HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-22, Page 8TEE El .EXEr2ER
ig Cash Stoi
S roll V s VoO is
E aa'cipat �•,ut t . ck
wishes for Springrtn
and have this se sen
select len irF New Goods ever offered in Exeter. Our lame store
is Mee; fr±nn top 10 bottaoin with nett seasonable goods. Qualit.y artd
Style Orr-ra4aniir;H,rt and: int[ price~ predominate tiar,4ukhsrt:.
There i a c,uk •►r4• e`laa �, and th;i.t the tirtiL in our ice,v fz•++nne
Drato Mi!Liu' it
OUR.143143W G€'ft,.
?l vee have we
The pretty kinds. Imar er e a heaver
Aree the most
'beautiful seIec-
tic4ne'. we have
ever shown.
Mos Owls
This season's
purchases satisfy
the ia•gnirements
of taste, gnalrty
end. to vie,
All we ask is
the privilege of
showing yolk ant'
NEW AIII;'Ii'.?f,
as 4 he: year. and
The kind that ,alt nought before
pleases. the advance in
Prints at proper 'NEW LIb \I S.
prices in per -
feet a'il{,Sri NEW
and correct
S T Y 1, E S.
`,1e1 cern buy
prints anvcihere
but you can't boy
\Ttiw AL, WOOL
:,�r+ir, T9.PES'I`EIE$
The largest stork
iu the county and
peters the toweat.
Acres 4ew
Ties anti Bads
The latest NOW
York aud London
The stiff haat
will he touch in
evidence, this sea
sae. We show
t he leading, shapes,
aan'l colore Our
F'edor:is tart' nob-
by and new, in
Maack, grey,fiawrts
[krait n:ivy. totem
and wince,
TuPxi L EVENTS. —Yesterday there
were no less tdiaai four weddings in 1..R
I the iT
this district. George Jewell, Exeter,
and Miss Pony Sanders, daughter of H
rate 1t illiain Sanders, of Stepphen ;
Richard Yellow, of Ltabor, ue, and Miss
Jessie, daughter of John Northcott, of
the township of Hay ; John. Oke, of
Bethesda, and Miss Harriett Squires,
of Woodham William Higgins, of
Usborne and Dliss Urace Oke, of -
Exeter. Qongratntatious to all.
New Spring Millinery
E aro showing the most exquisite desir=tie in opting Millinery. Tilts de-
narttuent will he as heretofore the centre of attraction for the lead,
tug styles for headgear.
For Marriage License
Watches, 'Ql(acksii#
ect a rt t
sfx aac cs�, � c
\V.Itch Repairing a Specialty'.
Book Stort3:
A full stock of School Boo'.
Public Schools,
A full stock of Sunday School
Library Books at wholesale prices
• Family and Peachers' Bibles
a full Line.
,SOLE Wattle—The Toronto pa -1
pees of. Saturday had the follow i„g;—
On tlie" 17th of January. Frank Waain-
tsrigbt, or Exeter, wars lu the. Central
Motel having a drink when he rnieeed
a gold watch. Frani.; Stark was Wtitl-
wr'ight's coiupanion at the time, and
it wasStaark tuba afterwards sold the
waateh for $1, He will be out of the
watch business for four num ths,during
which period be will he c=onfined in the
Central Prison
'averse, xs Dean.— housekeepers in
Exeter and elsewhere have had many
opportunities of realizing that the price
of butter has been up in the clouds dur-
ing the past few weeks. The retail
price per pound now varies from. 22to
'_>,"a cents for the hest, grades, while in
Toronto and other large_ [.laces the
price ranges from 30 to 3a cents • per
pound. It is said that the development
of export trade has caused great short-
age throughout the Puminion, hence
the high price. W10'1110 advent of
good roads the price will decline,
A WAR STORY.-'- Here is a good
story about the war. It is said that
Dr. Leyds, the Transvaal agent in
Europe sent a Spy to England to find
out whether there were any men left
In the country after SO many bad gone
to South Africa, The spv visited
towns and cities and fountd business
progressing as usual, with apparently
no lack of men. Be travelled to the
West ;and North and one day hap- to
pened to he present when the miners
were eoming up from the collieries,
tatted as he saw hundreds ernun
and telegraphed at once : "Por
:mew's sake stop the war, They
alT@ rr
Exeter. NEW
of ds.MO—
eim'i 'very - ar .. consignment ew
� 1, eof
E have ,lust received e l a�
r. l andEurope.
