HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-22, Page 3E EXTER T I S .THE FREE STATE CAPITAL ritish Troops Take-POsses= sion of 'Bloemfontein. The following is the text of Lord Reherts' despetch to the War 0t ee announeing jlgseoeupetion aZ Iliteeme fontele:- HENCE THE REJOICI.\Q. Transvaalers Had Threatened, to Bombard. Free state Capital. A despatoh from Bloemfontein says: When the Bratise troops entered tiala eine on Tuesday they Lou/ad that it P11\111 Netes Of PrOceediags in the Nation al Legislature, QUESTIONS ANSWERED. they' were loath. to part with his nen- ITARI(ET8 OF THE WOBLD vices during the eesston, yet it wae well known that Mr. Tarte was not in geed bealtb. In feet, Ins healtb ttee in such ecnidia ion tha 1 laia frieade bad FrioesatBraLlPLin Cattle, &,• e. tbottoht it advisable to press upon lam inoee to take a rest. 1V.Irt Tarte, aowever, . Totatetot march,. ge.,,Theete was a bad thought tbat a change of labor would give him eufficient rest ter the a netter tone to the maiket today, ereeeeit, and, therefore, Lae Gaveru- and a fair amount of Ladnees WaS. presented a, regelar Sunday appear- . , Meat bad appoiatel hire to repre.sent done acme. The sleeps were. all closed, and Mr. Casgraia was za.ornied by Mr. (envie at paile‘ feetan that he woe - export trade coutiane ,.so s du'll, af- fee the ;lactase on the streets. were wearing alulock thit the Goverameet bee Ven. ea:te able to tuifil the duTA,,,e, ties a the teem : their sttaddy attire. many of the structed 221 nales of telegraph bee On i' e' ted by the depreseing cab es . 011) rOBERTS' STATE FISTTPT. eeideate declared that they expeeted the north shore a the St, I,ewreece, 'The Erie. whet:: completed. will extend FATAL F„RE AT MONTREA The Deily Ch.oniele's representative that the Pl-tee would he bombarded.. A coi•reepondent had a conversation to Cbeteau bay, a tetal dieAance at 320 Muer tne time. 'Tee coree-pondent with Coaecutoe Daly, whe eeecratea an mile% at is eepeeted to be ...Wished getet Three rgang 3frix Llisinnteg neer the United leiegdoe3 diniaail.iee of .pe,ce on the eteamees. Vricee taege from 414 to 4e -4e, wolf clt4ice :Acme, Limas selling up to 5e, bot th1J pate le Attyste- "134eln :ant el TuastlaY, Usreh 18 8 R lembittered meeting the Executive '111..Y.• Monis lay thmy e FAanterz. ooccestcom.ly obtained. 1. "Gen. o:;erts made a state entr3 'Council that was held the day prior Casgrain was infermed by the A. eesPateli from Montreal saye:-. Good Outater tattie woes Lmi ier and ne.-Ey the hp God and lay the uate ehte. cap/need nits/ at noon. Be • to the surrender. A ter the meae,ea, Premier fleet tiae Geverurneat consid- A fatel fire occorred at au early hour tam' bat emelt of the tudinery brayery o. leer Majesty's et erers, the treepe under my emeariand Itav.e taken pessessien eleoeederateari. "The British lag now flies: over tee Presideacy. evameated as evening by Mr.eiteya. lete e'res.Ideat oe the Or- ange Free State "Afr• tfreser. member co: the late Ex- gentiv.etGoverament. tbe Mayer.- the vi fp wen A 1,14.T.IWIS Ond 0i, at* • 'Ut.A j„ed Ile• pub ia Ltd diags and Preo.dent StAya bearded a train artii ars iteel: bound' to gine effect to the on Thursday morning in a boareing- slant Mr*.t$ A4.4 0.4. too teen a remetted Welti, to the af.lehil reeealeinee of tlie Proceeded to feroonstad, where ea eas Act od the Quebec Legislature lecrees- honae kept by Mee. at. A. Flood, at 29 leAt (meat Teeeday'e ra•nee #60 not Jere itieet, foateved Ly eS.alitheJ hts govermrent. leg tee otuneee ce the judges or the Beever hall. A fire took place in tile tillotablY changed. For good teeta.7g7J't itttht,l'ailtevnlit,thtelt.itt. htht-:g.puel'e'dtil The Transveat Beers sauglet to come Supreme Cour e trom 34 to 31, provfded ahollae early Wednesday evening, but atleliae 'Altana eatrle the raoge we molt. lash a l'ontrance. but their &forte were dently. ` I ttga Alma done. Shortly before a 0.010* rt" tittocsi4Ona i0o teedeute and come. ':r laWhatid IcAlks' Ithe rag* that 14 ett, t "On atonday efternoon previoue to lee elo eveti. Aanreseeineer was sent to Me. Casey was informed by Mr. Mu- Thursday morning, Mrs. Ficiea's son Anee4 -Arena wore net easy to oetele. " turreeder there hid Leen a little I the Etee camp on the Welder nZver inek thlt the Govermeent was not yet diecovered that tite banaewaa again on Eeedee., stockers, eeeort bet seeed NUMBER OF EirICSrifES KNOWV. tplog and she bog tut tbe enemy ,wtth the la era:tete/a thet ette 12ree aware toot any Austral:an Govern- fire. Irle at once rushed out ani gave '1410" ." 