HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-29, Page 2.� I i ­'. �., .:: I I mr-=_J­`__�,��*11'17_. 1­77�71' "7 . I ,:,.. I � I, z I . "-...w I I �. ­ I I . I I . ­ . : 11 I I I I I *i . :, .. . �, I I � � � , ; . : I I I I I . .1 ­ . I I .1 � 1. � . . � . . I . t . . � I ":,:,: :� _ " *­�� ­ - I ist of. drinkers of I . I . Z S to tile large 1, , . . I SCE. no small task. The very sight ot the Ronlq�-, IN OTHER LANDS. EVF_,�Ry DAy add , : I . THE DEFENCE OF LONDOM Dr'ATHS OF Taz noy" , baker's dough -trough j�i enough todis- I -b 11 . . — I _1� I 01,Lkca-��%N 4 (aiu�-hearLeLl. ojuk, xor -, - It is stated L, at :Vxealdelit Kruger 91 -1 . ' 40 I . Visa, "Oreat CUY 1K, Not so Vis.1prolected as ftitsed By Taberen-miU ItUd . lijur j,3 KiUllipe,d iaLO it by the bar- . I . , �. , '111als, - � ,.Ouste FIguroi 01VOk. I r�l, (),ja.Uundred and fii.Ly barrelsuf deering -ens of the reipub- . . : I 't pte Jfut ;_141k4j. Tile report of tine Registrar-Qener� Ll,mr w4� awa-y on _% voyag, 'like . lie rqs , all ths, citi. Ident; Abroad, Us Penalty for � K To many readers ths. Information I , . L - . spiplittlerls- laxes, arld tweaiy tuns I I has issued a proclamation oomman- L n A ,, that serious step.s bave been and are al O., Ontario for the year 1898 ,has bl"'U9 stlow � I � ... .. nonco-raplianco is a fine of from -�500 �1' I'll, I .. 11 co-taloty WK � k. I o.L pj,atoes dance werrily UP the &;it, . . I aral impri, juco);ou, but a tri4l, . being taken to ddetill Loudon against � Just been printed. Conaiderable. of ley stairs to table, hand in, hand I.YlLh CEYLON up,EEN TeA to 62,500 and one to five ye CEYLON TEA. I'loArld, ... ... ay no"ol"r go 0, 50 and Oft so-ament, with loss of franchise and � PAPKA00- 139A4. . �- �- ___ , ,., I attack, wi'�l doubtless o -orae as a Bur- I the in_ormation giviauh4is air-eady be.eA �(;,00�) V,;Uadi oy. tj+-� , w&ke iu,0.0 eggs, --- - - l., tiz I I - wear Is absolutely pare and uncolorede confiscation of property� ___�__ ____ - A prise. Tli,asa who are responsiblZe for publ:sh�d, The tsiiw�xted populatiou, mJ64 oc� 1-,�_s l.taoir., � X(,Ilo%% Ay. � I I . I �, , � T4 -w 1j),) g,.tll,,tu.i ot tresi-I ni;lk scotn 4oc, per pouu4 � 1..1. 11, ,I , tlia national defences have, baseit their � f or j&8 ,%vas 2,:.Ijj,9�1%, Thia, biri,h rate. � Ljj,� I,QUO ,,rallvus of coadewsed milk giv !!!! , F % �, , . v U 0 $LQrea ties and advlst� tha 14,01ii � ,etjou on the theory that If we were labawed a deorease r0m �TX7 I 181 7 � � Ide, it :f 6 6 1�'� I im � it . y involved !a war with a pow- t,.> 4%�,,.9 in jWs. T1w poor system: -or ' to An 0 a -or Y� , �i; � Untapp have u0jiting 1 , 4 runs amuck tha, mate is told .1 S NV - - du ,i,h, it. rha, g,Xj,r,a ot countless against him and everybody else stand ada's Greates' , House �,'P, . still ln:-.k. g returns is bj�Amed ior thto de koano,-,, t S- vxl � I , 1, arful Europea-a evalition, alld it, me �s and gather 10-P , . � .� , crease. ' lia Z,ronLo th,� 4rtbs .showed Ch;CkenS. 1.111719431S, UUCkS and lishes by to waidt. develop nt 1, I 1. 7, .ii I .y, a disasor to our ):1 ar. ; giinWr 4$t'7S h. Jaught. UP thel fragments. Alt0getUiar U is � , . 11 MQ`rJa Unbappi "" 4_V�V,­ a 4.1'-. 144, Lha laroor whare thAr �, , I deprived us for a wiXe of 4 ___ -1 - ­ - __;� jj�ial marri. S.�.s were. lb.-; er,e,t liaaj,�,s Irang in hundreds a, 0, life is A trl, 10 Moro varied an(J. pl.0- � . , equo t�lia,n tha I navy 'd 375, as ct)mp.trel with, rb,_43 the year. ,j,ma. A,' for l,w inclaental-i. no ow, ttire . ,t of the pa-mie-ager - I command of the, sea, na atLer-19t Nvou. I r a -at, but there are victor',es I I � $ejZa Prt.VIVU;�. bu� th3 li��j 6tieward kAows the tult) Is t cnuns , � , '�� 11.1 be Made toL invade,.Kvg.au4 and i I -o sha � I 1be rep -..rt xtya th,A total deatlis ,t tjx,m, Imagine all this food pre- and victorias, and wil. 11 say that � .. London. . �Jrk>ui. d.ph berl.% and craup in le -8 pareki, in an ,Ap,&rzmsaL hjuse k 0 "Otion f B'gnon dinner, in 0 . I 6. h- 1: � . The to.14 chalk 440 Of the North were 084, z�s e-.,a!pz�r,,d w-th IL79 in 1$.7. ail ,itc-han t A'a 0 n 0 a d the law � . � ,@ . ,liote.d tobaxid,prings, and you have dellance of w1ad, weather an vol"a is tilus *.its southern wall of There is a�> tl,.,,�.4aa in which the pro.- th-A ,,.,temmer galley 4tual,ton. of gravitation, isn't as great 0, feat �jj \) � I . ]Loudon. T -4e 1ne of selve, ad pos! tions g "'6S 0. �preventive me,1,16118 31,13 been: ,&I,Pzig kho tena v� th,�l roolu ran the 101 i IL,3 thrwy-bing of a geordle ship's ) I I I -e m�rkev.l thsia -in cupb.h,ria dur- r1a.4ge,. 