HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-29, Page 3HE 7tewsy Iters &bout Ourselves and Our Neiglibors—Soluethieg of Interest From Every Quar- ter of the Globe. CO3,000 each; three pretected cruisers, to eve% about V1,14,1,0V0 eaelt, are pro- vided for in the petted States navel bill nest introduced in Congrees, GENERAL. The daughter of the Sultan ban eloped with aTurldsh poet. CAN ADA. .Lendon'e assessmeat is nearly n17.- 103.000. The Patriotic Fund noW, amounts to aearly eeneo: The Kingston I.ncornotive Works may close utalees a, purcuaser 'is found 15iaortly, Albert Via% aged 14, fell down an elevator shaft bi Montreal on 'thurs- day aud was killed, Hamilton win build a third. water mein extead ne tittering basin at a cost et `..100.01)0. The Presbyteriaa Church in Canada h $7 its sent .031.1 tet ludia ter the re - let: fannae sefferers Settlers from the United, States are reported to be pouriug into Om White Fisn distriot af. eorth Ontario. Three men are under arrest at St, Johs, Que., op a charge of robbiag the CauctOloat fie Motion at Jobe (gee. Emperor Menelele's cniet general lees sent Zing Humbert a Rely two live liens. Gee. Otis bas shit Ned 533 Soaniards to Bareelona, Semite 'insetted /yore the An Araerieen eve.ratip will look after Ameriem missions at Taku, China, threeterted by Chlueee naobs. Abyssinia will not take advantage of England's war in South, Afriea, so eve King Menefik'e adviser. Aluireny and bloodshed are rife in Moroceo, Elven:ea interventton, will, it Paei. Use war would be that the Boer Hee Snow and landslielee in the Selkirke end interier dietriete have tilcokaded Canadian Pact ic Itaitroect traffic in British Colombia. Mss Lacy McIntosh, servant for A .•20.vell Sound etetrict lamer, basbee left a toilette of $.4,t9e by an aunt to Glengarry. The Farmers' Institute a vortogo la. PI airie has petitioned the D'Alinian Goverareent agalast the shipmeat to Martitobe Q. eierter Untatto truit. The total Inland Revenue receipts fee Canada for February was $7-6,eliti, an increase of about OtiSattel over the corresponding montli cif rest rear. TIflI EXE TE R TIMS APPEAL TO BOER,S. Kruger and Steye Rouse EntiatiSiasill by bntruthfal Statements. A despaton front. Kroortetad, Orange Free State, dated the lftth, sayst—"T.he Pretoria. Federal commandoes are 'here They are ta grand spirits. They are readY for the enemy, and are even de iaatly awaitine, the Britiele ad-- vet:we. 'Kruger arid Steyn addressed Twit amp reeettug to-da.y. Tne Traesvaal Prestdent etude au impassieeed, appeal to the burgliere to maintain the gale lent tight for freeilee. Be told them it was certain the ultete result a PRETORIA IS COI\FIDENT. the City Is Lively and Full of tary zietivitY, A despaech from Pretoria, say -'-A oorrespondent bas jest seee Cept. Leon, the agent a the gee works at La crane -eat Freace. wile was repeet- a to heve been killed, ifti eat engage- ment with the liritiels Boatels time age, Oapt. Leon was quite badly woended, but be is now improving rapidlyt ae ,,.., to $4.83 for heavy carte and I -will eait ter Deropte IteXt, Week. to, *MO for light stock. The people here have slot been oteet Butchere' Cattle-,Deteand was Apt own by tbe British etweesses. Theysstrerozn:s.oldLaoatcl:1 otof ;111,25.,olcooe breotelr:gaonoatt are coneldent ot maintaioing aeturdete l re.sistance for many rainathat cattie at .*3.r.)) to 68.93 Per owt, The Pot Rend Post &aye it has been ad - ite' a law Prop:reed in the Pvench Publics would retain Uttar indepeu- Cheraber a Deputies, tbeft of fooddeace, despite the temporary Brit - 1 by tine •etaeving will be no crirae, ish occupation ot Bloemfontein. It is *aid that Russia inteuds to ask "President Steps. tollowed I,Cr tiger be Turkey for a coaling station in the,. pehtgo, either oLemnos. a stng rospetich. He told. tbe burgli- A,rctitn, Imbres; , t. e , . , yore the 1rsa ptate was far from eeing or litylenet icoaquered, though ite capital heel been Govt nxg,eolitrro a Newf°undland adttoceupied by tile Britisb. He in-oreeed 'deed, tbe nineteen tleparting seal fish- the boyoutitt that 130gianit hact „tat •ing steamers to join tbe naval reserve lieitely refused te allow the Republies brigade that is being formed for tbel Lo