HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 2TITE EXETER TIMES LEGAL. t'DICKSON & CARLING, Barristere. Soltors. Nolariee, Conveyancers. Cerenidestou re Foe, Money LoLunt ee per cent, eele per vent. -OFFICEI,---FANSON'S BLOCK, ETR. 1. R aenteeo, McxsoN, member it .he firm wet be et Remelt on nhurway et each week. RIL.001.4LINS, barrister , Solicitor, Cowtoyo,Acer, Stc. AZETEit, . ONT. OFFICE; Oyer O'Neil's Hartii, GLADIT.A.N, barristers, Solieitors, Notaries ?Olio, Conveyancers tko, 40. siallone). tO Lean, Imam, - - STREET. EXETER. 31. T. NIXIOr. F. W. GPAI. 31EDICAL - .,- pIt- R. RIVERS. AI. B. TORONTO UN1 VEReITY. el le C.:NO T4tni1i UntTer e tee tliee-Creeliten, Oat.. tz.ltOLI411'14 AMOS,. rersite011icen Riteillenddellnnd idrndr. JyI13d1Cw ntl;V:IglIllan FIRM:1M In; Dr Rettine same tormerte, mote do r Dr. Awe* Keane handing, aouth door. ,L4,O$.44. IA. IL, •r.4. n. D.. . t•I', S. tit-edit:tee Yleterbe to:overrate- office and rellidettee. ummutee Lebore- tory. Exeter. )11, WYNDMAN, coroner far the County ot Rerun. Pince, toppolite ettrileg nreaeetere. AUCTIONEER3. OBSENEERRy, General 1.4- • comet eiletee ret ceivinettel eel b•aveincitinlwantadtewi. Wiesen* cettete. Elm:sant* O.Oute ENRY EI14481.Z. Licensed Ana% toeteer tor tuze 4,*4108,T5 of Renee efeerirete; Sales amen:cued et valve tent( aton te..nee, et Reataenee toe Out - r1.61MII.10,9=1•11,,,M1.1.10..1.1 Vierlettleeottee ennent & t ennen eel:terra:. O'N'F., ceastavow)1403•33****),... For Love and Fame. *WI eweerellereseney ae hauled the eteld to him aiad passed his hand through his clothes. i But he found nethiog, and WA faeF grew dark,. "Morblett l'' he mere. t "The little softy has brought nothing away with him!" The other men, gathering round. glared at the boy hungrily. In the middle a the Forest. of Boody he could not have been, more at their mercy than he 'll'ail in this quiet corner oi tpo market, where a velvet coat witn silver buttons was as rare a 4glit as a pieee of the true croas. 'DOM or three hotieetess wretehea looked from their frowsy lairs 'under the stalls, but no one dreamed of interfer- ing with the men in possession. As far the by. he gazed at bee captors stolidly ; he was white, mute, apetbe- "Plegue. if I don't Odra; thfa lad is a safer!" said one staring at bun. "Not her replied the man who bad • f.o°14 of hu; mod rough/y seizing the boy by the head with his huge hand, he forced up an eyelid with his ger ae it to exemine the eye. The bee' lettered a toy a pain. " Tberel" said the ruffian. grinning with tri- utnPh. "Ile is all right. The clues- tiou is, what shall we do with biro?" " There are his clothes." oue Mut- terve!. eyeing the boy greedily. * "To be sure, there are always his thee," was the answer. " It does Pot take an Armand Jean du Pleasin de Riehelieu to see that, gaby I And. • ogrziO. titer W01414 Alta 'I 0 the tune o eenteihiug apiece! But. tnaYbe, we, ea de better than that with him. Re bas run away. You don't Grid truf- fles eat the dung -hill every " Well," said Ida duller fellows, tbeir e4evilllbtegainenniniketo ds,p1.,eriekvIerellt h greed, "If we take him heme again, hon - vet market porters, why shottld we not he rewarded I Eli, my Itully boYst" "That ie a treignt idea," said one, wild another. The reel nodded. 1" Aek him whore he lives when be is Thee did But Johan remeined Twon his arm!" said the last speak- er, " He will seam tell you. Or stiek Plor finger he hie eye again. Blest if I don't think tbe kid is dumb!" the mln continued, g,4zing with astonish- filize4ttotraety4.314.5 boy'n dull •face and klelk" I think I shall find a termite for, b tri "' the former oeerator replied. with a leer. " Hero. Homey. anseer before You are hurt, will yeti ? AN here do you live ?" Rut Jeban remained silent. The rufe Lan rattled hie hand, in inother mo- ment it nonei Imo ranee, hot in the nick of tuns came an interruption " Nom de me men, V' FS91110 one -10-e at hand eried, in a voiee of astonish- ment " It is my Nein 1" Two of the patty in possession turn- . ed savagely on the intruder -a mid- dle-sized man with foxy eyes, and a b'lf-starverl ape on his shoulder. "Who asked you to speak?" snarled one. " Re gone about your hueiness, my fine fellow. or 1 shall be making a hole in you 1" eried another. " But be in my boy!" the new- comer answered fairly, trembling with joy and astonishment. "Be