4 1. WnAc, tilli:144-Ug-d. and only Thirty yeers ago there were only Seoreetr,y o- tha late °merriment, the Olen retired. GI. n. Roierts hie la s bt41.4 1$-er., t-Vwx..4 put txt‘,...Alpt to 413.(1 1,444/yr,„3 ttr,osorer,, and ethtr of be 4 ii .r.ers in the VI 0 1 014 0 11011fl t Bleeta 94 e n Will 'II 11 0 ir fort t atents had grttated eoneesel.ong to the tbe alarm. Besides Airs. Flood and ber in readereie tele...eel,. ver eteckehe ebont 25 explosive conepounde koewa., the rat way te unieyuted. °141$ 14°1' xu° two 41.1144' 4'r°81 the tnwh "Mr. Fraser and the OPPOd'Igh ple were in a state trenieed capita., Pet tIle 1! roe btattna to restet the Sett- tbo Legislature has not acted It Ava$ extinguished before. much darn". "44 40 4A-44 per lbs., but gor Dyspepsra aria inclIgestion, cumnion diseases, but bard ta 9, cure wIth ordinary remedies, yield readily to Marliey*$ Celery -Nerve Comvound. tv„ u. oecideeltam.396 iCiagAt. Bast. lianaiton, Oen, eaysie."1 was Iraublied 09s1I2P-Sla eta lodieetelen toile time. and could get no relief until trim* leantey*seetery-Nervc Compeu whieh oared rue. and I ealinet stereo trw rialat in * A, PALPABLE ZilSTAEFI. Snipkiese-All, Mrs. Highotind, have been wonderfully strooll by the strong resemblance you bear to YOUr 11'46 baud. erre. reigloalind-Toung Matt. youare together wrong. 1 tio not bear ally resemblance whatever to 'my bueband. ;led preeea,ed rue watt the ke.reo, the leaders he •de3d the Cepata Lea th.t publea o toes, w3nt out to meet Geo. Roberts." "The eaCIAS 131TO withdrawn trone -Nothing further of ane roneetnience t labe h be tr 4o ji and all e ee • has aeon reeeivtd. Gen. RoLertir last ti,u et • deopoteh eeeovt‘d tor ileum in gtoolt g bl,aw OOP Qa.ein to pieces, The reel- , Ur, Clarke VMS tOrnrined that tlaere O'arg") Potter400. ao14011# 44d •Tha"` 64' -Pc4' 1119 Wt'44' tru'Ut itti "411' t° ag_ia4t ueu. iteuerte. th. elecere, Extension, compoly, It was reality there were 15 boarders in the there wee p..elaufte 4 4.4.t41," Qw, NC" thee are ntore Way. 1#100# ICUUW.fig iii4t to Utohtitlik make 4 h. Red that noue such would be made he430, and theY were ell oaleell when tiO 0,likt Math( resin,. in the preetitial as wood .,warroots atone In . Lite fire broke out By hard work ma I -lattice Imams and good veal ealvea flee.ruet.en to, the towte • derapaot between the respective Gov- tho Part or the firm:ate. all except wore e. artted to-uay, not otes..ge eee'ota tha indgnatlala I the Traeo.ealere, nho threaeeneo to erne:teats. ;three young men boarder; Messrs, asetaa., 4,rn 11;404;4 at from 41-2 'Phicthebitents of. Bleemroutein to London, • eteetaa vgerei there -ore, eneertani elle- are ao nettotianoes now ee progress eph Body, were gat eafely eta. After etekteter more Aer cemee ea.tooete. gave ale troopsa eord:al rteeptien." wi(g,rupici, in A zeolut tterplo teoaish er ttoirj own Macs oe hetwo3a 0.(Nerhoaet3 0. cattade, eedveral attempts the firemeu etucce,t:dt- oeeep \Note Afeeitig ti.eff te-eay at The Londoo throniclets corre- editioo. publi hes a despatcla frem tv2vn,4.44"v" w4/1`tt 4°fIlb`"%t the and the Un:ted Statas 1. -ng to the In !vizdenlat4f1/31negtlatrilerrae4la w°11ertell,eatt4• UV spendent at Blume...ante:ea in a dee St'nittet Burleigto at klioefnfontein, '1133reure, when the Br:tish entered pawed by other promtnent ottlet.1 , is to, - • pp In o a Jus lowing aco.efat to the ocoapation:-. "Bleounontein eurrendered iat 10 a. m. to -day, arid was crectuer:ed at noon. 'Pres:fleet Stave with a anni•rity of the fighting burgber,s, fled aorth- ards. "Oen. Erellet was with:a five milee at the Itlaca at 6 le ra, Monday.; He seer. a enterer= Into the town threat- rfaing to hetubard it unless it surrea- epttolt dated Makch 13. send s tile Tot- 5 a ^ifig that "Pre8"1('11-t Stl"" a'eCC)41' 1144.