Exeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 3THE EXETER TIM S
Sew Idea ho 'boo a elem.; lane end new
They home Out or xt—magnitiveut eight
ror eradr.
The coutemplation ot the frenzy at
battle and the exultant joy of being
loosed upon one's ceuntren enemies
front ap to a firing line are two get prices ee and therefore keep the air of the
houee pure and wholesonte.
and the acitual marehbag with a steady
speet them carefully,
vastly different things, .wrItes a, war waehinerSh etc., and SOM. Tw, ofteo we fine the coop or run
the London Deli Pare elates at the next ro,eeting, If where the little cl*s are penned,
Mail. The enlisteil man with a ram- tben there in at desire to continue,
iplaut imatawation, halo Jiaa allowed, organize a stock company, elect a
himself to become the victim of glorie building committee and let thiS Coin-
ous day dreams on a matter of tiale reiftte hire a car -Neter and put up
kind, is very apt to have his imagine, their own building. Bay tbe neees-
sary dairy machinery from some good
jugs shattered by a reality thato
though very stern, it his apirit be holPtsir house. When everything la
brave, yet leas its nenneneatiouse neer reartY, hire a good buetermaner and
there is nothing naturally, that sa P4h. him good wege,s,as an expert
eepected to worle for small
tries a man's true courage eta Atm:Klee eaunnt be
lug uP to he shot. at, or give% bim PaY. The boatel:mar, should refuse
for disoloo
plyit„; to accept dirty or bed raillr, as he cane
Vetter opportuaity " :not make pod butter from auytiting
On the Farm.
eIrsliesteenostetheitilose histhys'*u
Tproper way to organize a, cream-
ery is for the farmers to call a meet-
ing, talk the matter over and adeourn
for a couple at weeks. At the end of
this time elect COTOnilitte0 Which
Shall visit two or three ereaxneries„
hen GeV iS not situated upon a dry
site, at your earliest opportanity pro.
wed, to really the error. Dig out
the dirt trona the bektom say a foot
or two in depth then fill in with
rocks, large oues first, then smeller
and smaller ogee, cover top with a few
inches et graver and Olen yon will
here 4 dry house, providing any out-
side water as a goo °hence to CiTain,
-Frequent teee. a dry coal ashea witi
serve 'Co absorb any moisture acerulag
from the droppings at the birds, the
COAL ashes also serving to fix aranaonia
from outi (levee or another, eadie
damp. This will not do. Melee even'
more than hone rewire dry quarters. •
And ,even .duchliugs and geslinge
their tirst tender days are peculiar-
ly susceptible to danipmees.
We as poultry keepers, mast keep
dampuess at bay, or -it7e fail of
sueoess in poultry culture.
When the upturned furrow presents
slieh, newly varoisbed-like appear -
a ce it in a geed ludivation that the
For nivel), a roan wheels tate a fir -hien the beat helm, The plowmg should be poetponed a few
in line lee never knows hew soon he 'should stand by the Inettermaker ,dare. If plowing laud when wet
will come out cif it. or. for tuat letahh ease ot dietnete concerning bad followed io a uay or 80 by
ter. whether he will ever come out of milk, as there are aka ays sonaepatrons
te at ail; bat he meet not think ot wlio will forget to wash their cans; freeze, the damage le not SO great as
Filet 1as, Or he is anti to lose Ilia ,ancl the best way to have them temente when it dries out- and becomes almost
nerve. There is, eed, no poetry ber thin is to make Merit feed, a COO or as hard as a brick, This of eourne
about soldiering in war ttnee; AR litWU of Olio taheted milk he their hogs can only occur in clay or atioky ugh.
matter a feet, it le really verY hard , or calves. ship the butter to some in no case r*e3 tile grain in MO Or
work. But what we have to deal with commission bouse. Do not three dayetime empensete for the
bore la 110W 114014. fCci Into A tiring euaoho commis:sou men unless it le injury done the land by plowing wet.
!hie and how they come at eif • !absolutely neetarr as DUO Mane.%
The appearance and terra at the
udder is an important point in aeleet-
within the zone of
ino COW. A large udder is
ftre, and bullets merits.