'XIa ovens are divided in,o crOW- ic all depends upou the point I � extends for airty-six miles from tut, _ g, -,h�,* p�ei; tea yaars. Tha remarlc� c�ujpar,rsi,suts wil.ch w4l brold iirm- Of vie"Y', . I Ila.stead, WiT; .al. ,- ,It, s -a pronounce -A in 10-0, ly pimas ka varioub .41zesA I I ---,...*, I I 1; � , � 1. :.! �, � I in lKent, ell tb�� '.eft. Oa ibe other ImUSE d. u - I - a ba;.%I�� to V.�lr.i-w in Ia, RgADING DACRAVATtIDS, I I ,�! '.. L. r- ences. atw g .� uhch prim.tray may' O.N TOI:* OF THE STOVES I i � one of th --rest notions ice eco�, L .0 . L S�de of 4,te .,jvery t 4tre is another ., - g th I _0 quee 14 I ba 14 xe-1 tit g,e,A.iy. increased kno- 0. st,cal b:ir runs Mon a front ,%lid, 1 � . . , m;t 't a ex and, S-�P,t a ros 1* ' I �', I ieo�. 01 'P0,4"Llus ae,e�, -`I, r1tur"I'L9 frota le. C!� fz,.mor,g.� tL�- pe�lple o� ; - back, rat e s bars, May L*'uomizingtimoixtre,tdi7o-prioti,sp'rot- �, A:�� �,L'., Tilbury 1.0 the ,jLam�s, by Drentwood, ti-e_ely ec4kit, S,,�Us vh.r.le0r. and the d­uP,!,L to llta,a at 0011-Vellieut. inter- ably one advauced by a correspond- % * against a CkLt�vr, Al- L.;cal B,).xrds of val.- Pixs and lj:�ttles ,ire ilemaidd U I i to 1,*pping.. to proteez Loudonl,� act;.v-k�j o. t en t of a Neiv York- newspaper, Wbts Ad- . � NEW � tqxk C,��ming tit'rough Baszx. On fie, I 11 in suppa,e�s:. a -autbre,J�r-i, see- in, in th-L. way, an.1 to add to - rk � a I k, I I . an aE .0 fulnees Peen- tiral.aws. ea,�Jt is cl..imped to a cro,ga Vises this style� r I in � � OU41y. to Ili,: heison- , , ,. . 1� � �ba nolth-west, positione have teen I;, -6 n - . , " , .,, tb,.- yetr U1,8; but espe0laky, to bar Nvi. It wt ,i I. looki 1.9a a largo irou , Xary bad a little 13MI')s : , � . ,�Ot U�e by pti%Sij�tajia tjj�A,�pjrl. A .- _ 4,Ij Out. . _k.ag gjea,�jjr I ebo-.On aboat Ile&4�4uvim,.d. in 1110 th g- o,�V�7 -nerp i. i � Xo spow -,in wh1tv waa Vesce its, ;� 11 eh�,.'torus. BeEweea tbe left a tbe ix �l;1t-_%tgxIU. both in a curative and tuAQLt-�k MU04 d4eeller th,111 'kvOU14 be Me- everywl- to that Mary 'Welatt � I I 1_� . tii , ' 4.119 0 L ; r"$� a pri�%wive %v ty. oe­�-ary !in ord.nary cooking, in order , . .i sw4t1wru 'line unit the 4,�.,bt of thO 1, "ru. ' 191 deaths, as to avoid .sp;lli.ig of tb,,� contents in Clo to surv. was IaWa t1le. I .i r _'J�real�.L.,::" t�au6ed 3.,. ead- . OA ,,ex Position$ iies tite gr�?at �waterway ,,,,,... Ire,j �vl h 3�15t in 18.7, or a rough wia 1pr. The huge copper The theory, seems to be, that by r '! _L - of t h h _ ;; , to Tbauies. There ,ire twogrouPs de.t-.h rate I,(*J o: 1.4,L _'t3 was $IG-rk PQ4'$, ill w_:cb, wii�,Iesalo boiling Ing the alternate llues from right to I . I THAT WILL MAKE i� 'T L of forts to guttrd ttle river. Flr.3r, on -4tU04 in tlfll�'�Xlp�rt a , ' IS 7, the total 1.% 4011a, Ara baA,ed by 61,04111', AnA ait left the,eye do" not tr"01 so far as , i - - .. -1 1 � oad at forms tbe, ao- 'deatb.,;i bid than ,or tba J.rst time ex- liro.l.�g i -i dort­,,� over an Immeaso f�ll--tr­ IMVIAV; is / t , t�jetj ,j,q.,jjj, j,ad it w�ts p -Inted out coal 44w. TIxa bakers have a separ- Usual. and thus A, material t fore a 1. I k�� X . I il�tj mouth of the river. there are the 11'1� . - afteo,ted, But thlis idea palls be Tu. FARM PAYA , ( It m a <!ort,t:a inere,is,,4 Lad '�v.��in extua- il.te oubby h.la and ovens Sor tbew- � . . ,vad, 4) yva b ul is a cold crazy litigg"tiou a another ld�otwbo . i forts of $Lei,ruass w;th 1110 defences ell 11V WL;V� g amplay andother wast- tl:t I � eS ; e d t 0 1 ' . UP I I a '4"it. 1�es J. int �w,y und�'r t ubarm- roaza sy-bl-M o,j4A4,,,-o loni .Ina pastry *.Ire wAmld lilwk tu sto it thus* � NEW IMPROVED of cli"tham 1,:01,M41 th.�ra_ Fafillor Vs -i. Th,t tot,il 0e His rola tub, rcu. uiad�i. LLe.ty,biog 14 mvept and gar- - Mary -bad a little, lamb, . � !, - tlzere 1A an,otlier roup offorts to baj, I­s�s or ,.my o' lb-sp found in th,�, ape, Di 11 -Al, in a fashion to liatifl, Y the Won$ an etih-ve saw e"Olf W. N, e * � , tile U-,&rrow ll,.js��jgq of the rivt�r at 'L�l t-,171, � ,,, . b ... L - I V �� L 01. ,Ii,.s undor 13 -,,,ars. is �i-'7. so la�;ar� of a IDutelt hju,.,awLe. The wh..te, � r I': tLe sbarp ben,j j,jst L.%,�Wlv Gi�naveseukl- thtt th,�ro sv-v,'Us no-dvUlit thtt the pa,int ti scA,u"41 until it is dazzli-ng, TjIg vjoT,I,,,,NrT ART OF ELMUTION- "I I -1 0 - ' ' L 9 0', 0 TV 0 ' "m 0 1 1 � of tikese fl.)rt-,3 ,ire. it Must ble tt4al deaths .rom tu!)Dr,�alo,3 s have Th.