HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-22, Page 2TH..11 .E.X....:17BR TIES and Comments, I The Germau exeeetive has east met 4 de eet in the Reichstag ;which, bring$ out ewo seennegly antagonistic, faets pisinlo. It ShOWS th3t political in- dePeadenee ie nuich greater in Ger- mene then the eutaltle; world supposes, inlet tbe same time it provo that •the Emperor le a much more potent Pernmage thee. is the eerrespouding dignitary in aurae of the othee nations et Europe. Asa Alsatian ineraber of the Ile:clistao moved that the "dicta- torial peragraph" in operation in AI- eace-Lorraire ba repealee, arid, thous the imperial Chaacellor. Prince von Hobeelae, opposed tlao moteou, repree ectutitio the Kaiser. or course, in this opposilion. the raotiou was carried by - a large, ettaeurity. Gerreaey lied the me sort of goveromeat aro Enelend. 'tale er Spein. awn a. de eat for the rainietry importatet issue iihe this woind be iollawetis by the reagnatior, et that • OR GODS 1 ionotino y17,1, otAiusmtr!itiotiedrv-nabtuosf snavelty- .t•tcrice.hf.".1721.3..:Jr °ea% sisr3oetraepu,,t,k% T 0 de,r4tt and the earth may burn, and while etanding there inspeoting ties _en the stars fail and timo perieh, but richest inlet. 1 vase a heaven, the Got it,v14041 u,nue4veerr ibnrseapkroilssesoltvateurdi towers of the palace domd strike up . • ._ tine silvery chime: - never "Goa hath wiped away all tears from Again God leeeres a perpetual r tin I fa Ps Vhe efore comfort one an- ev Dr T a macre Discourses on an • b. aura tarter Q oeleaeemenes- ese otier with these words," t • • Th are the tr:ale thlt clave the soul, aud t hros tha roe hearts of men to be Appropriate Subject.. orushed in the eine-eretts. Troahles at the store you. may leave at ehe store, SIIORO/SE On THE GRIP. od Knows All Our Grlefs.-The Story of Paradisz... and Peri --We Are AU Subject 5 of Ailments-. The Sorrows of Poverty.Training Children for God. e.pe. c o t says* to -Rev. Dr. 'Inimage preacited from the 31'1 hair following text :-" Put thou teers Nisrepreeentatiou age Abuse ot. the world you rely leave oe, the etreet Traveiter ut cr wli-ne you totted theta. The lawt neeeee,,,,, 10,,,,etheet and siamray,ay,„ mee adioes may b • left in the court- Itr• Albert Prieur and Dr. re Caze in tale ie regird to the whims ot lathe that wrend swallow yeur honest aceue ronm terreeveineote eee . hemp thn Rennie 0,Q4 .agvug$ give emsee. flee troebles, and there NO Fea'n.APE FROM THEM. . eena, ,anci. the peculierities of its, mice 1.7011. Wi'.1 see that vereant chair. Year rhba• aare what Dr. Primer says t fiurl hie Father; when. see a eye wi.1 oree4 et the stoegestive "Initueuze,' thee queer au& ugly p ,r• into thy bottle "-Psalms Ivi. S. r es er bey conneg ors tbe r , and tny,t, you, 0,1nnot fly tee preseuee of were. Wi.b, wheth the grip eaothed it- ryieg away. to beg his nonner's suns ille. you go to Switzerland te „,, „nee DV W111311 WA.3 raging in It - en, r !nag iteglets aud od- get near or -them, but mere serenoote een ••••• ses' when 1 e'Ze he hellaelets coin- ed time the mine net takes you. up. ale, wee ;Oral; and, un:ortunately, This prayer vvas pressed ant 9/ lug to God or shelter. and the etretcla- the AO*, Yotir trouo.es 0•11no to the breught into the 13:lenient vocabulary Basitd's at by innamerable ealeme- ed hind the vile. end ilse sineltudne • tittetop, aee sit ealveriao ea !bat by I'net iluxliere It in tree that be axle the pession-blaete,1 appee ler g.ace vs a ou mty cruse the eoes, out ' - ' • ies; but it in ;lust as appropriate for me rey to a cemp .ss.o.,a.e GPO, t ex- they cen Dineen the capper or mer- wa,o eever very prowl of his invention. te distressed a all ages. elaira in etsteey and triumph: ' Mere chew. le en, yell may lek. eeravan, clad up to a comparatively recent date and eu eut, tierces. tee A.rabian _desert, dectors end petients euntinued to em- Witatite the past ceutury, travellere tears or God's'. bott/e I" Agein, .O.tel keeps e tender remem- bu. th.y fo leo yea like a s:no-ota. 1 tee a jel . d'event, " earians have explored the 11 • elniees's Row ertirod with ,u nee t Iota You ennge P 4 V° a 1"),C . gr th • - The 'teat 11.1aj r ty fi of the preeat tavern. They erces there in nearly always oust P1300. too, io the. preneh republee. In 364 frOtie the verY heart a tue4e bur- body t Not cue OW Q tea I I de no, hush,' like 8 aiste itee from the roof neeeneelltee, neutelesa to depiet the etismanY, heweeer, there is no unitise 104 shlehdeUrs of other days have hese eeeggerate.•Q eriond by the Kaffirs, tvlio drive " anotchraan," ter:al respeusibilit y. The nefeeriel brotight up evidettees of ctzstom "lc' r'te a„,r, adnatant stlb Pats a a le 115314 " 11 skedeten fingers to hush 4."