° witk• cooeidvr.4o10 rejo;ohlg. as .10iat QaMlaiSSi011 4 resumption of the meetiege of the werecd mbro::nlat :iewren.aTb.lt 1:tayrev4e.rey Iertil;4 pz•oZativt g4eat:aatal-keae, aft: :lintel o' t d t d` t to be euffering meoh from the cf"eete ' 41.4010. thrn ill‘thurt4 Ao3 .. e In; e . ., eost an at'. Lin to h•rcx"k1ad* IYhero to trans- Wt.* up4a the pifee ley the Transvaal-, all dIfereneea beZweee Canada and ed. Patterson red gtt frara llia 0Wil e 4" ti4"414' ferret], the Government. tile Un:ted States. way south of the capital ou March, 12 When Gen. French reached the rail.. er.siFhe s! ns tom waaat teod an.vene te F arntttnn that the eentreet with hie face boded in the pillow, evi- hahl lad, I-"44 44'4 urt•litleog 1 toio tete ells on the shoes and oil the Sir Richard Cartwright informed ?Xi'. found he was kneeling by the bed, MA) Ltb*. i.44 We jr.(1 WO .7 0) ••^•.,:j Sign t. Fraser, of D # room to thot or youag Flood, When lice' pron3 etogs, ecoeitae troul 160 to he destroyed the track for some d'e- toteeee that the oleee is an eingliel: tance with the object el delaying the town, for an ireproved service getween Can- fdentlY tioi. try . t2 pi..r.evelnt t he smeke "•.",• ,Quovring rota ge mg :no> ;as tons, ta the range af goete- arrivel or Commandant Gen. jzubert. Tbe first troepa to eater the city tette and the British West Indies gees Ha Wafi ttnconscious, ad Ives carried tier/Adz-- . and tlocking the retreat ef the enemy. re the Carbiueers. A de-aie• M patch to the Dlil from The ceptem uatwittch rode out from Mr, nu,:, a Eteit Prince, was inform- air, but bis case was seen to be bato force on the let of July next. IV the firemen down stairs to thetvreer-yli 614,13ars, per cleent.u.10: 4 41,4 Illetourantein, dated lefe# cloy evening, the city Tuestley mewing to 1.ormallY ed by Mr. Bla:r thet the number of serious. Daetors were eummone& as ea 000r, oueeee oo,„o, oio at 70 cork, eayst- tender the eu-render ce the cap.tel to utilee or railway in operation in Can- well as the ambulance from the gen- oueotter. wee. to gO'Cill• • ....5 "M1.101."'Oener41 Pettyman has been Gen. Itt:berts ceus.sted a, Landdrost Iola are ea follows;--Oaferio, 6370; orel hospital, and in the meentoile .ou.v.uer, tutentte. . , 275 dertal (ter' 4a. ea. Tuesday, A IviOte „lag1 aercented nu eery governor of B a ea- Papua us, Dr. Neloter„ the Meyer, and Quebec, 3,312; New Brunewielt, 1,4e0; the firemen worked over' the suffer. beet/ears, eee cwt.. .. 2 05 Ives thTown Cowoe fontein Lord Roberts and his eta f Eraser a Imember a ow. vouts. Nova Scotia/ eePa l; lace .Edwarti Isoce0 a•nd 1.32104. - ers• 1sted Tuesday moratog. and a have ridden through the tewo nod rend. deputat:ma #3 re t•hecred. The land, 210; Maalteba, 1, 01; B•itieh Col- George Patterson died before arriv umbia _ b4.' e 'I -th wt teen evervwhe 1 129 Wort -West Territories, ing at the General hospital. The llieeP.4 Per gen. Anyor Kelleer, came out to meet Oen, -tot N ; ames we owe. • • 4 bsil &agate sp te Rep • -I t 1'1 1 a Iona ntlaern entlotei- others were rezeived in a critical eau- # I 1,928. Total. 17,200 utile% , Till ” °°1.1 h cotically sung ty the poi Walton. The xi o , riStIt7.43, lour CM, . . . 225 ponder." e: the town. end Towle a formal sur- it, i di " d 8 ..ps are g 1 y opetung. an ROBERTS STOPPED LOOTING. 1 .51... ;a:tr 414 tlutt had not yet deelded as to whether the The damage caused by the fire was the Government dilion, ellakera and Calves. there is general rejoicing." Government system a railways would not heavy. Cows, caw., . . . . 251.0 ....--............--., n be extended westerly beyond Mout- Ordered Katilrs Instantly to Place real. HAS BOERS co' ieral Gata.ere Has the Enemy ---- La41/03, tt4ett. . V) BETWEEN TWO EMES. Goods hey had. mom 1 Sir Wilfrid Laurier told Mr, Cowan FEARLESS BRITISHER'S A despatch f rota London says z --At sideratien a proposal to provide for 4' I that the Government hes under con - Roles. Choice hogs, per cwt.. CO6 Ligat. hogs, per cwt. . aa.