� evpper z blues relipl,,nden�_but i be lea I . I �;-"i ra incre-isel. Inike I Ai I in -a illy ra, sfu Us .1 ye g�,,ds I the salvils I Let I be Aren*t you afraid to ,ve that . * 11 I I KNOWN admitted, �,"eulew:,_,nt nutiquated and han&;ome, brie-a-brao.ov the wttutels 11 3 .. "' THE HEAVIEST CROPPER �, i U1`90, W17 14-9 U g �� e f, r phth'.s;s alove, �.P� a-4�*. ittan whD ll,ta bel l, ,his bre�x z ii allu Vible.q while your daughter rem ­ 5 1 � _ jL. , - L.jj,�,At1j1.jc,.oVV u anion _11 � .1 �A� don L " . strr.cmr�,,q. ,,mui,dwitl� 2.31-5 For a pcplahl.-on of *7 jwr cant, %Ad Vluug��d M3411Y Up �be O'likis . F_:,��11 yielded 100 bush. 20 Me, Per AQrQ at PrAn, , - - , f air cites� . I r,a . t�,: ..��,,, Experimentcki Farm In ISM ivi�,az; a ,Spa>mag anan w"u.4 j�alv`ratb_ 0 ,� h'�t wh� 1� llrov-inc-. In auily,j;ira way, tu -e,,-v-tjsz tbo do,%dly whit, 0 �d.up pieces 'r ��, � Ing from .1f,,. g.jiley. lujigine ;bat "No-, those, are 01 I patene - , � _'.'_KL-` ;Ot" (Az guns, Tlv� C-141 tht, de'tIls vrora eopsurnist7ou it is e0lll, % It, " ,�d on lortoor oc- , �' !�;._,, Tht Improved " 144,WQU owt Is & larg%plutop"WitiO variety, witb 4k branching held I " t1r n. -�.rlv,h , as sur.ab, . ""�N I ". , �5 Imen grovin aud lo �Z�a,Jer is far too %irfomilient tcugj�j tbAt tii.ra ! ztrated that, she I and stiffstraw. avigmalts zro,Wer.Tery pTolipe. and exceedir.gly eally. Itim Ma4z L ,jr.j tNj.�o deaths of jgi�,,� u� vdt.r in.,alis-leJ. conoc I . " - 1. - -A 1 �4*4 ,; ,,, 4. .i f�)r ev,lry m.da. ml,od w� bsteaut and smike and �i�Kll � totedat all ilic- X-411triment d li,u awtif as &"cult Of rouryeAX5, 7*', - kT4. rjut Ul'ey, �Irc', nx.v te- femile, mut� � catslou-9.11 41 with sulzu falveratne reMill's all alloy L '. , , -tv� -3 � -,ty have I __ . I rAIN11a,24.11 . =,jr,%�d)ayntEbt L _�jm,,(,,,jwj�w,.��v. v rao�wrrgun tivl,e4 by four. autl he m . l,,umo 4, --op L I � __ crop of 61 3311".. 6 l-Iiii. 1i Ln " .4 - __4, - jd�`�j aj jAe 4ALm* 1. ,1 P� ,:, - , 11 I)Oaliftiflll L-ptri%11% .. . , W -er-l- Cil;,� g,x'Al b,;t1c,ry 1;aa ' -iphero down in the I A $ad Case Ot AMM06 11 I -nial Farm$. we Nxere induced to proctuva supply orseed 4 j ,, , i quIe%-iii z I ;�vpa ciz,.�txuwI4 la!�A,q on, a I�Pot j r.-,.SHIOXADLE VINAIMIETTS. g;%lI4*y. A savatmer kitchen is nopl,icz nf V ements il for the firct time tho Improvvd "golvo I I Urs. Samuel Vernilel, ot Clements K_ Final source in rmnec, and now cwr I .. , 'erp, Ind vre� 1, ty toward ,� jmpprf,�d stook psice per lb., Z' k, �, 0 lbs, for $1 (rost-01d) - N lius0'. $I.Z t 1;45�, SZOO; ! I ilat nct"I Q.�t i,kk ailwa,h Tbiv viva`gre % ni".t in &MInd %st lor many one iyi.h a tendimc ,art, ,. .. wra e.i: 23 . * , V . `11, I 30, 2 - 0 1 ,*aos, t-,ive beel . _. st-asickiess; and the ilrs"� ,'ow vey- I . I L f 11111,_� 5 bu5b. lots and over, $1.99 Per b= , b� W - ench extr - �1. Para a ma,lk� for mount- � b35 000 whi-h is mi�s^ antique w a to tell Of; . -, - 1. ;r_:z j44­'-;Q;f;A'A guns �jkvt other points.: ML"�v 3"' � apgv,v U!� a young cotWs assistant are the good I have doriveol fro t ft Usel . . W�.-.VIAI *Le f-Alemy mlghz �e3A OxIlvat In ,.ipp,­,i:,aum. Tb- 4u:1 g 14 or "in. turture-t bs1J,es w1l,ch the sug.erlligs of atarrhozono. I an). ill F el t-1 NEW 11SERS""ATION" OAT �1� I . 4� , . v ,ad of Ili;) Mar.,yr.j t-,lds into inSiffnifl- '. � w actul. maant�ug b�nn wlt fruln ;ini b" is nlu,wi, x-polo,liwly ui �ml, 0, ieth, ywtr now -tuft from YQUt u Ii .� VM Isroo at,pun, acat Quality, Stronx f1traw -44 "t(I fur tho top. Xany of the vi&jig. oancea. Tbet,�i j'a"'L any fine g1jW Of bays a, and' � it ,� ul, tve eveot ,,&ar in oriler V) vOMPIc been tircublell with It 4 It Is Impos.iible to ov&-estimato the good qualities of this New IN'bite Brarldhing 00. I I 5 � mij4sty abjut his Martyrdom. and -he not until I ll,ipd Catarr did 1, -C__� .;-. swp&e. A f0w 9�ggl P -eft -P, Of : relte-1, bxve. preeLms stonessunk in the sed Catirr o 01 �_ bit$ been grown !it tl4,'.6vioinilytIler,�",tYearwitliextraordin-,irYTcsuits, '1h*3tAInisQf900dsIz0 ' I r%jcoit'ru arl�Xrry ,woil jai.Aunwil, vando &I ", ", get aff atojA of �"yMpathy. His ,W� relief. IL haA r r s t 11 a . � I tho hults arts thin, ano,the iiernot is the larL i , k.. .1 � Svwx� b3%,e the lu�Uy Zour-leat ga . t - I mat in proportion A' I work 9 !X - 9kAd- . �J_� - , L � 1�� I . w0st in se � �rea of old-fasbiou ,.r Y Ina .e� guy him, and his 6upar in An, 4Acve.M)Iy sh (I , and 11 to this sal=a of the oat we hAvO Vat Gnarls � 1, , I,.". " , ; � elovor and ol L,­r,i look I Ice a am -all , W.M. H,.