HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-22, Page 5Vi ONEY TO LOAN .et from 43. to Z. Apply 0 6 ELLIOT IS GLADIVIAN. Barristers Solicitors, Sm., Main Si, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property et lowest ace cif interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter, F W. GLADNIAN (Successor to Elliott & Gitelman) 'Punster ,Suileiter, Pawl Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Itioney to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interestse OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER imr KINSMAN, L. IL 8, AND DR. A.11. KINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D SBenor Braduate 'of Toronto University. Dentist. or 'badafter effects. Chlice in Fan - Teeth eracted wthout pai xtir: son's block. 'West set° et Mein treet. Exeter ANDA'RS011. (0.0. 3. L- D. S DENTIST. Honor 1,Gmduate of the Toronto 13rilveraity. mid -West College of Dental Surgeons of ,Ontario. An bridge work. Crowns, at 4Plato work dime in Om neatest pmsible manuer. barmlee: anieStbetie tor pal:lime extraetten. The Widest Attention given to the preservats on of tte natural teeth. Olitco opeosite 0014 Hotel. Exeter, Otuario. A li0OPER, Licensed Alio- Dormer for the County allure% Sales con- ducted in all pmts. and for conveeience can be arrauged for at this Mike, Satisfaction guarme teed, Chergee moderato. etc?.ExO. FaRM FOR SALE. The property of the late Conrad Miller on the Sith Von, Bay. three miler: front Dashwood, good.brielt dwelling and frame bank barn Ali wel fenced and n the bigbest state of cub i. - vane% 100 acres in the farm. Church and school couyenient. For particulars apply to JOSEPH SNELL. Daeh weed FARM FOR SALE. The underslottl Executors of the estate of the late Fraucis lioldbein, GMT evade, lot o. 2. cram -don VS of tbe township of Ste- idle% This tom eontaineV neree.all in good eultivatam, 'I here le on the premises a MO. storeY frame house. a hank barn containing Bret es s real house, wilh i.vintindll which forces 'AUttt Imo barn. ti ever Heim wells. Hall tile widereralned. and well fence% good bear- ing orcbard. IS miles from seise% 2'.; mitee from the flourishing village of telsbwood. all fall Ploughed. Address Edwin netrieh,st (lemon, -Wellington Co., or to Frank llohlbele, Oasie wood. V. O. 2.51:irch Mb. 1 m A,.UCTION SALE OF FAI27111 STOCK. Mr. '1'. Ammon hie:received instructions SromJames Gardiner to sell by public auction, on lath, N T. It., ['shortie, on Tuesday, INIttr. 7. Tho following, fatm stock, vie: Cattle, ten COWS, to eatVe in April :5 cows, with calf at, loot ; 1 Jetser sow :six stress. rislog 2 year six stcere, rishig 3 years old ;ere calves, rising one year old lades 1 year old (register- sec1.1 Fut, • :ttle. Four steers and one cow, :Horses, fgenerel purpose) - one bore, eye years old ; 1 horse, 4 yean: old ; 1 heavy draught more, 4 years old: 1 Metvy draught MUT, in feel to °rebind Willow, risiug 0 'ear s old ; ono driving pony, 8 year old Hoge. one brood sow, with title.; two brood sows ; one improv- ed Yorkshire boar tregisteredi. tIale at one o'clock p. m. 'terms -All sums of -Wand un- der, caeb ;over that amount 7 mom lue credit will be gi ven by furne.hing approv e a joint notes. Steller et. diecount per =lulu for cash. J. tiAltDINER. T. CAMERON, Proprietor. Auctioneer ..••••••••61 'CUT THIS OUT eneesend as with :Yeenh: in silver. and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN 1113X Or SIOODS thet will bring you in More Mosier, in enema% than anything also in America. A. 'iv. EiNNEY, is, IS, :Salem-Yiumouth, N. S NEDW Meat Market The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door Soutt a Carling's Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED r JOHN T. MANNING EXETER, ROLLER MI LLS AvivAys READY MI Feed a d Cern CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOOK. BIG .e.1ST MARKET PRICE PAID FOE GOOD RED WINTER WITEAT. WOOD WANTED J. COBBLEDICK & SON. duction Eil PRICE Suitirags ...weeds • redcuced from $18 to $16. // 16 , 14. J1, 18 10.