HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-29, Page 8a EXE1PE TIM. s TWART'S Big CashStoro.:, ,Caadie$' Jailor -wade Spring Cats. 'I:•,tt'it be. pleased with out showing of ne :4 tailor made spring coats, they ate ;as ileal( and pretty in, can he, $f for a very beat fawn clout spring emit, tided with brightht mercerized ed h n ing. tailor-made, a bargain at $4.50. $4,511 for at neat black :cloth spring coat, «ell [made and lined throughout With bright linitis, yours for $44XL Se 50 for as very swell fawn -cloth ccaat,velvet; collo; all trimmed with the lat'eet style, lined throughout, the (;,wear, $5.50 coat you'll see. $5.50 fur our hest black spring coat, tailor made, latest style, a beauty.. See its 50 nefier' Swell ,hear Capes, We have the t'ielaest lot of Ladies' fine Burk Kress Capias,, that we have ever semen. Strictly high chars goods trimmed with chiffon: latae and jet. The styles are the very latest, S4 teed $a. i` 'i inert' i • ,all the Dor shnly roots is op�r1 .grid new hats and trimmings ready for your inspection. The millinery styles for spring are very ditT Tent front pee seasons, the vsriety is very extensive. The new "pastell' :;bodes are swell, you'll lik e tt'ena. Remember you are welcome to visit oar how room as often as you Bring s . t thenew t les B. dvS 's nd slit wish a,Y your friends with you. " `53Iaek Watch' R 'u•h \w':ai eh is, the natue of the new hone spun plaid skirt ends. We con- trol this nue for Exeter and we show only one skirt of each pattern.. They're the newest and steeliest skirt goods in the trade. You must have an odd plaid cent for spring arid, 'oti it laud natixiug in the trade set niffty ami. stye lisle as the Black [toted. ('orale in and let us show rite the as- sortcnent;you're welcome* to seewlhetlh- er volt went to they or not, $3,2.544.,50 ;vita, $5.0U the ekiri end. REMEMBER WE LEAD IN HIGH DRESS. FABRICS, JM► A. STEWART Origg's .For Marriage Liconsesy A full stock of Schoiol Books for Public Schools. Weoddirtg Stings., Wcxtcl-ms_ Clock Jewelry, ry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON i1:'t. HICKS Watch Repairing a Seecialtv.. TO ADVERTISERS. IThe copy for chaug;es must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Ctlsual. I advestisemente accepted up to noon A full stock of Sunday School Wednesday of eatch. week. Library Books at wholesale prices Mrs. McIntosh is canval escing, Rev. Ten Eyek is visiting friends in London. Family and Peachers' Bibles J. A. Stewart is out again after a a full Line. brief illness, Miss Maud Jeakei is confined to the house through illness, Everything in Stationery, i W. J. Carling has been slightly in- wwholesale and retail, t disposed the pats[ week. Mr.Couch bas moved his family to towu from Winchelsea. EXETER Missitl,.•'4, White te. visiting with Mrs, James Parkinson London. Gr'o , 3 Mr.' Elworthe .town just est of the es seriously with heart trouble. Mrs. H. W. Bail, of Goderich, is vis- iting her daughter, is-itingherdaughter, Miss W. Ball, town. I.wSUr.A:�IC>t. Mrs Horne and child, of near Strat- ford, are visiting at :c'iss Horne s, town. Mrs. Kestle, town, is very in, having `1R14ET hlLlsi{3'; the other day suffered a fourth stroke 1=a of paralysis. Agan for theWssxicror Assvisevcs Cotrt Bev. NV. .'4tartin is in Toronto this o o for the oxNLx Filler # Toronto •els a Pnf +esiar, a T . lastreeso5 C'osseesne of London, England ; week, attending tbe Council of the, he 4Lttexc5INSURANCE COltEAttY. of Eng Chosen Friends. and t" Another case of that fancy dress Beenn1e Twvi:C>~ flub FAet mils.— Ort W dnetidaty, Afaat•eh 214, tenders were to have ttet'tt epeued by Wni'den PIaU of he iii>g sion Penitentiary for the eapply of Feeder twice umne�rfece lured to that eta'tineiun.. The Oov- ertcnhenl, lt<,tit•rvt•r, cancelled its order to sell tart teude"r, unci instee ted Sar- don Plat t to emanate yelling the binder twine direct to farmers until at. least Fltc� 1st of May . Yov .ldavhr TO TURN OUT. - It is a: (emotion error with the petite., to Heine that as rig eaoght up to uu the highway does zit !taw to turn out un— less galled upon to do nu by the party tteitu:d hint. The law eagoires the pee Sy 41, front toturn hitt. ee hie own accoU d. This is IA. halt the art says <. "In circ ah .person travelling or being uponthe in of a ve i c e as afore ti-eid., or tan la(atxebaCk, is nv-ertaken by any vehicle or horseman travelling at greater speed, the person sea fleet Olen shall quietly turn out to ;be right and allow the slant. vehicle or h.,rsem in tt pans."e A Goon Pttoatortax.