When ordera come to =eve forwaed, ',mutterings+ will 'soon recuguize your
after the anxiety a the weary watt- eraud to butter aud will want it all
lug all is 'steering along the Hue, and.: the time if It is god. it you happen
the men advag e with the eager stePs to have a poor lot, do not bread it, but
ot ehreetaner i but '‘Shen theY own° lout it cm the tuarhet and eell tt on its
begin to sldt and sPatter about tbelr Above all thiuge, a creamery ranst not always au indicatiou that the ow
feet, and 'the first man is downthen have good drainage iuto a Moaning la a good milker. Thu shin of the
the 10044110 temPeralnettt oe30h!stream if peseible, a good water sap. udder ehould have tbe appeurance of
soldier stands 004' Nee begin to 1°°k 14 and o good lee bowie. The haring been dusted twee with bran
lot() each other's eyes to see what „patroes eb ade bum nos/stilly ernetiegs and. bave a fatty teelin, it is i;r,su...
the other le gong to do. It is 011riOSt and discuss the best method el feed- 'orally conceded tnet tue eeeteteneou
tuttrely a queetion of how cool the iph ewe, neneg e
.hr the =Mc and is of no importance
ofithet la ellarne, a Ow= e as 0 listen to the suggeetIn aelecting a
ion ot the butter- dairy cow.
ettOi the men well remain, mniter. These meetings if properly
THE FIRST SHOCIE conducted may lie made a inuele bene -
at realization aver, a timely, cool ,,fits THE WAR FEELIN IN JA AN.
word from an officer wilt set the
men's nerves straight in a moment,1 1 I 1w. Wed by :lows or 'Great Menai Fre a
hut a reprimand, or anything in the ratline; by lint stn.
nature Of scolding, is apt to hie* on
them, and that is to he avoided, for MaU advices say that the war feel -
it affects the aim. 1 ing grows rapidly throughout Japan,
Perhaps the most trying fashion for tent items is a quautity of Weil -rotted and. While the ilmninence of a conflict
trohlth ,to So 11110 action la' rebnyirtug nrinure rtvtde fine A coarse strawy has been much es:aggeratedit is ad -
their fire. this, ot tourae, means
marching with races toward the en- Manure, bas no plaee on the garden in raitted by even the moat conservative exceptioiaally docile, and was tanen
ern i with bullets droPpleig all arthend, the wine If put on iu the ea, and press (hat diplomatie relations are through town a and villages all over
If one desires to have a good garden
this year he :should begiu to prepare
for it very early. One of the humor -
will dieplace ail Japan Tea the same as
Sala4?. blactisekdistpelaasc.ing all other
A Vicious Brute Drone Its Fastening* and
entleed Its. Keeper In London's Crystal
lent Sunday afternoon, while
concert was being hell/. at the Crystal
Dear rtie I I must be getting add.
What reakee you think. se/
People have begua congratulating
on holding my own.
Pharaoh 100."
It is an easy matter to ignore an in-
sult aimed at somebody else. '
nreannri wooperoweenelsedneAli AGM -
Without constarow there le neither
Love. friendsbip nor virtue in the
T k Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ali
palace. says the Loudon Spectator, an grhreittewreptatirodvtahetitehognohaTten't lereaellthrehrol•
elephant belonging to a circus wbich . evens,
bad been performing there brohe frene A mania faults attraot more atten-
its fastenings tool iited its leeeper. [too than his vIrtues.
It then brushed through varieus para..
tioleS Of 'Mead and glass, and apeea.red How's This ?
in the, main building, where a great enWn:gePet°114t1ITtilltit geediliaer ge7u4rreadW.
nunaber of perseme were listeuing to Rare Catarrh etre
the. music. It did not attempt to Wethe irihiCr(elelEd7nalUt•Vieclo
heart any of the erowel, tleough it broke Cheney for the Met 15 yetore. and believe him
y 10 to caYry •
StatAO, probebly under the idea that hheahl,ratderhAttiht,gittati tg T
ohf with its trunk the uplifted arra of rAtteodzitrzliliie bitle,11 baiinesatany transtie
represented. 4, Mall about to 0, Wetinso. Itutive:Ckilirer Wholieele
t After h()Me tiM" it aUtQwed illiVel/intgrtte"Als tenon internelly, een
itSel r i be secured by ariether etc- be directly
upon *be Woe& anO iuc.ns eur.
y tee), Price, 75e. Per bettlei
&pet It Waa then decided to hill ft4oc1Welfatildrigw; ate. Testirneniale trete
tbe animal, and after a dose of poleon Hall's Family Pills are the best.
had failed, a London gum:natter was eeteesess
met for as exeCationer aad shot the A Pat" 1° a man wh° does thIlag°
enitaal dead.that other people say it la loapneeible
, 4Q .