• Plain Worsteds'. -22 n 10„ Twill «- • , 18 15. • Pa titirags Tweeds ' reduced from $1.50 to $3.75 Black • " , $5.00 to $4.50 With all suits we glee the hest of trimmings an cl,guaanaatee to fit. • Call ancl examine, these • goods 'before baying your suit. • ' W 44HN,. The ,Tetillot. eantrasamaece..raut.wseesramr.no.a.mo-,emarnemcmsnuesn.........mortotwra-....,. P Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is Pleagiint to take, 'always eftectual,, and as it carries its own Cathartic, there is no need of giving Castor 011 • or any purgative afterwards. Qent ratta, , 13mErs.-_,Toea11 Sims kind family a,re . leaving- this we for °spates). sin Sims porpoSes engegingwith the masons of that town for the Suter/len -Messrs. T. Handford and Win. Elliott shipped Ibisweaka matted of 'valuable horses for the west,- rumored around town that a new grist mill is to be the next move. We are sure thiswoold be a fine enterprise,. as it is from ,five to nine miles to the nearest mill, and 'the demand .for sunt ie great in. this localttT. - Thomas Elston is doing an extenstve business with his .SAW 1111.11,, and much more is promised Into in the fature. Filuens Adair his engineer has been on the sick lists-Res...Salton will address tbe scholars of this Sunday school next Sabbath,. it being the Qnarterly res view. All parents that gap should at- tend and inspect the children's advance in the school. • Metric/OW . LESES ON TUE DEATK o MARTBA HILL. OP CENTRALIA. How fleeting aro out- brightest belies. Kow tINOwient, is their stay; - And those we really love the most. Aro first to fade away. - Though fair it be io many ways. This earth is not ouritorne ; And she is in a fairer land, Where sorrow is unknown. What friend would bets() &MAI, then, Or he with sortow men: To ask for Martha'sstive on earth, When she can live 111 lieaven Or why should Mends of Martha grieve. Though she hits gone awaY While earth atrorde UO resonates -se, Then whyshould Martha stay? When she tan give in mansions fair, On Canuan's peaceful shore; And guidee by a ,%vieur's core, What #riend tould nishfor mom For like the leaves we seen shall fah, Then let us all prepare : And 'when we •heat' Veades silent call, Wel. greet them over there. Signed an behalf of Centralia14.0.1s, No. 010, WING RT. fie• who watehes over us all may apply the balm of consolation to your wounded hearts, and you may hove grace and streegth from above to sus - tin and support you in this the sad- dest of all earthly trialsand that both of you may look forward to join. your loving .eister in that lodge on high, from whieb all good emanates. THE 1.12£11TER TIMES , ceased was up around: the house as u I ual Until the 'week Were he died. Th 1 feneral took place on Saturday for th ' Exeter cemetery and was well attend ed for so imilement weather, W Stout, of Kirk ton, conducted the flip era) service. ale funeral sermon was pzeached ou Sunday to a well crowded chuvelt Showing the esteem in which the deceased was held, Bayfielei IltimPs.---One of the largest _etowds ever seen at the Town HMI attended the Petriotie concert an Friday even- ing last. The hall was packed from the stage to the doors. also the gallery. The night was floe. which wile a great help m bringing people from a dis- tance. The peogram was very good, mostly patriotic. A very niee part was a drill, emit posed of sixteen young men dressed in eoldiers' uniforms, 'who were drilled and eel through several exercises On ibe Ntagt- by Captain Jack - Sep, who deserves great credit ; the captain also went throtigh the sword exercise, ..vitielt was very entertaleing. Solos were sung by Miss Maud Ale- Ndughton, .of Clinton. niso by Dr Pal- lister and A E Erwin, of town; quar- tettes were also given h Dr Pattister aed Messrs