HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 8THE EXETEBt
Big Lash
Grocery Department
cheicest Kinds just received this week, Look over cur lis
it may interest you
Laker Superior ehnice White Fish.
Lake Superior Tio,it very flea•.
Iles liege ine;;s ear fry the dee
Si, timed Cod Fie!) much superior to
the arilinrrry kind,
c' •l Fish titer'. r•► pinna! psi -loges.
Shredded Cod Fish .e,tscethiteg very
' 'lover Leaf Sa'nton the finest pack-
Fresh Finnan Haddies always the
Kippered lIer•r'ngs it, tomato satuce,
Sterling Lobster's very fine. a
S�arsilnes Freeneb anti Gannettaiu best;
We keep nothing; but the best Cer-
eals that money can buy one bat in-
clerdes Rolled Oats, Granulated Oasts.
Wheat. Farina, Molina, Wheat, Gold
Dust ( or Meal, Fluke Birley, Pot,
• 3arle•y. Flake Peas.
Have you ever tried Grape Nuts.
Try ei p;eekage we elways heave it fresh.
Pettaj,ahms always in stock.
Swiss Foodmakes very line porridge.
Cronuso is eJne of one' leading Ver.
Upton's Maaralade in a let ladle very
appetizing for breakfast.
For Marriage Licenses,
s Wedding Rlag:,s,
t Watches, C lac ks,
13 ,,
Spectacles, :Etc
Vetch Repairing a Specialty.
A full stock of School Books' TO ADVERTISERS.
Public Schools,.
A full stock of Sunday School'
Library Books at wholesale prices
Family y T' e
a ac leers 73i1 and Bibles
a full Line.
Everything in Stationery
wholesale •and retail:
John Griuu,
,' IS N Is. ST ELLI OT.,
Agan for theWssasnx Assmaavice Com -
en -vv, ofToronto ; also for the PaanN
, zx Free
xsunares COMPANY, of London, England;
THURSDAY. MARCH 15th, 1900
This is the glorious season of the
year when you wear a great coat one
day, a thin coat thesecond. a porous
plaster the third, and a doctor's bill
the fourth.
Alex. Dow has purchased fifty acres
of ]and adjoining his present property
from s
o Thos. This h s is a
piece of land and Mr. Dow now has a
splendid farm.
H. Buckingham has secured a situ -1
ation with the R. Pickard Co., Exeter,
Mr. Schuettler having taken a position
with the Sunlight Soap Co., as adver-
tising distributor,
Miss Belva Holland, daughter of A,
Holland, Exeter North, recently grad-
uated from the St. John s hospital,
Lowell, Mass., as nurse, taking a dip-
loma and gold -medal.
Messrs. Charles Cleve and John
Johnston, jr., of Drysdale, left Rip pen
station last Friday with two car loads
of choice hogs, bound for their ranch in
'the Red River vstlley, Manitoba.
The one and only Concert of the
season. Mr. Ga in 1
yand Mins
, ` Mabel Laing will take. part. Friday
, Gidle s
Opera House,
. Exeter. Tickets 25 and 85 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott, of Cen-
tralia,on Friday evening last, enter-
tained a number of friends, several
being present from Exeter, in honor
of their guest, Dr. Rich. Elliott, of St.
Paul, Minn.
Chas. Shute, who has been visiting
friends here for. ;theast week .
married Thursday to a was
a Miss Bryan,' of
Wiarton. He returned here and
spent a few days before leaving for his
home near Lion's Head.
There is not a single •case of con-
tagious or infectious'disease in town.
This is very creditable to the healtls:
authorities in view of the fact that
such disease as diphtheria and scarlet
fever are epidemic in several neighbor-
ing places.
Wm. Fulton and familyof Brewster
leave shortly fox the west. They will
be very much missed in this section.
Mr. Fulton was looked
e upon as a very
reliable man, the whole family being
verymuch resected. We : are very
sory to'lose them.
The distance from- Kimberley . to
Bloemfontein is 87 miles ; from to PBloent-
Fontein retoria, 210`; from Kim-
berley to Mafeking, 170 ; Mafeking to
Pretoria, 1.67, and from Ladysmith to
Bloemfontein, 180 miles.
The copy for chauges must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each. week.
Mrs. P. Fisher is visiting friends in
Dr. Sellery, of %Iensall, was in town
on Monday.
The country roads are a succession
of pitch -holes,
Cleo. Walrond, sr., of Stephen, is at
present very M.
