Exeter Times, 1900-4-19, Page 1GROCERIES
Fl (MON & 11/11DDL ESEX GAZETTE.______
EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 19th, 1900 a---"°"---"-ma-rgwa-------4"----"-m"-----""
interesting Nem
of Bargains
Special in
BLACK and Bowx
SC' 4
Ready to wear
spot In Do 0000s
E, T. CORSETS style 59. c v MEI e C
1 neditun waist, short hip lamp, vvnio a
and low bust fou side steels
in gold, drab, pink, Beautiful 11.3feets
SP,ECIAL, 49c. iN as,
two alike
All ever embroidery,of fine' Reduced to
Wainsook and 'Muslin
wipe 4c496 fl YD.
Fanq Dress Sateens fon-
lard designs,one of the most Regular price
popular textiles,
Men's wool serge in 131 a blu his week 4.20
Men's Tweed, leader
Boy's Serge or tweed . 1.50
0 „„ niva, 89e.
For, This Season 12c —"t1 .VVe; ;)Oe
See our treatise.
on the Diseases of'
*311,tit trees and Vegeta.
.and their remedies.
See this season's
fer Spraying, 1A.'hite Washing,
and Painting,
Aylmer Sprayer
12 first awards in Ontario
Highest awards against the
,world in England and Russia.
We fully guarantee the pumps.
,Get our Prices.
St. Marys
Bnisas,—Goocl Friday was observed
here very quietly. The loc Nserts-
men enjoyed themselves by going in
quest of small game, principally the
muskrat, —IV,S,C4rahaninnaae a. large
allipment of five hogs Friday. The
priees paid were $5,80 to 3n.
yee.rs.—Sheriff Hossie was in town on . i„..,
Thursday serving papers on some of e9nx PeettVsIlltc!lelrutEtensa
bere 26 t Fil,ato with eeerew 4e; Prouaroet)Barester l svb reeentl.
ate otToronto untversity„Dentlet& Teeth]
..k. SellrY., L. D. Se D-D.D.,11"°3.- (11.244 ' ticating tour, and is again at his Post
-14 Harold has returned from his rue- 4E13° '
ntr.ss--Joseph I ollard bas rented y left here, has settleof in
Baker and Miss 1..4ily May, of Hamilton
the South Perth electOrs.--MieS amid mona.ly.continenong Maaisth, ""5. fsnePuted by his late einployers, Meesrs GOOD
ford next week, after residing
c) _pain ort: bad effeetee (Mee , at theastation.—Before his
At ZurIcil Toronto, Gordon MartneciewnAttpurree-
school oe pedagogy, are at, bores for Beanna,—Mrs, John. Shepherd is st' MeDonell Bros, with a handsome bible
Easter holidays. They will soon be present iti Loudon lakvigg been called , and gold rina•a---Mrs Runt spent ber
getting their certificatea.—The tailors tliererSaclu/vghin4r,tai° 1,tal.leiv$earaleQuIl°01.111470sof Enster' ImildaYs in Galt'
anti the bosses have settled their dif-
but met with very -peer auccess.
Lenders visited the village on Tues z osed of his team of driving dogs to 1 A ou ■
1.• Baker, of St Thomaa—W Copp, of a rine Assortment of
. i Sea:oath, has beenappointed inspector
. , li_onSa.11.
iActs—A liberal collection was taken
• ,
!for Tuckersinith inader tbe Black Knot
anGe.er,T;Suctolimermlaisandio,neltetaorry-oPieubsukirao,noOgoavez i v lelinsranMeutibunodiniset cylintinrck—inn
and Usurer ot MarriageDteerises. Legal dom.. /4
1 Intends erecting a new resi-
ments caretany drawa et reesonable retee.,e e, . .
Money to loan on reel estate at low rates ot ea•lrruenar.on441•4ser aarninvgt.—is'er IBlislathchoftzoored,foorf
tercet, °glee at the Pest Oleo, Bensall.
