, atioelexea
which followed In grippe, being the
case a death Deceased was an hon-
ored and respected resident of Blyth
for 26 years, leaving there one year
ago to reside with her daughter Mrs.
Moore, in Stratford, She WAS in the
70th year of her age.
A sad, though not as yet fatal ac-
cident, occurred on Friday evening at
the home of Mrs. Bains'of Brussels.
While she was packing her trunk, she
took an old revolver out of a drawer,
where it bad been for years, and laid
it on the table beside her. One of the
little sons, eight years old, picked the
revolver up and discharged it. The
bullet struck hehisleidtasv
little ebiZetihneeariganixt
rs the bullet
bullet lodging in the back
of the head. Medical -aid was sum -
lammed, bat they were unable to locate
the bullet.
Of valor is discretion," and the
better part of the treatment of disease
is prevention, Disease originates in
impurities in the blood. Hood's Sar-
saparilla purifies the blood. People
who take it at this season say they are
kept healthy the year round. It Is be-
cause this medicine expels impurities
and. makes the blood rich and health -
All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills.
25 de.
rAklutlitttrtttufAsTrAntl.T2r, :-.... 'V' , r- , • --,-
Si 'ffl 0
' • .13-,4',.. 4. ,...,
g /41. 11 :fa
sr kri i- se, :33
ee They do not complain of a
tri anything in particular. They el
IT b eat enough, but keeo.thiri and .3e
se ' 4
K pale. They appear fairly well, es
ift. but have no strength. You 4:4
nj cannot say they are really `,s3
g sick, and soyou call them ;
it delicate. lj
24' What can be done for them? 7res
rs Our answer is the same that et
ne the best physicianshave been
f giving fora quarter of a con- 14
g tury. Give them
SCOirS [11111iSieill:P
of Cocl,Liter Oil witli HyPo-
• phosplzztes. It has most re-
le markable nourishing power. „igee
✓ It gives color to the blood. It
se :a
se brings strength to the mus-
cles. Jt adds power to the
It nerves It means robust X
It X
IC health and vigor. Even deli-
• ca.te infants rapidly gain in
flesh if given a small amount
If three or four times each day.
s SCoTT & BOW, Chemists, Toronto,
5.0e. ahd $z.oh ; all drugg sta.
MATAThror.--.A. very pleasant event
took place last Thursday evening at
at the residence of Win 'Wood, wheu,
bis. sister,. Miss Ida, was joined in elle
holy bonds a roatrinaoey to Mr. .
N.. I .Audersom our popular school
teeeher. The ceremony was preform. -
ed by the BOY. Mr..J"ewitt, in tbe pre-
seuce .of only the immediate relatives
of the coptractiug patties, Mr. An-
derson and: bride left on Friday more-
lug.for Toronto' and other places. on
thole wedding trip. Mr. Anderson is
to be •cougratulated on secoring seeh
an estimable and accomplietted young
lady. Their many frieede in Heron -
dale wish them bon veiyage throogh
BeaBee..—Nr. Luther mid Wm _Oak
have gotnicely settled on their ..fipe
farm lately vapated by Me. George
Lowe, We: welcome almixi to our
midst, Mr. Female Golder, of Lawer-
ance, op.eet the. Baster holidays With
relatives in Herondele. Ain Wes,
Armstrong Thames Road called on
frieuds beire on Sunday. Miss Rosie
Oudraere is visiting her sister, Mrs.
W. Harvey, neat ..`1,7eter. Mr- john
Frayne is engaged ewitie Mr. john
Blatchford. for the eununer,
• 'K irkton
BRIEFS.---Aload of ouryoungpeople
attended the Anderson oyster supper
last Friday eeenitig and pronounced
it a grand emcees, —A. baseball meeting
was held in R. A. Bryan's parlor an
Saturday to organize. a.
Heideman, Zurich, was the guest of
Davis, Jacobi. Francis.
town, paid .Kirletou u flyieg visit Sun-
day,—. William Dawsen bas engaged
with Mr, Dane= MeLeito for the sum-
mer. at 4 good ligureaejohn O'Brien
Was united in matrimony to Miss Mag-
gie Shipley last Wednesday. They
will reside in Perklaill. The best
wiebee are for their future success:. and
happiiiess,—W. R. Parr, V. 8, has
gone to Toronto on business, -.John
'Bootie is on the sick list from la grmpe.
