HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-22, Page 1TWENTY-SEVENTH YEA.R NO. 30.
SpecialthisWeek •
20n, TIN "GOLDEN This Week s
Reofict Tf-1.5 LIST Of113,E0FULIA-..etionok
%Thins -mow
The correct colors in these for this tttIMMIMMIMM?"
season are Blue, Pink, Heliotrope,"
.in up and down strines, also in
very loud stripes across the front.
We have just received a
shipment of these to sell as 5011
IOW as
..91Zen' 8and2oys
We have just unpacked a large
:shipment of Ready-to-wear Clothing
from one of the best makers. We
aro prepared to guarantee the fit Imp*
and quality of every suit, and have
made the prices to suit every pocket.
MEN'S SUITS -In Serge or
Tweed at $4 49.
BOYS' SUITS -In Serge or
Tweed, at $i .69.
1608 and Cap8
Our spring stock of Hats and Caps
has just arrived, which includes the
latest and most correct styles for
this season. Ask to see
The New Dress Hat,
" " Fedora,
" Golf Cap, 250.
We have just added to our stock
some very Special Lines at very low
See our Leader at 49c1
We carry a very full range of the
celebrated D. & A. Corset.
Childrenis and Xadies' Shoes
We are showing a special line in
the above in Kangora, guaranteed
waterproof. Ask to see them. 4
Wool Manket8.
Three pair of Pure Wool BI
ts, which must be cleaned out.
2 pa.ir, reg. $3.5o, to clear $2.7
" ri 340, 2.25
yymmirtylfmnrm FRESH AND CLEAN.
Mixed Paints; guaranteed for inside
and outside work.
We keep a full range of colors. We
have the new colors for this year.
We are also agents for ROBERT-
SON' Pure Mixed Paints: full meas-
ure. Pure Lead and Oil.
and other
Red and Alsike Clover Timothy,
etc. Perfectly clean.
a e ,,aaver:ta-4 Loma aimara.424220•0•0,..... lamassnimommoorSillomanw.se
Be sure and see the new one,
Washitig Machines
. Take one on trial. Pay for it if
at old prices. satisfactory.
8..t. Marys
Bnigns.---,A. Ala/melt, of Exeter,
Was in town last week,--Lt.-Col.White
received two boxes ef cigars on Tues.-
day- to be seat to our two St. Marys
boYs. Messrs. Graham and Peed. in
South Africa, The senders were Wm,
Mate with Garrote lie Prondfootl Sarriste
ta Solicitor, Notary Pablie. Kemal), Ont.
s. Sellery, a, D. D. S.,Honor Grade-
s •;;01:tofdToftoirtiatianiarsity, Dntiste. Teeth
Moselay.eounneneing Slava/tin
e*' IhliretaleralitCriejisistgeegteld
Graham, of the Royol Hotel, and Jas
aloha of the ()Rice Hotels -P. Sfoi
Ileums% paid the town a visit Wedne
day.* --II. Fred Sharp, $t. Marys, ha
'received intelligence of the death *
Is brother Edward at Seattle, Wash
Deceased was about 00 years of ag
and liyed in, $t. Marys some thirty -Re
years ago. His family live at INTood
stock, where he eerried ou besinese be
fore going west. Mr. Sharp. who het
an office under the T.:. 8. Governmen
had just returned from the Klondik
to Seattle when his death occurred.
DraVnil Oa MKS. FJP.0 --Mrs. Fife
relict et the late Jobe Fife, died o
Monday at an IldvanCed age. after a
brief ilness. She was One a the oldest
residents a this section.
BilIKFS.- On Wednesday evening
last the residence a Mr. end Mrs
Robert Cann was the scene a a very
pleaeasat event, belog the marriage of
their eldest daughter, Miss Mary, to
George Kerslake, a the north bound-
ary, Vsborne, The ceremony was
witnessed by a. large number of the
relatives and frieuds, who join in wish.
ing them a loug and happy life.-Robt
Eilerington has gone on a trip to
Woodstock, where lie intends to spend
some time visiting frends. - Airs.