remain bedpeedent States. There- a,r000e a the umire. fore, alt the Repabliee Ilea to do now e A Paris court bee given 3udgrogutl was to fit to the laak, direeting tbe proprietor a a hotel' "Steyu said in the sic ntelltlas the there to ply te a Boston lawyer nate. war bad been going an the -Pori bad es' Burdett, $5,609. which, Burdett bad tout less thin 1,034 meta la killed, awl fouud in a. wallet in the betel. He bad that the liehtiug was really commence. glven it to the clerk, who said tur lug now. As ntreeldeet, he waraed, aed, found the owner, but Burdett dIli1 Free Statere not to believe Lord. Robe TEARF THE WELD PrieeS of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, &de the LeadIng Idarkets Toronto, March 217.—Ilem was fair 000siotitta a me cattle, .(30 hogs and 15) sheep aid lambs—qutte sutficient for the demend. Bdrerrt Cattle—Trade slow; offer - Inge not large. A, tow loads eold at is thought, be tlecessery Brentford phut:Were deraand that eine hours couetitute a day. that rate . 01111 be 25 cents an hour, dotting. pay• en pent tor overtime, k and. wouuded solthere vita are on bot•daye, thtt time Dud a hall shall Tim iesue ot SX53.060 lieW stock by etrg cared for there. Iniraeuee the Riceeneu & Ontario Navigation crowds awmtern the ival at her strogat re Pars, to e . , 't believe bine REBELS SURRENDEKD: erts' 'proclamation and tempt Ins ine vitatioa to lay deWn their ernte. Ue assured them the Britieh bad. failed on every occasion to keep solemn treetles tbe. had Sir Ahred Milne; Steve declared, had. puldiely ellentlr Occupies Prieska, the prod tuned taat A.rikandere would be desPatch from Loudon eaesi---Tbe,RILLile°3070°anecill LlygltartgolotghotehTlintrotra War Office has received tbe followingi place their trust la Ood. Steyn'a despatch f rora Lard Roberta, dated", appeal roused, tile burghers to a pitch of ild enthusiaem," vieod tleat there will be i.general de- etraction of tlie mines before the Brit - ion ere allowed to oecupy the gold ield.denmed wealr Qao..aticnaa were Tne Standerd and Diggers' News oft to 33,75 per owt. for tight etothe and jokeenesburg, strengly opposes Such meaeere. It deelares teat the de,: .l,.„7.tt to et few heavy gredee, structioa ot the mines would be an Veedere—Entw offered to a. slow dee a°t vandalism whleh vl‘ukl aUenatooitand toettbaeged pricee. the. sympathy ot friendly potvers. Thiel dtwo. to mixed. lots at $a to a3.5r par ewt„ and vemmon cows to to fel Peer Owt- Export Bone—Offerinas light and Iransvaalers Eseaped‘ exterminated, knowIng tbat the Re - Bloemfontein, Wee:day, Mardi 2,51,••• Kirctiener occupied Priaska yestere day unopposed. The rebels surreuder- d their arras, The Transvaalers eta -toed ecress the river. "Mr, Steya eirculating .a notice y team despatelt riders, in reply to riuRDER AT SKAOUAV view is strongly enclarsea. btoeiters—trine muleet Wilde stemir Johannesburg continees calra, and no with tair offerings and demand at breaches of order are reported; to SX65 per wen. for steers evaigein.g from that town. Pretoria is lively aed teem, a)) to eae tbs. full of mtary activity. DORNIN PO141P111. Notes oZ Proeeedings in the Nation- al Legislature. TEE HIGH JOINT COMMISSION. Pvesident Kettger returped Testate' enThe'eed14-14' '11.•14""n5teatlY .*?-75 JO per owt, dey from Kreonerad, lie states that' 944to be never fouud the bergbers more reel Sheep—Trade was dell and tionee aolved. Be is aeetnett teat the figbt, stook let over, Offeringe were gene In tne Free State will bo desperato. oratty, ittferior. Expert. ewes sat at I am intormed Urea the Tranevael ' - destroy the =leo property as a !net', per own, and lataneeerel sheep at Ooverninent boa taken ze°Fesoluter- Po* to 3,7,5 per cwt., WOW fit 43 to resert, aa to. §1 head, nee- "en. Lambs—dallier weak deemed a Str Charles Tueper eeeenirted when the Rouse was to be fureished, with oPles a the protecoke and other In- formation coneerning the conemettion ppottertee to arrange outstandieg mat - tars between -Canada and tne Ueited S,atee, Ai the, work of that commis, pop! had. uew, al:Pe-ready, eurve to an end, tI9i thoeght it wee tirtte that toe House and, the country sleould tie told eitectiy mama they bed done. ant. Wiltrtat Laurier gould net egree with, thetitiee that the eoreen•tesette had QUEEN VISITS WOODED, :It lar'grt!'afonlcZAtt:Ift ilex, Majesty Talics to the Soldiers 113 Woolwieli Hospital. .4. deepaten trona Leaden, March 22.