A E Erwin, A 0 Ferguson and R Peck ; the Taylor vial Dawson string hand furnished the mimics 0 fs Holman filled the elude %kith credit to himself ; be makes an elf eeiitlit eluths, mom, The progrout WaS ver y long, several piecee beim; taken off rein t of the lateness or ow hom. The ss .1,t the (Ivor ;mould ed to Ms - 44,41.1 b,Serilitinr8 to $20 or over, making a total of 5111.00. Weexpect to make it at leaet 5120 berm e quit tieg. -John Sontehmere, wife eud family. aecomprinied Diek Smith, teft for Dakota this week, e here they intend taking up land. We wish them sees eess t the West. -Miss Johnston, who has been visiting at Miss Addle Rath - well's, of town, left for her holies in Sarnia, on Monday last, -Ed Rutledge left for St Thomas on Monday last.- .Alhert Vanstone. who has been engar,'"- ed with J A. King leartolig the baking, returned on Mtnolay last, tinviug fin- ished his t nide - miss Gilmore, of the «nd COD of Stanley, was visiting AI John Faleneerys on Siaturany and Sian - day. -4t red. white and blue social will be held at the Met limb:40411,0n- age on Thursday evening it this week; admission, Robert Blair has sold his 80 -acre farm. in Groderirh township, to Richard Bailey, of town, for the suns of $2200, -Miss Maggie and Lona Erwin returned on Alonday, after vis. iting friends in Clinton. -A E Erwin, A 0 Ferguson, II Falconer and George Sanderson attended the Patriotic ball at Brumfield on Thursday evening last, and report leasent thue,-Jas McKenzie brother of Donald McKen- zie, of tile Goderich road, returned home last week front Johnunesberg, in South Africa, Ile repo: Is a. hot e into there. -Miss Harriet, Frazer et tended her brother's wedding last week, near Listowel, and was accompanied back to town hy the bride and groom, who spent Sunday at JOILs FtlIZer'S Miss Annie Murray, of Detroit, is viss s- e 'Winter Rnds Oat What Summer Lays By, - De it sprit:9, sumtner„ - Why They Wear It There's a dear little plant that grows In our 'Was St..Patriek himself, sure thas set it, The .un an his labor with pleasure diastolic And with dew front Ids eyes oft did wet it. Stire, an' that's the reason why so many bish.Canadians wore the shams rock Saturday, and why so many Etislish and Scotch Canadians were doing likewise to kape them company. It makes eo difference at all, at all, to say that St. Patrick was no Irishman but a Breton, for yell he tould that be was an adopted son or ould Erin any- way and Was the bboy that made the green isle into the Christian country it now is and, more betoken, that he waged such a war upon snakes that divil a one of them ye'll findin the place to -day. St Patrick was born a long time ago -372-and. Was the soli of a gentleman named Oalpurnitts. Properly speak- ing he was called Succatti. Ile was made a Bishop by Pope Celestiue end died in 400, after founding nearly 100 churches and baptizing, about 12,- 000 people with his own hand. This is the saint, and this the enun- try, to which so many were doing honor by the "wearin' o' the green." Saturday we were all rejoicing, wheth- er Irish or not, in tbe glorious part which the sons of the Emerald Isle are playing in the drama of the war. The green flag, once the emblem of Ireland's hopes of separatmn, may be- come the Symbol of Ireland's content- ment in the Empire, which has been served so well and so often by the valor of Irish soldiers. The shamrock, too often used as the badge of division, was displayed an Saturday as a token of unity, which has been proved by the sacrifices and services of Catholic and Protestant Irishmen. Better days are dawning upon Ireland. A swift and steady process of reform has brought a fair degree of prosperity within the reach of the people, and with material Prosperity will I; ome contentment. Enthusiasts like Michael Davitt, who, if they have erred much, have also suf- fered much, will fade away. There, will be no victims of Saxon tyranny to take the vacaut places; and the pros- perous and happy Irish people will come to look upoe the -Empire as their friend. Whalen ,BistErs.