Miss Gertrude Hicks is visiting Miss
Gillian, of London.
T. L. Rodgers, of Park Hill was in
Towel on Monday.
Miss /deKydd, of Usborne, left last
week for Douglas, Man.
A meeting of the creditors of J. G.
Jones was held on Monday.
Reports say that Lard Roberts is
seventy and he fights like sixty.
F. J. James and Miss Levitt visited
friends in Granton on Friday last.
R. S. Lang is in Manitobaa on busi-
ness, He will remain. a few weeks.
A number of young people on Tues-
day evening enjoyed a sleighing party.
Miss Ethel Sweet, town, has secured
a. situation at on as milliner in Owen Sound.
Miss Gerty Hicks entertained as num-
ber of young friends oneven-
ing. Monday
The Hay post office is now served
with trail natter from the east by the
St. Marys stage.
Miss Lyde nestle, is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Richard Johnson,Wharncliffe
road, West London.
Chas. Wilson and John Vale, of
Exeter North, are recovering from
their recent illness.
The Smith's and x'erry's, scrap iron
vendors, of Exeter North, left town
last week for London.
H...Cantelon intends holding an auc-
tion sale of furniture on March 31st, at
the Metropolitan Hotel.
Acheson,who has been at-
tending bar at thBernerd House,Lon••
don, has returned home.
Capt. Geary left on Saturday for
Port Huron, to prepare for the sum-
mer's sailing on the lakes.
Sam'l Martin is moving into the
premises vacated by J. P. Clarke,
which he recently purchased.
Dyer.& Howard have been awarded
the contract for the woodwork of the
St. James Rectory, Clandeboye.
Richard Yellow and miss Jessie
Northcott, both of Exeter North, are
announced to be married on March
Grand Scottish concert, under the
auspices of Masonic Lodge, Exeter,
Friday Mar. .16th, teidley's Opera
House. Don't miss it.
of Us
borne will not
year abolish the statute labor
system,though a great majority of the
the people are in favor of the com-
Mrs McIntosh is dangerously 111 with
inflammation of the lungs, She is be-
ing looked after by her daughter, Mrs.
Horne, of Lucan.
J. P. Clarke shipped his stock of
general goods to .Oobourg . this week
having disposed of thesame to his
brother Samuel.
Herbert er
b t Nott- has
purchased the
farm of Donald .Smith, on the 2nd con-
cession of Stanley. The price was in
the neighborhood of $6,000.
Rev. g
G B. B' A
B. A. rector of St.
George's church, London,preached
in the Trivitt Memorial church
' eh on
Sunday last, to a large congregation.
Aurthur O'Leary, has moved his
family from Mt. Carmel to Parkhill
where he will settle down and . enjoy a
well earned rest, for the residue of his
T o
s. Tapp,of Virden, den Man
left on
, ,,
Monday for the west takingWith him
ac car loadof horses, Benjamin aurin 1
of Exeter North accompanied the
As aids to fleshbuilding b ailclin g otatoes
p ,
taken at meal, es P.eeially when
milk and butter are added, cannot be
rivalled. Liquids are excellent flesh
iss 11 Robinson returned front Tor-
onto on Tuesday.
Senator Lewin, of St. John, New
Brunswick, is dead.
Joseph Mavis is still confined
to h:s
roan though illness
The C'an,aet, au patriotic fund now
amounts to $160,2}, )i
Mr. Shirra, of ensall, seent Sun-
day visiting friends in town.
llli�s Horne has returned fr w the
miltinery openings in Toronto,
A. J, 'Rollins ones purchased a tine
driving horse from John. Hawk
air :+te verse, of London. has b
gaged as clerk with H. Bishop BornMi. s Lorrsire Hooper is king &
in the Business College Lon -
James Parkinson, of London, was in
town this week renewing acq
ren ern-
;inc.% ii:s C*ussie holland has returned
to resume her situation as milliner in
Me; F.nkbriner a,ndeiss Mar/gnus,
of Credito». visited am H. Parsons
the past week.
Miss Urgnhart has returned and
taken charge of J. A. Stewart's mil-
linery department.
Albert McCallum, of Toronto, is in
town vi+iable- friends, He is a. guest
at U. Buekipgharra's.
Israel Smith has lamed the preinises
vacated by Geo. Manson, who bars
moved to other quarters.
MN. IL Leveti and Miss Annie
Levett, of Parkhill, are visiting Mr,
and Mrs. W. I3, Levett.