Goods direct from Great
These Goods were puroha,sed by us from the makers
months ago when tie market was glutted and
he lines have advanced in rice from 2 %n to %,
e then
most aft . li p � f
but our policy is when we. buy cheap, to give otiVV customers
the benefit and that is just what we shall do now -
We heartily invite you to call and inspect these new lines,
New Dress Goods
New Blouse Silks
N ew Trimmings
New Trimming Fringes
New Table linens
New Art Muslins
▪ ew Carpets and Curtains
New Veiling
tt copy for chauges must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisernents accepted up to noon
t'i3etlnesdav of each [week.
Last year a carloadof nails would
cost whelesiael very nearly $100 ; this
year theycostnearer $000,
D D Wilson, Peter Douglas and
.Henry Doyle have been appointed lir
censer commissioners for South Huron..
Miss i1:Caucl Murray left ltlonday af-
ternoon on a two weeks' visit to the
home of her uncle at 1iirkton,•.-.Code
E+� erything in Stationery, rich Star.
wholesale and retail. Mr, and Mrs, A, 11:i'. Tait on %'ridgy
evening last, entertained a number of
friends, several being present front
t Jolill a. spring medicine use Nativa
,;eato rectify theliver and puri•
fy the blood. Only 25e as boli, For
:sate :tt Lutes drug stole.
At a meeting of clelegetts from the
primary lodges of Orange Young Brit
L�'Si3itaNCit. ons held in Mount Forest last week, a
County Lodge wits organized to ccm
w R ES i' ELLIUT, prise the ec+unLies of Iinraan, Welling-
ton, Bruce .and Perth,
.gen for the WYESTLR:r ASstTRANCE CO-atA scholar to the school of a neigh-
r ,ofToronto; also for the Pirowrx li'z boring town was asked to frame a,. sen~
xsa7ltA:�taE Cearrasr, of London, England ; tense containing the verbs : - "to set'
and txascR INsuE ci COMPANY, of Eng and "to sit." 1.3, tili.e after a brief delib-
- r erasion, replied : "The British Empire
is a country on which the sun never,
THURSDAY, MAR JH 22nd, 1900 sets, and no other country ever sits.'
i A circular issued by the Dominion
I Bank states that the unsigned stolen
— $10 bills from the Napanee Bank are
now being circulated, and cautioning
Three weeks from to morrow will be parties to try to trace them to the
Good Friday. original holders. The stolen series are
A Walters is in Gaderich this week A. Nos. 46,001 to 47,000, dated Jan. the
serving on the jury.. 2nd, 1888.
The entire militia force of Canada is An Act will be introduced into the
to be drilled for twelve days this year, Ontario Legislature, by Mr. Duff of
Messrs. Handford and Elliott shipped West Sirncoe, snaking it compulsory
a carload of horses from Exeter on for townships to pay- for the injuries
Tuesday. , inflicted on sheep by dogs, when the
W. Neaman, of London, was in owner of the dogs cannot be found,
town on Monday purchasing wood for At present the payment is optional on
his evoodyard in that city. the part of the township.
The report of the Minister of Educe,- da The following despatch, dated Satur-
tion shows that for average attendance y' March 17th, refers to a son of J.
the Mitchell Public school stands third (A Heywood, a much esteemed citizen
in the province. of Exeter : John A. Heywood, yard -
in man, was instantly killed in the
Mr, Mr.kins, of the Exeter laundry` 1 Wabash yards in St. Thomas, Friday
was called to Brucefield this week 1 afternoon. He slipped while making
owingto the sudden death ath of a rola up the east. accommodation train, .and
ve who was '1.
ti killed its the e bush.
fallen .across the'1 r
rails, was crushed to
Rev, Mr. McDonagh, of Stratford, is !death.. Deceased was for years, until.
moving around on crutches yet, but past few months, constable at the
otherwise pretty well recovered from Grand Trunk depot here. He was 35
years of age, and leaves a, widow and
two children.
The Winnipeg Free Press says of a
former resident of Exeter:—W. J.