% •••••=.1. Hemmed In. revision of the l)ominion statutes. General Joubert Fpeaks of the ilk"'Y sle4d" ker 45 Boers RetreatIng Before Gamer() preeisenr 1.30 o'cluck Tuesday after- noon a Union Jaak, apecielly made for Mr. McMullen was Informed by Sir llsh SoldierS • A desrateh from London. Thursday, May Be Entrapped. aaye:-The peta.inn an um orwnan A deepatch from London, rrlday, The Enyst-A1, the opening of the new river is not very fully reported. , chapter of the war immediate interest stetement that Gen. Brabant °roam. centres in the fete or the Door forces, the river Sunday, repulsing the Mere on the north bank, needs continua- which aro in retreat northward from Cape Calory, whore they have Leon tion. A telegram front Nlipbrakforitein, defending the line at the Grange dated Mare 13, states that there was river. The courdgeous exploits of Capt. heavy artillery firing Tueeday morn- Grant and Lieut. Popham, width ing across the river. The British were saved the Betbu io bridge, enabling oortunanding the bridge, and their op- Gen. Gataore to cross the river, coin - temente; were eniping from the cided, fortunately; for the Britith, ',site bank. , with an equady daring feat north- DethuLe bridge was still oticupled by ward of Balerla.:021tein• There, 31 -Jar the Boers on Tuesday. They were en- Weston, of, the Engineers, attach -d trenched, but it was stated that they to Gen. Franck's brigade, passed the were unab.e to mote, bein.g torapletely 13 h • t oer linea on t e evening o arch covered by the British artinery. Repeats from various sources show 12, with ten men and eve the telegraeh that large numbers of the revolted and blew up the railway, thereby pre- Duich warn:eta are yielding. Eighty venting tbe removal of the engines surrendered their rifles and 12,0n0 o.nd caro Blccanfontena. %waive Ion- rouuds of ammunition at Lundean's motives were capeured. Gen. RoLerta nek Sundo.y. tvas thus enaleed to premptiy des - A despatch to the Daily News from patch a force to intercept the Boer; Bergeersclorp says that rebele from all whom Glen. Gatacre bo,ds in front. parts are coming in there and laying That title force readied Bethany, 35 down their elites and ammunition. miles distant, in a dey, is regard„d Two hundred and sixty, ine.uding jus- here as smart work, in view of the tices at the eeace, fleid cornets, and necet•sity for constant reconnoissance members of divisional councils have of the track, and the pos:tiort. entered Dordrecht and yielded. up their • It is hardly eepected that Gen.Pole- arms, many 'of which bear the Trans- Carew's advance will not be opposed. vane stamp. The troulble Carnarvon district 11 3 h burghers at Norval's pont and Bethune are relying on retreat by coetinues, but there is little news re- garding the situation there. The rebels means of th r away, and are unaware of the occupation of B:oeintontein, a still bold Kenhardt and Jusburg. Gen. liatehoner is directing the ogee- atioes of the British. WHAT "BOBS" HAS Don:. Small Wonder Be is the Hero of the Hour in Britain. Sows. . . . 3 tO 4. despatch from Laudon says e --The first half of the campaign is over. cured evidence to prove that British Lord Roberti arrived at Madder riv- woun•ded at Kimberley were killed by la, er on Feb. 9. Xile entered Bloe.rafontein Beers, Col. 'Seott. Turner -among others. . on Mardi 13. ,Thlus, in little over a' A.ecercling to the Cape T•imes, when, month, he bas effected the relief of o.n the morning after the fight, an ambula.noe went o& under a ilag of Kimberley and Ladysmith, the eaptu.re of Gen. Cronje's tomes, and the hoist- truce to bring Le the wounded it found lug of the Britiah flag in the capital been no wounded, but only twenty-one of the Free State. AU this has accomplished with comparatively tete- bodies, which had been laid out by dhe ling loss, It is sMell wonder that he Beers, only a few of wbom had not is the hero of the hour iu England. All been riddled through. In two instances the newspapers eulogize him and con- tbere eras poeitive eviderce of recently gratulate the country. They talk ue in holed wounds: The British doctors the Free State as having passed out of existence and as being now 000 01 were not permitted to approach, hut , Capt. Tioteetson, of the Kimberley .. the shadows of history. L.ght Horse, whet speaks Dutch, asked. I ----ea_ ` Commandant DeBeers why the bodies C ' - bad so many wounds. , rHE CANADIAN HOSPITAL cont. eon tetweeo them and the Guards* column in