On the following Wednesday an hi- inonnel
quest was held oil the body of the mans MONTROM. UGT1 el
The evidence in fever of the elenhant
eould not leave been IllOre clearly put.
fr. Sanger, ina owner, admitted that Hotel Quota e, fr.41.4T;A' 21=
tbo animal had once before killed a
" BUS ta
atettoo, Monteith gee- cerileto Co-llirean.
former keeper; and he gave the facts AYHUE 11011EE—girieNtotiv74:5
wIliolt led to the deutia al the second
JAMES' HOTELhe°0,11%hhheenitealhel
The first man had Wen disebarged by
Vint -ciao. eetenenitel Haw. Honore tin
cementite -4 moderate.
W. P. C. 1019.
Sanger fifteen months nrevtously
far gross brutality to the 3112010.15. Ue
entue back and asked to be employed
again. This wa,s graneed, and he was
taken on, not as a keeper, but a labor -
The very first time he neat into
the stable the elephent, though it was
quite dark at the time, instantly re-
cognized the AUDIS voice and at once
crushed him to death against the stall.
That the -creature bad acted only in
a panic of horror 41; the reappearance
0( 41. tormentor wee so well establish-
ed at the previoas inquest that it was
retained in the meaugerie. It was
an Merl falling in the ranks, without plowed under It will serve to make the etratned. hhe news of vast Russian
returnIng a isnot, wantafte for the Qom -
mend to fire from an officer wile hind ngoter anti more porous, and the naval preparations at Port Hamilton
wante a better range, SO ite to wase surface will dry out in eouditiou to and Masanpo has stimulated the war
the least poesible aramunItiou—wait- work earlier in the spring, but it feeling, and counter prepo.rations, In -
Why then did he kill the second
keeper? Because this man, after his
Sunday dinner, deolared that be would
"pay out" the elephant far striking
mein when they hean see the whites niillions have been iated in Japan
expenditure of aeveral abra with one trunk. Ile actually took
should not be plowed back to tbe sure holrulS the nee, of those taken from the
a the eneme's eyes." foots again, Plow it down deep in the• '
whtle arrangements are going for- . 'Jth
ssia;auliz trhoepSloeusdean nTihroosme whet) haa ve.
in fact, for thee. hIstorloal mo.
But, when the men's nerves are
straight and the whole line is unfal-
tering it is se magnificent sight for
fall, and tha sprhag plow shallows ward for the greatest review in the
or better still, do not plow at all, but history of the Orient. dtithaofowleloatiLeurs,tir Nrveatts1.12eihNi;Itittv:d olfe7
ork the eurface fine with Mao bur- It is stated' tbat Russia is collect- r"41
study. It slues, not always need a.
another keeper also armed with
row end mouthing leirrow. ing warsbips in Corean watera, the lame,
trite:led eye to discover which raen But about tee nue manure, u squadron now consisting of the flag- he proceeded to "prod."—i.e.
pierce the chained elephant. The tor -
have smelt powder before and which "is not a pile already made, ship Russia and nine modern war- tared creature after backing as far
have not. Here is one man bent al- thero
make one at ane' of the it man- abips, three of which, recently visited as it count, "at length rushed forward
o• most doable. so that If the enemy
go urn to be had, and heap it up tbat Nagasaki.
aro firing high the bullets will
over his head, and here another Is
marching as erect as an arrow.