is my boy 1" "Your boy I" crie.d Bee de Lievre, In a Ione a contempt, "You look lore it, don't you? You look as a you dined on gold plate every day and had a Hoban to your eup-bearer, you do 1 Go along, man; don't try to bamboozle us, or it will be the worse for you 1" Axel with an angry scowl he turned to his victim. But the showman, though he was a coward, was not to be put down so eaeily. "It is the boy who is bare- boneing you!" he said. " You take him for a swell. It is only his show dress be has on. He is a tumbler's boy, I tell you. He circled the pole with me for two years. Last November he ran away. If you do ncrt believe me, ask the monkey. See the monkey knows hint." 'Bee de Lievre had to actienowledge a . that the monkey did know him. For the poor beast was no sooner brought cense to its old playmate than it Y sprung upon him and covered him with oaresses, gibbering and crying out the , while after so human a fashion that it might well have moved hearts less hard. The bay did not return its en- dearments, however; but a look of in- telligence came into his eyes, and on a sudden he heaved a sigei as if his heart were breaking. The Men who had taken possession of him looked at one another. "It was the boy's cursed clothes fooled us," Bee de Lievre growled, sa.vagelye" We will have them. at any rate. Strip him, and heve done with it And do you, keep off, Master Tumbler or we will tumble you 1" Birt when the showman, who was tremling with delight and anticipa- tion. made, them understand that he would give a ceown for the boy, as he was in his etothes-" and that is more than the fen,ce will give you," he added, they began to see reason. True, they stood out for a while for a higher price ; but •the bargain was eventually struck at a crown and a Here, and the boy handed over. ,- „ Master Crafty Eyes' hand shook as he laid it on the child's oollar and turned him round so that he might see his faces the better. Bee de Deere dieeerned the man's excitement, and he looked at him ouriously, "You must he very fond of the lad," he said. The showman's eyes glittered fent elously. " So fond of him," he said, in a mocking tone, "that when I get hino honae t shall -oh, I shall net hurt bis fine clothes, or his face, �r leie little brown hands, for those. all. show, and they are worth money to Me. • But I shall -I shall put a poker in the fire and then Master jehan will take off bis new clothes so that they may not be singed, ancl-I shall teach hire sev eral new tricks With the poker!" " You are a queer one," the othe answered. " Pil be shot if you don' look like a man with a good dinner be .fore him l'' ' '' That is the man I aro" the show , man answered, a hideous smite dis totting his face. "1 bare gone wi t h out, dinner or supper many a day be cause my little friend here chose to run away one fine night, whe,n he wa on the. point of making my fortune Rot I MA goilaR tg, 4114e. Alow. aux gt). • to feed -on himl" Cr:ideate of tile Ontario Vetertniter etitioe-One deor gi et Town Ital, 11111 WATERLOO MUTJJ J., elite tosettaNitatto totosiesettett t eon. /,11/) OFFIC4 • WATOLOO, ONT ever rwentlesiek e.es. onescseess esosessee In wetter* t ele, ;v. atot eibtitinttel4 to In ut rea Ogt foot or ila te tut i.y. Inc. ituitJatei. 1‘, w Lonnie, and ell riturt .14•4•rieriOOS .sI oaltri4it prortIrtr. IntOtIling inenrers hue tit • 3,13u33 01 inentliniea lite Premium :lute ir Lure a the 11,ot tee years dee uoutputty It2.1 its; vo:.7,44), Polities. rovuritlq prouortY to thu ±.""' t?2,.• 0: 44::.$720d: tdia thqsto Auto A IS. 1,4 1760.00.0 0 * ConaiSting ef Melt 313 3 ei tiovernturnt befo_eitattli the UllinSeS- bid 11 Cu :Aside ell haul mei en tern. .4141,:k.1.1).,Preetictit ; Ylr011 $4 ;To: e. le I'd 1.,h In41 ei.or 21 LL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. 1 11E EXETER TIMES Is tublielled every Thursday morning atv Flutes Steam Printing House Tela n street, nearly opposite leittotegjewelry more, Exeter, Out., bY warm er, SONS. Proprietors. neene AtoliZirrISINM l learner', per lino ....... , . ......10 cents t eutrequent ineereion, per thee- 3 cents To Mauve awed:on, advertieements shouid be *8131 313 not inter than Wedneeday morning, Clur-10I3 PRINTING DEPARTMENTie one ta tie largeet and beet equippedin the County 51 heron. _ell work enruetecito us wales- Cr.,1•3 our prompt attenton. Decisions Regarding Newspapers. 