Clarke, general agent for the Manufac-
turers Life Insurance Co., has just re-
ceived notice from his head office that
he has won the prize of, a gold watch
offered for the largest amount of busi-
ness turned in during the last four
months of 1899. Mr. Clarke labored
under the dis;advants�ge of .having only
two of the four months at his disposal.
The result shows a good company,, a
good field and a good man in charge
of it in Mr. Clarke:
Rev Morgan Wood, of <Toronto, has
leen' invited to Plymouthchurch
ve thousands of time laud h 'ng,
knee up wore from h=-1,'
W EnnlNtl Boas. --9. very pretty
wedding took place nu Wednesday
evening, arch 2Ist,
at six o'clock,
the residence of lair. and 91rs. Ilugh
Oke, when their third daughter, Mss
er*ace, was joined in wedlock to Wii-
liam niggles, apopular and pros er-.
crus young fanner of Usborne. The
ceremony was performed lty Rev, Cl.
Brown, in the presence of the relatives
of the contracting parties.The bride
is one of Exeter's most amiable young
ladies, and her heart and hand are
as prize for bbe ane who won her. The
bride was dressed in a dainty gown of
white, and carried a bouquet of white
carnations, The little maid of honor,
Mabel Oke. of Blyth. niece of the
bride, looked very pretty.
After the
congratulations were over the party
adjourned to the doping;roorn, where a.
sumptuous wedding dinner awaited
them, after which they returned to
the parlor,where a very pleasant time
was spent in music and various lionise-
ments. The young couple were the
recipients of many appropriate pres-
ents, showing the esteem in which
they are held. Mr. and Mrs. Biggins
start married life on his beautiful
farm adjoining Exeter. With many
wishes for their prosperity and. happi-
J. G. Stanbury, barrister, has been
appointed a Notary Public.
Miss Alice Caldweli, of Hensel], is
the guest of Mrs J P Ross this week.
Numbers of old people in the district.
are suffering from various spring af-
Miss Bagshaw left for Norwich an
Monday morning. to take a position as
On Monday last Dr. Rollins paid a
professional visit to Kincardine, re-
turning Tuesday morning.
A severe storm of la grippe last week
attacked the family of V. Rats, Esq.,
M. P., several members being laid up.
�t If you want a nobby spring overcoat'
all at Stewart's Cash Store, he is
howing the newest thing in whip f store, here, at present.
t aGordon,formerly of Exeter,
r •• James G , y
✓rnest A. Dickson, of Parkhill, has 'has been in the butchering business in
ween appointed Clerk of the Division Lucknow for over twenty-six. years.
Court there, in place of Wm Dickson, Robt. Mclndoo and wife of Wing
resigned, haus, who have spent the winter in
Last week the Rev. Win. Stout at- California, are expected home in a few
tended in London the meeting of the days.
Executive committee of the Diocese of Duncan Hay, of Farquhar, has dis-
Huron, of which he is a member. posed. of his property and store busi-
It rnight he said that winter is ness there, to a Mr. Beaver, of the 4th
now lingering in the lap of spring. line, Blanshard.
There is a great quantity of snow, and Mrs. J. G. Oriole drove down to her
the roads are still very bad with pitch- old home in Usborne for Sunday and
holes. while there she purposes visiting her
Another case of that fancy dress old friends near Thedford.Tucker-
'goods at 15e the yard worth 25c. It smith Cor.
willpay you to see this line at Stew- �'. Dr H M Cowen, ofGalt, has been
art's Cash Store• tendered the associate chair of path -
Several communications have been ology at Queen's University, of Kings -
crowded out of this issue among which ton, of `which he is a member. Dr.
a letter of condolence to the hereat ed Cowen has declined the rather tempt -
family of the late R. H. Collins by the ing offer.
Masonic brethren of Exeter. All will . Mrs. John Cameron, who keeps the
New English Flannelette
New Prints .� goods.
Cil' Mus ins ',�,
New Tweed
ew Hats
New Gloves
New Millinery.
New Hosiery
.... GOODS.
We have just placed into. stook .a quantity of
new Goods, suitable for spring trade consisting of:—
Prints Gingbahns, Piues, .Dress (Gods,
Linens; a.die's whitewear, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, Table Covers, Curtain poles
Window Shades, Boots cC Shoes, Etc..