It Is not mere bravadp on his part,
it may ferment. As soon as it be -
gine to throw off steam in the morn.,
ing, Iork it over, making a maw heap,
either, in fent, it is the more sensible breaking up all lumps, or, if any is
a at tinae of workin,g over, throw
plan, and one that. old soldiers who troze
studi limes well Into the centre of the
have seen many campaigns generally
follow, for if the man who is bent aver 1311. This may mean some labor, but
if it has to be forked over three or
gets a bullet the chances are it will
run through perbaps a groat partof four tinies to get it fine enough, it
the length of bis body, making et dif-
fieult to probe, and, perhaps, In this
course touching some vital pari. On
the other hand, if the man who stands
witi pay.
The garden soil should be drained
well enough to allow working it early,
working this fine manure into the
--es-ffirholet is hit, the bullet may COMe surface nnd making a good seed, bed.
out the` 'ether side of him, according But e1. it is not so drained, do not
to the raugehltd power of the enemy's touch a until it can be worked to a
guns, or nt least. be the easier to get
out if it doesn't kin. And in -an in-
stanee oh this sort it is better to take
one's chances of being a better tar -
proper condition. Before Planting or
sowing time comes, be sure that. good
seed is at hand. Do not run too
much after novelties, or be kept from
get than to get a "running shot," as getting good seed by a little extra
threw wbIch take a downward course cost. Plan so that the early crops
are Oalleth may be followed by avother crop
Sometithes the troops go "in" sing -
o. national air, or a music hall
ditty, whichever happens to be start-
ed by the company's musical favorite,
the treops are very apt to be put into
pretty good spirits. It might shock
some stay-at-homes to hear the levity
of some ot these soldiers lays, but if
they are such that they can bring
forth a laugh, a campany commander
can be pretty certain that his men
will go anywhere, for soldiers who
fight laughing do not care very much
what happens to them. Strange to
say, when they take up a ditty of the
very apposite sort, that is, of the
most doleful and melancholy kind, the
effect is almost the same. To the un-
emotional it is really amusing to see
xnen almost crying over the mourn,
ful notes of some song of eheap senti-
ment, and fighting at the same time
like very tigers. In fact, on one such
occasion the writer was asked by a.
passing private what he was laugh-
ing at. put he did not have time to
The way charges are conducted ac-
cording to the tactics of the present
campaign is for the troops to run for
feet, cheering at the tops of their
ioices, several paces distance between
eaoh man, and thole lying down and
firing. Then up again, and the same
tactics, are repeated until the position
is taken. I
On such occasions it is astonishing
to see how melt of their outfits the
soldiers throw away; overcoats, blank-
ets, taesslkits, almost' everything in
laot possible to be rid of with the ex-
ception cif water bottles.
Thie casting away of necessary
equipment during the heat of battle
ofttimes leads to many hardships; in
fact, nearly always. In the chill Of
night, when a few hours' sleep may
be had, many a soldier wonders why
ha ever tbrew away his overcoat, or,
at supper time, how very foolish he
was to let go of hes( mess kit.
But after a light is over one notices
Tater in the season.
I have had 20 years' experience in
raising apples and have found very
few varieties that are worth plant..
ing writes Mr. D.A. Blalock. Some of
the best are: For summer, Red June,
which is the earliest of all. It is of
medium size and a handsome red, the
flesh is white, tender, juicy and sub -
acid. It is an abundant bearer. After
this comes the Yellow Transparent,
which is a Russian. This is pro-
nounced by allovho,have seen it to be
the most evaluable early apple. The
tree is an upright grower and a very
early 'and abundant bearer. The
fruit is of good size, pale yellow, and
the flavor is acid. After the Yellow
Transparent comes the Tetofeky, also
a Russian variety, which has proved
to be a profitable apple. The fruit
Le large, yellow, beautifully striped
with red, and the flesh is white. Early
Harvest in in old variety, but it is
ways ready to bear every year. Red
Astrachan is also a good summer
I have found the following autumn
varieties good for both home and mar -
ken Maiden's Blush, _Duchess of Olden-
burg, Fameuse or Snow, and Rambo.
Good winter varieties are Ben Davis,
Salone, Belle De Baskdop, Pewaukee,
Lawyer, R.I. Greening Grimes' Golden,
McIntosh Red, Stark, Northern Spy,
Winesap and Wealthy.
If you must have a cold hen house
have it, but never have a damp one.