Robert McCartney has rented his
farm en the Mill road, pear l3rucefteld,
to Lorin Clerk, of Hensuil,
Guelph 4dvoeaate : iss S. Weekes
has returned after ejlending her vaca
thin at her home in Exeter.
Mrs, Fowler who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Glean/an, re
turned to Toronto last week,
The Creditors of J, G. Jones met on
Monday to further adjust matters
in connection with the estate,
Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins commenc-
eel his eleventh year as rector of St.
Thomas church, Seaafearth, ern Sabbath
Use Winans) Cough Balsam for
coughs, colds and lrrcrnciretic troubles;
es aerially useful for children. Sold by
C Lutz,
Mr and Mrs Thos Holloway, of Clin-
ton. are spending a couple of week
with their d(auhhter, airs. Rowe, in
,Tarries Cochrane, of Hills Green, has
four ewes that gave birth to ten laarnbes
all smart and doing well, Who can
best this ?
Rev ;Martin preached at Kirktan for
Rev. Fletcher on Sunday. Arr. Piet -
eller taking :lir; lttaartin"s work at
The Huron Blacksmiths' Uniou is a.
thing of the past. It has melted, van-
ished, and is no more, and prices are at
the old thing,
Several young folks of Exeter drove
th residence of William Piiliam Eli
l ott
Fairfield, on Friday evening and spent
a pleasant time.
Miss Ellis, of Barrie, has been en-
gaged to take charge of Mr, E. J.
Spaekman's millinery department the
coarsing season.
A, Ryckmata, who spent the past
stammer in. Dakota, has returned home
to Lumley. looking none the worse
for his stay in the west,
George Rundle, of B.lanshard, sold a
fine trvo•yrar-old heavy draught colt
recently to George Hendrie for the
handsome price of $200.
The members of the L. 0. L. 021,
Exeter, wish to thank those who as-
sisted in the programme at the Patri•
lac concert on Tuesday evening last.
Come an ? Scots 1Vha' Hae. The re -
reserved Beat plan for the Sa.ottish
concert is at Lutz' drug store. A few
choice seats left. Friday Mar. 16th,
iidtey's Opera, House.
Llnrarles Prout, of Exeter has leased
the farm lately worked by Enos Cook,
at Winchelsea,. The latter intends
having a sale on the 22nd after which
he will move to '•tanitoba.
Sawlogs are piled mountains high at
the Stave mills, and it would seern as
if the woods here about might, soon be
depleted should the present season's
business be a yearly occurrence.
The Venerable Archdeacon Davis,M-
A., rector of St. James, London, will.
(D. V.) preach in Trivitt Memorial
church on Thursday evg, March 22nd.
Service at 8 o'clock. All are cordially
A drop letter box has been placed
at the Metropolitan o hcorner hotel for
convenience of the public. The mail
carrier will unlock the box and carry
the letters to each train daily. This
will be a great accommodation to busi-
ness men inh
t at neighborhood.
The remains of Mrs, Walter Fee, of
Zurich were interred on Sunday last.
Mrs. Fee was one of the early settlers
in that part, and was esteemed by all
who knew her. Her husband pre -de-
ceased her many years ago. She was
09 years of age, and leaves two sons
and one daughter.
The many friends of Rey. James
Collins, of Ancaster, formerly, of Ex-
eter, will regret to learn of the death
of his wife, which occurred on Friday
last, after foury
days' illness. Deceased
was aged 47 years, 7 months, and was
a sister to William Penhaleof
who attendedhe
L funeral.
W. J. Beaman and' J. G. Stanbury
gave a sleighing party and oyster. sup-
per to a number of young friends on
Tuesday evening. After a very pleas
ant moonlight drive the company wa
entertained in royal manner by Mr.
and Mrai. J. A. Stewart. at their resi-
dence. •The chaperones were Mrs.F.J.
Knight and Mrs. Stewart. •
i . tttttnt4mMtt►tmtt4titftt+Htttittt!!'rnttttnrnrttf4tff!litP
--maw •Exeter''.
`� elug e of NewOood8.
E have just received a very large consignment of New
Goods direct from Great Britain and Europe.
These Goods were purchased by us from the makers
months ago when the market was. glutted and since then
most of the lines have advanced in price from 25% to 33%,
but our poliiey is when we; buy cheap, to give our customers
the benefit and that is ,just what we shall do now,
We heartily invite you to call and inspect these new lines,.