A large quantity of and Boys color-
ed shirts at 50, 75,00 and 1.00 each all new
And remember we guarantee you a saving of from 2
% on all above lines of New Goods. Comate and See.
New ',prfng
cr '
w complete.
} millinery Illi i is IiC G
spring l i C
Our stockof �'
Loudon (England),l New York', Detroit and Toronto are all
represented ill this magnificent nificent stoc6. This is a department
p g crepresentsIle newest ideas
of wliiclt we are justly proud. It t
brought out in the above mentioned milliner* centres of the
world, and buyingas we do for the most part direct from the
manufacturers, our patrons are assured of the very best
1 ,.
values at all times. Our Modistes are now ready to execute
any orders which may be entrusted to them.
We aro having a great run on our great uncolored
Japan tea at ase Ib. "It's a Daisy," Have you tried it? A baric at 75c per dray aand to adopt the
methods of road -making recommended
well assorted stock of Groceries always on hand. by Provincial Inst•-rnetor Campbell."
Usborne has not vet adopted the new
road system.
You are invited to call and inspect the
Butter a8, Eggs 15, Tallaw Sc, Lard g, Turkeys Sc,
Geese 7c, Ducks 7c, Chicken sc,
Thos. Russell and H. Smith, of Bxe-
ter have been apppointed committee-
men in the cattle department of the
Western Fair, while David McIntosh
and John iinrdoek, of Brucefield, are
down for horses.
J W Broderick. has pureb [sed from
J P Clark, a at a very lots rate in the
dollar, his stock cf groceries, crockery, We have in stock (hosed and matched
which i has been nos-
glassware, eta t 1 aol ce tet
, a
ed to the Exeter Bargain Store, next .
door r,ortb of the past•o#iice, where Fleeting & Caw n
the snersn twill he offered at• a great
sacrifice, together with the balance of also dressed. pine 1, I, 1;
a stock of hoots and shoes and ready- and 2 inches.
made clothing. This sale will com-
mence to -day 1.huria tel \f f rc:b :;Mod.
J. W. I3RnnERtex,
U i� R
J.n exchange says : "There is no less
than thirty-three townships in Ontario
which have deci.led in favor of the
abolition of statute labor. The latest
to take the step are the townships of
I3lansbard,in Perth; LYsbarne,in Huron,
and Origin., In Sirncoe, Ae ratepayers'
it. turas
meetrn s ul
unanimously decided to commute the
The R. ?iGlarU Go.,
Df1'6Gt Importers.
A. new school is to be erected in Kin- i `Sri evT GIRL WANTED.—For� gen-
e -
burn this year. eral house work. Apply to Mrs. John
Mrs. P. Fisher has returned home, Fernier.
from visiting friends in London.
The Methodists of liinburn are.going pile hundred white quilts, fell cloubl
to enlarge their church next summer. (bed size, slightly soiled for 08c, regu-
James Gardiner is advertising hies lar price $1.00, Stewart's Cash Store.
spring sale of stock in another col -l; J o Moser has decided toremain in
;Blyth, and has bought back his bold-
b confined >-
- l d has been ' ar
Rit tt lot from Mr Scott.
to his room the past few days through ° Thos Saunders left on Thursday
Illness. i from `'Vhitechurch station, with his
Chas. McGregor Oth con., Goderich farming outfit, for Manitoba.
township,has a sow which had 17smell David Ounningbarn, has purchased
pigs in one litter. the fine 100 -acre farm of the late Robt.
Mrs (Rev.). Hobbs, of W:ngham, is McLachlan, 10th con of Grey.
at the Stratford hospital taking treat- Fred Grundy, general merebant, of
ment for rheumatism. Lucknow, has, owing to reverse of air -
Mr. Ourrelley, an erstwhile resident an
of Exeter, is managing Mr. Broderick c John Johnston. of Wsnghane, was
the bad fall he got some time ago.
In this section of country we can
have four kinds of weather in one day,
as was experienced on Monday. The.
suddenness with which the changes
come is remarkable.
Rev. A." L. Russell, of Seaforth,
preached Educational sermons in
James st. church on Sunday last. The
many friends of the reverend gentle-
man were pleased to . again see him,
and enjoyed the visit no doubt,,
With the thermometer away, away
heloty zero on March, snow banks
adorning our streets, and ice on the
sidewalks imperilling the safety of
pedestrians, we wonder where the
appear nest week. St. Helen's post office, passed away. on.