--""`".' P"sPyuq'''''IS w" rnia. :teens is stone oil? rt -re et eieu ale tel. Teey s an •., lerfore. yoe JOTTOIGS ABOUT TEE WAR ITEMS TBAT WILL INTEREST YOU AT THIS TINE. Th. Boys on the lltattlelleld mud Those Thelr Way to the ciine-Allt Istituto 1,0014;10 needs or enslave. ' Capt. Montmorency's &outs have adopted the skull and ceosebolaes a their emblem, Owingr to the nrevaleuee of enteric, fever in South Africa, two flannel belts are being issued by the War Office to, _every man going out. A correspoeeent states that he /ma been infornaed by the Wer Office that sereees ad Welds are unsuited tetlie needa of Qur troops. Meat of the loyalist bababitanta of Berlely West have lett the district. Tim refugees number 1,200 willies and eeverat hundred natives. At the end, a last year Geueral Gatnare received two iyddite batteries, bet after General latiller's first re- verse at the Tugela they were sent on in all haste to Natal. Araeno the very large number a manY of You are thoroughly sound. ha in te th • M; tniuoth Cave. but they ed in the leet ceatory Saueages de a of oxen employed by the Brit* bedy. TO0 earae thing would vette mina a rcealas of the. ancieut cities. Cletecellon tbe Minister tor yornge age vaelsheil from the world. From tzi seise that 15;11 are 1;,•ecii 3%10,- ••• bete Tai urot lu k eneligir sa coati -not ale (11$ -ease, Modder Rivera " The text-heok Yoh ' The Time e c.orrespeadent at Lady- smith, givine further details a the fighting tbe.re oe. the nth ef January, says that the oritioal %Condition ot at, fairs daring the engagement can he paged whea it is know e that Trans. v.aal end British egoareandino officers exobanged shots at point -palette range, Colonel Ian Hamilton, when Van Wyr and Ile Villiers rushed a gun equip, meat, emptied Ins revolver at them, The War Office, it is reported, hats - itraotioally resolved Or adept a shield for on r soldiers. It is 13.cild by the adviser st ttO I,ord Lansdowne Oat the Natal canmeign has shown this meth* a &dente to be imperative. The pen, passel suggested is that ;alight shield abould be used from 3,000 yard to 7C0 nand then that it should be dia., carded, since it is conceded that no abield would be uSeful in the tine rush. TRANS -SIBERIAN RAILWAY. Wilt Re Succeeded By Other Trill.** Sp,tems. A. number of AMY ratiroeds are con- templated in Asia. The lines oosv It% existence ha,ve a total length ot about 30,000- mine, et wined), two third bee Ion to British India,' The portiena the Thans-VaSpian and TrauseSibere Lao runways already constructed bave ienoth, of 3,200 Miles. A Mira- uu yow Aft 6. t4e .6ter a the Interior 3111013€," tOn1h$ of those ages lianebteu ject to. Yo eve a vent; t e, or i • r. kres ors: . ergo "nvi heat gineg nit.° the detaile et a seat her ot Europeae syndioato have etre in the MOTning 'V—, what is the text for toolay BrigadiereGeeeral retherstontuiugh, r g s eer roree o • on 04 yulA wi y e4. your gt f .03 . • 1 1 f 1 .i re-4nm; 11; lament/yea Ot course tor a a rno I Is One of 11 t and. to place that bottle in the wou.ritlect has been fevered. bY a vielt The Cbineee Government owesabout the p. puler bresteh Parliament. As think no one ean anderet aid 'our as you go to nio 5 where once you elector t eherip, speeking, is ' avid the reet of the elbleet are raeree brougbt up lacbryraateries,me le gejte a star in the latol . ly Me represenret:ves oZ the Eleven. 131441; vati•ab are vials Matt° ° earth, iinese, or lungs easily tlistr.ssed. s , m to eoree beaelsertare ecattering • a - ..eitor A the su e , . mos e re no taeied coeceasions foe 3,6f0 miles of 4 on )roll w1;31 C.' ;-InIng 1,)..1,14,. Th.7 p,, o 1 ',glee/ ce o bj ot it far us Al t th. fi t thi I hear or lane. beeO. or are su , eel, o a . e , t wruld not telt, a 4 ty blow she $ from • tb • c,'411"...f a eereless May be twee sery 1.0 oall attention to railroads es China when's, will traverse the Party wireh holds 4 elle...IOXitY Ini they wept over their dead in a bete fiL 1;.,,,, „.., „so. lune Wall in lite Cte • Is 'h ereher T ti . unnieer many a - wilt) has retur ed m Seat Attlee in r ss co s ruatiere adverse vote et' Iterinteeut. the Cab- =ay epeciusens a the auelent 'ache and, it is sue:item:at that you, are a by- gone latQW. 'Vous troutees will Oa- anti. OS' eeitee.444:SLhittee4nQe.t/ree41.,iso ller NaiestY remained. 