11. .T.D. COO.K. , sale, in another column. --J K 0
his:property and will move to Brant- Soliolton.Notallr. Public‘ Henson. °at*
I s Strathecria, Alberta, near the Rookies. NEW SPRING S
' ferences, giving from 50 cents to —MissGarden' of Parkhill, visited
of Toronto, lias been appointed orgau-
sait more for making, so there will be
no strike this time—M['. Bridgernau,
let of the Methodist -church at a salary
of $300 a, near.—A deputation from
the Town Council and Board or Trade
are .going to interview the firm of
carriage tualtera who talk of coming
to Mitchell, if they get a loan of $15,-
000. Oely the Mayor knows who they
are and he won't tell for fear Stratford
or Listowel will get Aileen of theni and
secure them liest.-1 here are not
Christies celebrated fancy many new buildings going up in town
this year and the only public works
will be granolithic sidewalks, if the
rate payers on the streets can be per-
suaded to pay Wt. cost.
and and plain Biscuits. We
keep a complete. stock,
21 lbs Redpath's Granula-
ted sugar,
3 cans peas, corn, tomatoes
St Rut up. (assorted on 3 Of
one kind) for 25e4
SYRUP very choice.
ars Just Arrilived .)1;
Parties Building
We can give you the lowest
prices on Builder's Hardware
Glass, Furnaces and Eave-
Mixed Paints
ROD6rt80il'S NM Paints
A permanent wall coating
mixed in cold water.
H. Bishop & Son.
SCxooL REPORT.—Following is the
report for the Senior division of Cred-
iton Public School. Note—Class 1 re-
presents 70 per cent. or o'er; Class II
arepresents 00 to 70 per cent; Olass.111
represents 50 to 60 per per cent; Class
TV respresents 40 to 50 per cent; Class
'V represents 30 to 40 per cent. Names
are arranged in order of merit:—Sr V
-Class 2, Percy Banes, Geo Lawson;
-Class 3. Charles 13rown, Ira Brown,
Jr V, Class 2, Geo Hockey; Class 3,
Wes Finkbeiner, August Knlin, Otto
Bron, Elmer Gower. Sr IV, Class 1,
'Gordon Bloomfield; Class 2, Mandy
Finkbeiner, Ethel Clark, Ella Beaver
Clara, Seigner, Vixen Beaver ; Class 3,
William Brown, Albert FalmerALizzie
`Finkbeiner, Edna Eilber, Martha
Wenzel, Welda Banes, Lucy Young ;
.01ass 4, Edwin Treitz ; Class 5, Geo
•Sheardown, Norman Holtzman • Sr
JV, Class 1, Laura, Olark,Sam Voelker.
Class 2, Oliva Holtzman, Wesley
Brown, Edgar Baker, MUG Clark,
Wilber Macinfurray, Norman Beaver.
-Class 3,Garfield Hill,Edruund Wuerth
Everett Palmer, -Clara Fahner ; Clas
4, Charles Wind, Dan Finkbeiner, E
Valuer; Class 5, John. Treitz, Willi
Hockey, Oscar Wolfe. •'
GEo. Raoostasnars, teacher
BEeDre.—The rain has
1413441Nampiali sitammemitTrommts....mmooromm,clacsemastioscorrt
and 23rd. Rev Prin. Warner, of Alma
College, St Thomas, vvill preach morn-
ing and evening arta address the I
scholars in the afternoon. On Monday
evening a cantata will he rendered by
the school, and an address is expected
from Rev 0 W Brown, B A, of James
St church, Exeter. Let everybody
turn out to these services.
EntErs.—Sucker fishing is the order
of the day but for some suckers do not
bite.—Miss Emma slorlock has return-
ed to her home in Orediton after spen-
ding a few weeks in our midst. — Mrs.
Rieleoirr.—The following is the list of
successful pupils at the recent uniform
promotion examinations in school No,
S. ---From Sr. II, to Jr. III, Eddie Wil-
lis, Herbie Dearing, Herbie Beaver,
Edith Parsons Mitchell Willis, Lizzie
Sanders, Nelson Sanders ; From Pb. II
to Jr. II, Tommy Sanders, Harry
Triebner, Ralph Willis, Gladys Bissett,
Annie Hicks Garnet Craig ; From Pt
I to Pt. II, Tommy Penhale, Victor
Sweet, Hilda Preszcator,Eztrl Parsons,
May Sanders. Parents will kindly
send all pupils about to start school on
Monday April 23, as it will be incon-
aw ins, Mrs. McDonald
and v men o lave them corning after
Gower 8,re at present very sick. — Mr. •
that T. B, IloOPER, Teacher.