— Dyspepsia and ineiitttostion, common diseases, bin; hard to 0. Ilre with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound. neekinalgart• 396 XiSIX St. gast, ihenliree, het, eeys re -el -wee troubled *fah fIiespeeniis lead lodigeetten fee a long time, sted Yetield get ao nett! I tiled Mentey'ec eleryeelerve Compound, which curee me, and 1 cermet spealc no highly in its preise.”' ' QUEEN'S 'ma TO DUBLIN.. enters "Prather WIN rent Net itleirsty WAtle the Cite Rep). A, despatch from London seystee :tuPAhi,a-t:zsed::7,1pe:°etlfistaollQ. tgeh:3) rdt eetnhnQte:11; tilioenenaolln ujabeirlilfortsthaPataresingellxvedisit ttoo Itrt When the loyal address et the cerpetras re4unaetle lh° 4tetlatax°' land, the keys of tbe city will be hand, lie was -Uiet itt a positien to say when ea to ner Mejesty by the etty Marotta th° al:4 ether 1414"4314t1" reaedetur. butbre°WardebQelarellt;ndtehaia Itii.":1040t1:nlInarlintbettiet likadita tireu:a tbtaert qt :Zs rreititi''sed's Iromd PrXS-i:/1 evelee censitiereeien, and ho eineteici t Mete 5::3:344ag: e ;w13x; C71:71 cm gtVet, t8A.16•PasoOIVNeg vat4ea470Prb4et1416.144° was l'?"44114 Mr, Prior radleei atteuldett to the feet that, men wito bad been eeentited ea British eonettele for Company **A" a" tee Preeisielat Battalion, wbich IS to.gaertecee liatiiax, had been eitot gereision may at Itteeeineelt. Bn veueed ter knew whether it Was the etiten tet garvieep ineciabseelt per. MellentiY Vete Canadian troeto, Also wahine. be itad been 4eriettel on goad authors. _ Tereaeo, Man 27.,--Wheat—Western ty teat the Leiuster Iteg.ment, now ie markets clased weak tonley. In the lo- Itania,x, tied receltred marelling erde cal market 3Iarnitoban were off lo, but ere for Arca, and that they were Ontario e remained about eteetty. Quo- goiog te tenve bebied them. all the . 311 under a) years ot age and all althatahn quearh actomptined by tateme are as f cotton. akar 9, rsa , e- I and white, 65 to 05 lete accordiag to tbotie unItt foe active Bervietelle gage oes Christiarn, sod otteudeo by neartwas to tile Westera Ontario, gested ticiSt 1,4C men thus lett hettiott rge outtee vieiterd Herbert hospital eintst; and 6i to 600 east ; goeie woUld be gQoa nucleus for the r at Woolwich this ortereacia to see tho Itkt low fretghts. to New Yerki epriug,' vatriatia3 tale regiment. •••••1•••••1 east, 96 to tiale2o; Manitobe No. 1 .1 tre. Borden said be bad no internat. hard, 7ile. North Bay, and See, g.i.t, ti e ardin Mr ?rites first tinea. Flour --Quiet. Outelde 'millers, afer, Ilea. hut Was net inelitted to think it • . • . itne was well laureled. Be promoted to va.e.n. by tlie present shareholder/a, ' procl-unation, to tho effect- thatA deepatell, from Vancouver. I3. O., resty at Ilitt statiou in Woolwwb, ' al° tfteightth• abt.4$2411),,j)esr ?bttal•latAdext,,g1,01*ZItrulath tihIne rocupattrliasrioulut tooirtt= anti win not be otfereil tQ the publie.•any burgher who teens a deelaratien . aasz—Tho eteenteit ceneti rronx skate 1311 Lined ere Were AV eeor to a , . to .., . ;nee rig. a man ,, the route to the hospitane 9" °gel.' 1 -.0 • rtet• brands, • A iS11 4 fa ns and un- ge tie co NI t " it in wood, for local Account, tell from , Lee:utter Regiramet, the 'War Office 0 was now aetiously considet ing , the Company has all been subscribed pri- Iteceue arrivals at Victoria, Bele tell that be will not fight against, us again, anny, btottiort nosh a the arce4 thorn TWO li.lenadtke Travellers Killed by Indians aliment...eaten le quoted ee age -ow' questicto andsorting boles ot be- tiottrealcallItei.retwilirebthoe gii.C.1voina:tlsoolteoldolidy4;. wiJITILet tErekattxiteLanetealittr;elotoprteae4ttlr:Iti oz At.rit Indians ler the murder Tito gtieettanitee,ror. to bo 3;$19.r4 111101 at'rtS 315 to SRL at iug 41)16 t° carTY " */3't nar , le. end is thought to he the riotteat mine. ter ot beepital inteonureetatioute We`, bele Zar. end Moe Worthisg le • bo eded oothusi woe displayed, te excel -I, has a pay atreak Eileen feet thick' fording ad everY asetinstnee In theme ' thAa l`tst °eto- lent headtli, site ttraye tta an open tatITicitilt door through 1Veetern One' future. Applause. • t. and Mre Freak Weir i THE PACIFIO CABLE. Corn—Contiuttete firm. Na. 2 Ameri-I iter. Cotey produced a copy of the lug claim in tbe NVerld• i beve. tionocatterttlYt been able to ar-, thou borne el Iowa early last ettrtag where f.:0 000, employes were drawn' re) can yellow, quoted at 43e, track, To laansard of ft i laudau through the areonat grounds, The Nig kel Steel Company of Hamino ranga for , .. _ _ taken, for eantatay, wbere they woes, tete 1in lino and gave her Majesty a meg- panto; and mixed at 42,11 C di ; a" aai Victoria. dated 'February 9th, In which Llie Australian colony ot rko bads. ! eao anni o• weroa. eed the reenteraut. nataleal end id welt • • nificeut rccepeeen. The Queen, dean- corn, edei track, Toronto. I appeared a seaterneat credited toMr, nen, hes clused. a contract with a I e phiyttotaree preeeitextit were Clevelend tient to built: at Hamilton, i at Prodlta, th• largest steel and iron. plant in rune sulnilles exPlustves• Irelean, a. member of the Victoria About. the end a Septeraber they ' buted quanttnes of 'Windsor flowere at I reas--etenatena quiet and pricea "raw Boare nave began to sturender bkaguay tor; a bay aarraloott,11 tlectlatte,tielaso,..n.ortal Cabinet, to tbe effeot that the 'Doper- tonatta, with a capacity tn. IMO VMS 3 . ten nades down let 1118Zillin8pte°riareephroullilitio* game ica2rtsdlefl;estC; dty There mill also be blooming, t on tile Baeutoland frontter. loom canal. That in'aS the last that ,Isoia the.echool. children viewed the pro- Btrley Tone easy. Prices xather tralia grantine; the Eilatern tension Lal authorities bad no objection to Aue- -----seg--- ' of tli The - t t•titen , cession. from military waggons, end easier. Car lots, No. 11, middle freights, cams company. Imola:1u lutes pea GROBELAAR CAPTURED provisions to stay only a week on their origiral flag, ovule by 'some of the ea at 43 1-2 to 44e, onside. sarg ' ot ° Queen." The '40 1-2cr and. east at 43c; No. la quot- , ,tharcoipliostirt fol;ledtitorigeallTostoelsosnytoorntchoenir.., nen mums, eine after tevicel that time bad , iteltes of Preterite oe, the licensee" of Rye — Quiet. Car lots, 510 west, it The Boer General. Found Wounded exlmed their frmiels ter out. to_ look ' the townisftrat teemeen Wm was hoist- and Gat, °sten I tiatsi:ntitill:artrIsayettriectruiceel ..tett.ttict shr?tetla Children Cry for CASTOR Mit' Catarrh Shackles Broken In 40 follivirtes Lta'sttlneel4rmo beair°11 of4til'ut, una" atirest 00 In everehtire ered persons ta citia ceuetre are aimed in 0. loser or greater d sYeby tbet disgestiee, aNd dargesotei eitee—Caterde tke throe. offensive ..,g the Catareh Wiles mey be egintesine Abeinre".." AGROC1r8 CAIABRUAL rOWIMI4 is the most poem Catanik cars )r.nOWT4 4041,ar:' Recommeadeaby tOgrliTA AM* andtbreatepsetae, ists—gfrearelieffn tram ro to Go, minutes. "For years 1 was a victim cf anent° Catarrh the Ant application of Dr, AgetweiCaurrhal der game me Menet tette end ie an Mc abort whllo I we& ensmareetly cared."—J IgSeslaiald7.17:eil..141;;YZ.75E,' er. tenet t. re.11 and plate mills. muT,A.rx. The Ind:en, Army will lie re -armed with magazine ifies. Ilnglish brewers will snake a general, 'advance tbe price a beer. tiadY John t Spottiswoode, writ- er et the song “et-unie lertarl°," 15 dettdPost grout Nurvars pout, dated Mardi in The Princess of Wales bold the see -1 19' says that a low-tevel railway' is London, at. the ago or 91. , oat/ dromins room of the Kneen et being construeted under the broken ueen. Ing pushed forward. for them, The oely trate tney ouneel aver. the artillery berracke iri Prime steady on small otter. once lowered never be inereas- was their boat, ebandoned on the our of ber ittajesty's visit, sad the ings, 'Waite oats, north and 'west, «7 an, in '1, Farm HMSO,. 1-2e, midele treights 28c, and east all 1 Mr. Mullet* saad filet this stetement Buckwheat — Quiet. 