'with hied for remunerative, especially elmt fromPe- to eltange it. acapraPaDsa4 hY Puneen'?;:jeCulruYeenot Pewaal, : altiltitlegd tovIrilt.s'li '1.0,,a1"ttwePiriesPer:i tete remetes in tenter twat he ottohasa ryinatories, or tear -bottles. in ournui- tta%uondelseo. , Thifo sty yeet arie nerve low you to the seaeiaore, and will keep enoion 0144 tIonn„ tou v,04,1,..4 110 Li ones halt. an tome. etuees. as it th it Aare nothIng . God ue a 1 a the liglai tang eepress in wbela skein, - sante a ea, ar 'het a a. +ever • s 1 lal a' ' Ital,v acid other iturepean countees, of aucleets to vetch the team that breen the pooh I" at Ike feetetem, atee teat eende them not t tor tweeze, n too test ooreweely eua or tare; reallY a these linte are already 3 rich ill tainerala arid egriouh. or, instead of, as in ranee, :ng an * enware. It was the nasty= ter the to striver tbe 1:otti Q.life, or se ortemos. But not so. It is good ehe tact thit tbe wont grippe or 'la- stroUy the Emperor is not removable by an greves a the departed; and we have didtresSeS• P.orhaPe YoU louh' strtieg, drere aceottrea.x4ed by those who are nie lout, to Lt*,.1 ' t e from the queen bis reeiderice, Ryde. 800 mine rallevey. The linea are very hz.ve mereey upon axle' mau er women yeti stood mway, tarreio a.c ur tet u er (fus3 I 001 03 /tee te)3herg, and waa received by the govt..; length beirig 3,200 Fiona]; 11.140- t r y Tbe text intimates that God has an that is nervous! At times yell toior, eb.„htio you et.,,Itey, i • - • 44. 1 A g ee, euselipox car typbede. Hue, neve 13:1"nlate ne(1114:illaTiee eitd perpetual Lelone your room. knensis do not awvosyou--------------------------low n ght ten s, Nerertheleeet destite the, alsplreee tr. esmembraees a ell eer griefs, wad !ssame• 1.• on -eel an indeaerib tblelonee weer want to a,eenre you grip "5 all aPPaaranaa , or 30 1",pttltQrY. et in • • P.A;ka,..a,, To r.rstax, re1'rees.ble eoeflice between, Lew reelleh., a slim h ttl • 'loess in Year au ferivese; but God that You ttre not teat alone; and that Boron is:depot-140w e, et; reveae,i .a tle4s witieltHe eatebee and seves our tea'rs. ales; lee counts tee Clod r.eela ; 41444 eompAssiatle- P::ur wveiiing heard in bee; en. YOU t1,. oboe etomone, sole:ado ot , le Tone u gilts ; , • h I sa ail b 'en •=1,04) 445.10.44.41,411, 1 eral. The Queen excepted a boughet Clime, bee ae present only • from the geeeral's littIe daughter. but the French peene53101,15 Coehh3- lit the 1900 Paris Exhibition an ene , China, Atoms tend Tonkin will Beata mous diamorei from Kimberley will 1-11Te2,4414/ raile•l• s'.'"111d11 iU Kreatly ricultural resoureto, Tbe Dutch Ititliee hewed, ,ehe sthas was fourth help to develop their trimeral arid. age s ems hen .Mr.it yotr, our buy bee., vague in toe hegeuzilug, mein- SherllY before the war. It has been are well supplied, java alone has 1,000 the' th 4"4err *semen -se the, aeraeose 0, tee .:1,1.1.ntlateskt ananbei synth, great .glee, hind waved I ale.i 30 wagut4insured 3., for 44E,0to ,00. ol will be 6.1101731 MI:W. There are as yet no radlreads 41s312a3 vat% and the Raiser's Pat- ' mei I tieing to you the eteradolence of iiteregards the acuteness to pa II 1 'l Chti-l""a tItlitIll1W.Ilt. 114t W 4 :leg. While y,,npudr out, the fartliciner !Ls cap from thr tem:- on This is the "Bu. to ani Ltept to desoribe tile in a showcase guarded by four pollees in Persia of 313) consequennet but b"t); o'lverne laea,!nritY iee eitet eilet'aer t Ilk of halnan grieCs wttoa WO hnve Ifrom tee bonen wed nem, tee eropn prlasef tl•alserreb ?rue. intitlieougitin 41;.tiltillicire e,•arieui and ea.pr.c.iags nyinthoms oz men. At night the showcase will eirtif Turkey eperates 1,5t0 1433105 1.21 AS5:4* -'als no: distut bed t): tenure of pewe r but to /*Jolt out and bebol4 the large Ged counts 4ii your iall.og tears. As 0 et' let glip aueeoe v. uoteloel literature, into the grounti in the 83410 way as, and ow loom more are in eenetrute of anY of bin rerreeeetnetsves "irt the , eet presperlty. al I of men You look ai the viztis :Mee with motZehl fa"ol..t."4until usury. urop df p. p .1, p ae.teg wawa, be to atteu.pi, Cunt, in widch the Regent is kept at ; Lion or projected. I The Russian commissiott which U.'S tr,linistretielle reittie 41 intlepen*Seetee ', feeVe no cares sate tZet•ittiihude;5may safe: ,itior!useisus draughte, aud at the bottles blooll ut tit., baar:. tingled with. ghee- ea, 1,pe, e.ele. otenetonee it stints tile Lenore• dietasteful tonic -alit ntand on the n'S3* auil Yon 1 llank:04 (40't Nvit, .1 wi 11 a 041 1,..4; atta9k..and..s?rde.titn%.13 Information butt been received tbat montIne Past has ' a ratletrol from Astra t an up e been busy with Om ., one of the army reserviste from Crewe ' Pr° Fa 1 h th Rte. r Inaries for the ronstructiou of remember that there is , thrill of reeture; and you Loon i leo a- wi.it 11 ne ona.peettiene that to irerk the inereeeet in the German Lee- y inCe7.41 tbein lereets aeoumalatiens. ewes, vire. rll timee iis tho p iet two et tTssy in the eity m3milOnS and melon I around, to flume as to eay: "1Vho ine now er eeer dere \viol tee 131.4) 1 14 A LARGER LorrLe . three 7.,•ars tho Kehler sae ;he Reale. : Lan cabin, Joy amens tee lumber- , th•tn these wh eh is Mott with no lles cup with gin!? 'What blast . i &tenet out that light? Wile filled ell ser,e Q., „ones e„e vesswee. Due at Orange River has been court -rear- . ;Lure are three Aaron+ Whoir are noie- tialled. It appears that the CroWe 1 pfau is to Illy i er Volga hoe completed its Inhere. The the traek on the left g7ent• nitnintrate. 