Charles Cann presented her husband
with, a. bouncing baby girl on the 10th
0. J. Sutberland, Natapy Conveer
arieer, commissioner, 'Fire Insurance agent
and Issurer of Marringelacenses. Legal dace
mento earendly drawn at reasonable rates
Money. to loan an real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Ofileett the Pest office. geasall.
f in seetthInicta„ ire% aCIT. 4.1 t fArirei, gT.;
or i: ZiIiu e giveu for a% throe bwidin, contracts.
material, Rob!. Patterson. ,jr.,
- B.RINFS.-OharIes Gilchrist luta ee
d mired a eituation as a baker b Guelph.
t, -Mrs Snaallacembe is visitiug her
O daughter in Oakeille.---J F E Berry is
recovering from his attack of typhoid
fever. --Ike Buchauan left last week
for the West. Ills sister joined him in
Toranto.-McGavin Bros, of Leas/bury,
. have disposed of McBean for a bawl12s
Baturs,-Win Harris left for th
Northwest on Monday, the balance
of the family Ieft the day following.
They will be greatly missed, as they
all took a very prominent part in the
Sunday school and League. --Wm
Smith has been engaged for the sum-
mer with .A.rnistratig, of Usborne.
Will is a good boy and will give setts-
faetion.- janoes Ford passed Sunday
Afternoon at Samuel Stanlake's,-A.
McCallum and wife. of Toronto, are
the guests of Wm Ching. -Mrs Duns -
ford and Mrs S Stanlake passed Sun-
day with Urs Atkinson, of Dashwood.
-Wm England, of Crediton East, was
seen us this vicinity on Sunday. Eng-
land is always endeavoring to make a
conquests -The young people held a
dance ab John Ford's last Wednesdasr
evening, AU report having a goo
time. -George and Henry Sinith hay
succeeded in capturing 40 skanks thi
winter. They say ten more will be th
,1 Fine Ass,.rtmee
CJIANGV Great slaughteriag
boot and sheesale for se days. We 'lave bengbt
the manunotbsteek ef booteaea shoes ef
Kibler at a low rate an the dollar. this places lm
in a position to seil all kinds of foot -wear at
Prices never iLlIOW11 in Zerieb. NOWA few of
the many bre-gat,s. we are offering :Z.' pair
men s shoes regular price 4?e to St 1.943;
52 pair rine wortierns slaws srzes 2e to 4 reennar
2.5O to $3.50 now $1.00; 3G pair woweine toe
slippers .4 Oxford ties sizes 2a to 4, regular,
prree $z to $2.2now Vets...438'34,1r boys and
gates' wearinntslioeareg $1.2a to 09. now. 5fle
cow Vie, a full line cif Kip and counnort beets
to el.p0 ;35 pan- rbildree'e eaens regeee
at a sitan, else a, fall line ef mean. wortionsand
ebildrensrubbers„ all ohm -goads at alling re -A
ilnetion to cash buyers. Verne Mao coalman anti
tilia P. Wailer ec, Co.. eel awed,
seen re bergoias while the snare last. Yours
tr, •
P. S. Watch our north wialow daily forsnaps.
2,-Ineell, Ward; rent, U.
,Rnmrs.--John rester met wttlx o,
serious runaway on Monday everting.
He was returning from Hensall and
had got oyer half way when the borses
beeeme unmanageable. Mr Foster
was pulled out a the sleigh and was FRESH GROOEIIIES
pickea up insensible. We hear that
Arriving Always
4 nr,XIK
some figure to Messrs Moore & Harvey, he° )5 (10Ing 1)5 well as could be expect-
te the west, le tine 01. time weehs, haye one.of his horees break a leg 1....
Regina, who intend to ship tile horse ed.- Hy Magel had the misfortune to
The horse was formerly owned by FFulay night. He ha.s also sold tine of
Berry & Geiger. - We had suushine, his bones, -"Buckskin Sam," for a
rain, hail and snow within an hour on good ligure.-News reaches usof the i
Monday. Suds, a variety of weather death of Daniel Zeller, a former reSi- r
would be hard to beat in any clime, dAenchta.linegree.lblaust Itaatkeell; opfiaPeeigienono,ultir iucubr.;
sllbfreeKbilu)lseifilisitss tiloispisaBseeclmialrhr; ehochot awrele
family to Alanitoba. His recent visit,
farm stock on the 2Ith. and leaves his
bear that 7,kfr Kibler intends leaving '
to the prairie province 60 impressed our village some time in the future.
him with stlie many advantages that Ile viall be grentIST rois-sed by his manv
.entry possessed, he lost little time friends, ae he has proved himself to be
Iti no liptife ppairdi nt egrs of our, jhri.s, ti niu tins iwg reaeut i opnti. a antahbei etenittbi teruaii-eNhetusveirt vliat.setsaeur ea ally!! ,
$10 freight on ti• carload of hendock RMilza tr,f4asvon,,s
is.r aitrkptlovTenist.vimsiltsistigAarstullie.