In other words, a damp house is a'
hundred times • worse than a, cold
hous,e, It is the damp house that al-
ways has ailing inmates, Colds and
that a hush fells over the soldiers and roup make sad havoc there. In shOrt
—oh, the prosiness of it !—they -are there never has been and s there
more anxious to know what tbey are
ill be a damp '
going to get for supPer than what the never W
which the bird will be ast: all satisfac_
oUSe 13
sum hotel of their daY's heroism
amounte to. I3ut a, soldier's life is to* r•
A daily' paper bas received so many
evidences ot confused minds regarding
tbe beginning of the twentieth century
that it will preset a proof that tthe
twentieth' rentuey begins after the
year 1900 ia ended, In the shape ot a
little conversation:
QtlestIOn—What Is a yeare
Answer—Three nutturect and Sixty-
five days.
What is a century?
One hundred years.
net one of romance, het one of hard Sick, moping inwle never are able to
work and 'heir Point of view is infiu. ho anything int the way offilling the
cooed accordingly.
egg 'baskets' 'do, my fTiend, if your
When did the year No. 1 endf
Dezember 31 of the year 1.
When did the year No. 2 begin.
January 1 of the year 2.
When did the year 99 end?
Deember 31, A. D. 99.
Did that conaplete a century? No.
When was the eentury completed?
At the close of the. year following
99, or et the close of, tbe year 100. •
When din the second century begin?
January 1 of the year 1 of the sec-
ond century; that is. January 1,A.D.
.When did the nineteenth centuey
At the close ot the nioeteen hund-
redth, year, or at the close of 1909.
Q.—"Wben does the twentieth cen-
tury begin?
A.—It begins on day No. 1 of Our
year No. 1 of the twentieth hundred
years—that is, on January 1, A. D.
to escape the lance, broke its chains,
threw down the keeper and trampled
an him." It the elephant had been a
man, and had been put on his trial
afterward, would it be too much to
anticipate that the verdict would
have been one of justifiable homicide?
All these faota, it is woeth remember-
ing, were sworn to on oath.
The fartyeaintla annual report of
the above company will be found in
another column a this issue. It will
be seen by the fitancial statement
that the eoimpany h`as had a raost
satisfactory year's business. After
payeaent at losses and expenses there
is a profit hatanbe of 4118,64240 on
the year's transactions, a result wnich
must be highly gratifying to the
friends of the institution. Two half-
yearey dividends will be paid at the
rate ief 10 per centper annum, and
the reserve fund has been increased
to $1,100,380.50. We ,notice in the
report of the directors that they have
establisbed a branch office in Lon-
don, England, under prolmising
puos We congratulate the Presi-
dent:, Geo. A. Mx, Esq., and the board
of directors on the continued prosper-
ity of the Western Assurance Dom -
Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont., will
after the insertion of this notice with-
draw the very liberal offers, they have
been making to send a 25 cent trial
size, FREE, of their marvellous guar-
anteed Catarrh and Bronthitis rem-
edy, " Catarrhozone." If you are a
sufferer from any form of Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Throat Irrita-
tion, write at owe; 11 18 positively the
last time this offer will be made. En-
close 10 cents to pay postage, boxing,
'Fitst Correspondent—A native run-
ner has erten/ado hut the Boers way-
laid him and she 'ewallowei! hisdis-
. nee o nd Cor respondent-el:No well,
that's probably more than the public
would have done. ,
First Tramp—Say, you did get a bad
eye in dat scrap!
Seemed Tramp—Yes, but de odder
feller got two. Why, he's workin' it
On din public as an explosion!
Cerbollo Diesinfeetsente. noon*, OInt
ment. Tooth Powders, *ten Ilene ;lee
awerded 102 medal* aud 41piczneet for imparter
excelleuee. Their regitier use prevent tannin
OUR dial:mama .neek neer dealer to obtain
eupply. Diets mailed free on application.
MANCtintliTnit • • ENOLAND,
instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Rte.
Every Town can have a Band
Lowest pekes ever (meted. Fine ;stilettos WO
trationr alienates,. 'Write es tor enithing
Muster or blucloni Instruments.