33(1 projeets ort wieteh ' the water- .3sW atueng the ezeigrauts, ' it is God's bottle, in which Ve IL% giA,A, " SOU% t cit you liana los; your earents , , __„,,,,,„ ee„,,,,,,,,„„h eeeee,e,„, „au. o allenhe a afoot:stint for the pees- I with the general Russieu railway eyes 7•-i'Llir,lh'112r-L,I.a ,lise,.ittrvio,‘„.u.ti,t,truir:, 4.14,,ith, moan wasdon serithY, au:t. in the darlt. , &tore of the Voir* and to connect stag- have stets;1 on opettilite nideS of i. Men, as tliey tilioYe tkoir rafts into ; tuentlitts be.' cart:lily apisth asat h t. ' fro**. up these fountains of the heart!" . . ., i • e Alasi' "U'ull• f3" remembers all the sore prayers for you are ended. You tunnel deposenen, eollowea by exe,tee 11'a arm Pistakea for au 011011Y and ; Wilmot importance for the wholeeorat tern. This railroatt will betoree of the Ille had ket /1'es heart wine thus utoeued," 1-ar WU upon 1.140 vast prairie. , , . kag4 arid 41 ternatives of Phnelaal arid word. lbe sergettat, not reepatolieg.1 '4", 1., • A joy thered our tears. i within tit 1 st t v 1 e um the Tbeir taloa up their picture, and try to rail nem. tbat 1,4te.r ro4Ohd$ terlir.um • Foe- shot arta wounded in several platenlmerce a Russia with Central. Asia end. eerstet,Alle5 only temporarily. nin Y a rows co poverty. There is much went T seueb h • gained di. v.o.ory irea. e- the world, hes ita pangs, and pow, willies that net er eyelets inepectiou. The ly tea 00310 of taese coutests, it was L alsealit there are beture ute then,: dame ns of the elaurch never 003 it Utbnally through ass intelligent use et darknesies of soul that need to be The cemptrollers ol almiteuses neve; oe f,,s,p ire, it. It conies not to eburole or eendezeous 04,eurieuar outside of tee liften. etaed In the preen:ice empire, as where the Sp quell war arid are about to Ineak under aobcapsvnooatP4Purrolirilatehaparel. it makes to su ter thanleeP,Z4)01:et rtIst)01)3PtS13.ranthar the canfint in Smith retrica. centoramet the assault a toelata.c.tee, and., ver- b. • if no words appropriate to Fathers who tail to gain a dvetrihoecsel, beck tire Otndness Lima ouee oo se oaurtta feipo•oeuita tihnosseucould, wrinkled EaceSt ,t",ejellit:tzt2e:Ieli,`i/I:tee3,41:10,i'l.e1)011:aututhet'i5rYoprit't,:tisciri:111.0.01?Llifru.- yoe:, the traehee, the brunched tubas A TREMULOUS VOICE; and you say it is a good picture, but ?-a'rl, slat lunge it. Wan saread all the %elate you feet tha.t, afteo all 'neon, darou-gli. them ; th.rdly, the it class not do Justice; enn yeti would (41'.""Y*5 .1-0"11., sometimes aneessorn, • . more troeueat and, mure tenacious tea a reluctant Renee -dog to pass his ' sohthat they and their children sub- give anima anytaang-you 15 III nava 4 . e o 1 ham u.A. an- mit. to conetasit privetiero staVingewoe the sea, you wntied weak the narth and routing ere= ennple gastric; trou- tha.n peepla commonly believe it to be, 1 ell On f nee . their ease be uttered to -day, they per - once said be had. devised a plan vehereby he could overeceme all borne opposition to his plans without creatirg any trouble .or limeelf. "My eubjeets and I," said Frederick pressing straight to the mar , in hot garret, eods angels sa. mercy you as a vessel raid -sea oleos to a are on 0 he watch. Th:s moment those the, Great, " base entered bite acorn - earning craft, "$131, ahoy!" and in- thrhe.e ere being colnoted. Down on tate pm on board a vessel velliall bas tbe back sereets, on all the alleys, put by which I allow them to eesy any- - e . . , for tumid shaoties and log cabins, the OM. far ever. (mete who oannot ply the needle t unit over -to hear Just one t ble tet the motet intense enstro-intes- 1 COIE ON NO FOOL'S .ERRAND. euough to earn them eheiter I and bread. But tvhather reported, or un- those lies that a few mouths ago tiehl raaniieenttionse Put u.pen your wounds no salve compleiitin whet') in used to °ail you by your first ompounded by bateau quachery, but cone 0 , , sg'' , . t rouse parlor or damp cellar. or ' or seemingly nainee.„ though so long you your- .. ,,.Ineostvilelelelauuitent, tishowttritoZattiOdie00..t. se e nave boon a parent. Now, you rt:.ical, the forma themselvea belaug to • have done your htsst to bide YcnIr three pertioular states; the card:40 grief. Yor enitle when you do not feel like it. But, theugh you may deceive. 