-L-Mrs. James Kelly is im- proving from her recent illness. -- The chattels of James McGee were last week Seized . by a,' • London Co., and taken off the place- Wm. Ogden, ef Woodstock, attended the funeral of his father, the late' Sohn Ogden last week. Assurscau PsoNEEE: GONE. -- .The geirsi reaper has put, in the siekle again: 'John Hebert Ogden passed to the great beyond on Thursday morning of last, eek.. .Heart failure was the cause of cleat -h. He was laid up for two months oboist oyear ago with la grippe, from wbieh illness he saever fully ree.overed. Deceased was bornon the 19th Decem- ber 1825. near. 0xenhope, counts's of York, 'England. He followed the - teaming business till he came to Cana- da, in the. year 1850, settling in London at which place he worked a, phort tiwe. Theri he came ,to Osborne ,township and Worked: for the Eitinter's ' for a number of years when he purchased' let 0, • souh-west bo u dary,, Us' home: In the' year 18(18 he married 'Miley Jane Acty of the sate e township,aurl sotoed dovnou tltn farm on which be lived until he -died., Deceased has .becri troubled with paralySis for the Iast ten .0 -ars, which gradhally grew Worse till the mid, came. John Ogden was On honest sind npright Mari in all his deal - lugs. In polibics 1ie was a 'OtinSeryative and, in religion he attended the Church of Erigiand. Deceased was aged '74 Years and 3 months, and leaves .t0•, mourntheir loss, •aTwidow and family '0 0 boys ansi 3 giris, of whom all are liVing. bet °he daughter," Annie, who died sonie 4 years ago. Sohn, Married; residing in Hiddaph ,; Synifam,,. mar.- reSidiag in Woodstock ;' Thomas, , Married, residing ' in giddttlph Nas 'thaniet, Henry,Jasne, May mid Eliz- abeth nt, lionie..• was a kind and.tif- fee ti en ate husband, and father. , DON'T THROW YOB HIDED THINGS DIAMOND DYES Give New Life to Old Garments. That fadesi and rnsty dress, skirt, blouse, cape, jaeket, cloak, or your laces and ribbons that you are think- ing of consigning to the rag bag can he made as good as new if dyer.' with any of the fashionable and seasonable colors that Diamond Dyes produce. Your husband's, son's or brother's dingy and faded overcoat or suit can he renewed for another season's wear by the Diamond Dyes at a trifling cost Diamond Dyes work wonders and save scores of dollars annually for thousands of homes on this continent. All well managed homes use the Dia- mond Dyes and extol their beauty. and usefulness. Guard against imitations and substitutes. See that your dealer gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. COVERED WITH SORES. cured little Harvey Deline nine years ago and ho has never had a spot on him since. TT is practically impossible to heal tip L sores or ulcers, especially the old chronic kind, with ordinary remedies. No math r how large or of how long standing they may be, however, they heal up readily and stay healed permanently when Burdoek B'ese Bitters is used, • es --se-- HARVEY DELI al E. Mrs, E, Define Arden, One, proves this in the following account she gave of her little boy's ease: "When my little son Harvey was one year o d he broke out in sores all over his body. They would heal np for a time then break out again about twice a year, time, he was past four; then he seeined to got worse ancl was • completely prostrated. When doctors failed to cure hitre I gave him Burdock Blood Bitters, and bebideti bathed the sores with it, It is nine years ago since tisis happsne5 and I must say that in all this time he has never had a spot on his body or etay signet the old trouble retnrning." autumn er winter someone in the fanzity s "under the weather" from trouble originatingln impure btoo.cior tow condition of the system, All these, of whatever name, canu be cured by th.e great bleed purifier, Re:.9d). 