New .Dress Goods
New Blouse Silks
New Trimmings
New `. rimming Fringes
New Table Linens
New Art Mnsl ns
ew Carpets and Curtains
New Veiling
New English Flannelette
New Printb
New Muslins
New Tweed
' , ew Hats,
New Gloves
New Millinery
New Hosiery
And remember we guarantee you a saving of from 25
to 33% on all above lines of New Goods, Corte and See.
New Spring Millinery
Our stock of spring millinery is now complete. Pari
London (England), New York, Detroit and Toronto are all
represented in this magnificent stook. This is a department
of which we are justly proud. it represents the newest ideas
brought out in the above mentioned millinery centres of the
world, and buying as we do for the most part direct from the
manufacturers, our patrons are assured of the very best
values at all times. Our Modistes are now ready to execute
any orders which may be entrusted to thein.
NEW 000D .
We have just placed into stock a quo ntity of
new Goods, suitable for spring trade eons sting of:—
Prints, Gingharns, Piques, Dress Goods,
Linens, Lad'ie's whitewear, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, Table Covers, Curtain poles
Window Shades, Boots & Shoes, Etc.
A large quantity of Men's and Boys color-
ed shirts at 50, 7'5, 90 and 1.00 each, all new
You are invited to call and inspect the
Butter iS, Eggs 15, Tallaw 5c, Lard 9, Turkeys 8;
Geese 7c, Dudes 7c, Chicken Sc,
7l1iiN4U{BUIIN111111iNUlu1{illll{la IU1111UIlU1UUUiUd11111dU1�
wishes to inform the ladies oft:AST S1U1; 1iAIN STRE>T,
'Exeter, that, an and after 1larch 20th:itl'e'i5tt
she will open a � andmak-1
dress mantle to al.
ns nal
ing- business at her residence, The. ( oslTn PLANING �rtr.r„)
patronage of the; ladies of Exeter and
SRR,wArT GIRLWANTM), For gen-` r.XJ-.TI3R
e al: house work. Apply to Mrs. Doha '
To Tett. LAntes. —Mrs. W. South -
' agreat
Wer I.runon 1
aro having a our great uncolored
Japan tea:at-25c ib. `nit's a Daisy." Have you tried it? A •
well assorted stock of Groceries always on hand.
surrounding country is solicited, e have in stock dressed and matched
prentices wanted. Apply to Mrs.
outhcott, Andrew street.
BICA,—The Dominion authorities a
few days ago cabled the Cape Colony
Government, asking if it could not see
its way to remit the 'postage on
soldiers' letters A message was re-
ceived, which is a boon to countless
Canadians. It announces that lettere
to and from soldiers, Canadians and
English, now in South Africa, will be
postage free.
the •d l'
ae 33t 13atta tan as a whole, to
1, do
garrison duty at Halifax or elsewhere,
has not been accepted by the Govern -
t though indi�aldna1 members
why seek places on the tegime'
which is to he organized for this pur-
pose. The members of No, 1 coin- ■
pany,Goderich,have been measured for
new serge snits. The ofacers of the
33rd Huron Batt. have decided to re.
place the old fashioned white sword
belt and cross belt by the new style,
made of buff. The entire Militia force
of Canada is to be drilled for twelve
days this year.
is our sad duty this week to chronicle
the death of an old resident of this
section in the person of Francis Ae-
derson which sad event took place on
the 8 th inst. Re had been a sufferer
fora number of years from a compli-
cation of diseases, principal r nci al of
was heart trouble. Francis Anderson
was born near the town of Grenville
in Lower Canada in the year 1831 and
was the youngest of a family of 10
children of whom only_ one survives,
viz : Mrs. Anderson, of.Carsonville,
Mich. In the year 1854 he with his
parents emigrated west and settled on
S. h lot 5, on the 3rd con., Stephen,
where by hard work they turned the
wilderness into an' excellent farm.
About 20 years aggo, becoming tired of
i"aarming,he sold the farm and purchas-
ed a house and lot one half mile south
of Exeter, where he lived in company
with his mother until her death, which
occurred about 16 years ago, his father
having died before fo a leavingthe
g farm.
He was never married. Conservatiye
in politics, in religion his leanings
were toward the church of England.
Presbytery of Huron met in Clinton
on the 13th inst. Rev, S. A. Carrier of
Grand Bend,Moderator. de aloe. The Rev.