lumber from Bracebridge. This seeres
an exorbitnut charge. --j. E. MeDonell Brenner is a/so visiting relatives. -
has returned front his visit in Toronto. Rbeblbold Heideman, who lets been ,
.-w. R, goagins wee in Exeter on working in Minnesota for some time„ ,
e parental roof, --Noah Sur-
Friday.--Bunding opoeitions will be is under th
quiet in the village thie year, but a aras has moved, to Peter Lamont's
tew new buildings will go up this sum- farm. on the ittli con. -Dr Grey and
mer; in the surrounding country. Prof liarrY Wilson are VH
ying nightlY ,
Donald McKinnon will build a cprerwrodernadatzuse
iocesis.oOreb's peva all to
!sleek two-storey residence 30 x 34 feet o
Farm Produce for which
highest prices will be pai&
oRms,"1•••• mi•la
Bit esa-Ge Wednesday las wex.
Woolen and Miss Jennie Barbour.
slaughter of James Barbour, west of
Stalfa, were joined in wedlock by Rev.
Mr. Doherty, of Ilensall.-Ou Friday
• evening next? a bens fit coucert will be
given in Staifa for Mr. Jeffeey, whose
house with its coutente was recently
• totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Jeffery
• has beeo very unforturiate, having had
his leg broken on two cecasions.---Miss
Susie McLaren, is at. present visiting
friends in North Easthope. -- Mrs.
1.1enitt. wife of our teacher bas been
Evriously ill for the past few days lint
, we are gladto know that there is quite
a change for the batten -Duncan. Me -
Kellar 1139 movetl iuto his new !lousy.
-Donald MeKellar. of Tuekersanith, is
oving onto tile fain 1)urella5e4
ram his consin,D. McKellar, adjoining
titI' village. --0. Hamilton Wire home
again Saturday and Sunday. Ile is
travelling in this western seethes for a.
Boot & Shoe bouse of Toronto. --A.
McLaehlan and Edgar ,Allen drove to
Parkhill Saturday to spend Sunday
with friende. They mine home Mon-
with slate roof, while Isaac jarrot wilt
also erect, a brick two-storey house
28 x 32. Both of these will be fine
buildings,- Dan McKenzie was the
guest of his friend, Alex. Murdock on
Monday. -Miss Lou Moir on Tuesday
eoinmenced a series of pinaw and violin
lessons with a professor in London.
She will visit the city every Tuesday.
-Mr, Kerslake and sisters, or Exeter,
visited at IL Rundle's on Vonday even-
ing. -Mr. Nichols is engaged drawing
ice to Exetee.--Mr, Burke, of Brant-
ford has beeu engassed as clerk by the
R. Pickard Co. to succeed Mr. Hender,
, who has gone to Toronto. -Ross Bros,
" have disposed of another a their
o stallions, "Lord Lyon," to C. Brock, of
Kincardine, for n. good sum.- John
Norris and wife, who spent the past
week visiting friends here, left on Mon-
day to visit friends in Walkerton,prior
to their leaving for their new home in
British Columbia.- AlcAx Buchanan,
0 father of Dr. Buchanan, of Zurich, is
very ill at his home in this village. -
s The receipts of the patriotie concert
last week amounted to over $60. This
r burg. has done its share toward the
atriotie fund. -T. J. Berry, has sold
is Canadian bred stallion to Mr. Cougli Bale= cannot be surpassed.
Edmunds, of Chatham, for the hand- ,Bold by C. Lutz.
sorue sum of $400. This colt is coming Miss Lena Madge, of Vsborne, is
four years old. -A farmer's team ran ill
with diphtheria.
away on Friday from the stilt block,
drawing it load of cedar posts. Turn-
inn- at the hotel corner they threw the
Bames.-Butter is now quoted at 2
to 22 cents. It is the dearest commoa
ity on the market these days. Egg
are it cent a piece so that people cat
eat two at it time now. - John Tue
and his sister left last week to reside
gertgrtgaiimentareinn Manitobo,..-11,11a. Win
seriously tll this week.
She has been a great sufferer for years
and isgetting gradually worse. --Misses
• C.1111 -11.1'1.1S -Barrel and Rocker. Detwiller, who have been visiting their
mother for the winter, have returned
to Jamestown, N. Y. Their brother,
Alexander. and his bride left this week
for Manitoba. -Mrs Win Clegg died
Saturday morning. after a long and
painful illness, having been for a. good
OK A H. Bishop eLR Son.