� sounds a depth of . 'I C4_. �11 -1, : ell SQ U,4. - heartily recommend I to � -Ing It the beat variety grown for feediog and milling purposm I'litsensation stoolsout". . 4 rz.-ugh nup - -� are mu It *�aslckuess. Wslde wlklu i t t of torrh.o-zone is sold all druggxsts.� ," maL I _. " I bj g3l. Th3 ls,litl, h be a a a . 11 . I well, and the straw is very strong� anti does not lodge, even when otbcrs with a less weight of I 1. outfit rent f OA in Stamps � , nouccably.sclAyben seen growing beSidt other � . I .h. ,,)u.i 11te, - Llia t ,, gt, 11 dgizL in a 1, . I �` ikular variety. ' (,11MUCT13.11, i�,q 1"Yrmnows, " � � �i#j� of I h � fa.% ar but ;rvauing pa�seu r a . Tr a bratigodown. Itisaveryvigorcusgrower,quitt �: 1. - ;tloi," and viry thrvugh overy cut of aleatuer ch,ilr is rose colured. and by N. C. 110U,OX & CO., Xlugst0u, .' "I 11 varieties. It is bound to t..%Ttea leading place, and wilto no doutit, become a very p( I I I " I . 1U,14 -1111c wolu,"ll. U-Ually lt�%,­j 11 ,� th,) gla zsmik3rs! art. agree,tble. Oiten one voyiga is all Out.. Propri4tor.i. I . Frito per Ib., 15c.; 4 lbs., Eft ( st-paid) � bush., U, 0 bush. lots, 0, per bush,; 0 bush. lots �,:, well-definmi arch in �be contre ot I s4meare jumle aff onyx or porlibyr that li,k can Aand, and be li�)Its incon- , TC L t 1! ry y a* and over, Ok. per bush.; bags,'(i� "ch extra. 1, th,�, oy%�br-4w. ­,X41Q a ,jense of humor land ret,emble a a iek of saal.ng w�tx tinendy. wban the 4�h';p reaeh�-s port, A bacbelor says a wife is undoubted. � . , I ' � . ' . �' i ,6urmt,�Ufi�rta,j by a �.quare g4d I -Pp. The bu� if ha hai the courage to suJor t -1 1. iij igt1jea�v(i in the ,.arch nearer the 1 111 a good thing to have around tbol 1, IMPROVED "AMERICAN" OAT ,�. I I 110"O. I TUD01 gorgtouFi have ir*dLaeent gUss UWx U ll�i is tharoughly,80asoned, 14007- houit-to ,ulame things on when tbay I � I !� �� I t, I for % 16 bat,�U a ad a j(-.wel lor the� stop- exo4mss his qualms and is ready to go wrong, I This spletidid oat has alria dy proved itself to be entiticd to rank among the vtry first avid , 4 I it4q6g, (Irot.plag *�yebrlivv--, lying wide',per. laugh at tho next green hand. best varieties. it is a heavy growing strong strawed variety, and is of such vigorous constivu. I., � ­ -a T I against rust and Otn"L disease$. Tbe ru is husc, WhItai win;" . - I lkjv�ktl. indicate, 'in avidable di -position. 0 I Few A�ccldants Occur in Ib steamer L ticin as to be almost proof , I galDyi nowadays ,when. Innumerable 0 Pbarao iaw�;-­ -class v--- ou and vVer, 7" litr !".. in ! . cigar bullod a, ­ . Wh,.rs the eyebrow,s are lighter ah 10c,"""NiZZ nd in tvcr)r respect first . Price per bush., 7C , 5 bus 'i6 bush. lots and over, 65c.; bags, 20c, oach extra. "I" I � , �. SEU 090KBA-ND ABROBAT81 pa,entaL and sai-eguards are employed. 'I>usb,, 'I" . vollir A. han tbo h1dr. th,o iAdi01ti(-'n',1 -trd i ck Pot blows. up ill - I I., I A man w1ra is tied to his wife's ap- I __ SELEOTED "BLACK TARTARIANI'OAT ;q' t--" !I 13,2,k oi� -.jzallty anA great .iewd!lve- from too much steam, pressure. or a �� I llet,pf. MIRACLES DONE IN THE GALLEY OF carJaiq or unsWilled cool, is out or ron string to well oonneeto& I It is extremelybardy, grows with vigor anti r4pidity, stands well, and adnptsits4ftoatraca,�, --- aftysoil. Gilifin veryblack, large and plump. our seed is grown from Imported stock. ricel I A' - * 5 bush, lots, wc. per bus.b.; 10 bush, lots and over, 60a. per bush.; bap, 2U " , j�,aln.1y, de.fined eyebrow.s. plaetad .4 XUANTIC LINER. ' burnad or emtlded, but such cases are per bush., 100.1 - — , rare. Ropeo are s,retchad across in 01KEEFE'S I'M% rAAL j I Wil;14 above the nose, are signs of In- � front -01. tha rang,as, anti when. the tihip �u&ooll�,,teiln.ltl ,- 4 . tach cxtr*� arly and avold , .1, Z&03M ) T ro .!,CI_Ap � of these new andimproved oats arelimited; order e, !Ij Dimculitos or coneoellaz a2t,lenircoNVI,ell Is plung'.ng badly thi� cooks hold these R41L,&(IZFT. STOCKS for shlimitsit; from Tororito. 