24..;r11114.rwomu.baleisw,hioejar ex,nlitl'istYbiy°dtlittlileYmsP41:1111vTs°111.4; tbe world, God knows. He looks down au organ alreado prodenesed; urtual, upon the empty cradle, upon the (lotto sensorial and. outeneous trou.bles, aa- lated nursery, upou the stricken bOrae, ealalpazied by a lover that may main - and upon the Lroken heart, and says; "Thie is the way 1 thresh the wheat; ifses et, 3,14 sotortLeciftbleaaptriteeb:. oTrivi.ver, shfottrveenigt this is the way I scour my jewels I tell the recesses ol the organism. at its Oast thy burden on my artn, and Iwill dienosal, may be mild in one case and sustain you. All these tears 1 bave nangerous in another. it attacks ev- gathered in my bottle I" ,Thet what Is the use a haveng so many tears in God's lachrymatory? In that good. caeket or vase, why doee God preserve all your troubles? Through all the ages a eternity, thing they want and allow myeelt to do anything want." The preeent heed of the Gerinain elate contrtvea to areoreplish bis pu,rposes almost se saris as his Pressien progenitor did 30011-11107 and a quarter ago. Never- cost, and other p p out her boat You sea a man from the most infara- beds ous surroundings stop out into the main Parliament has developed an t.laZ rreesitie;hol3fputitise ocItstil•nessed, and thetern the popular branch of thel Ger- independence in recent years which brougt.t Elafely to the beach. In this 86 adreds a the drowning has she kilrligntern doirGet ing plir.ovideentiacis rewcacirvneidngno Lie has heard no faith for a ru e,r, sails, and Christ for Captain, and wprIr gees on. Tears Of want-seeth- Heaven for an eternal harbour. Cath- Lag in suranaer's ;mat or ireezing in a winter's o; -they erin Itheinfedt, a Prussian. keeps fall not unheeded, heal with winch she rescues the TheY are pledges of D:vine sympathy, drowning. Wben a storm conies on the ' .Again: tbe Lord preserves the re- ' th ir membranes of all paternal anxieties. must in the uear future, despite the lite-boa.t of the osetel_Iput oubt nog - brought him to this new mied? Vale regir 1 in wbich the btu -a of lichemzol- 1".• "Ping.' by God's ljart to r is the secret: God looked over the bot - ashore at least one sou a may now • ' tle in which he gathers the tears of t t'on tern is held, to.aterially enrarge the powers of the legisloAirre and. dim- inish those of the crown. CONSUMPTION. ••••••••Mi at May Re Prevented 10 These flutes Ara Adnercd In view- a the increasing number of Oeople afflicted -with consu,m.ption, the Board of Health of Colorado has issu- ed a set of rules showing how con- sumption may be prevented. Colorado appears to be getting alarmed over the number of tuberculosis patients who are bastening to the breezy heights of that region to alleviate their affliction. The death rate from consumption in Colorado is markedly on the increase, so much so as to in- cite the health officials to take strin- gent measures. The promulgated rules are nbt to be taken as a erase& against con- sumptives, with whom, they state, any peeson may assoolate as freely as if bemoans his rejection of God's merey, they are well if only the ordinary and °rice amid the laceratioas of DM preCaUtiOna are taken. Three sources aroused conscience for help out of his be enflame e 11UtOW,, UJ. and trouble. The tears that were once inn People, and He saw a parental tear to that bottle which has been for for - caught in the lacyrymatories brought unanswered. He said "Go to, up from Herculaneum and Pompeii are t'Y Ysar3 as = now; and let me answer that tear I" all gone,. and the bottle is as dry and forthwith the wanderer is brought the seam of the volcano that sub - home to God. 0 this work training metrged them; but not so with the children for God! It is a tremendous bottle ie. which God gathers all our woo k. k Some people think it easy. tears. God keeps per_ They have never tried it, .A, child is First, I remark that p aced in the arms of the young per- petually the tears of repentence. hilany a. man has awakened in the morning ant - look into the laughing eyes'. You ex - It is a beantiful plaything. You so wretched from the night's debanch amine the dimples in the cheeks. You that he has sobbed and wept. Pains wonder at its exquisite organism. in the head, itching In the eyes, sick at heart, and unfit to step into the BEAUTIFUL PLAYTHING! light. He grieves, not about his nue- But oa (hat nightfall, as you sit • doing, but only about its consequences. root- 7aLtltig inat little one, a voice seems God mukee no record of such weep- t ing. Of all the million tears that straight from the throne of God, "That child is immortal! have gushed as the result of snail e .s .u.,rs shall die, but that is an im- misdemeanour, not one ever got into Sans shall grow old with God's bottle. They dried on the fee- m°rLal • tge and perish, but that is an iraraor- ered cheek, or were dashed down by all" the bloated hand, or fell into the red tifo ter. know that vvith many of you wine con as it Calra0 again to the lips, foaming with still worse indioa- 8 18 he °lief anzietY. You. earnest - Hon. Rot when a man is sorry for his hY'—%itrrt your children to grow up past and tries to do better -when he rthlg bur you find it hard to make em do as you wish. You check meanie his wasted advantages and their temeer. You correct their Wayw-ardness ; the midnight your pillow