1 -.any person who takes% paper regularl from the post office. whether •iirocted in hi /*moor another's,or whether he bee subserirl error not, is reepeneible for payment. 9.--tf a person orders his paper etecontenued Ii mum, pay atil arrears or the pub isher continue to aend it until the payment Is made and tnen collect the whole amouat, whether the paper is taken from Gee office or not. 3-31t is a /VI tor subecriptone„ the atilt mar be lesteetted lathe place where the paper is pine Betted, aithough the subscriber may reside tun Are& of miles away. 4 -Thz court:, have deci ted that refusing to take newepapers or periodicals from the poao settee. or removing end leaving them widened for, la prima facie eviden o of intentional fraud. I ` Well, every man to hie liking,' he hare -lipped beggar answered* la' "And Miner Father Bernard retort- main object of the bill, he said, was differently, "You hsvc paid for Your ed, wIth energy, "The boy I Went!" to obtain for Ontario as ter as pos- dioner, and may cook it an TOO Please. Tile priest's eyes sparkle& bis form . ' "1 arn going to," seemed to dilate with triumph. ,Deo solle, the full advantages a um de - for me." 4 swered with an ugly look, be plooke 1•011S13r• so 01 t f loiterers the showman au; Lwauisoi :ae: taus!" he murra.ured, sone- velopment of the raw material in the ga ered reload and ware been?, The priest spoke quickly, ancl with no. little excitemerit, flo looked narrowly at tire) boy the while, bold - him at arm's-length. "Where aid he Pend last night, for instancel" This shewman spread. out naalnis and shrugged is shoulders. "IlloW 832¢1210:1 'Mewl!" Ile said. "I was not with, h" "He lute black hair and b1ue. eyesi" s'ren. But what a ala,tr' Crafty Eyes answered. 'leen swear to hon. m ray b gy ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. ••••••••• What tile Legislator; or the Province are Doing at Toronto, THE MINING BILL. Hon. Me. Davie, in introtheeing bis mining bill, cotaraented on the great prosperity and splendid Presneete of the mining industry in Ontario, The twee -41m The firot three sections ot the bee' almost off his faSt a$ he spoke, ja tt a score o the bill dealt with. royalties in various staring and shivering by two% fell back affrighted and ereesed theme forms. Certain nehtiog lands had, been ni"Ilyewisayttbhi‘sbccaly oGsoceliehaarsiyoua: Lortoedaiien hadla tile re re was no roy- i1m In oterthneheiepsttledne.led out of the Ualies If an env/ bad led me by On hand. " a 1."414. cbru.'Weci And he goes with me, be goes with met agaxnSt, them, and certain lands had Efin way led through a rabbit -war- eb.,nt. Manreethis to the showman, a different royaltyr. The oropooltion ren of beetliog passages and narrow w0,0 stoo& frowning in his path,- was to aboliah roya.ltiea on every class Innes where the boy, once loose, could "cle4I dare to look block aitrittnaen-t uTtc: a mining lands in Ontario. This:would have dodged him a hu.ndred ways and L'e7 see3 With Me. saY• most precautien. expecting him every colne,,t0°^4' in connection with all the mining and while the raeo oried after laim, "Bon appetit 1" awl jeered, he drag- ged, him away a.oross the open part of the market, finally disappeartng with him. In ono of the noisesonae escaped; and he held htil with. the ut... for a nerPotte. If you choose, you eon %Ivo eitualltY ln that reepeot at least, moment to make a desperate attempt "Whither?" Janda. lo place of royalties it was at it. But Jehan was not the old Ye- llen who had turned and twisted, answered. with a grim eltuckle. "You whiola could be put Iv41ke4 on anal trelicked en tile rope, (Tool seem; so relish tto idea. de to grant power, "To flea Chateet,," Father Bernard proposed by this bill to ask the House into operation by pro/emotion of the and in the utmost depths of ill,treat- on Sou please." Ment had still kept teeth to bite and "You will take the boy?" Lieutenant-Goveruer in Connell, tonal,. spirit to use them. Be was benumbed "This =moon," the priest answered. neer, rai t u.og OX upon the various 1104 and Maul- Be had bad OCI tnini. "Mon Dieu! bitt yot; not!" the * - for nearty twenty !mere. bail pass- showman exclaimed. Wrath for the ores inined in tbi3 Tbmvinve' E° a° sr' *31 the otglet exposed to the cold. Re moment drove out fear. He seized fort to establish refineriee in the