11, � d� li,ave and iveakness. disappointment Thebushel prices are I I .. tile lillelievs, Is Tr;i lug to Turn 111in T"r' repu while work:ng over the fire, For- , , . I'll 11 I I 11 , Vory blavk eyelircow.., give i ita lace tit, and 111111 Puts askil Palls Aro oarlcis'a tunately for the workers in the galley Before Marriage a woman worries � You can, get Stoole, Briggs' Famous Carden and Flower Seeds from you LL r Resident i all in,tt,j3.!.j,,e .anil searching exprebsion; the i,an-ean-Sea Cotshit tax 31ceelialat when rhe weather is very rough a bec,ause she is single and after mar- I I � Merchant, or send for them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT CHOW. 1, �j I I NvIwit nazural they accompany a pas- .%mll.ol Who Ilaye. it) Viglit 174i vro,l. large percentn-ga of the passengers lose iago she worries becauSe Ohs Isn't- . . W, A Handsorno Illustrated 1 1 2 Page Catalogue frea,sond for one to-da.L. i1 I .. - - I - ,� . I i,-h!r�a o temperament. Cook -Ing an the high seas Isn't so ex- their interest in food, so the -%vurk of r k----" 'I I - the cooki is tessened, and this fact o;f- Afth, I Very Egbt ,eyetirow.,-4 rarely are seen � citing a profession as it was in tile sets the added d1fdoulty, in the prepar- pop, ovEP, FIFTY YISARS qwjEe fir,%,#% I I b4-ugb I lx:�4 color ol the eyebrow is not -1 W D ill on z.,trongly lulellectual faces� al- MRS. WINsr,GAVIS SOOTHING STR111? LIMITE � old days; but even now, it presents ation of the food. - 11-1101, -, ' md my .,"..Ill. I sea by w6thott, jor their children teathirig wind he Steele, Brigg 3 %g %0%j _ I � :iri�­I;.o�l -4ngly as denoting lack of In- , problems and situations that, would is separated from tllb rest of the boat 'got child, softens this alims, 4111YA flain' (Alres hot' ! I � n be Shut colic, and Is the best rorroft- for di%Tr less Vkl- 46 1 1*�Jj�i;,L lice; thet form gives the key to 11delveQL lRudstolltl OhlOt to despair. It is by -witterilght doors, and ca Ia. Bola b throughout tho world, B0 i I ofi so securely that it is practic sure iusdilg "" - : - ' ally t for,p 'W"In.l."'. Scothl., ny, _V, TORONTO, Ont. " .h,- ficulties and their direction. low thing to sit down in dignified impoFalble, excepL, in case of serious ac- I - -_ ­ .- - I � - , B�-,i eyebrows denote great fervor, calm, Ia a hotel kitchen, and compose clidant, for witstor to reach the fires A red-hot iron will soften old putty 1 1 ;;j ; .. - -_ - - - I brown It a , .eymphonic entree; and it's quitean- and put a atop to culinary proceed- so tho�t It can be easily removed- '6 � - FF � - - 1, I � I . I I and ambition, 4 medium be� � � .-- . _t 1W.Va the red and black. . ­_­ ­ 1� ­ ..- I ­­­_ Scam growt It ol -the eyebrows Linvar- 1 other thing to clut6h a rope swung ings. "Sniplug'.1 is firing by sharpshooters " jibly denoies� lark of vitality. and ex- ! across a k1toll-an that is trying to turn - "Bless your beart, we don't haveany " CIME A. COLO IRN OXX DAY Wherever they see an enemy's head or �� I T.k- Ia--1118 BrIl- Ina Tablets. AN rimb. - - I SM NgURAIAIA, SCIATIOA, MUSCYLAR. tern.al applications are Useless to pro-* turtle and t4 Itrouble now," autd, tha chef of one of io Quin 011 INFLAMMATbRy GO -LIT. LUMEJAOLO, I . a master an. entree- that rugglots refund the mone)r if it fails to cura. I - .o be a. bit I I . . in RHEUMATIC i;;RALYSIS, ,kSTHMA I XUD e or produce a growth until tho I - tjle now ships. "You hame r Pa. z4 Ar. GroveVa signature is ou eacls bax� I � is entemp'ting to dance a oati-call. on of Catarrh Cannot be Cured I general health improves; on the can- I an. acrubat and. upr to si,eight-of- I Rhe'umm "I t rary. heavy thick eyebrows indicate a i top Of a plunging rango. It would buind performance, but that's all. I've I e.---." I � 1, I Comets have a temperature that is with L00A_L APPLICATIONS as they cavinot 0.,r ,4,,.?hod Is sure and has cured thpusand!l--Somel pronounced I . .�i rong constitution and great physi- A, be a happy thing for stewards and been a. ees cook for tweaty-five years, , believed to be two thousand times reach tile Reat of the disease. CaUrrh Ia a bloo4T incarabic. Write at once. r3ooklet and Proof on request Addeeir . I and I've seen some jolly messes in my . or constitutional disease, and in order to cure I .... ral endurance. They are not beauti- 1 cooks it every disgruntled passenger ; fiercer than that of red-hot Jron, It you mutm* take Internal remedies. Hairs Thaeswiss-AMERICAN go., Windssr,, OnI.9 Canada C� u r d I fiat on a. woman's face, howevew much day. We didn't have even a sample of I - 6 Catarrh Oure Is taken internally, and aotm di- I - - � . i hey pay her Mental or bod- i on a trawatlautic stemmer could, in the conveniences we have now, and the I VAGNTRIBAL HOTEL VIREUTORT. I roctly on the blood and raucous Rurfaco& Ifatile �sirilyil they are