84Seall-asellasititeVer4iSassevints, ' 'was troubled with boils for mantis.' Was advised to take Hood's Sas-. separate, auct after using a few betties itaxe :not since been bothered," E, 11.Dr,...cimx", Thar°, COLO, Not Sleep -s1 did not have auy appetite mut could Pot -Sleep at night Was go- tiredlconld hatstly walk. Read eboet flood's Sarsaparilla, took four bottles and it restored we US perfect beeltb." itiftsS JESS/4 TEA1vAtir4P, Crfinbreek, Ont. Parxr4 rtlIl cure threT MS: t POo-tnrilallOg nr,t OlitY ceteertie to tske web-Itetete Setseparilli. ng friends here at present. Staffa WEDDINO BF,LL.s.--The residence af Jatites Barbour was the scene of a very pretty event on Wednesday last, when his second daughter Jeanette was united in marriage to Wm. Wor. den to the delightful strains of the wedding numb nlayed by Mrs. A. Patrick. The bridal party assembled in the peat's., where the ceremony Was performed by Rev, W. J. Doherty, 13, As, after w hich the guests to the num- 01' seventy sat down to it 1110st sutuptiams repast. Aliss J. Colquhoun acted as. bridesmaid, the groom was supported hy D. Miller. A. large number of handsome presents testified to the esteem in whieh the happy couple are held. TlieBINSIBSPrin Despondent, :Melancholic and Tired People Are Made Aotive and Su ong by • si Plaine s Cideiy Compound Rundown and Half-dead Men and Women Obtain Health and Strength from the Great Medicine, The blues, despondency and melan- choly make thousands of lives miser- able in spring time. Men and women around us somplain of tired feelings, nervousness, sleep- lessness, stagnant circulation and gen- eral rundown conditon. Though not confined to bed, the con- dition at the thousands of despondent, melaneholic, sleepless, nervous and rundown people is sufficiently alarm- ing to demand immediate care and at- tention. The symptoins; and feelings allnded to are the sure forerunners of disease and death. This particular season should be a time of cleansing, recuperating and strengthening for rundown and ;tiling people. Paine's Celery Compound will quick- ly banish the blues, despondeney a.nd melancholia, and tired feelings will give way to life, buoyancy and full health. It is suicidal for sickly remand wo- men Lo mope around in a half-dead condition and shut their eyes to the marvellous blessings that are offered by Paine's Celery Compound. It is the one great medicine in spring time with all classes of our population. Try a bottle and sen how rapidly you get rid of every physies,1 burden. Paine's Oelery Oonapound ti. the kind that "makes sick people well." FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WALL -TRIED REMEDY. -Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children viihile teething, with perfect success -It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrlicea. I1 is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Se sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. ChIldrera Ory for O R C4T _ - . L BOOK Amiens.— FULL LINE 01? NEW BOOKS FOR School Opening AND ALL .i.THE OHILD- RENS NEEDS1A.T Brownings. Where the Scholars are used well, MARKETS. Exeter 3.1,8.1101t 21s1, 120 Wheat per bushel .. Oats. . a co 30 Barley • • •-• 10 to 15 Peas ...„ .58 ic 35 Botter19 to 19 Eggs.-- ...... 16 to 10 Turkeys -. ...... ..-. 9 te 10 Geese.-- ...... 0 se 0 Chickens per es Ducise.-- - .-. 7 to 7 Wool_ - 13 to 10 Dried APPleso -- 6 to 6 Ro4. dressed . _ -- V.25 to 6.25 :se.e.eseseee. London, 14AIICEI .214, 1.90e. Wheat per bushel. 011 GQ Onts.„.„ „... to 34 se) to GO 4151' re 43 __M.. to 66 .60 to 70 15 to 14 • ..011,1• 0.1.11 Barley......... Buckwheat Corn . Beans Butter - Eggs 16' to le Docks CO to 7t1 Turkeys per So— 10 to 12 9 to to Ohlekene „„..,50 to 75 Cheese. -.