'Isaac Gower has returned from Brine -
ley where he went a short time ago Centralia
with the intention of spending the
summer but for some reason, returned—
BEIEFs. —Arany of the Easter id heti-
h S
. Sweitzer has started ,/ ay seekers have during the peg week
saw mill and has put all the idle men
of the village to work.—One of our
constables was out last week but did
not accomplish the act which he uncles.
oo to do. I wonder why.—John 'Vic-
Intosh, of Parkhill, was in the village
a on Sunday.—Minniet Garret left for
e Strathroy on Friday,last.
come and gone. Among those we no-
ticed several from a distance.—Wm.
Lewis and daughter, of London, spent
Good Friday here with his daughter,
Mrs Neil.—Miss 'Maud 33aynham, of
Norwich, spent her Easter here under
the parental roof.—Harvey Hicks,
of London, is spending his vacation
here at home.—Misses Grace and
Sian Salton, of the St. Catharines La-
now with warm weather following, j• STANBETRY,B..A„'EXETBR, ONT. nenilusted, is holidaying here under' BRIEFS. —Mrs. Waddell spent the
to Barrister Conveys,noor Notar lvIon
sa, is, Making considerable imiin•ovements toqoan. Officesforinori,fieeetipieeeyYbomeseseY parents • •
here.—George Webber, of accepted a Situation . Messrs.
new store and fitting up the' present BRIEEs.--G Wener and wife, or
businesa—Nelson -Cobbledick, of 'Exe-
ter, spent Sunday here at ,the Parson.
age—George La,nsing, our painter,has
moved from his dwelling on Main
Bn/Ers.- Sugar making and tatty
parties are now the order of the day.
Tbe weather so far has beau
somewhat cold and consequently the
ran of sap has been small.--alisses
Mary and Jennie McCurdy, of Plug -
town entertained a number of their
young friends on Thursday evening.
The evening was spent in games and
music until a late hour when all re-
turned home feeling well pleased with
the evening's amusement. - Messrs.
George and. Ames Stewart held an
auction. sale on Saturday last and des-
pite the low prices of grain evet7-
thine sold well. 3[any of the cattle be-
ing sold for move than they could be
purchased for on Toronto market.
The proceeds of the sale came to
nearly' $3000.—Iuspector Tom, visited
o. , on Monday and reports Academy, London, spent the bolidaye
favoraniz—John wessialse had ; a, nee under tho parental rooL—S. Arnold
sawing his wood on Tuesday. James and wife spent the past week visiting
Ballantyne also hail a bea cutting his in London and .A.ilsa Craig, — Henry
wood on the Boundary the same -day. Rundle, who has purchaSed D. Mc -
Each of them succeeded in getting a Innes' farm an the names Road, I's -
gaud quantity of wood cat.— Miss borne, moved thereto yesterday. Mr.
,Agnes Hay, who has been attending Rundle has sold the residence he pro -
the St. Marys Collegiate is home to cured from FI. Cook to Ilugh
friends here over Sunday, - James
Petty was in London on Satarday.-
Fred Laing, of Gwen Sound, spent
Easter in tOW11.--Thos, Luker has pur-
chased a handsome blood stallion from
I. 3facarthitr, of Ailsa Craig, for a
good figare.-W. Hoggarth,of Ribbon
is ill with an attack of appendicitis.
John Nevins, father of Mrs. James
J Ford spent Easter
with his brother. S Ford, of Petra's,.
McKernan left 4:ai Monday for
Edmonton, N W T, where his mother
and sister l'eside.--Ed and Harry Carr.
of Toronto, son and nephew of Samuel
Carr, of this village, spent Sunday
Arriving Always
Ail kinds of ar
highest prices
ohne for which
*II be pai
i e °rivers parents„ -Lorne 43 P Ross*
Friday. He wa$ SO years old.—R. J. Jobastao, ea at Marys, spent Good
Hatton and Shaw attended the enter- itiug her sistennrs Moss, near Thorn-
taininent of the Beaten SymplinnY dale.—Alfred Ford, of St Marys Col -
days uuder the parental roof,—Miss ; BnisFs-Miss B. Guerin, of Detroit.,
Club, in Seaforth on Tuesday evening, legiate Institute, is spending the boll -
ford on Tuesday after spending Baster Fairies spent Good Friday at her b
--The Misses Dent returned. to Stmt. spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs.