0:ferings light. was mit at sit in harmony with the 1-2o. Car lots, outside, quoted at 49 to I:0o. Carratlian Government's views a the 33u Salo, Dar& :7,—Spring wheat— attitude of the Imperial authorltles. No. 1 hard, round lots, 77 1-4o; No. 1 Sa far as this the Govereanent, know, Northern, carloads, 76 3-4c; 14, 2 end be felt teretty sure its informa- e , -„°,• - lion eves correct, the Imperial Gov- tev evbeat—NO. recta,' 7t731-27,0* ht"ta,- eniment had not given its consent to Nort bern, et load Nth 1 white and nhhad, 73 140, aasst'advi. any variation in the terms of the Corn—Quiet; No. te yellow, 41 3-4e; No. agmement for the construction of a Z yellow, 41 1-20) No. 4 yellow, 41c; Pacific cable to be owned jointly by No. 2 corn, 411.20; No. 3 corn, 410. the colonies end, Great 13ritalu. Oats—Firm: No. 2 white, 29 3-4 to Edet 1 ORFORD COPPER COMPAITY. 1 No. 3 white, 29 to 29 1-4e; No. 4 white, Sir Wilfrid Laurier presented the 2882., tztaeo;.Nenyee—eloe,a, 2201101-meelloNioly, entle It; petition of the Legielative AeserablY , 62 1-20, Flour—Stvatly. of Ontario, praying that the bill ef r‘,‘Ia'esl.t16' ca'''bibdi the Orferd Cooper Company for re -1 se id .:6-5;h1 cat hy -, tt/1 e. Gsst., andep St et tbhe- C.h i e a g o , March V.—Flaxseed—Cleo- newel of letters patent de not become lew. The petition was referred to the to er Select Committee on Private Bills. bowie where Geeeral Gordon was or A, despetch to the London Motning 'shore: ew days rgo SkaguaY itn• use- was effectively decorated.. ellen told; tee. details a tbe, killing to I The Queen. spent an hour in 'the hos- the police. He ha.d become converted petals, and, spoke to anieribers a the exit a neintbert of the S,alvatton Army, patients, wishieg, them &speedy re- tietd coaeidered it it religiou.a duty to covery, teU of the crinae. He gave the Polies the nome.1 of the nine Indium imph- emted, and the arrests were made last Titers:10,y night. The Irdtan, Charlie, who "preacbed" on the others, says that the. Worthtngs werenthotdown over thetr outdoor fire at nigat. An Indian, it, wee alleged, had been. killed by /white men some tune betore, and it was for revenge that. Worthiam and his wife were shot. Their bodies were hidden in acave. -cikingharn Palm* in behalf of the. bridge the.re, and that supplies are be - 1 It isstated that the uuknown vessel A column will start Wednesday to that rammed and sank the Brinell =troll by way of Philippolis and Faure.. steamer Clavier in the Straits of Dover,. smith to Bloemtontem. caeeing it toes of 80 lives, paid no Another despetob from Norval's peed to the cries for tissistanee, but pout reports the capture ot Com - quickly steamed away. menthe:it Grobelaar. He was discover - Tire Princess of 'Wales was present ed wounded in a term -house in the on mama of the Queen at the first neighbourhood of Doulterspuort. drawing room at Buckingham. Pa.ace A 13ritish force reconnoitred towards on Tuesday, the first court function Philippolis last Saturday, and found wiiite liege flying on the team -houses, at which the princees has appeared . The women all protested that their for nearly two years. . husbands were not Belting. They The Londou. eeress continues to ex- readily sold provisions to the British. pre:re disapproval of the concessions Four hinidred of Gen. Brabant's col- demandtel at Washington in. the Nica- onial brigade left Alissal North' Mone raguan Canal convention and the day for Itouxville, and more will fol.. French pre .5 welcomes the inc:dent as low. marring the harmony between Bri- tain and the United State. UNITED STATES. ,13. case of smallpox has developed at Niagara Fels, N. Y. San Fratitisco healta authorities will raake a daily inspection of Chine - town. It is reported that a big strike of machinists in Canada and the United States will take plate next month,. General Sir William Stephen Alexan- der Lockhart, Commander -in -Chief of the British forces in India since 1891, is dead. The five men charged in connection with the murder at Governor Goebel o Kentucky, have been locked up at Alger, former United States Secretary for 'War, denies that he in- tends to take up his permanent resi- dence in Canada. It is said that Russell Alger, form- er Secretary for War in McKinley's Cabinet, will make Canada his %ler- ma.nent ple.ce of residence. Edward R. Sell, who surveyed the disputed bouudary line between United States and Canada in 1842, aied, in New. York a few days ago. STEYN'S ATTEAPT FAILED. Serious floods are prevailing