inevitable. BOERS KILLED WOUNDED. Wanted to Make Sure Thar Position Was Not nu Oa nil. The Cape Ilimos claims to have se- Deaters repEed that the roen were -- such plucky iellowe it was imPossibie Bert Cross Doing Splendid to see 10 the failing light whether a . , man dropped to take corer or beoause Work at -Kimberley. he was wounded, so he gave orders A despatch from Kimberley, says:- that his men were to, keep up a con - The Canadian Red Cross is doing tenuous fire ont all alike in order to splendid work. It has installed 2C0 Prevent the Position being rushed. cots in the De Beers hospital and 0 cots filled. with Canadians in the Masonic temple. ALL ENGLA.ND TO WEAR GREEN. A deepatch. from Londoa, says: -The in,ueen's proelaniation for the wearing ot tha green by the trieh 8oldiers on St. Pateick's day promises to l be so popular that already there is a famine ehantrock, and it looks as if all Eng. .:-.r.•••••••41.••••••••••.. LEINSTENS LEAVE MARCH 25, CI) neaten Militia 41111 Garrinoa Halifax Front Vont Wile On, A deepatch from Efalifax, N.S., says: -The Leinster Regiment are under or - dors to sail for England from this garrison on March 25th, by the. Domin- ion line steamer Vaneonver. When 075 anal 275 45 00 Jose 60 4 87 1-2 4 b7 1-2 326 title purpose by Lady Roberts, was Wilfrid Laurier that the total cost .te . • • , . . e 2,25 tatrok:#.4 bAurtereei qupetrfong fonteln, amidst the acelaina.tions Of tit"CrattAi riOUperrinallOattlIwtair sysiarrasootpAt Before retturning to the front on Ati'ataatitg tit in which, ourionaly enougle the of voters' lists, making the net total press representatives:-dThe courege of °alarm red arid, whine 133 to 65 1-tas !lyre:into, March 2).-Wheat-Clutelele etested over the 2resideney at metal_ administering the Dominion Fran- A despatch from. Pretoria, says:- * Tuesday General ,Toutert said to a toe best, TbeYiocat naarkeet NVCIttii /fruit the cemmander-in-chief's hatieuions, less $16,44446 reeehed from' the sele the British soldiers is beyond question. according to nearness to the mill: Orange ltree. State burghers ;Lapeer to 41'141'31'1°0* They rushed the kopjes and entrench- Western Ontario points; r • Sir Richard Cartwright stated, in meats in a fearless manner, but were 64. east; tt‘ a, b*I" to have joined with remarkable hearti-1 . reply to Mr. Fraser, Larabto,n. that :not a mat& for the alau.sers wbich 65 u> 55 1-c; Manitoba, h °r‘dv, nese. ;1 he rimmat of -uhsidv nal I for the - - - ' 1mow1 tbein d v " 79 1-2e, North Bay; and at 80 1-2 to ga.t. Oleur-Quiet,.but firm. °plaid° nail - Ices titer stratgat roller, in buyers* bags, middle freigets, kettla per bbl.; and export agents bid e2.55. Special branda in wood, for lose1 account, sell from V2,8S to 0, according to brand. Atiliteed-Quiet and firm. Brat is quoted et air>, to $15.30, and shorts a.r $16 to 817, at the mill -door through Western Ontario. Corn -Firm. No, 2 American, yel- low, qaotect at 42 1-2e to 48e, track, To- ronto, and. mixed, at 41 1-2 to 42c. Lord Roberts, accompanied by Ids aetablishment tired raaintenance of a staff, roJe at the head of a cavalcade line of Bleu/11814s between Canada andVr...00!..MOOD a wee long to the Dreeideuey, receiv- Monehester up to Juno 30 lest \ties $261,00. Since then no account had WROTE "ANNIE LAURIE." ing an ovoeion throughout the route, been rendered for services and =pay.. Author of st reeinur Enema Sous le eu eana.ing in a remarkable dentent- rnents had been made. itlead. stration at the mutat square. Reach- i In answer to Mr. Cempbell, the Pre- A die/patch from Loudon, saYs;- lug the Government batwings, Lord ruler said that the number of cases , Senn Scott Spottiewoode, heard by the Supreme Court in each Lady &Marts toek possess:on 0, the city in year were: 1893-0, 72 cases; 1896-7, 77 writer of the song "Annie Laurie," is the name or the Queen, and then re-' oases; 1897-8, 81 cases; 1892-9, t49 deed, at the aga ot 91. She was a woe ceremony of .hoisting the Union Jack l'elred to the 'Preslue11°Y.' where the istellestilEriettctPwtt:IgrictretIrs.oThallacyosuirnt 1 man of remarkable character, who each year:-..tereoe, eo days; 1896-7, aa i clung to old-tirao manners and ens - here, the Boer Government of the Free 99 to date, 85 days. He also gave the I bad to ride as a postilion, a thatch Canadean corn scarce and time at 4ec State. I number of days on wigeh each of the.' Luring las progress throu h the Jud es sat,I seemed preferab.e as a roof et:0, Ewing, track, Toronto. ended forever, according to opinion days; 1897-8, '71 clays; 18J3-9, 02 days; toms. Tine her coachman, invariably while peat limes alone lit up certuia town Lord Roberts stopped. and ord- i In anewer to Mr. Prior, Mr. Mulock been made of her rooms. She was an accomplish.