McCann, of St. Colavaban.-George
with their aunt, Mrs James Sather- in St iliarvs.-The concert 'veil b * th
--Q17a° i ton. -Charles E. Carpenter, after an
t Wood bas gone to see friends in Frillar-
ogan, died at the Logan home on Johnston, of Hamilten, and Miss Annie
Twitehell is again able to be on the Friday. with their sister, Miss Mary Dublin
streets. -X, E.UcDoriell and the Misses Jobustou._.,31iss Nettie strum., is vis,,
laud. -Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. (Dr-) Fergo-
son, Mrs. Wm. Moir and Mrs. IL Cook
spent the forepart of this week in Lon-
don. -H. Cantelon. of Exeter, was in
town Monday and Tuesday negotiating
for the purchase of A. I. Goetz' lease
of the Commercial. Mr. Goetz intends showed what wonderful thing•s we may
leaving in June for England, Ireland, expect of the rising generation of this
Scotland and France, pleasure bent.- town.
Misses Lynch and Mulvaney, teachers, 1 , 0 Day has removed from ber late rem-
' , absence of twelve years, has returned
school children in the AI ert Hal/ on bome to pay a visit to his nuniy
full chine of tbe cbildren and the s i
Thurstha.y evening was a decided sue- friends, -,L Molyneux, of Hibbert. has
cess, The pr-kgraca consisted of vocal finished his vourse at the Stratford
and instrumental music. recitation", i Business College. -The late John
dialogues, elub swinging, ete,. was in ' O'Brien, at. one tirne a resident of this
pine, whose death occurred in Strat-
ford over a week ago, was interred in
St. Colunaban cemetery. -Miss B.
of London, spent the • holidays with
Mrs, C. A. MeDonell.—R, E. Pickard, Anderson. ' 1 deuce. She is now in the best, busi-
er Exeter, spent Monday in town. Se nes part of the town.—Mr. and Mre.
• Dave McConnell are happy in the pos-
is N'ell pleased with the business being Miss Clara White,of St. Marys, is the session or a very aice baby boy. —Mrs.,
done at his Ilensall store.—Robt. Mur- g les o Ws Jennie Anderson.—Taos, i James Jordan, who has been ailing
ray, principal or one of the Toronto Ribey has secured a boy from Dr, for some time, is able to be around
of the Owen Sound Collegiate Dish- of St. 5farys,is the guest of her &nigh- ' PloYe of the 6. T. En bas relu"e4
schools, and Thos. Murray, principal Barnardo's home.—Mrs David Whaley agaim-Me. J. C. Pounder, late yin -
tate, are spending the vacation with ter, Mrs. Thos. Sealing. — Miss Lily , with his family to Duluth. R. 'Roney
their parents here,—Miss Maggie Mc. Harding is spending the Easter holi- Is on the sick list.
Lean, teacher, of Hantingileld, and days at laoine. — Miss Clara Switzer
Mamie Aaulerson and J. W Graham. 17....__Oara or
sister, Miss Mabel, of the Shorthand .§peut G-ood Friday at home. - Miss ' The Mitchel Tiede has ask -
spend her Easter holidays under the
parental roof.
Sortooa Raronr.—The followingis
correct report of S. S. No, 4, Usborne,
based on the examination. held March
20th and Sala The names are in or-
der of merit. —Sr. III, Ada Kerslake,
Warren Hunter, Willie Smith, Maggie
Quintoe, Frank Hunter, Roy Luxton;
Jr. III; Tommy Quintonjohnnie Hun-
ter Blanche Smith, Lydia Sandford,
Ethel Walker, Bertie Luxton ; Sr. II,
Percy Caves, Wesley. Webber, Nellie
Rook; Jr. II, Lela Buswell, Hazel
Snell, Lizzie Davidson, Ernie Hicks.