John Fulton, jr., of Farquhar, leaves Tuesday evening. Mrs. Cameron . was
shortly for Buffalo, where he has se- in her usual health during the day,
cured a situation on the street cars. and while her daughter was assorting
We always thought Johnny so loyal the mail,' her mother called her. but
that he couldn't be induced to forsake when she got to her she could . not
the Union Jack for the Stars and speak, and ;lust breathed a few times
Stripes. when the spirit fled.
The Irish owned the town Saturday.
t The greatest event in the astronomi'.
The English, i lesScwore Irish aucl all cal circle in 1900will be the total eclipse
other nationalitiesthe shamrock. �
flags tet from manybuild- of the sun on ,May 28.. All the noted
.British dny 1 r astronomers of this country as well as,
ing, and many private citizens' hung the Old
tri -color and green flags. s. In those in all the universities of
out the aloin:; arrange-
we were all Irish on Saturday.
On Monday evening J. P. Clarke
was entertained by the Royal Te triplex's
of Temperance, and presented with an.
address, and gentlemen's: toilet case as
roan is that predicted only a' few days' 1 t d , a inark.of esteem, on the eve of his de-
sieighing this winter. Cleveland, and preached there' -:last parture for Winnipeg. A copy of the
married on Wednesday, I4th inst., to
Miss Lockhart, of Last Wawanosh.
Joseph Raymond, 4th con. of Grey,
has purchased the 100 -acre farm on the
3rd con., belonging to James Jackson.
Philip James, Blyth, had the mis-
fortunee to have one of the fingers of
hisright hand cut off with a cutting-.
A bill to incorporate the Board of
Trustees of the Presbyterian church in
Canada has been before the Ontario
Cleorge Powell, Blyth, has purchased
the vacant lot south of the post office,.
and will add another store to the new
union block. The 100 -acre farm of W Forrest,
being north half of lot 25, con 3, Morris,
has been purchased by Matthew Moses,..1
priceb i , 5000
of the same line
the en
Probably the depleted. coffers of On-
tario's Municipalities could tell a thing
or two about Premier Ross's claim of a
surplus of half a million over last year.
John Fleming, one of London's es-.'
teemed residents for nearly' half a
century, died Friday night at the
family residence, 230 Burwell street
after a lone illness.
China the greatest mission field 9n
all the world, with at least 386,000,000
people, has a total of only 2500 Protes-
tant missionaries. Nearly one-fifth of
these are ordained ministers.
During the year 1800 in the Province
of Ontario there were 3,291 deaths,
tion= . renter loss'of
Shingles, lath and cedar posts away*
on hand. A large stock of
barn intnher just arrived.
oos SC Bole
Exeter Muncipal Council
__ . a>g•
Council rnet pursuant to adjourn-
ment at `Town Hall, March hath, All
present except L Armstrong.
Iliinutes of previous meeting, read
nd coufirtried.
Muir—Levett-- That the following
ccounts be passed and orders drawn
on treasurer for sarne: W Westeott,
labor, $1,.5 ; Win Pharr, do $1,25
War Creech, do $2.50; Waterous En-
gine Co repairing steamer, 1800, se -
count, $21.2i. -Curried,
Evans—Muir—That the clerk notify
Messrs. Snell a their
, 7 rs: Trernafne do that e
franchise is now void and<they are
hereby notified to meet the council at
Town Hall, on March 23rd at 7.30 p.
Levett—'vans-That the council ad-
journ until Friday, March 2,3rd, alt 7.30
GEo. H. BISSETx, Clerk.
- l
Buggies Buggies; u ensu 16 u l
11. Parsons has now on hand and for sale
a cars load of very line buggies of different styles
andeolors, viz; --
Buggies for old people and spindle bog. for
businessmen, farmer s surreys, etc.
Anyone wishing a brand new buggy will find
it to their advantage to call and see thein before
buying elsewhere.
Worldare already m g from . consume �1 g
ments to observe the dazzling event. life than if every Canadian soldier in
The governments of GreatBritain,Ger. South Africa should be slain.