province there WAii Itte desire to de- stroy present Industrie% but •tlie pow - era cenferred on tho LieutenarttAlov- ernoroin-Council would he used at the proper time teward assisting reining interests here, and would be used 413,20, it thought desirable at SOMe future time, to impose proper taxatiou upon minerate. The Rouse would also h ked to confer discretionery power the Lieutenaut-Governor-in-Coun- 14 gone through intense excitement. the child by the arm, "Ile Is MY boys horror, awl despair. So he Stumbled r obeli not, 1 sayl" he cried, almost along, with Vidoche'e dying cry in foatunag with rage. "lie is miner his ears, and, famished, froxen, be- Beast1 Gallows -MOP' the numbed, met the ehowman's threats Meg thundered in reply. "Fur 0ne with a face oe eixee fmeoseeive apathy. half of a denier I would throw you tu- lle waa withio a very little of Mad- to the next street; Let go, or I will flees. bleat you with -Oh, it is well fer you For a time Crafty Byes did net heed TIM are rea.soneble. Now he goned thts strange iropaaeirenene• The sliate'rlearee reney was bosy -With L.412 euntslituent he week!, inflict )vben -ha Fat the boy home to his mieera.ble room. Ile gloated in anticipation over Be gone,- or, at a word from me, there are a, aeore. bere who will-" Ile did not finish, his sentence, for tne showeetu fell back ranie-stricken, and stood off among the crowd. ma - the tortures be would contrive, and levolenee and, craven fear attlrggi- make modifications in favour the care he would take that they / ing for the mastery in his connten- he British Empire or any Britisb, should not maim or disfigure the boy. CtUPO. The priest, took the boy up 0 When he lied hint tied down and the gently in his arms and looked at X1SSUING DEPIEN'TUREi. door lotted. and tbe poker heeted-3111 Hts flee grew strangely mild hOw be would en4ey himself! The rut-. as he did so. The hlaek brows grew Am Lucas moved the second rolding fun beked bis hos, ene eyes sparitl- smooth. the lips relaxed. "toot a lit- or his bill to enable municipalities to ed with edeesure. lie krkeit tbe boY tle water." he said to the nearest issue anunal hotereot.he,artoo. oenon * - along he his hideous iroi atience. man, a hulking. nlive-skinnei souther - it tures for le. tit VIGO -li II i beFlu to aultuY him. Ile stoeneil.O,nd "Your pardon. father," the man tcrost• ti.1"."‘" 444g5 "46 0" v31" tooting bine with MEW h`titti, bre34= 1441114. !twerp/1, "he is dead." of the dehentare up to $100. As the brutAlty on the head with the other, until the boy fele ..ind hung lb WS "No, my eon,' Ile teilit, kindly. "Ile not be mined tor IFS5 thAtt $40). whieht But Father Bollard shook hs head. law at .pre.sent stands, debenturee can - gruel). Than be dragged hien uP who Ied me hero to-tley sou neop tvith tbe interest coupon, brine toe roughly 'ando hauled him on with %of- life in hint a little longer. God's ways face venee up to an tadd amount. Tho leys at Quo% son seowling at him lower end fa a esshiseen. Get ene wa.. Attorney -General appeared tr• favor ter. Ile has swooned only," the bill, and suggested that it go to ' the Legal Comeeittee. SECRETARY FOR LABOR. Mr. Litteleford'e Act reepeeting a la- bor bureau. for tho province has now been fully drawn, and provides for , tin appointment of a. aeorotury under ' the direction ot the 1%/inister of Pub - behoved -of Madame in i 'or a, It o a co ect an sys- Ittuleitmil;eatbeeratti,ingtmhair wohrittle‘systilm Oar,bfoorr emnroonlY Princess, no ragedy of the kind had ' tematise informatiou us to wages, eenation in Pees., hours of employment, strikes, sani- more or less? The bulky loafers and caused a greater conditions of workingmen, and froway stet:terns., wbu huddled for or been the subjeet of more talk. than i tau do Vidoche. Tbe warmth in eorners, nodded their beads the murder of M. re- ism on, This secretary is to issue an annual report, anti make recommen- and looked on approvinglY. They had markable circunostzinces which attend- ed it, and which, feet nothing in the dations based on the information col - them own' brats to heat and bum - narration, its immediate discovery, ' take the' boy's part. And another the apparent lack of motive, anti the lected, BULLFROGS IN DBMA.N. B. ness to mind, There was no one to hundred yards would lodge hi2o in wealth, rank, and youth of tho WWII Another inetuntry