not. only I rougl-4 well . I — proscribed by one of tile bast; physsiblans in this — __. � Uv vigor, a a -w, ther, be forced to pay a vas- boats weren't so steady, and whenever I CatarrhCurelisnotastuack mediolue, It wp.s - li�mvy but droop and meet at the "it to ths, gialley and watch- the efforts ths, storms wers�extra bad the water 9 STA.LLIONS FOR SAL's-4 bay byv? would oamis flooding into the galleys: Th 11 Balmoral," free Bus ran.. country for yeays, andis aregularprescription. Citrt(IrS COLD CURE ift Come; in A jiffy. r- M& H'&Clcxny ne..sN they are, disagreeable, and are � by wUeh thameals with which he has � It lit oomp wed of the beat tonics known com- 0orrallost & Co., Agents, Montreal. Vat-oldsi: coactil" type, hich action, IslZA .0 IL GooN a, Boants bined with the best blood puriAers soting di- -----,--- - - .. _____ __ -, ____ fasbionable brecciing-; Prices realionable. M. K COW , said to i ad put out the fives, and then there � Hotel CardkLk- "Orop ... rl"' Tana, Rilbunt Stai,loss, Qua. . . coompany an insincere and � been finding fault are prepared. The luji from $1 & 4 on the mucous surf"GeR. Yhe Perfect THE Ogs MOINES INCUBATOR -Bast and chdaPost - prying nature. � � was the devil to pay. I remember � �,.,. In, Montreal. Gen. Carstake& V.01-36VOPOV` rceoOmt1byination of the two Ingredients is wha-t O.Rolland soleugantfortheDominlon. Sen(13 L ­­­ - ­_­ L, ­� -_ ­ _­ - —_ 11 The, kleal eyebrow, accepted by the � oll-anoes Are that two Minutes amid Ella o-noe, when all the paissengers who jitampforcatslogne. 373 St. Paul Strect, Montreal a I I � - a _Uoueglp Avenue. odusles Such wonderful rasults in curing The "Happy ThoUght " RaI190 � I Greeks as the perfect f eminlue eye-; fumes and heat of the galley Would ra� ware. able to be up sat aroun, — Alall Hotal -, bes; $1 50 tatarrit. Send for testimontals free. . . �, � r d T. ORKNEY & C01, Props., Toledo, 0, Books, Rosaritili, orm. ; Muda.by 11 - brow is long, nearly straight, arch- �duoa him to Saloon witlij their feet tucked up unklel, site G.T.W_5 70-01 Sold by drugglatti. price 76c. 1 Catholic Prayer affixes, Soapulara, ' . I s, state of seasickness tham. wad the stew�&Tds handed around ST. JA E81 NOTEL..Oppo Hall's tons Picto,yes, Statustvy, and Chnrch ornaments, THE WILLIAM SUCK STOVE Go., Linjited, less and delicately pencilled. But like , ob him, of all ' . two blocke from 0. P.' rawily Pills are the best6 1114111.1.9ational Works Mail orders recaive prompb atten � which would r intereat big platters full Ell roast beef. By Sove, Rat1*1sy. Firat'al"tco-meroWiloude Moderalft. ' flw, rozebud Mouth it does not indit.ate ! , proyeasents-Rates moderate. '& I BRANTFORD, ONT.) t litru highest order of intelligence, and i in Meals oLf any sort, but if he could , they juGt took the 49ef a,nd bread ill tion. D. J. SADLIER & CO., Montreal. A French officer hag invented an ..... _____� I a by leaalng deo,levk I , . tbi, arch is expressive always of great- I WaiL bang enough to receive ft few men- 1 THE GALLEY army bicycle which, at the word of is the best in the world, For sal, � � .- o -f I I I There are thirteen streets in Lady- wand, ca� be folded in two and 110yeing I CleanIng I . everywhere, .... �'. .,. . er .,..enaibility: ant] grealer strength j tal impressions, he would climb the I their fingers. There wasn't any use , Smith, fairly well laid out. The town corn ,--- . I . character. trying to in,anage. dishes; and I tell � slung over the shoulder. For tie very best send your woric V) �,ke I . I I galley stairs a humble and contrite , , hall eost;g 5,000 to build. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. . , , . � The toilet of thei eyebrows is simple., . � -­__--mm� It BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING MW - 1, � .11. I ! traveller; au,EL In future, would say j you getting thia t beef- cooked wras . my � . C. 1016. ­­ . - _,�.. Look for agent in your towo, or send di feat. � ww�h OMM& AORMA � I q . Tbi� hair of the eyebrows can be train- grewaost triumph. ' Many a time live � W. r. Ia 3B vkt�: I ^ I ed to lie cluse and smooth to the. skirt, "please" to the stawlards, beg them- not . . - - HARRIS -10-w-- �,---wv. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. -Nft& . I ieeen the first' cubin. passengers prec- 'OPPLIR, BRA55. — I . � thus resembling the pencilled lines to hurry a -bout filling his orders, and I iouts gl-ad to gat a bawl' of Irish; stew LEAD, 4, � I soo read of -so often by, the aid of a . imoept, food fit to ea t as a miratile and same broad and butter, but now, , CALVERT'S." I Wholeonle only. Long DistincoTelevitonel.729. AGENTS WANTED. h V r %J W � . iny little. brush m.u.nuf a otured. f or the - menu. als longi as your Carlsolic Disinfectants. 