Parents who have little children start-
ing to school for the first time are
kindly requested to send the little
folks along promptly after holidays.
. R. E. Buswarm, Teacher.
Ilium's.- The anniversary of the
league Friday evening was a decided
success. Though the . evening was
somewhat disagreeable and cense-
gyiently the crowd few in number, 'yet
everyone expressed tbemselves as sat-
isfied with the lecture. Mr. Hussar
very graphically described the Duke
of Devonshh•e's mansion, the ruins of
some of the old castles inYork. county,
the York Cathedral and many other
places of interest. — •Su.nclay- services
were also well attended the "oecasion
brihging out several strangers.—Ecleis
choir is progressing ve,ey favorably.—
Richard Elston met with an ' accident
last Thursday which might have been
more serious. While driving his
sister from her school in, Mc -
his horse suddenly' :jumped
breaking the whiffle -tree. Ele bravely
hung on but at last the. shaft dropped
down and the struggle had to be given
let,ting the horse have its freedom.
However no harm was done excepting
danaagecl,buggy. •
come and dies College, accompanied by Miss
land and roads will dry up and. our the parental roof. —Luther Pym of pat week visiting her mother, Mrs.
• farmers will be happy.—Wm England • (Late with 111coarthy, Oder er, Oo„ Toron. London, spent his holidays with ''hie Miller, of London. —Fred Miners has
with in his eaemisee, He inlends building a stanbure over °Wells ank. Goderich, sent Monday in town ,on Dyer & }Toward, contractera and buil-
building for „a house. After the cage Brown's Corners, ..,a,re visiting at her
-eft very quietly. ' Sew 'many eggs did tsves in ' this vicmity.—Miss Lizzie
you eat ?—Misses Thompson and. Rasa Hahn, of Londba, visited her father 0
ers, of the ,i.Worinal Schen!, London, are Hahn,' last ,week.--1Sfeatid Mrs Thos
,spending their vacation at Dr and Mrs Mark are on the sick, under the care
' River's. -Miss Flora Sims, of Exeter„ of Dr Caw.—J McWilliams, teacher,
.,is the guest of Ella Beaver this• week.— received a telephone messa,geon „Wed-
Alberaand Arthur Zwicker spent East- nesday night that his sister was dam.er with their parents in London.—This gerously ill. Be left Ink early train
has beeu a very haraLkason, 'on old Thursday morning, She was no bet -
people. Many are„sigic len,d some have ter on Monday.—Misses Della Baird
.died.—Conrad Kulamees.,,Ilio has been and M Miller; of Parkhill, spent their
e ailing for sonee,trinepaeet -peacefully Easter holidays with 1Vliss Allie \Nil-
, away on Sunda:Y.' last, ;,arag 'William. son..—Rev J W Baird, B A. preached
Clark;anothereol4esiejent • oefe the. vile, .
lage, was sAdde,''.,_ sacallAtisaaway on
. Tuesday last,- Inanangsbad '' alek ,but
two days. All ?, e sorx wing,,ones
have the sympa th '., okth entire coin-
anunity,—Geo a Dar . Bloomfield
spent Tuesday in' the country, guests
, of George anti MN Clarkeeee,Misses
Hill, of Clinton, spent Easter and vis-
ited a few days in the village with
their aunt, Mrs Rivers.---IVIrs Holt -
is ready then what 2—Baste ci father's, J •Underwood, and other rela-
ders of Exeter and left to commence
work on Monday.—Miss Ella -Wiggins
of Goderich, -spent Baster the guest of
the Mises Tralls.-e-Albert Pym, of Ex-
streetanc ta en possessson. et Robert eter, spent,Suhd:aY under the parental.
Cillbert'e house,'ne having. -hteely. „floe_ I roof.—R. 'J Johns has.leased•the prol:e•
ect velth•liis family to Wm Quinton's in orgy of Mrs: GliddOn for a tent of years,
Usborne.—The Easter and Epworth I '1'lld- Mrs.' Glidd.on Will' leave in a .fe'it
League services betd, here on SUnday days to reside in, Michigan. — Geo.