% erei the instant replacement of goods sped that an increase has ed musician, and wrote both the mus c whith were behee looted from the ar- i to the provisional allowance given to and words of "Annie Laurie,' The Unary barracks by Ratifies, thus giv- ; the poster fice clerks aid letter-cerri- ment they might eel:ea from the vie- i month, to employees whose salary was wae altered by her to suit the mfusio, ft raskiegnh t sr ea: 4,21y1 -.2s Car and ri lots, teast N�. t 2,4 43 1-2c; ing the eopulace an idea of the treat- ers al the Victoria Postaffiee of $5 a ballad as originally wricten, however, tors. I not morel then 4303 a year, in eonse- which elm coropose.d. She married ea No.1 is quoted at 44 to 45c, outside. President Stein fled to Kroonstadt quence Of the increased cost of living 18e6 Lord John Montague Douglass ye -..Firm. Car lot; 51e west, and without replying to Lord Roberts' de- tn British Columbia. Scott, son of the Fifth, Duke of..Buze- 52c east. mand for his surrender, and the corn-YtTEION TELEGRAPIS AND .ROAD g. leuch, who ded in 1860. In 18,i6 I un- Oats -Demand quiet. White oats, taander-in-oeiet remarked aft erwarda L - der the will of her father, John north and west, 27c; middle freights, clueing the course of conversation Mr. Prior inquired whetaar it is a s • potteswoode she resumed her maid- 27 1-2, and ever 26e while breakfasting at the barna of I fact that Mr. CharleLson, when engage . en name Car lots, outside, quoted at 4t4 i0r5fle. - Bueivitheat-* Q* u*iet.* Offerings light. President Steyn's brother that the ed on the construction ot tbe Govern-. • "ex President" had "become a nonen- ment telegraph line to Daweion City, Buffalo, Mareh 20. Spring Wheal - had brought large quantities of- Eup- No. 1 hard, caricas, 171-2c, round lots, The British troops with tbe excep- plies from Otteeva instead of purehas- Peas -Steady. Car lots, 61 1-2cmorth, and weet, and 62 1...2c east. Barley -Export demand continue's good. C.hoiee heavy malting barley is GREAT ANXIETY IN TURKEY. 770; :No. 1rennet Tots, 74 1-2e. Winter then of those necessary to police the ing them in British Columbia, and , wheat -No efferings. Corn --Unsettled; town remain outside. The press despatches giving most of chiefly FreneloCanadian.s from. the weak; No. 2; yellow, 42 84e; No. 3 yel- 1 that the men whom he employed were tbe above Interesting details also set- I east. A despatch from Coustantinonle low,,42 1-20; No. 2 corn, 42 1-4e; No. 3 tle the point raised about the cutting Mr. Mulock, replying on behalf of the . . . corn, 42c asked. Oits--Dull; No. 2 of the railroad and the telegraph ' Minister of Public Works, and that says :-There is great anxiety na offi- white, Me ; No. 8 white, 30e ; No. 3 vvhite north -tot Bloemfontein, and Show it 1 these xnatters were not within arr. cial circles here regarding the Russi- 2279•31;-21.7'mNado; 17 w111-21etaas' 2k9eINFolo2urtiDxaeali. an Government's refusal to inodify its and rasY, yeas a paucky act. Tarte's k low:edge beca.use Mr. Char' e- 'en Thera attended his management of the con- stone in Asia -Minor. The Turkish Gov- ht-tra` °ash* 66 34c; Nay. 67 '46 ' No, Engineers, accoro.panied by te IillSMIfl irteranes to Ittedify Ile Dena:Una:A Reg.; riling Railroad lionerev tons. Major Hunter Weston, of the Royal son, in view of the success which• had demo.nda` regarding railroad conees- Duluth, March 20. -Wheat -No. 1 pure asrag1 Northern, cash, 65 1.4o; May 66 1-4c ; traversed the Beer lines and succeed- ed in cutting the wires and blowing struction of the line, had been alowed ernment advises against subiniesion, me a ia.u. t ary as a sort of half -way house Dead