—•Tbe Brant- ford Expositorannt,tuwes that R. FL manager V:•city. garnet hl manager taf the Verity Plow Werke of Oar city, has ben ap- p.' ited getoe h -tl superintendent of the ole s-ey-U4a vie ('s,tnpene e, Works at. Toronto, in ttlec'e e,f i+. dohnstou, re- signed. Mr. Verity will retain his in - rest in the Verity Werke, sass the settle pewee hub 'tent move to Toronto. W. J. Verity Inflows general manager of the plow works in Brantford, as sue- (•esraor to his, brother. Thin change hes hc+en in contemplation for some time. R. H. Verity still remains upnl the directorate of the Plow Works Co. goods at 1.5e the yard worth 25c. It THURSDAY, MARCH 29th. 1900 will pay you to see this line at Stew- art's Cash Store. A'6 HAPPENINGS �� Joseph Davis has sufficiently recov- 1 ered from his recent illness to be able to get around again. Thos Yellow was Tuesday night with inflammation, and is now confined to his room. We learn that Messrs. H. and W. Huston, and families, intend moving to British Columbia very shortly. The St. Marys Argus has changed hands, •a gentleman of the Stratford Beacon having purchased the plant. John White, editor TOE Teems and wife will celebrate the 50th anniversat y of their wedding on Good Friday, inst. R. E. Pickard has recovered from a nuptials of Richard Yellow and Miss severe attack of la grippe,: and is able Northcott. to again attend to his business duties. The sleighing in town t a tbing thenorth a d south the est while on t n P Mrs. Crocker is visiting friends in taken suddenly ill London. C. Fritz, df Zurich, was in town last, week on business. ,Nelson Cohbledick was in Toronto last week on business. Ross Holland has secured a situation with a farmer near Hensall for the summer. Louis Long and Richard Creech went to Toronto on Monday, having secured situations there. Fred. Kibler and wife were in,town Wednesday of last week attending the Hosts[, Sou). —Messrs., $Kwilen Me•.11 ntell have solei :another of their *cent . i aortetion of entire harems,. ickard ,Exeter. 2re$s We have made a very close study of the Dress Goods Trt.de for this season, and have gathered together the finest collection of t county. v to the co t ever shown ata ics ve s r beautiful f Y Rothespuns will have a great run this season, both for suits and skirts. We have thein in a great variety of shades and designs.. Large Shepherd's plaids in black and white, blue and white, brown and white and green and white are looked upon as being strictly coriect for this season's wear and we show them in great variety. Gold e a r $s oc 8* We have she control of this celebrated line of Black Dress Goods and the styles and makes in these goods are more lovely than ever this season. We shall not try to .describe them but would in vite every lady in Exeter and vicinity to call and inspect them for themselves. They are simply beautiful. o I'�IatQ� this 'Ne,xt f(• ( * We are in shape now to receive orders. f L I 1 ne Millinery. Our stock of hats and trirnmin, of all kinds being tnost complete that, �c*lelkrat,te•cl:>t<lata;lt Clyde `�lirntie;- L trite(' Bey." (1t17t18) to Messrs, Smillie, tte`tr Rensaii, 'tttd WRs shipped tills 1 WILL TAKE PLACE ON F '.IDAY 8 SATURDAY, week to James Stnillle, Alv,nston, where he wilt put to the seesan. The. animal is •a tine specinhett of horse, symmetrically perfect and possessing atll the desirable paints for superior breeding. Sire, "Prince Alec:ander. (SS97) ; g. sire, 'Prince of Wales." Br. unstane Bay's sire, "Prince A.lei.11i. der" is one of the very best; horses in Scotland, and has won 1st prize at the leading shows in Scotland Itis weight is 2.000 pounds. DRATaz OF MRs G. A. HF�rnitt: AN. --Citizens were surprised Sunday to hear of the death of elm, G. A. ld.ynd- man, who passed suddenly away Sim - day morning :about 10 o'clock. De- ceased, who had for years complained of neuralgia, was taken suddenly ill an Friday last, and confined to her bed. Nothing serious, however, was apprehended, and while she was seized with weak spells, yet her general health did not seem impaired. She took suddenly worse Sunday morning, and while sitting up In bed taking a cup of coffee, held by her husband, she dropped back on the pillow sand in- stantly expired. Mrs Hyndtnian's =Wen nautae was Jane Garlick .and formerly resided in