is wet with weeping, You - have wrestled with God in agony for the ealvatiosa of your children. You ask me if all that anxiety has been ineffectual. I answer, Vo. God un- derstands your heart. He under- stands how hard you have tried to 'make that daughter do right, though she is so very petulant and reckless; and. what pains yeti have bestowed in teaching that San to walk in the paths of uprightness, though he has sueh strong proclivities for dissipa- tion. I speak a cheering word. God heard every counsel you ever offered him. God has known all dm sleep, - less nights you have ever paseede God bas seen every sinking of your dis- tressed Writ. God remembers your prayers. He keeps eternal record of your toaxieties ; and in his leettry- rnatory, not such as stood in anelent Loran- hut on one that ginwe and gli teem beside the tlaeone of. God, he holds all those exhauSting tears. The groes may be rank upon your graves, and the letters upon your torab- stone defaced with the elements be- fore the Divine eesponse will come; but He who 13. 0.13 declared, "I will be at God to thee, and to thy seed after thee,' will net forget ; abd, sonike day, ia heaven, while yea aee eariging the fields of light, the gates of pearl will swing back, and garlanded with glory', that long wayward one wi in - o1 da,nger are pointed oat as being most harmful, expectoration, millr. and meat. The rules with. regard to. expere toration are known to every one. In- fected milk is mad& safe by boiling or heisting to 170 clegreess F. for 30min- utes. Tuberculosed meat has to be left to the vigilance of the Health Offi- cer. Among the rules for cotsurnptiv-es are scene advising the patient to carry readily destroya.ble pooket spit cups, which may he bttrned when necessary. Fresh air euitlight and weekly fectien of' the eickroons are commend- ed. For those who are predisposed to the cliseese it is said that consump- tion is almost never hereditary, but is acquired by careless a.sseciatioo. with tho,ee afflieted with the disease. Liv- ing in the open air and "roughing it" as much as possible is advised. TIIE WORLD'S LANGUAGE. Germ= autherity estimates that almost a third of hoimanity speak the Chinese language, that the Hindu language is spoken by more than 10,- 0:0,000,, the Rueelen by 804000,000, while tile Gentian ie spoicen by 57,4100,0110 tongthei and the Spanish by 48,4100,1100, terrible predicament, then 1 tens; then heaven bows down; then sceptres of pardon are extended item tbe throne; then his crying rends the heart od heavenly compassion ; then his tears are caught in God's bottle. You. know the story of P.ara,dise and the Peri. I think it might be put to bagher adaptations. An angel. state from the throne of God to fd what thing it can on earth worthy of being carried baok to heaven. It goes dewn through tbe gold and silvee mites of earth, but finds nothing worthy of transportation to the Celestial City. It goes down throtigh the depths of tbe sea, where the pearls lie, and finds nothing worthy of taking beek to heaven. But coming to the foot of a m.ountain it sees A WANDERER 'WEEPING' OOTOr his evil ways. The tears of the prodigal seart, but do not fan to the granted, for the angel's wIng catches them, and with that treasure speeds back to heaven. God Sees the angel conaieg, and sari, " behiold the bright- est gem of earth, and the brightest jewel or heaven -the tear of sinner's repentance,'" 014 1 when X see the Heavenly Sliep.. herd bringing a lamb trona the wil- derness; when I beer the quick tread 01 tile prodigal hastening home eny organ and. penents itself in all sorts oi forms. Nevertheless, it has its own peoullar mark, its own. seal whieh ensalbles the medical man to re- cognize it in spite of all its, iantastic dieguises. intections, it goes what use a a great collection of etraight for the prechsposed organ. tears? I de not not know' that they Moreover, the grip is es.sentially epi - will be kept there for ever, I dot not aerate and contagious, but in most know but that in some distant age of canes it is heaven an angel of God meet look into the bottle and find it as empty of tears as the lachrymals of earthen - were dug up' from the ancient city. Where have the tears gone to? What oprite of hell bath been invading God's palace, and hath robbed the lachrymatonest None. These were sanctified sorrow-, and those tears were changed into pearls that are now set in the crowns and robes of the ransomed. I walk up to examine this heavenly coronet, gleaming brighter than tbe sun, and cry, "Fiera what riverdepths of heaven were these gems gathered?' and a thou,sand voices reply, "These are transmuted tears from God's bottle." I see sceptres of light stretched down from tha throne of those who on earth were trod on of men; and in every sceptre -point, and inlaid in EVERY molly STAIR of golden throne, I