Martin and JP. Ross, of Exeter, were
appointed members of the Syned
committee on bills and overtures,
the approaching meeting in London
Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, was nom
ming, Flooring & Ceiling.
also dressed. pine 1, 11, 1
and 2 inches.
Shingles, lath and cedar posts a hvaye
on hand. A large stock of
barn lumber just arrived.
The R. ?i6Krfl 60.-,
Direct importers.
Miss MrLoud, who is.n. guest of Mrs,
J. P. Ross, is at present visiting
friends at Eden.
Fred, son of Wash. • Collins, of Tor-
onto, formerly of Exteer, is very low
'tt their house in that city.
Jeffers Westman, of London, has
I over) to Granton and will occupy E.
.aangford's house on King St.
' an liable
Ci7'n i a invaluable
r ers Liniment s a
household remedy for sore throats and
for internal and external uses.
Seaforth is making great prepara-
tions for the 12th of July celebration,
to he held in that town this year.
Robs. Rogers of the Parsons Pro-
dince Co. was in town on Saturday.
He is at present visiting friends in
Ed. H. White, of Brandon, Man.,
who has been visiting here, left Tues-
day for Toronto, to take a position on
the Globe staff.
Messrs. W. and F. Hill, sons of Geo.
Hill, left on Wednesday for Buffalo,
where they have secured situations.
Both are industrious young men and
will make their mark in the world.
Invitations are out for the wedding
of William Higgins, son of B I. Hig-
gins, of Usborne, and Miss Grace,
daughter of Hugh Oke, of Exeter, on
"Wednesday evening, March 21st.
Mr. E. O. Jones, of Clandeboye, in-
tends to build a trotting -track on his
place there next summer. Mr. Jones
will hire a trainer and place the fine
animals he bought this winter in
training. Several of them promise to
be fast: _
Galvin Spence and Miss Mabel Laingf
• 1 ' Cred[toti
'Miss Elliott, of Ititcheil is 'visiting
her sister arra. (Dr) Anderson.
atiss Shaw, of Ottawas, has been en-
gaged by the R. Pickard Co., as mi! -
liner, for their store in Hensel!.
ler. R. H, Moir, formerly of Exeter,
son of the late Geo. Moir has been ap-
pointed aSsistan
t secretary
to Col.
Steele, who goes:to Sontb Africa in
command of . the e Strathconaa
Miss Preston, of Japan, addressed
the meeting of the women's auxiliary
on Thursday evening last in James
St. church. The address was very
interesting and the musical part was
much appreciated.
Mr. 1+:. McQuillau, Blanshard, has
moved to the 7th line of Nissouri,
where he has purchased a farm. His
place is being token by Mr. Isaac
Baily, blacksmith at Science Hill,. he
having purchased the farm from Mr.
Clyde, St. Marys.
Mr. Wm. Lang, Wildwood, met
with an accident a few days ago.
While splitting wood, the uplifted axe
came in contact with th the
cloths line
which caused the axe to strike him on
the forehead. felling him to the
ground inflicting s painful wound.
The many friends of Rev. Mr. Moir,
formerly pastor of Union church,
Brucefield, e will be pleased to learn
that he has been comfortably. settled
of ano her
t congregation.
He was tendered and accepted a unani-
mous call to a congregation in Path-
stornie,, Forgandeery. This is a rural
congregation in the south end of
Perthshire' Scotland.
A. change has been made in the de -
pertinent of good roads, and in future
A. W. Campbell wilt be known as the
Provincial Engineer of Highways: and
Colonization Roads, and will be under
the control of Department
of Public.
Works instead ofthat of Agriculture.
Hissduties the
t es will be much same as
before, bat in the future colonization
roads will be constructed after the
system which Mr. Campbell suggests.
He willp >Sg
continue his
campaign for good
The Royal Templars of Temperance
will meet : in their hall at 7:30 Monday
evening,' 19th inst. Bro. J P Clarke
will be present eye t for the lasti
name.. -His
long and zealous connection with the
order here has won him a place in the
front ranks of temperance workers.
His departure tore will be a material loss
to the Council. A11 the members are
requested to be present to bid J. P.
farewell. --S. J. A. BOYD, Sec'y.
belong to the very highest class of en-
tertainers and their honoring Exeter
by appearing here under the auspices
of the Masonic Lodge e we sincerely
hope will be duly appreciated. • Friday
ar. 16th, Gidley's Opera House, plan
f the hall at Lutz'drugstore. Tickets
and. 35 ,.