in the ethern portion of Illinois • by the overflowing of the Illinois, Desplaines, Fax, Stingamon and Kankakee rivers. Iona Island, in the Hudson river, not far from Westpoint, has been se- lected as the site for the location of the big poWder magazine for the navy. •11.10•••00 Free State Boers Beeline to Rally to His Banners, A depsatch from London, Wednes- day, says:—General Roberts' de- spatch.es to the War °thee coat/ale the principal TIONSIS that has been re - caved, freom South Africa, _There are no reports of important operations, teed General Roberts seems to be, wan- ing, at the pacificetion. of the region behind. hira before further adveneing The Morning Post's correspendene et Bloemfontein telt-grapes that the Free State Boers are ,sarreadering their arms there as fast as they cafe; be registered. He adds that President Steyn's attempt to rally the burghere itt Krooseted i,a reported. to be a cona- piste fa,ilerre. ,Tbere is the bitterest feeling ageinst the President in 'Bloemfontein ,because lie did not ac- quaint, the citizens with General Ro- berts' offer to spare the town if it "Tfere's looking at you I'll meet you in heaven" exclaimed Frank 0. Leh- man, a wholesale flour dealer in Lan - (meter, Pen Monday, as he drank car - belie acid. He ;died In 20 minutes. I I Mlle newt United. States army trans- port Sumner, said to be the finest troopship afloat, started from Norfolk, Va., but ran against a car -barge at the pier end damaged it so badly that the barge seek. The Stannard CAI Co. Thursday die- huesed a ti20,000,000 cash dividend. on the S100,000,000 eonamon stook, proba- bly the la,rgest taste disbursement ever made at any 'one time on the eteek of a single corporation. Seagoing coast line liattlesibleis of. ;tenet 131,500 tons, to cost approxim- ately 48;060,000 each; three armored ruisers, to coat approximately 04,- eurr marl ereid. MORE FIGHTING- IN NATAL. Winston Churchill Says the Cam- paign is by No Means Over. A d,espe,tch from Pietermaritzburg, Natal, says :—Ye,stenday the new iron Mounting for the 4,.7 naval gun for field. purpoaes, invented by Capt. Per- ry Scott, of Terrible, an,d con- structed under his direction in the Na-. tal Government railway WOrkshops, CORPS OF YOUNG BOERS. Under British Oilleers They Are Doing Pollee Duty. 21000 DEAD BOERS. Enemy Killed Almost Total Viol e of the British. despatelt _from Lozdon says :—The Exchange Telegraph Company is au- thority for the statement that it is officiarly alienated. at Pretoria that the total Iteer casualties have been 2 120; wounded, 1,251; sick, 4,351. Total, 7,722. 10S.SES ON BOTH SIDES. Revised reports are:— Boer losses— Sift 0 b el 13 ONTARIO'S CONTINGENT 1rUMBDRS , . Wheat—In store. No. 1 Northern, Aliainettpolis, March 27. —Cloeez-- March, 611-8e; May, 655-80; July, 64 7-8a; on track, No. 1. hard, 051-Vc; No. A despatch from London says :—The•gime, . , 2,120 62 ane, 1 Northern., 64 1-8c; No. 2 Northern, AllY, 37 1-4e; No. 1 card was kept of those who were re- nesday publishes a despatch from I Sick. - • * t • • 41351 bard cash, C61-40; 940. Mr. Cargill was informed by Dr. Borden that it was impossible to tell the total number of non who volun-, teered for service in teouth Africa, either from the separate prov Bloemfontein, dated, Monday, March British— Northern cash, 64 3-4c; May, 65 3-4e; • Uatell 21—Wheat—NO. 1 frees the Dorainion ate a whole. No re - second edition of the Times of Wed -t Wounded. . . . t . .., t 1,251 Duluth, 19, which says :--0 The blowing up of Wounded. . . . 9,356 No. 3 spring, 59e. Oats -23 1-2 to 24c. ted for various reasons, or those Who bridges by the Boers is am evident Dead of disease. . • . . 