behold an, in- describable richness and lustre, and cry, "From whence this streaming light-thete flashing pearls?" and. the voices of the, elders before the throne, and of the martyrs under the altar, and of the hundred and forty and four thousampl radiant on the glassy mea, exclaim, "Transmuted tears from God's bottle. Let the ages of heaven roll on -the story of earth's pomp and pride long ago ended; the Koh-i-noor diamonde that made kings proud, the precious stones that adorned Persian tiara and flamed its the robes of Babylonian processions, forgotten; the Golconda mines charred in the last conflagra- tion; but firm as the everlasting hills, and pure as tbe light that streame from the throne, and bright as the river that flows from , the eternal rock shall gleam, shall sparkle, shall flame for ever these transmuted tears of God's bottle." Mea,nwhile, let the empty laeltry- mat ory of heaven stand for ever. Let 110 band touchit. Let no wing strike it Let no collision crack it. Purer Unit' beryl or chrysoprasus, Let it stand on the, step of Je,hovah's throne and under the arch of fhle un - fading rainbow. Passing down the corridore of the palac,e, the redeemed of earth bhall glanee at it, and( think of all the earthly troubles trona which they were ,delivered, and say, each to each, "That is what we heard oc on caiLit." "That is what the 'Psalmist 1N0T A VBRY SERIOUS DISEASE, if the patient -is prudent and the doc- tor vigilent." Dr. L. Caze introdu.cas us to flee mic- robe of the grip.. "The grip, or in- fluenza," he says, "is due to 44; itnaild- ering microbe, which, like that of the e,holera, travels on land and sea. In November lest this redoubtable insect was in Turkey, where its presence was noted seientifieally. It travelled along th,e great lines of commerce and, arrived at several points of the Old and New World. It was Prof. Robert Pfei.fer, of Berlin, wno diecovered the beelines in 1811, arid since then it is kept in reserve in laboratory cul- tures, like its relatives of tuberculos- is typkus, malaria, hydrophobia and yellow fever. The microbe eaters the haman system through th•e nese and /nautili. The germ in form looks A eittle like an egg, and in tble centre of tins is the protoplesm, which can be compared to the yolk of an egg. Onoe in the, human body, the bacillus settles dow,n to hueiness and spreads abroad the liquid poleon wthich causes influenza. It is not the gerro which produces the malady, but the toot.° matter which emanates from it. "The haoillus of the influenza hass neither legs nor wings, end, although It can't move along of its own accoed, it is oonstantls travelling. How does it travel 1 it attaches itself to mov- ing bodies oS all kinds. Certainly the germ may sorrtetimes be oarried along in the wand, but in most cases it reach- es the heetaan bob' by oontagion. Once installed there, it increases and mul- tiplies enormously and in a very short time." menthe' imprisonment, but the gen- to six Peasia-the raore so beeause, at thrt The Crowe fuo.n was sentenced otebecbspineay metimen,th;Voso Volga l ohIr tinfeelptehatlato rotig release, oral, od h n hearing the facts ordereis The following little story is told by Mr. Frederick Troves In a letter he isae sent to the British niedical Soler - n1, detailing tbe "battle of Colensoz "An orderly wau bringing SOMO wee tor to a woutubed man lying on the ground near barn. Ile WM shot throagh the abdomen, and he could hardly speak, caving to the clryness at his mouth, but he said. "Take it to my pal first; be is Worse hit than nue' This generous lad died neXt morning, but his poi got through end is doing well." An officer whose son is at the front sends us an extract from his boy's letter desoribing the battle of Colons°. 71 coucluded svith an ac- count of the bringing in of the wound- ed :-"One little drummer boy, a mere ohild, certainly not more than tour - teen years old, bad hes left arm, shat- tered by a shell splint. There he sat on the ambulance waggon eating a biscuit, which he hold in his other ttud unhurt band. My heart went out to the brave child, and I handed him halt a crown. He said, 'Thank you, sir, very much; but would you mind putting it in my pocket, as I m.ustnet let go my biscuit, you know.'" Here is a good Buller tale. The PINE TREES AS DISINFECTANTS. Pint teeee are asserted to be a sure safeguard against /natty of the preval- ent epidenlic diseases, It has been found in America that wherever un- healthy districts have been planted with pine plantations the low- fever h,a,s le.ft, them., and when. cholera was raging those districts which wet% largely planted with ,conifers were perfeetly free from the epidemic. They are, if passible, more valta,ble agents against fever and lung com- plaints than even the eucalyptus, and have the great advantage of growing admirably in our climate. general