Whaley Royce & Co.,
r, Han.
p0101011 ?ESSE neecess, Bed
if Burrs, Rots nod Mire. $ian by
Druggists, or 331 Qua e e W. Toronto.
FOIE S4L11-140 =WS OP Y.AND- frkme bank ,
born and frame honor, with room orchow; *106eoin
od anneal cultivation: prim amen Apply Box 132,
• ethane Out., if taken at onco,
Twigley—I don't think the Sands
girls read the funny papers.
Twigley—Well, I was up there
pretty late the other evening and
when I said, in thanking Miss Kate
for singing for me, that her singing
quite carried me away, none of them
said she ought to have sung earlier
in the evening.
Mins, Mine & Haien
Bar atera,eteeremoved
to Wsley Bldge.,
mond St. W., Termite.
Michigan Land for Sala,
I#n nom, Osman nod Crawford Counties TM par
Dot. On Shohison Central, Dotrolt Mr:oldstesr -114
Toon Lake Railroads, nt prices langlos front Sateil
per soft
. Thu* Lands ore Mote to Eatororialni
Towns, Morahan Schools, etc., and will be sold on oss
reasonable nem. Apply to
B, M. PIERO& Agent, West Bny Oity, leek.
Or J.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, man.
sine ornMeneola noesame.
IA Fresh Touch.
At Easter time you see the need of a fresh
touch of paint on nearly all of your
Ram say's
give a freshness, a beauty, a tone,
to everything they touch. Guaran-
teed for strength, durability, and
Ask your dealer.
A. RAMSAY & SON, 1. Paint fishers.
MONTREAL J Bst'd3843.
11010/611. '1111n1.1011AW fee ikealwasills..Wttesfler.,..saoklaltie
Dr. Slocum, the famous scientist, ose1ersu de ratko*
lu New York. and London this winter have aatwulde4
at last perfected hiss new system of trestment f
taberculosis end all pnlmanary diseases.
This triumphant victory aver the deadly bacilli ha fr reselling in. its
eHects, for them is no longer room for doubt tbattho glfte4 specialist has
given to the world a boon that will save millions of preolono lives.
Dr. Slum's Sysm of Treatment la both ocientife and pm
going as it does to the very source of the disease andperfarstimg
step bv step
First Siop.—Xilling.the life -destroying germs which invest thelungs.
Second Step. --Toning the entire system and strengthening the
nerves—fiZling the veins with tingling new life.
Third 5tep..-13ttil4ing bealthy flesh and fortifying against futon
The Slacturt Treatment Is revolutionary because it provideo a new
applieation for every stage of the disease. The failures of inoculation by
Pares eeientists are overcome by $locum tbrougls progressive drug fame.
The diseases leading to consumption are also mastered so that once the
bacilli are removed front the lungs there rentains no other germ.breeding
Tho Slocum System cures gap and Its pidnful atler-eflects, sionsorsus coughs,
br3nCMtla, Ind ovary knowa form of pulmonary disease.
It -makes week hum* sonnd, strengthens the= egai any ordeal,
and gives endurance to those who have snherited oUaw vbests1 with
thew long trails of attending dangers.
To enable despairing stiffeners. everywhere to obtair* x speedy help
before too late, Dr. Slocum eiferS,
to every reader of this paper.
Sinaply write to Tim In A. Swarm Cinneicen Co., Intrilten, nee Meg St. Wee.
Taronto. giving poet ofilee and express race suldresn and tee free Inedieloe (Tee
aliment Cure) will be promptly sent.
Salferers should toilet iestont Advantege of title generous propoaition, ao4 'then
writing for them. always stieutinn tills paper.
PerJeaS its Cirnadeneetieg intempen free offer le Aerimn papers will please
*end for samples to the Toronto leboratorien
not no previous di mon re gement* preveut your titning advantage of this splendid
fro* offer tonere too la Se.
ester!' Assurance Company
Tim annual meeting Of elutrebotdera was
keld et tee company's ()faces in this dte
on Wedneladay, March 7, 11400. The Preen
deut, Hon. tan A, Cox. occupied the ciente
The following annual report a tbe di
rectors, wins accompany mg /Moneta; Aline-
ment, was read, by the secretary:
Tlie directors beg to subrolt herewith the
annual statement of the company's aeconnts
for tbe year ending glet December last.