base tep331 itshsme :tornatoskin. is• new regarded there 1 to wee his own discretion in h ' and the Sultan is await' le *Ft Muleckt atiso said that the Govern.ment oupplies and in engaging men. Mr. greupaosrtitonontte_hecesetrzlveisgignalaasdisteccistoone,the N°' 6 t b ' d deSaYthcialefrYLtnN ShUrc,..,,taillahgaidief.14 f°"tit ----eat- - sa 1-12 to 240. Vcra-35e. Minneapolis. Maroh 20. -Wheat - 26Nchiletb;049:r7a:16a3r104hc2.0._B,th wheat .n.a March. C4 3-4c: May, 64 1-4e ' July, July, 67 1-8c; No, 2 Northern, 62 3-4e; 65 lei to 65 3-8c; on track, No. *1. heed, spring evhdteat, 59 1-2c. Oats - 1 Northern, 61 3-4e; No. offialises,sCssz Irv, rionagsanind Lit cidoe4dilyle gtaerarrodr_ ed on alt his journeys. corn tome.a step in the wrong diree- Over tr.,)300,000 Is to be expended ni talic!icln etoor-n6kVai awilatecatnceloosiin3g-81-..1Perlionavraerl; of operateons Aor the advance on Pre-' ing a line from Dawson to Circle City, torte. 50 miles, because there was no vote out of which to take the cost of sueb PRISONERS IN Pli.ETORIA con E;tructi ctn. GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPHS. Some discussion occurred over a bill •••••* Winston Churchill Fears They Will introdu.ced by Mr. Casey for tbe es-. Be Badly Treated. ' ta.blishment of a Governraent system suppresseng the bubonio plague in the receipts totalled 5O0030 bush. Chicago , Veterans of the war of 1861, at Sohn- recenns were 36 cars ; Nortle-Westere, gen Rhentel Prussia will present Ere- eeiels were 532 ears, compared with says :-Winston Churchill wires to the Y• troposes is not very dete On one • ' • ' tr,, ,aideatt Kruger witir &sword ofhonor. 524 last week anti 273 a year ago. At.i Point Mr. Casey was speciiie. The German. Agriculture! Council lantie port clearances amounted to I.:vents i he telegraphic rates made ten 1 ' Morning Post from Durban, protesting el ' th G t t • ' th only 256,000 bush. Receipts, estirnat- A despatch from London, Wednesda' of telegraphs. The measure which be against tile ceremonious treatment of cents per ten weeds for private mese a vEses e evernmen e e r 'd eat, 63 ca:cs; corn, General Cionje..- He adds :-"The stern sages, and ten cents a bundrecl words dutY amhoreea to a minimum Of SIXtY 'Mr r' aY- , mark,. ' 435 cars; oats, 00 cars • h,ogs, 25,000 foe press despatehes. , detision not to.exehange prisoners will undoubtedly accelerate the e0rl. of the , • . dined to .consicler petitions for the TARTE'S PARTS TRIP. The Gezman Parliament has- de- . • . war, but it wilt wave very hard and Sir Charles TuiPPer inquired whether admission of women to mpantrmiicashilaese perhaps even dangerous., for the Brie House any statement with regard to I surgeon General vittaret the Premier was prepared togive the tion in. univer:•llies, tish prisoners in I-'retoria. There iis the represeetateon al Canada at th° al Berlin stetistics showing. the enor- abundant evidence that the Boers are Paris Exhibition. Sir. Clharles pointed 0 es . et or out that, =amuck as the IS/muster of cra , d cattle will enter a darker phase. 1 It s veiy u te oet sentative oe caemea, it .seas time that rats caugat at Melbourne 'wharf has becoming more cruel, and that the war .• . amen sn me . Public Works had gone to Paris and svas said to 4ave gene as the reore- A bacteriological examination of AMMUNITION StIORT. The Boers Said to Have Only 30,000 Rounds Left. A deepatch from Lorenzo Marques says :-A resident of the ' Transvaal .Government will be able to caul, el the House ahoule Rand diatritt states that the Trans. t 1 into the established the -fact that the vermin are infected with the plague. veal Mining Department, is preparing the wild passions of the exasperated be taken fid f th el V. M ( in the ' con erica o e o ern en . ruffians forming he noisy part 0 ih -o° matter. . i • One case' a bubonic plague was dis- to destroy the mines at Johannesburg Boee forces in the event of 4 siege of Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied. that the covered at Cape Town on board one of. ish prisoners weuld then become pre. sion that they would appioint the Min- Eel has been plaeed uncle -r quarantine. fence of tho city will be constructed and that 1 i names for the de - exp os VC . . a Pretoriani and the position of the Brit • Governraent had come to the concha. the traneports ire:al Rosario. The ve,e- oariotts• , I istee oe public; works ehieEcx.ticeihmeitToine_. 