930 reerannea_et. r:lunteerea atter the lists were filled, Killed. . •g . ,rese 2,041 .Tuly 66 5-8e; No, 2 Northern, 621-40; sign that the Transvaalers Intend to The number cat men furnished from. abandon the defence of the Free Ontario was. 200, not including the 40 eveo entleted as reinforcements for the " All is %net in tbe south end weat. first contingent, nor those who went A coins of young Boers from the farms Mr. Fisher, replying to C91. Prior, State." , , 1 with the Stratheona Horse. surronneling Bloemfontein, under an TED BUBONIC PLAGUE. Imperial officer, bite been detailed for pollee work, and to prevent tbe further portsbut that a case said that no eases of bubonic plague pillage af abandoned farms by the had been reported at BritieleColumlaian Minim" i , , b.a.d been re- ported at Port Townsend and anoth•er --net— lotely in the Chinese quarter et San Francisco. As a result, orders have bean given to treat ships coming from EFFECT ON BA5UTOS. TAKE THE OATH. 1,500 Burghers Have Delivered Up Their Arms. A. despatob from. Bloemfontein, March 21, amps :—Lord. Roberts gave a banquet last night to bis command- ing officers and the foreign military Are Convineed the Authority of the • Queen is Paramount. A. despatch from Maseru, Basutoland, Wednesday, says :--Dverybody in Basu- toland rejoices in the restoration of telegraphic comtaunication with Ali - TO SEE THE WAR THROUGH. wal North. The proclamation of Lord Roberts is apparently effective, as the Free Staters are surrendering to tbe Basutoland officials. The occupation at Thalia Nehu and Rouxvine by the British has produced an excellexit impression, convincing the Basutcs that the authority of the Queen is paeamount. attaches. In proposing the health of the feteeign attaehes, Lord Roberts complimented them on their soldierly bearing in. enduring the privations of the arduous rattrali to Bloemfontein. He added that the hoped he would next entertain them at Pretoria. The Russian attache, in reply, said thdt they were proud) of the honor of sheeting in such a magnificent march. Fifteen handred Boers 'have taken the eath preseribed in Lord Roberts' proelama tion, by Which they egree to adjure war, to remain at their homes, and to deliver tulp their arms, which ate principally Mar tini-lienry rifles. these ports in the same manner as those coming from the Orient. PLAINS OF Azahai.AAr. •What Kruger Told a Deputation of alr. Taylor was intormed. by the Pre - Burghers. News from Pretoria, says that a de-, meat. It had been fully decided to ac- mier that there had been iettormal. ne- AI despatch to the London belly • the Prains at A.bralmm by the Govern- gotiationa respecting the purchase of putation or burghers waited on Presi- quire the property if it could' be pro. dent Kruger to enquire yegarding the cured at a rettsonable figuee. eituation. They received a reassur- GRANTS TO SOLDIDItS. was tested and found in every respect eatis'factory. , Conarnander Celine told me that he veould undertake to move enich a gen wherever field artillery emild go, and as cluiek inta.ntry could `go. Beyond all deubt the heavy weapon must be- come a permanent feature in modern field armies. We have bought our ex- perience dearly. Let us profit by it. propene remaining in Natal for the preeent. The figlating is by 21,0 means over tierce A continual severe pressure on the eneiny at all points is the shortest woy peace. CONNAUGHT VISITS BELFAST. nacelles Son rays a nigh Tribute 11:401au try or Illicit Troopil, A de,spatca trom Belfast, March 22, says: --For the first Lime in ,t0 years the Duke at -Oonneught ' and Strathern, coma:Lander oe the forties in Ireland, visited Belfast to -day, on a tour of militery inspeetion. He was enthusi- estically reeeived. The Dar' Dufferin and Ave. pro- ing reply. phe President said the Mr. Sutherland introduced a bill to Government intended to see the war ma e g ke further provision resp °tin determinedly, and that a grints of land to members of the mil- throughof war by the nation's lead- Ma force on active service in the ere would be held shortly. • North-West. STANDARD B•ARREIn STEYINT KRUGER'S TOOL. Sir Henri Jody, in answer to Mr. . notoacientinndinegr ctohnesitieinree.rttisoinar-iipeoloauessttaionee. REPLY TO A THREAT. da,ra barrel - Britain's Reply to the Boers' Inten- Mills, said that the Government had Civil Government Has Been Reorgame ized at Illoeinfontein, att • sa deepatch from London, Wednes-• BOER WOrIEN FRANTIC berlain's proclamation regarding the Entreat to be Allowed to Shoot British Officers at Pretoria. accordance wriel precedent, Mr. Chain - burg will not be published until it is A' despatch from London, Friday, destruction et Jtehantiee- tion to Raze Johannesburg. posed the h•ealth at hie RoYal Highness day, says :—The