w,bieb is beingde- that. abowinan's garret. ' wife, ell helped, with the fullness of veloped in Ontario is the cultivation At that last moment the bey awoke Parts at, this time, and the absence of at imp. In Ida annual roport, Mr. from his trance and understood; and any stirring Political new's. to ,make Basted% the Deputy Commissioner of In a convulsion of fear hung back iu tbe tome of interest, :Nothing else Fisheries calls attention to tbe !n- and struggled, screaming and throw- ' nog himself down. The 2117.21. dragged ' him i up savagely, anti was in the act ' of taking. him up bodily to carry , 'IS 511 . ern lF But after a time the bearing nee. "Toe (love hes swooned:* from tun3 to tune. as if, he found this little. foret dste of vengeanee less setisfying than be had exneeted- There were people corning atol going in the dark, filthy lane where this CHAPTER IX. happened -a plate here emoke-g run - ed gables almost met overhead, aud the Poisoning of (um Br1nee the gutter was thokod( wit,th‘,,ilrelftrusi%e-,as othtovionnadteig. abtionis_asteirvwtianatittlinerigielaaut,anadt but no one interfered 111.4=11••••••PON CAM -En It= IVER PILLS. act CURE Headache andrel eYe all the troubles death bilious state of the system, such ae Dizziness, Nausea. lelrowsiness. Distress after eating, Pain the Side, do. While their most remarkablei success bas been shown in Miring SIC Pfeadeehe, yet CAnTzrea LIME USIA PILLS are equally yalueble In Constipenon, during and preventing this annoying complaint', while they also correct all disorders of the stomacb, stimelate the liver and regulate the bowels. Sven If they only cured HEA Ache they Would be almost pre, au to %ewe who suffer from Pis distressing complaint - but fortuntnely their goodness does not eel Isere, and those who once Sty them will An • these little pills valuable in ao many ways that they will not be willing to do without them Stit after all sick head A, ifi the bete of so re any lives t at here is -where ere, ranee bur great 'boast, Our pills curs It evidle others do not. CAuTain's LIME LIvra PILLS are vog small and very easy betake, One dr two pills make a dose. They are strictly -vegetable and do Pet gripe or purge, but by their gentle melee Please all who use thene In eitee 0,25 eents• Jive for $1. Sold everywhere, et tient by nail: ' ileilTell 4ZEDIC11,12 00,, tSeva yak, bill I'll. 12111 loa. Imall ?in • ‘• , was talked( ot in chamber or tennis ereasing demand tor this deliolley in court, in' the Grand Gallery at the the American market. A oonsider- Louvre, or in the cardinal's ante -room able number of 'people in this prole - at the Patois Riieholieu. Culprit and ince, he eays, have In view. the °stab- hno, when a person, who had already victon, were alike well known. M. do heating of froggeries. Bullfrogs of Passed the pair lc -nee, came back and Vidoehe, if no favorite, had been at. good pedigree aro in demand. least a eonspiouous figure in society. looked at the boy again. The next AGRICULTURA.I. ESTIMATES. moment a hand fell on the showman -s Ito ima been east for one tie ehe parte arm, and a vote° said: "Stopl What, The House wane into Committee of in the royal troupe at tthe Chiestanas boy es that?" carnival. His flirtation with Mlle. de the Whole on the agrieniu it s It r 1 e te. The showman looked up, saw that Farincourt had been sufficiently mark- mates. The Minister ot grieulture taluded to the the intervener was a. priest, land ed to eause both amusement and in- faot that the estimate for the adze:int:strati= of the San Jose B,FRIE PVES FOR INDUSTRIAL sneered. "Whab iss that to you, fath- er?" he said, trying by a side move- ment to peas by. "Not one of your flock, at any rate." "No; but yon nrel" the priest retort- ed In, a strangely sonorous voice. Be was a stalwart man, with a mobile fee and sad eyes that seemed out of keep- ing with' the rest of him. S'Yorie are! And if you do not this ixtinute set him down!, and answer nly question, you ruffian, when your times comes you' shall, go the the tree alone!" "Diablet" the showman muttered, startled, yet scowling. "Who are you, then?" "I am Father Bernard. Now tell me about that boy, and truly. What have you been doing to bien? Ay, you may well tremble, rascallr For the showman was trembling. In the, Paris of elott day the name of • Father Bernard, was almost as well known as the