- ...... k 1,Q, Potatoo4per ... a Ray per bit o .6 6.00 14 7 , •60 Fork riercwt... • SI -59 10 00 „. BORN Steshen, on the 17th inst., the wife ot Hoht.:Claree, of a eon. MARRIED DOIXS--ORE-In Exeter, on the elst.itet.. by Wes Drown, William Higgine, of t"e- borne. to Slise Orace„ daughter of thigh Me. of Exeter. 'ELLOW-NORTIICOTT-In Exeter en the 21st. lost...by Rev. Str. Milyard, itichard Yel- low. of Vsboree. to Zeiss Jessie. diteghter of ahn Northeott, of Exeter North, ASHTON-JAC QUES-At the reeidence of the hrehre parents, on Wednesday Inc 1415 inst., by tbo nee. A. R, Fend's', 411.1.•iS Ida, dauele ter of J. W. Jareues, to Roht. Ashton, ell IA AliNISS-SAVADE -CM blare!: RM. at the Mei hodist parsonaee, Winghatie by tbe Rev. Richord obb9. J4114 estritim. Or Orlif1/4 to 'iss Chareate Savage, of the Township of Grey. SISISIONS-MERKLEY- On Hare": lith.hy Rev. J. W. Done at his residence. Isabella Merklee to tieorge :Amnions, both of Turn - terry. DIED MILNE-fa Myth on Idarch 10th. Sim nabt. Mita ,e agedet. 0UDEN-1n CI:borne, en the 15th itvls jettn It Ogden. age4 years . 3 Ines, CAZIERON-7j--- Toritbertas en Rush 42114 .Alexander Cameron. aged eayeare. NIXON-At Kinthae,Northweit Territory. on February WM. JON Nixon. brother ekr Sem W,Lencet. lilatOzhad, %MI 49 year', C.kIlliltON-In SI. Relents on Monday, Marti: letle Marjory Cameron,rellet of the .leka Cameron. V Wawanseh, aged ti3 Year. ROBS itleION-- At &tweed. 01) lairela LIM Elle% relict of the hue Peter Reber:sets and mother of Me late Alex. Rol:crew: of the Diumate read, In her Peth year, GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes t "Four bot- tles of Eleetric Dittos has cured s re, Brewer of scrofula, which bad eaused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her bead and face, and the best doetors could give no help ; hot, her cure is somplete and her health is excellent.' This ehows whet thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters Is the hest blood puri- fier known. It's the supreme remedy for eeZeillit, tetter, salt rheum. Ulcers boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels pais - one, helps digestion, buil& up the stteegth. Only 50 cents. Sold by all Dreggists, every bottle guaranteed. 1111ECMATISM Is eanipletely driven from the system by ant- hem's nheumatie Thee give relief from the pain. limber up the Stbl Joint.; and cure wheu other methods of treatment init. LIVER COMPLAINT, I Is :ye used Liege -Liver Pills Lor it serious At- tack of Liver Complaint, they :Ed me t world of good and made 010 sneut and healthy, Mn. Cleo Malls, Carleton Piave, tint, CL•111ls (ROUP. Every Mother knows how dangeroue Croup Is. On the first sign of the Croupy COngh use angyard's Yellow OIL It will cure this dang- erous disease when nothing else will. Price 23es To THE DEAF. --A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent £1,000 to his Institute, e that deaf people linable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. seri- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,I.T, S. A. GIVE A. YOUTH resolution and a course 10.1 Business and Short hand at the .roRE-1 nd who shall place lireits.to hie career. Catalogues free. J. W. WES'rERVELT, Principal 71-116 Clot hig LSTI N M2111=3121.01.1,0r..11-311=1:Killailiiirtil Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of out offer. We are showing a fine 1...auge of Black Worsted intwills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance' in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show st big range at moderate prices in Scowl? and Canadian tweeds we 'cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE rs A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. FL Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR. is all it costs you to regain your health. Na- ture contriLlites the safest, quickest, and most effective remedy for all diseases of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Every box is registered, and contains a