Were but fairly attended, the roads Mitler•s• of Exeter,' sPeut good Fri day
being in a' muddy state rendered it and Easter with his parents .here.,—The
almost impossible for those living at a 1 Ladies'A icl have deeided to hold 'their
distance to get out. The services were annual entertainment on May 24th.
very" interesting. Rev Mr Brown, of More particulars later.--The-Mayor .of
Exeter, preached two very able and the village still wears a dark. shade
impressive sermons. The tea meeting 'over his eye from the effect , of taking.
, a very ihteresting and instructive ser- on Monday evening was also slimly la drop too enuch(ont of the apple tree.)
mon. on `-`Flowers'" .Easter -Sunday, attended, Many of those who were on 1 —41's. Gifford) of St. Marys, sPeht
The church Was,decorated Wibb- flow ers the Program to take part were- not, Easter the guest Of her mother, Mrs.'.
and every member Of the church wore Present, and the chairman, W 0 Hus- Wm. Johns. --John Hind is making
a beautiful bouquet.' Miss' Clara 114c. ton, was forced to call on his eio some changes to the interior of "; the
Pherson had one of wild flowers, piek- staadbyes, who did all that eould be . Parsonsag•ee—Miss Lillie Veal returned
ed in the woods, the,first of theseason. expected as they came unprepared,' on Saturday last after spending a week
--The remaitte of the late George The amount realized was 510. • The- with relatives ill Exeter North. Sev-
Eshler were interred in Salem conic- League has learned a leasow that in ertifirom our burg attend6d the ,box
tele). Monday ..,afternoon. from the resi- fature. it will be of more value for social at Sunshine ort Good. rridhY evg
ence of William Bell. Rev j w them to use uphome talent, as there and report a very pleasant tinie.—The
man, sr., is quite ill at present, and Mr 13aird, 13 A, conciliated the services, is the very- best in thle hue ' school 1°°Y may be seen any of those
Holtzman has been away to miehigaie —Red, white and blue bisoting and .es days casting his eye along the river
, on hasinesse—Remember the S. S. an,: flags for decorating, for sale at Boston ,ivlesOresopteiy, pyrqedcsle, Oat., -writes : looking for fish, in fact some of the old
Myersary,serviees , in the M. E. church tore. -W I -I Taylor, .1)4. P P, 'paid our i Syrup:en(' fliTd ib. to'.be 01i's'ItititilL y"eri,l'iC'-. heads are taking the IsaacWal ton part
next, Senclay Monday, elie)ril 22nd \Tillage a flying visit last Monday. 'Tilled • 1 * *
Donald for a good figure.—Geo. Mc -
Ewan has leased I). McDottgall's farm
south of town, and is seeduig it with
flax. — E. J. Norton has returned
to Frensall, and has itgain engaged
with Mr. Trott, photographer, for the
summer reontha—A daily mail now
goes from the ICippen village to Drys-
dale which, no doubt, will be a great
boon to the business men of that little
town.—Walter CoxNvorth, who has
been working at his trade as it harness
maker, in Zurich, during the winter
months, has returned, and intends
working his father's farm nearHensall.
—J. P. lkiarshall. of Rodgerville, at
time of -writing (Wednesday a, m.) is
very low, and Iife is despaired. of. He
has been a constant sufferer trove rheu-
matism. --J. IV.Ortwein has purchased
the interest of his partner, X. C. Abell,
in the Seaforth store and will not now
return to Hensel], -- Gordon Matins
will take a situation in Toronto and re-
main there.—Miss Hattie Sutherland
is in Mitchell, where she yesterday at-
tended the wedding of Charles Jones,
of Stratford, and Miss Freda Dent, her
cousin, and daughter of A. Dent, barr-
ister.—A. song service was held in the
Methodist church on Sunda,y evening,
at which there was a good attendance.
—On Monday evening Rev. Shearer,of
Toronto, lectstred in the interests of
the Sabbath Alliance.—Wm. Ooolehas
leased John Corbett's farm in Hay
township, and will move his family
thereto this week.— Mrs. Sellery, of
Kincardine, spent Easter with her son,
Dr. Sellery.—Maand Mrs. McTaggart,
of London, visited at Claiselhurst over
Easter.—The Misses Copp, of Olinton,
spent Sunday gaests of the Misses
Petty,—Mrs. Sutherland and daogh ter
of near St. Marys, visited Mrs. Reith,
this week.—Miss Hannah Ortwein is
visiting her sister in town.—Alf Grigg
late of the firm of Grigg & Rivers, but-
chers, leaves this week for Manitoba,
where be will reside. Mrs. Grigg and
family will remain here a few months.