name of Cardinal Riche- Iteu. There vras not a night prowler or outpurse, bully, or swindler, who did not know it, and dream in his low fags, when the drink was Out and the money spent, of egie day when he would travel by Father I3ernard's slide to Montfauoon, and find no other voice and no other eye to ,pity him' in his trouble. Panelled by feelings of bum,- anity, rare at •that tone, this man made lb his life work to attend On all she will be punished. But' she shall who were oast for earootrtiene tOWait on them; in prison, and bp with them at the last, and by hks presence and words of comfort to alleviate thew suffermgs here, (and bring theta to a better mind. He had become, So well whispered only the more assiduously. Would she be put to the queettion? And by the rack, or the boot, or the d water torture? An' who was the man? Of course there was a man. Now, if it had been, M. de Vidoche who had poisoned her, that would have been plain, intelligible, perspiothous; sumo every one knew -ane so en, and So on, with Mlle, de Farincoart's name at intervals. ' To Be'Continued. tereat. And 11, madame was a less familiar figures at eourt, if she had a reputation somewhat prudish4 and an air of rusticity that did. not belie it, and was even less of a favorite than her husband, her position as a great heiress and the last ef an old family gave her a ta.chet which did not fail to make her interesting now. Gladly would the great ladies m their coaches have gone down to the Chatelet to stare at her, after the cruel fashion of that day; and after buzzing round her in her misery, have gone away; with a hundred tales of how she looked, and what she wore. and whati silo said in prison. But madame was saved' this -this torture worse than. the question -by the physician's orders, that no one should be admitted to her, He laid this down so strenuously -telling, the lieutenant that if- she had not complete repose for twenty-four hours, be would be answerable neither for her life nor her reason -than that officer, who, like the Chevalier du Guet, was an saldier, replied "No," to the most pressing insistences; and save and except Father Bernard, who, had the entree at all hours by the king's com- mand, would let no one go in` to her. 'le will' be bad enough byt and by," he said, with an oath. "If she did it, have a little peaoe to -day." But the great world, baffled on this point; grew2 only the more curious, circulated stories 01117 tha more out- rageous, and nodded and winked and known to, this course of work that the king Van -Self did, him honor, and the cardinae grantedhint • special rtghts; • the mob also. The priest passed unharmed through the lowest wynds ot Parts, told penetrated habi- tually to places where the lieuten- ant .of the Cha.telet, with ' a dozen, pikes at his back, w'oulct not have been safe for a moment. • nue was the man whose stern voice brought the is,hovenaan to aetand- stilt. Master Crafty Eyes faltered. Then be remembered that, the boy was his boy, that his title to him was good. He said so sulkil V. "Your boy?" the priest- rept tad, frowning, "Who are you?" • "An ilor obn , father" , "So 1 thought, Bu1 do acrobats boys wear black velvet clothes with 3.11vdr buttons?" "He we s stolen 1 ram irie," the show- man anssvered, eagerly. He ,had -.egad conscience as to the clothes, "1 itave only ettst reeovered him, fathe,r." "Who strife him? \\There has he by J, W. Browuoag, druggist. We're' After' 'Wood's Phositodine, The Great English, Renzecb. Sold and recommendedby ell druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine eiseovered. Six packages guarenieeteto mire all forms o Sexual Weakriess, all effects of abuse or excese, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opiurn or Stimulantg. Mailed on receipt of price, one pahkage $1, six, 35. One leaf 'gene, six tea/ cure. Pamphlets free to any stddress. Tho Wood Company, VVindeor, Ont. • Wood's Pbosphodine, is sold in Exeter petite Acti was reduced frora, 320,003 to #10,000, and that, the grant for trot spraymg, whieh wate e2,500 last year, had been' dropped altogether ni the be- lief that' the people had .themselvea taken the matter up with energy. PUPILS. The Attorney -General inueed the second reading of his Ast dealing with Industrial sohoots. It provides that every child in such an institution, shell after three