London. She leaves a husbaud and two daughters, who have the sympathy of all in their were in. • lens er verve t, The rem h eta n r Tuesday. intheExeter cemetery T terred `s in of Miss Shaw leaves for Hensall this week to take charge of the millinery roads in the country the snow is still department .in the R. Pickard Co's store. - as high as the fences. The Molsons Bank managers are ne- 1' If you want a nobby spring overcoat gotiating for the purchase of E. J, ecall at Stewart's Cash Store, he iso Spackman's property, near the town; showing the newest thing in whip hall, on which to erect a bank build cords. WEDDING 137�ra s. --At the residence of John Northcott, "Cedar Cottage," Exeter North, an Wednesday, March 2lst, there assembled together about 75 ^'nests to witness the inttrriage cere- mony of their eldest dtAigghter. Jessie, to Richard Yellow, of the Thames Road, Exeter North. The bride was beautifully attired in white organdie trimmed with white satin and wore a bridal veil, and carried a bouquet of white roses tied with white satin rib- bon. Miss FIorence Northcott,' sister brides - of the bride, made a cbarming aid, dressed in white organdie trim- •zed with pink satin, and carried pink, carnations. The bride was led in by her father. The groom was ably sup- ported by his brother, Joseph. The Wedding March" was played by Miss +, Nellie Northcott, cousin of the bride, Rev. Mr, Millyard performing the ceremony. The house was tastefully decorated with palms and potted plants, the bay window being beau- tifully decorated, where the marriage ceremoy took place. .After the con- gratulations the guests sat down to a 'c all did a to which. repast, sumptuous p , justice. The many and valuable pres- ents received are tokens of the high es- teem in which the young people are held, and all wish them a happy and prosperous life,; They will make their home on the fine farm owned and just vacated by Thomas Yellow, father of he groom. t ins. J. J. Graham, of Siding has been ap- While operating one of the presses pointed Foreman of the Sutherland- in THE TI1tms office on Monday, one of Innes Co's Works;, here, as successor the employees, Aquina Sheere, had the to Mr. Kestle. misfortune to crush one of his hands ;Asa spring medicine use Native badly. Herb Tea to rectify the liver and puri John Glenn and wife, of Lumley, / f the bleed. Only 25c a box. For were in town on Wednesday. While ale at Luuttz's drugtore. returning :home their'horse became ._s L W. J. Neaman has leased a parcel of unmanageable and ran away. The oc- cupants were thrown out, uninjured, land from the G• T. R. at the station, but the horse was considerablycute byand intends erecting coal end cement the cutter. sheds thereon this summer.. �P. 5 Dr. and Mrs,.: Anderson were taken :; Grand -millinery • opening at E. Jr bystorm on. Wednesday evenin by a 'iSpackman's on Friday" and Saturday, prty of young people from Mitchell, April 6th and 7th. We will be pleased who took possession of their' residence. ytohaye every lady visit our show -room. The young people proved their enter- taining qualities and gave the doctor and his good. wife -a very enjoyable .da negotiating for the urchase,:, of venin R l g in ... evening- the Ogilvie flouring millsio that town. Herb. Elliot, rthe owner of .a, large five years has conducted a general ranch in the North-west, who has winter ithhis'mo- w' t w the in e t`een'spending ther here, Ieft on Monday for his 'pra- irie home. A number of young people from Elimville on. Monday evening drove to town and gave a surprise party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Martin."it is needless to say that a pleasant evening was spent with Mr, Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cantelon, of e the Metropolitan olitan House, are in Lucknow P funeral of'Mrs..: Cante- lon's the . Ion's father, John Moore, of Lucknow, who died on March eeth, who died ; at. cial and ciliirch circles, regret.their the ripe old age' of 92 years and seven pavingtowel. months. Messrs'. A. J. Rollins and A. Stewart were in Seaforth Monday and Tues - J. P. Clarke, who for the past twenty store here, and who has closed the busi- ness and disposed of his property to S. Martin, left yesterday for Winnipeg, to take the position of General Agent for Manitoba and N. W. T. for the Dominion Guarantee & Accident Co. The offnce is a Iucrative one, and car- ries with it much labor and responsibi- lity, but Mr. esponsibi-lity,'but,Mr. Clarke possesses capabili- ties equal to the occasion, and we will not he surprised to he it of his pheno- menal success. His family will move west' in May. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and family. have been highly respected citi- zens, and, a host of, friends, both hn' so - .APRIL ar Ready-made Olo,it,g We have just marked off and placed in stock a great range of Men's ready-made suits worth $7.5a You may have them while they last for $5.as. Make it a. point t„i see thorn. at once. Carpets and Wall Paper s.. opened upthe most complete range of the above We have just p P g' lines it has ever been our privilege to show We bought them very early and the prices are right, the patterns are exquisite and the col- orings la orings beautiful. Ask to see our special line of Union Carpet at 25C. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE. The R. Pi6KrU Go., CAILLING 111108. About Ontario Weeds, "Soule Common Ontario Weeds,” is the title of a belletin prepared for the Agricultural Department by Prof. F. C. Harrison. The writer says that noxious weeds are spreading very rapidly in the province, and farmers freed all the infortuAtion they can: get era preventing further loss from this, very serious hindrance to successful agrteulture, Prof. 1Lairison says than, the Public school teachers should col- lett iuhd press specimens of the worst weeds and si1OW them to then pupils, Weeds, the p;tnrpbet says, tihsorh the soil tnoisthtre, use the ialsant food, shade, crowd and choke useful Plinio, g increase labor and expense of cleaning seed, interfere with a regular rotation of crops, "harbour the spores of in- jurious fungi, nntl last they offend the eye. Miert of the injurious weeds found in this province have come dir- ectly or indirectly from other coun- tries. They are leeitteist iu end con- veyed from field to field and fartu to farts in warn us ways : by the wind, by tjp # t [tater 1 y nerds and other animals, nit cot -Importers. rand else ov man. The largest number Berl, Robison, of St, Marys, has re SX'*Iay.NT Glue W 'run. --For �ggen- seined his position in John E. Holes eral house work. Apply to Mrs. ioliu Ingersoll. . comer. store, K of • formerly Tom, of Ayr, h rl .s , ae�' • C hsiuess and soldout his bt white quilts, full double hase hundred whit i s Exeter, .; Ori h fi , intends to ge to London city to live, Abed size, slightly soiled for 980, regu- I11ts Bobier and I41iss Knight are the lar price $1.50, Stewart's Cash Store. delegates from Exeter, attendinf, thei the 'W.A,M.A,. meeting of the Synod of London. George Miller of Milverton has sold Warden. the farm that he purchased from W. H. Johnston, of Sexsmith, ac - David Barja to Wire Ciapiing for the cupied Rev. Mr. Millyard's pulpit on Sunday morning, preaching an excel lent sermon, ee E. J. Spackman, 'was in Stratford last week visiting Charity Encamp- ment No 5, I,O.O.F., as Grand Junior sum of $4,000. Mr Alonzo Martin, who bought the Thompson farm on the Mitchell ioaad, his Bianshard, has rented tbe same to son, and will move into town shortly. The Seaforth Turf Association will have their first race meeting on their new park July 17 and 18. They offer 0 bas been engaged M. Stiee,wh Za g with JohFerguson, near Auburn, for the past five years, has moved his family to a place near Mitchell. ' Grand Millinery Opening.—Every the very liberal sum of $1.700 iu, lady is cordially invited to inspect our purses,millinery on Friday and Saturday, Mrs. Swaliwill and. daughter, Bessie;; April 6th and 7th. E. J. St Saturday, of Bothwell, Mrs. Cavelle, of Toronto,[; p and Mrs, Cordingly, of Brockville, at- ' Adam Crozier bas leased the fin tended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. farm of Robert Govenlock, near Sea - G. A. Hyndman on Tuesday. forth. The farm contains 200 acres, Thos. W. Mountain died at his home and Mr. Crozier pays $450 a year for it. on the 14th con., Hallett, on March 19, John Shortreed, the well known having reached the great age of 81 t stockman of the lith line, itlorris, bas years. He was one of the lnoneers of i purchased ao fine young pedigreed.Jtur- that district. ham bull from Thomas Russell & Son. R. A. Climie, Listowel, has sold his lee Exeter. 