The management of the Grand Trunk
announces, taking effect on April 1,
an `increase in the rate of pay of sec-
tion foremen, on its lines' in Canada,
of 10 cents a day and alike increase of
10 cents a day in the case of all track
laborers who:are at present receiving
one dollar.a day. This increase will
affect a large majority of the section
men on this portion of the system.
r ha Hill eldest daughter of
Miss Mat r g
Walter.Hill, o Stephen, died
thelateW of p ,
on• Thursday; last at the residence of
r.Ri*h rd hen, in the
her brother Richard, Ste
'37th year of her age. Deceased had.
been ill for some time. Here remains
were interred in the Fairfield cemetery
on Saturday. The family have the
a largecircle of friends in
sympathy of
their bereavement.
Was the ball that. hit.' G. B,. Stead-
man of Newark,; Mich., in the Civil
War. It caused horrible Ulcers that
no treatment helped'for 20. years.
'ThenBacklen'sArnicat alve cured him;
Cures Cuts, ,Bruises, Burns, Boils,
Felons, Corns, ,Skin Eruptions. $est
Pile cure orf "earth. 25 cts, a bog.
cure guaranteed. Sold by all Drug-
gists. a al.l Druggists.
On Wednesday, Rev Hussar joined
lin wep!ock, JWi!lis, of near Exeter,
land MrsStevens,
S widow of the!a
jWn Stevens, of Crediton.
The choir M. E. church were re .ver
pleasantly entertained at the home: of
Mrs. Mantle on Wednesday.evening.
They enjoyed themselves immensely
spending the evening with music,chor-
uses,gacnes, etc. •
Ed Nestle has secured the services
of sir Aylesworth,; of Watford, an
experienced harness maker, to assist.
in making up a' stock for his shop.
Two little soldier boys from London
who are visiting friends in town de-
lighted our citizens with martial
marches and patriotic songs and'
sword exercises this week, especially
at the League on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Ward, of St. Thom-
as are the guests of their niece Mrs.
Rivers this week. -A little bird says
that our baker's Horse• rain away at
Shipka last weeks It was' caught be-
fore quite reaching Crediton hut: don't
say anything about it as Mose don't
want it known.
The busiest • and mightiest `little
g ,
thing that ever was made is Dr. King's
New Life Pill. Every pill is a sugar-
coated globule of health, that changes
weakness into strength, listlessness in-
to energy,brain-fag' into mental power.;
They're wonderful in upthe
r. :building
health. Only 2ac per box. Sold.by
og� & lioits
Highest Prices Paid.
ititerland Innes Co. LTD.
Late Gould's il . Exeter, Ont
Oh Yes
It's Quite true
That if you want to be up-to-date
you must give us a call this week and
have a look at our stylish
Shirt Waists
Away up in quality and away
down in price. Wedding presents we
have in great variety and to suit all'..`:,
pockets. If
you do not want to buy
s give us a call we shall be pleased to.
at see you anyway.
inated for Moderator of the next Gen
A's'sembly. The committee on th
visitation of congregations with a view
of grouping them so as to save the
grants, recommended that the congre-
gations of Chis
g 11 e sutst, Kippen and
Hills Green, be omitted from any pro-
posed change. This was agreed to and
an extension of time given
to the com-
mittee to, prosecute its work, Reports
from congregations as to the progress
of the Century Fund were encoerag
ing. Report on "Church Life& Work,"
was read by the Rev. S. Acheson. This
report based on .answer3 to questions,
each Session, sunnmari'zed the discour-
agements and encouragements found
in the diffdrent congregations towards
true spiritual life, and advance-
ment made in Missionary and Social
questions. An earnest conference was
held for an hour on this report. Coin-
missoners to the General Assembly
were appointed by 'r
pp otatlon as follows:
Revds. Shaw, McLean, Acheson, An-
derson, Fletcher, and Elders from the
following 'congregations. Leeburn,
Bayfield, Itippen, `Hensell, and Man-
chester. The C. Endeavor report
showed a falling on in membership for
the past year,, but the contributions to
the different church schemes were
well maintained. The school report
showed a•slight, falling off in numbers,
all the schools have not reported.
A. total of 3,296 scholars and 379 teach-
ers was given and it was believed that
much earnest and thorough work was
being done in our Sunday schools.
The Presbytery adjourned to meet in.
Levitt's Fair
Clinton on the second: Tuesday of: may
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