years' conftnement be given a chance in 'the home of his parents or of foster -parents. The Industrie. School. Board, shall retain the office of guardtan untit he is eighteen years of age. If it, is deemed necessary for the boy's welfaee, he may, after a term of six months,. be brought back to the school and the school may t;xttiet a fee for his maintenance from his parents. TRADING- STAMPS DIel3ATED. Mr. Farewell's bill to impose a license school', mad the school inay exaet a fee fee on trading stamp end eoupon en- terprisee of 32,000 in cities of over 30,000 popula tton, $1,000 131 °Ake of 30 000 and under, 8500 in towns of 3,000 and un- der was discussed. PULPWOOD, BILL PASSED. The Spanish river pulpwood comes- sion was 'ratified by the 1,egisleture. Mr. Whitney inoved that the agree- ment be not ratified. Tbe Premier's amendment was .Lo the effect that until the Government knows more of our pulp resources it is amply safe- guarded by the agreement with 'the cOinpany, and advocates* the promotion manufactures. - • Experience never teaches Cottle tiny- thin.g, You can frequently judge a man by the fool friends he has. 1.1 a man is unlec,ky it worries him and if he is lucky then he worries be- cause he is afraid his luck will change, The man who always remembers his wife's •wedding anniversary and Pre- sents her with some little token of esteem seldom his cause to seek a di. vorce. Any self-respecting man will lie when he has begun to take his clothes off and his wife asks him if he mailed that letter to -day. No man could see into the average, girPe top bureao drawer end keep more than two or three of his littlest ideals • , • Seerneereenealeiterstell „ AgoableWzzomiipattoriks.. similating Wood andRO • ling ftSiontarlis andEnweis of SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE 9 SIGNATURE PromotesDitiesiion.Cheerful- ness anxilkst,Guntains ROW _91nuatikforpitine nor Miami., Itle431,C Pale. eeesereeweeee. wee•nr•-••••,ee opreiisreeewoonr,ge=117TIZR Poeta 44- ettetortriett 4 Aprzfertlieniedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stoinach,Pierripee, Wortnegonvuisinus.Feverish- andlo055 or 6uotr. .e.••••••••..••••••••t .1•111.11,1,12190•1. TocSimile Signeture et 'NEW OTIT 1. A IS ON TUE RAPPER 01' rallY liOTTLE OF CAST RIA Canctle, to yet ep ont-ni4e ctiant 0117* zet. ;aid la belk, Doiet ellow eileo.re ta cal ea partite& sloe as 00* or promo that it Is " eat ;is gcs4" nd "-will sewer eve7pc. pese. *rho tbst yea get (14-15-T•fla-leki t oe ern? irreyytt, aOUNDS HEARD IN A BALLOON. Mr. 4. M. Mem% the Engliehiareo, who with likdeughter made a lofty balloon ascent to observe the meteor last November, cella acme interesting things about the noun IS that reaehed their oars. Al the height of 5.61.0feet the ringing a borses' feet on a bard road could be beard. At 4,Ctil feet the splashing sound made by ducks in a pond erne audible. The barking tit - dogs and tbe crowing of eocks could be ; heard at 7,060 or 6.000 feet. These sounds peuetrated through a white floor of cloud which hid t he earth front sight. 111 the perfect silence of the air around the balloon they were abutted by what seemed stealthy ' footsteps close at hand. Investigation showed that this sound wan catteed by the stretching or the ropes and the yielding of tbe silk as the balloon con- tbaued to expand. et• SPOI1,411D THE SURPRISE. Amiable Hostess -Well, now you are here I hope you will stay to lunch with me. Gushing Visitor -Oh, thank you so raueh dear Mrs. Browne, if we inity. To daughter. There, Vera, won't that be delightful. Stiehl a pleasant sur- prme for 70311 Beverley Truthful Child -Not e sur- prised mother. Yout know you said Mrs. Brown must ask us to lunch if we only stopped long enough! CASTOR IA l'or Infants and Children. Tho fa. eighatare 44-4„ Om! ;hello le Oa of 4. Wiener. * HOUSES FOR LONDON POOR. County Council Provides Tencusetsis Willi Rooms" at 134 Cents :t lYtels-Cold Baths Tvvo One of the grandest enterprises for the benefit of the poor of this city will be dedicated to them in the squa- lid Shoredeloh district on Saturday next, says a London letter. The County Council has built 23 blocks of model dwellings, comprising 1,190 tenements, and they are to be thrown open to the use of the „poor. The un- dertaking is known as the Boundary Street Estate. The work began ten years ago. It was the