9oape, olnt- WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. - n in , GRATEFUL --COMFORTING. , purpose and for sRIe at all shops deal. wrotIght in his beh�aif. I if there Isn't a -_ we w&nt gotjd� ItZmABLE, P.-VEr-OJET10 me I Inent Tooth Pa,siders, etc., have been "tinrepresenteddliitT!otli"throtigh%)ut the Dominion to � I arm and everything cooked to per- award;d 100 medals and diplomas for superior POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLE% sell our stook for wyeatniant, This stovk gUILT'lints,03 AWN& AWWI& jp% , in a,rii(kles for the toilet. ON THE MODERN STEAMEWIS fection, there's a. howl of protest. The excellence, Their regnIar use prevent inf ecti. 0 -add! nir to In; 0.5t. AV - . . secure appliewons forzood loallb. . Wc I VILre the eyebraws, axe too broad - qua diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a and other PRODUCE, to ensure bott rewilts consign t good dlyideads payabi hKi r yearly, 01 I � galley arrangement.9 have been im Modern boats have made the difference . soq.Commission Co�, LinqiU '&,'rl ' I .- and Inclined to P b 8h - but the. passengers &aven't i supply. Lists mailed free on application The Daw d, pay Ij conji3jilisloi.t. Apply, UU%oo0A b y U "L they should car. west -market a Colborne St.w Toronto, Sun Savings and Loan Company I � be daily trained b b., ng, and will, ' proved to a degreB that wuuld make short titne, show at immense im� an old ti-ine sea cook open. 9 f The. difficulLy of doing F. C. -CALVERT & CO., — I . — I . I ST-SUPPEIL - hh� eyes in I . Toronto. in a 0ong !a bad wis,ather, and are MANCHESTER, - - ENGLAND. Michigan Land for Sale. I I .1 � . — I provememt. I atmazament, but even under auoh oondi- unreasonabLe sametimes," � . �___ 6-- , __�__�'. .— � NVh,ere the eyebrows,are healthy, a t�io,jis t I I V% 000 AGRES cool; 1FAWING LANDS-ARNNAO — --- - _____ . :_ I . I - . be cooking is dittioult work. In The cook ona merelVarit vessel miss- go losco, Osepiaw and Crawford Counties. Tifleper. AFJ,~&��,ft,eb,jkjrj.�Ift IQ. Wqi"ft,"W`9 L little. glycerine zud rose water will I diL qL%?%Alb1% 4h.4 4L,ft�,ft'Ift qj, *.4LM6' taxe), first I.ilace, room is wcw3sarily lim- es some of the complioa.tions that vex N& fact. On Michigan Oentral, Dat,yolb & Mackinac and . gi,ve the deliciate line empha-tsis and Loon lAke Railroads, at priaps ranging frolo $2 to V . , brilliaric lbad, and every inch, of space must: be thei ,sojul, of the chef, on 9, Passenger I Der slere. These Tilluds ary closa to Enterprisluir Now 0 f , : I � 'y. . . boot ,but he. ba;s troubt�s. of his own. 4 : US$ , Dand Towns, Chdrobes. Schools, etc., and will be mold an oil 0 . I ,SA . . A= :12 ., I ., I L I . , IL - made, to oaunt,yat a large number Of I 'a L . L be Ale to vindaUte his repu-. , Instrument,4, DruftlS. Uniforms, etc. ramonklil torms. Apply to- L 1�� � tj R.a.1nust H. PIRROB.'Agent, West Bay City, Idlob-� 0 � L� ,� 0710�&Sls HOUSES, cooks amd assistants re employed. One to tion a0 a 000k by thrashing Any 0118 EverY Town oan have a Band . R, � or J.W. ouRTIS.,whittemor6, Mich. ' # " I I I I i . . If glass buiilding stones become Vo. of the large steamers w.111,have thirty who dareA assail it. Ho IA -List cook � _ . I .. . I . I . . I I I )Lke L Up �a'il_ 10west prices ever �ted. Wine catalogne 500 Muff . I . . . &Ld . t'a I ... "e 0 .1 . . pular people may yet "live in -glass ,men art work in its galley and thtirty well the few th-I ags that ra� , V, I for anything In , stem L WATCH - h"e N I t 9i i I � L � How mailed free. Ito ui . . L I I I I I I I I I L houses." The stones were invented in I Micro ' Ors' fLare,, blu if th�e duff turns ., out I Musto or Musical instruments. L Set L I I I I - . I I . I . 1. I . I . � . I L . I L I . I - . I . I I I I I . men playing ,leapfrog about a' ,he Or I � I I I I I � L . I France 'and are now being made I L heavy he Must thkash t e1w, Mal . . I I � I I in I Whaley �Roydq. 4� Co., Toronto, Ont.; and I . . I I I L any. They are hollow, are fill- so"Pic kitchsn,� and doing jugj Ividnially and collectively. He is the , , r winati;leg, Alan, I I . 0 1 ., L . L - .L . I A . .