Times says that, in at luncheon. The Duke, in his re- sponse, referred to wonderful de- veleprnent of Belfast. Alluding to the ferthconeing visit of the Queen, lae said all anderstood that it was entirele of the Queen's own free will that she was planning to revisit the country, of whieh she, heel always ehetised the warmest recollection. He paid a. high tribute to the gal- • A London Daily Chronicle =Tee- Polldent at Blotenfontein, telegraph - Under - beg Tuesday, says: '"Phe Civil Government has been ee- organieed. Mr. J. A. tollins, Under - imam' threatened promulgated South Africa,. It is nays-4is reported from Lorenzo erinnen{. intends to convey to the Marques that Preterit) is prepared to understood! however, that the Gov - Secretary of the Interior of Steyn's Dxecutive, has been appointed land- droet. Stern is regarded a.s guilty of katuity, but not influenced, by nepot- ism, He was always feruger's tool. It has bean rumored that he has reaped financial benefit- froin this connection. but the report. is not substantiated, Mr. Fischer played the part of Steyn's Mephistopheles. ' atemd, a Siege a two years, atid that Boers that any vranton destruction of the DMZ 'women, Irani le at the re - 't' le property during the war will _ vetsas. to the Beet erany, ere entreat- ing -xi be allowed, le shoot the British office), 5 imprisoned at Pretoria. I It LS also announced froro the Trans -1 vaal capital that the Italian Govern -1 inane has deellued to interfere, RS11 Ka 86 be Leading Speclallsts of Amerion 20 Years In Detre% 2501000 Cured. WECURESTR1CTURE Thouseede at Taunt end siaidelleseed matters troubledwitlithis dIsesse-enuny unconsciously. They may lave it &mail- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp erittine pains at limes, elight charge, difficulty in eammencing, weak organs, maissiens, end all the symptoms of nervous 401)11hr-they have STE10- TURE. Doxetlet doctors experiMentou ern, by eating, stretehing, or tearing. you. Thiswillmoteareyereesitivill ra- turfl. Our NE1V ..neTnoD TREAT- MENT abs.orba the stricture twee: hateercimovestheetricturepermanentbe It can never return. No ran, no et:lifet- ime, tan detention from burinces by ma method. Tbeigeznalorganeareatrenglia- ened. The nerves IWO invigorated, and the Mtn of manhood rennin. , WECURE G LE ET Thousands of yawns sad zaiddleased men am having their need viger ali eitalite eontinually sapped by this die - same They are frequeutly unommeious of the cause of these eemptem.s. General Weeklies?, Unnaturel Decimetres, Tail- ing Manhood, Nervousaess, Poor Mem- or. Itritability„nt times Smarting Stu - Batton, Sunken Eyes, with dark circle, Weak Seek, General Depression, Leek of Ambitiene Vierleocele, Shraniam Farts, eta GLEET and STRICTI3RE maybe the cense. Don't (mann flimsily &gam, as they have rie experience in these. special diseases—don't allow Quaoks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists, whehsve madealife stu. of Diseases of Men andee omen. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will peel - Lively cure you. One thousand dollars for it case we wept for treatment and esenoteure. Termemoderatefora cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat end curet Emissions, VARICOOELE, SYFRILIS, inane STRICTURI, IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES, KIDNEY end BLADDER Dime -pea. CONSTJLT.A.TION FREE. 33001eS FREE. le tumble to mill, vrite for QUESTION BLANK for BOMB TREA.TMENT. 3ffinietteee KENNEDY& KERGAN Car. Michigan AWL and Shaihy St, L., DETROIT, MOH. be rega.rded as warranting a claim. for lantry of the Irish regnneets in South • Africa where he said, Itiehmen, side compensationj and us yine upon prevate property should the re- sources of tbe Transvaal Re:pails, prove inadequate to meet the claim. by side with soldiers from the colonies) and the United Kingdom, were prov- ing their devotion to their sovereign. en....e.en et she nee - EA -UE 3retitaaiivt* VEVEr FM10 avarn'i reese Rae ti s." MAO Matt Pyny-Pectoral A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in all affections of the THROAT or LUNG Large Bottles, 25c., retests setetWannen co., Limited Prop's.of Perry Davie Paineetier 18111eCeete414(416eS TkP EXEC Fici, trIMSES.