--N. B. Doupe and wife returned to
Lucke after spending a pleasant week
with friends here.— L. Kimk we are
glad to say, is able to be about agaita
Miss Lizzie Shier, of Linwood, is
spending her vacation at horon—Tbe
mow storm of Friday last and reins
have put the roads et bad condition,
-Misses Esther Brethour and Phoebe
Tufts are speedieg their vacatioos at
Bnielne.--Making nuiple syrup is at
present the order of the dity.—Henry
1.3rown returned. borne on Tuesday
after attending the funeral of his
brother, john Brown, who died in
Bowinauville.— Mrs. Cook received a
letter very recently from Enos, stat-
ing that be bad purchased a half see -
tion of land near Hargrave, for $3.50
an aere, also stating that he liked the
country very well, tbe weather was
very fine and all were busy seeding.—
Master Howard Powell, of Exeter,
Was the guest of George Godbolt on
Satineley and Sunday laste—Miss Chal-
lenger is at present tonOned to her
bed with inflammation and neuralgia.
—Leslie H. Robinson of the F. O. B.
College, London, spent his bolideys at
hotue.—Josh. Burns, of Blanchard, en-
tertained a number of guests one
evening last week, at tile home of Mrs.
Geo. Godbolt with his eeraphophone.—
Air. and Airs. W, J. Boy, spent Sun-
day in Mitchell. The Wiachelsea
Clreamerv Co. have secured the ser-
vices of Hallie Brown, as tbird man
far the coming sunnrier.—Willie Nor-
ris, of Cronnuty, is spending his holi-
days with his Aunt, Airs. Ben Allen. --
Master Harry Weldon, of London
township, spent Saturday and Supday
with his uncle, Charles Godbolt.—Geo.
Hazelwood and family, of Kiretton,
were the guests of David Miller on
Sunden 'last —Master Victor and. Miss
Mabel Sawyer axe Spending their holi-
days with relatives in Woodham. —
Mrs. Annan,of Pickering, who spent, a
few days visiting her 'brother, Thos.
White, returned home again on Tues-
day.—Franklin Delbridge -svho is at-
tending the F. C. B. College, London,
spent his holidays under the parental
roof.—Mr. Grant, of Mitchell, is at
present visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. W. J. Roy.—J. G. Jones spent,
Monday in London. -a Miss Lottie
Dickens, of Saintsbury, and Miss Wig -
gaps, of Goderich, were the guests of
Miss Ella Robinsous a few days of this
week.—Mrs. Wesley Mills, of Wood-
ham, was the guest of Mrs. Will.
Sawyer, on Monday. —Miss Enema and.
Bertha Upshall visited. London during
the holidays.
Box Sooxem.—The box social held in
the church on Friday evening last un -
dee the auspices of the Sunshine Ep-
worth League was a decided. saccess.
A,bout 8 o'clock the Chairreen, Mr.
Waddell opened the program by an
address, after which the Misses Madge
pleased the audience w th their excel-
lent vocal talent. After a number of
recitations, readings and other vocal
music Mrs. W. 3. Roy surprised the
audience by a, few vdcal selections
which were pleasing to all. About
the tniacile of the programme the
Ohairixiaa called on two of our enter-
prising young gentlemen (Edwin M. T.
Clark and Joseph White) for tale-
tioneers wliO very ably managed 'the
sellingof the excellent boxes that had
been very aistocratically trimmed tri
many shapes end cols by the ladies
present, Mrs. JDO. McOullogh's being
• the dearest box solcl, realizing for it
83.00e purchased by Peter Coleman.
After all had done ample justice to the
good thingsprovided in eech box the
remainder of the. programme was pro-
ceeded with until a late hone when all
adjotemed well satisfied. Proceeds in
aid of the "Indian Famine Lrund"
ar—unting to the good figure of $25.-
P. Belied, of St. Joseph, has recent-
ly p 'wt.:based R. Drysdale's store al,
Drysdale. "
turkish Scglp fffal„removes'iL efft
itching of the 6calp, restores the nat-
ural color and vitality of faded ane
grey hair. Turkish Sealp Food is rap-
idly growing in publio favor and takes
the lead of all other preparations on
the market. For sale at Lutz' s Drug
Store, Exeter. Only 50c a bottle.
A -well-known young lady a clover B.,
writes : "I gladly recommend Laxa-Liver
to anyone sot -tering from Constipation. They
cured me entirely before I fluis13.ed the ,third,
box. -
Exeter Municipal Council
Council met perseant to adjourn-
Men't at Town Hall, April 15th, All
Minutes of previous rneetieg read.
and confirmed.
Are$SerS. liurtiort and. Sanders on be-
half of the Lacrosse Club waited on the
carmen asking a donation and on mo-
tion of I. Armstrong, seconded by J,
Mnir, a grant of $15 was made,
A deputation consisting of Messrs.