135 acre farm belonging to•the John M Messrs. James and Moses Gardiner, Climie estate to David Nichol; of At - of Farquhar, shipped a load of stock property t q P i a valuable his s wood. TP y Prd- res Ga { t eek. Moses cattle to Iowa las. Gard - within the corporation, and the price , ier accompanied them and will dis- pose of them. L. L. Walper, of London, offered his fine farm, north of Exeter, for sale by auction, on Saturday. There was' a Cameron and Uam r good crowd d present,n T. Fred Moore visited friends in Lon- t i g ielded the hammr. The highest don on Monday. bid was $5,450, the - upset price being "Knueltle down tight" is now the being k h h dw y $5,500. game with the hoys. Mrs. Meteer a and her son left on Monday for Glencoe to visit friends. Mr. Poessle has disposed of his resi- dence in town, and with his wife leaves for Stratford on Monday, where he will take a: course in a Business College. The Parkhill Basket Manufacturing neo. contemplate moving to" Owen iSound, and are asking that town for a, loan of .$6.000 in return, they agree to invest $10,000 in a site, plant and realized was 56.850. Messrs. W. F. Trotter and Alf. Box, of the Bell Engine Works, Seaforth, who are putting in the new machinery in the eleetric light plant, expect to have the machinery in working order this week. We must congratulate these young men on their ability in mac headway ableto make as as they have, and also the firm who employ them. It looks as if the towns along lake Huron are prepared to give a subsidy to assist a boat line to establish a con- nection to Sault Ste. Marie and other points in New 'Ontario. The rate agreed on at the late meeting in Strat- ford was 6 cents per head of the popu- lation. This would mean about $100 a year for Port Elgin, $100 for South- hampton, $150 for - Kincardine, , about $250 for Goderich and so on. The Ridgetown Dominion says of a former Exeter resident : P. Bawden's new drugstore was crowded all day and eveing on Saturday and, every- body admired its, handsome appoint- worse than do s. The Almighty was menta: The metallic ceiling is of a hes oid to put down .slaver 'very pretty design, and the rich car- in the Transvaal .justas He used it •in mine of the walls and quarter oak ly Cooke of Dublin, formerly fit- the Sonthern'States. rings combine to give'a'. fine appear - ace. ` orrice. Instead of counters or tables Headley es with ' of Straor, has bought the half -way four lenge full front show bases tfd s heavybevelled edger s'which glass tops. us- � house on the St. May road, ed sellingP was formerly occupied- by William Large for display 'and purposes.with ' leased rear and side nnrrows. Anderson. Mr. Anderson has . frames to match the other fittings, the Metropolitan hotel, in this place, ars. He has ,ir- add greatlyto theappearance -of the fora term of five ye p. g chased ,.the household` effects of the Per - store. The electric fight chandeliers. present proprietor, Mr.. Cantelon, and are exceedingly ioks its a and at p possession about the first of night ilio tore looks, its best• Fully will take t• s are enclosed May. two-thirds of the shelves e ` Brain buyer, Ilderton May - in glass, insuring immunity from dust Peter'Row y, y ,. and thereare drawersinnumerable ui akes a timely suggestion in reference ' for the thousand and one things to the famine -stricken: people of India. carried in a complete proposes drug stock. He that a movement be start The bottles and jars are all new and in ed amongst the farmers throughout to fact every tieing is strictly up date.' the country. ,to subscribe a portion of Visitors on Satuday were ere entertained their surplus wheat. As a Starter. • factory. T. E. Harrison of Granton, has Rev. , accepted (subject to the stationing committee) the ineitation-tendered [him by the Official Board of the Em- ress Avenue Methodist Church, Lon - on, at their last meeting. h of b Miss Minnie Dunseit , Stratford, formerly of St. Marys, was laid up Iast week with blood -poisoning in her hand. Dr. Deacon operated on ; it 20,. and it is now do- ing March ing as nicely as may be expected. While digging a well on Friday on W. M. Stewart's farm, near Hamiota, Man., Frederick Teskey was killed by a"`plank falling forty feet from the brink of the 'well onto his head. He was 33 years of age, and leaves a wife and six children. ' He carne from On-' tario. James Shearer, sr., died on March 21, at` his home in the 4th concession of Elma, at the ripe. age of 85 years. He had been'confined to the house since last fall, but was able to bteup within a clay or two before his