positive guarantee. If directions are followed and a cure is not effected, your money will be refunded, is a greatest remedy. Treatment for zoo days in every box. A. few doses is ofteu sufficient to restore your health. Keep the remainder; it is a certain preventive of disease, keepiug. the blood, pure, the nerves strong, and the whole system in harmony. if you cannot get it of your druggist, we will mail you a box on receipt of $1,00. Our Native fleas :A OPP s114 in powdered f‘irre. THE ALONZO D. PUSS CO., 232 St, Paul Stresti Itioatwa) OWN/NS OitiA1144" ClIZA10, • 4`,44P ASestNe, AIONTRIett.• The Stamp of Security. On every "Slater Shoe ", put there by the makers as a guarantee of wear value a protec- tion against extortionate profits. Many men would readily pay more for a "Slater Shoe" were not the price stamped on the sale— this stamp gives the actual market ,value of the shoe determined by the manufac- turers. Made in twelve foot-modeI shapes, all sizes, widths, leathers, colors and styles. Every pair Good- year welted. $3.5o and $5.00. h. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE OCAL AGENT Five Packs of Cards FH !ESr LUn To One eack, 'May I. C. 1.7, Horne,' One pack . I it to -light,' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just olds Two.' 'Escort, One plies: 'Flirtation, ' One Auk 'Hold -1 Samples of 211 other styles with book full of no- tions. Sena Sc. silver for postage. KINNEY, E. T., . Salem -Yarmouth, N. S. I A Well Kum Lady of Thornhill, Jam, n 0 -ALL AT ME FAMILY For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA. and SAT/SAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A -fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and MI kinds of Fr- osli arid issltecl Meals on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS NY9 PROP Women's ilments. t\, Women aro °can. ing to understand that the Backaches, Headaches, Tired Feelings and Weak Spells from which they suffer are due to wrong action of the kidneys. Got Abnost Instant Relief From Heart Trouble by the Use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. It is simply wonderftd the number of western women who are coming forward to toil of the ourative powers of Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Pills. This time it is Mrs. Geo. Train, a highly respected lady of Thornhill, Man., who gives in the following words the history Of her case: "I obtained from Mr. 3. A. Hobbs, drug- gist of Morden, Man., a box of Milburn' Heart and Nerve Pills, as I was very bad with heart trouble at the time. "I used the one box and got almost instant relief. I then bought another boX, but only had to use a few of the pills as have never been troubled with palpitation since using them. "I am very thankful that I got the pills, and if tins will be of any use to others suffering as I 014 you natty publish it in the papers." Buy the Best and ignore the tIsst In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with olio of out. BO %5 Bed Room „Setts, Tables, Kidney Pills Chairs, Etc. are the most reliable remedy for any item et kidney complaint. They drive away pains and aches, make women healthy and GET SIMENIIING happy -able to on3oy life to the fullest. Mm. C. hi. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, St. John, N.B., says: I had severe kidney trouble for which I doctored with a slumber of the best physi- cians in St. John, but received little relief. Heating of Doon's Kidney Pills, I began their use. I3efore taking theta I cotild not stoop to tie my shoes, and at tends suffered such torture that I could not tete over in bed without assistance. Doan's Kidney Pills have rescued. me from this terrible condi- tion, and removed every pain and ache." We have it you want it.. Take a look at our full illla of FURNITUBE and yon wil! ( find what you are looking for S ClILILEY $13N FTIRNITURE AlqD TINDERTAKERS Opera House 131oc