� � , L Germ, I . � - 1. — . I L I � . I I .11 I I I ad with rarefied air and PerinitL the feats with pots and pans and knives I I antLE Chia ship's crew, an dusual- .1 . ­ - d L Stem 0 . I I , You warill Pairlb quality. rather thal I , i . L � . 'Wl''Lle the L U ; I I T . I qjls�ntfty. You won't objeck to getting , I � L I . -Iltrance of daylight, 1�711 .�, first nratie� is a mato6 for I 011MON SINSE KILLS RoRchas I �11 L I I , : I . � I . . 5 e same and. rotllag Vins . I ship stands him!. NVhen he L gets drunk or cramy C Bugs Rp6ts and Midti. Bola t;,'.611 M Wind , FRE # ' L great deal for your money tliougb:;, will yoa , I time dIffusing the sunlight. They are ou Us lbeam eadi, is a sight to bring L . I . . Druggists, or Sat queen W.,rilronto. . I � - - I , )" � �$ 1 . . I I . I . - - . , I . now 1 1 1 , I I ,,, I not transparent, however, and one on tea,r's'L t I I . To inbroduce Dr. Dcjl�'s Tonic F111B lor nfuldng bloo $ , , I . "I' . de cannot see what 1 . at the ey�os, of a, lo,"r: of a quiet � I . I I I . ­ I Mate L L . I I I I . L I the outs! S going I I I 11 I .1 L. forpalepeople, fal . wesIcneza", iyer mid kidno I L . I . I I W ,. I . wealtneas of the system etc wo 40 , I I hin. The wall L I I L L . -1 L . ! .- diseaso neryousneat, . e. at % 14,A C.0 - I 1 -4% 1 � . give IMEE , 10 pjr,taa NViW.jk` . . . I ,� al V ,Lr,4ieA'oA I W . s 6 Ing is &one, on a sciale, larg .6 I I I Vitin or angravea, or a vian Mut I d 5-11 ­ � I I . . ,. I I I f � I bale thria keeper, wa a yeni's I �11 I I . � I , � L I I I L ' ecess in,an operat- L L I . I - " 7t4M& - I efies rolt , � . I . . ly NVa ,experirntnt ha I T ' I I oh, wit : had. The s'may b4 readi- li to- 'in &Waze varvow quarLers cook- I RANA""'S I , � . ori ill -all th� I ;.,b.,-JT5'0'f.vl0bo�L6 Send L L I I i, I . . ardlaaxy saloo,3, passenger realizes., . I , I 1. ~44� Tile PIMS are, 35t T, lo4j+o 10 boxes stud the I .. - I . ILI L I I I � I . I I I 1,p,g roo& at tle Elizafbeth hospital of, I i . , L el t dant And you will I "IV . I I .. , . . . I I 111h. . I i I L 1. Tliie oraW mot be fed. 1A port and out, . , . h's amor writle for particulare. I I 1;; . I , I I I L I in Cassel, Ger- to . � f L .N ;4ts wanted Ili everY town and dItY- I q: I I 'IL'S of 1VIe , I . . .tho 8is t10 're.V, 600 M6n _ . I . L from 5W i;�L �� L ,�� , I . . PAMTS I I . . I L I I 11 mmny). I , I I . so the cooks: have I I 9 - I L � I L I I � I TOO OR, DENT POLL 00,o I . I I 11 I . I I I o,n their Ili-, L � L . I -_ I I a.nds every day at the year� I . . . I I I , 'L go A4olmllde St, We* r� , .. 'wear well and look ivell, I gallon covers 360 fce� tly' � 1,� I . I . Tihan,,dariag the voy,aige the �iteeogE� .. . I I a I I I I I I L EVE RT CONTINEXT Rrj,PRE SEI�TED I I I . ToranL0,.,o!q � Id . . ooxfm-think of it I I I d4Wb&4,_A* --- I " ' ' . I I I ,second eabin and first 'Cabin must be Zj ' I I' I , 5 I ForSalle by allFirst()lan Dcafe r I L 1. I Not only hare Australia an.dCana,da ro i d for. The stee-rmge passen,� � � L L � �4f . , �'., L .�REA A I . P L rVIde ,��_ I . ., L , I 0� L � � ' I 1, I ina'd,p generous offers of assistance but gers do ,not h1ave an el'allorate, W1 61 FW I I .. I 9 i � �L . A. AAMSAY & SON, M , .. L ' I I al, 7 Sbates,oftp,Te o'lend fare, blit ,about 31000 Ismail loaves of . $0 09WIZO , ,�. . L - . .� � 11 ". I J'AJU�LlMkkara , HidablifU-4 184�. 1 0 �� even the 76, a L d t . I .1 I L . . � L I I 0 . I 1111,',,��d I 3.1'ea( Britain 3:M Jj)L I an,A�Xougkong bread arebaked for the craw anil stee�r- L I � �W�46,'% �4-ek�­&�,%,,%040/%?%,%ow ." VmWeamw "ft-qwft I I en I L L L � I I . I I I L 50 man and four A�',J,Xjru$�L I , I a &Pe every. day, and t, h,a t, in JtSelf' Ia I I I I 11 I I . L I . I I I L L I I I L : , L L I . . . � I . - I I I L I � I - I I I I L I . I , . � I . L,,�� I I '. . L I I . I 11 . I . � I , , I I I . I , : 1. � I . L I . � I I . I I I I I 11 I I I I I L I I I i, , I I I . I I . I . L I . I . I L L I I I . . . � . I I I . I . I I . , ,, , I I . . I I � 11111 A,D A ILUDE 11, , , " 11 I �, 11 - 1i'll", - I .. I ��" I I I I L � � .. �, I ".. ­­!_ I I . I o I L � 1. 1. 1. . 1.1 I 11 - I I I � ��., I L I - . . I L .'�L I I . I I - . I . . L - I . IL I . I I I IL I I—, I I I I I I I I I L ­ I I I 11 . ' I I I 1�'. I I L. I . I � . I I I I I �, 11 I I '' . 11 11 I I L L . t . I LL L I 1�,,"', I I � L I'll I � I 1. I I I I I L I I I . I I I 11.1 I I . ­ I .1 I 11, I I I L ,,,I L L . I I I ,:�,`,�,�, L .11 L I I � �,,:-, I L L I L I I I I I L I . 11 I 1. I'll, L . 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