Thos. Fitton has the material theSunday. He has not yet accepted.
the erection
The Cleveland Leader reports Mr.
grouud'for est on of a new brickWood as saying."In.Canada every
block,, on corner of Main 0.nd James body goes to
church. They go because
streets, Central hotel.With
it is the thin 'todo.must
Mi:• Fitton's and Mr. Drew's new r d They e e goo to
maintain a reputation, for respectabil-..
buildings,. the corner` so long vacant ity. Ido not think thepeoplei
n e -
'�:u much to the improve- gen-
will ,ri
tv ,
eral an are better Nett r
over there thanin
Ment art of die town.
here; but it is
the custom. But my
A me ing of the Stephen and Tis preference is for the. States, and it: is
borne Agricultural Society was held the ambition "of all young men. in"Gan-
an at which it was decided oda, I believe, to cro.s the line some
hold a spring shote, providing sufbe time. Opportunities there are very
tient 511111 can be raised by subscription;; few." Rev Morgan Wood lectured .in
to help pay the prizes, We learn the. Exeter not long ago when he said he
money' has been raised and that a preferred living in Canada. It was
meeting will shortly be held to name
the date.
God's country. Ile apparently makes
an address to snit the occasion, simply,
address will appear in next week's
ev Millard was, by unanimous
R y
vote, invited to the pastorate of Main
street Methodist church or the second
year. .Als) a resolution of cordial ap-
preciation pulpit of his pul it ministrations
and the harmony and prosperity which
prevail in every department of the
church work, was, passed.
T:he concert on Friday
derthea spices of the Masonic Lodge,
was a pronounced success. Both,
Gavin Spence incl Miss Mabel Laing
fully, sustained their reputation . as en-
tertainers. ' The attendance was large,
notwithstanding the inclement weath-
many, France and Austria have nota
Bed the United States that they will
send to this country observation, par-
ties to note the phenomena of the total
eclipse. •
A change has taken place in the own
er'ship of the Presbyterian Review, the.
well-known and valued Presbyterian
weekly. A syndicate under the direc-
tion Rev. D. C. Hossack, late pastor of
Dunn ave. Presbyterian church, Park -
dale, has acquired the paper, which
will hereafter be published by the new
proprietors, who, with large capital at
their disposal, and the Rey. Mr, Hos-
sack as Presidenandt
managing ,ed
will carry the paper to that point of
excellence which bus always been the
aim of the proprietors—making the
Review .a journal not only worthy of
church, but one that will be helpful to
the church andhordes of its memtlers.
Another neat discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its luL-
ches upon her and for several years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital orgins were undermined and
death seemed imminent.' • For three
months she coughedincessantly, and
could nob sleep. She finally disrov
ed away to recovery, by purchasing
of us' a bottle of Dr. Ring's New Dis-
covery for consumption, and was - so
much relieved on taking first dose,
�� all night t•and
with two
slept that she,
bottles, has been absolutely cured.'
Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus
writes W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shel-
by, NC. Sold by all Druggists at 50
cents and 51.00. Every bottle guaran-
W. H. -'arsons
cldfherland tines Co. LTD.
Late Gould's , Exeter, Oat
You should see our nice line of
towels at 10c.
AIso sideboard covers, very cheap.
Hdkfs 8 for 25c,lace and insertion,all
Brilliant crochet cotton 17 shades.
Hair ribbons.
The newest ideas in belts and belt
A very fine stock of toilet setts.
See the new bath wash bowl.
China and Glassware.
Full stock of tin and graniteware
poachers and eggtimers.
1` gas
Marmalade oranges, Naval and Val.
Two doors south of Tewn Hall. oranges and lemons.
will occupythe rem -
ises •lately occupied by J. P.
Clarke, where we will be pleased
. to shote you our different lines
• of Goods.
in Bicycles
We will have the well-known
Clevelands; Welland Vales and
Crescents in all the' latest models,
Also a first rs class
s t
In Se Machines..
We show the celebrated Netw
Williams and White.
We are also dealers in music,
music books and musical instru-
ments of all kinds. •
Children's Carriages ea
Are new.and up -to- date. .See
them. No trouble to . show a
S. Martin
Levitt's Fair
i ED ,
We are making a specialty of the
above and. would be pieasecl..to have a
part of your trade.
Our facilities for buying are equal to
y g d
those of our neighbors and our: shop
e of
expenses•e !ess than [hos
are much . s
any other concern in .town.
. v 5
Tie a hick