1 in,.aus)i,ev.„Bictiteihtis,,hvassecio.eldotrotitz118 ctic.3111.)iesor‘:11....Jarte. minat(theeirrapsti(eiaiyel: Other prepare.tions for "I have visite.d the do.m which the esemee el Ganeava at the the defence of the city a,:re also being Boers began on Klip river, below Lady- ne added that Mr. Tarte 'went, la -f Island, Bahamas, tviiit her shalt bi•ele- A ree • officer is quoted le B. -Laing land veould don the Emerald ,e0/0,,es the Leinsters mareh out of the bar- stnieh, te It hie hee,n eempleted it course, tviehout any salary, and the . . „ey ,0 to saw ethe 'Irish hew generally the uacks the Cri .aadisu °I.3.1itia enrolled for weuld he've submerged IDtembi camp, Government h,ad rather reeel has arrived at £'7 195".U, NcBee *ht the Boers have onl3060 roulnie cu dee oeikr, aro tow damaged, 1 ( Oe'eseneer ammunition left. r imanah In. where tbere wei•e 2,000 sick." owed to let him go, because, though tlieeen's snatimenta al e indolsed. one yeawll Children Cry for CASTORIA TUE ONLT ONE, Whir% a Mon is saite iet wid /OM - el „ said the janitor philusopber'it is to.eue3 eoige thot he Isaletae n hiettels.aotioa. Actors, Singers Speakers 'reeeeted. or &ewe Willi eaugialacta,tlegers,W.text. ere, preachere and readers are rormeated with throat weakne." +.0 delicate organ; tieing overtaxed bs• pozno iducvtNe vzt eeee cotes, tee 3e21=1, boar:east% the throarrtmeau ins, dropping in etto ramie ele over the eye", dry tko*i. etc,. i1j thee ars for ore inner* of Catarrh. Aram*, Tonsilitie, and am but elciaping %exam la more serious complications if neglected. 111t. AGNEW% VATAlta04%4 rOtintinall tapowsrfuLpainicas,harsolosaandquiek.aetiegomoll will care all such troubles -relieves ln N11444446 N1 CAP lea proclaim Dr.AgnevesCatiorbelPavo der a wonderful medicine, particularly for etagere endpublic speakers. Myself and wife were both **eels of Tonrilitix and Catarrh, and never found' anything to eq oat die great remedy for quick actio And curative queletes-it Ji a wonder worker, I heartily recommend lt to my brotberprefesslonela.0 At, Emmett Forte% Amor, ilsw York Ciae.,-st Selo by Lute. Exeter. 4. r WINES OES111 A Book for Young and OW. OUR, RECORD Egs& 18 78 250,0 00 DISEASE MEN CURE!) 250,000 CURED YOUNG 11811 tringu alnnod naturo when ignomut ex t eterriule clime you werecommitting. Didyouonlyconseler the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? Witen too lateto oa•eid the ter. rihle reenne, were your eyes opened to vour peril? Did yea edor en in man- hood coattect azyPRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Weroyouenrcd? Doyounow and then see sortie alarming symptoms? Dare Ton marry in.yenr_present Youknew, LIRE; SON." If married, are you coa- 1 Eattlati:I HAIM' ill dread? Is marriage a failure ts ith emote account of an y weak - nese caused by early abuse or 1ator ex- eesses? Have yen been drugged Nritla moretny? This hookletwillpouttoutto you the raeolte of these crimes tund nein t out how our NEW METHOD TItaiNo- IdENT will positively cure you. It allows hoer thoutand s haeo been mered br aur NEW TREATMENT. It proves how wo eau GUARANTEE TO CURE ANT CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cute -EMISSIONS, VARICOOME, SYPHILIS. GLEN'', STRICTURE. IMP OT E 0 Y. 814. CRET DRAINS, TINNA'RURAL DIS. 0114.ReES2.KIDNEY end BLADDER. ;1 diseases. 4 CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of sent free by enclosing 2e stamp. CONSULTATION FREE, If tuaeble to call write for QUESTION BLANK lor 1101411 TREATMENT. KETINE,DYe, KERGAti Con. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St DETROIT, MICH. .4> i, flAU(EW "Et.X.t.ae.OS° liner fsee lecos,itiVar AVIP MOS1 -4'10 %MN re gearetace that these NEHT1101. 2sat-tharoib°1.-*es,annd grfer 10, 0 ,,...,....uPl:::vistersylvouillkorcilitletvbee tr.. zi iniester any sixe, Falb qUiCkef 0112/1 any other. Pet up oi4ty in y n nips a should have one 1 IA' .1. Every family ready for no (quee- r , 11, geacY• aitger,EroiTltalitril telia Bdwzre of imitations THE kiX.O3