The raven%) account shows a ea
growth in premium lacome, and after DAY'
meet of losses and expeasen there is a pro -
lit balance of 3118,642.60 as a reeult of tbe
year's trausactiona. Two half-YentlY divl•
deride have been peovIded for at the rate
of 10 per cent. per annum, as well as an
amount zo leaver depreciation in seturinet,
and the reserve fend has been Inereagea
to 31,100,3E4.50.
Taking into account the fact that during
the year 1300 the fire losees in the 'United
States were exceptionally heavy, tbe
tore feel that these results must be re-
garded as eminently satisfactory.
For some time past your directors bare
had under eottsideratIon the question of
extending the my,encies of the company Le-
gend the limits of the North American con-
tinent, and shortly before the close of the
zea e arrangements were eompIeted for tile
establialunent of a branch office In Loudon.
lingland, under what appear to be favor-
able auspices.
Toronto, 26th Feb., 1000.
Geo. A. Cox, President.
Sulam -stet of financial statement:
Total cash Income.... —$2,532,741 50
Total expenditure, inclUting
appropriatiou for losses un-
der adjustment °,414,008 90
Balance * 118.642 60
Dlvident declared 100,000 00
Total assets $2,321,762 85
Total liabilities (Including cap-
ital) ....... ...... ... . . 1,221,382 36
Reserve Fund.$1,100,380 50
apital id 1,0m1,000 00
Capital subeeribed 1 000,000 00
Secutity to policyholders —.43,100,380 50
place to refer to the fact that dentate that
past year a number of new companies here
tattle Into the nein asernss aro ineurance
at lower ratea thee those current With the
old estalillehed ofiltert. it will be Intereenn
ing to observe whether these experiments
will prove more successful than preview
attempts wind+ nave been made to afford
indemnity ageinet lose by are ou more la-
vorable terms tban elempanice which nave
been lung engaged lu the buziness feel eslo
In offerieg. Hltile as ineurets we may hnpe
these new vouneezelne may nave discovered
the secret of cotabluixig eeieapnme with
annuritr, we cannot overlook the fact zliat
tbe reeord ot tbe fire ilaintranee businees in
Catactile during the past tweaty yeare enactor
a loss of upwards ef two milliott &Alain el
capital, 'Watt was invested in companies
'Organized to tranneet buoiness at what
are termed "cut retes." We may at least
feel aSSUred that companies workInge upon
these lines, whose entire cash assets arat
tia fifty or elxly thousand dellars,
are seitreely in s position to assume any
considerable 'bare at tne mow million*
ef liability which fire insurence convenient
are carrying for the proteetion of merchants
and property-holdere in Canadenand until it
has been shown time, with due regard fox
the safety of stockholder* and the srecurity
of polleyhelders, any material reductions
can be made In fire Insuranee rates In thin
country yeur directors do not feel war-
ranted `in advocattng any departure front
the pollee we have been renewing for eartay
years PRA^
Rut to return to the consicleration of ma
business during the year under review.
It will, no doubt, be totereetletg to *Mire -
holders to learn that the razulne brands,
which has been reaponsible in some former
years for rather serious losses, has elioven
a profit Open the business of 1809, and that
the general outlook en thia branch appears
to be more promising than for some time
In our earnings from interest there bas
been a falling ofC, such as might naterallY
be looked for owing to the reduced rates
obtainable, partieula,rly upon the class at
securities which are held by this company.
There is one matter to which 1 ankh par-
ticularly to refer at this time. It Is now
within a year of half a century since the
eonapany commenced business in Canada
Some twenty-five years ago it cotripletea
Int system of agenclee throughout the Unit-
ed States, and I think I am warranted in
retying that it In now estabnened oven the
wlicile of the Intorth e.merican continent coa
a favorable footing, with an efficient forest
or branch managere,spaclal agents and local
agentworking In Its interests. Under
these circumstances your directors have
turned their atteation to the eonsideratiou
of tee question of the desirability of eel-
lownsg the example on the niajority of the
successful Britian tire offices and entbrao nig
a larger deld aperatiOne than we at pre-
sent occupy. In riser of the eirorts 'vehicle
are beteg made—happily- with no email
measere of succem—to enlerge the trede
relatlom between the neotbee country and
her nelf-novereing cOlOrdeft, and to cultn
vete Intern:Omelet busineas cortnectionn we
have felt that the present is an oppo"terie
for Making a effort to seetrre
some measure of reciprocity in the brislnage
of fire issurence. An a practical step in tide
direction it was ;landed to totablioh a
lerancia oftlee of the company hi London.