BRTEFS.-T Reid severed his con-
nection with the post -office store last
week. He intends leaving for the
West. -T Wiley is laid up with a sore
'back. -Frank Keyes is on the sick list.
-On Tu,esday evening of the past week
;the members and adherents of the
Goshen appointment drove out to the
parsonage and took the reverend gen-
ageman. by surprise. The men filled up
his oat bin to overflowing while the
ladies furnished refreshments.
KILLED IN Tan BUSEL-A, very sad
.accident happened in S. Waldron's ,
bush north of here Monday. Two
men from the village -john Poseleth-
waite and D. Rowat-were engaged in ,
cutting wood, and while felling a tree
it split, and flew back, striking' John
Postlethwaite and pinning him to the
ground, Mr. Rowat having to saw a
block off the tree to free hiss He was
• brought to his honae in the village and
medical aid sumnioned, but it was of
atm avail, and he died about three
o'clock Monday afternoon. He leaves
.s wife and one child.
IlitiEFs.--Surprise parties still the
feature of the day. The lights are out
and gone are all the guests, that
thronging came with rnerritnent and
jeets, to celebrate anothet• surprise
party in the home of George Rook. `I
,Oh, fortunate 1 Oh, happy day! When i
.another surprise party finds its place
among the many homes of Eden ; like
. an old thing just sprung to birth and
rolled en its harmonious way, into the
boundless realms of space. So said the
• guests in speech and song, :is in the
parlor burning bright we played
-"Johnny, Johnny," that nigbt, and
merry Nvas fun and long.---Vastet
Homer Buswell met with an accident
;last week which might have been se-
•rious. While leading a colt into tlie
stable it became frightened at the
other horses, suddenly turned, flung
him down, at the Same tittle twisting
• bis shoulder out of joint.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton,
• of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering
18 months from. Rectal Fistula, he
would clie unless 'a costly operation
was performed • but he cured himself
with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, '
and the best Salve in the World, 25
cent s a box.Solcl by all Druggists.
BfoRais.-E., N. Shier returned from
Bracebridge on Saturday evening have
ing been there as a delegate to the
Grand Lodge of the Orange Order. -
Chas. Brook left here on Tuesday for
the West. Not having any definite
point for location it is hard to say
wheeher Charlie will stop this side of
the Rockies or not. -J. Walkom who
has been serionsly indisposed some
days past is recovering. -A large num-
ber of the young people of the village
enjoyed themselves by taking a sleigh
ride to the Thames Road church on
Friday evening last to attend the "At
Home" given in the church. -Mr and
Mrs. N. B. Doupe and S. Doupe and
Mr. Braithwaite, of Lucan, spent Sun-
day in the village. They are the settle
as of old. -J, Urquhart and Geo. Har-
rah delivered a number of superior
cattle for export, in St. Marys the last
of last week and Mr. Urquhart in turn
invested in a registered Durham bull
from Thos. Cadmore, of Iluroncla,le.
Parties seeing the animal pronounce
him a beautee-Quite a number from
tour village are attending the assizes at
Stratford this week as some cases' of
interest to the public are coming up
for trial, -Joseph Kirk has engaged,
for the coining summer with Samuel
Ss itzer, 3ed lie -ie. -The auction sale of
D. Sinclair, of Anderson, on Tuesdayi
was latgely attended and good prices
wore realised f stock dother
tides, Mr. Sinclair having some good
thoro'breds. - The young people of
Anderson League paid the League of
the Methodist ehurch here a friendly
visit on Friday evening last, they sup-
plyingithe-programme for the evening,
which was up-to-date. We wish for
more of such visits by the Leagues of
the different circuits as they are the
means of lending encouragement to
the work of the church. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Bissett,of Exeter, visited friends
in the...village on Thursday last. - W,
H. Hazlewood has disposed of his fast
driver to Mr. tlackler at a good round
figure. -Arthur Doupe took suddenly
ill on Tuesday warning from inflam-
mation of the bowels. Ilope for speedy
A new English church is to be erect-
ed the coming 8unitner al, Kirkton,
the'arehitect being Harry J Powell, of
Stratford. The pastor is the Rev Wm
Stout anti the church will be erected
as soon as possible. It is not known
whether it will be on the site of the
present church or on a new position.