—A number of young people attended
the dancing assembly at Brucefield on
Monday evening.—Miss Shaw spent
Good Friday with her brother, Dr.
Shaw, of Olintora—Messrs: Chas. and
W. Gilchrist were in town this week
renewing acquaintaraces„—Mrs. Macar
thur, of Toronto, is here visiting her
mother and sisteit.—.Mrs. A.. Johnston
visited her daughter,' Mrs. Shortt, of
.Parkhil1, over 'Sunday. —The Easter
services in the varimie churches 'were
well:attended,' The decorations were
geperb, while the sermons and singing
Were excellent.—W, Carlisle, who has
been in London for some time, spent
Easter here. intends going to
Winnipeg shortly to engage ie busi-
ness. We wish him success. —
Shirra, of Detroit, spent Easter at bis
home here,—Kate Hagan, of the Lon-
don Shorthand school, ie visiting her Mica Axle Grease is. the highest quaYtY of axle .--gUe`I'SC)
parents in the village.— Miss `tirgi.,2'contains ground mica which forms a coating on the axle mak..
hart, of Exeter, visited at Mrs.Shirra's ino‘ a perfectly- smooth surface.
over Sunday. — Arthur McAllister, t' •
teacher at Lonclesboro',is spending the
vacation at his home here.—W. Elder,
teener, visited the pavental borne this
week.--Robt. ,Tarrott and W. R, Hod-
gins were in London on Saturday. Mr.
Jarrott purchased a 'handsome Lexing-
ton rig, which will add much to .his
now finely equipped livery. ---Mr.
of Lacan, and eretwhile photographer
of Hens IT was here on Tuesday on
business and renewine' ace uaintaneee.
spent Good. Friday with friends at An•.!
derson.—Mrs, AsSpru.ling is visiting
friends in Strathroy.—Miss Etta Mur-
ray, of Kirkton, spent Easter with her • 4
parents. --The oyster suppee held under
of an autograph quilt and. the amount
ed to $12a.00, including the sale' TESTIMONIAL OF ALFRED FIUN-
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. VAS a
great success. The proceeds amount -
collected on it.—On Sunday some mis- THIS IS TO MIMES: THAT 1 BASTE
chievious person or persons went to lEtaglinsirt rZ.Lo).ck Food
the bush where Lauchlin Cameron is
making syrup, and destroyed about 15 CALVES, MILCH COWS and FATTENING
gallons of sap which had been gather- OAT_TLE.
ed Mr. Monteith to support any meas-
ure in the Legislature having for its
object the suppression of the tvalling
stamp and cotipon naisatice.
e ate on Saurday night, also break-
ing bis axe, and doing other mischief.
Such behaviour should be punished. --
Mr; and Mrs, .T. Atkinson aud Mr. and
Mrs. John Anderson attended the cele -
I have a fat cow that went ofT her
food, on using English Stock Food she
rapidly improved. I find. it most bene -
fiend. for canves. It makes them thrive
bran= of the golden wedding of Mr. well, feed well and grow well.
and Mrs, John White of Exeter, on ALVICED RENNIN.
Good Friday, For sale at Lutz's Drug store 50c a bag
asa If you make any purchase at tais store which proves upsatisfactory, bring
it hack and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
MURAL() is a dry powder ready- for use when
mixed with cold water; unequalled for refreshening
walls and ceilings. Cheaper than other finishes.
---4=2.--"19.8K TO 85E9 17---sufzeo—
The Elephant Ready -Mixed Paints
Never fail, once used always used.
Big sock of Paint and Kalsomine Brushes
-405677-7•AT BOTTOM PRICES'it
. enc lhos NVelsh have be.en in
„ efrect_ < waiting RTC ers, come tip.-- London and Straillioy the past 'Week-
till th& U41. thu rag and scrap iron gatherers of visiting fri(nds,—eW 'Fulton has clis-
Agett for 1
of R. Piolca,td Cio's Store.