Newland. Tibia was opened on tne 1st of
December lore and placed nutter the mane
agemeat of Mr. W. B, gentleman
who, We believe passenees all the quelitien
*f a ancemerful annzralee inanaror. AL
Board of Derettors has been appointed ne
London, upon which we beve beers fortun-
ate is seeming the renewing gm:intermit. to
serve, namely: Tho Right Bore the Earl of
Aberaeen, G.C.M.G.: the Right Hon.
The Preeideut, In moying the adoption
of the report, sted:—. It' cannot fail to be
gratifying to the shareholders, as it is to
the direetors and officers of the company,
Lo note the evidence of the appreciation
by the Insuring public of the security of-
fered by the Western to its policyholders
which is tiOorded by the growth In the
volume of business transacted—the total
income for Use year haveng exceeded, for
the first time in the history of the com-
pany, two and one-half nitilloa dollars. It
Is still more eatIstactory to note that tht-
withstanding the exceptionidly heave fire
losses which hare occurred in some of the
chief cities in the United, $t111034—where
the business Peoved generally improntable
to the companies engaged in it—we are able
to show as a result of ttte years tee -mite -
tions A profit balance at $118.642-. 'rhe ex-
perience of the year Iftee IR Canada mass ex -
eolith -malty favorable, and the dintineelted
Ore vvaste In this country Is cemainly a
matter for congratulation, aside from our
Interests in the business of "are ineeraaree.
It Is to be hoped teat the Introduction o/
Improved 11.re protection in our eines aad
• towns, and the ittloptiou Ot more sulistan-
tial methods In the construction et bullil-
ntewndbiehtotabe.inprIbietirlenredt tolefilo:orna: 304,„ xenstor23,, peen, Acre,
uhrge: bmu
will tend
dollare per annum by jaSural,Ce Janice Steveneon of Measles. Ganhillne dr.
contpanies for ere loses Is Canada inn no Belden and Nast India melnbants. and
1. am pleased to gay. that we feel the t eve
hare every' reason, to lie ,eneontateed at tbe
&cart which we have beetle ha the eklef
tneteopolis of Abe empite and at the agen-
des which 'have thee far been establistmel
in mime -Won witin thin new Menet).
poses upon the eenununity. for E need
leareely Sly that tine bee to be provided
from the premiums eolleeted from the in-
nuring public. I deeire eraphaelae whet
believe to be a fact—tbat it is only by
adopting Ineasureet that will reduce this
serlone annual waste thet any matezial re- , . t
doction In tbe tax which the pebble pay i enrle4 the mloptian of ttie'report, winch was
lire ineuranee premiums can be birceterlit nteetee' emanineneele. The eleetian of di-
ebont, for It is only tweet:eery to refer' to reetoes feir the eneining year want then pre -
the Goeernment reports, showleg the in- eeeried wilb. reonting in the einanimens
intim and expenditure of eoneponlin 1.1Cea5- re-eleetion af the following gentlemen, vie,:
en to do Misname in the Dominlonno pre non. Gee. A, Cex, -Kota 3. C.Woon, ntaseen,
that there has been, during the whole e- Robert Deane G. R. R. Coelibure, Geite
teed etnbraeed in them retlrls, imt a tern Meaturrich, Fl. N. grind, W. nt, larocle, 3.
moderate margin of profit to the romps- K, Osborne and a. 1, Kenny.
ele.s at tile rates and tender the conditions At a meeting of tee neerd of Direetere,
which 'have prevailed in this country in the bele Mbeequently, Pion, Gee, A, Cox wee
past, ye-eleettl l're.Sfderle and J. se 1ceseer
In this connection it At117 nOt be out of .Vieeereetteitieet ear the enmities yelian '