Phe new building is to be of white
brick and is of Gothic design. The
main body of the chitt•ch is rectangular
in shape with tower at one corner,
having an entrance there and also at
one side. The dimensions are to be 84
feet by 32 feet and calculated to seat
about 200 people. The height of the
tower will be 60 feet e while the audi-
ence room will be 28 feet high. The
basement will be used as a Sunday
school room, with furnace rooms ad-
joining, as the building will be heated
with hot air. The floor of the base-
ment will be about four feet below the
level of the ground. The height will
be about 8 feet. The church will have
leaded glass windows, ceilings of pan-
elled ash and hardwood floors. The
bell of the present church will be plac-
ed. in the tower. The building will
cost about t33,000 and, judging from
the plans will be pretty as well as ser-
BRIEF. -Mr an-ci-Mt.s S Peart spent
Sunday calling on friends in Exeter. -
3 Peart is again nursing another cari-
buncle on his hand. Sohn has had a
•hard time of late -Frank Brock in-
tends starting for the Northwest in a
few days. We feel sorry to pa,rti with
him. He is one of out most esteemed
young men, being an active member
of our League and chureln-J Horne
has secured the services of Charley
jacques,for the sumrner.-Parties are
still the rage. VS Horne and his sister
Mary, entertained a large nunaber of
invited young people one evening last
week, when a most enjoyable time was
spent. Crokinole and other game61
were indulged in till the dawn of the
next day, all returning to their homes d
well pleased with the evening spent. al
A number were also entertained at the la
residence of Mrs S,Parkinscm, where it a
most enjoyable time was spent. A E
number were also invited to Mr and h
Mrs A Powell's, of Blanshard, where il
they spent the evening with "heel and
toe." While still another was given at
tbe residence of Mr and Mrs Horn,
where another enjoyable evening was
spent. -Mr and Mrs II Hern and S
Peart called upon Mr and Mrs Win
Hanson, of Fullerton, last week.
many years an invalid. She wa-s one
of the first settlers in town, Mr Smale,
her father, being one of the first
merchants in town. Mrs Clegg con-
ducted one of the first millinery busi-
nesses in town. She was well known
to a, large circle Of friends, who will he
sorry to hear of her dea,th, -George
Becker, one of -our fine yoting men,
left for Brandon on Friday of last
week where he has secured it situation.
-Miss Kate Pierce has gone to Detroit,
for the summer.
BRIEFS. -Ethel, the little daughter
of Josiah Kestle; who has been so seri-
ously ill with inflammation of the
lungs, is improving under the care of
Dr. Rollins. -Mr. and Mrs. Coates, of
trehot.ne,visited Mr. Kestle on Sunda,y.
-We understand that Al. Awy in-
tends going to Manitoba early in the
spring.- We wish him every success.
-Joseph Martene would. like to hear
the ecniej of his last week's increase in
stock -t win calves and a litter of sev-
enteen pigs.-Wecinesday evening. of
last week the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pedlar was unceremoniously en-
tered by about, fopty jolly members of
a sleighing party from Exeter; to the
complete stirprise and no less pleasure
of their hosts, They took possession
of the place, and gave themselves up
to an evening of enjoyment, awl song,
music and merriment, flavored •with
the bountiful "good things" provided
by the ladies of the party. The gather-
ing broke up at an early hour and we
understand the merriment continued
uring. the return journey. Incident-
ly, Jamey he said, one of the young
dies actuallly drove all the way home
s they sat in .Row(e) on the front seat.
re this reaches its readers our quiet
amlet will have been treated to a elin-
•TurkishScalp foodremoves dandiattf,
itching of the 'Scalp, restores the .nat-
ural color and vitality of a faded and
grey hair. Turkish Scalp Food is rap-
idly growing in, public favor . and takes
the lead of all other preparations on
the Imarket, ."For sale et Lutz's Driig,
Stbrd Exeter. Only 50c e bottle '.
, . .
. .
(Additional Correspondence an 5 page.)
Post Office Revenue.
Followmg are the revenues of sever-
al, more accou-4ting, ()faces in this vi-
cinity, a,e-g.naen. in, tlae Auditor -Gen-
eral's report for the year ending June
80th, 1900:
Al lowances,
Revenues, etc.