death. Deceased was one of the early ioxleers with music and every customer pre- Mr. Bowey is willing. to give ten bush - of P :Elmo- havingresided in the.. town- sented with a bottle of choice perfume. els of wheat,,: and is' open to receive shi'since' 1857. Be homesteaded the Mr. Bawden has every reason to feel and look after the forwarding of any 200 acre farm, in the `tth':concession. proud of his new premises. . subscriptions along this line. A wend seeds found itt one ounce of :lover: seed was 9,080 ; and over 200 (OPPOSITE PLANING MILL.) We have in stock dressed and notch M A CANADIAN FENCE FOR CANADIAN FARMER We use tbe best high grade coiled will J. le .STINSON & CO., Nirkton, Ou EXETER LUMBER `VAR EAST SIDE MAIN STREET. weed seeds to< one ounce were found,and in 12 out of 00 samples. Prof. Harrison urges every farmer, no matter }vbat the assertions or statements of sellers may be , to exam- ine •a-ine carefully with a glass all grass and clover seed which he thinks of sowing on his land ; and in case be discovers foreign seeds which he does not knew, let hint send samples to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. end all such samples will be promptly examin- ed and reported on. Mrs. Clegg, relict of the tate John Clegg, died very suddenly at her 'resi- dence, London, Saturday night, at the advanced age of 79 years. Deceased had been in apparently excellent health, her years considered, to within about ten minutes of her death. A hemorrhage wasthe cause of her sad den taking off. She was mother of station agent. Clegg, of Kippen. In the course of a very able sermon, Rev. J. W. Holmes,' of . the Askin' Street Methodist Church, (fortnerly of Exeter,) said the hand of God was plainly in the war in South Africa, in putting down the oppressing Boer, who had treated some of their fellows A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause 'a horrible Burn Siding flooring & Celli -- and e1 1 • s. in dressed ed 1, also a;� and 2 inches, Shingles, lath. and cedar petite alwa; on hand. A large stet as; of barn lumber just arrived. CALL and EXAMINE. JAS. WILLIS, PROP t t cklen s Arta- Scald, Cut or Bruise. B t Sea , kill the world,will 1 he host in t a Salve,the c , the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, elons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. s. a' Only25 et �~ _ R Pilecur on earth. est a�� ox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all ruggists. sr Buggies Buggies! Buggies!! W. B. Parsons has now on hand and for sale a carload of very fine buggiesof differentstyles andcolors, viz:— JUMP SEATS, MIKADOS, YOUNG MEN'S BUGGIES. THREE Y QUARTER BUGGIES. Buggies for old people and spindle box for businessmen, farmer s surreys, eto. Anyone wishing a brand new buggy will find it to their advantage to call and see them before buying elsewhere. W. H Parsons T v deo rs south of Team Hall. to EXETER, ONT. f .04.044 IN A FEW DAYS We will occupy the prem- ises lately occupied by , J. P. Clarke, where we will be pleased to show you our different lines of Goods. In Bicycles Y We will have the well known Oleveiands, Welland Vales and: Crescents in all the latest models, Also a first class BICYCLE LIVERY. In Sewing Machines We show the celebrated New Williams and White. 'We are also dealers in music music books and musical instru- ments of all kinds. OUR Children's Carria Are new and up -to- date. ;See them. No trouble to show goods, Martin You should see our nice line of towels at 10c. Also sideboard covers, very cheap, Hdkfs S for 250,lace and insertion,a1 kinds, Brilliant crochet cotton 17 shades. Hair ribbons. ` The newest, Ideas in belts and belt toilet Avery fine stock of oil t se its. See the new bath wash bowl. China and Glassware. Full stock of tin and graniteware 1 Egg poachers egg h rs and timers. Marmalade oranges, Naval and Val. oranges and lemons. FRESH STOCK' JUST 1N. Levitt'fr: 'airy CHEAPEST STOKE ON ENSTN. AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEA LAUNI512'Y.. FOR FINE GROCERIES FLOUR AND POTATOES CORN MEAL ROLLED ANP STANDARD OATMEAL OIL CAKE LINSEED MEAL AND FLAX SEED` GARDEN AND I IELD SEEDS TRY US. We are making ;a specialty of the. above and would beP leased to have a part of your trade: Our.facilities for buying are eque those of our neighbors and our.. shop' expenses are much doss than those of any other' concern ]n town. TRY US —epee -- BEST JAPAN • TEA 18c. Trtrs v i c nth