was once coming down the Nile with Lord Charges Beresford, and a sharp discussion arose as to which chamiel should be taken at the first cataract. The soldier advised one anti the sailor another; but Buller got his way; and the boat went through in perfect safety. "Von see, I was right," said; Sir Redvers, to which Lord Charles quietly replied, "I knew it wee the right one myself, but I re- commended the other because I knew You would oppose ,w-hatever I said." The British soldiers now in South Africa are tabulated denominationally by the War Office as r ()news re-Atrign- cans, 147.980; Roman Catholics, 39,860; Presbyterians, 15,773; Methodists, 11, - eget other Protestant, bodies, 2,266. It will, no doubt, be of interest to friende a the late Generel Wauchope to Learn that his eharger, Lady Mayor- ess; from which be was shot at the battle bI Magersfontein, has been brought back to England in the trans - poet Montfort. The deceased general expressed a dying wish that this shortie' be done, and his faithful man, jobson,, carried out the instructions most satisfactorily, the beautiful mare having arrived in mos1 perfect con- dition. • The abuee of the white flag by the Beers was indignantly discussed by enable steamers to proosed dirtl7 to Astrakhan without being compello ed to reload on flat-hottamed lighter.% DEATH OF A STRANGE DIAN. For thirty years Nathan. S. Reed hall been. an inmate a Ithe Branch County poor -house, and every day he has been pvaying for death. Be was born it New York eighty-three years ago of parents who hen smell affeetion for hint and -when a metre cbild be out adrift from home, end went to live with a. neighbour. At the age of ten. he had grown a full beard and Wan ilrequently mistaken for a mail et twenty. His physique was largo and commanding At the age of eleven he was =edited with being the best <lanc- er in the neighbowthood. A year late or he won the hand of a neighbours daughter and married her in defiant* of her parents. The irate father -be- low kidnapped. the wife on her wed- ding day, and Reed did. not see her again for years, and thee, he was the wife of another. Ttvo years later, when he was four- teen, Reed married another girl of his native town, with the consent of her parente. After the wedding ceremony he started to take his bride home in a buggy, but on the way the horse be- came frightened, the buggy twos over - tamed, and the bride of two hours was thrown out and killed instantly, In a few. weeks he married again, but - his .wife did not meet his expeobations. He put her away on his own ipse dixit, and took another. The fourth wife Vraa a terraagent, and he left her. Tben he married three more women in rapid • succeesioaa. He was not yet 20 yenrs old, but be had been the husband of seven wives. When be tried to put away the last one, she xebelled, and, filing information against him, had him talken into ecnert and sent to pan - son. He got out of prilion, and liv- ed a moderately respectable life, but he was the victim a simstooke and the results were that he became a phy- sical wreck. Far many years he worked about the _livery stables of the village and in that otscupation became widely: known to the commercial travellers at 'Uncle Nate." Thirty years ago he be- came entirely incapacitated and was committed to the county house, where he lived for Orme decades, every night, praying God for death. It came un- expectedly after his regular morning devotions a few days ago. several Conna,uhtt Rangers, at the close of a eecent engagement. "It's maxat pity to mind their WhI0.O rags," Attic' Patoielc Murphy. " It is in one -lense," replied Michttel O'Brien, " but Iles the rule iv civilized warfare whin you sees the white flag you Must stop tire, and be the same token, 311013, you weren't too quick to recogMze the same." " Ah, yis, Pat,' replied 8.0141, " but didn't you krlOW that Iwas colour blind. Yes, mum, my "uslaing's gut killed fightin' 'Kruger. But, there I've 'acl £6 from the Patriotic Fund, and ;ell froart the Ikaperiia,1 War Fund; and the Daily Telegraph Fund gives; me E15 a year for life, and invested 4,50 for my child. Then the Patriotic Fund gives me 5e. a week, until I mar- ries again, and is. gd. a week for the child. So 1 ain't last anythink.” A rapt. WORDS 0111EN MISPRONOUNCED. The values of a4.1 the syllables the following words are equal.: , Bscritoire-Es-kree-tsvar. Chiffonier-LShee-fun-y,ay. eardihiernanhahr--deen-yalo Champe Elysees-Shong-zay-lee-zay. Madane-Ma-dam. Both ." a's" as in "hat ;" not " Meh-daline," Coup d-etat-Co-day-tah,. C.am.embert-Ka-mong-bair. First "a' as 111 " hat." Kleber-Klay-bair. Faux pas-Fo-pah. Sans gene-Seag-zhen, Quartier Latin-Kart-yay La -Lang. First, third and last " a's '',as in "hate" second "a" ilS in " cake," ' -Ben jour---l3png zhoor. Mousseli ne 'de sole -Meek -leen (Wit swab.