intention of the Council to transform a slum, where the death rate was 40.13, per 1,000, against HI for the rest of the city, int'oa diStriet in which. the poor would have some chance to survive amid healthy sut- roundings. The tenements, which will be Otter:at- ied so that they will cause no loss whatever in the city, but earn an in - tercet, will be let either as single rooms 1ar 84 cents a week, in sets of Iwo rooms for #1.32 Lo $2 a week, three rooms far 01..70 to 1*2.28 or feur rooms at from Seella to 3. otle- Shops will let isI f roan 84 cents Lo $1.56 a week each. Theie will be, baths in the dwell- ings. Cplel baths will 3103.1 the ten- ants two cents and baths four. een Le. There will be well-appointed steam laundries, too, with wringing machines, mangles, iron stoves and boiling water for &tercel,. Women will pay for the use of the laundry the moderate sum of three cents an hour. One block has been furelehed with baths in the prep° rtion of one to each Lour of the tenants. CIRCULAR PARK. The dwellings are built arotind a, circulat park, in the centre of which there will be a band -stand- On the CONSUMPTION an 4 ati mow elleutsre, srosMitt of OLOOD. COVON:11,01111 ArkxwiTrt, L 'eke beittilii ittic artiste are 134041 By de aid of no D. It L. EtnuIclott, 1 beim getteeridoiiteareeteoovehlebtoellarittreilead roe 131 °Vex year, end Mee gained eoesider- ebly Iv eight. 11, wtnr..tuan, liontres1. sga. lend $1 per Bottle DANIS fe I,AWRT.NCE CO, Limited, ItIcUSRPX. BEANS 1 Ilereeeli lefielem sec e ea- . :TA:4 tv.T.,a4i al) nth IAA Irli:Or tad; rutoro or rand as IreCne31 by 0 c.-.yrer the wore Dr U...01.001.441.01008.1.01 coma of yOlinl. riga Remedy oohed". wens Po must cbedneta ceeet 14E1 en TRX4114101T11 hot Allied !WEI tO ribite• ;CM bi eine *taller p1)51', nr 1113 ter ee, or MIS Or U1111 Nveintfii pere w53.intrti1o313.1:: 34 %.7 vs atr,nii to 4 eeee ere. e at BroWilines 121318 Store Exeter estate are two publk sohools, one ohureh school and two ohurolies, one of which is built over a common lodg- ing house. There is a elub on tile estate for tile tenantry. It ha con- ducted on temper:teat) lines and has a library. The estate stands on the site of one of London's most notorious slum dis- tricts. It is known as the "Old Nichol," It is deseeibed minutely un- der the title of "The Jago" in Arthur Morrison's story, "A Child of the Jago." A population of 6,094, persons was displaced by the scheme, which COM' ors 171-2 acres. In two common todg ing houses, whim* have been removed 153 persons were found to be tivin In 752 single rooms were 2.118 perso and 2,265 in 506 two -room tenements. They were the poorest unskill laborers. Besides button -make hose -makers, charwomen and wash women were many bad ellaracters. one small street alone lived twen tickets et leave men. They were transferred to other di trials, their new homes being inspee ed by the officers of the County Cott ell. Most are artisans of the bette class-policenten, postmen and a fev clergymen, sohoolmasters and chue workers. The total cost of the reconstruction oe the district is placed at about # 625,000. The city will get 31-2 Pi4V't cent. interest on this, and a sinkin, fund 'will he proeided that Will pay off ' the canital cost in OD yea es. Thirteen liquor licenses on I he grounds have been cancelled, and no public houses will he allowed on the estate. • Children Cry for cAstioR PIOSTRATED, EXIIAUSTE NO SLIEEP-P40 REST. In, do not appreciate the words et John et, Saxe, who sang, "God " bless tho nein who ee • • first Invented sleep!" But appreciation le not wanting to those Wild have sutitqred ae Mr*. 'White, of Mara -' • Township • •Ont., who • "'• • beesime so ill with kereetall trilhiee that, to quote her bre- ' eilett Olt at illustrioue seetion ef Notit 141', air. aint141 McRae, a wollemewn r. Ontario: " Oster had not slept a reeht tor ors" three Of outhe.. she Coma. not have e 'stood tide moos longer, and It wee oat • AtottrIeiin erilne beoctne the good phyt When eloitseamed imminent thet Soul: ' elelee. *(tot, tithing the grut dose of the ry., iirrine she Went all night. and • gained' In flesh portoetty wel and 'has not ' •eio sign 01 nerveletness." T Is is a weeder- • ful Medicine in the severeet cases of nete'' ,• voesnerp, pea the greatest fiesh-buirer to b. feua.o anywhere In tbe world. -25. I soid-Ov C. Lutz, Exeter, 4r-*