Stratford.. ...$13,015,31 $4,090.44
Fullerton .. 215.29 118.35
Mitchell-. . . 3,856.00 1,374.71
Listowel 4,223,20 1546,10
SI. Marys... . 5,619.27 1,900.53
Sebringville.... 469,03 269.72
Kiikton 880.35 170.01
B - Winter are still staying
with us,--wooa bees is the order or
the day. R. Bell held his annual wood
bee last Tuesday afternoon and in the
evening the young folks gathemd, and
tripped tbe light fantastic till the wee
small bours. Everybody went home
feeling highly pleased with the hospi-
tality' of the host and hostess. --James
Etherington who built a, One new resi-
dence gave a party to the people of
the surrounding neighborhood last
Thursday evening. -John Moir's fam-
ily who have been ill with the grip are
all on the mend. -George Lowa .1ne,_ IS
home visiting his parents. --Miss Edith
Lowe returned to the States last Wed-
nesde.y.-Dan Dew has returned home
after visiting at Mitchell for it week.
iss (Ewen has been visiting
Jun-' s Horton the past few days. --
Quite a. few from our burg attended
the concert, at Exeter on Friday even-
As a household remedy for coughs,
;colds anti bronchitic troubles, Winan's
lo17.d against the fence, demolishing it.
Elle horses ran as far as the oatmeal
mill where they became stuck in a
snowbank.-Miss Hodgins, of London,
sang a. fine solo in the church of Eng-
land on Sunday evening'while Mr.
‘ieGill acquitted. himself itdmirably in
two solos in the Presbyterian church, THE H
The attendance at both churches was
yery large. -Mr. Hooper spent Sunday
with his family in Exeter.-Sonathan
Merner, of Zurich, was in town on
‘i °natty.- • essrs. Willis & Sheppherd
shipped it double deck load of hogs on
Monday. The price paid is about five
cents it pound. - 'Miss McLeod, of araeaa-
eNroorlstocli is the guest of Mrs. LI V -L -I -N
Rundle. -Mrs, Rundle pleasantly ens{ , THE
tertained friends on Monday evening. '
-Miss Stella Robson, of .Ailsa, Craig,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry
Arnold. -The Rev. E. W. Crawford,
who is about to leave for the Mission
field of South America, to join the Rev.
T. B. Westgate there, will preach in
Grace church, Staffa, on Sunday morn-
ing April lst, and give an address
there the following s•onda,y evening on
1 he Mission field. On the same Sun-
day he will preach in St. Paurs church
kr the evening., and give an address oti
the following Tuesday evening, April
3rda-Miss Irvine, of 'reeswater, for-
merly of 'Hensel!, i8 the guest of Mrs.
0. McDortell.
Grand Bend
ST.A.NBURT773.-4., 111X8TER, ONT.
easees. s
Chester Royle, of Kalkaska county.
Micb., in custody at Torouto, who is
wanted there oe it charge of forging ft
cheque, has consented to waive extra-
dition proceedings and return with
State Attorney Boyd and Sheriff Ches-
sier to stand trial.
FOR FATT_RNINfl, casasrat.
S "It is a most excellent food. MS' fat
eettle have done remarkably well un-
der its use 1 considee it pays well to
feed it, and would highly recommend
it to stock raisers," For sale at Lutes
drug store. Price 50 cents,
gan If you make any purchase at tais store which proves unsatisfactory, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
"Good Housekeepers Demand It"
° (tate with McCarthy, Oilor & Co„ Toron-
to.) Barrister, Conveyancer, Nok,try. IVIoncY
to loan, Offices formerly occupied by Coffin,. &
S an bury over O'Neils Bank.
BRIEFS. -Arthur .4 ollara returned
lionie after spending the 'past 0 months
at Grand Maritis, Mich. -Miss Mity
McPlierson, si G-reen way, spent a few
days at the home of Mrs Fred PageRobt Pol Welt has retiirned home from
London hospital, where be had been
treated for an abscess.---afiss Ada,
'Hayes en teetained a number or lir
trwreis on Mond:ty evening, at the
home or Will Pattereol, --There will
be a box social held at the home of A,
Mol lard on Tuesday evening. A first-
class program is being prepared and
everything done to make the evening
pleasant. -A sleigh load of young peo-
ple drove out to the home of H Ken-
nedy, at Thedford, and after spending
a few hours in social chat and games
made preparations to return home,but
to their sutptise a terrible storm was
raging outside which detained them
several hours, nevertheless they arriv-
ed home safely the next morning at
break of day. --TheGrend BendLeague
was well represented at the Grand
Bend Circuit convention, held at the
Boston Methodist church on Thursday
last, and all repOrt spending a pleasant
and profitable dey.
Euy now and be ready for the first sugar day.
Clgsing out balance or stock below cost.
door north of R Pic,kard Co's Store.