D. A. 'Ross, T. W. Taylor, E. S. How-
aErd,oti behalf of the rpanufaeturers
terYiewed the council regardiug the
matter of procuring water for street'
watering purposes and made certain
It was moved by J. Evans seconded
by I. ArinstroPg that the matter be
leid over for future consideration.—
Levitt—Muir — That 0 ouncil ad-
joarn to Friday April 20thot 7.30 p.
GEO. 12. Bissorn, Clerk.
Stagiering Vthr
Paine's Celery Compound
Is Tile Power Thai Removes
Dreg Load ttf Dime
in Springtime,
It is the World's Most Noted
Remedy for Blood Cleans-
ing, Nerve Bracing and
Flesh Building.
Now that Spring is at hand, the
body, is ready to east ar unhealthy
issues if it is only given a chance.
The great work of renewing and
beildieg up health. and strength is
surely alba, quielcly done by Paine's
Celery Compound,
Paine's Celery Compound cleanses
and. purifies every drop of blood. in the
body; the excretory organs, kidneys,
skin and bowels are made to work
actively and. the nerves are able to
furnish sufficient energy to the iiges•
tive organs.
Paine's Celery Compound is the best
spring medicine iu tbe world, because
it is far more than a n.iere spring
remedy. It brings a healthy appetite,
erfect digestion and regularity of the
bowels. As the greatest of spring
remedies it bauisbes tuorbid humors
and poisons that cause rheumatism,
neuralgia, heart trouble and other dan-
gerous ailmenteMn=7;—,JAMIniala
For long years physicians have
recognized Paine's Celery Compound
as the one scientific spring medicine,
and it is universally prescribed by
tbem whenever there is urgent 'amid
of a, vigorous and prompt restoring of
health and. strength to the wornout
Thousands of men and women bare
found from personal experience that
Paine's Celery Compound makes sick
people well, and keeps all from sick-
ness who use it in springtime,
Guelph City Council has passed a by-
law fixing cigarette licenses at $25 per
annum, with penalties of from $1. to
$50 for infraction.
It is generally understood ,that ex-
PremierGreenway will retire from the
leadecship of the Liberals after
the session of the IA anitobaLegislature
•s over.
A Child.
About three years ago I had to
leave school with sore hands.
Myteaelier said it was Salt Rheum
or Eczema and told me to see the
Mother got some medicine, but
it did me no good.
After 1 had suffered with the
itching and burning about three
months, mother thought she
would try 13urdoekElooM bitten,
only took two bottlesokwhei
my hands got completely c&ed,
—Emma Sheridan, Parry Sound,
Buy the Best
Ignore the Rest
In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed: Room Setts, Tables,
Chairs, Etc.
have it you want it.
Take aiook at our full line of
FUIZNITtr.P.‘,E and you wm
find what you a:2T looking fcir
Elk 11cnwei31ock.
You 'know all
boutit, The
.rush, tbe
worry, tbe
You go about
with a great
.weight resting upor.
You. You can't throw
off. this feeling. Y o •
are a slave to your
Sleep 'fans, and you
.On the verge of nervt,
What is to be dom..
For Arty years it I... -
been liftingup the e.
couraged, giving rest
the overworked, flF.
bringing refreshing
to the depressed.
No other
approaches it. In
and in cures, "Ayer's"
"the leader of them
It was old before othe..
sarsaparillas were bora.
$1.00 bsitlo, J.fl drugzui.
Ayer's Pills aid the ac
tion of Ayer's Sarsapi-:
riila. They cure biliouz.
Bess. 25 clu, a !tax.
1tave used. Ayers mealtime fr
more *ban 40 .e.tra au4. kive •
from the wry start that pat putt,
the bestruetbeirtes in the v.orltl. I t'
ant sure our alrFrparill.t 531",_ i r y
4 lifaeutIctonwIliprAtt t°70(4:a1114(ituY%ir%)e't'i
14101011t TOW InCtIICIEKS."
F17,ANA Trionas,
Jan. 21, IV/
Milo the 17.01114r11 "
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and oeetre ttla bt-Nt mcoleai a dvtee y‘at c
ran possibly reeelve, write the sh,t1 or
1317. withltur 3fe:,
freely. Yewutil receive a rrurspt
I: ou haTo any complaint whnicTir 7
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owe s
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R. hi. ROWE.
When Doctors
sleeplessness and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause.
Nothing can effect a permanent cure'
that does not remove the cause.
That is what our scientifically fitted.
glasses do.
S. Fitton,
T„ Fitt.gri 's Jewelry Store
These pills are a specific for all::
diseases arising from disordered
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They cure palpitation, dizziness,
smothering, faint and weak spells,
shortness ofhreath, swelling of feet
and ankles, nervousness, sleepless- -
ness, aninia, hysteria, St. Vitus'
dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,
female complaints general debility„,
and lack of vitality. Price soc. a box,